What is a Paraphrase?
It has been reported that the richest one percent of Americans own 40% of
the country’s wealth.
A. The richest 1% are 40 times as wealthy as the rest of Americans
B. If the gap between rich and poor continues to grow at the current rate,
the richest one percent will soon own 40% of the country’s wealth.
C. 40% of the country’s wealth is in the hands of only 1% of Americans
D. 99% of Americans own 40% as much as the richest 1%
Check your understanding
25% of adolescents who have one baby have a second baby within two years
of the first baby’s birth
A. 25% of babies are born to mothers who are adolescents.
B. One out of four adolescent mothers has another baby before the first baby
reaches his second birthday.
C. A quarter of adolescent mothers give birth when their first born is two.
D. 25% of adolescent mothers become pregnant again when their first babies
are two years old.
Avoiding Plagiarism
Laurence, Margaret. “Where the World Began.” The Broadview Anthology of Expository Prose,
edited by Laura Buzzard et al., 2nd ed., Broadview Press, 2011, pp. 164-69.
5. Version 6. Publisher 7.
4. Other Contributors 8. Location
FORMAT: Use the FORMAT: If there were Publication
FORMAT: Usae “et al” FORMAT: Use pp.
Arabic numerals a university press the date
if there are three or for a range of
(1,2,3) instead of word “Press” would be
more contributors. (First, Second shortened to P.
Paraphrase this paragraph.