Characteristics of Signs
Characteristics of Signs
Characteristics of Signs
Characteristics of Signs
Va. Da. Bhatt, India.
Translated By: Neelam Bennur, India
Copy Editors: Rushikesh Deshpande, India
& Andree Leclerc, Canada
The girl of chart no. 1 had a big boil on her back right from birth that had to be removed
with an operation. In the chart, Leo is the ascendant with Sun, Mars, Mercury and Venus in
complete conjunction in ascendant itself. Leo governs back and stomach. In this way Leo
element is justified.
Many a times, karakatvas of planets can be strongly experienced. Sun and Mars both govern
bones. When they are positioned in the seventh house, the spouse suffers from bone
disorders, spondylitis or vertebral problems. In this manner, we can experience the power in
combinations of planets of astrology using simple principles. This can be explained in many
ways. But lets see one more example with the sign of Leo.
H. No. (2) Male, - Birth Date: - 12th June 1933. Ascendant Libra1. Without considering the degrees of the planets, when I asked the native about a spot or a
birth scar on his back, he nodded in appreciation. Reason for it is that Mars and Ketu are the
two planets which indicate a scar or a wound due to surgery or wound due to sharp
instruments, or with burns. In the same way, the lord of the 6th house indicates the scars,
wounds, mole on the body. Here, 6H lord is Jupiter and it is placed in Leo with Mars and
2. Further I questioned if his elder brother had a surgery on the stomach. The answer was
yes. Reason Labha-sthana (House of gain) i.e. 11th house is related to the elder brother. In
this chart, Mars, Jupiter and Ketu are placed there. Two planets which are malefic for
Libra ascendant are in Leo. Leo governs the stomach and a Mars is related to surgery.
Third house is house of brothers & sisters (siblings). Also, Mars is Bhatru karaka (indicative
of brothers), Jupiter shows elderly figure. In addition to all, the 11th house indicates elder
brother and Leo indicates stomach. All these facts are considered here.
3. Thirdly I enquired about his mother, whether she is suffering from some chronic disease?
Answer: She lost her vision after the birth of the native. The factors considered here are:
Moon, the Matru karaka, the 4th house is related to mother, retrograded Saturn in
conjunction with Moon. Moon has square aspect with Uranus. Lords of the 2nd house and
6th house are in conjunction indicating that father had assisted maternal uncle financially.
In various Samhitas and Nadi Granthas, elder siblings are well thought upon from the 11th
house. Some of the facts can be well estimated considering those planets positions. But an
astrologer has to apply his mind to get accuracy. Merely with the principles of planetary
Karakatvas, a considerable amount of things can be predicted. E. g. Saturn in 11th house! I
had predicted about the problem in the leg of the native with Saturn in the 11th house in
Pisces or even described about the leg of natives siblings with just considering Saturn. In
one book it is written that there will be a defect in the brothers leg if Saturn is placed in the
11th house. I have observed this fact in horoscopes with Aquarius ascendant. In the other
horoscopes of Aries ascendant, Rahu and Mars are in the 11th house in Aquarius and Saturn
in Scorpio. Here, a Nadi author predicts the death of elder brother at an early age.
Lets study the following chart from the 11th houses perspective.
H. NO. (3) Girl Birth Date:- 12th may 1950. Ascendant Libra.
The real life situation of this native can be explained in following lines. The native, a girl, is
unmarried. Her elder sister died due to burns in a fire accident after delivery. The native was
shocked with this incident and decided not to get married. Planets in the horoscope show
these traits / events clearly. An actually exact prediction of events is not possible the way
they exactly happened, but we can broadly tell about the possibilities in that reference.
Here Saturn Mars are in Leo in the 11th house. Though, the lord of 11th house (Sun, lord of
Leo) is exalted, it is placed in Kritika Nakshatra along with Mercury. Saturn Mars are
related to fire accidents as well as general accidents. They are in the 11th house which is
related to elder brother /sister. Jupiter in the 5th house receives an aspect by them. Jupiter is
lord of the 3rd house. To examine the delivery of her sister, consider the 5th house from 3rd
house, 5th house from 3rd house lord or the 5th house from 11th house. Then there will be a
confirmation to a guessing. Other facts that can be considered are, the lord of the 7th house
(Mars) placed with Saturn, the Lord of the 5th house (Gemini) from Jupiter i.e. Mercury is
retrograded and in Kritika etc.
The reason behind the single status (unmarried) of this girl is Venus which is in conjunction
with Rahu in Pisces and in square aspect to Uranus. This indicates that, with only
considering the planets karakatvas, many facts can be successfully predicted. In addition to
this, Mars had just become straight from stambhi (static) and moved with low speed. Mars
is the karaka of brothers / sisters. So this is important here.
In regards to this, I had given the correct prediction to the native. Lets examine H. No. (4).
Many years back, I indicated that the younger brother of this native may face a severe
accident. Later, his brother died in the accident. This is because of the lord of 3rd house,
Mars, was stambhi i.e. without speed or stationary. At the same time, when Mars is in
Aquarius, the lord of Aquarius (Saturn) is placed in Scorpio with Rahu. The third reason is
the placement of Mars (stambhi) in the 3rd house from the Moon, and the lord of 3rd house
from the Moon, Saturn, placed in Scorpio.
H. NO. (4) Male, Birth Date: - 10th October 1956. Ascendant Aquarius
With the study of Karakavas of planets, characteristics (elements) of signs and lords of
houses in a proper manner, we can predict many things perfectly. Horoscopes can be solved
solely with the consideration of Karkatvas of planets. This is well demonstrated in Bhrigu
Nandi Nadi. In my own horoscope, the Sun is at the last degree of Virgo. For such a chart,
the Nadi author describes, as in Kundali of this child, Sun is proceeding towards Libra
which is its sign of debilitation; the prosperity of his father will soon come to an end. In the
other chart, only from the position of Venus in the 2nd house from Jupiter, the author
predicts that the wife of the native will be teacher. Basically, I like all these simple
characteristics of signs and astrologicaltatvas (principles).
In the previous horoscope, Mars Karkatvas are considered. If the planet is changed, then the
technique of prediction and result also change. Lets consider H. NO. (5) in this context.
H. No. (5). Female: - Birth Date: - 7th Jan. 1951. Ascendant Aries
Here the lord of third house i.e. Mercury is retrograded in Mula nakshatra. It is placed in the
opposite house (i.e. 9th house) from the 3rd house where retrograded Uranus is placed. So,
here karakatvas of Mercury are important if we want to study the natives brother/sister.
Her younger brother is mentally retarded.
Many a times, when there are ways to analyse a chart with simple methods, KP
(Krishnamurthy Paddhati) followers adopts complex techniques. Instead of considering the
very evident effects of retrograded Uranus opposite Venus, they think about sublord of 7th
house etc. which further increases the complications. Many of the modern (so called)
astrologers have not understood how to use even basic principles of astrology. Thus they
cannot enjoy this science of astrology.
After observing the following chart H. No. (6), I asked (native) if he has in interest in
Adhytma (spirituality) or if he has blessings of Guru (spiritual guide).
Rashi Chart
Here ascendant lord Jupiter is in the 9th house (Bhagya) and lord of 9th house Mars is in
the 5th house, the 5th house lord, Moon is in 12th house. (Vyaya). In the Chandra Lagna
chart as well, the 9th house lord from the Moon is in the 5th house. He is extremely
interested in Adhyatma. Another interesting fact is that he is from the lineage (family) of
Sant Eknath Maharaj. I was really happy to know that. Mercury and Venus are in
Parivartana Yoga i.e. Mercury is in the sign of Venus (Taurus) and Venus is in the sign of
Mercury (Gemini) which is related to the profession of chartered accountancy. Jupiter in
the 9th house indicates relation with delivering lectures and education. He is a good orator
giving lectures on religious-subjects.
Only the Graha - karkatvas are sufficient for knowing the direction of thinking and
predictions thereon. Description can be given for every planet. Firstly, lets understand about
the Sun. Sun is karatava of father. In this context, lets see how planetary combinations give
results. Consider H. No. (7).
H. No. (7) Female. Birth Date:-1st April 1964.
When this lady was asked whether her father had an accident involving a leg injury? The
answer was Yes. Her fathers leg was fractured. Here Sun Mars are in the 9th house and
9th house governs the father (Pitru Bhava). Sun is also a Pitru karaka planet. Mars shows
accident. Pisces is related with the legs. Thus Rashi tattvas or sign characteristics are fairly
indicative. The Sun governs father in the chart. So while thinking about the father of the
native, one must see the position of Sun (Sign and house where Sun is placed) as well as
other factors like its combination with other planets, planets in preceding and following
houses, and aspects it is receiving. One can moderately predict about the father with all
these considerations. Consider H. No. (8).
One day a K.P. astrologer visited my home. He suggested that I study K.P methods. He
showed me some Kundali. By observing Navamsha Kundali, I asked him whether his
brother-in-law had a stomach operation. And that was a true prediction because he (brotherin-law ) had an injury due to insertion of a Bamboo in his stomach and thus was operated. I
considered planets in Leo sign in the 9th house of Navamsha Kundali. So, traditional
methods are also perfect, they only need to be studied properly. I agree that there are some
good thoughts in K.P method as well.
I will not predict the same kind of effects (results) whenever I consider planets in Gemini
though I will stick to the principle of that sign (Gemini). As per the physiology, Gemini
rules over shoulders, throat, hands, wind pipe and lungs. Gemini sign means twins, dual
natured sign, and intercourse. Even when depicted as picture, it is shown in the form of two
naked children, a couple of husband-wife with Veena in hand.
In one of the chart, by observing Saturn Mars and Rahu in Gemini in 6th house, I
predicted that the natives maternal uncle must have undergone a collar bone surgery. The
prediction was correct. If Moon Saturn conjunction is in Gemini, the native experiences
excessive sweating in the shoulders region; or, the presence of Saturn Rahu in Gemini
shows excessive underarms sweating. This shows that Rashi tattvas are not wrong. If a
detailed study of all the rashis and their characteristics would be carried out, it would make a
separate book.
Now lets see about Gemini and Pisces signs. I will only explain the real situation and
concerned planetary combinations.
H. NO. (9) A big black spot and a right -hand
Girl Birth Date: 3rd Dec.1960. Ascendant Capricorn
On the right arm of this girl there is a big black spot since birth. Mars is retrograded in
Gemini in the 6th house. Saturn is in the 12th house i.e. in the opposite house from the 6th
house. Lord of 6th house, Mercury, is in the sign of Scorpio ruled by Mars. So, here
Geminis characteristics are prominently experienced.
The 3rd house is the house of siblings, especially younger siblings. Many things about
siblings can be predicted from planets and Rashi in the 3rd house as well as from Karaka
planet Mars. While thinking about the siblings nature, luck, vocations, diseases etc, third
house should be considered.
I have explained this in the following examples.
H. NO. (10) Right hand of the younger brother is paralyzed due to polio.
Male, Date of Birth 17th July 1949. Ascendant Aries
In this Kundali, the 3rd house lord is in the Gemini, the 3rd house itself. Also, Bhratru
Karaka Mars is placed in the 3rd hose along with Uranus. Lord of 3rd house from the Moon
i.e. Venus is in Ashlesha Nakshatra. The right hand of his younger brother is paralyzed due
to polio.
H. NO. (11): Male, Date of Birth: 6th July 1949, Ascendant Aries
H. NO. (12): Male, Date of Birth: 6th July 1950, Ascendant Aries.
In both of the charts above (11 and 12) the natives siblings experienced terrible accidents
causing severe breakages in bones of hands. Thus, major surgeries were performed. The
relation between the sign of Gemini and the hands is experienced vividly whenever malefics
are placed therein.
H. NO. (13) : Hand Bone is fractured. Male 9th may 1944, Ascendant Gemini
This native met with an accident and his hand bone got fractured. Steel rod had to be
installed during surgery. Here Saturn Mars are in Gemini. Mars is in natal Gemini and
also in Gemini Navamsha i e. Vargottam.
The next example is also of Mars in Gemini.
H. No. (14) Lost left hand in Bomb Blast.
Col. Vasant- Nagesh Ranade, 26th march 1914. Ascendant- Cancer.
He lost his left hand (from shoulder) in a Bomb Blast during WWII on June 11th, 1944. In
this Kundali, Mars is in Gemini while the lord of third house, Mercury is Stambhi in the 8th
house along with Rahu. Saturn is in the preceding house to Mars i.e. in the 11th house
generally in such a case, attention should be given to planets in the 3rd house as well. There
are many charts of Scorpio ascendant with Mars placed in the 8th house in Gemini. These
natives experienced injuries to hand.
In H. NO. (15) [Chart not shown], Ascendant is Scorpio, Mars is retrograded with slow
movement in Gemini in the 8th house (Feb-1961). Also, Saturn and Sun are placed in 3rd
house. The natives right hand was injured in a fire accident.
Gemini governs hands as well as neck (throat). Lets consider next Kundali in that context
(H. NO 16). Ascendant is Gemini and lord of 6th house (mars) is in 1st house with sun and
Ketu. Lord of ascendant, mercury, is placed in 12th house (Vyaya- sthana) and it is stambhi
(stationary). This native is suffered from typhoid twice. In mars dasha, he suffered from
Gandmala. Mars is Vargottam planet placed in Gemini.
H. No. (16) Gandmala (Copy Editor: Equivalent name of gandamala I found is Scrofula. This is from
Wikipedia. Scrofula is the term used for tuberculosis of the neck, or, more precisely, a cervical tuberculous
lymphadenopathy. Scrofula is usually a result of an infection in the lymph nodes)
Gemini is a twin sign. This can be used for predictions. Lets work on the following charts.
Here, only the charts are given (and not the degrees of planets etc).
(Copy Editor: Neither on 2nd or 3rd July 1960, Mercury is not retrograded).
In this horoscope, Gemini is the 3rd house. Sun and Venus are in Gemini in 3rd house while
Mars the Bhatru Karaka Planet is in the 1st house. Gemini is in the 3rd house from Mars.
Lord of 3rd house, (Mercury) is retrograded. He is one of a set of twins.
Sometimes I change my prediction according to lords of the houses. In one of the case, I
asked the native whether his maternal uncle has twins. The answer was yes. I was pleased,
as my logical thinking was correct. The same chart is discussed below.
H. NO. (18) : Maternal uncle has twins, Male 12/13 June 1964.
The lord of 6th house, Venus, is retrograded and is in Gemini. It is placed along with Rahu.
The other combination is Mercury being placed in the sign of Venus and vice versa. Venus
is in exact conjunction of Rahu.
Mars, Mercury and Sun placed in Taurus indicate all sorts of throat disorders faced by the
On similar lines, we can examine the following chart.
H. NO. (19): Second child of native has twin children, Male 4/5 August 1926.
Astrological characteristics are sometimes very funny or quite interesting. In what form
they might be expressed is not certain. I asked three questions to a person in H. NO. (19)
I. Do you have twin siblings? Answer was No.
II. Does your mother have twin siblings? Again he nodded no.
III. Does your 2nd child have twins? The answer was yes.
She had twins but due to some complications, the fetus had to be prematurely removed.
Thus, her twins didnt survive. Now lets understand the logical explanation behind these
Here Venus is the lord of 7th house. 7th house is the 3rd from 5th house and thus indicates
second child. Now from the 5th house from the 7th house is the 11th house where
Retrograded Jupiter is placed. In a similar manner, planets in the ninth house (from 7th) are
considered since this is the 5th house from 5th so 9th house in real sense).
H. NO. (20) is the chart of same date but of Libra ascendant.
H. No. (20):
Natives father has two wives, Date of Birth: 5th August 1926.
I asked this native if his mother is the second wife of his father. He answered that, my
father got married twice and both of my mothers are alive. Here the sign Gemini is the 9th
house which represents the natives father. In that sign, Moon, Venus and Rahu are placed.
One specific observation to be mentioned: in the seventh navamansh (Gemini Navamsha)
of Sun (Sagittarius Navamsha), Mars and Saturn are placed.
Persons in both the above horoscope are very rich.
In one of the chart, an astrologer predicted that the girl will get acceptance from two grooms
at a time and it will become difficult (for the family) to decide which one should be
accepted. That girls Kundali had Sun, Mercury and Venus positioned in Gemini in the 4th
house with ascendant Pisces. He has used the Geminis characteristic in practical manner.
I have described in detail about the characteristics of Virgo and its relation with disorders of
the stomach in my previous article Mars in Virgo. Nevertheless, I have taken certain charts
for explaining the same here as well.
In H. NO. 21 Lord of 6th house (Saturn) and lord of 12th house (Sun) are in Virgo
(ascendant). Moreover, there is a conjunction of 6th house lord and ascendant lord in the
ascendant. In Rashi Kundali also lord of the 6th house (Mercury), lord of 8th house (Sun)
and lord of Rashi (Saturn) are in Virgo. These points are worth noting.
H. NO. (21): Male: 29th September 1952. Ascendant Virgo
Death due to Jalodara (Dropsy, a disease caused due to excess of water content in stomach.)
With Moon, Rahu and Neptune in Virgo, this native died due to stomach cancer. Lord of
Rashi (Virgo) i. e. Mercury is retrograded. Also, Jupiter and Saturn are retrograded as well.
Saturn Jupiter conjunction is in the 8th house from Moon.
This person had an ulcer in stomach. He had undergone a surgery. Lord of the 6th house,
Saturn is in the Ascendant. Retrograded Mercury, Sun, Ketu, and Neptune are conjunct in
Virgo. In Rashi Kundali also, the lord of the 6th house (from Moon) is in the 1st house. And
Sun, Mercury, Ketu, and Neptune are in the 8th house (from Moon) placed in Virgo.
The influence / governance of rashis (signs) on the body parts are experienced in many
H. NO. (24) A big scar on the forehead, Male, Date of Birth: 8th September 1941
Ascendant lord Mars is placed in Aries in the 6th house. Mars is Vargottam and retrograded.
Saturn and Uranus are in Kritika Nakshatra and the ascendant is aspected by Mars and
Pisces governs legs. The 6th house is the house of diseases and all types of troubles. Saturn
and Mars are karaka planets for said 6th house. All these facts are important when we study
charts and accuracy in predictions can be improved. Some people say that sometimes
everyone gets some kind of injuries to the hands or legs in a life span. So whats the big deal
(of astrology) in predicting that! I say, here is the real verification (test) of astro-science.
My experience in this respect is quite interesting. Saturn governs the legs. Thus, Saturn is
called as servant or Das. Saturn gives disability (Pangutva). I used to interpret disability as
disorders in the legs or lameness. This meaning is also true but not fully comprehensive.
Those who are conversant with Shanimahtmya know that Saturn made Raja Vikramaditya
lame. In my horoscope, Saturn is retrograded in Aquarius. I had a minor scooter accident.
There was no leg facture as such but still, my leg was plastered. I use to limp while roaming
inside the home. And one day I confessed to Lord Saturn that today I am totally convinced
with your Karakatva at last you made me to limp. Nowadays, with the advent of science,
modern equipments and advance medical research, we dont see much of the people who
have lost their limbs or disabled. It doesnt mean that we dont experience the Karakatva of
Saturn. Even today, Karakatva of Saturn can be observed in one way or another.
In my study of astrology, I noticed that Mars gives trouble to the part of the body governed
by the signs in which it is placed. Maybe that problem would be related to the organ or
maybe the system. E. g. if Mars is in Leo, it will give heart trouble in the life of native, or
Mars in Virgo may affect his digestive system.
Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces govern legs. When Saturn is positioned in these signs, the
native suffers disorders or injuries in the legs. I know that Saturn stays in one sign for 2 .5
years. So, a critic can argue and say, millions of people would get born during this period
thus my observation is wrong. But, it is to be noted that such a planetary position is to be
studied with the conclusion based in the context with other planets. In this regards, it is
more relative to give examples with Pisces, Mars and Saturn. It is to be noted that
sometimes, to experience the effect of a planet, certain years of the life have to be passed. If a
person is healthy till the age of 60-65 and then he loses all power in the legs, this also an
effect of planets in the chart.
In one of the pensioners horoscope, Moon and Rahu were in Ashlesha Nakshatras 4th pada
(charan) in Cancer. Just to examine the effects of planets, I asked him whether he ever had
experienced a threat from water or he ever got drowned in water! He replied never. But
after four years, I learned that the same old man fell down in the well behind his house. He
was saved and admitted to the hospital. In short, planets speak about the events in the life
but when the events will happen cannot be exactly predicted. Still, my opinion is that if we
can tell the effects of planetary combinations, its already a great achievement.
Now lets see the effect of Mars in Pisces.
H. NO. (25): Leg Fracture of leg bones.
Female, 14th October 1941. Ascendant Capricorn
Mars is retrograded in Pisces and Sun is in Virgo, in the opposite house to Mars. I predicted
that this lady will have severe injuries in leg and it happened. The lady met with a minor
accident by falling down from the staircase. Though her leg was plastered and operated, she
suffered of lot for one year. Here, I considered the lord of the ascendant Saturn which is in
conjunction with Uranus in Kritika.
H. NO. (26) Male, 12th April 1915. Leg fractured
Ascendant- Libra
He was imprisoned for political reason. While playing Kabaddi in jail, his leg got fractured.
Here, Pisces is in the 6th house and Mars is positioned there. Mars has a square aspect with
Saturn, Sun is Vargottam in Pisces and so, the leg got injured. In view of imprisonment, the
lord of Rashi (from the Moon) i.e. Jupiter is in the 12th house in Saturns sign. In the lagna
chart as well, Mercurys sign is in 12th house. Saturn is in Gemini i.e. Mercurys sign. 12th
house also governs legs and the lord of the 12th house (Mercury), is in Pisces. Pisces also
signifies 12th house thus, imprisonment.
In this Kundali Mars is Dhanesh (Lord of the 2nd house) from the ascendant and also from
the Moon. The 2nd house is for speech and Mars is placed with Mercury. This person is very
talkative. Another interesting fact from rashi karakatva is here, he has lost his six pairs of
shoes in a year.
One of my friends; whenever he observes Sun Saturn conjunction in a chart, asks the
person if he has some problem with his watch. If he sees Ketu is in the 4th house, he says
there may be a saffron flag, or temple near to natives house. I dont know why but I am
very much attracted towards such predictions.
In one Kundali, Mars was in Pisces in the 5th house and there I predict disability in his sons
leg. Or if such a Mars is also lord of the 6th house and Mercury is afflicted, I predict
disability in his maternal uncles leg and so on. But its difficult to write about Leo, Cancer
and womens breasts as I have no experience about it.
Every sign has certain properties. If those are understood perfectly, no doubt there will be
accuracy in predictions. In a char of a 65 years old man, Moon was in Sagittarius but in the
last degrees (about 29 degrees). By calculation, I have considered it in Capricorn. He was
surprised to know that since till now, he had used Sagittarius as his Rashi. But when I asked
him whether he had pain in his knees and if his birth place is nearby to a lake of river, he
said yes. What other proof is required for Capricorn Rashi and Moon in Capricorn
Capricorn governs Knees. Lets consider the next chart.
H. No. (27): - knees injury in an accident.
Male, Birth Date: - 8th February, 1934
Because of an accident, his knee was fractured. Ascendant is Capricorn and Saturn, Sun,
Rahu, and Venus are placed there. The lord of the sixth house (Mercury) is in conjunction
with Mars.
He hasnt got married yet. Venus is retrograded in Capricorn and conjunction with Rahu
and Saturn. Till today he is waiting for marriage (proposals) approval from a widow.
Saturn signifies disability in the legs. It can be experienced from the point of view of karaka
H. NO. (28): Father is disabled.
Male, Birth Date: - 7th November 1924.
The father of this person was disabled from many years. Both the legs had to be cut from the
knees. 9th house indicate the father. Here Saturn and Sun are in the 9th house. Even if we
consider the 10th house for father, then also the lord of tenth house, Mars, is in Aquarius
(Saturns sign). Saturn, Mars and Rahu are in Aquarius Navamsha. As Mars is lord of the
9th house from the Moon, it is important in this chart.
Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces govern the portion below hips and this can be experienced.
Saturn as well as Pisces governs the legs. So when afflicted Saturn is in Pisces, or when
Saturn is ascendant lord or Rashi lord or when Mars in placed in Aquarius or Pisces and
Saturn is in Aquarius, we observe injuries in the legs. Ascendant etc. in Navamsha Kundali
is also oftentimes significant from that point of view.
Sun and Mars both are in Pisces and Saturn is in Aquarius in the preceding house. Saturn is
in opposite house of retrograded Neptune. The leg is injured and it took a long time to
H. NO. (30): Birth Date: - 20 April 1964
This boy also had an accident and his leg was injured and plastered for many days. Saturn
and Mars are posited in the same houses and signs after 28 years (considering H. no (29)).
Similar to previous the chart, Saturn is in opposition of Uranus retrograded.
Saturn and Mars are both in Pisces. She had a big boil on leg which had to be removed by
surgery. The lord of the 5th house is in the 12th house and Jupiter is debilitated so she has no
progeny (child).
H. NO. (32) Swelling on both legs.
Birth Date 14 April 1966.
Ascendant lord Mercury and lord of 6th house Saturn are conjunction in Pisces. Both legs
are swollen like in filaria. None of the medicine is able to cure it. So, her husband is thinking
of divorcing her.
H. NO. (33): Disability in leg since birth
H. NO. (34) Crippled, disabled. Teenager, Birth Date: - 29th may 1967.
Saturn is in Pisces and in mutual aspect with Mars. Mars is in Virgo and just became
straight (from retrograded). Its speed is very slow. This boy is lame and disabled.
This girl is very beautiful but a leg is paralyzed due to polio. Here also Saturn is in Pisces
and retrograded. Ascendant is aspected by Saturn.
Sun is in conjunction with Uranus and Moon is in Kritika. In her brothers Kundali,
Ascendant is Taurus. Lord of the 3rd house, Moon is in the 12th house and in Kritika
In some other chart, the ascendant is Cancer. Moon and Sun are in Mula Nakshatra in the
6th house; Saturn is in Pisces and in Square aspect of Sun and Moon. She is also disabled
with polio.
In order to minutely study astrology in detail, examination of Navamsha chart is crucial. In
these contexts, Navamsha charts planetary positions are quite descriptive.
H. NO. (36): Boy- Birth Date:- 21st march 1965.(10.05am) Pune
This boy met with an accident. Operated twice, one of his feet nonetheless had to be cut.
Saturn is in Aquarius. Lord of ascendant, Venus, is placed with Sun in Pisces. Retrograded
Mars with retrograded Uranus are in the 4th house opposite to Saturn and indicating a
potential combination for accident. In Navamsha Kundali, the ascendant is Pisces. Saturn is
in Navamsha Pisces while Sun and Uranus are in Virgo and Jupiter is in Kritika. The
accident happened on April 23rd, 1985.
(Ur) Plt
(Ur) Plt
H. NO. (37): Female: Birth Date: - 8th February 1951, Afternoon -12-50- Pune
Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter and Venus are all conjunct in Aquarius. Mars, the lord of the 7th
house is with Rahu and Venus. She had an inter-caste marriage and experienced the
mysterious death of her husband. Due to an accident in Jan 1975, her knee was operated and
an artificial plastic knee was fitted. Saturn, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter are in Pisces
Navamsha. Mercury and Saturn are in parivartan Yoga. She is intelligent and financially
To conclude, I have found in another example where the Sun is in conjunction with Saturn
in Aquarius and in opposite house to Neptune that this native is lame with Polio.
In another chart with Libra ascendant, Saturn is in conjunction with Venus in the 6th house
in Pisces. Mars and Ketu are in Libra. Sun and Mercury are in Aquarius and this native has
one disabled leg.
In another horoscope (Birth Date: - is 18th April 1937), Ascendant is Capricorn. Saturn is in
Pisces is in the 3rd house. Uranus, Sun, Venus and Mercury are in the 4th house. Mars
(retrograded) is in Scorpio. The natives thigh bone got injured in an accident and was thus
I hope that this study will help the readers in their use of karakatva.