Directional Drilling For Safety in Coal Mining

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Directional Drilling for Safety in Coal Mining

S. Thomson
Risks associated with gas and water in-rushes can be
mitigated by the application of drilling techniques. This paper
addresses some of the sources of risk in Australian coal mining and
reports on the current status of the application of drilling to alleviate
those risks. Drilling principally helps in addressing the potential for
outburst events and face gas-outs by enabling gas to drain from the
borehole thereby lowering bulk seam gas content.
1 Introduction
Global demand for coal as a cheap, reliable energy source has
resulted in increased production levels in many underground mines
which are affected by high inherent gas levels. High levels of gas
content provide a significant safety risk to personnel engaged in the
mining process. In-seam drilling designed to lower the gas content to
below threshold levels is in many cases now necessary in order for
mining to proceed.
Mine safety is clearly the responsibility of management and
recent developments in Australia confirm the legal requirements for
duty of care by mine officials. Test cases involving gas and water inrushes emphasise the important role that drilling can play in
mitigating risk in coal mining. Legal requirements vary internationally
but responsible mining in increasingly hazardous conditions will
inevitably demand faster, cheaper, and more accurate in-seam drilling.
Improvements to drilling technology and associated diagnostic
geophysics is actively being pursued to address a perceived need for
improved mine planning and pre-drainage of potentially high levels of
in-seam gas.
Safety is an important issue in mining for more than the
humanitarian aspect. There is a strong link between highly productive
mines and those with excellent safety records (Parkin, 1997). In gassy
mines efficient drilling practice and drainage of gas can ensure that
mine productivity matches that of mines operating in less hazardous
2 Drilling Technologies Used in Underground Coal Mining
The environment in which drilling is undertaken in coal mines

imposes severe restrictions on the type of drilling equipment being

used. The main concern is the presence of coal dust and methane in
confined spaces and the potential for an explosion. As a consequence
all components have to be Mines Department approved for safe
operations including a flameproof electric motor and starter (control
box), no exposed aluminium components, methane monitor and
automatic shut-off, fire resistant anti- static components, fire resistant
hydraulic oil, and a Mines Department approved survey instrument.
The necessary modifications result in a safe drill rig which is
heavier and more expensive than an equivalent rig utilised in surface
or hard rock operations. A suitable underground gas drainage and
exploration rig would have the following specifications:
1)75kW, 1000V hydraulic power unit to power the rig and the
water pump;
2)250L/min at 10MPa high pressure pump;
3)135kN thrust and pull;
4)15002000Nm torque, NQ capacity rotation unit;
5)track mounted;
6)compact enough to operate in a roadway and allow vehicles to
Although rotary open-hole drilling has traditionally been
predominant, downhole motor drilling has become the major form of
in-seam drilling in recent years. In-seam exploration drilling has also
become more common with a need to better identify and define
structures which would adversely affect the high levels of longwall
production. This has created a need for longer directionally controlled
boreholes with the increased use of downhole motors. Longer
boreholes have meant higher strength rods, improved surveying
techniques and higher capacity rigs (Hungerford, 1995).
Borehole depths with downhole motor drilling has also been
restricted by increased surging as the depth increased. For long-hole
exploration, the bit diameter has been increased from 89mm to 96mm
with an increase in the size of the bend of the downhole motor from 1
to 1.25to maintain the ability to climb. With the increased clearance,
reduced surging and the use of more powerful
downhole motors, borehole depths in excess of 1500m are possible.
An example of a recently drilled directional hole is presented in

Fig.1.The hole was drilled for gas drainage purposes to a depth of

701m.Seam profile is consistent and roof intersections are relatively
widely spaced (>100m). More frequent roof touches are required for
detailed exploration purposes.

Fig. 1 Profile of a directional drilled hole for gas drainage

3 Defining the Hazards
The major safety issue that can be addressed through drilling is the
control of seam gas. Seam gas is predominantly comprised of
potentially explosive methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2).
Drilling itself may be hazardous if provision is not made to control
gas surges from the
borehole. Activities where hazards are likely
to occur include:
1) During drilling - risk addressed by establishing safety protocol
for the drilling operation.
2) During development - drilling used in mitigating against
potential outburst hazards.
3) During longwall extraction - drilling used to avoid high gas
levels at the working face.
For water in-rush similar safety protocols need to be set up during
drilling and the major hazard is in unexpected intersection of flooded
workings during mine development.
3.1 Gas/water hazards whilst drilling
In drilling in gassy areas or where a water influx is a real risk

there are a number of precautions that must be taken to ensure the

safety of operators. These risks should be addressed by Occupational
Health and Safety (OH&S) policies adopted by the mine or drilling
contractor. The main areas of concern are:
-material forcibly ejected from the hole injuring drill operators.
-gas escaping from the hole and creating a potentially explosive
In drill rig setup it is important to anchor the rig securely either by
bolting to the floor or by jacking the rig against the roof and floor. The
next important step is to install a standpipe in the hole securely
grouted against the side wall of the hole and rib (Fig.2) .
Standpipes are usually 6m100mm. Grout is then applied between
the standpipe and the wall of the hole and plastered around the collar.
The objective is to ensure that all cuttings, gas, and water coming out
of the hole during drilling is controlled through the standpipe and does
not enter the mine atmosphere. Key issues include ensuring that grout
is of adequate strength, of sufficient quality (fast setting, non shrink
preferred) and has completed the seal around the standpipe.
A stuffing box is located at the end of the standpipe and its
purpose is to prevent the escape of gas from the hole to the working
area. The drill rods run through the stuffing box and a seal is
maintained around them by glands and a gasket. A perfect seal is not
critical and it should be acknowledged that wear will be experienced
through the running of rods through the glands.
It is important to note that any gas escaping from the seal will be
extremely pure (likely>90% methane). It will therefore pass through
the explosive range on dilution into the mine atmosphere. Adequate
ventilation(>4m 3/s) should occur at the drill site to ensure fast
dissipation. Gas monitors should be installed at the rig site and
statutory limits adhered to, namely 1.25% methane-power is
shutdown, 2.0% methane-drillers are withdrawn.
The gas/water separator is positioned on the return side of the
working area (Fig.2) . All valves and fittings used should be rated
above seam gas pressure. The drill operator now controls the flow of
material from the borehole and provided the standpipe and grouting is
secure, the gasket seal is maintained, and the valves are rated
accordingly, drillers are at no risk of being injured from material

ejected from the hole. In addition, provided ventilation is adequate,

insufficient gas can escape to create a potentially hazardous working

Fig. 2 Standpipe and separator configuration for in-seam drilling

3.2 Drilling to mitigate outbursts during development
In Australian gassy coal mines pre-development drainage of gas is
often necessary to meet governmental regulations regarding gas
content thresholds. Drilling is carried out to lower overall gas contents
and minimise the risk of an outburst event occurring during
development mining. The common association of outbursts with
geological structures provides a dual role for drilling: find structures
and lower the overall gas content. In Australia drilling is the preeminent method of alleviating the outburst risk.
Outbursts may occur in coal with a gas content exceeding 7
9m3/t. Propensity to outburst depends upon a number of factors in
addition to total gas content including gas type (more violent outbursts
have been associated with high CO2 contents), coal seam permeability,
rate of development drivage, length of gas drainage time and the
presence of geological structures and mylonite.

Large diameter (300mm) short hole (2040mm) drilling was

carried out in the 1970s to relieve potential outbursting (Gray, 1995)
with some success. In the 1980s rotary drilling to 750m was achieved
allowing longer gas drainage times and potentially safer conditions.
However, the holes were long but inaccurate, in some cases deviating
more than 45 from their planned path.
Nevertheless, until recently rotary drilling cross-panel was
commonplace in the gassy mines of the Southern District, usually to
lengths of 250320m. Outburst events continued to occur however,
suggesting that rotary drilling was providing uneven drainage of yet to
be mined coal. Worse, drainage and deviation problems tended to be
greatest in areas of geological complexity, precisely the areas likely to
be outburst prone. It should be emphasised that the problem does not
lie in rotary drilling perse, but in the regularity and control associated
with survey points.
The unreliability of rotary drilling is exemplified by the results of
a recent drilling project at a Queensland longwall mine with up to
70m lateral offset on a projected 240m hole (Fig.3).

Fig. 3 Sample rotary hole from Queensland longwall operation

showing deviation from planned path

Fig. 4 Schematic survey tool configuration and downhole

The additional problem of rotary drilling, namely controlling the
vertical deviation, is reflected in the termination of the hole at 153m
after intersecting the roof. To continue drilling in coal, the operator is
forced to either re-start the hole from its source or continue drilling in
the roof, hoping that gravity will prevail and bring the bit back into the
seam. The latter course of action is likely to be time consuming with a
very uncertain outcome.
The introduction of directional drilling using downhole motors
has increased since the mid 1980s and is now the major type of inseam drilling carried out in Australian conditions. Very long
(1500m) and extremely accurate (0.5or less than 1m every 100m)
holes have been drilled using downhole motors.
Central to this improved length and accuracy performance has

been the introduction of (almost) real time survey tools, in particular

the DDM MECCA (Directional Drill Monitor using Modular
Electrical Connected Cable Assembly). The resulting downhole
assembly for directional drilling commonly includes the downhole
motor with bent housing, non-magnetic spacers and survey tool
(Fig.4) .
In most cases drilling is carried out across the proposed longwall
panel and development roadway at drill spacings and angles
determined from empirical data (Fig.5) related to coal seam
permeability, length of drainage time available, and gas content.
Drilling patterns are largely governed by drill rig access, efficiencies
associated with site moves and these gas flow issues. They may be
regular and symmetrical (Type A), originate from the same source
without branching (Type B), or deviate from a primary hole by
branching (Type C). Drilling hole length and patterns are determined
more by drainage requirements (principally time needed oravailable
for drainage ) than by any limitations to drilling technology.
An alternative approach involves drilling very long holes
parallel to proposed development roadways (Type D) and long
exploration holes designed to maximise drainage time (Type E). This
latter approach is usually a secondary benefit derived from what is
principally a geological data gathering exercise. Obviously a key
disadvantage of drilling very long holes for gas drainage is the very
real possibility of the hole becoming blocked not far from the collar
thereby negating any gas drainage benefit.
In Australian conditions it is normal practice to carry out drilling
for gas content sampling ahead of development drivage. These holes
are normally drilled by a small capacity rotary rig to depths usually up
to 100m. The objective is to ensure that pre-drainage has successfully
lowered the overall in-seam gas content sufficient to allow for safe
The change from a rather chaotic drill pattern (rotary) to a more
ordered systematic pattern is reflected in an example from a Southern
District Colliery (Fig.6) . Here, the more recent drill holes are
straighter and more evenly distributed. Previously major deviations
were experienced utilising rotary drilling and very uneven gas
drainage was the result. The implementation of directional drilling

has, in this case, resulted in a judgement that the need for short holes
ahead of development for gas content testing purposes is not as great
as in the past. The mine has consistently achieved its gas drainage
objectives with the advent of directional drilling.

Fig. 5 Typical drill pattern layouts for a longwalloperation practicing gas


Fig.6 Example of drilling pattern for existinglongwall

Directional drilling provides benefits in investigating
possible geological structures. The ability to navigate the drill string ,
deviating left, right, up or down, enables a competent operator to

explore the strike, magnitude and nature of geological bodies in a way

that is simply not possible utilising rotary drilling. In the latter case
mis-interpretation of structures (intersected by rotary drilling) as
normal floor or roof material has resulted in some extremely costly
planning errors that have had a disastrous effect on mine productivity
(e.g.Tahmoor LW14 dyke/sill complex, 1995).
The advent of controlled directional drilling for pre-development
drainage and structure detection has been a success to date apparently.
No large outburst events have occurred in Australia during
development mining for a number of years.
3.3 Drilling to mitigate gas-outs on the longwall face
During longwall mining it is not an infrequent occurrence in gassy
seams to halt production in order to allow ventilation to clear gas
permeating from the goaf area into the working face. High levels of
explosive gas in an environment charged with coal dust and a number
of potential ignition sources is clearly a major safety hazard.
In many cases this gas is not derived from the pre-drained
working seam but from other gas reservoirs in the roof and the floor.
The problem may be overcome by after the event ventilation
means but commonly drainage methods utilising drilling need to be
employed. In shallow workings drilling from the surface may be used
to extract the gas, alternatively cross-measure drilling above and
below the seam is required.
Typically cross-measure holes target the gas bearing zones in the
roof and floor. Like predevelopment drilling, drill patterns are largely
determined from empirical experience although some semiquantitative evaluation techniques are available (Lunarzewski,1995).
Holes may be drilled into the roof or floor parallel to the axis of the
longwall, or from side cut-throughs normal to the longwall axis
(Fig.7) .]

Fig. 7 Cross-measure drilling for goaf drainage

and minimisation of longwall face gas-outs
Holes are placed under suction in order to maximise gas
extraction. Again,factors such as strata permeability,presence or
absence of natural breaks or pas sage-ways in the rocks, and
hole integrity play a significant role in the effectiveness of the
technique. Results to date have been mixed and the methodology
requires substantial on-site trials and modifications to meet required
objectives. Total removal of face gas outs due to gas emanating from
the goaf has not yet been achieved in Australian coal mining.
4 Conclusions
Drilling has proved highly successful in alleviating the risk of
outbursts in Australian coal mining. Cross-strata drilling to avoid face
gas-outs during longwall mining has provided some limited success
but will need to be subjected to further study and experience to
achieve the consistently required outcome.
In-seam directional drilling has enabled more systematic and
successful gas drainage and greater flexibility in the evaluation of
structures.Improved gas drainage and greater confidence in structure
detection has improved mine planning and reduced the risks of
operating in gassy mining conditions to Australian operators.

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