Chap07 Surface Processes On Earth

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The key takeaways are that external processes like weathering, erosion, glaciers and landslides shape Earth's surface and form important resources like soil. They also impact human populations through flooding and other natural hazards.

The main processes that shape Earth's surface are weathering, erosion, glaciers, landslides and avalanches. Weathering breaks down rocks while erosion transports weathered materials.

Weathering is the breakdown of rocks at Earth's surface. Erosion is the transport of weathered materials from one place to another. Together they change landforms and form soil.


on Earth
arth has a system of external processes that shape its
surface. For example, weathering and erosion change
landforms and form soil, an important natural resource.
Other external processes such as landslides, glaciers, and
avalanches change the landscape. Earths external
processes also have impacts on human populations. Every
year, flooding and mudflows, as well as landslides and
avalanches cause the loss of life and property in many
regions in the world. The photo shows the Emerald Pools
in Zion Canyon in Zion National Park in Utah.

Unit Contents

Weathering, Erosion, and Soil

Mass Movements, Wind, and Glaciers

Surface Water

10 Groundwater
Go to the National Geographic
Expedition on page 870 to learn
more about topics that are connected to this unit.



What Youll Learn
How the process of
weathering breaks down
rocks and how erosion
transports weathered
materials from one place
to another.

and Soil

How soil is formed and

why soil is an important
natural resource.
Why Its Important
The processes of weathering and erosion change
Earths landforms and
form soil, an important
natural resource.

To find out more about

weathering, erosion, and
soil, visit the Earth Science
Web Site at

Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah


Discovery Lab
Changes can take place at the
interface between substances. An
interface is where a substance comes
in contact with another substance or
condition. For example, the surface of
a rock is the interface where the rock
comes in contact with its environment. The more surface area that is
exposed to environmental conditions,
the more changes that can take place.
1. Fill two 250-mL beakers with water
at room temperature.
2. Drop a sugar cube in one beaker
and 5 mL of granulated sugar in
the other beaker at the same time.
Record the time.
3. Slowly and continuously stir
the solution in each beaker. Use


Distinguish between
weathering and erosion.
Identify variables
that affect the rate of



Model Interfaces
caution in stirring so as not to
crack or break the beaker.
4. Observe the sugar in both beakers.
Record the amount of time it takes
for the sugar to completely dissolve
in each beaker of water.
CAUTION: Always wear
safety goggles and an apron in the lab.
Observe In your science
journal, describe what happened to the sugar cube and
the granulated sugar. Explain
why one form of sugar dissolved faster than the other.
Infer how you could decrease
the time required to dissolve
the other form of sugar.

In 1880, an impressive granite monument, Cleopatras Needle, was
moved from Egypt to Central Park, in New York City. Although the
monument had existed in Egypt for more than 3500 years, in less
than 75 years in New York Citys climate, the monument had become
dramatically worn and damaged. Today, markings on the surface can
barely be read.
Why do you think this has happened? Changes occur every day to
Earths rocks and surface features. Just as the granite of Cleopatras
Needle has undergone changes, so, too, does granite in Earths crust.
The process by which rocks on or near Earths surface break down
and change is called weathering. The removal and transport of
weathered material from one location to another is known as
erosion. The processes of weathering and erosion have been going
on since the crust of Earth formed, billions of years ago.

7.1 Weathering 153

Before the agents of erosion can pick up and transport Earth materials, these materials must undergo some form of weathering.
Weathering caused the result seen in Figure 7-1. Mechanical and
chemical weathering are the two processes that can wear down rocks
and minerals. Both types of weathering occur at the same time on
Earths landforms.
The process by which rocks and minerals break down into smaller
pieces is mechanical weathering, also called physical weathering.
Mechanical weathering does not involve any change in a rocks composition, only changes in the size and sometimes the shape of the
rock, as shown in Figure 7-2. A variety of factors are involved in
mechanical weathering.

Figure 7-1 This 3600-yearold monument, Cleopatras

Needle was moved from
Egypt to Central Park, New
York City. After many years in
New York Citys climate, some
markings on the monument
have all but disappeared as
a result of weathering.

Temperature Temperature plays a significant role in mechanical

weathering. When water freezes, it expands and increases in volume
by approximately nine percent. Thus, ice takes up approximately
nine percent more space than liquid water does. You have observed
this increase in volume if you have ever made ice in an ice-cube tray
in a freezer. In many places on Earths surface, water collects in the
cracks of rocks and rock layers. If the temperature drops to the freezing point of water, it freezes, expands, exerts pressure on the rocks,
and may cause them to split, as shown in Figure 7-3A. When the
temperature then increases, the ice in the cracks of rocks and rock
layers melts. The repeated thawing and freezing of water in the cracks
of rocks is called frost wedging. Frost wedging is also responsible for
the formation of potholes in many roads in the northern United
States in early spring, as shown in Figure 7-3B.
Pressure Pressure is another factor in mechanical weathering.
Bedrock at great depths is under pressure from the overlying rock
layers. When the overlying rock layers are removed, the pressure on
the bedrock below is reduced. The bedrock surface, formerly

Figure 7-2 The mechanical

weathering of these rocks
occurred in Monument
Valley in Arizona. How do
you know that these formations occurred as a result
of weathering?

Figure 7-3 Frost wedging has split this granite boulder in the Sierra
Nevada, California (A). Frost wedging also causes potholes to develop
in early spring in Washington State (B). This boulder in Baja, California,
is undergoing the process of exfoliation (C). This birch tree is growing
out of a crack in bedrock in New Jersey (D).

buried, is then able to expand, and long, curved cracks can form.
These cracks, also known as joints, occur parallel to the surface of
the rock. Reduction of pressure also allows existing cracks in the
bedrock to widen.
Over time, the outer layers of rock are stripped away in succession, similar to an onions layers being peeled off one by one. The
process by which outer rock layers are stripped away is called
exfoliation, shown in Figure 7-3C. Exfoliation often results in
dome-shaped formations such as Liberty Cap and Half Dome in
Yosemite National Park and Stone Mountain in Georgia. Sometimes,
the effects of reduced pressure on rock layers are dramatic. For
example, when several layers of overlying rocks are removed from a
deep mine, the sudden decrease of pressure can cause large pieces of
rock to explode off the walls of the mine tunnels.
The roots of trees and other plants can wedge themselves into
cracks in rocks. As the roots grow and expand, they can exert pressure on the rocks to split, as shown in Figure 7-3D.

The process by which rocks and minerals undergo changes in their
composition as the result of chemical reactions is called chemical
weathering. Significant agents of chemical weathering include
water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and acids. Chemical reactions
between rocks and water result in the formation of new minerals and
the release of dissolved substances. The new minerals have different
properties from those of the original rocks. For example, rust on an
iron chain has a different chemical composition from that of the
iron on which it formed. To some extent, the composition of rocks
determines the effects that chemical weathering will have on them.


Using Numbers

When water freezes,

it expands and
increases in volume
by nine percent.
What is the volume
of ice that will form
from 100 cm3 of

7.1 Weathering 155

Figure 7-4 The surface of this limestone

rock was chemically weathered by the
activities of water. The rock is located in
Slickhorn Canyon, Glen Canyon National
Recreation Area, in Arizona.

Some minerals, such as calcite, may dissolve completely.

Rocks that contain calcite, such as limestone and marble, are also greatly affected by chemical weathering.
Buildings and monuments made of these rocks readily
show signs of wear resulting from weathering.
Temperature is another significant factor in chemical
weathering because it influences the rate at which chemical reactions occur. Usually, chemical reaction rates
increase as temperature increases. With all other factors
being equal, the rate of chemical weathering reactions
doubles with each 10C increase in temperature.

Figure 7-5 This limestone cave in

Guatemala was formed when carbonic acid dissolved the calcite in
the limestone rock.

Water Water is an important agent in chemical

weathering because it can dissolve many kinds of minerals and rocks, as shown in Figure 7-4. Water has an
active role in some reactions, while it simply serves as
a medium through which other reactions occur. The
reaction of water with other substances is known as
hydrolysis. Hydrolysis occurs in the decomposition of
silicate minerals, such as the decomposition of potassium feldspar into kaolinite, a fine-grained clay mineral common in soils.
Oxygen Like water, oxygen can combine with other
substances. The chemical reaction of oxygen with
other substances is called oxidation. Approximately
21 percent of Earths atmosphere is oxygen gas. Iron
in rocks and minerals readily combines with this
atmospheric oxygen to form minerals with the oxidized form of iron as shown in the following reaction.
> 3Fe2O3
2Fe3O4 +
2 O2

Common minerals that contain the reduced form

of iron include magnetite, hornblende, biotite,
and pyrite.
156 CHAPTER 7 Weathering, Erosion, and Soil

Carbon Dioxide Another atmospheric gas that contributes to the

chemical weathering process is carbon dioxide, which is produced by
living organisms during the process of respiration. When carbon
dioxide combines with water in the atmosphere, it forms a weak carbonic acid that falls to Earths surface as precipitation. The formation
of carbonic acid is shown in the following reaction.


carbon dioxide carbonic acid

Carbonic acid reacts with minerals such as calcite in limestone and

marble to dissolve rocks. For example, limestone caverns, as shown
in Figure 7-5, can form when carbonic acid dissolves the calcite in
limestone rocks. Carbonic acid can also affect silicate minerals such
as mica, and feldspar by reacting with elements in the minerals, such
as magnesium and calcium. This chemical weathering process results
in the formation of clay minerals. High concentrations of carbonic
acid accumulate in soil, where decaying organic matter and plant respiration produce high levels of carbon dioxide. When water from
precipitation seeps into the ground and combines with carbon dioxide, large amounts of carbonic acid become available for the process
of chemical weathering.
Acid Precipitation Another agent of chemical weathering is
acid precipitation, which is caused mainly by the oxidation of sulfur
dioxide and nitrogen oxides that are released into the atmosphere by
human activities. Sulfur dioxide forms from the industrial burning
of fossil fuels, while nitrogen oxides are emitted from motor-vehicle
exhausts. These two gases combine with oxygen and water in the
atmosphere to form sulfuric and nitric acids.
We describe how acidic a solution is by using the pH scale. Figure
7-6 illustrates the pH scale. The lower the pH number, the greater the
acidity of a substance. Acid precipitation is precipitation that has a




Pure water
Tomato Rainwater 7

Activity: Identify an
example of weathering in
your state. Is it the result
of mechanical weathering,
chemical weathering, or


Milk of

Human stomach

Topic: Weathering
To find out more about
weathering, visit the
Earth Science Web Site at


Household ammonia

Figure 7-6 The pH scale

is used to determine the
acidity of substances.
7.1 Weathering 157

pH value below 5.6, the pH of normal rainfall. Because acids can be

harmful to many organisms and destructive to nonliving things, acid
precipitation creates problems. It adversely affects fish and aquatic
plant populations in lakes. Most freshwater lakes have a natural pH
in the range of 6 to 8. These lakes can support many kinds of
amphibians, aquatic invertebrates, and fish. However, when the lake
water becomes too acidic, the species diversity decreases as shown in
Table 7-1. The table indicates which organisms can survive at a particular pH. As you can see, wood frogs are able to survive at a lower
pH than other species.






The natural weathering of Earth materials occurs very slowly. For

example, it may take 2000 years to weather 1 cm of limestone, and yet
most rocks weather at even slower rates. Certain conditions and
interactions can accelerate or slow the weathering process as demonstrated in the GeoLab at the end of the chapter.
Climate The climate of an area is a major influence on the rate of
chemical weathering of Earth materials. Variables of climate include
precipitation, temperature, and evaporation. The interaction
between temperature and precipitation has the greatest effect on a
regions rate of weathering. Chemical weathering occurs readily in

Table 7-1 Effects of Acid Precipitation on Aquatic Species

Species Present
Rainbow trout
Brown trout
Brook trout
Smallmouth bass
Fathead minnow
Pumpkinseed sunfish
Yellow perch
Wood frog*
American toad*
Spotted salamander*
* Embryonic stage



** Selected species

158 CHAPTER 7 Weathering, Erosion, and Soil







World Map of Chemical Weathering

Chemical weathering reduced by low temperatures

Chemical weathering intense

Figure 7-7 This world map shows areas where chemical weathering occurs. What areas
in the world are subject to the most intense chemical weathering?

climates with warm temperatures, abundant rainfall, and lush vegetation. These climatic conditions produce thick soils that are rich in
organic matter. When water from heavy rainfalls combines with the
carbon dioxide in this organic matter to produce high levels of carbonic acid, the weathering process is accelerated. Chemical weathering is evident in tropical Central America, Southeast Asia and other
areas as shown in Figure 7-7.
Conversely, physical weathering occurs readily in cool, dry climates. Physical weathering rates are highest in areas where water
undergoes repeated freezing and thawing. Conditions in such climates do not favor chemical weathering because cool temperatures
slow or inhibit chemical reactions. Little or no chemical weathering
occurs in areas that are frigid year-round.
The different rates of weathering caused by different climatic conditions can be illustrated by a comparison of Asheville, North
Carolina, and Phoenix, Arizona. Phoenix has dry, warm, conditions;
temperatures do not drop below the freezing point of water, and
humidity is low. In Asheville, temperatures sometimes drop below
the freezing point during the colder months. Asheville has more
monthly rainfall and higher levels of humidity than Phoenix does, as
7.1 Weathering 159

Phoenix, Arizona
(Elevation 340 m)

Asheville, North Carolina

(Elevation 671 m)





















Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun





Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Figure 7-8 These graphs

show a comparison of climatic conditions in Asheville
and Phoenix.






















Percent Humidity
66 71 72 74














Percent Humidity
29 26 39 44

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun





Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

shown in Figure 7-8. Because of these differences in their climates,

rocks and minerals in Asheville experience a higher rate of mechanical and chemical weathering than those in Phoenix do.
Rock Type and Composition A wide variety of rocks and minerals cover Earths surface. The characteristics of rocks, including
how hard or resistant they are to being broken down, depend on
their type and composition. In general, sedimentary rocks are more
easily weathered than harder igneous and metamorphic rocks. The
dramatic landscape in the Bisti Badlands of New Mexico exhibits
rock layers with different degrees of resistance to weathering, as illustrated in Figure 7-9.

Figure 7-9 In the Bisti

Badlands in New Mexico,
these formations of resistant sandstone are situated
on top of softer coal layers.
What do you think caused
the rocks to form in this

16 cm2

2 cm
4 cm
Surface: 96 cm2

Volume constant:
64 cm3

4 cm2

Surface: 192 cm2

1 cm2
1 cm
Surface: 384 cm2

Surface Area Mechanical weathering breaks up rocks into

smaller pieces. As the pieces get smaller, their surface area increases,
as illustrated in Figure 7-10. This means that more total surface area
is available for chemical weathering. Thus, the greater the total surface area, the more weathering that occurs, as you learned in the
Discovery Lab.

Figure 7-10 In this example, the original object has

a surface area of 96 cm2.
When the same object is
broken up into two pieces
or more, the surface area

Topography and Other Variables Earth materials cover the

surfaces of slopes and level areas. Materials on level areas are likely to
remain in place as they undergo changes, whereas materials on slopes
have a greater tendency to move as a result of gravity. As material
moves down a slope, it exposes underlying rock surfaces and thus
provides more opportunities for weathering to occur. As you learned
earlier, organisms also affect the rate of weathering. Decaying
organic matter and living plant roots release carbon dioxide, which
combines with water to produce acid, which in turn increases the
weathering rate.

1. Distinguish between weathering and

2. List several variables that affect the rate
of weathering.
3. What two climatic factors are most important in the weathering process?
4. Thinking Critically Describe how one variable may affect another variable in the
weathering process.

5. Making Graphs Make a graph of the relationship between the rate of weathering
and the surface area of a material. Plot
the weathering rate on the y-axis and the
surface area on the x-axis. For more help,
refer to the Skill Handbook.

7.1 Weathering 161


Analyze the impact of

living and nonliving
things on the processes of
weathering and erosion.
Describe the relationship
of gravity to all agents of

rill erosion
gully erosion

Erosion and Deposition

As you have learned, erosion is the process that transports Earth
materials from one place to another. A number of different agents
transport weathered materials on Earth. Running water in streams
and rivers, glaciers, wind, and ocean currents and waves all pick up
and carry materials. Humans, plants, and animals also play a role in
the erosional process. Erosion can result from the loss of plant cover,
as shown in Figure 7-11. The land becomes barren as increasing
amounts of soil are lost to wind and water erosion. At some point,
the movement of transported materials will slow down. When this
happens, the materials are dropped in another location in a process
known as deposition, the final stage of the erosional process.


Gravity is associated with many erosional agents, because the force of
gravity tends to pull all materials downslope. Without gravity, glaciers would not move downslope and streams would not flow. Gravity
is also an agent of mass movements such as landslides, mudflows,
and avalanches, which you will learn about in Chapter 8.




With the exception of the extremely strong winds associated with tornadoes and hurricanes, water has more power to move large particles
of weathered material than wind does. As you might expect, stream
erosion is greatest when a large volume of water is moving rapidly,
such as during spring thaws and torrential downpours. Water flowing
down steep slopes also has greater
potential to erode Earth materials,
because the steeper the slope, the
faster the water flows. Not only does
swiftly flowing water have greater
erosional power than wind, but it can
also carry more material along with it
and over a greater distance.

Figure 7-11 Major erosion can

occur on steep slopes as a result
of the loss of plant cover due to
the clearcutting of a forest.

Running water moves along Earths surface from higher to lower elevations. Small
streams at high elevations flow down to join
larger streams at lower elevations. Such a
network of streams drains an area called a
watershed as the water works its way down
toward the ocean.
The erosion by running water in small
channels, on the side of a slope is called rill
erosion, shown in Figure 7-12A. Rills commonly form on a slope. When a channel
becomes deep and wide, it can evolve into
gully erosion, as shown in Figure 7-12B.
Gullies can be more than 3 m deep. They
can be a major problem in farming and
grazing areas.
Coastal Deposition and Erosion
Rocks exposed to their surrounding environment are slowly weathered away, as
modeled in the MiniLab on this page. Each
year, streams and rivers carry billions of
metric tons of sediments and weathered
materials to coastal areas. The Mississippi
River alone carries 750 million metric tons
of eroded material off the continent and
into the Gulf of Mexico annually. When a
Figure 7-12 Rill erosion has occurred on
these rocks in Badlands National Park (A).
The removal of too much vegetation caused
gully erosion in this farming area (B).

How do rocks weather?

Model how rocks are exposed to their
surrounding environment and slowly
weather away.

1. Carve your name deeply into a bar of soap
with a toothpick. Weigh the soap.
2. Measure and record the depth of the letters carved into the soap.
3. Place the bar of soap on its edge in a
catch basin.
4. Sprinkle water over the bar of soap until a
noticeable change occurs in the depth of
the carved letters.
5. Measure and record the depth of the
carved letters.

Analyze and Conclude

1. How did the depth of the letters carved
into the bar of soap change?
2. Did the shape, size, or weight of the bar
of soap change?
3. Where did the missing soap go?
4. What additional procedure could you
follow to determine whether any soap
wore away?

7.2 Erosion and Deposition 163

Figure 7-13 This photograph, taken aboard the

space shuttle, shows the
huge amount of sediment
deposited at the Nile Delta.

Figure 7-14 A barrier

island such as the Queens
Atlantic Beach in New York
was formed from the
buildup of sandbars.

Figure 7-15 Groins at Cape

May, New Jersey, are used
to protect the beaches from
wave erosion. Groins are
vertical walls of rock placed
perpendicular to the shore
to trap sand from ocean

river enters a large body of water, such as the ocean, the water slows
down and deposits large amounts of sediments. The build-up of sediments forms deltas, such as the Nile Delta, shown in Figure 7-13.
The volume of river flow and the action of tides determine the
shapes of deltas, most of which contain fertile soil. Coastal areas also
undergo erosion by ocean waves and wind. You will learn more about
coastal erosion in the Science & the Environment feature at the end of
this chapter.
In the ocean, weathering and erosional processes continue. The
work of ocean currents, waves, and tides carves out cliffs, arches, and
other features along the continents edges. In addition, sand particles
accumulate on shorelines and form dunes and beaches. Erosion of
materials also occurs along the ocean floor and at continental and
island shorelines. The constant movement of water and the availability of accumulated weathered material result in a continuous erosional process, especially along ocean shorelines. Sand along a
shoreline is repeatedly picked up, moved, and deposited by ocean currents. In this way, sandbars form from offshore sand deposits. If the
sandbars continue to be built up with sediments, they can become
barrier islands. Many barrier islands, as shown in Figure 7-14, have
formed along the Gulf and Atlantic Coasts of the United States.

Figure 7-16 This rock in Yosemite National

Park, California, was polished by the activity
of a glacier.

Erosion also occurs on islands, where the

constant movement of water wears away at
the shorelines. Changing tides and conditions
associated with coastal storms can have a
great impact on coastal erosion as well.
Human development and population growth
along shorelines have led to attempts to control the oceans movements of sand. However, efforts to keep the
sand on one beachfront disrupt the natural migration of sand along
the shore, thereby depleting sand from another area. Figure 7-15
shows one method used to help prevent beach erosion. You will learn
more about ocean and shoreline features in Chapters 15 and 16.

Although glaciers currently cover less than ten percent of Earths surface, their erosional effects are large-scale and dramatic. Glaciers
scrape and gouge out large sections of Earths landscape. Because they
are so dense, glaciers have the capacity to carry huge rocks and piles
of debris over great distances. Glacial movements scratch and grind
some surfaces, while they polish others, as shown in Figure 7-16.
The landscape features left in the wake of glacial movements include
valleys with majestic waterfalls, lakes, and variously shaped deposits
of sediment. Such features are common in New England. The erosional effects of glaciers also include deposition. For example, soils in
the northern sections of the United States are deposits of material
once carried by glaciers. In these and other ways, glaciers continue to
affect erosional processes on Earth, even though the time of the most
recent ice age is long past. You will learn more about glaciers in the
next chapter.

Figure 7-17 The plants

roots have protected the
soil from the wind erosion
that has eroded the surrounding area in Death
Valley, California.

Wind is a major erosional agent in areas on Earth that experience
both limited precipitation and high temperatures. Such areas typically have little vegetative cover to hold soil in place. Wind can easily
pick up and move these fine, dry particles. When conditions become
ideal for wind erosion, the effects can be dramatic and devastating.
The abrasive action of wind-blown particles can damage both natural features and human-made structures. Wind erosion is common
in Death Valley. Figure 7-17 is in Death Valley. Shore areas also experience wind erosion. Even though winds can blow against the force
7.2 Erosion and Deposition 165

of gravity and easily move materials uphill,

wind erosion is relatively insignificant when
compared to the erosion accomplished by
running water and glacial activity.

Figure 7-18 The construction of a new highway in

Ohio requires the removal
of large amounts of soil.

Wind Barriers One farming method

that reduces the effects of wind erosion is the
planting of wind barriers, also called windbreaks. Wind barriers are trees or other vegetation planted perpendicular to the direction
of the wind. In many cases, a wind barrier
may be simply a row of trees along the edge of
a field. In addition to reducing soil erosion, wind barriers can trap
blowing snow, conserve moisture, and protect crops from the effects
of the wind.







Plants and animals living on the surface of Earth also play a role in
erosion. As plants and animals carry on their life processes, they move
Earths surface materials from one place to another. For example,
Earth materials are relocated as animals burrow into soil and shovel it
to another place. Humans also excavate areas and move soil from one
location to another. Planting a garden, developing a new athletic field,
and building a highway, shown in Figure 7-18, are all examples of
human activities that result in the moving of Earth materials from
one place to another. The effects of erosion by the activities of plants,
animals, and humans, however, are minimal in comparison to the
erosional effects of water, wind, and glaciers.

1. In the erosional process, what is gravitys

role in relationship to the other agents of
2. Describe the agents of erosion and how
they affect Earths landforms.
3. What is the difference between rill erosion and gully erosion? Which is the most
4. Thinking Critically In what ways do the
activities of humans affect the processes
of erosion and weathering?

166 CHAPTER 7 Weathering, Erosion, and Soil

5. Making and Using Tables Make a data
table that compares the various agents
of erosion. In your table, rate each
agents overall ability to erode and list
any conditions necessary for each type of
erosion to occur. Note which erosional
agent is most powerful and which is most
dominant on Earth. For more help, refer
to the Skill Handbook.


Formation of Soil

Soil is an important natural resource because it is essential to life on

Earth. It would be difficult to imagine a world without soil. Humans
and other organisms are dependent on plants, which grow in soil, for
food and other basic needs. If you were to make a list of all the things
that humans obtain directly and indirectly from soil, you might be
surprised by the number of items on your list. In addition to wood
from trees, such things as oxygen from plants, food from plants, and
meat from animals that are dependent on plants are all products of
soil. Soil even helps to filter pollutants.




Except for some steep mountain slopes and extremely cold regions,
soil is found almost everywhere on Earths surface. But what is soil?
Weathered rock alone is not soil. Soil is the loose covering of broken
rock particles and decaying organic matter, called humus, overlying
the bedrock of Earths surface. Soil is the result of chemical and
mechanical weathering and biological activity over long periods of
time. The soil-forming process begins when weathering breaks solid
bedrock into smaller pieces. These pieces of rock continue to
undergo weathering and break down into smaller and smaller pieces.
Many organisms, such as bacteria, fungi, and insects, begin to live in
these weathered materials. Over time, the organisms die, decay, and
add nutrients to the weathered materials to form soil, which, in turn,
supports a variety of life forms, as shown in Figure 7-19.
The process of continual breakdown of organic materials is thus
begun. Nutrients continue to be added to the soil, soil texture
improves, and the soils capacity to hold water increases. While all


Describe how soil forms.

Explain the relationship
between the organic and
inorganic components
of soil.
Identify soil characteristics.
Recognize soil horizons
in a soil profile.

residual soil
transported soil
soil profile
soil horizon

Figure 7-19 Burrowing

animals, insects, bacteria,
and fungi help add organic
matter to soil.
7.3 Formation of Soil 167

soils contain some organic matter in various

states of decay, the amount of such matter varies
widely among different types of soil. For example,
forest soils contain a much higher percentage of
organic matter than desert soils do.


Figure 7-20 This freshly

plowed field in southwestern Georgia has a residual
soil that is red.

During the process of its development, soil forms

in layers. The solid bedrock from which weathered pieces of rock first break off is known as the
parent rock. As these pieces of weathered bedrock
break off, they rest on top of the parent rock layer.
The pieces of rock continue to weather, and the
smaller pieces form a layer that rests on top of the
larger pieces. Thus, the smallest pieces of weathered rock, along with living and dead organisms,
remain in the very top layer. Rainwater seeps
through this top layer of materials, dissolves soluble minerals, and
carries them into the lower layers of the soil.
Soil located above its parent material is called residual soil.
Kentuckys bluegrass soil is an example of residual soil, as are the red
soils in Georgia, shown in Figure 7-20. In contrast, transported soil
has been moved to a location away from its parent bedrock. Agents
of erosion, such as running water, wind, and glaciers, may transport
soil from its place of origin to new locations. For example, glaciers
have transported sediments to form soil from other places to the
northern regions of the United States. Streams and rivers, especially
during times of flooding, also transport and deposit great amounts
of soil on floodplains along their banks at downstream locations.
Winds carry and deposit very fine material to new locations as well.
While the parent bedrock determines what kinds of minerals a
soil contains, the proportion of minerals in a soil and in the parent
bedrock may not be the same. Differences may occur as the result of
chemical weathering. The length of time it takes for soil to form also
depends on the type of parent rock, as well as the climatic conditions
of an area. In general, however, the process of soil formation occurs
over a very long period of time; it can take hundreds of years for only
a centimeter of soil to form.

Digging a deep hole in the ground will expose a soil profile, as when
heavy machinery digs out soil in the process of building roads or
highways. A soil profile is the vertical sequence of soil layers, as illustrated in Figure 7-21A. Some soils have more distinct layers than
168 CHAPTER 7 Weathering, Erosion, and Soil

Figure 7-21 A soil profile is the

vertical sequence of soil layers (A).
A gardener is growing plants in
rich, black soil (B).

others. For example, poorly developed soils show little distinction

between layers. A distinct layer, or zone, within a soil profile is called
a soil horizon. There are three major soil horizons: A, B, and C. High
concentrations of organic matter and humus are found in A horizons. Soils rich in humus are usually dark colored; they range from
gray to black. Figure 7-21B shows black soils. Horizons B and C, the
layers under horizon A, are less-developed soil. Horizon B contains
subsoils that are enriched with clay minerals. Many subsoils have a
zone of accumulation consisting of soluble minerals that have been
leached, or washed out, from the topsoil. Subsoils may be red or
brown in color as a result of the presence of iron oxides. Accumulations of clay in the B horizon can cause the formation of a hard
material, commonly called hardpan, which may be so dense that it
allows little or no water to pass through it. Horizon C, below horizon
B and directly above solid bedrock, contains weathered parent material. Horizons A, B, and C are distinct and well developed in mature
soils. However, all horizons may not be present in a given soil.
Topography The topography of a region affects the thickness of
developing soil. In sloped areas, where runoff readily occurs, the
coarser particles of soil remain on the slopes, while the smaller particles move downslope. As a result, soils on slopes tend to be thin,
coarse, and infertile, whereas soils formed in lower areas, such as in
valleys, are thick and fertile. Because south-facing slopes receive the
most direct sunlight, they have somewhat more vegetation and
therefore thicker soils than slopes facing in other directions.
7.3 Formation of Soil 169

The development of mature soil with distinct horizons takes a

very long time. Only over time can vegetation grow and mature in a
soil and increase the rate of soil development. Vegetation contributes
to the buildup of humus and supplies acids that further promote the
weathering process.

A soils appearance, rate of formation, and productivity are determined to a great extent by climate. Because soils form from different
parent bedrock material and undergo different climatic conditions,
soils vary greatly from one place to another. Other factors contribute
to the development of soil, including the types of plants and animals
living in the soil, the topography of the area, and the length of time
that the soil has been forming. However, because climatic conditions
are the main influence on soil development, soils are often classified
based on the climates in which they form. The four major types of soil,
are polar, temperate, desert, and tropical. Figure 7-22 shows a map of
major soil types.
Distribution of Major Soil Types on Earth

Polar soils
Temperate soils
Other soils

Desert soils
Tropical soils

Figure 7-22 The major soil types include polar soils, temperate soils, desert soils, and tropical soils. Some climate regions have a variety of different soil types. They are identified on
the map as other. What soil types are found in the United States?
170 CHAPTER 7 Weathering, Erosion, and Soil

Polar Soils Polar soils form at high latitudes and high elevations
in places such as Greenland, Canada, and Antarctica. These soils have
good drainage but no distinct horizons because they are very shallow, sometimes only a few centimeters deep. Permanently frozen
ground, called permafrost, is often present under thin polar soils.
Temperate Soils Temperate soils vary greatly and are able to support such diverse environments as forests, grasslands, and prairies.
While the temperate zone in general experiences annual rainfall
greater than 5060 cm, the specific amount of rainfall in an area
determines the type of vegetation that will grow in temperate soils.
Grasslands, which have an abundance of humus, are characterized by
rich, fertile, soils, whereas forest soils are characterized by less deep
and less fertile soils that contain aluminum-rich clays and iron
oxides, such as those commonly found in the eastern portion of the
United States. Soils in the drier, temperate prairies of the western
United States support the growth of grasses and bushes. These areas
experience annual rainfall of less than 5060 cm.
Desert Soils Deserts receive low levels of precipitationless
than 25 cm per year. As a result, desert soils often have a high level of
accumulated salts and can support only a limited amount of vegetation. Desert soils have little or no organic matter and a very thin
A horizon. However, deserts often have abundant nutrients. During
periods of precipitation deserts are able to support many plants
that are adapted to survival during long periods
of drought. Desert soils are also light-colored,
coarse, and may contain salts and gypsum.

Figure 7-23 In the rain

forests of Malaysia, the
tropical soils are intensely
weathered and contain very
few nutrients.

Tropical Soils Tropical areas experience high

temperatures and heavy rainfall. These conditions lead to the development of intensely weathered and often infertile soil, such as that shown
in Figure 7-23. The intense weathering combined with a high degree of bacterial activity
leave tropical soils with very little humus and
very few nutrients. These soils experience much
leaching of soluble materials, such as calcite and
silica, but they have high concentrations of iron
and aluminum. The characteristic red color of
tropical soils is the result of the oxidation of iron.
While these soils provide poor growth conditions, high-grade iron ore is mined from
Brazilian, Australian, and Jamaican tropical soils.

7.3 Formation of Soil 171


Table 7-2 Soil Textures

Soil Particles


Very coarse sand

21 mm

Coarse sand
Medium sand

10.5 mm
0.50.25 mm

Fine sand

0.250.10 mm

Very fine sand

0.100.05 mm


0.050.002 mm
< 0.002 mm

Particles of soil are classified according to size as being clay, silt,

or sand, with clay being the smallest and sand being the largest,
as shown in Table 7-2. The relative proportions of these particle
sizes determine a soils texture, as you will discover in the
Problem-Solving Lab on this page. The proportions of differentsized particles present in a soil sample can be determined by first
placing the sample along with water in a clear jar, shaking the jar,
and allowing the particles to settle. With ample water, sediments
will sort as they settle, and the percentage of settled clay, silt, and
sand can then be estimated. This information, along with a soil
textural triangle, shown in Figure 7-24, is used to determine a
soils texture. The texture of a soil affects its capacity to retain
moisture and therefore its ability to support plant growth.

Soil fertility is the measure of how well a soil can support the growth
of plants. Factors that affect soil fertility include the availability
of minerals and nutrients, the number of microorganisms present, the
amount of precipitation available, topography, and the level of acidity.
Conditions necessary for growth vary with plant species. Farmers use

Interpreting Data in a Table

Classify soils by texture Soils can be
classified with the use of a soil textural
triangle. Soil texture is determined by the
relative proportions of particle sizes that
make up the soil. The smallest particles
are clay, and the largest are sand.

1. Use the soil textural triangle shown in
Figure 7-24 to complete the data
table. Record the percentages of particle sizes in the soil samples and the
names of their textures.
2. Infer from the data table which soil
sample has the greatest percentage of
the smallest-sized particles.
3. Which soil sample has a sandy clay
loam texture?

172 CHAPTER 7 Weathering, Erosion, and Soil

Soil Classification
Percent Percent









sandy clay
silt loam

Thinking Critically
4. What can you conclude about the total
of the percentages of sand, silt, and
clay for each sample? Explain.
5. Name one characteristic of soil other
than water-holding capacity that is
determined by the soils particle sizes.







Clay (percent)




Sandy clay

Sandy loam
10 Loamy
0 Sand sand






Silt (percent)


Silty clay


Figure 7-24 A soil textural triangle is

used to determine a soils texture. To
determine the texture of a soil sample, find its percent for sand, silt and
clay. Follow the percent lines for all
three soils. The texture for the sample, will be where all three lines intersect. As an example, a soil sample of
40 percent silt, 40 percent sand, and
20 percent clay is the texture of loam.

Silt loam










Sand (percent)

natural and commercially produced fertilizers to replace minerals and

maintain soil fertility. Commercial fertilizers add nitrate, potassium,
and phosphorus to soil. The planting of legumes, such as peas, beans,
and clover, allows bacteria to grow on plant roots and replace nitrates
in the soil. Pulverized limestone is often added to soil to reduce acidity and enhance crop growth. The addition of compost, organic
mulch, and peat moss to soil also helps to maintain its fertility.
Soil Color A soils composition and the climate in which it develops are the main factors that determine a soils color. Topsoil is usually dark-colored because it is rich in humus. However, color alone is
unreliable as an indicator of soil fertility. Red and yellow soils may be
the result of oxidation of iron minerals. However, yellow soils are
usually poorly drained and are often associated with environmental
problems. Grayish or bluish soils are common in poorly drained
regions where soils are constantly wet and lack oxygen.

1. Explain the stages involved in the formation of soil.

2. Describe three characteristics of soil.
3. Explain the difference between temperate soils and tropical soils.
4. Thinking Critically How do the horizons
in a typical soil profile differ from one

5. Inferring Infer what type of soil exists in
your area and describe how you would
determine whether your inference is correct. For more help, refer to the Skill

7.3 Formation of Soil 173

Effects of Weathering

any factors affect the rate of weathering of Earth

materials. Two major factors that affect the rate at
which a rock weathers include the length of time it is exposed
to a weathering agent and the composition of the rock.

Investigate the relationship between
time and the rate of weathering of
halite chips.
plastic jar with lid
water (300 mL)
halite chips (100 g)

paper towels

In this Geolab, you will:
Determine the relationship between
the length of time that rocks are
exposed to running water and the
degree of weathering of the rocks.
Describe the appearance of weathered
Infer what other factors may influence
the rate of weathering.
Apply your results to a real-world
Safety Precautions
Wear splash-resistant safety goggles and
an apron while you do this activity. Do
not ingest the halite chips.

174 CHAPTER 7 Weathering, Erosion, and Soil

Average Shaking
Time in Minutes

Weight of Chips (g)

Answers will vary.


1. Soak 100 g of halite chips in water

6. Shake the jar for the assigned period

2. As a class, decide on a uniform
method of shaking the jars.
3. Pour off the water and place the
halite chips in the plastic jar.
4. Add 300 mL of water to the jar.
5. Secure the lid on the jar.

of time.
7. Remove the water from the jar.
8. Use paper towels to dry the halite
9. Use a balance to weigh the chips.
Record your measurement in a data
table similar to the one provided.

1. Why did you need to soak the chips

3. How did the shape of the rocks

before conducting the investigation?

2. How did the mass of the rocks
change with the length of time
they were shaken?

change as a result of being shaken in

a jar with water?
4. What factors could have affected a
teams results?

Conclude & Apply

1. What real-world process did you

model in this investigation?

2. How would acid precipitation affect
this process in the real world?

3. How would the results of your investi-

gation be affected if you used pieces

of quartz instead of halite?

GeoLab 175

Shifting Sands
On June 17, 1999, thousands of people gathered on an island off
North Carolina to witness an historic event. As the 4800 ton, 65-m
tall Cape Hatteras lighthouse began its half-mile journey away from
the sea to safety, people cheered. Engineers had scored a victory,
however temporary, against the battering of the Atlantic Ocean on
a beloved piece of American history.
Cape Hatteras lighthouse is the tallest brick
lighthouse in the world. When the lighthouse was
built in 1870, it was 500 m from the ocean.
The strong beacon helped sailors navigate a
coastline so dangerous that it was known as
The Graveyard of the Atlantic. By 1987, this
famous light was only 50 m from the sea, and in
danger of destruction.

Barrier Islands
The lighthouse is one of several found on
barrier islands off the coast of North Carolina.
These long, narrow islands of sand running parallel to the coast are relatively young, formed as
rising global temperatures caused glaciers to
begin melting 15 000 years ago. Sea level rise
caused massive coastal flooding, separating
dunes and beaches from the mainland and forming the barrier islands. These islands move constantly as wind, waves, and storms shift the
unstable sand on which they are built.
Barrier islands are important. The islands
absorb the first onslaught of waves and wind
coming ashore from the Atlantic, sheltering the
mainland from hurricanes and other storms.

Sea Level On the Rise

Earth has continued to warm and glaciers to
melt since the last ice age ended, making sea
level 100 m higher today than it was 15 000

176 CHAPTER 7 Weathering, Erosion, and Soil

years ago. The impact on barrier islands is

enormous. Erosion on east-facing shorelines
and sand accumulation on southwest-facing
shorelines has resulted in southwest migration
of North Carolinas barrier islands. Hatteras
Island is moving, but it is not taking Cape
Hatteras lighthouse with it.
Protecting structures built in coastal areas
comes at great financial cost. The projected cost
in the United States alone is at least $270 billion per 1 m rise in sea level. Various methods
are used to protect property, including constructing bulkheads and levees, and pumping sand
onto beaches to replace that lost to erosion.
Moving Cape Hatteras lighthouse was a controversial method of saving the structure. The
expenditure of nearly 12 million dollars on this
project was questioned by many as a temporary
fix for the permanent problem of barrier island
erosion and migration.

A recent study projects a cost to U.S. taxpayers of between 270 and 450 billion
dollars to protect coastal structures from
destruction by a 1 meter sea level rise. Is
this a wise expenditure of money? Debate
this issue with other students in your class.

Replace with chap. specific art from

master art folder!!


Erosion and

Formation of Soil

Main Ideas
The process of weathering breaks down Earth materials.
Chemical weathering results in a change in the composition of a
rock, whereas mechanical weathering results only in a change in
a rocks size and shape.
Temperature and pressure are major factors in the process of
mechanical weathering. Changes in temperature can cause rocks
to split.
In chemical weathering, chemical reactions between rocks and
water result in the formation of new minerals and the release of
dissolved substances. The new minerals have different properties
from those of the original rocks.

chemical weathering
(p. 155)
erosion (p. 153)
exfoliation (p. 155)
frost wedging
(p. 154)
hydrolysis (p. 156)
mechanical weathering (p. 154)
oxidation (p. 156)
weathering (p. 153)

Main Ideas
Erosion is the process that moves weathered pieces of rock to
new locations.
Agents of erosion include moving water in streams and oceans,
glaciers, wind, and gravity. Gravity is the driving force behind
most agents of erosion.

deposition (p. 162)
gully erosion
(p. 163)
rill erosion (p. 163)

Main Ideas
Soil consists of weathered rock and humus, which is decayed
organic matter in soil.
Soil is residual or transported. Residual soil remains on top of
its parent bedrock. Transported soil is moved to a location away
from its parent bedrock by water, wind, or a glacier.
A soil profile has horizons A, B, and C. Topsoil is located in
horizon A, subsoil is in horizon B, and horizon C contains weathered rock from the bedrock.
Characteristics of soil include texture, fertility, and color. Parent
rock and environmental conditions determine a soils composition.

residual soil (p. 168)
soil (p .167)
soil horizon (p. 169)
soil profile (p. 168)
transported soil
(p. 168)

Study Guide 177

Understanding Main Ideas

1. What erosional agent accounts for most of the
erosion on Earths surface?
a. water
c. glaciers
b. wind
d. living things
2. What is the underlying force of all agents of
a. magnetism
c. friction
b. gravity
d. light
3. The variables that most affect the weathering
process are rock composition and what?
a. topography
c. living things
b. surface area
d. climate
4. Humus is found in which horizon?
a. A
c. C
b. B
d. D
5. What is the chemical reaction of oxygen with
other substances called?
a. precipitation
c. oxidation
b. hydrolysis
d. humidity
6. What type of soil has the most humus?
a. polar
c. tropical
b. temperate
d. desert
7. On which side of a mountain slope is the greatest
amount of vegetation likely to grow?
a. north
c. east
b. south
d. west
8. In which area is the topsoil most likely to be
a. on level land
c. on a mountain slope
b. on a hillside
d. in a river bed
9. Deep, rich soils are found in which regions?
a. temperate
c. polar
b. desert
d. tropical

178 CHAPTER 7 Weathering, Erosion, and Soil

10. What is the name of the soil type that is from

a location that experiences high temperatures
and high precipitation?
a. tropical
c. desert
b. polar
d. temperate

Applying Main Ideas

11. How does the size of an exposed rock affect its
rate of weathering?
12. Describe how human activities can affect the rate
of weathering.
13. What erosional process might convince a person
not to purchase a home built on an ocean shore?
14. What do oxidation and hydrolysis have in common in relation to the weathering process?
15. What role does acid precipitation play in the
weathering process?
16. How does the use of a wind barrier reduce
erosion on a farm?
17. How do glaciers both remove and build up
Earths surface?
18. What unique feature does water exhibit in
response to temperature changes?

Test-Taking Tip
PLAN Plan your workload so that you do a little each day rather than a lot all at once. The key
to retaining information is to repeatedly review
and practice it. Studying an hour a night for five
days a week will help you remember more than
cramming in a five-hour session on Saturday.


Standardized Test Practice

Thinking Critically
19. Name one reason why precipitation today is more
acidic than precipitation in the 1800s.
20. If no water existed on Earth, how would erosional
processes be affected?
21. Compare the rate of soil formation to the average
human lifespan.
22. Describe how carbonic acid is formed.
23. In the blank circle below, divide and label the
areas for each of the following components of
a soil sample.
60% mineral matter
2% organic matter
30% air
8% water
24. Make a bar graph of the data in question 23.
25. Use the following terms to construct a concept
map to organize the major ideas in Section 7.2,
Erosion and Deposition. For more help, refer to
the Skill Handbook.
running water


1. Which is NOT an agent of chemical

a. water
c. carbon dioxide
b. oxygen
d. wind

INTERPRETING DATA Use the diagrams

below to answer questions 24.

2. Which picture shows the erosional agent

that was responsible for leaving behind
U-shaped valleys, hanging valleys, lakes,
and deposits of sediment in New England
and New York State?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D



gully erosion


rill erosion


sand dunes

3. Which picture shows the erosional agent

responsible for dunes formed along the
Gulf and Atlantic coasts of the U.S.?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
4. What common factor is responsible for three
of the four erosional processes pictured?
a. wind
c. human intervention
b. heat
d. gravity
5. Which farming method is used to reduce
wind erosion?
a. planting different crops
b. planting wind barriers
c. building earth mounds
d. building stone walls

Assessment 179

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