Supernanny Techniques
Supernanny Techniques
Supernanny Techniques
Praise and Rewards: Praise, attention and love are the best rewards. Sweets, treats and
toys are not necessary as rewards. But do treat your child to a special present and card
when a new brother or sister comes along. It will really help him feel involved.
Consistency: Once you have made a rule, dont change it for the sake of a quiet life or
because youre embarrassed. Make sure that everyone-which includes caregivers and
your partner-keeps to the same rules as well. A rule is a rule is a rule.
Routine: Keep your home in basic order and maintain a routine. Set times for waking,
meals, bath and bed are the cornerstones of family life. Once a routine is in place, you
can be flexible. Arrange your routine so that every child has one-on-one attention from
each parent every day. Make these special times. Work out a rotation so that parents
also share chores.
Boundaries: Children need to know there are limits to their behavior, which means what
is acceptable and what is not. You need to set rules and tell them what to expect. Children
must learn to respect the fact that you need quality time for yourself and as a couple.
Clear rules about behavior help to prevent excessive sibling rivalry.
Discipline: Defend boundaries with discipline. This means firm and fair control.
Discipline does not mean punishment. Back up your rules with discipline if necessary.
Warnings: There are two kinds of warnings. One tells a child whats coming next; youre
the speaking clock telling her that bath time is coming. The other is a warning for bad
behavior. That gives him the chance to correct his behavior without any further discipline.
Explanations: A small child cant understand how you want him to behave unless you tell
him. Show and tell to get the message across. Dont reason or make it too complicatedjust state the obvious. When you are disciplining a child, explain why in a way that is
appropriate for his age. Ask him if he understands the reason why he has been disciplined
so the message hits home.
Restraint: Keep your cool. You are the parent and you are in charge. Dont answer a
tantrum by a display of anger or respond to shouting by shouting back. Let children sort
some things out for themselves, providing they are at no risk of hurting themselves or
each other.
Responsibility: Allow children to do small, achievable things to boost their selfconfidence and learn the necessary life and social skills. But, make sure your expectations
are reasonable.
10. Relaxation: Quality time is important for everyone, including yourself. Let your child
unwind at bedtime with a story and cuddles. Make sure you, your partner and your other
kids have quality time for individual attention.
The Warning: Go to your child, come down to his level and look him straight in the eye.
Use the voice of authority (low, firm tone and confident body language) to give him a
verbal warning. Say, that behavior is unacceptable. We dont push people or throw
things at them. Its wrong. Please dont do it again. The warning is a key stage in the
technique. It gives your child the chance to correct his own behavior. If you leave out the
warning, youve given him nowhere to go.
The Ultimatum: Five minutes later, your child does the same thing again. This time, using
the same low, firm tone and confident body language, you issue an ultimatum. Say, I told
you not to push your sister or throw things at her. That was very naughty. We dont push
people. The next time you do it, youre going to the Naughty Step.
The Naughty Step: As soon as the bad behavior is repeated, take your child straight to the
step. Sit him down and tell him to stay there. How long you should make him stay there
will depend on his age. A couple of minutes is long enough for a two-and-a-half-year-old.
Five minutes is about right for four-year-olds and over.
The Explanation: Like the Warning, this is another key stage. Before you leave your
child, explain why hes been put on the step. Say, We dont push people or throw things
at them. Its unacceptable behavior. People will get hurt. Youre going to sit here for five
minutes and think about what youve done. When five minutes is over, I will come and
get you and I want you to apologize, please. Now stay there.
The Apology: If he bounces off the step a few seconds later, march him back there and
repeat the Explanation. Dont leave him for any longer than five minutes. At the end of
that time, tell him you want him to apologize. But if he reappears before the five minutes
is up and is genuinely sorry, let him stay. He must say what hes apologizing for. Sorry
is a step in the right direction, but Sorry for pushing my sister is much better. People
often ask me how you can tell whether an apology is genuine or not. I always say its not
the word, its the manner in which it is delivered. I think its fair to say that if a child has
shouted SORRY! at the top of his lungs, its not genuine.
Praise: When hes apologized, praise him for it. This is important. You need to show your
child that you have forgiven him for his bad behavior. Thank you. Thats more like it.
Go back to your normal voice. Hell hear the difference in the higher tone.
Its over: As soon as the child has apologized and youve praised him, treat the incident
as closed. Invite him to play or to join in with whatever he was doing before. Hes had the
discipline, its over, and now he must know he has a chance to make a fresh start.
Involvement Technique
Getting your child involved with what you are doing. This allows you to keep paying
attention to your child by talking about whatever youre doing at the time. It is also
important to praise your child and thank them for their efforts. Small children love to
help. Helping makes them feel responsible and gives them confidence.
again. For older children, a Video Diary might be useful in opening these lines of
Dont give a warning. Remove your child from the room and tell her in an authoritative
voice that her behavior is unacceptable and that she can only come back into the room
once she has apologized.
If she comes back into the room without apologizing, dont enter into a discussion;
remove her from the room again and repeat that she can come back once shes ready to
Once your child has apologized, praise her, give her a hug and let her join in the activity
Before you both return to the room, its worth trying to find out why the bad behavior occurred,
or whether theres something particularly worrying her. This might be difficult to answer,
especially after youve just given her a telling off, so make a mental note that either you or your
partner should try to talk through the incident with her at a later date.