Parenting Practice Scale
Parenting Practice Scale
Parenting Practice Scale
Name of Rater:
Indicate all that apply.
Child Abuse Ratings: Do not indicate child abuse is present unless allegations have been
confirmed. In cases of abuse allegations that have neither been confirmed nor disconfirmed,
or that are unfounded, use Allegation subheading rating not Category rating.
Level 1: Child Abuse
o 1. Sexual Abuse
As defined by legal statute.
o Allegation: Neither confirmed nor disconfirmed
o Allegation: Unfounded
o 2. Physical Abuse
Hitting the child with a closed fist; striking the child with an open hand or a closed fist around the
head or shoulders; striking the child with sufficient force to leave bruises; striking the child with
any instrument (weapon) such as kitchen utensils, paddles, straps, belts, or cords.
o Allegation: Neither confirmed nor disconfirmed
o Allegation: Unfounded
o 3. Emotional Abuse
Frequent verbal degradation of the child as a person in a hostile and demeaning tone; frequent
humiliation of the child.
o Allegation: Neither confirmed nor disconfirmed
o Allegation: Unfounded
o 4. Psychological Abuse
Pathogenic parenting that creates significant psychological or developmental pathology in the child
in order to meet the emotional and psychological needs of the parent, including a role-reversal use
of the child as a regulatory object for the parent’s emotional and psychological needs.
o Allegation: Neither confirmed nor disconfirmed
o Allegation: Unfounded
o 5. Neglect
Failure to provide for the child’s basic needs for food, shelter, safety, and general care.
o Allegation: Neither confirmed nor disconfirmed
o Allegation: Unfounded
o 6. Domestic Violence Exposure
Repeated traumatic exposure of the child to one parent’s violent physical assaults toward the
other parent or to the repeated emotional degradation (emotional abuse) of the other parent.
o Allegation: Neither confirmed nor disconfirmed
Allegation: Unfounded
Ver 2/14/17
Level 2: Severely Problematic Parenting
o 7. Overly Strict Discipline
Parental discipline practices that are excessively harsh and over-controlling, such as inflicting severe
physical discomfort on the child through the use of stress postures, using shaming techniques, or confining
the child in an enclosed area for excessively long periods (room time-outs are not overly strict discipline).
o 8. Overly Hostile Parenting
Frequent displays (more days than not) of excessive parental anger (a 6 or above on a 10-point subjective
o 9. Overly Disengaged Parenting
Repeated failure to provide parental supervision and/or age-appropriate limits on the child’s behavior and
activities; parental major depression or substance abuse problems.
o 10. Overly Involved-Intrusive Parenting
Enmeshed, over-intrusive, and/or over-anxious parenting that violates the psychological self-integrity of the
child; role-reversal use of the child as a regulatory object for the parent’s anxiety or narcissistic needs.
o 11. Family Context of High Inter-Spousal Conflict
Repeated exposure of the child to high inter-spousal conflict that includes excessive displays of inter-
spousal anger.
Level 3: Problematic Parenting
o 12. Harsh Discipline
Excessive use of strict discipline practices in the context of limited displays of parental affection; limited use
of parental praise, encouragement, and expressions of appreciation.
o 13. High-Anger Parenting
Chronic parental irritability and anger and minimal expressions of parental affection.
o 14. Uninvolved Parenting
Disinterested lack of involvement with the child; emotionally disengaged parenting; parental depression.
o 15. Anxious or Over-Involved Parenting
Intrusive parenting that does not respect interpersonal boundaries.
o 16. Overwhelmed Parenting
The parent is overwhelmed by the degree of child emotional-behavioral problems and cannot develop an
effective response to the child’s emotional-behavioral issues.
o 17. Family Context of Elevated Inter-Spousal Conflict
Chronic child exposure to moderate-level inter-spousal conflict and anger or intermittent explosive
episodes of highly angry inter-spousal conflict (intermittent spousal conflicts involving moderate anger that
are successfully resolved are normal-range and are not elevated inter-spousal conflict).
Level 4: Positive Parenting
Capacity for Authentic Empathy Rating:
1 2 3 4 5
Rigidly self-absorbed Tends to be rigidly Self-reflective; able to Tends to be over- Enmeshed loss of
perspective; unable self-absorbed; de-center from involved; diffusion of psychological
to de-center; absence difficulty in de- personal perspective psychological boundaries; projective
of empathy centering and taking to take the boundaries between identification of self-
the perspective of perspectives of others self-experience and experience onto the
others child’s experience child
Developmentally Healthy
Spectrum Range Empathy Spectrum
Parental Issues of Clinical Concern (CC)
o CC 1: Parental schizophrenia spectrum issues
Stabilized on medication? o Yes o No o Variable
o CC 2: Parental bipolar spectrum issues
Stabilized on medication? o Yes o No o Variable
o CC 3: Parental major depression spectrum issues (including suicidality)
Stabilized by treatment? o Yes o No o Variable
o CC 4: Parental substance abuse issues
Treated and in remission (1 yr)? o Yes o No o Variable
o CC 5: Parental narcissistic or borderline personality disorder traits
In treatment? o Yes o No o Variable
o CC 6: Parental history of trauma
Treated or in treatment? o Yes o No o Variable