An Introduction To British Civilization: The Prehistoric Period

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An Introduction to British Civilization 2007

Slide 1


British Civilization, 2007


Brief Review on
Hist ory

The Celts
The Romans


The Anglo-Saxons

The Vikings
The Norman
The Tudor England King Henry VIII
The Civil War


The Industrial Revolution

The Nineteenth Century

The Kingdom of Today


Slide 2


British Civilization, 2007


The Prehist oric

The Celts


Hadrians Wall



Slide 3

British Civilization, 2007

The Celt s


The Prehistoric


Brief Review on British History

Trn Thanh Hng

Version 3.01

An Introduction to British Civilization 2007

Slide 4

The Celtic Round House


An early form of agriculture!

Slide 5

British Civilization, 2007

St onehenge

The Prehistoric


Slide 6


Brief Review on British History

Trn Thanh Hng

Version 3.01

An Introduction to British Civilization 2007

Slide 7

Outer stone circle


Inner stone circle

Aubrey Holes

The center


Slide 8


British Civilization, 2007


The Roman


Julius Caesar
Networks of Roads
Sites of Large Urban Centers


Seeds of Christianity

Slide 9



Brief Review on British History

Trn Thanh Hng

Version 3.01

An Introduction to British Civilization 2007

Slide 10


Slide 11


British Civilization, 2007


The Germanic
I nvasions
The Anglo Saxons
Self-sufficient Villages


King Arthur

Slide 12

British Civilization, 2007

The A nglo-Sax ons

The Germanic


Brief Review on British History

Trn Thanh Hng

Version 3.01

An Introduction to British Civilization 2007

Slide 13


Slide 14


Slide 15


British Civilization, 2007


King A rt hur


The Germanic

Trn Thanh Hng, 2007


Brief Review on British History

Trn Thanh Hng

Version 3.01

An Introduction to British Civilization 2007

Slide 16


British Civilization, 2007


The Vik ings


The Germanic


Slide 17


British Civilization, 2007


The M edieval


The Normans
Barons & Lords
The Cultural Split


Magna Carta

Slide 18


Brief Review on British History

Trn Thanh Hng

Version 3.01

An Introduction to British Civilization 2007

Slide 19


Slide 20


British Civilization, 2007


M agna Cart a


The Medieval


Slide 21


British Civilization, 2007


The Six t eent h

Cent ury


Tudor England
Henry VIII
Queen Elizabeth I




Brief Review on British History

Trn Thanh Hng

Version 3.01

An Introduction to British Civilization 2007

Slide 22

British Civilization, 2007

Tudor England

The Sixteenth


Slide 23

British Civilization, 2007

Q ueen Elizabet h I

The Sixteenth


Slide 24

British Civilization, 2007


The Sixteenth


Brief Review on British History

Trn Thanh Hng

Version 3.01

An Introduction to British Civilization 2007

Slide 25



Slide 26


British Civilization, 2007


The Sevent eent h

Cent ury

The Civil War

Oliver Cromwell


Slide 27


British Civilization, 2007

A member of Englands
Parliament and a
dedicated Puritan, Oliver
Cromwell led his forces to
victory against King
Charless army. Even
though he had no military
experience, Cromwell
turned out to be a brilliant
cavalry leader. The defeat
and subsequent execution
of the king left Cromwell
as virtual dictator over


Brief Review on British History

Trn Thanh Hng

Version 3.01

An Introduction to British Civilization 2007

Slide 28


British Civilization, 2007


The Eight eent h

Cent ury
The Kingdom
Expanded Its Borders
The Industrial


Slide 29


British Civilization, 2007

Scottish inventor
James Watt (17361819) made vast
improvements to the
steam engine, making
it practical for largescale industrial use.


Slide 30


Brief Review on British History

Trn Thanh Hng

Version 3.01

An Introduction to British Civilization 2007

Slide 31


British Civilization, 2007


The N inet eent h

Cent ury




Slide 32


Slide 33


British Civilization, 2007

The Twent iet h
Cent ury t o
These Days

Trn Thanh Hng,2007


Brief Review on British History

Trn Thanh Hng

Version 3.01

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