Procedure To Oppose Erection of Mobile Towers
Procedure To Oppose Erection of Mobile Towers
Procedure To Oppose Erection of Mobile Towers
Milind Bembalkar,
Parijat, Guru Krupa Colony,
Ambejogai Road, Latur 413531
Date: 22.1.2010
The Supreme Court of India confirmed the decision of Mumbi High Court and disposed off the Special
Leave Petition (SLP)(Civil) No. 27480 of 2008, Vodafone Essar Ltd. V/s State of Maharashtra dated
4. It is binding on the mobile companies to strictly follow the rules & regulations of local bodies and
state government (Reference : Letter No. K-19012/1/RT/2009-CFA dated 18.5.2009 of Ministry of
Transporattion, Sanchar Bhavan, New Delhi).
5. A committee under the chairmanship of Dr. N. K. Ganguly (Director General, Indian Council of
Medical Research, New Delhi) to study :
(a) How to avoid health hazards being caused due to radiations from mobile towers,
(b) What measures should be taken to study and conduct research in the matter,
Was appointed by the Government of India, Ministry of Health & Welfare, New Delhi as per the orders
of the Supreme Court of India in Writ Petition No. 2112 of 2004, Shri Farukh Contractor V/s Government
of India).
The I.C.M.R., New Delhi submitted its report to the Health Ministry, government of India on 29th March
2006. It is laid down in the said report that
a. That, if the height of the mobile tower is 36 meters (120 feet or equal to 12 storied building
approximately), then the people moving/commuting below the tower will not suffer from radiations
but those coming in close vicinity of the tower may suffer.
b. It is further submitted in the report that complaints about insufficient sleep and proper rest,
memory or hearing disorders etc. have been received from the people residing and/or working in the
vicinity of mobile towers and that there is a need to conduct research in the matter, for which,
sufficient funds should be made available.
For want of adequate research in the matter Dr. Ganguly has advised to take precautionary measures.
In short, if there is a possibility of causing irreversible loss by some act or decision, then in the absence
of any scientific evidence, the liability to give evidence shall lie upon the person doing the act or
taking the decision and that the responsibility of taking preventive measures shall also lie on such
person and that the person causing pollution (Radiation, e-smog, Radio Frequency Radiation) will be
liable to pay the compensation (Reference : Vellor Citizen Forum V/s Government of India, 1996(5)
S.S.C.P.P. 246, para 65 and Andhra Pradesh Pollution Board V/s Professor M. V. Naidu 1999(2) S.S.C.
On the basis of precautionary principle, the court in France ordered and caused to remove the mobile
tower erected on a building by the Boigus mobile company on 6th March 2009, because the concerned
mobile company failed to furnish evidence tp prove that the mobile tower is free from all hazards and
It is observed that the courts through out the world have adopted the principle of Precautionary
Measures in the cases of mobile towers. The Courts & Scientists are always in search of truth but the
only difference between them is that the findings of the scientists may change, the finding may be
uncertain due to inadequate information and therefore, proper analysis of the subject matter is not
possible. On the other hand the courts are required to issue orders and settle the disputes by taking
into consideration the overall welfare of the public in general.
6. The people residing in the vicinity of mobile towers should always incorporate the indemnity term
regarding health and accident, fire due to short circuit, tower collapse etc. and damages, in the
agreement with mobile companies erecting the mobile towers.
The people are advised to think seriously and take appropriate decision keeping in mind their own
Milind Bembalkar
094226-56058 /
The Delhi High Court has taken a step towards reducing the number of mobile
phone towers in residential buildings. A public interest litigation has been issued to
the Delhi government to bar the installation of mobile phone towers on residential
buildings. This move has been made in the light of apprehensions that radiations
from these towers could be carcinogenic. A division bench of Acting Chief Justice
A.K. Sikri and Justice Rajiv Sahai Endlaw also issued notice to the health ministry
and the department of telecommunications. They also sought their response by Aug
9, the next date of hearing. The petition by A.S. Jain said that mobile phone towers