Concept of Halal & Haram
Concept of Halal & Haram
Concept of Halal & Haram
Islam has introduced concept of Halal (lawful) and Haram (unlawful) in its economic
system. In fact the foundations of the Islamic economy have been laid on this
concept. This concept reigns supreme in the realm of production as well as
consumption. Certain means of earning livelihood and wealth have been declared
unlawful such as interest, bribery, gambling and games of chance, speculation, short
weighing and short measuring, business malpractices, etc. Unlawful means of
earning are strictly forbidden and a follower of Islam is permitted to earn through
lawful and fair means. Similarly in the field of consumption certain items of food are
unlawful such as dead animals, blood, swine flesh and animals slaughtered in the
name other than that of Allah. Even expenses on certain items such as drinks,
narcotics, debauchery, prostitution, pornography, things that promote obscenity and
vulgarity, lotteries and gambling are strictly inadmissible.
Now let us glance through relevant verses of the Quran and Ahadith of Muhammad
(PBUH), the Prophet of Islam, to highlight in brief the concept of halal and haram.
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Reference: Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani
AIMS-UK Islamic Banking & Finance | Online Certifications | Training & Consultancy
Reference: Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani