Submitted To: Submitted By: Muhammad Aashan Waseem Cms ID: 333713 Assignment No: 03 Date: 17/07/2021
Submitted To: Submitted By: Muhammad Aashan Waseem Cms ID: 333713 Assignment No: 03 Date: 17/07/2021
Submitted To: Submitted By: Muhammad Aashan Waseem Cms ID: 333713 Assignment No: 03 Date: 17/07/2021
Te c h n o l o g y ( N U S T ) B a l o c h i s t a n C a m p u s
Cms ID : 333713
Assignment No : 03
Date : 17/07/2021
National University of Sciences&
Te c h n o l o g y ( N U S T ) B a l o c h i s t a n C a m p u s
Definition of Kasb-e-Halal:-
It is defined as all provisions and earnings that are Riba free, legal and lawful under the legitimation and having
religious acceptance. It is also refers to the earnings which are according to the economic principles of Islam.
O mankind, eat from whatever is on earth [that is] lawful and good and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed,
he is to you a clear enemy. (Al-baqarah-ayat-168).
O ye who believe! Devour not usury, doubled and multiplied; but fear Allah; that ye may (really) prosper. Aal-`Imraan
Allah has provided all the resources for the well-being of man. It is man’s duty to fulfill his material needs
through his own efforts. Quran says “Seek with the wealth which Allah has bestowed on thee, the home of the
hereafter, nor forget thy portion in this world; but do thou good”(28:77) In Islam, there is no concept of the
accumulation of wealth at one place or in the hands of the few. Quran encourages instead the circulation of
wealth in all directions.
In Holy Quran Allah says:
Eat of the good things and do good deeds- 2:168.
Allah ordered for eating good things before doing good deeds.
The object of this order is eating of lawful things. Don’t eat properties of one another unjustly-2:188.
believers, fear Allah and give up what remains of interest (usury) if you are believes-2.278.
“If you do not do it, then be prepared to fight with Allah and His Prophet”2:289.
National University of Sciences&
Te c h n o l o g y ( N U S T ) B a l o c h i s t a n C a m p u s
Then He says : If you repent, then for you is the capital. Then He said: Those who turn away from that are the
inmates of Hell. They will abide therein. At first, eating of interest (usury) , then call for fight with Allah and
His Apostle and last of all residing in Hell have been mentioned. There are innumerable verses regarding lawful
and unlawful things.
Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said :
It is compulsory on every Muslim to seek lawful earnings.
Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said :
He who makes efforts to maintain his family out of lawful earnings is like a fighter in the way of Allah and he
who seeks lawful earnings after restraining himself will get the rank of a martyr If a man eats lawful food for
forty days, Allah illumines his heart and lets flow wisdom from his heart through his tongue.
Allah grants him renunciation in the world. Once Sayyidna Sa’ad said to Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam)
Pray to Allah that He may accept my invocation. Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said : Eat lawful food
and for that your invocation will be accepted.
Rasulullah (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) mentioned about the worldly addicted men and said :
There are many men who have got dishevelled hairs, dust laden dresses, are tired in journey, whose food is
unlawful, whose dress in unlawful, and who have been maintained by unlawful food. If they raise their hands
and say: ‘O Lord ‘ O Lord how can their invocation be accepted ?
:An angel residing in Baitul Muqaddas proclaims every night
: Saraf and Adal will not be accepted from a person who eats unlawful food. Saraf means optional and sunnat
actions and Adal means compulsory duties. In other words, compulsory duties and optional duties will not be
accepted from him.
: If a man purchases a cloth with ten dirhams and if one dirham out of them is unlawful, his prayer will not be
accepted till a portion of that cloth remains in his body. The fire of Hell is fit for the flesh which has been grown
by unlawful food.
National University of Sciences&
Te c h n o l o g y ( N U S T ) B a l o c h i s t a n C a m p u s
If a man does not care where from he earns his wealth, Allah will not care by which path he will enter Hell. He
said : There are ten shares of worship, nine of which are in lawful earnings.
He who passes times upto evening in search of lawful earnings passes the night in a state of his sins being
forgiven and rises at dawn when Allah remains pleased with him.
If a man earns by sinful acts and gives it in charity or action of an kindness or spends it in the way of Allah.
Allah will throw him into Hell after collecting everything. :The best of your religion is to keep away from
unlawful things. He said : If a man meets Allah after refraining from unlawful things. Allah will give him
reward of the entire Islam. In an earlier scripture, Allah said with regard to those who refrained from unlawful
food : I feel ashamed to take their accounts.
One dirham of interest (usury) is more serious to Allah than thirty fornication.
: Stomach is the fountain of body and the veins come out of it. When the stomach is sound, the veins come out
with health, and when it is unsound, they come out with disease. Food in religion is like the foundation of a
building. When the foundation is strong and firm, the building stands straight and it can be raised up, and if the
foundation is weak and curved, the building inclines to a side.
Allah says: Is not he who establishes Fear of Allah and Allah’s pleasure in the foundation of his religion better
than he who lays foundation by the side of Hell fire ?
Economic life in Islam is based upon the Divine laws of Quran. As it encourages lawful earning, it condemns
unlawful means. It states:
“Eat of the lawful things that Allah has given to you."(Al Maida 5 :88)
“And do not look at what Allah has given to others.” (Al Hijr 15:38)
National University of Sciences&
Te c h n o l o g y ( N U S T ) B a l o c h i s t a n C a m p u s
Following Verse prevents man from rivalry amongst another and avoids the love of the world, wealth and its
pleasures. It is futile for man to involve himself in these perishable activities, which would lead him towards
greed and ultimately compel him to earn money through unlawful and corrupt means. Quran says “And
swallow not up the property of others by false means." (Al Baqarah 2:188)
“Approach not the property of an orphan except in the best manner, until the orphan attains maturity.” (Al
Anam 6:153)
Quran forbids bribery, gambling and usury as “Nor use it as a bait for the judges with intent that you may eat
up wrongfully and knowingly a little of other people’s property.” (2:188). The Prophet said “Taking bribes is
like eating the flesh of swine.” He once again said “The curse of Allah is on the giver and taker of bribes.”
Islam forbids usury or charging interest in return for lending money to the needy. Man rightfully owns what he
earns. Exploitation of others is immoral and inhuman. Such people who earn their living through usury or any
other unlawful means will be the fuel of Hellfire. Quran says
And if you do not do it, then take a notice of war from Allâh and His Messenger but if you repent, you shall
have your capital sums. Deal not unjustly (by asking more than your capital sums), and you shall not be dealt
with unjustly (by receiving less than your capital sums).” (Al – Baqarah 279) “O you who believe! Be afraid of
Allâh and give up what remains (due to you) from Ribâ (usury) (from now onward), if you are (really)
believers.”(Baqarah 278)
National University of Sciences&
Te c h n o l o g y ( N U S T ) B a l o c h i s t a n C a m p u s
When the mobility of wealth is stopped at one place, the balance of the economy is disturbed. As a result, the
society divides into two classes – the rich becoming richer and richest, and the poor turning poorer and poorest,
which results in the outbreak of crime and frustration in the society. Therefore Islam stresses that the capitalists
give from their wealth in charity to the poor. The satisfaction of the entire world revolves round the acquisitions
and utilization of wealth, but Quranic ideology for governing finances is totally different. The Quranic concept
is based upon sovereignty of God over all. He is the source of income for human beings. Whatever man
possesses is provided to him by the Almighty. God is the sustainer of man, animals and other beings. It is His
desire to whom He gives more and to whom He gives less. Quran says
“He also increases or decreases the bounty given to anybody according to His own Will." (Ankaboot 29:62.)
National University of Sciences&
Te c h n o l o g y ( N U S T ) B a l o c h i s t a n C a m p u s
In nutshell I can say that man should not go beyond the limits to earn as to reach the height of greed because
sustenance or poverty belong to Allah