Siw Antenna

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1, FEBRUARY 2009


Millimeter Wave Substrate Integrated Waveguide

Antennas: Design and Fabrication Analysis
M. Henry, Member, IEEE, C. E. Free, Member, IEEE, B. S. Izqueirdo, J. Batchelor, Member, IEEE, and
P. Young, Member, IEEE

AbstractThe paper presents a new concept in antenna design,

whereby a photo-imageable thick-film process is used to integrate
a waveguide antenna within a multilayer structure. This has
yielded a very compact, high performance antenna working at
high millimeter-wave (mm-wave) frequencies, with a high degree
of repeatability and reliability in antenna construction. Theoretical and experimental results for 70 GHz mm-wave integrated
antennas, fabricated using the new technique, are presented. The
antennas were formed from miniature slotted waveguide arrays
using up to 18 layers of photo-imageable material. To enhance the
electrical performance a novel folded waveguide array was also
investigated. The fabrication process is analyzed in detail and the
critical issues involved in the fabrication cycle are discussed. The
losses in the substrate integrated waveguide have been calculated.
The performance of the new integrated antenna is compared to
conventional metallic, air-filled waveguide antennas, and also to
conventional microstrip antenna arrays operating at the same
Index TermsMillimeter wave antenna arrays, substrate integrated waveguides (SIW), photo-imageable fabrication, slotted
waveguide antenna arrays.


UBSTRATE integrated circuits (SICs) are a new concept

for high-frequency electronics, which yields high performance from very compact planar circuits [1]. The basic idea
behind the technique is that of integrating nonplanar 3-D structures within a multilayer circuit. However, existing integration
techniques using precision machining cannot economically
achieve the required precision for millimeter-wave (mm-wave)
components, particularly for mass production. In the last few
years a number of papers based on substrate integrated circuits
and waveguides (SICs, SIWs) on planar microstrip substrates
have appeared in the literature, but only for frequencies up
Manuscript received September 08, 2007; revised August 04, 2008. Current
version published February 13, 2009. This work was supported in part by the
EPSRC Grants for University of Surrey under Grant GR/S62369/01 and in part
by the University of Kent under Grant GR/S62352/01. This work was recommended for publication by Associate Editor S. Dvorak upon evaluation of the
reviewers comments.
M. Henry was with Advanced Technology Institute, University of Surrey,
GU2 7XH Guildford, U.K. She is now with Rutherford Appleton Laboratory,
Space Science and Technology Department, OX11 0QX Oxfordsire, U.K.
C. E. Free is with the Advanced Technology Institute, University of Surrey,
GU2 7XH Guildford, Surrey, U.K. (e-mail:
B. S. Izquierdo, J. C. Batchelor, and P. Young are with the Department of
Electronics, University of Kent, CT2 7NT Kent, U.K.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available at
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TADVP.2008.2011284

to X-band. Most of the integrated waveguides that have been

reported used VIA fenced sidewalls, realized using relatively
elementary fabrication techniques. With these techniques the
diameter and spacing of the individual VIAs will affect the loss
and bandwidth of the waveguide [2], [3]. Such integrated structures cannot be regarded as homogeneous waveguide, but will
be similar in performance to an artificial periodic waveguide.
However, there have been a number of successful attempts to
form substrate integrated waveguides using micro-machining
techniques. McGrath et al. [4] formed an air-filled waveguide
channel in silicon, and reported measured losses of around
0.02 dB/mm at 100 GHz. In [5], Digby et al., used a different micro-machining process to form a substrate integrated
100 GHz air-filled waveguide. Their measured data, around
0.05 dB/mm at 100 GHz was slightly higher than that of
McGrath, but it was suggested by the authors that the high
attenuation might have been due to some of the waveguide
walls being only one skin depth thick. A further variation of
the air-filled SIW structure was reported by Collins et al. [6],
who used a micro-machining approach to form the waveguide
trough on one substrate, and this was combined with a second
substrate using a snap-together- technique, to form the final
enclosed waveguide. This was a somewhat simpler fabrication
approach than that used by McGrath, and by Digby, and this
was reflected in the higher measured attenuation of around
0.2 dB/mm at 100 GHz. The key differences between the
present work, and that of authors using micro-machining, are
that a very low cost technique was used to form dielectric-filled
waveguides, leading to structures that were inherently robust
and cheap.
The primary objective of the present paper is to provide an
in-depth analytical investigation of the fabrication techniques
that could be employed to integrate efficiently novel 3-D waveguide structures within ceramic circuit modules. However, the
necessary inclusion of dielectric within the waveguide restricts
the use of these circuits above 100 GHz, with this frequency
limit being mainly decided by the loss tangent of the integrated
substrate material.
This paper describes the techniques for integrating mm-wave
antennas within ceramic modules using a relatively new process,
namely photo-imageable thick-film [7], [8]. Since this type of
process enables the circuit structure to be built up layer-by-layer,
it is ideal for forming 3-D structures. The work described in the
paper demonstrates the viability and potential of photo-imageable fabrication technology through the measured, practical performance of novel mm-wave integrated antennas arrays working
around 70 GHz.

1521-3323/$25.00 2009 IEEE

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Photo-imageable thick-film conductors and dielectric contain
a photo vehicle with the pastes. This enables layers of conductor
or dielectric to be printed and then directly imaged using UV
radiation. The system enables fine lines and gaps to be fabricated with dimensions down to 10 m. Moreover, because
structures can be built up layer-by-layer, it is easy to provide
interconnections between planar and nonplanar circuits within
a single ceramic circuit. This scheme can be used to design
low-cost, high-performance passive circuits such as resonators,
filters, power dividers, etc. [9], [10]. A further advantage is
that the technology is compatible with many fabrication processes such as thin film, HTCC, and LTCC. A particular advantage of photo-imageable materials for the work being reported
here is that the sidewalls of the integrated waveguides can be
made from continuous metal, rather than using a VIA fence. The
process of making such a sidewall is simply to develop channels
in the dielectric layer, and then to subsequently fill them with
A. Photo-Imageable Fabrication
The process mainly consists of four main steps as shown in
the Fig. 1.
Step 1) The thick film paste is screen printed on alumina
substrate, leveled at room temperature and dried at
80 C for 45 min.
Step 2) The printed paste is exposed to UV through photo
patterned chrome masks and in the exposed region
the paste polymerizes and hardens.
Step 3) The unexposed material is removed by spraying the
circuit with developer, and finally dried with an air
Step 4) The circuit is fired at 850 C for 60 min to burn off
the binders in the paste and leave the final pattern of
conductor or dielectric.
Unlike the conventional metal etching process the photo-imageable fabrication does not require the intermediate photo-resist spinning and developing as the photo-vehicle required for
UV exposure and hardening is contained in the material itself.
The advantage of using this fabrication is the ability of the
process to achieve the fine geometries demanded by mm-wave
B. Waveguide Integration
The 3-D waveguide structures were built up, layer-by-layer,
using the photo-imageable thick-film process. The layers
were printed onto an alumina base to give rigidity to the final
structure. A layer of silver conductor (Fodel 6778) paste was
first printed onto the alumina to form the bottom broad wall
of the waveguide [Fig. 2(a)]. Next, a layer of dielectric (Fodel
QM44F) is screen printed, photo-imaged and fired to form
vertical trenches. Conductor paste is then screen printed and
photo-imaged to fill the trenches, so forming the sidewalls
of the waveguide [Fig. 2(b)]. These last two steps were repeated a number of times to build up the required height of the
waveguide. Finally, the top layer of conductor is printed, and
radiating slots are photo-imaged and fired to form the top wall
of the waveguide [Fig. 2(c)]. The schematic view of the cross

Fig. 1. Steps in a photo-imageable process (a) printing (b) exposure (c) developing (d) firing.

Fig. 2. Steps in a waveguide integration process, printing (a) bottom wall (b)
side walls (c) top wall and radiating slots. (d) Cross-sectional view of the integrated waveguide on alumina substrate.

section of the integrated waveguide is shown in Fig. 2(d). It was

found to be necessary to have the registration of intermediate
m, which required a sophistilayers accurate to within
cated mask aligner for exposing each layer. The uniformity
of the sidewalls is a critical factor in the integration process,
as nonuniform sidewalls will lead to significant loss in the
C. Fabrication Analysis
1) Fabrication Quality: Clearly, with antennas operating
at very high frequencies, and consequently very small wavelengths, the quality and accuracy of the fabrication process is a
key issue. In our case it was important that the radiating slots
were being formed with precise dimensions and high quality
edges. To demonstrate the quality of the fabrication process,
an enlarged version of one of the radiating slots is shown in
Fig. 3(a). To further indicate the quality achievable with the

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Fig. 4. Photographs of conductor surface to show (a) shrinkage after firing, (b)
and after optimizing the fabrication process.

Fig. 3. (a)(c) Photographs showing the quality and capability of the fabrication process under careful control of the processing parameters. (d) SEM picture
showing the shrunk conductor strip inside the trench after firing.


photo-imageable process, 50- GSG coplanar probe pads

with 30 m spacing between the signal line and ground pads
is shown in Fig. 3(b), and a fabricated miniature branch line
coupler in Fig. 3(c).
2) Fabrication Issues:
a) Shrinkage: The main problem encountered with the
photo-imageable fabrication process was shrinkage in the conductors and dielectrics during firing. In particular, the amount of
shrinkage was different for the conductors and dielectrics. Also,
it was found that the degree of shrinkage varied with the area of
conductor or dielectric being fired. The difference in the rates
of shrinkage for conductors, dielectrics, and circuits of different
geometries and areas are given in Table I. The significance of
the data in Table I is that it shows that it is not uniformly observed throughout the fabrication cycle and therefore cannot be
taken into account at the design stage. The shrinkage was a serious issue when trying to fill VIAs and trenches. An SEM picture of a trench filled with conductor at an intermediate stage
in the waveguide fabrication is shown in Fig. 3(d). After firing
the inner conductor shrinks creating spaces on either side of the
It was found that the only way to overcome fabrication issues related to shrinkage is to carefully control the process. The
fabrication parameters (development and exposure times) need

Fig. 5. The dielectric layer of thickness 60 m printed and dried without intermediate firing steps showing cracks at the corners after firing; (a) track corner;
(b) VIA corners.

to be refined for different layers, and for different circuit geometries. In the integration process described in this paper the
shrinkage in VIAs and trenches was compensated in the -direction by printing extra conductor layers. Correct compensation in the plane was achieved by increasing the exposure
time and decreasing the development time. To illustrate the effectiveness of this technique Fig. 4(a) shows the trenches filled
before compensation for shrinkage, and Fig. 4(b) shows the conductor-filled trenches after compensation.
In order to achieve the required degree of interlayer resolution, a Quintel Q7000 mask aligner was used. To achieve optimum resolution it was found that some care was needed in the
choice of alignment marks to ensure they were compatible with
the mask aligner being used.
b) Processing Time: In this study, 250 mesh stainless steel
screens were used to print the dielectric, giving a postfiring
thickness of around 15 m. The conductor thickness, using 325
mesh screens for printing, was around 8 m after firing. The
total inner height of the integrated waveguide shown in Fig. 2.
was 60 m. This was formed from four layers of dielectric.
In all, eight layers of conductor were needed, including trench
filling and compensating for shrinkage. Using this technique,
the time required to finish a layer was one day, the most time
consuming aspect being the firing and cooling in a single
chamber furnace. So integrating a waveguide section of 60 m
occupied around one and a half week. Hence, it was attractive
to try and save processing time by printing and drying a number
of layers and then co-firing in one step. Our experience was
that circuits would develop cracks at the corners after firing.
The results of an unsuccessful attempt to build a 60- m-thick
dielectric prior to firing are shown in Fig. 5, where significant
cracking is evident.
This section discusses the design, simulation and theoretical
analysis of two different antenna topologies operating around

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Fig. 6. Schematic showing the antenna structure.

75 GHz and integrated into a single ceramic structure. Two

structures were considered:
1) A simple substrate integrated waveguide antenna consisting of a 2 4 array of slots.
2) A novel folded waveguide antenna array.

Fig. 7. Schematic showing integrated slotted waveguide antenna dimensions:

all dimensions given here are in millimeters.

A. Simple Integrated Waveguide Antenna Arrays

1) Antenna Structure: Fig. 6 shows the structure of a simple
integrated waveguide antenna, consisting of a 2 4 array of radiating slots. The feed consisted of a 50- microstrip line with
a tapered transition to provide impedance matching between the
microstrip and the integrated waveguide section [11]. The input
power is split equally into two linear arrays each having four
slots, using a conventional side-fed H-plane divider [12], where
the separation between the two inductive walls can be adjusted
for maximum coupling into both sections. This feeding technique introduces a phase difference of 180 between the two
linear arrays. Hence, the slots either side of the dividing wall
array were positioned on opposite sides of the respective waveguides to give a further 180 phase difference This ensured that
all the eight slots of the antenna radiated in phase.
from the
The end slots were positioned a distance of
shorted ends of the waveguide, as shown in Fig. 6, with the
, so that all the slots would
remaining slots separated by
be exited by maxima in the standing wave patterns. Thus the
slot positions ensured maximum radiation from the antenna.
to ensure good radiation, without
The slot lengths were
causing end-to-end mutual coupling between adjacent slots. The
of the slots can be calculated from
physical lengths

is the free space wavelength and
is the permittivity
of the dielectric.
2) Antenna Dimensions: The dielectric waveguide antenna
array with radiating slots was designed using conventional dielectric waveguide theory [13], [14]. The design was then simulated and optimised using 3-D electromagnetic simulation software HFSS to obtain maximum radiation. The optimized dimensions for a 2 3 slot array are shown in Fig. 7, where all dimensions are in millimeters. The simulation results are shown
in Fig. 8 for a representative SIW antenna; it should be noted
that the simulation was performed for at 76 GHz using Hybridas
HD1000 thick-film dielectric, whereas our SIW antennas were

Fig. 8. (a) HFSS model, (b) field pattern, (c) return loss (d) radiation pattern at
E-plane and H-plane, for the SIW antenna optimised for 76 GHz and obtained
from simulation.

integrated using a similar but slightly different dielectric namely

Dupont QM 44 F due to the unavailability of the earlier paste in
the market.
3) Experimental Results: The return loss and radiation
pattern for the integrated waveguide 2 3 array are plotted
in Fig. 9; the return loss shows a good match at the design
frequency, and there is a well defined radiation pattern, with the
cross-polar level more than 20 dB down on copolar level.
B. Folded Waveguide Antenna Arrays
The concept of an antenna array using a folded waveguide
was proposed to extend the substrate integration strategy to
lower frequencies [15]. The
mode in a folded waveguide
resembles that of a conventional rectangular waveguide. As a
result of this folding, as shown in Fig. 10, the width (a) of the
guide is reduced by 50%, and the height of the guide is doubled
(b). But, the height has got little effect on the propagation

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Fig. 9. Experimental results for a 2

tion pattern at 73.5 GHz.


2 3 antenna array (a) return loss (b) radiaFig. 13. Measured return loss of a back-to back folded waveguide transition.

Fig. 10. Folded Waveguide antennasBasic Concept.

Fig. 14. Folded Waveguide Antenna (a) return loss (b) radiation pattern.

Fig. 11. Design dimensions of a four slot folded waveguide antenna, all dimensions are in millimeters.

than 20 dB, in the vicinity of the working frequency, showing

that the transition as behaving as expected.
2) Experimental Results: The return loss and radiation pattern for a 4-slot folded waveguide antenna are shown in Fig. 14.
The antenna shows good cross-polar level and a good match
close to the resonant frequency.

Fig. 12. Integrated folded waveguide antenna (a) top conductor layer, (b) intermediate conductor layer.

characteristic and can be set as small as required. So the overall

effect is to reduce the substrate area occupied by the antenna.
1) Antenna Structure and Dimensions: The dimensions of a
74-GHz, 4-slot folded waveguide antenna were optimised using
HFSS and the results are shown in Fig. 11.
The antenna was fabricated using the photoimageable
process that has been described previously. The photographs
in Fig. 12(a) and (b) show the top and the intermediate layers
during the fabrication of a folded waveguide antenna. As well
as showing the structure of the antenna, these photographs
are a further indication of the quality of the photoimageable
thick-film process. It can be seen from Fig. 13 that the measured
return loss of the back-to-back transition is very good, greater

Since the antenna were fabricated using integrated waveguides, it was important to gain some insight into the practical
losses of the waveguide. To achieve this, waveguide lines of
different lengths, but with the same cross sections, were fabricated and the line loss measured using a vector network analyzer
(HP 8510 XF), which had previously been calibrated using an
on-wafer calibration kit. The ends of the wave-guide sections
were tapered to connect with the coplanar probing pads. Each
tapered section had an axial length of 2 mm. The return loss and
insertion loss of integrated waveguides of length 1.9 mm and
width 1.266 mm are plotted in Fig. 15.
The results show that the integrated waveguide structure, including the tapered sections, has relatively low insertion loss up
dB at the antenna design freto 100 GHz, with a value of
quency (74 GHz). The losses tend to increase with frequency
due to increase in dielectric loss and conductor surface losses.
The losses in the tapered feeds, and also the probe-circuit mismatch losses, were de-embedded by computing the difference
in the insertion losses of two wave-guide structures of different
lengths. After de-embedding, the magnitude of the loss in the
SIW was calculated and the loss is plotted as a function of frequency in Fig. 16. Fig. 17 shows the wave number and guided

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Fig. 18. Folded waveguide sections of different length for insertion loss measurement (dimensions in millimeters).

Fig. 15. S-parameters plotted for substrate integrated waveguide and a simple
microstrip line.

Fig. 19. The measured frequency response of three identical SIW antennas to
illustrate the repeatability of thick-film processing.


Fig. 16. Loss plotted in dB/mm and dB/g of a substrate-integrated waveguide

of width 1.26 mm.



Fig. 17. The wave number ( ) and guided wavelength ( ) of a substrate integrated waveguide plotted against frequency.

wavelength deduced from the measured phase data. The loss

at 74 GHz. It can be seen that the
was calculated to be
losses are relatively small and this indicates that the integrated
waveguide structure is a usable interconnection technology up
to high millimeter-wave frequencies.
Similar loss measurements were carried out for folded waveguides and it was found that the losses increased by around 20%.
This relatively small increase in loss, compared with the simple
unfolded structure, indicates that the folded waveguide concept
is viable in practical situations where substrate area is at a premium. Fig. 18. shows images of the folded waveguide structures
used for the insertion loss measurements.

The section details the repeatability and tolerance involved

in the thick film fabrication process. The frequency response of
the substrate integrated waveguide antenna fabricated on three
different supporting ceramic substrates is shown in Fig. 19.
The plot shows almost similar results for the same structure,
which has gone through different printing and firing process
and illustrates the repeatability of the thick film process in
constructing substrate integrated waveguide structures. Table II
gives the 3-D tolerance measured on the critical SIW dimensions. The percentage values shown in the table are calculated
by measuring the dimensions of the fabricated geometry after
the process modifications to account for shrinkage. The results
indicate that the geometrical dimensions could be achieved
within 5% under well-controlled process.
The primary aim of the current study was to establish the potential of photoimageable thick-film technology for fabricating
miniature mm-wave components. An antenna, using novel techniques, was chosen for the investigation because it was relatively
demanding in terms of the required quality of fabrication and

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also because of the small dimensions that were needed. A further benefit of the choice of an antenna was that there was performance data available in the literature [16] for antennas fabricated using other technologies, against which the performance
of the integrated substrate approach could be compared.
Obviously, it was important to obtain some indication of the
efficiency of the SIW antenna in comparison with the more conventional microstrip patch array at mm-wave frequencies. For
this efficiency analysis, the total loss (dielectric and conductor)
for a section of waveguide is compared to that of an equivalent
microstrip line. Direct comparisons are difficult, because microstrip interconnections normally have an impedance of 50 ,
whereas waveguide has a somewhat higher impedance However, if we compare microstrip having the same overall dimensions as the integrated waveguide, i.e., occupying the same substrate area, then we find that the microstrip has a loss around
50% higher than that of the integrated waveguide. Moreover,
for an array giving similar radiation performance the total area
of the substrate integrated waveguide antenna will be
of that occupied by a microstrip [16]. Therefore, the substrate
integrated waveguide structure will offer an advantage in terms
of reduced surface area and efficiency that will be significant for
highly integrated millimeter-wave circuits, where substrate area
is at a premium.
The three-slot substrate integrated waveguide antenna performance has been compared with that from a conventional
metallic air-filled waveguide antenna, as shown by the data
in Table III. In this table, the gain for a conventional metallic
wavguide antenna was calculated from [17] and the total loss
is calculated from [18]. The minimum physical area was calculated for both antennas, and for the SIW the physical area
% compared to the metallic waveguide
was reduced by
air-filled antennas.
The results have demonstrated that photoimageable
thick-film technology is a viable approach for the fabrication of circuits working at high millimetre-wave frequencies,
offering both low-loss interconnections and the potential to
realise fine circuit geometries. The techniques of using the
technology to fabricate 3-D integrated waveguides within a
planar circuit proved successful, and led to the development
of a high performance, miniature antenna working at 74 GHz.
The technique could be extended to LTCC, which would permit
parallel processing of the layers and avoid the need for the time
consuming sequential processing of each layer.


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Manju Henry received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees

in electronic engineering from Cochin University of
Science and Technology, Kerala, India in 1998 and
2002, respectively.
In 2002, she joined the Institute for High frequency and Microwave Techniques, Forshungszentrum, Karlsruhe, Germany as a Postdoctoral
Researcher. From 2004 to 2006, she was a Research
Fellow in the EPSRC funded project on millimeter
wave antenna integration to ceramic multichip
module technology at the University of Surrey,
Guildford, U.K. She joined the MMT group at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Science and Technology Facilities Council, Chilton, U.K., in 2007, and is
currently developing novel frequency selective surfaces and design topologies
for Schottky-based frequency multipliers. She has more than 35 publications in
international journals and conferences.

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Charles Free is a graduate in electronic engineering.

After working as a Senior Research Engineer in industry he moved to academia, and he is currently a
Reader in Microwave Technology at the University
of Surrey, Surrey, U.K. His research interests are primarily in microwave circuits and antennas. He is the
author of over 100 papers.

John C. Batchelor (SM07) received the B.Sc. and

Ph.D. degrees from the University of Kent, Canterbury, U.K., in 1991 and 1995, respectively.
From 1997 to 2006, he was a Lecturer with the
Electronics Department, University of Kent, and
in 2006, he became a Senior Lecturer of electronic
engineering. His current research interests include
printed antennas, body-worn antennas, electromagnetic- band gap structures, and low-frequency
frequency-selective surfaces for application in smart

Benito Sanz-Izquierdo received the B.Sc. from the

University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, in
1998 and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Kent, Kent, U.K., in 2002 and 2007, respectively.
He has been working as a Research Associate in
the Department of Electronics of the University of
Kent since 2003. His research interests are multiband, wearable antennas, RFID antennas, substrate
integrated waveguides components, electromagnetic band-gap structures, and frequency selective

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