Detecting Botnets Using MapReduce

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BotCloud: Detecting Botnets Using MapReduce

Jerome Francois, Shaonan Wang, Walter Bronzi, Radu State, Thomas Engel
University of Luxembourg Interdisciplinary Center for Security, Reliability and Trust
6 rue R. Coudenhove-Kalergi, L-1359 Luxembourg, Luxembourg

AbstractBotnets are a major threat of the current Internet.

Understanding the novel generation of botnets relying on peerto-peer networks is crucial for mitigating this threat. Nowadays,
botnet traffic is mixed with a huge volume of benign traffic due
to almost ubiquitous high speed networks. Such networks can
be monitored using IP flow records but their forensic analysis
form the major computational bottleneck. We propose in this
paper a distributed computing framework that leverages a host
dependency model and an adapted PageRank [1] algorithm. We
report experimental results from an open-source based Hadoop
cluster [2] and highlight the performance benefits when using
real network traces from an Internet operator.

The attacks in Internet and their variety have greatly increased leading to the emergence of defense techniques including firewalls, IDS (Intrusion Detection System), antivirus
software... However, recent studies have shown that new
attacks are hard to detect [3], [4]. Thus, forensics is required
for understanding these attacks and measuring their impacts.
This is helpful to recover the system back to a safe state and
counter them in the future. From a network point of view,
attacks are more distributed. Botnets are one of the most major
threat [5] and have evolved from a centralized model towards
a decentralized, highly scalable architecture [6] based on peerto-peer (P2P) networks [7].
Thus, detection and forensics analysis have to be shifted
from edges to the core of the network, i.e., the operators
(Internet Service Providers - ISP). However, the ISPs have to
deal with a huge volume of traffic although fast and efficient
analysis is required. Many forensic tools still rely on manual
analysis [8]. Hence, new assisted approaches have appeared
relying on host dependencies [3], profiling host behaviors [9]
or using deep packet inspection [10]. Due to scalability issues
in high speed networks, common solutions exclude that and
focus exclusively on Netflow [11] data. This is an aggregated
view of the network traffic excluding content and, thus, avoid
many privacy issues which have to be considered in forensic
analysis [9].
Therefore, we propose to detect new generation of botnets
from large dataset of Netflow data, such as those gathered
by each individual operator. Our previous approach [12] is
extended by leveraging cloud computing paradigms especially
MapReduce [13] for detecting densely interconnected hosts
which are potential botnet members.
WIFS2011, November 29th-December 2nd, 2011, Foz do
Iguacu, Brazil. 978-1-4577-1019-3/11/$26.00 2011

A botnet description is given in section II. Our approach

is described in III. Section IV explains the host dependency
model and the algorithms. Section V is the experimental
evaluation. Section VI summarizes related work. Conclusion
and future work are included in section VII.
A botnet is a network of compromised hosts (bots) which
are controlled by an attacker also called the botmaster. The
botmaster sends commands via a C&C (Command and Control) channel. Although first botnets relied on a central architecture with a core network of few interconnected IRC [14]
(Internet Relay Chat) servers, current botnets are based on P2P
technologies [15], [7]. In a P2P architecture, each bot acts as a
client and a server. Hence, for sending a command to certain
bots, other bots are involved. Therefore, P2P bots are well
interconnected and that is why we argue in this paper that
analyzing interactions between hosts is valuable for detecting
A. Cloud computing
Today, storing large volumes of data is possible but analyzing them is still a problem. In our case, 720 millions netflow
records (77GB) covering only 23 hours were collected from
a major Internet operator in Luxembourg. Hence, distributed
computing might be the only viable solution. The main idea
of cloud computing is to provide a simple interface to clients
who do not want to manage hardware related details such as
the resource allocations. The cloud computing service aims
to be very scalable and on demand without long delays:
computing power should be available instantaneously. In brief,
it can be seen as an abstraction layer taking benefit of recent
virtualization outcomes in order to provide a simple way for
final users to run tasks requiring intensive computing and
The popularity of such services is highlighted for instance
by Amazon EC2 [16] which also introduces a new economic
model where a cluster of machines can be easily rented. In
this way, individuals or companies can take advantage of
distributed computing without a huge financial investment.
B. MapReduce
MapReduce [13] is a high-level abstraction of parallel
computing introduced by Google. Although traditional approaches need to define exactly the way to carry out the
data to process, MapReduce programming model focuses on

Fig. 1: BotCloud framework

the processing code. The key idea of the method is to shift

the network transfer from the data to the code. In brief, the
data is distributed a priori using a distributed file system. For
achieving a task, the code is then distributed where the needed
data is. Therefore, the cloud computing paradigm is well suited
for problem dealing with huge volumes of data.
MapReduce comes from functional programming concepts
with functions (map and reduce) that take other functions as
inputs. The map aims to divide input data into multiple inputs
for applying a function on each of them (mapper). The reduce
function applied by reducers aggregates the individual results
from the mappers. These tasks are attributed by a master
machine to slave ones. The master is also responsible to detect
node or network failures by a ping mechanism in order to
reassign tasks to others nodes.
From a theoretical point of view, the input data is composed
of a set of key-value pairs such as (ki , vi ) and the map function
is applied to each of them to produce a list of intermediate
key-value pairs:
map : (ki , vi ) list(k0j , v0j )
There is no relationship between the number of initial and
intermediary keys. This intermediate list of key-value pairs
represents the intermediary outputs produced by mappers
which have to be merged by the reducers:

C. Hadoop
Our botnet detection method is based on Hadoop [2],
an open source implementation of MapReduce. A common
deployment of an Hadoop cluster is represented in the lower
part of figure 1 with a master and slave nodes. The first key
component is the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) for
storing data. The namenode daemon maintains the file namespace (directory structure, the location of file blocks). However,
the blocks are directly stored on the slaves (datanodes) and
guarantee a redundancy. Although the master node is the entry
point to locate data, the scalability is enforced thanks to direct
data transfer between entities (slave machines, user) without
being forwarded by the master.
Considering the application side, the jobtracker takes as
input a MapReduce job and is responsible to coordinate (task
assignment) and monitor the map and reduce tasks. For improving the robustness, the jobtracker and namenode daemons
may be executed on different master machines. Unlike the
number of reduce tasks, the number of map tasks is automatically determined (the user can only give a hint) regarding the
data distribution on HDFS. This is the application of the main
MapReduce paradigm which aims to upload the code where
the data is. When a node is overloaded, it will transfer data
blocks to another which will then run the code. Obviously, the
user has not to deal with these aspects which is a strength of
the Hadoop.
D. Detection

reduce : (k2, list(v2 )) list(k3 , v3 )

The input of the reduce function is an intermediate key with
a list of all intermediate values generated for this key by all
mappers. Therefore, the reducer can generate the aggregated
result for each key passed as argument of the reduce function.
More details about MapReduce are given in [17].

Figure 1 shows the main steps of our approach using

Hadoop. The first step is to gather Netflow records (1) via
exports from routers to a collector. Then, the interactions
between hosts are analyzed in order to produce a dependency
graph (2). This graph is the input to PageRank [18] to figure
out hosts which are well interconnected themselves such as
within a P2P network. Our first experiments showed that the

bottleneck of our approach is the PageRank algorithm which

has to iterate many times before exhibiting stable results.
Therefore PageRank is executed on Hadoop by distributing
the adjacency matrix of the dependency graph among all
datanodes (3) before executing map and reduce tasks (4).
The reducers write the scores of the different nodes of the
dependency graph into the datanodes and that is why the
detection module has to access to them for retrieving all the
scores. Based on them, hosts are ranked and bots should be
highly ranked. However, normal P2P nodes can also have high
rankings and, to distinguish them from bots, we consider that
some of them are prior known using a honeypot [19]. In this
case, the PageRank algorithm can be tuned (node weight in
section IV-B) to increase the ranking of well interconnected
hosts (graph partition) containing such hosts. Thus, legitimate
P2P traffic can be discarded.
A. Dependency Graph
Netflow [11] is a standard tool for todays large-scale
network monitoring. A record represents a series of IP packets
sharing the same source, destination address, associated ports,
and protocols. A flow collecting architecture consists of probes
and collectors. Probes or sensors are devices deployed in
different network locations, and are responsible for capturing
flow data and forwarding it to the collector. Almost all modern
commercial-grade routers support Netflow or an equivalent
format export.
Because of its wide availability and intrinsic host communication information, we utilize flow data and link analysis to
detect structured botnets. The rationale behind our approach
is that P2P structured botnets exhibit a distinguishable communication pattern among bots. Each node in a dependency
graph represents a host, an edge pointing from node A to node
B indicates that there exists at least one flow which originates
from host A and destinates to host B. Hence, bots belong to
the same P2P network are linked with either directly or via
other bots.
Regarding privacy issues, Netflow records do not include
content and our method relies only on host IP addresses which
have been rendered anonymous using a reversible one-to-one
function only known by the data owner. Thus, an ISP may
use an outsourced Hadoop cluster without a high financial
B. PageRank algorithm
The PageRank algorithm [1] is a link analysis algorithm
used by the Google web search engine to weight the relative
importance of web pages on the Internet. It ranks each web
page according to the hyperlink structure among web pages.
The importance of a web page is determined by two factors:
1) how many pages contain a hyperlink pointing to it
2) the importance of the pointing pages
Intuitively, pages receiving many links are important, and also
pages receiving links from important pages are important.

Considering a dependency graph, an arbitrary initial score

is attributed to each node which only impacts the convergence
time. At each iteration, the current score of each node is
distributed through its outgoing links, and the new ranking
score for each node is the sum of distributed ranking scores
that all the incoming links bring. The iterations continue until
the score changes are sufficiently small. In case of nodes
without outgoing links (dangling nodes) we assume the scores
are distributed evenly to all nodes. To ensure convergence at
primary eigenvalue, extra links are added between each pair
of nodes. A certain portion of ranking scores is distributed
through original links, and the rest is distributed through
the added links. The portion of scores, distributed through
the original links, is call damping factor d, and is fixed
at 0.5 as an indication of how link structure influence the
final rankings. We let the 1 d node scores distributed to
all the graph nodes according to our subjective preference
of each node (a higher node weight is assigned to nodes
representing infected honeypots). Assuming n nodes/hosts, Pt
and W are n-dimensional vectors representing the ranking
scores and weights of the nodes, each sums to one, and let
A be the adjacency matrix modified to link dangling pages to
all the graph nodes, then the PageRank computation can be
formalized as:
Pt = (1 d)W + dAT Pt1


The direction of edges indicates where the ranking scores

are distributed. For flow monitoring, when edges point from
the source to the destination host, the ranking scores are
distributed towards the final destination of traffic, and is named
hub rank (hr) in this paper; on the other hand, when pointing
from the destination to the source host, the ranking scores are
distributed towards the origins and it is named authority rank
(ar). Equations (2) and (3) formulate this idea. Note that the
adjacency matrix for hub rank and for authority rank are the
transpose of each other.
hrt = dAhr(t1) + (1 d)W


art = dAT ar(t1) + (1 d)W


Regarding our context, both scores are relevant because P2P

bots act as client and server meanwhile.
C. MapReduce Implementation
PageRank is well fitted for MapReduce and this section
reviews the basics of executing PageRank in the MapReduce
context without taking into account the dangling nodes or the
damping factor for clarity sake (details can be found in [17]).
As highlighted in section III-B, the first step is to divide data
into multiple key-value pairs. Like other graph algorithms,
a key is a node ID and the corresponding value is the list
of adjacent nodes derived from the adjacency matrix A. In
our case, each key (node ID) is also associated to the current
PageRank score which is initialized at 1 for the toy example
in figure 2(a). For each iteration of PageRank, a mapper

distributes the current score of a node to its adjacent ones. A

reducer is dedicated to sum all scores which were computed
for a specific node ID.
This process is illustrated in figure 2(b) for the first iteration.
For instance, the first mapper distributes the score of node
1 to nodes 2, 3 and 4. Hence, they get 13 each. Before the
reduce step, the results are aggregated and sorted by keys by
the shuffle and sort phase. Thus, the node 3 has two scores
which are processed by a single reducer to obtain a global
PageRank score of 1.3. This score is then reused for computing
the next iteration including a set of map and reduce tasks again.
Figure 2(b) also highlights precisely the border between map
and reduce.
From a practical point of view, Hadoop master node assigns
the different tasks to slave nodes. Besides, intermediate keyvalue pairs are just stored locally on mapper nodes which
transmit them directly to reducer nodes without being forwarded by the master. Each Hadoop input data split corresponds to several key-value pairs for avoiding wasting too
much time to divide data. Furthermore, there are several
optimizations such as the local aggregation of intermediate
results. Therefore, if a single node computes several scores for
the same intermediate key, it only returns the sum of values
(as for instance if a slave node deals with keys 1 and 2 in
figure 2(b), it has to sum the two values produced for node
ID 3). We used the different optimizations provided by the
Cloud9 library [20].

(a) Topology representation

Map Tasks









Shuffle and Sort: aggregate values by keys











Reduce Tasks

(b) MapReduce

Fig. 2: PageRank toy example

A. Datasets and methodology
Because no public dataset with labeled botnet traffic at an
equivalent level than an ISP is available, our evaluation is
based on NetFlow data provided by a major Luxembourg
Internet Operator considered as free of botnet as it was
checked by a traffic screening solution dedicated to ISP [21].
This dataset involves around 16 million hosts within 720
million of netflow records. The corresponding dependency
graph contains 57 millions links. Then, synthetic additional
records reflecting the topology of three P2P protocols are
added in a similar manner than in [12]: chord [22], kademlia
[23] and koorde [24]. A P2P network maps each peer to
an ID defined in a huge ID space, as for example with a
maximal node ID equal 2160 . This paper focuses on structured
P2P protocols since they guarantee high performances. Hence,
Chord is a pioneering work where the routing has a complexity
equals to log(N). Koorde is an extension of Chord with a
lower complexity: O(log(N)/log(log(N)). Finally, Kademlia
was chosen because it is well used in real world for file sharing
but also for botnet communications [7].
Although the efficiency evaluation was done using the entire
dataset (section V-C), generating synthetic botnet traces needs
a lot of computation. Hence, the first experiment (section
V-B) about the detection accuracy is based on a subpart of
the dataset: 2,133k records and 323k hosts. To strengthen the
evaluation, only 1% of IP addresses are used to generate bot
traces (stealthy botnet).

Our Hadoop configuration is composed of 11 slave nodes:

5 Intel Core 2 Duo 2.13Gz with 4 GB of memory and 6 Intel
Pentium 4 3GHz with 2GB of memory. This small cluster
is ideal for testing Hadoop capabilities to cleverly assign the
tasks even if the machines are heterogeneous.
B. Botnet detection
Figure 3 shows the ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curves without strengthening initial weight of a prior
known bot nodes for computing PageRank. Therefore, all
hosts presenting a hub or authority value higher than a
threshold are considered as bots. In this figure, this threshold
varies for calculating the TPR (True Positive Rate) which
is the proportion of bots correctly detected and the FPR
(False Positive Rate) which is the proportion of benign hosts
detected as bots. Both of these metrics are calculated in
terms of number of counted IP addresses. As highlighted,
the hub values are better to figure out bots. It means that
the client role of P2P bot is more discriminative than the
server role. There are also differences between topologies.
More precisely, Kademlia botnet detection is very effective
because this protocol is fault tolerant by guaranteeing multiple
paths for a single destination which is similar to increase the
linkage level of nodes measured by PageRank. Chord topology
is more compact (without redundant paths) and that is why
the detection accuracy is a bit lower. Bots based on these
topologies are well detected (close to 100%) with few false

Average iteration time (s)




Average iteration time (s)




100000 1e+06 1e+07

Fig. 3: Botnet detection



(a) All results





(b) Zoom in range from 1e+5 to 1e+7

Fig. 4: Average execution for a single PageRank iteration

positives (3%). Finally, a Koorde-based botnet is the worst
to detect since the linkage level of node is very low due
to its underlying topology (each node has few connections
and shares them with its direct neighbors). However, botnets
usually relies on robust overlay like Kademlia since Koorde
can be easily disrupted by disconnecting few nodes.
Knowing initially few bots using honeypot (around 20), the
accuracy is improved (TPR = 99% with FPR < 0.1% knowing
initially). However, this paper is not dedicated to accuracy
results which are fully covered in [12].
C. Efficiency
We generated different datasets from the original one by
extracting a subpart or by adding links in order to test
configurations having between 100k and 300 millions of
links. Preliminary experiments have shown that the number of
nodes has no impact on the execution time. Because scores
are propagated through them, the number of intermediate
MapReduce key-value pairs is dependent on the number of
links. Furthermore, the execution time of a single iteration is
approximatively the same for a given configuration because
the algorithm do exactly the same process at each iteration.
In figure 4, the configuration of the cluster varies with
different numbers of slave nodes. As previously argued, the
number of links highly impacts on the execution time. Because
the x-axis has a logarithmic scale, the curves seem exponential
but they are almost linear with different slopes (except for configurations having few links). For example, the execution time
is multiplied by about 6 when the number of links is multiplied
by 10 with 8 slaves. Obviously, when more machines are
involved for running tasks, the execution time decreases. With
few links, the differences are small as highlighted in figure
4(b). In fact, distributing the work using MapReduce entails a
lot of additional tasks (data splitting, reduce phase) and also
more delays due to network communications. Therefore, for
problems with few links and so few computations, MapReduce is useless. Our experiments show that using Hadoop
(#slaves > 1) is useful with at least 1 million links (figure
4(b)) and having more than 4 slave machines is efficient with
at least 10 millions links which is the case with the original
dataset (57 millions). Finally, using all our machines reduces
the execution time by 7 comparing to a single machine with

a huge dataset since this ratio seems stable for 100 millions
links or more.
Using NetFlow records were also employed in the past from
detecting various attacks including botnets [25]. As well as the
whole paper, this section focuses on traffic analysis for botnet
detection, which is one of the major threat in Internet.
Since tools and/or datasets of other approaches are not
publicly available, only qualitative aspects are considered. By
tracking hosts looking for specific DNS names, infected hosts
might be detected [26]. For P2P botnets, a honeypot must be
active to retrieve infected hosts by crawling the P2P network
[27]. Another way to detect bots is to look for malicious
activities such as spamming or scanning [28]. Correlating such
activities with potential C&C communication patterns may be
helpful [29], [30].
Considering our approach, there are also other works considering graphs especially host interactions [31] and complex
analytic methods may be employed to detect P2P networks
[32], [33]. Such traffic classification is also performed by
BLINC [34]. Discovering service or host dependencies may
be helpful for network management tasks [35]. BotGrep [36]
uses on a random walk technique to discover botnet cluster
within an interaction graph. Link analysis is leveraged in
our previous work based on flow dependency graphs [37]
and host dependency graphs [38] for finding the root cause
of attack traffic. This technique is refined in this paper to
detect botnets. Although in [12] we focused our evaluation
regarding detection performance in different scenarios, this
paper is dedicated to show the viability of the approach in a
cloud-computing environment by highlighting computational
performance benefits and specific use cases where it is more
relevant (depending on the underlying data to deal with). Other
works, like [39], aim at dividing the traffic to analyze among
different intrusion detection systems before correlating the
generated alerts. Finally, [40] is the closest relative work since
they propose also a cloud-computing based botnet detection.
The main difference with our approach is that it is focused
on detecting malicious activities, especially spam, to create

a correlation graph. Our model is dedicated to botnet C&C

channel always used even no malicious activity is observable.
This paper describes a scalable method for detecting P2P
botnets regarding the relationships between hosts. Our evaluation shows a good detection accuracy and a good efficiency
based on a Hadoop cluster. Our approach is easily usable, at
low costs, thanks to existing cloud computing services such
that Amazon EC2 [16]. We plan to increase our cluster capacity and to execute all steps including the dependency graph
generation on Hadoop. In the future, cooperation between ISP
will be also studied and involves many issues, in particular
related to exchange anonymous information.
This work is partly funded by OUTSMART, a European
FP7 project under the Future Internet PPP programme, and by
MOVE, a CORE project funded by FNR in Luxembourg.
Note: figures include wikimedia contents (visit for license information).
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