The Cross Product, Volume and Determinants: January 15, 2015
The Cross Product, Volume and Determinants: January 15, 2015
The Cross Product, Volume and Determinants: January 15, 2015
But what underlies this peculiar definition? The answer lies in how we define differential volume, dV . In three dimensions with coordinates u, v and w, dV is the volume
enclosed by three vectors du, dv and dw. For instance, in a crystal lattice, these could
be defined by u = x, v = x + y, w = x + y + z. We know several things about this
volume dV :
The volume is given by base times height.
If the dz or dw were in the negative direction, the dV would be negative. i.e.,
we have a right hand rule for volume that distinguishes positive volume from
negative volume.
If the three vectors lie in a plane, or any two vectors lie along a line, we end up
with zero dV .
If I scaled any of the three axes by an amount , the volume scales by that .
Suppose the third axes was given by ~w1 + ~w2 . Since volume is base times height,
the volume becomes the sum of the volume due to ~u, ~v and ~w1 , and the volume
due to ~u, ~v and ~w2 . Since we can rotate our view and consider any two of the
vectors to be the base, this is true for all three axes. So, the volume is vectorially
linear in each of its coordinates.
So volume subtended by three vectors can be written as the sum of volumes subtended
by the various components of the vectors (linearity):
V (~u,~v,~w) = V (ux x + uy y + uz z, vx x + vy y + vz z, wx x + wy y + wz z)
= V (ux x,
vx x,
wx x)
+ V (uy y,
vx x,
wx x)
+ ...
ux vx wxV (x,
+ uy vx wxV (y,
+ ...
u1 v1 w1 111 + u2 v1 w1 211 + . . .
where i jk = V (xi , x j , xk ) is a third rank tensor that defines what we mean by volume
in this space. The volume is then a scalar function of three vectors (see the article on
vector identities for the algebraic notation I am using here)
ui v j wk i jk
This operation is nothing more or less than taking the determinant of the matrix
composed of ~u, ~v and ~w as row vectors.
Think about it: the determinant is linear in each row and goes to zero if any set
of rows (or columns) are linearly dependent. It flips sign when rows or columns are
exchanged (i.e., right hand rule for volume changed to left hand rule).
What is more interesting is that the determinant is the unique function satisfying
these properties (unique to within a scaling factor that is equivalent to saying that
V (x1 , x2 , x3 ) = 1). Thus,
dux duy duz
dV = det dvx dvy dvz = i jk dui dv j dwk
dwx dwy dwz
The volume is also geometrically the dot product of the third dimension with the vector
normal to the plane defined by the other two vectors (with magnitude equal to the area
of the base). So there is something which looks like a vector in that it can enter into a
dot product with another vector and give a scalar. How can we define such a vector?
Just replace the ui coordinates with place holders:
det dvx dvy dvz i jk xi v j wk
dwx dwy dwz
~ yields the the familiar exThen, dot producting this vector with another vector dw
pression for volume dV .
i jk xi v j wk xl ul = i jk ui v j wk
since xi xl is non-zero only when l = i.
This is where the expression for cross product comes from. The cross product is not
really a vector. Rather it is what is called a form, something that acts on a vector and
produces a scalar. It lives in the dual space to vectors. But for orthogonal coordinate
systems, it looks like and behaves like a vector and we treat it as such.