Child Development: Identify The Letter of The Choice That Best Completes The Statement or Answers The Question

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Multiple Choice

Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
Fertilization of an ovum outside a woman's body is called
1. a. artificial insemination.
Child Development b. in vitro fertilization.
c. eugenics.
d. genetic engineering.
The first milk produced by a woman in the first few days after giving
2. birth is called
a. formula.
b. enrichment.
c. colostrum.
d. amniocentesis.
Studies of the Head Start Program indicate that
3. a. children improve their school performance and abilities.
b. early childhood educational programs are a waste of the
taxpayers' money.
c. the gains are about the same as if the child was in a
caring environment.
d. children improve their performance while they are in
the program but lose it in elementary school.
When a gene is __________, the trait it controls will be present every
4. time the gene is present.
a. recessive
b. dominant
c. polygenic
d. sex-linked
Which represents the correct order of Piaget's stages of intellectual
5. development?
a. sensorimotor, concrete operational, formal operational,
b. preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational,
c. sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational,
formal operational
d. preoperational, informal operational, formal
operational, postoperational
Compared to mothers, fathers spend more time
6. a. playing with the infant.
b. feeding and care giving their infants.
c. providing routine child care.
d. that does not involve visual contact with the infant.
When parents around the world use a short, sharp rhythm, they are
7. a. warning their baby.
b. comforting their baby.
c. calling attention to objects.
d. praising their baby.
The three basic emotions which appear to be unlearned but take time to

Child Development

Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
Fertilization of an ovum outside a woman's body is called
1. a. artificial insemination.
b. in vitro fertilization.
c. eugenics.
d. genetic engineering.
The first milk produced by a woman in the first few days after giving birth is called
2. a. formula.
b. enrichment.
c. colostrum.
d. amniocentesis.
Studies of the Head Start Program indicate that
3. a. children improve their school performance and abilities.
b. early childhood educational programs are a waste of the taxpayers'
c. the gains are about the same as if the child was in a caring
d. children improve their performance while they are in the program but
lose it in elementary school.
When a gene is __________, the trait it controls will be present every time the gene is
4. present.
a. recessive
b. dominant
c. polygenic
d. sex-linked
Which represents the correct order of Piaget's stages of intellectual development?
5. a. sensorimotor, concrete operational, formal operational,
b. preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational, sensorimotor
c. sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational
d. preoperational, informal operational, formal operational,

Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
Id is to "Just do it" as superego is to
1. a. "Wait till later."
Personality b. "Do your own thing."
c. "Don't do it."
d. "Oh, sit on it."
The unconscious contains
2. a. material that can easily be brought to awareness.
b. everything we are aware of at a given moment.
c. repressed memories and emotions.
d. thoughts, perceptions, and memories.
Behavioral theories of personality are often criticized for their
3. a. inability to test or verify concepts.
b. limited recognition of temperament, emotion, and subjective
c. ability to explain behavior after the fact only.
d. emphasis on the conditions under which behaviors occur.
The concept of traits is used to account for personal characteristics that are
4. a. biologically determined.
b. relatively permanent and enduring.
c. situation specific.
d. shared by a group.
The five-factor model of personality includes
5. a. social interactionism.
b. neuroticism.
c. agreeableness.
d. sense of humor.
A personality theory is a(n)
6. a. category used to describe personality.
b. interrelated system of concepts used to explain personality.
c. relatively permanent set of behavior patterns.
d. subjective evaluation of a person.
Which of the following is an unconscious personality structure made up of
7. biological urges seeking fulfillment?
a. ego
b. id
c. superego
d. subconscious
Criticisms of Freud's developmental theory have centered on
8. a. the over-emphasis on sexuality in personality development.
b. Freud's treatment of father-daughter relationship.
c. the need for a stern or threatening mother in the development of
d. the unimportance of the first years of life in the formation of
One problem psychologists have with personality types is they


Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
Id is to "Just do it" as superego is to
1. a. "Wait till later."
b. "Do your own thing."
c. "Don't do it."
d. "Oh, sit on it."
The unconscious contains
2. a. material that can easily be brought to awareness.
b. everything we are aware of at a given moment.
c. repressed memories and emotions.
d. thoughts, perceptions, and memories.
Behavioral theories of personality are often criticized for their
3. a. inability to test or verify concepts.
b. limited recognition of temperament, emotion, and subjective factors.
c. ability to explain behavior after the fact only.
d. emphasis on the conditions under which behaviors occur.
The concept of traits is used to account for personal characteristics that are
4. a. biologically determined.
b. relatively permanent and enduring.
c. situation specific.
d. shared by a group.
The five-factor model of personality includes
5. a. social interactionism.
b. neuroticism.
c. agreeableness.
d. sense of humor.
A personality theory is a(n)
6. a. category used to describe personality.
b. interrelated system of concepts used to explain personality.

Neuroscience Quiz

Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
The main function of myelin is to
1. a. form a protective coating over nerve axons.
b. affect the speed of nerve impulses.
c. block the reception of acetylcholine.
d. aid a nerve's receptivity to neurotransmitters by increasing the
number of receptor sites available.
The part of the nerve cell specialized for conducting information is the
2. a. axon.
b. cell body.
c. soma.
d. neurilemma.
The cell body of a neuron is also called the
3. a. dendrite.
b. axon.
c. myelin.
d. soma.
Neurons are made up of dendrites, a soma, and
4. a. axons.
b. axles.
c. atoms.
d. axes.
Which of the following is NOT a part of a neuron?
5. a. axon
b. axon terminal
c. synapse
d. soma
The nature of a nerve impulse is primarily a/an __________ event; whereas, the nature
6. of the communication between neurons is primarily a/an __________ event.

Schools of Psychology

Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
"I am primarily interested in thinking processes; I am a __________ psychologist."
1. a. cognitive
b. learning
c. perception
d. personality
Like Carl Rogers, I believe people choose to live more creative and meaningful lives.
2. My name is
a. Wertheimer.
b. Washburn.
c. Skinner.
d. Maslow.
Comparative psychologists are primarily interested in
3. a. stimulus-response connections.
b. animal behavior.
c. the comparison of functional and behavioral psychology.
d. the comparison of different types of psychotherapy.
Of the following, who is associated with the Gestalt school of psychology?
4. a. Ivan Pavlov
b. B. F. Skinner
c. Max Wertheimer
d. John Watson
Of the following, who is a humanistic psychologist?
5. a. Sigmund Freud
b. Abraham Maslow
c. B. F. Skinner
d. John Watson
Which of the following represents an empirical statement?
6. a. Government experts agree that a future downturn in the economy is

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