Ndi & A&p

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A & P Mechanics Performing NDT Inspections

by Cathy VanAssche and Nick Eull

LGB FSDO Inspectors
Questions have been raised on how to determine if qualified personnel are performing
Nondestructive Testing (NDT). Currently there is no national FAA policy to determine if
personnel performing NDT are qualified. Guidance has been developed by the Production and
Airworthiness Certification Division and Aircraft Maintenance Division along with the Chief
Scientific and Technical Advisor for Nondestructive Evaluation to assure that only qualified
inspectors perform NDT. This guidance discusses the generic elements of the standards
considered acceptable to the FAA.
NDT personnel should receive documented vision and color blindness testing at reasonable
intervals. NDT personnel can be categorized at different levels of competence (e.g. Trainee,
Limited, Level 1, 2, 3) and should perform only at the level to which they have been qualified.
Inspection personnel should receive documented initial and recurrent training in the standards,
methods, and levels they utilize. NDT personnel should demonstrate documented proficiency,
both in classroom knowledge and practical application of test methods. NDT personnel require
experience in a test method to be considered qualified to perform that test method. A procedure
needs to be in place to allow an organization to disqualify a NDT individual from performing
inspections when the inspector doesnt meet current standards. Sufficient documentation must be
available and retained to demonstrate that only qualified personnel are engaged in the NDT
There are several current national and international standards acceptable to the FAA that may be
used to assure that only qualified personnel perform NDT.
NAS-410 (replaces MIL-STD-410E), National Aerospace Standard, Nondestructive Testing
Personnel Qualification and Certification.
ATA Specification 105, Air Transport Association, Guidelines for Training and Qualifying
Personnel in Nondestructive Testing Methods.
AIA-NAS-410, Aerospace Industries Association, National Aerospace Standard, NAS
Certification & Qualification of Nondestructive Test Personnel.
Canadian: Can/CGSB-48.9712-95, Qualification and Certification of Nondestructive Testing
British: PCN/GEN/92, General Requirements for the Certification of Personnel engaged in
Nondestructive testing at levels 1, 2, and 3.
EN 473, General Principles for Qualification and Certification of NDT Personnel.
ISO 9712, Nondestructive Testing - Qualification and Certification of Personnel.
As an A&P, you must use the methods, techniques and practices in accordance with current
standards and technical data acceptable to the Administrator to perform NDT. Specific examples
are: (1) Airworthiness Directive (AD) 87-22-01 which requires fluorescent liquid penetrant
inspection of the landing gear on certain Beechcraft airplanes stresses that only qualified
personnel perform the inspections to reduce the possibility of misinterpretation of indications. (2)
AD 97-18-02 which requires dye penetrant inspection and eddy current inspection of Hartzell
propeller blades states that personnel shall be qualified and certified based on the requirements of
the American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. (ASNT), Recommended Practice No.
SNT-TC-1A, NAS 410, ATA 105, or ISO 9712.

ASNT Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A, defines qualified as: "demonstrated skill,
demonstrated knowledge, documented training, and documented experience required for
personnel to properly perform the duties of a specific job" and certified is defined as: "written
testimony of qualification."
EDITORS NOTE: CAUTION - Being in possession of an A&P does not automatically qualify
you to perform NDT. This article also applies to FAA Certified Repair Stations. The intent of this
article is for you to research your technical data to ensure that you are using the methods,
techniques and practices in accordance with current standards and technical data acceptable to
the Administrator to perform NDT.

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