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A) Descriptive Questions

1. Briefly describe the various classifications under Railway Servants (Hours

of Work & Period of Rest) Rules,2005.
2. Briefly describe the procedure for initiating and carrying out Job Analysis
under Railway Servants (Hours of Work & Period of Rest) Rules,2005.
3. How overtime allowance is calculated under Railway Servants (Hours of
Work & Period of Rest) Rules,2005 for different categories of staff?
4. What are the sources of funds for Staff Benefit Fund ? How is the Fund
Ans: Each Railway Administration maintains a Railway Staff Benefit Fund which is financed
a) receipts from fines.
b) all receipts from forfeited Provident Fund bonuses other than those of gazetted
Railway servants, and
c) an annual grant from the railway revenues at a per capita rate of Rs. 500/- for the
Financial year 2010-11 in respect of each non-gazetted Railway employee
employed on the Railway (other than in a Capital construction project) at the end
of the previous year.
The fund is administered at Headquarter level, for the benefit of non-gazetted staff, by a
committee consisting of:
Chairman Chief Personnel Officer of Zonal Rly
Members Chief Medical Officer
Dy. General Manager ( General) or C.E.
12 selected members from each union
viz., 6 from NRMU & 6 from CRMS.
Secretary Personnel officer (Labour & Welfare)

5. What are the facilities given to Railwaymens Consumer Cooperative

Ans: Consumer cooperative society - Consumer cooperative society means the retail
society to carter the needs of the Railwaymen at reasonable prices with a minimum
element of profit. The Rly will provide suitable accommodation on nominal rent of Rs. 1
per month and actual municipal taxes if the society is running a fair price shop. It will
also provide one ceiling fan free of cost, electrification of premises, supply of water and
electric current at concessional rates, recovery of credit sales through pay bill of
members, special passes and special CL to the members of the Mgt. Committee land
for construction of own building on nominal rent of Rs. 20/- per year. Deputation of Rly
employees to the society with protection of rights of promotion etc.

6. Briefly describe the schemes of educational assistance and reimbursement

of tuition fees available on Railways.
Educational Assistance is given to the employee with a view to give relief towards their
expenses on school education of their children. Besides this we have subsidized
hostels at some stations where normal Boarding charges are payable by the employee
for keeping each child in such a hostel but no rent is recoverable for the
accommodation. This facility is admissible to Non-Gazetted employee
Children Education Allowance: Children Education Allowance has been

introduced by the VI Pay Commission. This allowance shall be paid for Classes
Nursery to XII Std. There shall be no nexus with performance, can be paid even if child
fails (earlier it was for 2 years in same class) Includes Tuition Fees, Laboratory Fees,
special fee appliances used by child, library fee, games/sports fee, extra-curricular .
activity, one set of text books, one set of note books, school shoes.
Annual ceiling is Rs. 12000/- per child, up to two children Can be reimbursed at a time
any time.

7. What is the difference between a Casual Labour and a Substitute?

Ans: "Substitutes" are persons engaged in Indian Railway Establishments on regular scales of pay
and allowances applicable to posts against which they are employed. These posts fall vacant on
account of a railway servant being on leave or due to non-availability of permanent or temporary
railway servants and which cannot be kept vacant.
Casual labour refers to labour whose employment is intermittent, Sporadic or extends over short
period or continued from one work to another. Labour of this kind is normally recruited from the
nearest available source. They are not ordinarily liable to transfer. The conditions applicable to
permanent and temporary staff do not apply to casual labour.

8. Who are the persons covered under the term Family and Dependent
Relatives for the purpose of Pass rules?

Family for Passes

Wife/Husband whether earning or not.
son or sons under 21 years who are wholly dependent.
son or sons of the age of 21 and above who are;
o bona fide students of any recognized educational institution;
o engaged in any research work and do not get any scholarship/stipend;
o working as an articled clerk under the Chartered Accountant;*
o invalid, on appropriate certificate from Railway Doctor;
Unmarried daughters of any age- earning or not.
Widowed daughters when wholly dependent.
Stepsons and unmarried stepdaughters.
Legally divorced sister.
Following Dependent relatives eligible when father is not alive:
Widowed mother residing with and wholly dependent on the Railway Employee.
Unmarried/Divorced sister of the Railway Employee.
Brothers below 21 years. Age limit does not apply in case of bona fide student,
research scholars etc.
Wholly dependent means whose monthly income from whole sources, including
pension, dearness pay and dearness relief does not exceed Rs.3500 per month plus
appropriate dearness relief or 15% of pay, whichever is more.

9. Describe the rules regarding issues of school passes to railway employees.

Ans: School passes are issued to each student member of the family
who is dependent on railway servant on production of a certificate from the recognized institution
where the student is studying away from the headquarters of the railway
servant. Student sons/daughter of railway servant in receipt of stipend as distinct from
merits/means scholarship, will not be admissible for school pass if they are above 21

years of age (R.B.s No. E(W)85 PS-5-1/8 if 11.9.85 Bahris 260/85). The passes are
issued between place at which either parent is residing to school/college and back
when recognized vacations of not less than 3 days consecutive duration or closure of
institution due to unforeseen circumstances

10. Briefly describe Appointing authority

Ans: Appointing authority in relation to Railway servant meansThe authority empowered to make appointment to the post which the Railway
servant, for the time being holds

11. Briefly describe Article -311 (1)

Ans: No person who is a member of a civil service of the Union or an all India service or a civil
service of a State or holds a civil post under the Union or a State shall be dismissed or removed by
a authority subordinate to that by which he was appointed

12. Difference between Removal & Dismissal from service

Ans: Removal from service which shall not be disqualification for future employment
under the Government or Railway Administration
Dismissal from service, which shall ordinarily be disqualification for future
employment under the Government or Railway Administration.

13. Briefly describe Leave Not Due

Granted to a permanent employee when no other leave is due and there are reasonable
prospects of his coming back to duty.
Sanctioned to the extent of LAP he is likely to earn.
Maximum can be 360 days in the career of the employee with the condition that not more
than 90 at a time and 180 days maximum for other than medical grounds.
Temporary employee may be sanctioned LND on medical certificate if the post is likely to last till
he returns and he has one year service

14. Briefly describe Extra Ordinary Leave

Granted to a Railway employee when (i) no other leave is due or (ii) the employee
specifically applies for it.
No Leave salary.
Can be combined with other leaves.
Not debited to Leave account.
Not exceeding 5 years at a stretch for permanent and 3 months for temporary(6 months with
Medical certificate) Railway employees .

15. Briefly describe Maternity Leave

It is a full pay leave not debited to any account.
It is granted as under:
For confinement

180 days


45 days during service

Female Casual workers

4 weeks

Temporary Railway employees may be granted Maternity Leave if their employment is likely
to continue till they come back to service may be granted Maternity Leave on the basis of
Medical Certificate.
It may be combined with any other type of leave.
Any leave (including LND) upto a maximum 2 years may be granted in continuation of ML
if applied for without Medical Certificate.
It is a full pay leave not debited to any account.
It is granted as under:
For confinement

180 days


45 days during service

Female Casual workers

4 weeks

Temporary Railway employees may be granted Maternity Leave if their employment is likely
to continue till they come back to service may be granted Maternity Leave on the basis of
Medical Certificate.
It may be combined with any other type of leave.
Any leave (including LND) upto a maximum 2 years may be granted in continuation of ML
if applied for without Medical Certificate.

16. Briefly describe Child Care Leave

For women employees having minor children(below 18 years)

If child is disabled (40% disability) up to 22 years age. Certificate regarding disability has
to be produced along with certification by the employee that the child is dependent on her.
Maximum for a period of 2 years (730 days) during the entire service.
It may be allowed for third year as Leave not Due without production of medical certificate.
For taking care up to 2 children.
Admissible for 2 eldest surviving children only.

17. Briefly describe Study Leave

Granted to a Railway employee for:

1. Higher studies or undergoing training in professional and technical subjects having a direct and
close connection with the sphere of his duties.
2. A study capable of widening ones mind in manner likely to improve his abilities as a Railway
3. Studies connected with the framework or background of public administration.

18. Briefly describe Hospital Leave

Ans: Sanctioned to Group C and D Railway employees due to risks incurred in the course of official

Based on Medical Certificate of Railway Doctor.

Sanctioned for such periods as necessary.

For first 120 days Leave salary will be as that on LAP and for remaining period as that on LHAP.

Maybe combined with any other type of leave due and admissible provided that the total period does
not exceed 28 month.

19. Briefly describe Special disability leave


Can be sanctioned up to 24 months

For injury caused intentionally by someone in performance of official duties as a Railway
Injury must manifest within 3 months of its occurrence.
Medical Certificate necessary.
Leave salary as on LAP for first 120 days, then as on LHAP.
Counts for pension.
Not debited to Leave account.

20. Briefly describe Paternity Leave

Granted to male Railway employees (including Apprentices) with less than 2 surviving
Granted for 15 days.
During the period of confinement of wife of a Railway employee . Can be availed in the
period between 15 days prior and 6 months after the date delivery of the child.

21. Briefly describe difference between Hospital Leave & Special Disability
22. Briefly describe difference between Maternity Leave & Child Care Leave
23. Briefly describe difference between Paternity Leave & Maternity Leave
24. What are different types of passes under Railway servant (Pass) Rules1966

Metal Passes - Gold, Silver & Bronze.

Duty Card Pass

Emergent Duty Pass

Residential Card Pass
Transfer Pass
Kit Pass.

25. Briefly describe Privilege Pass

Ans: These are the passes issued to the serving employees and include passes issued on School
account. These passes are debited to the pass account of the individual employee.

26. Briefly describe Duty pass

Issued to officers who are not issued with metal passes and other Railway
employees who are required to travel frequently on duty.
Normally issued for a period of 1 year.
27. Briefly describe School pass
28. Briefly describe widow pass

Widows of those railway employees who were in service on 12.3.87 and opted for the
scheme of Widow Pass OR Widows of those railway employees who joined service on or
after 12.3.87 and are compulsorily governed under the scheme of Widow Pass are eligible
for Widow Passes.
Widows of railway employees who were in service prior to 12.3.1987 will be eligible to be
admitted to the scheme of 'Widow Pass' scheme on a one-time payment of Rs. 250.
Widows of railway employees who had opted out of the scheme of Widow Pass will also be
eligible to be admitted to the scheme of Widow Pass on a one-time payment of Rs. 250.

29. Briefly describe Special Pass

Retired railway employees covered under RELHS and who are suffering from
Cancer, major renal problem and serious heart ailments may be issued special pass on
medical grounds for travel from the station where they have settled to the station where
approved specialized hospitals are located and back

30. List out any 10 allowance for which Railway Servant is eligible
1. Running Allowance
2. House rent allowance
3. Children education allowance
4. Night Duty allowance
5. Transport Allowance
6. Dearness Allowance(DA)
7. Break Down Allowance
8. Conveyance Allowance
9. National Holiday Allowance
10. Non-Practicing Allowance

31. Briefly describe Running Allowance

Ans: Running allowances are paid to employees whose duties are connected to moving the
train i.e. Drivers, firemen, guards, brakesmen etc. There are 4 types of running
allowances viz.
i) Mileage/Km. allowance - granted to him at specified rates on the basis of distance
ii) Allowance in lieu of mileage/Km. paid to a running staff to compensate the loss of
Km. due to his being shifted in non running duties.
iii) Breach of rest allowance - Whenever the rest is aggregated before completing 16
hours will be eligible for breach of rest allowance @ 2 hours for every hour. This is only
if the breach is at HQ and not at outstation. Running staffs on suburban trains are not
entitled for breach of rest allowance.
iv) Allowance in lieu of running room facilities - Where running rooms are not
provided this allowance is paid provided such period of rest exceeds 4 hours between
the train arrival and train departure. Where running rooms are provided but cooks are
not provided it is admissible at half the prescribed rate.

32. Briefly describe House rent allowance

Ans: It is granted as a relief to employees in view of the higher rent that they may be
required to pay for private accommodation due to non-availability of railway quarters.
This is also granted according to the classification of cities as indicated below:1
30% of pay
20% of pay
10% of pay
This will not be granted to any railway servant occupying any type of railway
accommodation Central or State.

33. Briefly describe Children education allowance

Ans: This allowance shall be paid for Classes
Nursery to XII Std. There shall be no nexus with performance, can be paid even if child
fails (earlier it was for 2 years in same class) Includes Tuition Fees, Laboratory Fees,
special fee appliances used by child, library fee, games/sports fee, extra-curricular activity, one set
of text books, one set of note books, school shoes. Annual ceiling is Rs. 12000/- per child, up to
two children Can be reimbursed at a time any time.

34. Briefly describe Night Duty allowance

Ans: Group C & Group D staff performing duty from 22/00 hours
to 6/00 hours are entitled to night duty allowance. The basis of calculation is 10 minutes
for every hour worked and such calculation if less than an hour will be waved.

35. Briefly describe Transport Allowance

Transport Allowance (TPA) is paid to Railway staff to compensate the cost of commuting between
place of residence and place of duty.
It is admissible to all Railway Employees who dont have government travelling facilities/official
vehicles at the following rates:

36. List out various welfare activities in Railway

Provision of railway institutes and clubs

Children Educational Allowance

Provision of Holiday Homes /convalescent homes

Provision of canteens
Handicraft centres/vocational training centres
Provision of co-operative socities
Mobile libraries
Medical facilities
Staff Benefit Fund

37. What are the sources of fund for Staff Benefit Fund
(i) All receipt from fines
(ii) Annual grant from revenue on First April
(iii) Unpaid wages beyond 3 years

38. What are the rules for determining seniority in case of mutual transfer
39. What are the rules for deciding seniority in case of request transfer
40. What are the rules for deciding seniority in case of transfer on
administrative ground?
41. Briefly describe periodical transfer
42. Describe briefly various benefits available in case of transfer on
administrative ground.
43. What are the various sources of Recruitment
Ans: The principal modes and agencies of recruitment on Indian Railways are as
1. Union Public Service Commission for Group A Services
2. Railway Recruitment Board for Group C
3. Railway Recruitment Cell for Group D
4. Screening of Casual Labours & Substitutes
5. Appointment on compassionate grounds
6. Appointment against sports quota
7. Appointment on the grounds of cultural and artistic talents
8. Appointment of physically handicapped persons through RRB & RRC

44. Briefly describe about Railway Recruitment Board

Each RRB generally consists of 1. Chairman
2. Member Secretary
3. Secretary/Assistant Secretary
Recruitment through Railway Recruitment Board under control of Railway Recruitment Control Board

45. Briefly describe about Railway Recruitment Cell

Ans: There is provision for direct recruitment of staff in Group C categories through
RRB and in Group D lowest category through RRC.

46. What are various Pay Band and Grade Pay for Group A Officer
starting from Junior Scale to SAG.
SAG (EDs in Rly. Bd.) 37400-67000 GP 10000

SG (Director in Rly. Bd.) 37400-67000 GP 8700

JA (Joint Director in Rly.Bd.) 15600-39100 GP 7600
Sr.Sc. (Dy. Director in Rly. Bd.) 15600-39100 GP 6600
Jr.Sc. 15600-39100 GP 5400

47. How Pay is to be fixed in case of Recruitment

48. In case of promotion where duties & Responsibilities are higher
49. Where duties & Responsibilities are same
50. Briefly describe exercising option for fixation off pay
51. List out minor penalties under RS (D&A) Rules -1968
1. Censure
2. Withholding of his promotion for a specified period;
3. Recovery from his pay of the whole or part of any pecuniary loss caused by him to the
Government or Railway Administration by negligence or breach of orders
4. Withholding of the Privilege Passes or Privilege Ticket Orders or both
5. Reduction to a lower stage in the time scale of pay by one stage for a period not
exceeding three years
6. Withholding of increments of pay for a specified period with further directions as to
whether on the expiry of such period this will or will not have the effect of postponing
the future increments of his pay

52. List out major penalties under RS (D&A) Rules -1968


Reduction to a lower time- scale of pay, grade, post, or service, for a period to be
specified in the order of penalty
Compulsory retirement
Removal from service
Dismissal from service

53. Briefly describe Medical classification for NG staff

54. Draw organizational chart of Personnel Department

55 Briefly describe Rule -3 of R. S. (Conduct) Rule-1966

1) Every Railway servant shall at all times:(i) Maintain absolute integrity;
(ii) maintain devotion to duty; and
(iii) do nothing which is unbecoming of a
Promptness and courtesy
3B- Observance of Government Policies

Railway servant


56 Briefly describe Rule-5 of R. S. (Conduct) Rule-1966

Taking part in politics and elections.
1. No railway servant shall be a member of, or be otherwise associated with,
any political party or any organization which takes part in politics
2.It shall be the duty of every railway servant to endeavour to prevent any
member of his family from taking part in,
3.No railway servant shall canvass, otherwise interfere with, or use his
influence in connection with or take part in, an election to any legislature or local

57 Describe briefly Rule-8 of R. S. (Conduct) Rules1966

8. Connection with press or other media.
1. No Railway servant shall, except with the previous sanction of the
Government, own wholly or in part, or conduct or participate in the editing or
management of, any newspaper or other periodical publication or electronic
2.Railway Servant publishing a book or participating in a public media shall,
at all times, make it clear that the views expressed by him are his own and not
that of Government

58 Describe briefly Rule-12 of R. S. (Conduct) Rules 1966

Subscription. - No railway servant, shall, except with the previous sanction
of the Government or of the competent authority, ask for or accept contributions
to or otherwise associate himself with the raising, of, any funds or other
collections in cash or in kind in pursuance of any object whatsoever.

59 Describe briefly Rule-13 of R. S. (Conduct) Rules1966

Can accept gifts from relative/friends with no official dealings in the marriage ceremony,
anniversaries, funerals and religious functions. In case it exceeds the following limits to intimate
Rs.7000/Group A Officers
Rs.4000/Group B Officers
Rs.2000/Group C staff
Rs. 1000/Group D Staff
3) In any other case no gifts to be accepted if the value exceeds the following limits:Rs.1500/Group A and B Officers
Rs.1000/- Group C and D staff

60 Describe briefly Rule-15 of R. S. (Conduct) Rules 1966

Except with prior permission
a) engage himself directly or indirectly in any trade
b) or business or negotiate or accept employment
c) a sponsored media programme
d) canvass any business of insurance agency
e) Part time lecture
f ) agency for lottery tickets
but can
a) undertake honorory work of social or charitable
b) enrollment with BAR association



Sublet or lease or
2 otherwise allow occupation to any other person to
whom , it was alloted.
3 Vacation after cancellation
4 Disciplinary action

61 Describe briefly Rule-18 of R. S. (Conduct) Rules 1966

1.Every Railway servant shall on his first appointment to the Railway service, submit a return
of his assets and liabilities
2. No Railway servant shall except with the previous knowledge of the Government, acquire
or dispose off any immovable property by lease, mortgage, purchase, sale, gift or otherwise
either in his own name or in the name of any member of his family.
3. if no return has been filed before 31 st jan , no vigilance clearance may be given for
Group 'A' and 'B' Officers - If the cumulative transactions i.e., sale,purchase or both in shares,
securities, debentures or mutual fundsscheme etc. exceeds Rs.50,000/- during the calendar year
Group 'C' and 'D' Officers - If the cumulative transactions i.e., sale,purchase or both in shares,
securities, debentures or mutual fundsscheme etc. exceeds Rs.25,000/- during the calendar

62 Describe briefly Rule-20 of R. S. (Conduct) Rules1966

No railway servant shall
A) Attempt to bring any political pressure or influence upon the superior authority to further
his interest in respect of matter of service condition

63 Describe briefly Rule-21 of R. S. (Conduct) Rules 1966

1 Enter into or contract a marriage with a person having living spouse
2 Having a living spouse ,shall enter into a marriage with any person

3 Marriage with a person other than indian national shall intimate the fact to the

64 Describe briefly Rule-26 of R. S. (Conduct) Rules 1966

Obligations to abide by all Administrative Instructions that are issued from time to time in
regard to the conduct of railway servants

65 How Railway Servant is defined in RS(Conduct) Rule-1966

1 a person who is a member of service or holds a post under the Administrative control of
the Railway Board.It also includes a person who is holding the post Of Chairman,FC or
Member of Railway Board.
2 Person lent from a service or post which is not Under the administrative control of the
Railway Board to a service or post not come within the Scope of the definition.
3. R S at the disposal of company, corporation,or a local authority (even though he draws salary
from sources other than CFI)are deemed R S.

66 What do you mean by Govt. in reference to RS (Conduct) Rule-1966?

(a) Government means in relation to :(i) Gazetted officers holding posts in Rly.Board-President
(ii) Other Gazetted officers - Railway Board
(iii) Non-gazetted staff in RB - The Secretary, RB
(iv) NG staff in offices directly under control of RB - HODs concerned
(v) NG Staff in Zonal Railways - GMs

67 What are the Rules for issue of settlement pass

Issued to a Railway employee at the time of retirement to settle in a place of his choice.
Should be availed within 1 yearfrom date of retirement.
No limit for the number of persons in the pass.

68 What are the Rules for issue of Retirement Pass

Number eligible
Chairman and Members of Railway Board

5 sets per year

Gazetted Officers 20-25 years of service

3 sets per year

Group C staff 20-25 years of service

1 set per year

Group C staff over 25 years of service

2 sets per year

Group D staff not less than 20 years of service

1 set per year

(B)Objectives type questions :(Answer in One or Two sentences.)

1. Who is competent authority to change the classification under Railway
Servants (Hours of Work & Period of Rest) Rules, 2005. ?
Power vested with CPO
2. To whom the appeal lies against the order of CPO in reference to change
in classification under Railway Servants (Hours of Work & Period of
Rest) Rules,2005.
Appeal can be made to Secy to Govt. of India in Ministry of Labour.

3. What is the reason for change in classification?

This was done to fulfill the obligations undertaken by the Government of India due to
the deliberations made in the Washington and Geneva Conventions which were
sponsored by the International Labour Organization.

4. What is date of effect of change of classification from Essentially

Intermittent to Continuous
5. What are the 4 methods of Job Analysis? Which one is the best?

Rough assessment method.

Representative method
Issue of certificate by executive officer
Factual job analysis

6. What is Preparatory & Complementary (P&C) time?

Preparatory and/or complimentary work includes the work of handing over and/or
taking over of charge and are necessarily to be carried on outside the standard duty
hours on the scales prescribed for each category.

7 What is P & C hours in the case of Loco Pilot.

In regard to the Running Staff, the whole period from `signing on' to `signing off'
should be treated as period on duty.

8 How many Compensatory Rest can be granted at a stretch?

9. What is averaging period in the case of Gateman working in C class gate?


10. How many break is permissible in split shift duty.

split not more than 3
11.How many LAP can be credited in the leave account of Railway
servant in a year.
30 days LAP in a calendar year.
12.What are the rules for accumulation of LAP
Shall be credited in advance in two installments of 15 days each on
January 1st and July 1st of every calendar year.
Shall be carried forward subject to the maximum limit of 300 days
13.What are the rules for accumulation of LHAP

20 days LHAP in a calendar year.

No restriction on accumulation.
Shall be credited in advance in two installments of 10 days each on January 1st and July
1st of every calendar year(except school staff).

14.How leave salary is paid during the time of availing LAP

Cash equivalent in lieu of LAP = Pay plus DA admissible on the date of
retirement * No of LAP at credit (max overall limit of 300) / 30

15.How leave salary is paid during the time of availing LHAP

Cash equivalent in lieu of LHAP = Half pay plus DA admissible on the date of
retirement * No of LHAP at credit (max overall limit of 300) / 30

16.What are the difference between LAP & LHAP

17.What do you know about Leave Not Due?

Granted to a permanent employee when no other leave is due and there are
reasonable prospects of his coming back to duty.
Sanctioned to the extent of LAP he is likely to earn.
Maximum can be 360 days in the career of the employee with the condition
that not more than 90 at a time and 180 days maximum for other than
medical grounds.

18.Under what circumstances Extra Ordinary Leave sanctioned?

19.What are the conditions for grant of maternity leave?

20.What are the conditions for grant of paternity leave?

21.What are the conditions for grant of CCL

22.What are the conditions for grant of Study Leave

23.What are the conditions for grant of Hospital Leave

24.What are the conditions for grant of Special disability leave.

25.What are the various classification for grant of House rent allowance
HRA is paid as per classification of cities to the employees who have not been
allotted railway accommodation.

X class cities (earlier A-1 ) 30%

Y class cities(A,B-1 and B-2 )20%

Z class cities ( C& unclassified cities )10%.

26.What do you know about transport allowance?

27.What do you know about night duty allowance?

26. Night duty allowance: Group C & Group D staff performing duty from 22/00
hoursto 6/00 hours are entitled to night duty allowance. The basis of calculation is 10
minutesfor every hour worked and such calculation if less than an hour will be waved.
Thatmeans minimum 3 hours or more than 3 hours of night duty should be done to
claim half hour night duty allowance.

28.What is ALK?

29 Who is the Head of Personnel Department in the Zonal Railways?

30 What are the rules for accepting gift by Group A officer in ordinary
occasions from relative and near friends?
Rs.7000/Group A Officers
Rs.4000/Group B Officers
Rs.2000/Group C staff
Rs. 1000/Group D Staff

31 What do know about RRB?

32 What do know about RRC?

33 How the period EOL is taken into account for crediting LAP ?

34 What are various classification under Railway Servants (Hours of Work

& Period of Rest) Rules,2005.

35 Railway servant out of his Head quarter for a period more than 6 hours
but less than 12 hours, what Percentage of TA/DA he will get ?
Does not exceed 6 continuous hrs. 30%
Does not exceed 12 continuous hrs. 70%
Exceed 12 hrs.
36 Under what circumstances contingency charges are paid ?

37 How many dependents are permissible in privilege pass ?

38 What are the difference types of duty pass ?


Gold Pass:
Silver Pass
Bronze Pass with First AC authority
Bronze Pass
Cheque Pass

39 What do you know about Gold Pass ?

40 What do you know about Silver Pass ?
41 What do you know about widow Pass ?
42 What do you know about Retirement pass ?
43 What do you know about School Pass ?
44 What is transport allowance ?
45 What is children educational allowance ?
46 What do you know about periodical transfer ?
47 What do you know about mutual transfer ?
48 What do you know about request transfer?
49 What are the rates for Payment of over time if working hours exceed rostered
hours but less than statutory hours?
50 Who are included in the definition of Attendant as per Pass rules
(B) Objective Type Questions (State True or False. )
1) Overtime is admissible to the staff working in Confidential Capacity like steno F
applicable to Factory. F
3) In a Job Analysis, the action period arrived in an average period of 12 hours is less
than 6 hours. The classification will be changed from C to EI
4) Breach of Rest Allowance is admissible to Non-running staff F
5) Factual Job Analysis is the best method of Job Analysis T
6) FA&CAO is the competent authority for change in classification. F
7) Factual Job Analysis is carried out for 72 consecutive hours in case of round the
clock post, T
8) In case of initial allotment of EI classification, DRM gives the certificate of
workload and proposed classification. T
also applicable to RPF staff.

10) The classification of Section Engineer is Intensive F

11) The maximum accumulation of LAP is 240 days. F
12) The maximum accumulation of LHAP is 300 days. F
13) Leave is a privilege, it can not be claimed as a matter of right. T
14) Maximum Hospital leave sanctioned for one injury is limited to 28 months. T
15) Maximum Special disabilities leave sanctioned for one injury is limited to 24
months. T
16) Maximum CCL granted for two children up to the age of 18 years. T
17) CCL can be sanctioned not more than 3 times in a year
18) Study leave for medical officer is limited to 24 months. T
19) Leave not due can be sanctioned at a time not more than 90 days.
20) General Manager or equivalent to General Manager and above are entitled for
Gold Pass. T
21) Availability period for privilege pass is 4 months. T
22) Group A or Group B Officer travel on duty with family members T
23) Rule No. 5 of Railway Service (Conduct) Rules 1966 is related to taking part in
politics. T
24) Rule No. 8 of Railway Service (Conduct) Rules 1966 is related to connection
with Press /Radio, Media, etc. T
25) Rule No11 of Railway Service (Conduct) Rules 1966 is related to unauthorised
communication of information.
26) Rule No. 12 of Railway Service (Conduct) Rules 1966 is related to raising fund
by Railway Servant. T
27) Rule No.13A of Railway Service (Conduct) Rules 1966 is related to acceptance
of Gift by Railway servant . T
28) Rule No. 15 of Railway Service (Conduct) Rules 1966 is related to Private
employment or business by Railway Servant. T
29) Rule No.18 of Railway Service (Conduct) Rules 1966 is related to transaction of
moveable and immovable properties. T

30) Rule No. 20 of Railway Service (Conduct) Rules 1966 is related to influence by
Railway servant regarding service condition from official or otherwise T
(B) Objective type questions (Choose the correct answer from the given
alternatives) :
1. Rule -3 of Service Conduct rule is related to
A. General conditions devotion to duty integrity etc.
B. Demonstration by Railway Servant
C. Employment of near relative.
D. None of these.
2. According to Rule 5 of Conduct Rules, Railway Servant
A. Can be a member of political Party
B. Can not be a member of Political Party
C. None of these.
3. According to Rule-6 Railway Servant
A. Can criticize Govt. in public interest.
B. Can not criticize Govt. in any matter
C. None of these.
4. According to Rule-13, Group A officer on special occasions can accept
Gift and report to Govt. in case amount exceeding
A. 2000/B. 5000/C. 2 months basic pay
D. None of these.
5. According to Rule 13A of Services Conduct Rule a Railway servant
A. Can not take dowry
B. Can not accept dowry
C. Both A & B
D. None of these.
6. According to Rule-19, if a Railway Servant desires to file a defamation suit
in his private capacity, he is.

A. Required to obtain permission before filing suit

B. No permission required before filing suit
C. None of these.
7. Condition regarding sale and purchase of immovable property mentioned in
A. Rule-7
B. Rule-9
C. Rule-18
D. None of these.
8. On sports quota recruitment is made in
A. Group B
B. Group C
C. Group C & D
D. None of these.
9. Paternity leave can be sanctioned up to
A. 12 days
B. 20 days
C. 15 days
D. None of these.
10. Leave on half average pay shall be allowed to be commuted during entire
service for an approved course of study which is certified to be in public
interest by the leave sanctioning authority. The maximum limit for this
purpose in entire service is
A. 120 days
B. 180 days
C. 150 days
D. None of these.
11. In respect of one disability special disability leave shall in no case exceed.
A. 12 Months
B. 24 Months

C. 28 Months
D. None of these
12. Railway servant working in administrative office are entitled for Casual
A. 12 days
B. 08 days
C. 11 days
D. None of these
13. The distances of transferred stations of Railway employee are 2025 KMs.
He is entitled for joining time?
A. 12 days
B. 10 days
C. 15 days
D. None of these.
14. School pass are granted according to
a) Calendar year
b) Academic year
c) Financial year
d) None of these.
15. The weekly duty hours of a clerk in the administrative office is :a) 42 Hours
b) 45 Hours
c) 40 Hours
d) 48 Hours
16 The duty hours for the purpose of calculating the overtime in the case of
running staff count from :a) Sign on to sign off
b) Arrival and Departure of Train
c) Wheel movement to wheel movement
d) Residence to Residence
17 A running staff after performing 9 hours duty is entitled to rest at Headquarter
:a) 12 Hours
b) 14 Hours
c) 16 Hours

d) 10 Hours
18. The long on period in case of Continuous staff is :a) 8 Hours
b) 12 Hours
c) 14 Hours
d) 10 Hours
19 Railway servant is eligible for TA/DA if he goes out of his Head quarter
a) Beyond 8 KM
b) Beyond 6 K M
c) Beyond 10 KM
d) None of these.
20 The classification of Matron is :a) Intensive
b) Continuous
c) Excluded
d) EI
21 The Principle of averaging period is not applicable in the case of :a) Continuous
b) EI
c) Intensive
d) Supervisory
22. The percentage of Leave Reserve is the case of Commercial staff is ;
a) 12 %
b) 15%
c) 12 to 15 %
d) 15 to 25 %
23 The statutory limit in the case of Intensive staff is :a)12 hours
b)10 hours
c) 6 hours
d) None of these.
24. In case of request transfer employee will get seniority
a) Bottom seniority in new establishment

90 hrs per 2 weeks

b) His original seniority

c) None of these.
25. Railway servant shall be entitled to
a) 15 days LAP in a Calendar year
b) 30 days LAP in a Calendar year
c) 20 days LAP in a calendar year.
d) None of these
26. Maximum limit for accumulation of LHAP is
a) 240 days
b) 180 days
c) 300 days
d) No limit for accumulation.
27. Leave Not Due may granted to Railway Servant at a time
a) 60 Days
b) 90 Days
c) 360 Days
d) None of these
28. All kind of leave in one spell shall not exceed
a) 2 years
b) 4 years
c) 5 years
d) None of these.
29. Maximum Hospital leave granted to Railway Servant in one spell
a) 24 Months
b) 28 Months
c) 12 Months
d) None of these
30. 4 sets of PTO are admissible to
a) All groups
b) Group A & B Officers only.
c) Group A , B & C only
d) None of these
31. Maximum dependent permissible in privilege pass
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) None of these


32. The holder of Silver pass can travel in 1 AC

a) Self only
b) With his family up to 4 members
c) With wife
d) None of these
33. Gazetted officer on retirement who completed of 26 years service eligible for
Post retirement complimentary passes.
a) 3 Sets
b) 4 Sets
c) 6 Set
d) None of these
34. Membership for clubs & Institute in Division is
a) Optional
b) Compulsory
c) On some Division optional and on some Division compulsory.
d) None of these
35. Half-day LAP is granted to
a) Group C & D employees
b) All Railway Employees
c) Artisan staff of Workshop /Production unit.
d) None of these
36 In which case special pass is not allowed
a) Sports tournament
b) Territorial Army
c) Union meeting
d) None of these
37. DRM is empowered to sanction special casual leave upto
a) 90 Days
b) 30 Days
c) 20 Days
d) None of these
38. For blood donation, special casual leave can be sanction for
a) 2 Days
b) 3 Days
c) 1 Day
d) None of these
39. Group C & D employee are entitled for three sets of pass on

a) On completion of 1 year service

b) On completion of 2 years service
c)On completion of 5 years service
d) None of these
40. Not entitle for running allowance
a) Driver
b) Shunter
c)Travelling ticket examiner
d) Guard.
41. Casual leave can be combined with
a) Special Casual leave
b) LAP
c)Hospital leave
d) None of these
42. Female Railway servant entitled for maternity leave for
a) 90 Days
b) 120 Days
c)180 Days
d) None of these
43. Composite transfer grant is permissible if VPU is used
a) One month basic pay
b) 80 %of the basic pay
c)70% of the basic pay.
d) None of these
44. During special disability leave, full payment is made
a) First 4 moths
b) First 5 months
c)First 6 months
d) None of these
45. The distance of transferred stations of Railway employee is 1240 K.M. He is
entitled for joining time
a) 12 Days
b) 10 Days
c) 15 Days
d) None of these
46. Travelling allowance/Daily allowance is admissible to Railway servants when
proceeding on duty beyond.
a) 5 K.M.

b) 7 K.M.
c) 8 K.M.
d) None of these
47. Recruitment in Group D category from open market is to be done by
a) Divisional Office
b) Railway Recruitment Board
c) R.R.C.
d) None of these
(B) Objective Type Questions : (Write full form of the following abbreviations ):
(1) RRB
(4) LDCE - Limited Departmental Competitive Examination
(5) LAP
(6) LHAP
(7) LND
(8) D.A.
(9) HRA
(10) T.A.
(11)CTG Composite Transfer Grant
(12) CCL
(13) SPCL
(14) EOL
(15) CPO
(16) Sr.DPO
(18) WPO
(19) ACC
(20) DPC. Departmental Promotion Committee)

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