introduced by the VI Pay Commission. This allowance shall be paid for Classes
Nursery to XII Std. There shall be no nexus with performance, can be paid even if child
fails (earlier it was for 2 years in same class) Includes Tuition Fees, Laboratory Fees,
special fee appliances used by child, library fee, games/sports fee, extra-curricular .
activity, one set of text books, one set of note books, school shoes.
Annual ceiling is Rs. 12000/- per child, up to two children Can be reimbursed at a time
any time.
8. Who are the persons covered under the term Family and Dependent
Relatives for the purpose of Pass rules?
years of age (R.B.s No. E(W)85 PS-5-1/8 if 11.9.85 Bahris 260/85). The passes are
issued between place at which either parent is residing to school/college and back
when recognized vacations of not less than 3 days consecutive duration or closure of
institution due to unforeseen circumstances
Granted to a permanent employee when no other leave is due and there are reasonable
prospects of his coming back to duty.
Sanctioned to the extent of LAP he is likely to earn.
Maximum can be 360 days in the career of the employee with the condition that not more
than 90 at a time and 180 days maximum for other than medical grounds.
Temporary employee may be sanctioned LND on medical certificate if the post is likely to last till
he returns and he has one year service
Granted to a Railway employee when (i) no other leave is due or (ii) the employee
specifically applies for it.
No Leave salary.
Can be combined with other leaves.
Not debited to Leave account.
Not exceeding 5 years at a stretch for permanent and 3 months for temporary(6 months with
Medical certificate) Railway employees .
It is a full pay leave not debited to any account.
It is granted as under:
For confinement
180 days
4 weeks
Temporary Railway employees may be granted Maternity Leave if their employment is likely
to continue till they come back to service may be granted Maternity Leave on the basis of
Medical Certificate.
It may be combined with any other type of leave.
Any leave (including LND) upto a maximum 2 years may be granted in continuation of ML
if applied for without Medical Certificate.
It is a full pay leave not debited to any account.
It is granted as under:
For confinement
180 days
4 weeks
Temporary Railway employees may be granted Maternity Leave if their employment is likely
to continue till they come back to service may be granted Maternity Leave on the basis of
Medical Certificate.
It may be combined with any other type of leave.
Any leave (including LND) upto a maximum 2 years may be granted in continuation of ML
if applied for without Medical Certificate.
For first 120 days Leave salary will be as that on LAP and for remaining period as that on LHAP.
Maybe combined with any other type of leave due and admissible provided that the total period does
not exceed 28 month.
Granted to male Railway employees (including Apprentices) with less than 2 surviving
Granted for 15 days.
During the period of confinement of wife of a Railway employee . Can be availed in the
period between 15 days prior and 6 months after the date delivery of the child.
21. Briefly describe difference between Hospital Leave & Special Disability
22. Briefly describe difference between Maternity Leave & Child Care Leave
23. Briefly describe difference between Paternity Leave & Maternity Leave
24. What are different types of passes under Railway servant (Pass) Rules1966
Widows of those railway employees who were in service on 12.3.87 and opted for the
scheme of Widow Pass OR Widows of those railway employees who joined service on or
after 12.3.87 and are compulsorily governed under the scheme of Widow Pass are eligible
for Widow Passes.
Widows of railway employees who were in service prior to 12.3.1987 will be eligible to be
admitted to the scheme of 'Widow Pass' scheme on a one-time payment of Rs. 250.
Widows of railway employees who had opted out of the scheme of Widow Pass will also be
eligible to be admitted to the scheme of Widow Pass on a one-time payment of Rs. 250.
30. List out any 10 allowance for which Railway Servant is eligible
1. Running Allowance
2. House rent allowance
3. Children education allowance
4. Night Duty allowance
5. Transport Allowance
6. Dearness Allowance(DA)
7. Break Down Allowance
8. Conveyance Allowance
9. National Holiday Allowance
10. Non-Practicing Allowance
37. What are the sources of fund for Staff Benefit Fund
(i) All receipt from fines
(ii) Annual grant from revenue on First April
(iii) Unpaid wages beyond 3 years
38. What are the rules for determining seniority in case of mutual transfer
39. What are the rules for deciding seniority in case of request transfer
40. What are the rules for deciding seniority in case of transfer on
administrative ground?
41. Briefly describe periodical transfer
42. Describe briefly various benefits available in case of transfer on
administrative ground.
43. What are the various sources of Recruitment
Ans: The principal modes and agencies of recruitment on Indian Railways are as
1. Union Public Service Commission for Group A Services
2. Railway Recruitment Board for Group C
3. Railway Recruitment Cell for Group D
4. Screening of Casual Labours & Substitutes
5. Appointment on compassionate grounds
6. Appointment against sports quota
7. Appointment on the grounds of cultural and artistic talents
8. Appointment of physically handicapped persons through RRB & RRC
46. What are various Pay Band and Grade Pay for Group A Officer
starting from Junior Scale to SAG.
SAG (EDs in Rly. Bd.) 37400-67000 GP 10000
Reduction to a lower time- scale of pay, grade, post, or service, for a period to be
specified in the order of penalty
Compulsory retirement
Removal from service
Dismissal from service
Railway servant
3 Marriage with a person other than indian national shall intimate the fact to the
Issued to a Railway employee at the time of retirement to settle in a place of his choice.
Should be availed within 1 yearfrom date of retirement.
No limit for the number of persons in the pass.
25.What are the various classification for grant of House rent allowance
HRA is paid as per classification of cities to the employees who have not been
allotted railway accommodation.
28.What is ALK?
33 How the period EOL is taken into account for crediting LAP ?
35 Railway servant out of his Head quarter for a period more than 6 hours
but less than 12 hours, what Percentage of TA/DA he will get ?
Does not exceed 6 continuous hrs. 30%
Does not exceed 12 continuous hrs. 70%
Exceed 12 hrs.
36 Under what circumstances contingency charges are paid ?
Gold Pass:
Silver Pass
Bronze Pass with First AC authority
Bronze Pass
Cheque Pass
30) Rule No. 20 of Railway Service (Conduct) Rules 1966 is related to influence by
Railway servant regarding service condition from official or otherwise T
(B) Objective type questions (Choose the correct answer from the given
alternatives) :
1. Rule -3 of Service Conduct rule is related to
A. General conditions devotion to duty integrity etc.
B. Demonstration by Railway Servant
C. Employment of near relative.
D. None of these.
2. According to Rule 5 of Conduct Rules, Railway Servant
A. Can be a member of political Party
B. Can not be a member of Political Party
C. None of these.
3. According to Rule-6 Railway Servant
A. Can criticize Govt. in public interest.
B. Can not criticize Govt. in any matter
C. None of these.
4. According to Rule-13, Group A officer on special occasions can accept
Gift and report to Govt. in case amount exceeding
A. 2000/B. 5000/C. 2 months basic pay
D. None of these.
5. According to Rule 13A of Services Conduct Rule a Railway servant
A. Can not take dowry
B. Can not accept dowry
C. Both A & B
D. None of these.
6. According to Rule-19, if a Railway Servant desires to file a defamation suit
in his private capacity, he is.
C. 28 Months
D. None of these
12. Railway servant working in administrative office are entitled for Casual
A. 12 days
B. 08 days
C. 11 days
D. None of these
13. The distances of transferred stations of Railway employee are 2025 KMs.
He is entitled for joining time?
A. 12 days
B. 10 days
C. 15 days
D. None of these.
14. School pass are granted according to
a) Calendar year
b) Academic year
c) Financial year
d) None of these.
15. The weekly duty hours of a clerk in the administrative office is :a) 42 Hours
b) 45 Hours
c) 40 Hours
d) 48 Hours
16 The duty hours for the purpose of calculating the overtime in the case of
running staff count from :a) Sign on to sign off
b) Arrival and Departure of Train
c) Wheel movement to wheel movement
d) Residence to Residence
17 A running staff after performing 9 hours duty is entitled to rest at Headquarter
:a) 12 Hours
b) 14 Hours
c) 16 Hours
d) 10 Hours
18. The long on period in case of Continuous staff is :a) 8 Hours
b) 12 Hours
c) 14 Hours
d) 10 Hours
19 Railway servant is eligible for TA/DA if he goes out of his Head quarter
a) Beyond 8 KM
b) Beyond 6 K M
c) Beyond 10 KM
d) None of these.
20 The classification of Matron is :a) Intensive
b) Continuous
c) Excluded
d) EI
21 The Principle of averaging period is not applicable in the case of :a) Continuous
b) EI
c) Intensive
d) Supervisory
22. The percentage of Leave Reserve is the case of Commercial staff is ;
a) 12 %
b) 15%
c) 12 to 15 %
d) 15 to 25 %
23 The statutory limit in the case of Intensive staff is :a)12 hours
b)10 hours
c) 6 hours
d) None of these.
24. In case of request transfer employee will get seniority
a) Bottom seniority in new establishment
b) 7 K.M.
c) 8 K.M.
d) None of these
47. Recruitment in Group D category from open market is to be done by
a) Divisional Office
b) Railway Recruitment Board
c) R.R.C.
d) None of these
(B) Objective Type Questions : (Write full form of the following abbreviations ):
(1) RRB
(4) LDCE - Limited Departmental Competitive Examination
(5) LAP
(6) LHAP
(7) LND
(8) D.A.
(9) HRA
(10) T.A.
(11)CTG Composite Transfer Grant
(12) CCL
(13) SPCL
(14) EOL
(15) CPO
(16) Sr.DPO
(18) WPO
(19) ACC
(20) DPC. Departmental Promotion Committee)