High Power Laser

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Proceedings of the National conference on Advances in Lasers and Spectroscopy (ALS-2012) 01-03 November, 2012,

ISM Dhanbad, India

Paper Code. No. TP-xx

Application of High Power Laser in Oil and Gas Well Drilling: An Overview

Vikas Mahto, Md Hamid Siddique, A. K. Pathak

Department of Petroleum Engineering, ISM Dhanbad -826004 (J. K.), India
vikas.ismpe@gmail.com, hamidsiddique3@gmail.com,akhilendra_pathak@yahoo.co.in

The conventional rotary drilling used for the exploration and extraction of crude oil and
natural gas is very complex and costly operation. In view of the challenges associated with the
increase oil demand, some economical methods are being felt by the oil companies to decrease the
drilling cost. For this, several novel drilling techniques are being attempted. These techniques
include studies on rock failure by mechanical, thermal, hydraulic, fusion and vaporization, and
chemical means. Jet piercing is widely used for drilling very hard, spallable rocks. Other methods
include the use of electric arc, laser, plasma, spark, and ultrasonic drills. With the advent of
advanced high power laser, the researchers from the petroleum industries and universities found that
it has great potential in oil and gas well drilling. It was many advantages over the conventional
rotary methods such as high penetration rate reduction or elimination of tripping, casing and bit
costs, enhanced well control and side tracking capabilities. This paper reviews the research works
on the application of laser in oil and gas well drilling carries out by various laboratories worldwide
with varying degrees of success in the oilfields.
1. Introduction
The major challenge for the oil industry is to identify strategies for maximizing the upstream
potential value of the discovered reserves and to optimize future investments in order to reduce risk
and costs in both exploration and exploitation activities, while minimizing the environmental
impact. The return of the petroleum sector is creating more pressure on the drilling business to
develop better, faster and cheaper drilling methods and well construction [1].
At present, rotary drilling is the dominant technique for well production in the oil and gas
industry. But this is a very complex and costly operation. Therefore, the further development of
drilling techniques is to be approached by the utilization of a different form of energy source.
Thermal energy in the form of combustion can be a good alternative besides the jet piercing which
is a well developed commercial process for the drilling of blast holes in taconite ore formation.
These drilling techniques have reached high degree of perfection.
The application of electric arc energy or Plasma deep drilling technology is other recently
explored new drilling technologies, which would be able to substitute conventional, contact-based
rotary systems. None of these attempts has been proven to be effective in extreme deep drilling
conditions. However, After going through various research papers and numerous case studies, it is
found that these techniques may emerge as future technologies which are waiting to come and can
revolutionize the drilling methods practiced all over the world[2-6].


2. Unconventional drilling methods

There are numerous nonconventional drilling techniques available in mining sector. Out of
these methods, plasma-arc torch, electron beam, laser thermal and electric heater are expected for
their applications in oil and gas fields. The melters used in these methods do not need to rotate and
the coiled tubing unit or conventional rigs are not required which drastically reduced the operating
cost. These systems will not need mud pumps or mud-cleaning equipment. Although they do not
have liquid drilling fluids for hole stability and well control, the melted rock has the potential to
form a glassy lining on the wellbore, which might alleviate those problems. Some of the negative
attributes are the direct contact of heaters with the bottom hole, difficulty in lifting melted rock from
the bottom hole, and power or fuel transmission to bottom hole.
Some additional unconventional method is also found under research such as Spark drilling
and pulsed laser water jet [7]. Spark drilling has come positive point to be considered like higher
rates of penetration may be possible. The spark drill operates in liquid-Wed wellbore and with
adequate instrumentation, system can improve directional control. But has also some negative point
too which put sparking drilling still under research like, energy transmission requires electrical
conduit downhole, high currents cause insulation breakdown, system has reduced cutting ability at
increased depth and Gas is generated downhole by electrical discharge.
The pulsed-laser water jet is also under research and may have significant potential. The
combination of tensile rock failure and resonant vibration means efficient energy transfer. But have
a significant limitations too like system requires multi-channel conduit, system requires stand-off
control and gauge maintenance, system requires laminar flow of clear water downhole.
3. Laser
The earliest studies were directed at enhancing tunnelling machines used in mining industry
by use of lasers. Lasers available at those times were of very low power, produced large
wavelengths and were unsafe for industrial use. Naturally, laser drilling was never considered
feasible for the oil industry either. There was a great resistance by the oil industry when cable tool
drilling was replaced by the rotary drilling. It involved the huge efforts from the rich, powerful and
influential innovative people to bring such a change in the drilling practices. Laser drilling
technique will have to cross major obstacles before it can be accepted as the first fundamental
change to rotary drilling methods.
The Laser devices are those which convert one form of energy into photons which are
electromagnetic radiations. The following seven types of lasers have been identified for their use in
oil and well drilling [8-9]:


Hydrogen Fluoride and Deuterium Fluoride Laser: These have operating wavelength
range of
2.6 4.2 micrometer. MIRACL was used for reservoir rocks test.
Chemical Oxygen Iodine Laser: Operates at wavelength of 1.315 micrometer. It is
possible to destroy missiles with its help that too with a great precision and high
range. Such high precision and range can be successfully used to tackle a number of
well problems.
Carbon dioxide Laser: Operates at wavelength of 10.6 micrometer with average
power of 1MW. It can operate in both continuous and pulsed wave mode. However,
because of its large wavelength, attenuation occurs through fiber optics.
Carbon monoxide Laser: Operates at wavelength of 5-6 micrometer. It can also
operate in both continuous and pulsed wave mode. Its average power is 200KW.
Free Electron Laser: In CW mode, this can be tuned to any wavelength and is
considered as high power laser for future. Thus its wavelength can be adjusted in
case of reflection, blackbody radiation, etc.


Neodymium: Yttrium Aluminum Garnet Laser: Operates at 1.06 micrometer

wavelength with power of 4KW.
Krypton Fluoride (excimer) Laser: Operates at 0.248 micrometer wavelength with
Power of 10KW. It can be operated in RP mode. In this laser, the atoms of Krypton
and Fluoride in KrF molecule are in excited state.

4. Laser Mechanical Bit

The laser mechanical bit works on the principal of first spalling the rock using a laser beam
[10]. It has been proved that temperatures induced by lasers weaken the rock. This is due to fracture
development, mineral dehydration and vaporization that results in an increase in the void space. It is
found that when compared to the unlased portion the various moduli such as Youngs modulus, shear
modulus, bulk modulus and combined modulus of the rock were reduced. This weakened rock is
then drilled through using normal presently used mechanical bit techniques. This is achieved at a
faster more efficient rate. The laser characteristics can be adjusted from surface depending on
logging information to suit the formation characteristics.
5. Laser Drilling and its advantages

Majority of research in the field of laser drilling is focused on solely using a laser to
vaporize the rock. These methods are proposed to have various advantages over currently used
rotary drilling techniques which include [10]:
i) Increasing Rate of Penetration (ROP)-Laser drilling shows the potential of having ROPs
that is more than 100 times the presently ROPs
ii) Provision of temporary casing
iii) Reducing trip time and an increased bit life.
iv) Lesser dependence on parameters such as weight on bit, mud circulation rate, rotary
speed and bit design
v). Accurate and precise drilling since lasers travel in a Straight line problems like dog
legging are completely eliminated.
vi). Providing enhanced well control, perforating and side-tracking capabilities
vii). Single diameter bore hole
viii). Achieving these breakthroughs with environmentally attractive, safe and cost effective
6 Limitations of Laser Drilling

The main disadvantage of laser cutting is the high power consumption. Industrial laser
efficiency may range from 5% to 15%. The power consumption and efficiency of any particular
laser will vary depending on output power and operating parameters. This will depend on type of
laser and how well the laser is matched to the work at hand. The amount of laser cutting power
required, known as heat input, for a particular job depends on the material type, thickness, process
(reactive/inert) used, and desired cutting rate. Some more disadvantages of later drilling are:
i) Laser holes are tapered to some extent (approximately 1% of the drill depth).
ii) Cannot drill a blind hole to a precise depth.
iii) Adherent metal to be removed from exit hole.
iv) Slower processing large holes due to trepanning.


8. Conclusion

The conventional rotary drilling practices are very expensive and new concept of laser
drilling technique can revolutionize the current state of oil industry. Laser drilling technique offers s
higher rate of penetration values and a properly designed laser system may reduce the rig time and
rig cost. Hence, a properly designed laser based drilling system can reduce the drilling costs
significantly. Laser technology might also perform well in horizontal drilling and clear debris from
a well bore. However, laser rock spallation is a very complex phenomenon and more and more
research work is still required for the selection and actual implementation of lasers into a real oil
and gas well drilling system.
[1] C. Teodoriu, C. Cheuffa Thirty-Sixth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering,
January 31 - February 2, 2011

[2] R. M. Graves, R. A.Parker and B. C.Gahan, SPE 78154, 20-23, 2002.

[3] R. A. Parker, B. C. Gahan, R. M. Graves, Samih Batarseh, Zhiyue Xu and Claude B. Reed:
SPE 84353, 2003.
[4] P. Sinha and A. Gour, SPE/IADC 102017, 2006.
[5] Z. Xu, C. B. Reed, R. Parker, R. Graves, 23rd International Congress on Applications of
Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2004.
[6] R. A.Parker, Z. Xu, and C. B. Reed, R. Graves, International Congress on Applications of
Laser & Electro-Optics, 2003.
[7] W. C. Maurer, J. K. Heilhecker, SPE 2434, 1968.
[8] C. B. Reed, Z. Xu, R.A. Parker, B. C. Gahan, S. Batarseh, R. M. Graves, H. Figueroa, W.
Deeg, U. S. DOE Report ANL/TD/TM03-02, 2003.
[9] R.M. Graves, and. D.G. O'Brien, SPE 49259, 1998.
[10] S. Pooniwala, SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, Canton, Ohio, U.S.A., 2006


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