American Tarot Association Quarterly Journal - Summer 2012
American Tarot Association Quarterly Journal - Summer 2012
American Tarot Association Quarterly Journal - Summer 2012
Summer 2012
On the Cover
This issue features the Nine of Wands from HEXEN 2.0 by Suzanne Treister. Images depicting scientific, socio-political, governmental, and countercultural movements of the twentieth
century transform the tarot into a forum for exploring the trends in mass population mind control, cybernetics, science fiction, and government and military institutions.
In this space, "one may imagine and construct possible alternative futures."
The Nine of Wands focuses on the origins of the drug culture and the impact of LSD. The
major players in the movement are noted in the psychedelic rainbowTimothy Leary, Allan
Ginsberg, Abbey Hoffman, Aldous Huxley, Tom Wolfe, and related subjects like the Summer
of Love, Acid Rock, Mysticism, and Haight-Asbury. The subtext of this card implies how LSD
can be used to expand the mind, as well as control it.
Cover image is used with the permission of Black Dog Publishing London UK, Hexen2.0 Tarot:
by Suzanne Treister. ISBN: 978 1 907317 65 1. Copyright Suzanne Treister, 2012.
Presidents Letter
It's that time again! How are you doing? When thinking about this letter, I drew the Six
of Fire from the Gaian Tarot. I see this woman dancing around the campfire as the
quintessential free spirit. She's engaged in the passion of the moment. She is doing
what brings her joy.
Something that brings me joy is the amazing people I get to work with on your Board of
Directors. I'd like to introduce you to last year's Member-at-Large who is now your Vice
President of Education.
Cindy Wilson, also known as Olympias, is VP of Education. Cindy has over 40 years of
experience in reading and teaching Tarot. She believes that Tarot is especially useful in
affirmations of happenings and choices in a persons life, as well as giving the seeker
preparation time and warning of upcoming situations. The seeker can then plan and
decide how they will react and not being taken unawares. Cindy began reading professionally in 1999. She took advantage of the anonymity of online in the 1990s and became known as, The Reader of Readers on AOL. Cindy is ranked as a Certified Tarot
Grand Master through the Tarot Certification Board of America. She hosts a weekly
BlogTalk Radio show which in part discusses and demystifies Tarot. Cindy reads at fairs
and conventions throughout the Southwest, from her blogtalk radio show, and privately
by phone.
Cindy is working with our mentoring program. If you want to help others engage in their
passion for Tarot, won't you shoot her an email at so you
can get involved? And don't think you can't also ask for a mentor! I know I'm considering finding a mentor for the Marseille-style decks. I would love to delve into them more.
So what's your passion?
Seek joy, y'all!
the Greek word hexis means coherence or cohesion, not just understood as a structural
unity, but the source of all qualities in a body. Thus hexis is defined by producing tensional motion in a body or across several bodies. (Lars Bang Larsen, introduction, pp 6-7)
Welcome to the fascinating world of Suzanne Treister, the creator of HEXEN 2.0. This deck is
different than anything youve seen before. Make yourself comfortable and let your mind roam
into the clouds of possibility as you read this interview!
QJ: Greetings Suzanne! Your new tarot deck is
wildly different from other tarot decks in content.
What inspired you to connect with the tarot this
Suzanne Treister: Well Im interested in ways that
things connect. A previous project, HEXEN 2039,
investigated links between the military and the occult. For a while Ive been curious about the tarot
but until recently I hadnt investigated its history or
how it operated. For several years though I had
been working with the idea of alchemical drawings.
I made a series of works which transcribed front
pages of international daily newspapers into alchemical drawings, as a way of reframing the world
as if animated by strange forces, powers and belief
systems, redeploying the languages and intentions
of alchemy: the transmutation of materials and essences and the revealed understanding of the
world as a text, as a realm of powers and correspondences which, if properly understood, will allow man to take on transformative power. So in that
sense making work with and about the tarot was a
natural next step.
QJ: How do you envision people working with or
studying this deck?
ST: I familiarised myself with interpretations for
each of the cards in order to decide which historical
figure, event or
organisation etc. to
use for each, because my intention is
for the cards to be used to look at interpretations of
history and for the imagining of possible futures,
rather than for individual personal readings. I think
this is feasible if the reader or a group of readers
working together are prepared, if necessary, to carry
out a little research into some of the subject areas
they may not already be overly familiar with. The
HEXEN 2.0 book is useful in this sense in that it
maps out broad histories connecting together all the
material featured in the cards as well as additional
information on Macy Conferences attendees as well
as some background reading material in the form of
reverse-drawn book covers, more of which are
online on my website. I have tried to put as much
relevant information into each card as possible and I
guess I have a crazy hope that the sorts of ideas
that might come through a traditional interpretation
using a more traditional tarot in a personal reading
might also apply on a more general level with the
HEXEN 2.0 tarot. At the very least I hope the cards
may have an educational function. Having said that I
sat around last night with a couple of London art
world luminaries and at the end of the evening we
got out the cards and did personal readings which,
due to the nature of the cards, ended up being more
about where these people were in terms of possible
At the same time cybernetics and ideas of feedback loops may hold the key to working out alternative ways forward, possible ways out of impending
global crises perhaps? Some scientists started on
this a while back, for example Stafford Beer, with
his ideas for a factory controlled by the computational power of the Irish Sea, or for the enrolling of
naturally occurring adaptive systems, such as
ponds, into human projects. In 1948 the ecologist
Evelyn Hutchinson talked about circular causal systems in ecology. (1)
(1.) "The aspects of ecology to be considered regard primarily the study of the conditions under
which groups of organisms exist. Such groups may
be acted upon by their environment, and they may
react upon it. If a set of properties in either system
changes in such a way that the action of the first
system on the second changes, this may cause
changes in properties of the second system which
alter the mode of action of the second system on
the first. Circular causal paths can be established
in this manner."
HUTCHINSON GE (1948) Circular causal systems
in ecology. Annals of the New York Academy of
Sciences 50: 221-246.
Adapting to change,
health & longevity
through self-control.
Business matters. MoonChandra and Air, wind
god Vayu
Mental/physical strength,
prosperity through communication and commerce, protection of
valuables, female children. Kubera, god of
wealth, and Mercury,
Religious devotion,
husband, male children,
success through relationship with mentor.
Vishnu, Shiva, Soma,
Ketu (South Node),
Jupiter/Guru, Water
Unity, Brahamastahana
Survey situation
Self as cosmos
Pranic energy, ether
Karmic responsibility,
High energy and intensity
Husband and wife,
ancestors, ancestral
of feeling.
energy and passion,
challenges, strength of
physicality, physical
character through purity;
comforts. Venus/Shukra,
protective measures.
Agni, Fire
Nirriti, Durga, Uranus,
Earth, Rahu (North Node)
By Nancy Waterstone
As Tarot readers, we want our clients to walk away from a
reading with new insight to heal, to grow, or to take action
to redirect their lives toward their dreams. But as time
passes, the same individuals who walked out our door with
newfound resolve begin to drift into old patterns as mindfulness of the readings message fades. How helpful would it
be to send them off with a companion, to be constantly with
them, to remind, support, and nudge them toward their
goal? Stone Companions are an ideal tool for this purpose.
Throughout history, stones have been used as talismans for
luck and protection, intuitive guidance and divination, and
for healing of emotional and physical ailments. Crystals and
stones are finding increasing application in the healing arts
as modern-day practitioners acknowledge the wisdom of the
ancient healers. These qualities of healing and guidance can
be used to supplement the power of the Tarots message.
How does this work? Stones interact with humans through
energy fields which resonate with the human aura and energy meridians. This energy works in multiple forms, via the
minerals crystal lattice structure, the chemical properties
contained within the minerals, and reflected light in the form
of color.
In addition to these properties, belief and mindfulness of
purpose are essential to the successful use of stones. Used in
combination with the Tarot, stones provide a focal point for
the mindfulness needed to act on the Tarots message.
What is left to you, the Tarot reader, is to select an appropriate stone to reinforce the message of the reading.
In our context here, stone is a general term that includes a
pure mineral, a combination of minerals contained in a single
stone, a gemstone, or what some might call just a rock.
For application as Companion Stones, I have found tumbled
stones to particularly useful, as they are easily carried close
to the body, unobtrusively, in a pocket or charm bag. Jewelry made from the recommended stones can also be worn.
Most Companion Stones fall under the category of semiprecious stones. Unlike many gemstones, these are usually
quite affordable, yet can be of great beauty while they give
the desired mineral presence.
So, how do we select the appropriate stone from a Tarot reading? As with all things Tarot, here is where our intuitive guidance comes in. Not all readings indicate use of a Companion
Stone. Yes/no questions or other specifics of that type are
not usually receptive to the influences of Companion Stones.
Readings in which the crucial message can be described as
your mission is to., or which result in an affirmation for
personal growth, are the ones best suited to Companion
Stones. In these types of readings, both the clients question
and the primary message of the reading suggest a change in
behavior, a new way of thinking, or a new focus in ones life.
The Companion Stone is a supportive friend in that mission.
As the central message emerges, the reader can then select a
stone that will be supportive to your clients mission. I keep
on hand several stones of each kind that I work with, and once
the needed stone is identified, I encourage clients to choose
the one that most attracts them. Together, ask for the stones
blessing and support as a companion for the mission at hand.
If you are not already working with stones, you will need to do
a bit of homework to learn about minerals, crystals, and their
related properties. You can begin working with a limited selection that you are comfortable with, and build your collection and knowledge from there. The stones you chose to work
with will be those which resonate with your own perception
about what they can do, which you will develop as you handle
them, meditate on them, and live with them. By using companion stones yourself for your own missions, you will learn
much about their subtle power.
As a beginning, there are many resources which describe
stones for healing and personal transformation. The Informa-
Information Resources
Author Bio
Nancy Waterstone has worked for over 30 years as a professional geologist, helping humans to live in harmony
with the geologic processes of Mother Earth and to repair
scars of the past. In her 10 years as a Tarot reader and
intuitive consultant, she has incorporated the use of Companion Stones for transformation, growth, and wellbeing. To learn more about Companion Stones, log on to
Timeless Classics
By Sherryl Smith
He asserts that occult tarot is a socially constructed human text; an occult language with a grammar and vocabulary. When you interpret a spread you
are reading the text. He provides an elementary dictionary of meanings for the 78 cards drawn from A. E.
Waite, Alfred Douglas and Stuart Kaplan, whom he
considered representatives of mainstream tarot. He
says Tarot makes certain assumptions about the human condition: that there are such things as creativity, spirituality, love, economic activity, a quest for
meaning, moral choices, divine guidance, and an interplay of opposites such as masculine and feminine
or life and death.
Grammar organizes these meanings. Numerical
order is a basic grammar. Other grammatical structures are alchemy and the four elements, astrology,
Kabala and the Tree of Life, and Jungian archetypes.
The Golden Dawn created a very complex grammar
from a synthesis of several basic grammars.
Jorgensen focused his research on discovering how
readers and querents use tarot to acquire the sense
that they have an extraordinary knowledge of reality,
and how they maintain the sense of participating in
non-ordinary reality. He defines a tarot reading as "a
social interactional process whereby a reader interprets past, present and future events commonly for a
querent through the medium of the cards. The querent must participate in this interaction and engage in
interpretation in order to sustain a sense of having
accomplished extraordinary knowledge."
Jorgensen adamantly states that a reading can
only be valid if the querent actively colludes with the
reader in creating meaning. His research focused on
the social interaction between reader and querent
where meanings are created and claims to extraordinary knowledge are sustained. He concluded that
tarot readings are only successful when done for people who already believe in the validity of non-ordinary
reality, who assume divination is an acceptable way
to make decisions, and who can suspend their mundane, scientific world view for the duration of the
reading. The reading will be meaningless to someone
who does not share these assumptions. One-sided
readings, such as an email reading, a reading for
someone who receives it passively, or even a reading
for oneself, are not valid readings. The ideal client is
a stranger who shares the reader's assumptions about
Jorgensen, Danny L. The Esoteric Scene, Cultic Milieu, and Occult Tarot. New York: Garland Publishing,
Inc., 1992.
List of Illustrations:
Reader: This woman is artistic and loves the outdoors. (More tentative facts.)
The Magician from the Aquarian Tarot, David Palladini, U.S. Games Systems, Inc., 1970.
Illustration Two: Knight of Swords, New Tarot, William J. Hurley and J.A. Horler, 1974.
Illustration Fourteen: The Golden Dawn Tarot Deck,
U.S. Games Systems, Inc. 1977.
Reader: The Devil card tells me she's had longstanding troubles. (Building on the previous facts and
searching for meaning why is the sister in this reading?)
Querent: She's been unhappy for a long time. I think
her husband beats her. (Repeats the reader's statement and offers personal information that makes the
foregoing meaningful in the context of her life.)
Reader: She seems to be reaching out to you for help.
(Further negotiating the reading's message.)
Querent: She's been begging me to visit her. I think
I'll use my vacation to go out there and see what I can
do for her instead of going on a cruise. (The querent
declares the meaning of the reading and brings it to a
successful conclusion.)
In a typical reading, the reader and querent go
back and forth, negotiating the meaning of the cards
and never breaking the magical mind-set. Like a good
therapy session, the reading is successfully concluded
when the querent experiences a shift and is able to
identify the meaning negotiated during the interaction.
Pentacles. Mercury makes its third sextile to Jupiter in Gemini (8 of Swords). The vibration of the number 8 is emphasized: practicality and solid decision-making skills come in
August 23 Mars enters Scorpio. The 5
of Cups corresponds to this combination.
There may be mixed emotions about
changes taking place at the end of August. Security and guarantees are desirable, while uncertain risks are not.
Strong personalities will dominate relationships.
Full Moon at 8 Pisces: August 31 to September 14.
This full moon relates to the Moon card,
especially with the Sun and Moon conjunct Neptune. Mercury enters Virgo
today and opposes Neptune tomorrow.
Educational matters are emphasized,
and a powerful aura of nostalgia surrounds memories of the past. The Moon
also squares Jupiter in Gemini (8 of
Swords), so people may be nervous or
uncertain about their reception into
schools and institutions, or be overwhelmed by too many people or too many choices.
September 3 (Labor Day) Venus in Cancer (2 of Cups)
squares Saturn in Libra (3 of Swords). Attachments to others
are re-evaluated or scrutinized for fairness and balance.
September 4 Mercury in Virgo (10 of Pentacles) trines
Pluto. This favors long-term rewards for effort, or investments or acquisitions that create long-term benefits.
September 6 Venus enters Leo
September 7 Sun in Virgo (8 of Pentacles) squares Jupiter in Gemini (8 of
Swords). Another big 8 day. Make
decisions with caution and common
sense. If there are too many options
and decisions seem overwhelming,
choose whatever will work best in
practical terms.
September 10 Sun-Mercury conjunction in Virgo (8 and 10 of Pentacles). This is a doublyearthy day. Some will receive benefits that have been
earned after long labor or sustained effort. Theres a focus
on students and teachers. People are encouraged to fit into
of chatter increases.
November 6 Tuesday, Election Day. Brace yourself Mercury turns retrograde at 6:04 pm EST on Election Day! The
Magician will have tricks up his sleeve. In previous years with
Mercury stations on election day, there have been problems
with counting votes, and the results have been challenged
by the losing contender. Election results may be delayed,
and some results may not be announced until Thursday.
November 9 Venus trine Jupiter. (Empress-Wheel) People
celebrate lucky turns and verified results. This is a good day
to join forces with people who share common goals and extend their avenues of publicity and expression.
tarot relevance.
As an exercise to get familiar with the deck, I examined each of the cards and laid them out in a sequence that appeared to follow the story line. This
was trickier than I expected. Even after re-reading
The Hobbit prior to this review, I was challenged to
identify the scenes and constantly had to refer to the
LWB to understand what was being shown. Text
descriptions on the cards would have been helpful
Laying out the cards in the traditional order of the
tarot was no more enlightening. As expected, Bilbo
leads off as the Fool, as he leaves behind his cozy
Hobbit hole for the great adventure. Gandalf follows as the Magician. So far so good. Once we arrive at the Empress, however, they lost me. The Empress card shows Bilbo and the dwarves sitting under the trees, while in the background Gandalf
points to the path ahead. How this relates to the traditional message of the
Empress is obscure, to say
the least. While most of
the Major Arcana depicts
characters or concepts
more or less appropriate
to the cards traditional
meaning, some of them
illustrate specific scenes
from the book. However,
the scenes are out of sequence when the cards
The poetics of tarot with
Enrique Enriques
DVD review by Paul Nagy
Tarology: The Poetics of Tarot with Enrique
Enriquez is a film by Chris Deleo and Kimberlie
Naughton, released in 2012. It offers a patchwork quilt
of ideas and pictures about how to discover ourselves
in world and word through the early modern Marseille
tarot deck as guided
by conceptual artist
cum tarot reader,
Enrique Enriquez.
The film opens
with street scenes
and the sound of
traffic. Negligible
Enrique re-envisioning the alphabet as
bell sounds carpet
tarot process
the background, a
brisk winter day, a man walks alone on sidewalks by
walls, down alleys, by a tree, placing tarot cards near
analogous structures or displays. Enrique Enriquezs
smooth Venezuelan accented voice introduces the mosaic narrative effect of the film. Stating his doubts,
tarot seems a marginal anachronism to the 21st century, out of place to mainline enquiries into the predictive sciences or idols of mass celebrity.
Other minimally identified voices chime in with
summary accounts of tarot and Enriques unique approach to tarot. Most of these commentators are well
known and respected tarot teachers and readers: Marcus Katz, Mary K. Greer, Donnaleigh la Rose, Shawn
Nacol, Rachel Pollack, and Robert Place among others. Here this chorus of tarot talking heads provide
brief introductory statements contextualizing how Enrique Enriquezs approach to tarot is fresh and alive
and cuts to the core of the way tarot reading is as
much of an art form as is painting a picture or composing a poem. The film unfolds, actually unrolls around
the gentle voice and demeanor of Enrique Enriquez,
showing tarot cards as glyphs of Manhattan street
scenes and graffiti and explaining how the simple im-
Author Bio
Paul Nagy is an esotericist and mystic who has studied world
religions and reads tarot. Paul hosts a talk show, and is a
writer and editor at His focus is on humanistic and theosophical philosophies, and he is a member of the
Theosophical Society and the International Society of Neoplatonic Studies. Paul is a graduate from the Pacific School
of Religion (Master in Divinity), and has traveled extensively
to do pilgrimages and to learn about esoteric practices including Buddhism, Sufi and Wicca.
cultures, and youll need to keep the little white book handy for
that reason. Some you will recognize right away, like Jacob
Marley on the Devil, appropriately enough, chained to all his
strongboxes. The Headless Horseman from The Legend of
Sleepy Hollow makes his appearance as the King of Swords.
And what would any deck in this vein be complete without the
Grim Reaper on the Death card?
Hunt threw in a few ghost-related holidays and spirit-related
stories or legends, like the Day of the Dead on the Ten of Cups
and Davy Jones Locker on the Four of Cups. Others were
more obscure, but if you enjoy ghost stories, youll get a real
education just going through the deck and the LWB. One that I
didnt expect but enjoyed was the story of the Hawaiian hero
Hiku on the Knight of Wands descending into the depths to
bring his wife, Kawela, back to life.
Probably the most chilling image for me was the Queen of
Swords. I knew this was not a spirit to be trifled with. Her face
has the most incredible look of agony and distress as she holds
the sword behind her. This is the well-known banshee of Celtic
folklore. On the flip side, the simple beauty of the doppelganger on the Two of Wands was very striking, with the mirrored image of a red-haired woman in the window behind her.
For what its worth, I would LOVE to see a full-color book
with card images and meanings for this deck. It would make a
fantastic coffee table book.
If youre a fan of anything that goes bump in the night,
youll really enjoy the Ghosts & Spirits Tarot. I definitely
wouldnt give it to a beginner tarotist, unless the person really
gravitates toward the spirit world and is willing to learn the
various traditions. But its a great opportunity for intermediatelevel tarot students and up to learn some more spirit folklore
and legend. And speaking personally, I think I just found the
deck Im going to use in October!
Ghosts & Spirits TarotU.S. Games Systems, 2012, $18.00
with a thud. The next page turns to the References cited in the book, and a list of Sources.
This is all the more remarkable as Swifts bio indicates the author worked as an editor.
This might be a brilliant book, but the lack of
basic presentation devices and organization turns
it into a mountain-climbing expedition. Only the
reader can decide if the climb is worth the while,
because the making the material coherent and
useful is foisted onto the reader. The pity of it is
some less-able writer will come along in a few
years, do a better job of organizing and presenting the material, and sell a lot more copies of his
book than Swift will of this volume.
On the positive side, the long-neglected writings of the Persian and Arabic wisdom schools
and mystical movements (the Sufis) of the 8 th
12th centuries CE are finally leaking into the
sphere of western esotericism and astrology. It
was inevitable that someone would kick open the
door between the Wisdom schools and the tarot.
A number of other reviews can be seen at: The reviews, like the book, are garbled
and uneven. Some reviewers were wowed by the
contents. A few coughed up a remark or two
about the difficult presentation and grainy images. While all the reviewers agreed the book
offered a fascinating collection of information,
not one suggested that it offered useful tools for
tarot readings. A telling omission, that.
Plenty of tarot books go overboard in spoonfeeding the reader a puree of regurgitated, watered-down information. This presentation is the
diametric opposite of the spoon-feeding variety.
If readers are willing to tackle the challenges,
there are gold nuggets to be mined.
With that in mind read the book. But curb
your expectations for immediately accessible
tools to use in tarot readings. It isnt that sort of
Mirror of the Free. O Books (Dodona Books,
John Hunt Publishing) 2011. Second edition of a
limited edition printing in 2005. Black and white
illustrations. 184 pages, $19.95 paperback.
Card backs
There is a Facebook Lenormand Card
Study Group
andybc ~ Journal of a Cartomante
The Language of the Lenormand by Madame Whodun at
Online Lenormand Dictionary, "My Wings of Desire" (list of card meanings) at
Serena's Guide to the Cards of Mme Lenormand at
The Lenormand Oracle at
Mary K. Greer's post on Mme. Lenormand at
Jozefa Seaqueen's Learning the Lenormand Cards at
Janna's Lenormand Card site at
Lenormand Oracle Cards at
Britta's Courses (and deck) at
Treppner Course -- People who don't speak German will need to use Google Translate or BabelFish to read the page, because the website is entirely in German.
Melissa Hill's Video Course: only $35, download at
Sandy Cristel's Interactive Lenormand Oracle at
THE GAME OF DESTINY - Fortune Telling with Lenormand Cards By Mario dos Ventos
Caitlin Matthews is currently writing a book, soon to be released
Tali Goodwin, The New Lenormand: Modern Reading of an old-fashioned oracle, has a BOOK soon to be released on
the Lenormand Published by Forge Press, May 2012.
As is Rana George (and creating a Lenormand deck with Ciro Marchetti) at
The Secrets of the Lenormand by Sylvie Steinbeck (some complain this is not true to the traditional system; I like it and
learned from it). Createspace Publishing, 2007. 252 pages, Amazon $18.99. Four star rating by readers.
Mission Statement
The American Tarot Association is a professional and social organization for tarot enthusiasts, students, scholars, and readers. We promote the study and appreciation of tarot
by supporting a variety of educational programs. We require a high level of ethics in
tarot readings by asking our members to agree to our published code of ethics.