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Archetypal Symbols As Therapeutic Tools

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Symbols as
Tools by toni gilbert rn, ma, hn-bc

Rider-Waite Tarot Deck reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc.,

Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright 1971 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Further
reproduction prohibited. The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck is a registered trademark of
U.S.Games Systems, Inc.

arot is a system of archetypal symbols that contain of the cards as they are shuffled and placed into a formation.
essential elements of our being our hopes, fears, Time and time again, I have observed a mysterious harmony
strengths, and weaknesses of our bodies, minds, and as the cards fall in place and accurately depict the clients issue
spirits. According to Kaplan (1978), there are as many as he or she questions and searches for answers, as in the case
archetypes as there are typical situations. These archetypal themes of Ryan (see below).
can come to us through dream interpretation or guided imagery
and draw upon the archetypal energies hidden within our deeper Ryan
levels of consciousness (Gilbert, 2004; Kaplan). Ryan was seeking reassurances and had come to me for
Like the Rorschach inkblot test, Tarot does not easily lend psychological and spiritual counseling. He had recently entered
itself to research purposes. Both modalities lack the psychometric a treatment program and was under a physicians care for
qualities that could be used to measure psychological variables, possible withdrawal symptoms. My nursing diagnosis reflected
such as intelligence, aptitude, behavior, and emotional reaction. that he was suffering from mild anxiety related to a disruption of
However, it is worth noting that both tools, like other tests, normal routines and an unpredictable treatment outcome. The
serve to elicit responses that can then be evaluated in standard objective was to use Ryans reaction to the Tarot cards imagery
diagnostic terms or other criteria. to gather information and provide emotional support.
As one example, Arthur Rosengarten, a transpersonal Will my treatment for alcoholism be successful? Ryan
psychologist, conducted a pilot study with recovering asked as he shuffled the deck of Tarot cards.
perpetrators and/or victims of spousal abuse and family violence.
Rosengarten analyzed the respective position of each card and Strength
assumed that every card in a spread stood for something in the The first card of the four-card spread was entitled Strength and
individuals psyche, although multiple levels of meaning could had a symbolic image of a woman with a serene countenance,
be found in each card. Rosengarten (2000) concluded that the her arms around the jaws of a tamed lion. Sometimes known
insights stimulated and clarified by Tarot are of primary value as the beauty and the beast, this image reflects the archetypal
for the individual, not the method itself, and that Tarot must principle of quelling the beasts or demons in our own nature
be considered as an instrument of potential psychotherapeutic (Arrien, 1988). Holistic nurse and tarotist Christine Jette (2001)
value in which the counselor seams together the nuances that has written that when one draws the Strength card, it is indicative
gather meaningfully during a clients session. of a need to correct unhealthful dietary and lifestyle habits (p.
I have explored Tarot as a therapeutic tool for over 134) and make the animal nature a peaceful companion.
a decade, and I find it can be used to facilitate a profound I asked Ryan what he saw in the picture on the card.
transformative process that unfolds for both practitioner and After seconds, he intellectually made associations, intuited the
client. In theory, the archetypal energy of the thinking and meaning, and then replied, This is the strength I need to gain
feeling states of the client synchronistically affect the order sobriety. The lion represents my cravings to drink.

24 Beginnings summer 2008

Archetypal symbols contain essential elements of our being our hopes,
fears, strengths, and weaknesses of our bodies, minds, and spirits.

I responded, This card represents the foremost archetypal References

energy operating in you in this situation. It indicates that you are Arrien, A. (1988). The Tarot handbook: Practical applications of ancient
feeling strong and determined. He furrowed his brow, thought visual symbols. Sonoma, CA: Arcus Publishing Company.
for a moment, and then replied, Yes, I feel very determined. Gilbert, T. (2004). Messages from the archetypes: Using Tarot for healing
and spiritual growth. A guidebook for personal and professional use.
Ashland, OR: White Cloud Press.
Three of Swords Jette, C. (2001). Tarot for the healing heart: Using inner wisdom to heal
The second card, Three of Swords, contained the image of a red body and mind. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications.
heart with three swords piercing it. In the background were Kaplan, S. R. (1978). The encyclopedia of Tarot. New York: U. S. Games
large raindrops falling from dark clouds. This card represents Systems Inc.
the archetypal principle of the deep sorrow and grief caused by Rosengarten, A. (2000). Tarot and psychology: Spectrums of possibility. St.
negative states of mind. Paul, MN: Paragon House.
Ryan looked at the image for a moment and said, This
card depicts all the pain caused by my drinking behaviors. I
heard a man accepting responsibility for his actions, a sure sign Toni Gilbert RN, MA, HN-BC is a certified holistic nurse who holds
that he was headed towards healing. According to Jette (2001), a Master of Arts degree in Transpersonal Studies from the Institute
the Three of Swords carries the promise of psychological growth of Transpersonal Psychology. Toni is one of thousands of health
if problems are faced. professionals who act as a bridge between mainstream medicine and
alternative and complementary therapies. Her online journal, the
Death AHNA: 060608
Alternative Journal of Nursing, gives these pioneers a forum to
discuss their esoteric discoveries. She has also released her first book,
The third card was entitled Death. The image was of a cloaked
skeleton, with snakes crawling out from beneath its cloak, Messages from the Archetypes: Using Tarot for Healing and
riding a white horse. Ryan looked at the card intensely but said Spiritual Growth. Contact: www.tonigilbert.com.
nothing. So I asked, What do you see in this card? When Ryan
shook his head in consternation, I offered an interpretation:
Join the Revolution in Activities:
This card rarely means actual physical death but is telling us
to let go of old patterns of behavior and to express ourselves in Organize & Conduct
a different way. The snake sheds its skin, thus reminding us Laughter Clubs!
that we must let go of old ways in order to change and grow
(Gilbert, 2004). Effective for every level of senior care; for hospitals, schools,
prisons, workplaces & support groups. Improves health,
Ryan straightened his back and said, That makes sense concentration & mood; reduces stress, lifts spirits & provides
because that is what I want. With this statement, I knew social support. A bright spot for staff, residents, families &
Ryan was getting in touch with his truth. The card and my clients. Flexible, adaptable, comfortable, creative, cost-
interpretation were merely providing a contemplative point effective, fun.
of focus.

Four of Wands
The last card, entitled Four of Wands, represents the archetypal
principle of having completed something (Gilbert, 2004). The
image on the card is of four upright poles, with a golden road UNIQUE FEATURE #5: Step-by-step system of light exercise &
motivation promotes brain fitness and mood regulation.
running between the poles up a hill to a golden castle. Ryan
immediately said, This is the road to success, and the castle Now is a great time to become a
is my goal to achieve sobriety. This card indicates that the Certified Laughter Leader
(Nursing CE approved)
questioner has laid a foundation of stability and healing through Books, audio/video & other resources.
choices made and actions taken (Jette, 2001). I told Ryan, This Workshop Schedule, FREE newsletter & FREE brochure
is the outcome card. It indicates that you are moving in a new 1-800-NOW-LAFF(669-5233)
and strong direction. or visit
Ryan leaned back in his chair, sighed deeply, and smiled. www.WorldLaughterTour.com
I knew he had received the validation that he needed. My
intuition also told me he was indeed headed towards sobriety
and healing.

Summer 2008 Beginnings 25

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