MECE 2420U: Solid Mechanics: Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science

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Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science

MECE 2420U: Solid Mechanics

Semester: Winter 2015
Course Instructor and Contact Information
Course Instructor:
Dr. Greg Rohrauer, P.Eng.
Office: ACE4025
Phone: (905) 721-8668 ext 5710
Teaching Assistants and Contact Information
Tutorials: TBD
Office Hours
Wed., 11:00 AM to 12:00 AM (following class) tentatively
Email is always good to arrange for other times or ask simple questions. Avoid using Blackboard
email, it does not forward notifications and rarely gets checked.
Course Objectives
This course is slated to help engineering students learn and study the fundamentals of solid
mechanics and relate such acquired knowledge to the strength of engineering materials and then
apply design allowables via simple failure criteria. Emphasis will be placed on stress, strain and
different types of combined loading as they are applied to various structures. Stress and strain
transformation via Mohr's circle and the design of beams and shafts will be the primary topics
covered with the objective of computing the required sizing, deflection or safety factor. There will be
a tutorial component that provides students an opportunity to ask questions on solved sample
Course Outcomes
By the end of this course students should have acquired the skills necessary to determine internal
stresses and deflections of basic structural members under different loading conditions and apply this
knowledge to narrow designs down towards an optimum for various structural and mechanical

MECE2230U or ENGR2230U: Statics
Note: Statics is the foundation of solid mechanics, without understanding this subject thoroughly
attempting this course and anything subsequent along such a line of study (Machine Design,
Advanced Solid Mechanics, Kinematics, etc.) will be entirely challenging.
Course Organization
3 lecture hours per week
Weekly tutorial sessions
2 hours of biweekly lab
Required Course Texts and Other Materials

Mechanics of Materials, 9th edition by R.C. Hibbeler. Prentice

Hall, 978-0133409321

Reference Books and Information Sources (Examples)

1. Mechanics of materials, F. P. Beer, E. R. Johnston Jr. and J. T. DeWolf, 3rd edition,
McGraw Hill, 2004
2. Mechanics of Materials, Roy R. Craig, Jr. 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2000
3. Engineering Mechanics of Solids, Egor P. Popov, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, 1998
Course Evaluation
Midterm Exam:
Final Exam:

10 % (2% each)
15 % (~2% each assignment)
25 %
50 %

Students must achieve a cumulative mark of at least 50% on the Midterm and Final
exams combined to pass the course.
Laboratory attendance is MANDATORY.
Failure to complete the laboratory requirements will result in an INC grade awarded for
the course.
Late assignments and lab reports are accepted at -10%/day cumulative, 2 days maximum.
Cheating, plagiarism, or any other form of academic misconduct as outlined in Section
5.15 of the Academic Calendar will be punished accordingly.
Detailed Course Content
1. Stress and Strain: 3 lectures (Chapters 1 and 2 of Text)

2. Mechanical Properties of Materials: 2 lectures (Chapter 3 of Text)

3. Axial Loading: 2 lectures (Chapter 4 of Text)
4. Torsion: 2 lectures (Chapter 5 of Text)
5. Bending: 2 lectures (Chapter 6 of Text)
6. Transverse Shear: 2 lectures (Chapter 7 of Text)
7. Combined Loading: 2 lectures (Chapter 8 of Text)
8. Stress and Strain Transformation: 3 lectures (Chapters 9 and 10 of Text)
9. Design of Beams and Shafts: 3 lectures (Chapters 11 and 12 of Text)
10. Buckling of Columns: 2 lectures (Chapter 13 of Text)

Laboratory Topics
Laboratory manuals for each will be posted to Blackboard

Shear force in a beam

Torsion testing
Bending moment
Thin cylinder

Examples will be solved in front of the class by TAs, and students can ask questions relating to the
topics being studied.
Computer Experience
Students need to be familiar with laptop applications, the Blackboard system and common
documentation, presentation and communication software.
Course Content Breakdown
(following categories defined by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Boards Accreditation
Criteria and Procedures report, available at )
Basic Science:
Engineering Science:
Engineering Design:
Complementary Studies:


Important Dates
Labs start:
Week of January 12th
Midterm Exam:
Wed. February 25th, during regular class time (80 minutes), Location: UP1500 [tentative].
1 formula sheet double sided, is allowed (no solved problems or solution outlines). There will be
no make-up midterm exam. If missed for medical or other justifiable reason, the marks weighting
will be transferred to the final exam only on receiving appropriate notice from the student advisors
Final Exam:
The final exam is a comprehensive three-hour written exam as scheduled by the University during
the final exams period. In line with other exams, the final exam will reflect all the materials covered
in the lectures and tutorials, in the textbook, homework and lab topics. 1 formula sheet is allowed (no
solved problems or solution outlines). No make-up final exam will be given.
Delivery Mode
This one-semester course will be delivered by a combination of on-line lecture notes (for reference
via Blackboard), but primarily through attending classroom lectures, tutorials, and mandatory
laboratory sessions. Availability of a laptop computer and internet access is assumed.
Teaching Method
Essential lecture notes and assignments will be posted to Blackboard, however, students are
encouraged to also take their own notes during the lectures, particularly problems solved on the
board which may not get posted. This subject and course is not designed as a distance learning
exercise. Lectures constitute a good opportunity to ask questions and get feedback or extra
explanations where needed as problems get solved live.


Academic Integrity and Conduct
UOIT is committed to the fundamental values of preserving academic integrity as defined in UOIT
policies and contained in the UOIT Calendar. Students should familiarize themselves with UOITs
policies and statements in this area. Acts of academic dishonesty, including plagiarism, cheating,
aiding others in cheating, and examination impersonation, will be dealt with severely as they threaten
the integrity of the academic system and are not acceptable.

UOIT and faculty members reserve the right to use electronic means to detect and help prevent
plagiarism. Students agree that by taking this course all assignments are subject to submission for
textual similarity review to Assignments submitted to will be included as
source documents in's restricted access database solely for the purpose of detecting
plagiarism in such documents for five academic years. The faculty member may require students to
submit their assignments electronically to or the faculty member may submit
questionable text on behalf of a student. The terms that apply to UOIT's use of the
service are described on the website. (To read the entire policy, please go to:
To insure that disability-related concerns are properly addressed during this course, students with
documented disabilities and who may require assistance to participate in this class are encouraged to
speak with their instructor as soon as possible. Students who suspect they may have a disability that
may effect their participation in this course are advised to go to the Centre for Students with
Disabilities (room B297) as soon as possible.

Approved by Dr. Bale Ready
Department Chair

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