LRFD Composite Beam Design With Metal Deck

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MARCH 1991

by Ron Vogel, Computers and Structures, Inc.

March, 1991




This is the companion paper to the "STEEL TIPS" dated January 1987 entitled "Composite
Beam Design with Metal Deck". The original paper used allowable stress design (ASD). This
"STEEL TIPS" utilizes the same three original examples but designed by the Load and
Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Method. The purpose is to show the design procedure, the
advantages of the method, and the ease of using the AISC First Edition (LRFD) for design.
Three main areas have been revised from the ASD Approach:
1. Determination of effective slab width
2. Shored and unshored construction requirements
3. Lower bound moment of inertia may be utilized.

A number of papers have been written about these differences and the economies of the LRFD
method. The reader is referred to the list of references included.
Table 1



I3.1 Effective Width, b = Beam Length/8 (L/8)

on each side of beam = Beam Spacing/2 (s/2)
(lesser of the 3 values) = Distance to Edge of Slab

I3.5a General hr < 3.0 in. (Height of Rib)

Wr > 2. 0 in. (Width of Rib)
ds < 3/4 in. (Welded Stud Diameter)
Hs = hr + 1 1/2 in. (MinimumStud Height)
= hr + 3 in. (Maximum Stud Height value for computations)
tc > 2.0 in. (Minimum concrete above deck)

15.1 Material Hs > 4ds

I5.2 Horizontal = 0.85f'cAc

Shear Force = AsFy
(lesser of the 3 values) -- • Qn

I5.3 Strength of Stud Qn = 0.5 Asc (f'c Ec) (but not more than Asc Fu)
= 0.5 Asc (f'c wc)3/4 (using E¢ = wcl'5fx•c in above formula)

I5.6 Shear Connector = 6 ds Longitudinal

Placement and Spacing = 4 ds Transverse (See LRFD Manual Fig. C-I5.1, pg. 6-177)

Table 2


(Sections I3.5b and I3.5c)


1. Concrete Area Below Top of Deck NEGLECT INCLUDE

2. Stud Reduction Factor (N•0'85 [•rrj•Wrl{•SrS- 1}-< 1'0 ' [hrrJ [ h r - 1} -< 1.0

3. Maximum Stud Spacing 32 in. NOT SPECIFIED

4. Deck Welding 16 in. NOT SPECIFIED

5. Minimum Width of Rib 2 in. NOT SPECIFIED

Page 2 Steel Tips March 1991

Typical Design Problems
Example 1. Solution:

Design a composite interior floor beam (without cover plate) for 1. Design for construction loads:
an office building. See Beam A in Figure 1.
a. Strength design
wu= s [1.6 (D.L. + L.L.)]

- - I .
= 10 [1.6 ( 57 + 20 )] / 1000 = 1.23 kip/ft
(Load factor for D.L. assumed same as for L.L. during

i1 B
placement of concrete.)

Mu - wuL2 - (1'23)(30)2 - 139 kip-ft

40' ^ 8 8

[ ^
Mu (12)(139) _ 51 in.3 (Minimum)
Zreq- q•Fy- (0.9)(36)

b. Servicibility design
Limit construction deflection to 1 in.
(without construction L.L.)
30' -'

5wL4 (5)[(10)(57)](30)4(1728)
Figure 1 Ireq= 384EA- (384)(29,000,000)(1.0)
- 358 in.4 (Minimum)
Given: Span length, L = 30 ft.
Beam spacing, s = 10 ft. 2. Composite Beam Design:
Slab thickness, tc = 2.5 in.
Concrete strength, f'c = 3.0 ksi
a. Trial design for required flexural strength
Concrete weight, wc = 145 pcf (n = 9)
Steel yield stress, Fy = 36 ksi wu = 10 [1.2(87)+1.6(100)]/1000 = 2.64 kip/ft
3 inch metal deck, ribs perpendicular wuL2 (2.64)(30)2
Mu = T = 8 = 297 kip-ft
to beam (hr = 3 in., wr = 6 in.)
No shoring permitted. For a trial size use formula in LRFD Manual pg. 4-9.
12Mu (3.4)
Do not reduce live load.
Beam Weight = {d 2}
Loads: Concrete slab including reinforcing steel •+Yc - •) Fy
and metal deck 54 where q• = 0.85 and assume a = 1 in.
Framing 3
Mechanical 4 d 12Mu(3.4) d a WT Size Z I
Ceiling 6 Fy
•+Yc -

Partition 20 (in.) (in.) (#/ft) (in.3) (in.4)

14 396 12.0 33 W14X34 54.6 340

Total D.L. 87 psf
16 396 13.0 31 W16X31 54.0 375
Live Load 100 psf 18 396 14.0 28 W18X35 66.5 510
21 396 15.5 26 W21X44 95.4 843
Construction Loads, D.L. 57 psf (concrete & framing)
L.L. 20 psf (men & equipment)
Select W18X35.
For simplicity, the entire 57 psf construction load is
considered as live load during concrete placement. NOTE: The original Steel Tips design, based upon ASD,
used Grade 50 steel.

Steel Tips March 1991 Page 3

b. Verify flexural strength
' b

I o. o o. ' %..;;'•, . .v .* .. .' , ) .o

Effective concrete width (AISC I3.1)
•o° · ° n ? o .o: . lesser of,
i i
b = (2)(30)(12) _ 90 in. and
d/2 /
b = (2)(10)(12) _ 120 in.
! i 2
Use 90 in.

1 Design for full composite action

Tmax= AsFy= (10.3)(36)= 371kips (Governs)

Figure 2
Cmax = q• f'c b tc = (0.85)(3.0)(90)(2.5) = 574 kips
Tmax 371
a - { f'c b (0.85)(3.0)(90) 1.62 in.
a/2 = 0.81 in. (larger than 0.5 in. assumed)
Y2 = Yc - • = 5.5 - 0.81 = 4.69 in.
H .,. . . . . o. . ' . . .¢'. • _.i _ t
q•Mn= q•AsFy/d + Y21= (0.85)(371)I1---• +4.693
= 4270 kil•2n.
= 356 kip-ft

or from Table on LRFD Manual pg. 4-23

with Y2 = 4.69 in.

PNA = TFL (Top flange location)
Figure 3 Y1 =0in.
= 371 kips (AsFy)


tie Y•2
14.69 - 4.501
*mn= ["•.-.-•.0-•.5-J (364- 351)+ 351 kip-ft.

= 356 kip-ft > 297 kip-ft O.K.

d/2 + Yc ' a/2

c. Calculate shear studs

1 For full composite action
•Qn = AsFy= 371 kips

Assume 3/4 inch diameter by 5 inch long studs.

Qn = 0.5Asc(f'c wc)3/4 = (0.5)(0.442) [(3)(145)]3/4

= 21.1 kips (<AscFu = 0.442(60)= 26.5 kips)

Check flange thickness

Figure 4 tf= 0.425 > ds/2.5 = 0.3 in. O.K.

Page 4 Steel Tips March 1991

Stud Reduction Factor (S.R.F.) d. Design for deflection
0.85 Jwr• •Hs
•/2 l•J
lTrr - 1} < 1.0 Deflection after initial construction deflection
085 6 I5,0_ 5wL4- (5)(10) [(87 - 57 + 100) ] (30)4 1728
=- -

(mr) 13.0 - 384E Itr - (384)(29,000,000)Itr

-- m.
Nr S.R.F. Use See Table 3 for Moment of Inertia, Itr computations.

1 1.13 <1.0 1.0 with Itr for gross area, A = 0.46 in. or L/783
with lower bound Itr, A = 0.56 in. or L/643
2 0.80 0.80
A DL = 0.13 in.
3 0.65 0.65 ALL = 0.43 in. or L/837 O.K, (with lower bound Itr = Ilb)

Assume 14 stud locations possible per 1/2 beam The beam may be cambered for the initial
14 (21.1) = 295 kips construction deflection
( Ireq /Assumeddefiection.
Remaining stud force = 371 - 295 A= Iprovided
= 76 kips
Use twice reduction for doubled stud locations 358
A = /5--i-•) 1.0 = 0.70 in.
[ (2) (0.8) - 1] 21.1 = 12.7 kips

Total per 1/2 beam = 14 + 76/12.7 Camber 3/4 in,

= 14+6=20
(distributed as shown in Figure 5) e. Check for shear strength

Total = 40 Studs. Vu = [1.2(10)(87) + 1.6(10)(100)]15 / 1000

= 39.7 kips

qbVn = •0.6)Fydtw
BM Span = (0.90)(0.6)(36)(17.7)(0.3)
= 103 kips

or from Table on page 3-31 of the LRFD Manual

I II II I I I l l I I I I I I I qbVn = 103 kips
> 39.7 kips O.K.

Figure 5

Steel Tips March 1991 Page 5

Table 3
Moment of Inertia Calculation

Type n Y in?AY) y Io Ad2 Itt

(in.2) (in.) ( (in.) (in.4) (in.4) (in.4)

1. Gross section 10.3 8.85 91 510 887

25.0 21.95 549 365
35.3 640 18.13 523 1252 1775
2. Neglecting No tensile concrete for this example. Therefore, Itr is same as for gross section.
tensile concrete 1775
3. Reduced concrete area, 10.3 8.85 91 510 473
equal to XJ'On/F,, 10.3 17.7 + 4.69 231 _3_1 473
20.6 322 15.60 511 946 1457

1. Itr = 1457 in.4 is considered the "Lower Bound"
moment of inertia, Iib and may be found directly from
Table on Page 4-49 of the LRFD Manual.

For Y2 = 4.69 in.

W18x35 and
Y1 =
Itr = 1430 + l' •--°Y--4-'• 'J (1500-1430) = 1457 in.4

Itr = lib
Figure 6
2. Modular ratio, n = 9
3. Effective concrete width, b = 90 in.
4. Slab thickness, tc = 2.5 in.
5. Ac = 90 (2.5) = 225 in.2
6. Transformed concrete area, A'c = Ac/n = 25.0 in.2
7. y = - -
8. d = y - y
9. Itr = •_fio + • A d 2

NOTE: The purpose and advantage of using the lower bound Itr value found in the LRFD Manual tables is to avoid
the above computations. If the deflections using the lower bound Itr are acceptable, the actual deflections
will be conservatively less. Lower bound Itr is based upon the area of the beam and an equivalent concrete
area of and is applicable for full as well as partial composite action.

Page 6 Steel Tips March 1991

Example 2.

Design a composite interior girder (without cover plate) for an Solution:

office building. See Girder B in Figure 1. The 3-inch deck ribs
1. Design for construction loads:
are oriented paralled to the girder. Girder is assumed loaded as
shown in Figure 7.
Assume Framing D.L. = 10 psf
P P P Concrete Weight = 50 psf as L.L.
Construction L.L. = 20 psf

Pu = (10)(30)[1.2(10) + 1.6(50 + 20)] / 1000 = 37.2 kips

PL_ (37.2)(40)_ 744 kip-ft

L 4olo Mu- 2 2

12Mu_ (12)(744)_ 198 in.3 (Minimum)

Zreq- •bFy (0.9)(50)
Figure 7

2. Composite Girder Design

Given: Span length, L = 40 ft.

a. Trial design for required flexural strength
Beam spacing, s = 30 ft.
Slab thickness, tc = 2.5 in.
Pu = (10)(30)[1.2(90) + 1.6(60)]/1000 = 61.2 kips
Concrete Strength, f'c = 3.0 ksi
Concrete weight, wc = 145 pcf (n = 9)
Mu- PL2_ (61.2)(40)2 - 1224 kip-ft
Steel Yield Stress, Fy = 50 ksi
3 inch metal deck, ribs are parallel to girder. For a trial size use formula in LRFD Manual pg. 4-9.
No shoring permitted. 12Mu (3.4)
Beam Weight = {•-Yc }
d - 2 q•Fy
Loads: Concrete slab including reinforcing steel
and metal deck 54 where q) = 0.85 and assume a/2 = 2 in.
Framing 6
Mechanical 4
Ceiling 6
d 12Mu(3.4) d WT Size Z I
Partition 20 •q-Yc- a
¢ Fy
(in.) (in.) (#fit) (in.3) (in.4)
Total D.L. 90 psf
21 1175 14 84 W21X83 196 1830

Live 100 psf 24 1175 15.5 76 W24X76 200 2100

27 1175 17.0 69 W27X84 244 2850
Live Load Reduction = 23.1 (1+ D/L)
= 23.1 (1+ 90/100)
Select W24x76.
= 43.9 %

or enter Table on page 4-33 of the LRFD Manual

or = 0.08 (A - 150)
= 0.08 (1200-150) with Y2 = 3.5 in. (Yc - a/2)
=84% PNA = TFL (Full Composite Action)
4) Mn 1230 kip-ft > 1224 kip-ft

or = 40 % maximum

Use 60 psf L.L.

Steel Tips March 1991 Page 7

b. Verify flexural strength
I' b/n '--'1
C• g• , • " /. :o=:..; •x,.-•'•Xx,•.•\•.: •, ': .•.• ' • , . . • . . . .
Effective concrete width
lesser of,
d/2 d l 2 + Y o - a / 2 I '--"--:I b = (2)(40)(12)/8 = 120 in. and
b= (2)(30)(12)/2-= 360in.
Use 120 in.

/•c = 2.5b + 3.Ob = 4.Ob Design for full composite action

Tmax = AsFy = (22.4)(50) = 1120 kips (Governs)
Cmax = 0.85f' cAc = (0.85)(3.0)[(4.0)(120)] = 1224kips
Figure 8 For Ac see Figure 8.

Y2 = Yc - • = 5.5 - 2.01 = 3.49 in.

4.82" = qbMn= qbAsFyld+ Y2)= (0.85)(1120)I2-•+ 3.49/12

I ct w
'k ,"1 't, ,'1

assume-!-6" _1_ 8" _1_ 8" .!_ = 1225 kip-ft > 1224 kip--ft O.K

or from Table page 4-33 for Y2 = 3.5 and TFL

OMn = 1230 kip-ft

Tmax = Cabove + Cbelow

Cabove= (0.85)(3.0)(120)(2.5)= 765 kips c. Design for deflection
Cbelow = 1120 - 765 = 355 kips
355 Initial deflection during construction
depth = [(1/2)(120)] (0.85)(3.0) - 2.32 in.
19PL3 (19)[(10)(30)(54 + 6)](480)3
Centroid from top = a/2 384Eis (384)(29,000,000)(2100)
= 1.62 in.
a_ (765)(1.25)+355(2.5+2.32/2)
2 1120
Camber 1 1/2 inches.
= 2.01 in.

Assumption of a/2 = 2 in. O.K. Composite deflection using Lower Bound Itr (Ilb).

From Table on page 4-46 of LRFD Manual,

with Y2 = 3.5 D.L. = 90 psf

Figure 9
PNA = TFL . ConstructionD.L. = 60 psf
Ilb = 4780 in4 L.L. = 60 psf

19PL3 (19)[(10)(30)(90 - 60 + 60)1(480)3

ATL- 384EI- (384)(29,000,000)(4780)
= 1.07 inches or L/450
ALL= (60/90)(1.07)= 0.71 in. or L/673 O.K.

NOTE: The mooment of inertia using the gross area

equals 5510 in.

Page 8 Steel Tips March 1991

d. Shear Connectors Partial Composite Action

= AsFy For full composite action Example 3

= 1120 kips Design Beam in Example 1 for p•fial composite action.

Reduction Factor = 0.6 [hr J[ ('"'1[

1 _< 1.0 SOLUTION:

a. Determine required shear studs

= 0.6 -1 = 0.8
Estimate number of shear studs for partial composite action
using the following approximate equation
Use 0.8 for stud reduction factor.

Qn = (0.8)(21.1) = 16.9 kips (See Example 1) Mu •Mp '•

- ,•Qn
No. [•Mn - *Mp ) Qn
No.- - - - - -- 67 Studs Where Mu = Moment demand
Qn 16.9
67 Studs are required from Zero to Maximum Moment. Mp = Steel Beam Capacity with •) = 0.85
Mn = Full Composite Beam Capacity
Total = 134 $•uds,
Mu = 297 kip-ft
Use equal spacing for full length. {Mp = •Fy Z = (0.85) (36) (66.5)/12 = 170 kip-ft
{Mn = 356 kip-ft
= AsFy = 371 kips
e. Check Shear
Qn = 21.1 kips

Vu --- 1.5 (Pu) = 1.5 (61.2) = 92 kips

Vn = • (0.6 Fy) d tw = (0.9) (0.6) (50) (23.92) (.44) •=
[356-170) •,21.1) 0.47 (17.6)= 8.2
= 284 kips > 92 kips Q.K.

Try 9 studs on each 1/2 beam.

NOTE: The original Steel Tips design, based upon ASD, Total = 18 studs.
used a W27X94 with 92 studs.

b. Check flexural strength

•Qn = (9)(21.1) = 190 kips

From Eq. C-I3-4 in commentary of LRFD Manual

a = 0.85f'cb- (.85)(3.0)(90)- 0.83 in.
Y2= Yc-a/2= 5.5-0.41 = 5.09

From Table on page 4-23 of the LRFD Manual

for W18X35
Y2 = 5.0 - 5.09 in.
•Qn = 187 - 190 kips ( PNA = BFL approx.)

•) Mn = 296 kip-ft (approx. equal 297 kip-ft required) O.K.

Therefore, partial composite action with 18 total studs is

adequate for the required moment.

Steel Tips March 1991 Page 9

c. Check deflection DISCUSSION
For deflection computation use the lower bound value given
in the Table on page 4-49 of the LRFD Manual. With the use of the First Edition AISC-LRFD manual,
composite beam design can be simplified, particulary
For W18x35
with partial composite action. As in the past, AISC
Y2 = 5.0 +_ has tried to incorporate enough tables and charts to
4 make repetitive design computations easier. Deter-
Ilb = 1170 in.
A TOTAL = (1775/1170) 0.46 = 0.70 in.
mining preliminary beam sizes, number of welded
ADL = 0.16 in. studs and composite beam deflections is now very
ALL = 0.54 in. or L/667 O.K. straight forward. With a minimum of assumptions (i.e.
location to the compressive force, Y2) preliminary
Obviously any number of studs from 9 (47%) to that for full
comparative designs can be done in minutes with the
composite action may be used (per 1/2 Beam Span) with the use of the tables.
associated increase in moment capacity and decrease in de-
flection. The reader is encouraged to read the LRFD Manual
PART 4 (Composite Design), PART 6 (Specifications
and Commentary), especially Section I on Composite
Members, and the other references listed. The number
of articles dealing with LRFD composite members
Location of design is growing as designers are becoming more
. a/2 . effec'ive concrete
familiar with the method and the AISC-LRFD manual.
Y2{ •m. •t 1)
..•-'-'T• I ' - - • : t (pt s)
...[.. (•
• Y1
(varies - • Sgure below)


Y1 = Distance from top of steel flange to any of the seven

tabulated PNA locations.
qn (@ point 5) + • qn (@ point 7)
qn (@ point 6) =
qn (@ point 7) = .25AsFy

4equ• spaces


I1 ,
Top Flange


PNA Flange Locations

Figure 10

Page 10 Steel Tips March 1991


Ac Area of concrete (in.2) S.R.F. Stud reduction factor

A'c Area of concrete modified by modular ratio (in.2) T Tensile force (kips)
As Area of steel (in.2) TFL Top of flange location
Asc Area of welded stud (in.2) Va Shear capacity (kips)
BFL Bottom of flange location Vu Shear demand (kips)
C Compressive force (kips) Y1 Distance from top of beam flange (in.)
D.L. Dead load (psf) Y2 Distance from top of beam to concrete flange force (in.)
E Modulus of elasticity of steel (29,000,00 psi) Yc Total thickness of concrete fill and metal deck (in.)
Ec Modulus of elasticity of concrete (ksi) Z Plastic section modulus (in.3)
Fy Minimum yield strength of steel (ksi) a Effective concrete flange thickness (in.)
Fu Minimum tensile strength of steel (ksi) b Effective concrete flange width (in.)
Hs Welded stud height (in.) d Depth of steel beam (in.)
IIb Lower bound moment of inertia (in.4) ds Welded stud diameter (in.)
Io Moment of inertia (in. f'c Concrete compressive strength at 28 days. (ksi)
Itr Transformed moment of inertia (in.4) hr Nominal rib height of metal deck (in.)
L Span length (ft) n Modular ratio (E/Ec)
L.L. Live load (psf) tc Thickness of concrete above metal deck (in.)
Mn Nominal flexural strength 0dp-ft) tf Steel beam flange thickness (in.)
Mp Plastic bending moment (kip-fO tw Steel beam web thickness (in.)
Mu Factored Moment (Required flexural strength) (kip-ft) Wc Unit weight of concrete (lbs./cu. ft)
Nr Number of stud connectors in one rib at a beam Wr Average metal deck rib width (in.)
intersection wu Factored uniform load (kip/fO
P• Factored point load (kips) A Deflection (in.)
PNA Plastic neutral axis Resistance factor
Q. Welded stud shear capacity (kips)


, "Manual of Steel Construction, "First Edition, AISC, Chicago, 1986.

2. STEEL TIPS, "Composite Beam Design with Metal Deck," Steel Committee of California, January 1987.
3. STEEL TIPS, "The Economies of LRFD in Composite Floor Beams," Steel Committee of California, May 1989.
4. Smith, J.C., "Structural Steel Design - LRFD Approach," John Wiley & Sons, Inc., N.Y., 1991.
5. Salmon, C. and Johnson, J., "Steel Structures," Third Edition, Harper & Row, N.Y., 1990.
6. McCormac, J., "Structural Steel Design - LRFD Method," Harper & Row, N.Y.,1989.
7. Vinnakota, S., et al., "Design of Partially or Fully Composite Beams, with Ribbed Metal Deck, Using LRFD
Specifications," AISC Engineering Journal, 2nd Quarter, 1988.

Steel Tips March 1991 Page 11

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43 Quail Court, No. 206 9420 Telstar Ave., No. 207
Walnut Creek, CA 94596 El Monte, CA 91731
(415) 932-0909 (818) 444-4519

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The local structural steel industry (above sponsors) stands ready to assist you in
determining the most economical solution for your products. Our assistance can
range from budget prices and estimated tonnage to cost comparisons, fabrication
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Funding for this publication provided by the California Field Iron Workers Administrative Trust.

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