LRFD Composite Beam Design With Metal Deck
LRFD Composite Beam Design With Metal Deck
LRFD Composite Beam Design With Metal Deck
This is the companion paper to the "STEEL TIPS" dated January 1987 entitled "Composite
Beam Design with Metal Deck". The original paper used allowable stress design (ASD). This
"STEEL TIPS" utilizes the same three original examples but designed by the Load and
Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Method. The purpose is to show the design procedure, the
advantages of the method, and the ease of using the AISC First Edition (LRFD) for design.
Three main areas have been revised from the ASD Approach:
1. Determination of effective slab width
2. Shored and unshored construction requirements
3. Lower bound moment of inertia may be utilized.
A number of papers have been written about these differences and the economies of the LRFD
method. The reader is referred to the list of references included.
Table 1
I5.3 Strength of Stud Qn = 0.5 Asc (f'c Ec) (but not more than Asc Fu)
= 0.5 Asc (f'c wc)3/4 (using E¢ = wcl'5fx•c in above formula)
Table 2
2. Stud Reduction Factor (N•0'85 [•rrj•Wrl{•SrS- 1}-< 1'0 ' [hrrJ [ h r - 1} -< 1.0
Design a composite interior floor beam (without cover plate) for 1. Design for construction loads:
an office building. See Beam A in Figure 1.
a. Strength design
wu= s [1.6 (D.L. + L.L.)]
- - I .
= 10 [1.6 ( 57 + 20 )] / 1000 = 1.23 kip/ft
(Load factor for D.L. assumed same as for L.L. during
i1 B
placement of concrete.)
[ ^
Mu (12)(139) _ 51 in.3 (Minimum)
Zreq- q•Fy- (0.9)(36)
b. Servicibility design
Limit construction deflection to 1 in.
(without construction L.L.)
30' -'
5wL4 (5)[(10)(57)](30)4(1728)
Figure 1 Ireq= 384EA- (384)(29,000,000)(1.0)
- 358 in.4 (Minimum)
Given: Span length, L = 30 ft.
Beam spacing, s = 10 ft. 2. Composite Beam Design:
Slab thickness, tc = 2.5 in.
Concrete strength, f'c = 3.0 ksi
a. Trial design for required flexural strength
Concrete weight, wc = 145 pcf (n = 9)
Steel yield stress, Fy = 36 ksi wu = 10 [1.2(87)+1.6(100)]/1000 = 2.64 kip/ft
3 inch metal deck, ribs perpendicular wuL2 (2.64)(30)2
Mu = T = 8 = 297 kip-ft
to beam (hr = 3 in., wr = 6 in.)
No shoring permitted. For a trial size use formula in LRFD Manual pg. 4-9.
12Mu (3.4)
Do not reduce live load.
Beam Weight = {d 2}
Loads: Concrete slab including reinforcing steel •+Yc - •) Fy
and metal deck 54 where q• = 0.85 and assume a = 1 in.
Framing 3
Mechanical 4 d 12Mu(3.4) d a WT Size Z I
Ceiling 6 Fy
•+Yc -
tie Y•2
14.69 - 4.501
*mn= ["•.-.-•.0-•.5-J (364- 351)+ 351 kip-ft.
1 For full composite action
•Qn = AsFy= 371 kips
1 1.13 <1.0 1.0 with Itr for gross area, A = 0.46 in. or L/783
with lower bound Itr, A = 0.56 in. or L/643
2 0.80 0.80
A DL = 0.13 in.
3 0.65 0.65 ALL = 0.43 in. or L/837 O.K, (with lower bound Itr = Ilb)
Assume 14 stud locations possible per 1/2 beam The beam may be cambered for the initial
14 (21.1) = 295 kips construction deflection
( Ireq /Assumeddefiection.
Remaining stud force = 371 - 295 A= Iprovided
= 76 kips
Use twice reduction for doubled stud locations 358
A = /5--i-•) 1.0 = 0.70 in.
[ (2) (0.8) - 1] 21.1 = 12.7 kips
qbVn = •0.6)Fydtw
BM Span = (0.90)(0.6)(36)(17.7)(0.3)
= 103 kips
Figure 5
1. Itr = 1457 in.4 is considered the "Lower Bound"
moment of inertia, Iib and may be found directly from
Table on Page 4-49 of the LRFD Manual.
Itr = lib
Figure 6
2. Modular ratio, n = 9
3. Effective concrete width, b = 90 in.
4. Slab thickness, tc = 2.5 in.
5. Ac = 90 (2.5) = 225 in.2
6. Transformed concrete area, A'c = Ac/n = 25.0 in.2
7. y = - -
8. d = y - y
9. Itr = •_fio + • A d 2
NOTE: The purpose and advantage of using the lower bound Itr value found in the LRFD Manual tables is to avoid
the above computations. If the deflections using the lower bound Itr are acceptable, the actual deflections
will be conservatively less. Lower bound Itr is based upon the area of the beam and an equivalent concrete
area of and is applicable for full as well as partial composite action.
Pu = (10)(30)[1.2(10) + 1.6(50 + 20)] / 1000 = 37.2 kips
or = 40 % maximum
Y2 = Yc - • = 5.5 - 2.01 = 3.49 in.
assume-!-6" _1_ 8" _1_ 8" .!_ = 1225 kip-ft > 1224 kip--ft O.K
Assumption of a/2 = 2 in. O.K. Composite deflection using Lower Bound Itr (Ilb).
NOTE: The original Steel Tips design, based upon ASD, Total = 18 studs.
used a W27X94 with 92 studs.
for W18X35
Y2 = 5.0 - 5.09 in.
•Qn = 187 - 190 kips ( PNA = BFL approx.)
4equ• spaces
I1 ,
Top Flange
Figure 10
Adams & Smith
Allied Steel Co., Inc.
Artimex Iron Co., Inc.
Bannister Steel, Inc.
Bethlehem Steel Corporation
C. A. Buchen Corporation
Butler Manufacturing Co.
Cochran-Izant & Co., Inc.
Geneva Steel
The Herrick Corporation
Hoertig Iron Works
Hogan Mfg., Inc.
Junior Steel Co.
Lee & Daniel
McLean Steel, Inc.
Martin Iron Works, Inc.
Nelson Stud Welding Co.
Oregon Steel Mills
Palm Iron & Bridge Works
PDM Strocal, Inc.
Reno Iron Works
Riverside Steel Construction
H. H. Robertson Co.
Schrader Iron Works, Inc.
Stockton Steel
Stott Erection, Inc.
U.S. Steel Corporation
Verco Manufacturing, Inc.
The local structural steel industry (above sponsors) stands ready to assist you in
determining the most economical solution for your products. Our assistance can
range from budget prices and estimated tonnage to cost comparisons, fabrication
details and delivery schedules.
Funding for this publication provided by the California Field Iron Workers Administrative Trust.