Asset Accounts 3

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3.4. Asset Accounting (FI-AA)............................................................................................................... 3

3.4.1 Master Data .......................................................................................................................... 4 Create, change, display, delete fixed asset. ...................................................................... 4 Change Asset Master Record ............................................................................................ 9 Display Asset Master Record .......................................................................................... 10 Create, change, display, delete fixed asset (Sub-number) ............................................. 12
3.4.2 Asset Transactions .............................................................................................................. 14 Acquisition....................................................................................................................... 14 Transfer Transfer............................................................................................................. 18 Retirement ...................................................................................................................... 20 Asset Sale by Scrapping ................................................................................................... 24 AUC Settlement............................................................................................................... 25 Periodic Processing ......................................................................................................... 31 Depreciation Run ...................................................................................................... 31 Post revaluation. ............................................................................................................. 32 Year-end closing activities............................................................................................... 36 Asset Year-End Closing.............................................................................................. 36 Asset Fiscal Year Change ........................................................................................... 38
3.4.3 Configuration ...................................................................................................................... 39 Chart of Depreciation ...................................................................................................... 39 Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation (Define Depreciation Area) ............................... 39 Specify Description of Chart of Depreciation.................................................................. 42 Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation (Define Depreciation Area) ............................... 43 Assign Chart of Depreciation to Company Code ............................................................. 44 Migrate Chart of Depreciation ........................................................................................ 45 Check Prerequisites for Activating Asset Accounting (New)........................................... 46 Activate Asset Accounting (New) .................................................................................... 47 Specify Transfer of APC Values ....................................................................................... 48 Specify Transfer of Depreciation Terms ...................................................................... 49 Depreciation Area ....................................................................................................... 50 Define depreciation areas....................................................................................... 50 Define depreciation areas (specify area type) ........................................................ 52 Define Number Range Interval (Asset Classes) ........................................................... 53 Define Asset Classes (Internal Number Assignment) .................................................. 55 Create Screen Layout Rules......................................................................................... 56 Define Screen Layout for Asset Master Data .............................................................. 56 Define Screen Layout for Asset Depreciation Areas ................................................... 59 Integration with the General Ledger........................................................................... 61 Assign G/L Accounts - Balance Sheet ...................................................................... 62 Technical Clearing Account for Integrated Asset Acquisition ................................. 63 Specify Document Type for Posting of Depreciation .............................................. 65 Specify Account Assignment Types for Account Assignment Objects .................... 66 Determine Depreciation Areas in the Asset Class....................................................... 68 Maintain Depreciation Keys ........................................................................................ 69 Transactions types ...................................................................................................... 70 Allow Down Payment/Transfer Transaction Types in Asset Classes ...................... 70
3.4. Asset Accounting (FI-AA)

Asset Accounting in the SAP system is used for managing and monitoring fixed assets. In Financial
Accounting, it serves as a subsidiary ledger to the general ledger, providing detailed information on
transactions involving fixed assets. As a result of the integration in the SAP system, Asset Accounting
transfers data directly to and from other systems. For example, it is possible to post from the Materials
Management MM component directly to Asset Accounting. When an asset is purchased or produced in-
house, you can directly post the invoice receipt or goods receipt, or the withdrawal from the warehouse,
to assets in the Asset Accounting component. At the same time, you can pass on depreciation directly to
the Financial Accounting (FI) and Controlling (CO) components. From the Plant Maintenance (PM – Plant
Maintenance) component, you can settle maintenance activities that require capitalization to assets.
Within Asset Accounting, asset transaction types identify individual business transactions. A transaction
type has to be entered for each transaction that affects assets. Either you make this entry yourself in the
posting transaction, or the entry is automatic, based on specifications made in FI-AA Customizing

Each transaction type is assigned to a transaction type group. The business transactions are subdivided
on the basis of the transaction type group into:

 Transactions that influence the acquisition and production costs of fixed assets This includes:
Acquisitions, retirements, transfer postings, post-capitalization
 Down Payments
 Manual depreciation.

3.4.1 Master Data Create, change, display, delete fixed asset.
1. On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed assets →
Asset → Create → Asset.

T.code:- AS01
2. Enter the following

Filed Name Value

Asset Class 13000

Company code 1000

Number of Similar Assets 2

3. .Click Enter.
4. Below is the description of the most commonly used fields in the creation of Asset Master Data,
change the data after understanding the purpose of each field
Field Description
Description Enter a name for the asset in this field.
Account Determination The account determination determines the reconciliation accounts in the
general ledger, as well as their offsetting accounts, that are to be posted
when certain business transactions are carried out. You must enter an
account determination in the asset class. Several asset classes can use the
same account determination, if they use the same chart of accounts and
post to the same general ledger accounts.
Inventory Number You can specify an inventory number for the asset in this field. The
inventory number is output in the standard inventory list for Asset
Accounting (Information System).
Quantity Quantity that the system manages on the asset
Manage Historically Set this indicator if you want the system to manage the asset with a
Inventory Indicator Set this indicator if you want the asset to be counted in a physical
Asset Capitalization date The system enters the asset value date of the first posting that results in
the capitalization of the asset in this field
First Acquisition on The system automatically sets the asset value date of the first acquisition
posting in this field.
Time Dependent
Cost Center The SAP system uses the cost center assignment in the asset master
record to determine the cost center affected when the following types of
asset posting are made:
• Fixed asset depreciation
• Gain/loss from asset sales
Deprec. Areas
Deact Set this indicator if you want the depreciation area to be inactive in this
asset class or asset (although it is defined in the chart of depreciation).
Depreciation Area Depreciation area, which is managed in the system as a real depreciation
area (not a derived depreciation area). Each depreciation area is set up to
handle depreciation for a particular purpose (e.g. book depreciation, tax
depreciation, group depreciation, cost-accounting depreciation, etc.)
Depreciation Key The depreciation key (valuation key) controls the valuation of the asset in
the particular depreciation areas.
Use life Useful life (in years) over which the asset is to be used and depreciated.
Prd The time period (in periods) over which the asset is to be used and
ODep Start As a general rule, the system determines the depreciation start date from
the asset value date of the first acquisition posting. However, you can
also manually enter a calendar date in the asset master record for the
start of depreciation. In that case, the system ignores the asset value date
of the acquisition posting.

5. Save your assets numbers:

a. Asset number: ……… Change Asset Master Record
1. On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed assets
→ Asset → change → Asset

T.code:- AS02

2. Press enter
3. Change any field then press save Display Asset Master Record

1. On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed assets →
Asset → display → Asset.

Tcode:- AS03 Create, change, display, delete fixed asset (Sub-number)
1. On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed assets →
Asset → Sub number → Asset

Tcode:- AS11
Then press save

3.4.2 Asset Transactions Acquisition
1. On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Assets →
Posting → Acquisition → External Acquisition → With Vendor.

Tcode:- F-90
2. Enter the following:
Filed Name Value

Document Date Instructor’s date

Document Type KR

Company Code 2000

Posting date Instructor’s date

Period Instructor’s period

Currency EGP

First Line item

Posting Key 31

Account 50000942
3. Press Enter.
4. Enter the following:

Filed Name Value

Amount 150000

Next Line item

Posting Key 70

Account Your asset number

Period Instructor’s period

ATT 100
5. Press Enter.
6. Enter the following:
Filed Name Value

Amount 150000
7. Click Display Document Overview, view the document line items.
8. Click Post. Transfer Transfer

within Company Code

1. On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Assets →
Posting → Transfer →Transfer within Company Code

Tcode:- ABUMN
2. Then press post Retirement
1. On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting → Financial accounting → Fixed assets →
Posting → Retirement → Retirement w/ Revenue → With Customer.

Tcode:- F-92

2. Enter the following

Filed Name Value

Document Date Instructor’s date

Document Type DR
Company Code 2000

Posting date Instructor’s date

Period Instructor’s period

Currency EGP

First Line item

Posting Key 01

Account 10001041

3. Press enter
4. Press enter
5. Simulate Asset Account
6. Click post Asset Sale by Scrapping

1. On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting → Financial accounting → Fixed assets →
Posting → Retirement → Asset Retirement by Scrapping.

Tcode:- ABAVN

2. Enter the following data

Filed Name Value

Asset Asset number

Document date Instructor’s date

Posting date Instructor’s date

Asset value date Instructor’s date

3. Click Simulate, view the document line items

Click post AUC Settlement

Create asset (AUC)
On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed assets → Asset →
Create → Asset
On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting → Financial accounting → Fixed assets → Posting →
Capitalize Asset u. Const. → Distribute
On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting → Financial accounting → Fixed assets → Posting →
Capitalize Asset u. Const. → Settle. Periodic Processing Depreciation Run
1. On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting → Financial accounting → Fixed assets →
Periodic Processing → Depreciation Run → Execute.

2. Press Post revaluation.
On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting → Financial accounting → Fixed assets → Posting →
Bal. Sheet Revaluation.
Before revaluation
After revaluation Year-end closing activities Asset Year-End Closing
The system only closes a fiscal year in a company code if:

 The system found no errors during the calculation of depreciation (such as, incorrectly defined
depreciation keys).
 Planned depreciation from the automatic posting area has been completely posted to the
general ledger.
 Balances from depreciation areas that are posted periodically have been completely posted to
the general ledger.
 All assets acquired in the fiscal year have already been capitalized.
 All incomplete assets (master records) have been completed.

The system lists any assets that do not meet the above requirements in the log of the year-end closing.
The log also shows the reason for the errors. A fiscal year change is the opening of a new fiscal year for a
company code. At the fiscal year change, the asset values from the previous fiscal year are carried
forward cumulatively into the new fiscal year. Once the fiscal year change takes place, you can post to
assets using value dates in the new fiscal year. At the same time, you can continue to post in the
previous fiscal year.
 First enter this transaction:

T-code: AJAB

SAP Menu -> Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> Fixed Assets -> Periodic Processing -> Year-End
Closing -> Execute Asset Fiscal Year Change
The fiscal year change can only be carried out (even in test mode) for the new fiscal year. The earliest
that you can carry out a fiscal year change is in the last month of the old fiscal year. You can choose any
point in the new fiscal year for carrying out the fiscal year change. Before you can change to fiscal year
YYYY, you must have already closed fiscal year YYYY - 2. You can have a maximum of two fiscal years
open for posting at one time.
3.4.3 Configuration Chart of Depreciation
A chart of depreciation is a directory of depreciation areas arranged according to business requirements.
Each chart of depreciation contains the rules for the evaluation of assets that are valid in a specific
country or economic area. Each company code defined in Asset Accounting must refer to a chart of
depreciation. Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation (Define Depreciation Area)

SAP provides country-specific charts of depreciation with predefined depreciation areas (for example,
0US for United States). These charts of depreciation are only references for customer charts of
depreciation and therefore cannot be used directly. When you create your own chart of depreciation,
you must copy a reference chart of depreciation. When you create a chart of depreciation, the system
copies all the depreciation areas from the standard chart of depreciation that you use as a reference.
You must delete any depreciation areas you do not need from your chart of depreciation. The chart of
depreciation 2000 has been created as a copy of the chart of depreciation 0US. Access the activity using
one of the following navigation options:
SAP menu Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting → Organizational Structures →
Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation/Depreciation Areas → Copy Reference
Chart of Depreciation

Transaction code EC08

1. On the Organizational object Chart of Depreciation screen, select "copy org. object” (F6).Assign
Chart of Depreciation to Company Code
2. Make the following entries in the Copy dialog box and choose Enter.

3. Click Enter
4. Below information message appears: Specify Description of Chart of Depreciation
SAP menu Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting → Organizational Structures →
Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation/Depreciation Areas → Copy Reference
Chart of Depreciation

Transaction code EC08

Double click on

Choose COD and change its description.

The description of the new chart of depreciation is defined. Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation (Define Depreciation Area)

SAP menu Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting → Organizational Structures →

Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation/Depreciation Areas → Copy Reference
Chart of Depreciation

Transaction code OABN

 On the Define Depreciation Area screen, enter the depreciation area descriptions listed above.
Do not change anything if no depreciation areas must be added or deleted.
 To delete depreciation areas select the depreciation area entries in the Change View "Define
Depreciation Areas”: Overview dialog box, then save your entries.
 Assign depreciation areas to ledger group and accounting principle. Assign Chart of Depreciation to Company Code

SAP menu Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting → Organizational Structures →
Assign Chart of Depreciation to Company Code

Transaction code OAOB

Assign chart of deprecation to company code. Migrate Chart of Depreciation

Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP menu Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting → Migration: Asset Accounting

(New) → Migration from Classic to New Asset Accounting → Migration for
New Asset Accounting → Migrate Charts of Depreciation

Transaction code FAA_CHECK_MIG2SFIN

Enter chart of depreciation and run as a test run first, then run as update run. Check Prerequisites for Activating Asset Accounting (New)


In this step you check the prerequisites that must be made before activating new asset accounting.


Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP menu Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting → Migration: Asset Accounting

(New) → Migration from Classic to New Asset Accounting → Migration for
New Asset Accounting → Check Prerequisites for Activating Asset Accounting


Choose check before import, then press execute. If this transaction generated any errors, then solve
them before activating. Activate Asset Accounting (New)


In this step you activate new asset accounting.


Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP menu Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting → Migration: Asset Accounting

(New) → Migration from Classic to New Asset Accounting → Activate Asset
Accounting (New

Transaction code SPRO Specify Transfer of APC Values

In this activity, you define transfer rules for the posting values of depreciation areas. These transfer rules
let you ensure that certain depreciation areas have identical asset values.

In this field, you specify the reference depreciation area that provides values to another depreciation area.
The system transfers the posting amounts of any transactions that affect acquisition and production costs
from this area to the dependent area. You can determine whether this transfer is mandatory or optional.
If you only define optional transfer, you can enter the posting values for that depreciation area during

Example: Depreciation areas for showing asset values in a foreign currency use the same values as a
basis as the local currency. You therefore define the foreign currency depreciation areas for mandatory
transfer of posting values from the reference depreciation area (that is, from the posting depreciation
area of the corresponding accounting principle).


Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP menu Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting → General Valuation →
Depreciation Areas → Specify transfer of APC values

Transaction code OABC

Enter your chart of depreciation= 2000. Specify Transfer of Depreciation Terms


In this activity, you specify how the depreciation terms for a depreciation area are adopted from
another depreciation area. You can specify if the adoption of values is optional or mandatory. If you
specify an optional transfer, then you can change the proposed depreciation terms in the dependent
areas in the asset master record. In the case of a mandatory transfer, you cannot maintain any
depreciation terms in the asset master record. In this way, you can ensure that depreciation is uniform
in certain depreciation areas. Example: Depreciation areas which should show the local asset valuation
in a foreign currency must be defined so that depreciation is the same as in the book depreciation area,
the only difference being the currency.


Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP menu Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting → General Valuation →

Depreciation Areas → Specify transfer of Depreciation Terms

Transaction code OABD Depreciation Area Define depreciation areas

In this step, you define your depreciation areas. You can change the definition of depreciation areas
adopted from the standard chart of depreciation, and you can add new depreciation areas if needed.

For parallel financial reporting (that is, valuation based on different accounting principles) you can define
real depreciation areas and derived depreciation areas. The values in the derived depreciation area are
calculated from the values of two or more real areas, using a formula you define. The system does not
store the values from the derived depreciation area. Instead they are determined dynamically at the time
of a request. Otherwise you can use the same system functions for derived depreciation areas as real
depreciation areas. Most important, they can be evaluated in the same way, and posted to the general
ledger (for example, for showing special reserves).


Set the chart of depreciation 2000 with transaction OAPL.


Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP menu Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting → Valuation → Depreciation Areas

→ Define Depreciation Areas

Transaction code OADB

1. On the Change View: "Define Depreciation Areas”: Overview screen, select the depreciation
area and choose Details, then save.
Double click on dep. Area Define depreciation areas (specify area type)
Depreciation areas are assigned to a type, which describes the primary purpose of the depreciation area.
When you create a chart of depreciation, the system copies this typing from the reference chart of
depreciation. For example, area 01 is assigned to the ‘Book Depreciation’ type.


Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP menu Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting → Valuation → Depreciation Areas

→ Define Depreciation Areas → Specify Area Type

Transaction code OADC

Then press Define Number Range Interval (Asset Classes)

An asset number uniquely identifies an asset. It always consists of a main asset number and an asset
sub-number. Numbers can be assigned in the system externally or internally. With external number
assignment, the user is responsible for assigning the numbers. The system displays only the defined
number range interval and issues an error message if a number has already been assigned. With internal
number assignment, the system assigns numbers sequentially.

Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP menu Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting → Organizational Structures →

Asset Classes → Define Number Range Interval

Transaction code AS08

1. Enter company code

2. Choose Change Intervals button

3. Make the following entries on the Maintain Number Range Intervals screen:

Click on insert button and update the following:

Then press Define Asset Classes (Internal Number Assignment)


From an accounting point of view, the asset class is the most important element for structuring fixed
assets. Each asset must be assigned to one asset class only. The asset class assigns the assets and their
business transactions to the appropriate general ledger accounts. Several asset classes can be assigned to
the same account. This makes it possible for fixed assets to be structured in more detail at asset class
level. Such detailed structuring is not necessary at general ledger account level. It is also possible to define
the screen layout, tab layout, and asset number assignment for each class.


Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP menu Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting → Organizational Structures →

Asset Classes → Define Asset Classes

Transaction code OAOA

 On the Change View “Asset Classes”: Overview screen, select “New Entries” (F5).
 On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen, make the following entries and save:


Asset classes have been defined. Create Screen Layout Rules

The asset master record contains many fields because it is used for many different purposes. To make it
easier to maintain master data, you can adapt the asset master record to suit your own needs.


Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP menu Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting → Organizational Structures →

Asset Classes → Create Screen Layout Rules

Transaction code SPRO

1. On the Change View ”Asset Accounting: Screen Layout for Master Record” screen, make the
following entries and save:


You have adapted the fields that will show up in the asset master record. Define Screen Layout for Asset Master Data


To meet the needs of its many functions, the asset master record contains many fields. To make master
data maintenance nonetheless as simple and efficient as possible, the system enables you to design the
asset master record to best suit your needs.

Screen layout rules; have been created and assigned to the asset classes.

The screen layouts are copied from standard layouts provided by SAP. Changes are that in all screen layout
rules, the field ”Description 1” has been defined as required entry fields. Entry fields for both fields are
set to mandatory in all screen layout rules.


Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP menu Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting → Master Data → Screen Layout →
Define Screen Layout for Asset Master Data → Define Screen Layout for Asset
Master Data

Transaction code SPRO

1. .On the change view “Screen Layout”: Overview screen, Select the layout.
2. Select the logical fields groups in the dialog structure.

3. On the display view logical fields groups Overview screen, Select the logical field group.
4. Select field group rules in the dialog structure

5. On the change view field group rules: Overview screen, Make your entries and save

In all screen layout rules, the field "Description 1” has been defined as required entry fields. Define Screen Layout for Asset Depreciation Areas


In this step, you define the screen layout control for the depreciation terms (depreciation key, useful
life, and so on) in the asset master record.

The standard screen layout 1000 has been assigned to asset classes 1000 to 9000. This screen layout
enables depreciation to be calculated at main asset number level.


Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP menu Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting → Master Data → Screen Layout →
Define Screen Layout for Asset Depreciation Areas

Transaction code AO21

1. On the Change View “Screen Layout”: Overview screen, select the layout.

2. Select “Field Group Rules” in the dialog structure.

3. On the Change View “Screen layout for”: Overview screen make your entries and save

The screen layout enables depreciation to be calculated at main asset number level. Integration with the General Ledger


The system settings and entries you make in this section are required for the integration of Asset
Accounting with the General Ledger:

 Depreciation areas that post depreciation/APC automatically to the General Ledger

 G/L accounts that are relevant for Asset Accounting (reconciliation accounts and accounts that
are posted using batch input)
 Screen layout controls for G/L accounts
 Default input tax indicator for transactions not subject to tax
 Specifications for periodic posting of depreciation to the General Ledger


The depreciation areas that post their APC transactions and/or depreciation to the general ledger
are specified. Assign G/L Accounts - Balance Sheet

You need to specify general ledger accounts – such as balance sheet accounts and depreciation accounts
to be able to post your asset figures to general ledger accounts.


The general ledger accounts must be set up.


Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP menu Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting → Integration with the General
Ledger → Assign G/L Accounts

Transaction code AO90

1. On the Change View “Chart of Accounts”: Overview screen, select Chart of Accounts 2000.
2. Choose Account Determination.
3. Choose the relevant account determination.
4. Choose Balance Sheet Accounts in the dialog structure.

The following general ledger accounts (chart of accounts 2000) should be assigned.

Select on chart of account

And click on account determination:

And double click on and Update the GL Accounts

And double click on and Update the GL Accounts

For land there is no Depreciation so we do not allocate any GL, Then click on Save. Technical Clearing Account for Integrated Asset Acquisition


For an integrated asset acquisition posting, the system divides the business transaction into an
operational part and a valuating part:

For the operational part (vendor invoice), the system posts a document valid for all accounting principles
against the technical clearing account for integrated asset acquisitions. From a technical perspective, the
system generates a ledger-group-independent document.

For each valuating part (asset posting with capitalization of the asset), the system generates a separate
document that is valid only for the given accounting principle. This document is also posted against the
technical clearing account for integrated asset acquisitions. From a technical perspective, the system
generates ledger-group-specific documents for each accounting principle.
In this way, the system ensures that the technical clearing account for integrated asset acquisitions has a
balance of zero (for each accounting principle and account assignment object) for every accounting
principle in the chart of depreciation. So that the system can ensure the zero balance, manual postings
cannot be made to the account.

The account does not appear in the balance sheet itself, but in the notes to the financial statement (since
it has a zero balance).

Automatic postings are made to the technical clearing account for integrated asset acquisitions for the
integrated asset acquisition.


Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP menu Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting → Integration with the General
Ledger → Technical Clearing Account for Integrated Asset Acquisition →
Define Technical Clearing Account for Integrated Asset Acquisition

Transaction code SPRO

Here you specify the technical clearing account for chart of depreciation. Specify Document Type for Posting of Depreciation

To post the depreciation with the depreciation posting run, you must specify a document type and
assign it to the company code. This document type must use internal number assignment and be used
exclusively by the depreciation posting run.


Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP menu Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting → Integration with the General
Ledger → Post Depreciation to General Ledger Accounting → Specify
Document Type for Posting of Depreciation

Transaction code AO71

1. On the Choose Activity dialog box, select Specify Document Type for Posting of Depreciation.
2. On the Document Type for Posting Depreciation screen, make the following entries:

3. Save your entries. Specify Account Assignment Types for Account Assignment Objects On the
“Company Code”: Overview screen, select the company code 2000. Specify Account Assignment Types for Account Assignment Objects


The possible account assignment types for account assignment objects are: APC balance sheet posting or
account assignment of depreciation. In this step, you assign account assignment types to the account
assignment objects. These assignments are dependent on: Company code, Depreciation area and
transaction type.

If you want to assign both account assignment types to an account assignment object, you have to make
at least two table entries for the account assignment object.

You can make a generic entry, using an asterisk (*), for the transaction type. The system then uses the
account assignment type you entered for all transaction types for that account assignment object (in the
company code and depreciation area).


Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP menu Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting → Integration with the General
Ledger → Additional Account Assignment Objects → Specify Account
Assignment Types for Account Assignment Objects

Transaction code ACSET

1. All company codes that are assigned to chart of depreciation will be displayed.

2. Choose the 'Depreciation Area' from the dialog structure.

3. On the 'Depreciation Area' overview screen, select the depreciation area listed in the table

Select Account Assignment Objects in the dialog structure.


In chart of depreciation 1000 it is possible to post stock value with Cost Center in Area 1. Determine Depreciation Areas in the Asset Class

When creating fixed assets, you can assign default values for the depreciation key and useful life, for
example, by means of asset classes. Because the number and structure of the asset classes is extremely
customer specific, only a few examples of asset classes have been created in the system. The list above
only shows the default values for the depreciation key and useful life in some depreciation areas. The
default values for the remaining depreciation areas are not listed, since they are the same as the default
values for depreciation area 01.

Some asset classes have been set up without default values. When you create a fixed asset, you have to
enter the depreciation key and useful life.

The asset classes always must be revised when the system is set up.


Access the activity using one of the following navigation options

SAP menu Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting → General Valuation → Determine

Depreciation Areas in the Asset Class

Transaction code OAYZ

1. On the Change View “Asset class”: Overview screen, select an asset class. Select Depreciation
Areas in the dialog structure.
On the Change View “Depreciation Areas”: Overview screen, enter the following data for the asset
classes and save your entries. Maintain Depreciation Keys


Only depreciation keys contained in the standard system are used. Only active depreciation keys can be
assigned to the fixed assets. Check that all the required depreciation keys have been activated.


Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP menu Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting → Depreciation → Valuation

Methods → Depreciation Key → Maintain Depreciation Key

Transaction code AFAMA

1. Because the SAP standard depreciation keys are used, the full table of contents is not listed.
2. On the Change View ”Depreciation Key”: Overview screen, check that the following depreciation
keys exist and are activated: Transactions types


In this step, you define the transaction types for asset transactions. You can also specify that only certain
depreciation areas will be proposed for posting for certain transaction types.

The standard transaction types are used, meaning that no new transaction types need to be created. Allow Down Payment/Transfer Transaction Types in Asset Classes


In this step, you determine the asset classes for which postings are to be allowed with the transaction
type groups for down payments and transfers.


Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

SAP menu Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting → Transactions → Acquisitions →

Allow Down Payment Transaction Types in Asset Classes

Transaction code OAYB

1. On the Display View "Transaction type group selection”: Overview screen, select transaction
type group 15. In the dialog structure select "Specification of asset classes”.
2. On the Change View "Specification of asset classes”: Overview screen enter the relevant asset
classes. Save your entries.

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