2015 Newsletter

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Chinese Culture Foundation

of San Francisco


Spring 2015
Vol. 35, No. 1



Lu Chuntao's Ink Art


Opening Reception: March 7, 2015, 1-3pm

Visual Art Center

750 Kearny St. 3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94108


M i n d Tr a v e l i n g

L u

C h u n t a o ' s

I n k

A r t

The Chinese Culture Foundation is pleased to present Mind Traveling, the 2015 inaugural
edition of Episode. Curated by Professor Shen Kuiyi, Mind Traveling features the ink work of Lu
As a site for global dialogue over the last 50 years, the Visual Art Center has showcased
traditional to contemporary works from a diverse array of artists. The works displayed in the
exhibition include newly created artwork influenced by Lu Chuntao's travels to San Francisco.

Sponsor Spotlight

Lu Chuntao is a Shanghai based artist with work previously shown internationally in Hong Kong,
Italy, Taiwan, Singapore, Switzerland, and Korea. Lu graduated from the Shanghai International
Studies University in Fine Art and he is currently vice principal of Shanghai Calligraphy and
Painting Institute, visiting painter at Shanghai Chinese Painting Academy, member of Chinese
Artist Association and executive director of Shanghai Artist Association. This is his debut US
exhibition at the Visual Art Center of the Chinese Culture Foundation.
Episode is a program of the Visual Art Center which invites guest curators, collectors, and
community organizations to exhibit a broad view of diverse works in Chinese art and culture.
It complements the cutting-edge, innovative work established through the Visual Art Center's
flagship programs of Present Tense and XianRui.

As a seasoned entrepreneur,
generous patron for the arts. Mr. C
played an active role in building c
China and the United States.

The California Senate, Assembly

Francisco will present proclamation
their highest commendations for h
promoting friendship between the
States and China.

We invite your participation in 2015's Without

Walls initiatives to celebrate our 50th anniversary

Year of the Ram programs

Lotus Pond No.011, 97cm x 97cm 2015

March 7

Spring Festival

March 7- April 11
3 7 -4 11

"Mind Traveling: Ink Art of Lu Chuntao"

April 4
4 4

California Roots Excursion to Locke

Summer Without Walls:

41 Ross Keywords Experimental Studio

41 -

May 16
5 16

Let's Dance!

6 -8

Present Tense 2015


June 6
6 6

California Roots Excursion to Monterey


XianRui Series : Public Art by Beili Liu

July 18
7 18

Dancing on Waverly

August 15
8 15

Chinatown Music Festival

Sept 26
9 26
Oct 17
10 17

F r o m

t h e

ight: Episode

mbly, and the City of San

mations to Mr. Cai, conveying
for his generous support in
n the people of the United

California Roots Excursion to Napa

Harmony and Bliss: 50th anniversary gala


C u r a t o r

Shen Kuiyi
How to develop and expand the pictorial and technical language of ink
painting has always been a challenge for Chinese artists. Particularly
since the beginning of the twentieth century, innovative artists who
sought breakthroughs within traditional Chinese ink painting have
constantly explored new possibilities.

The Cai Family

eur, Mr. Cai has been a

Mr. Cai and his family have
ing cultural connections for

About the
Guest Curator:
Kuiyi Shen is Director of
Chinese Studies Program
and Professor of Asian
Art History, Theory, and
Criticism at the University
of California, San Diego.

In the more open discourse of the past few decades, many artists have
experimented with the language of contemporary ink art to reveal
their individual perceptions of the world, to manifest their humanistic
attitudes, to express their concerns about life and to explore the spiritual
world. Lu Chuntao is one of the most accomplished of the artists
who thus expanded the language of ink painting in recent years. The
notion of mind travelling in art may be traced back at least to the Six
Dynasties period (220 - 589). Chuntaos lotus pond creates a site for
spiritual wandering.

US Postage
OUR MISSION To spark intercultural discovery

through art, education and engagement.

, ,

415. 986. 1822 / WWW.C-C-C.ORG


Spring Festival

M a r c h 7 t h , 2 0 1 5 Ye a r o f t h e R a m
11:00-1:00pm Free Dance Performances
1:00-3:00pm Chinese Opera
Chinese Culture Center Auditorium
750 Kearny St., 3rd floor (inside the Hilton) San Francisco, CA

Eva Tam & Chung Lau Drama Club

Ethnic Dance
China Dance School
Music Dance
Star King Shooting Stars


Presented by: CCF

Special Thanks: Eva Tam, Chung Lau Drama Club, Doris Grover

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