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Tai Chi Ruler Qigong

Guiding the Chi Needle


The Ancient Tai Chi Ruler system of Chi Kung seems to have been secretly handed down
from generation to generation within families and only openly taught to close friends of
such families. It was not taught openly in China in until the 1950s. Practitioners of this art
were reported to live to an old age in good health and with fine youthful complexion.
The system has two training approaches. One with a sculpted wooden object and the
other open handed feeling the repelling energy flow between each hand shown below.

The Ruler also called the immortals wand is made out of wood and fits in the palm of
both hands. Slow circular rhythmic movements coordinated with the breath are done with
the ruler. This encourages subtle changes in the body's energy flow. The movements can
be done focused on the breath, which creates a sedative, calming effect, leading to a
feeling of peacefulness and calm. Its a very meditative, yet also invigorating set of
exercises. The physical exercise is not the secret; its the internal work (nei gong) that
produces the results attributed to this chi cultivation method.
This system does create a very serene state of mind and the feeling gives the impression
of timelessness. It creates a sense of calm, which leads to a relaxed fullness within the
body. Practitioners of this method state that they find their mind calms very quickly and
the body relaxes and fills up with Chi. If one completes a 100-day consecutive training
(gong) with the tai chi ruler without missing any days, this system builds a lot of chi!
The method is an extremely rich system of training the mind and body. The founder of
the ruler system was Chen Tuan (871-989 A.D.) a famous Taoist hermit who lived on
Huashan mountain and mastered the three unique Taoist skills: martial arts, meditation,
medicine, energy healing and qigong (energy cultivation). From master Chen Tuan, the
Tai Chi Ruler skills were selectively passed down to other masters for generations. Many
consider it to be the ultimate tool in Orbital Qigong practice for a gentle Kundalini
awakening, which is known as the Greater Kan and Li in China. What we know for sure
is that Zhao Zhougdao (1844 -1962) was the first person to teach the Ruler form of
exercise publicly in Beijing China in 1954. As with any traditional lineage there are
variations of movements, exercises and subtle preferences or nuance. The system offered
here is as taught by Sifu Dan Ferrera, who studied Sifu Fong Ha and Sifu Share Liews
methods as well as many other ruler systems to develop the methods presented herein.
While the exercise movements are extremely simple, its the internal movement of
energy coordinated within the body that provides the real secret to this method. Many
systems come up with all types of forms and movements and incorrectly blend exercises

from the Tai Chi Bang Stick method, which has caused some confusion with the original
ruler training method and its primary function to open internal pathways, primarily the
small universe or microcosmic orbit.

There are many paths to guide the Chi needle within this subtle internal system. The
main paths are 1) The Path of Fire, 2) The Path of Water and 3) The Path of Wind
(shown in red). In addition, there is also a path for Earth and a path for Heaven. To my
knowledge, this will be the first written discussion of these paths as it pertains to Tai Chi
ruler exercise as all knowledge was passed strictly through oral tradition up until this
point in time. Remember, its not the exercise, its whats happening on the inside that

Inhale through your nose with a sense of savoring something delicious mentally making
the Mmmmmm sound. Exhale through your mouth with a sense of relaxation mentally
making the Ahhhhhh sound, as if taking a soothing shower. The lower stomach should
expand on inhalation and contract on exhalation. This exercise can also be practiced with
Taoist Breathing also known as Reverse Breathing. Please refer to article at:


Inhale through your nose with a sense of savoring something delicious mentally making
the Mmmmmm sound. Exhale through your mouth with a sense of relaxation mentally
making the Ahhhhhh sound, as if taking a soothing shower. The lower stomach should
expand on inhalation and contract on exhalation.

How to use your Tai Chi Ruler

1) Choose between the two practices (fire or water path) based on the following
criteria. Reverse Water orbit practice works best when (A) your mind is over
stimulated and wont calm down, (B) when your muscles, tendons or joints are
sore from physical work or exercise, (C) when you are feeling stressed, (D) as a
warm up to the Micro-Cosmic Orbit practice. If you feel tired, lazy, lack vitality
or have low energy, the Microcosmic Fire Orbit practice is your 1st choice. (The
same rules apply to Macrocosmic practice). These two are the primary exercises.
2) Place the rounded ends of the Tai Chi Ruler in the center of your palms, which
stimulates the Lao Gong point and heart meridian of each hand.

Lao-Gong point illustrated.

3) Practice at least 15-20 minutes each day even if it is just several 5-minute training
sessions throughout the day. This type of consistent practice can dramatically
improve your health and well being. A Gong is known as a continuous practice
of 100-cosecutive days without missing a single day of training. To get the
optimal chi accumulation available from this practice, it is essential that you make
a serious commitment to your training consistency.
4) It is very important to be loose and relaxed as you practice this Qigong. Play
soothing music or listen to sounds of nature as you practice. Wear comfortable
clothing, preferably natural fibers such as cotton, which will hold energy and
become your chi-clothes.
Always coordinate your breathing with the simultaneous movements of your body and
the Tai Chi Ruler. It is important to breathe deeply, but not forcefully. If you exhale fully,
you will automatically inhale deeply. Always breathe in through your nose with your
tongue touching the roof of your mouth, just behind the front teeth and exhale through
your mouth with the Shhhhhhhhh (like soothing an infant) or Aaaaaaah sounds. This
is known as a cleansing breath. Move very slowly! These movements should not be
rushed. If you picture an elderly person slowly rocking in a rocking chair, you will have
the correct tempo for your ruler practice. Your eyes should constantly focus on the ruler.

As you train the Tai Chi Ruler Qigong as described on the following pages, try to feel
and direct the internal chi as shown by the fire & water path examples. First, just get used
to the physical movement of the exercise then add the internal chi flow shown. Please
study this diagram. As you exhale, bring the chi down from your crown to the front of
your body all the way to the perineum. As you inhale, bring the energy up your spine all
the way back to the crown. This pattern stimulates and energizes the main Dantians or
energy centers of the body as well as the YU meridian channel, which runs on both sides
of the spine, providing and delivering chi energy to all of the major internal organs.

The Yu Meridian channel runs

about one inch out from the central
spine and on both sides of it. Some
rulers are designed with extra knots
near the central ball shape to make
it easier to focus your attention
internally on this particular
pathway. An example of this type
of ruler is shown above. This is an
effective method for energizing the
internal organs. 2 minutes of
focused concentration on this path
is all it takes to produce results.
The descending energy is cool and the rising energy is warm.

Basic Points Before you Begin

1. The body musculature is loose and in a state of relaxation.
2. The spine is held straight and erect.
3. The eyes are constantly focuses on following the ruler.
4. Breathing is coordinated with all circular movements.
5. Breathing is deep and occurs at the rate of two breaths per minute.
As you gain proficiency in running the
fire path orbit, you add the following
saliva swallowing exercise. You
absolutely must be able to internally
feel the energy circulating inside the
orbit for this to be of any benefit. Once
you can feel the orbit, you let the saliva
build up inside your mouth, until your
mouth is completely filled up. Then
you will swallow it in 3 separate gulps,
timing the swallow so that it is flowing
down at the same time the energy of
the orbit is flowing down. In other
words, when you feel the energy
descending from your forehead into
your palate, you swallow and follow
the energy down into the Dantian. Then
repeat 2 more times to swallow the
remaining saliva. Once all the saliva
has been swallowed, you let it build up
all over again. This practice will
increase your Jing Chi significantly.
This is the art of swallowing ectoplasm
and rinsing the marrow. Swallowing
saliva & rinsing marrow should only be
done for the fire path exercise, both
microcosmic and macrocosmic

Hold your Tai Chi Ruler so that the rounded ends are touching the center of each palm.
Step one leg forward and distribute your weight so that 70% of your weight is on the
front leg (see picture 2). As you exhale, push the ruler out in front of you following the
circular path shown below. Continue to exhale while moving the chi energy down the
front of your body and trace the path to position 4. Begin to shift your weight to the back
leg and inhale as you guide the chi up your spine. 70% of your weight should be on the
back leg as you move up to position 5. As the ruler reaches position 5, the chi should be
at the crown of your head. Exhale and repeat positions 2 through 5 over and over as you
run the Micro-Cosmic Fire Orbit internally. With regular practice, your sensitivity will
develop so that you also feel the external chi that is being moved by the Ruler as well.

Note: When you inhale, try contracting your anus and genital muscles as if you were trying to prevent
yourself from having to go to the bathroom. This will act as an internal energy pump, helping you to move
and guide the chi energy up your spine. The above exercise is for the Fire Path. Watch this video as an
example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDEXGan24Tw

Reverse Water Orbit a.k.a. Primordial Rocking Practice

This practice is the inverse of the Fire Orbit, but provides very different effects. We
suggest that you always finish each Tai Chi Ruler Qigong session with at least 5-reps
of Reverse Water Orbit with each leg. Most students typically perform a balanced

routine giving equal amounts of time to each practice. The orbital patterns also
stimulate gender (maleness or femaleness) in the practitioner, so it is wise to do both
equally. In general, the reverse orbit is considered more Yin and the forward orbit is
more Yang, but this is not true for every individual. Approximately 30% of men and
women will find that for them, the exact opposite is true. In these cases, the reverse is
Yang and the forward is Yin. Pay attention to how you feel as well as any comments
others may notice about changes in your personality and make adjustments to your
training practice as needed. This practice is also a good remedy for headaches.

As you move the ruler in this reverse circle externally, you move the chi in the
reverse water orbit internally. As you inhale, energy moves up your front to the crown
of your head and as you exhale, you guide the chi down your spine back to the
perineum. Repeat positions 1 through 5 several times and then switch legs so that the
back leg is now the front and perform an equal amount of time with this position

Advanced Macrocosmic Orbit Practice

Use this chart as

your internal
map for the
guiding the chi
through the
circulation for
both forward
and reverse

The Macrocosmic orbit includes the lower extremities in the circulation of chi. This
exercise is typically performed in a relaxed standing posture with feet shoulder width
apart (see image below) and knees slightly bent. Begin by assuming this posture.

Holding the Wooden Tai Chi Ruler in the palm of your hands, begin tracing out the
pattern of a number 8 or infinity symbol with your ruler, as shown in the image
below. As you exhale, push the ruler out in front of you slightly above your head and
trace out the first half of the blue line pattern pulling it towards your waist as you
complete the 1st half of the pattern. Continue exhaling as you gently squat down,
lowering the ruler to approximately knee level. During this 1st half of the pattern, you
are guiding the chi down from the crown of your head to the front of your torso and
then down the backside of your legs, to the soles of your feet for the 2nd section.

Your breath should be completely exhaled at the point where the energy has been
guided down to the feet. Now as you inhale, slowly start to straighten the legs
(sucking up earth energy into your feet) and swing the ruler in an arc out in front of
you following the red line pattern as you guide the chi up the front of your legs. When
you reach approximately hip level, pull the Chi Ruler closer to your torso and then

push it up the front of your body as you internally guide the chi up your spine all the
way to the crown of your head, completing the 2nd half of the Macro-Cosmic Orbit.
Continue to repeat this entire sequence for 5-minutes nonstop.

As you perform this

exercise, think of
sinking your chi deep
into the Earth as the
energy flow moves
below your feet. Then
with your intent, pull up
the earths energy as
you bring the chi
upwards. Similarly,
when the chi comes
down the front of your
body, think of pulling
down additional heaven
chi. Thus with each
cycle, you continuously
add more earth and
heaven energy.
Reversing the infinity pattern 8 and internal chi-flow generates the Reverse Macro
Cosmic Orbit or Water Exercise. We suggest that you balance out your training by
performing equal amounts of each practice. You can do this on the same day, or you
can alternate days so that every other day, you are doing the Regular Orbit practice
and the alternating day, you are performing the Reverse Orbit practice. Again, the
primary reason is to keep a balance between Yin (female) and Yang (male) energies

as discussed earlier. For those of you who own the Chi Power Magnets, you can also
stand on the foot magnets during Marco Cosmic practice due to the foot positioning.
As you perform this exercise,
think of sinking your chi deep
into the Earth as the energy
flow moves below your feet.
Then with your intent, pull up
the earths energy as you
bring the chi upwards.
Similarly, when the chi comes
down the front of your body,
think of pulling down
additional heaven chi. Thus
with each cycle, you
continuously add more earth
and heaven

For those of you who have difficulty with standing, by sitting on the end of a chair
and following the same general instructions you can also perform these exercises and
ruler patterns as discussed for the standing practice. Standing stimulates a greater
energy flow through squatting and shifting of the body weight, which stimulates the
bubbling springs and several other meridians located on the soles of the feet.

Fire Path Small Universe Meditation.

Once you have a tactile awareness of energy flowing through the microcosmic
orbit or fire path, i.e. you can feel it moving inside of you. Then you are ready
to add in the following visualization and meditation to your exercise.

1) Begin by circulating the energy in the microcosmic fire path until you have a
strong awareness of its energy flow. Then expand the feeling so that it also
feels as if energy is flowing around the exterior of your entire upper torso. As
if water from heaven were pouring down your front like a waterfall and fire
from earth is blazing up your back like an erupting volcano.
2) Now you should feel both the internal microcosmic energy flow as well as a
larger flow of energy circulating around your body. As you feel these things
occurring, imagine that you are causing a massive rainbow to circulate
around the entire planet coordinated with your circular movements and
perception of energy flow. When the energy is at your root chakra (Hui Yin
or perineum) the rainbow is underneath you on the opposite side of the
earth. When the energy moves up your back to approximately the height of
your solar plexus, the rainbow is at the level of the horizon behind you and
continues to rise with your movement of energy to the crown of your head,
where you visualize the rainbow filling the sky. As the energy flow begins to
move down your front, picture the rainbow going down the horizon in front
of you. Again, the solar plexus is the approximate area representing the
horizon. Continue this visualization, with the intention that you are healing
the entire planet and all life forms inhabiting it.

The Mantra is As I heal the Earth, I heal myself and others

3) After circulating the energy around the earth for approximately 2-minutes, allow
your awareness to expand. Imagine that your microcosmic orbit is actually
causing the rotation of the earth. In your minds eye, picture it spinning in space.
Feel as if you are causing it to rotate, like a smaller wheel turning a much larger
one. Imagine you are causing the rising and setting of the sun. Picture the moon
orbiting the earth and the earth and planets orbiting the sun, feeling connected as
if your energy flow is causing all of this to occur. Picture the sun and stars
revolving around the center of our galaxy. Then picture countless galaxies, as
numerous as the stars themselves spinning in space like cosmic spirals of energy
(like hurricanes). Feel connected to all of these things as if the trillions of galaxies
within the universe correlated and corresponded with the trillions of cells within
your own body. The only difference is scale or perspective not substance.

4) Mentally reverse your perspective, contracting your awareness and slowly coming
back to our own milky way galaxy, then our solar system, then earth, then the
rainbow of energy around the earth, then your own body and the energy flow
around it, then focus intently on the fire path as an isolated energy flow and close
this meditation by bringing the energy down the conception channel into the
lower Dantian and maintain your awareness there for a minute or so to allow your
energy to settle.

Water Path Small Universe Meditation

The prerequisites to performing the Water Path Meditation are the same as the fire
path. You must have an actual physical feeling (tactile awareness) of the energy
moving within the governing and conception vessels in order for the meditation to be
truly effective. This meditation slows the aging process and can restore youthfulness
and vitality.

1) Begin performing the reverse microcosmic orbit or water path circulation until
you have a solid awareness of the energy flow. After about 2-minutes visualize
that time is reversing. In other words, it is as if you are traveling backwards
through time. Feeling progressively younger, more youthful and vitalized.
2) Picture the hands of a clock moving in reverse. Imagine the sun rising in the West
and setting in the East. Using your memory, try mentally reversing your day, then
think of the day prior, a week prior, a month prior, faster and faster, a year ago,
then many years, faster and faster time is reversing. Until you find yourself as a
young child, maybe playing in a park or celebrating a birthday, etc. Try to invoke
a happy childhood memory finding a time when you had no worries, no concerns,
you were simply carefree, happy, playful and at peace. Allow these feelings to be
present in who you are now and feel them resonate within you.

3) To close the exercise, bring the energy down the governing channel into your
lower Dantian and then maintain awareness there for a minute or so. Know in
your heart that you still are this carefree youthful child and that your spirit is truly
ageless, timeless and immortal.

The Elements
Fire, Water, Earth and Heaven

In the prior material, we have disclosed the internal pathways for both Fire and
Water. In this section we will provide the details for exercising the Earth and Heaven
pathways. The wind path will be discussed in the bonus section, as it shouldnt be
over exercised. For these two exercises the openhanded ruler method is utilized. If
you cannot feel a magnetic repelling sensation between your palms, you are not ready
to perform this exercise. This is an essential prerequisite of the Earth & Heaven

Both Earth and Space also known as Heaven have to do with the bodys core channel
commonly known as the central channel or Chong Mo in the Chinese terminology.
If you imagine a hollow tube running through your body from the crown of your
head, where infants have a soft spot due the skull plates having not fully closed,

down to your perineum or root center, then you have formed a good mental picture of
the bodys core channel. The next images should help you visualize this channel.

The crown of your head is known as Baihui (pronounced Buy Way) and represents
your connection to celestial Heaven Chi, which is Yang energy sourced primarily
from the Sun, but also includes the moon, planets and stars. The perineum or root
center (the soft spot between your genitals and anus) is known as the Huiyin
(pronounced Hoy Yin) and represents a primary connection to the Earths Yin energy,
with the soles of your feet providing the remaining connection gateways.

Heaven and Earth exercises are designed to open and expand the width of the bodys
central channel and to simultaneously exercise and expand the bodys aura, which the
Chinese refer to as Wei Chi.

Heaven & Earth Exercise

To begin, feel the energy ruler between your hands, like two repelling magnetic fields
opposing one another. Your hands should be approximately the same width apart as if
you were actually holding your wooden ruler. Always perform the Earth exercise 1st,
followed by an equal number of repetitions of the Heaven exercise.

Earth Path: Raise your hands straight up above your head without locking out your
elbows. Pulling your hands straight down the front of your body, draw the heaven
energy down into the crown of your head, guiding it trough the central channel to the
perineum and then down into the earth. This movement is coordinated with the
inhaling breath. Then let your hands float out to your sides, feeling the earths
repelling magnetic field upon your palms and allow them to rise up above your head
again to the starting position. This movement is coordinated with the exhaling breath.
As your hands float up, feel the earth energy surrounding your body like a cylinder or
swirling vortex as shown below.

Heaven Path: This exercise is the inverse of earth. Your hands start below your
perineum and as you inhale, draw your hands straight up until they are above your
head fingers point up, pulling up the earth chi into the central channel and out your
head into deep space. When you exhale, your hands float out horizontally to your
sides, feeling the stars and cosmic energy falling like a shower of rain, through you
and all around you, flowing deep into the earth, where the cycle repeats again.

Gong Training Sheet

Print out as needed. Simply check or X out each consecutive day you train. After
100-days, you will have completed a Gong and are ready to begin another. This
simple work sheet is an easy way to follow the consistency of your training. If you
miss a day, your Gong is broken and you must start at square one again.




























































































The Correct Philosophy

With each and every practice, I improve myself. When I improve myself,
I aid in the improvement of all humanity. An improved humanity brings
the infinite love of the universe to earth. I am in the universe and the
universe is within me.

Bonus Exercise section

The Wind Path (Dry Warm Air, like late Fall) & Reverse Wind Path (Damp, Cool
Air, like early Spring) runs a significant amount of energy through the center of the
spine, crystal palace (pineal gland) and third eye. Do not do more than 5-minutes of
this exercise. Finish by bringing the energy back to the lower Dantian. The chart on
the following page will reveal the internal significance of the wind path.
Inhale through your nose with a sense of savoring something delicious mentally
making the Mmmmmm sound. Exhale through your mouth with a sense of
relaxation mentally making the Ahhhhhh sound, as if taking a soothing shower. The
lower stomach should expand on inhalation and contract on exhalation.

Rowing& Wringing The Chi Packs The Dantian

This exercise is used to fill up the lower Dantian (2-inches below your navel) with
chi. It can be done as a stand-alone exercise or in combination with the others given.

Begin with your weight evenly distributed between both legs. Start with the ruler held
out in front of you as shown in the first position. (1) As you inhale, slowly pull the
Tai Chi Ruler in towards your chest, filling the front of your body with chi. (2) Pause
in this position for a second (counting one one-thousand) and gently scrunch your
upper body downwards towards your hips while focusing your attention on your
lower Dantian (2 inches below your navel). This mental focus and compacting motion
packs chi into your Dantian. (3) Release the compression of your torso and slowly
exhale with the Shhhhhhh or Haaaaaah sounds as you push the ruler forward.
Repeat these steps for a total of 2-minutes with the right leg as the lead and then 2minutes with the left leg as the lead to complete the 1st half of this exercise. Time
your breathing & movement so that the ruler reaches your chest at the same time you
reach maximum lung capacity on the inhale. The opposite is true for the exhale, your
arms should be fully extended as you finish your exhale. This exercise should feel
like using a rowing machine. Try to imagine that your ruler has giant rubber bands

attached to each end so that as you pull it towards your chest, the bands get stretched
and then the tension is released as you exhale and guide the ruler forward.

Wringing the Dantien

Holding the Tai Chi ruler at your chest, inhale fully and hold your breath for 3 full
seconds (counting 1-one-thousand, 2-one-thousand, 3-one-thousand) Keeping your
feet facing forward, exhale with your choice of breath sounds and twist as far as you
can to the right and pause for 1-second. Inhale and return to the starting position.
Pause for 3-seconds again and then exhale and twist as far as you can to the left and
pause for 1-second. Inhale again as you return to the starting position. Hold your
breath for 3-seconds again. Now, simply continue this wringing exercise for 2minutes with each leg (total is 4-minutes). This is somewhat like twisting a wet towel
but here we are compressing and wringing chi into the lower Dantian. This is a very
effective exercise for building chi and it only takes a total of 8 minutes to perform.
Try it whenever you need that extra boost of energy to recharge your battery.

If you choose to do this wringing and packing exercise in a workout routine with the
other exercises previously described, it is best performed first, prior to circulating the
chi with either of the orbit exercises provided.

A final note: Training with your eyes closed improves relaxation & physical balance.
Training with eyes open improves focus, concentration and awareness.

Belt Channel Exercise Dai Mai

The following exercise is done with the wooden ruler and is a method to strengthen
the bodys aura field. Hold the ruler between your palms and then twist it vertically as
shown below so that your right hand is on top and your left is underneath the ruler.
Begin making circular movements by pushing the ruler out from the right side of your
body and pulling it back towards the left side in a continuous circular movement,
gently rocking your body weight from each foot just as you learned earlier.

As you do this exercise, feel the energy circling your entire body like a swirling
vortex or a series of hula-hoops. This is the Dai Mai or belt channel.
As you rotate the energy around your body,
think of it as growing and expanding,
becoming a larger vortex. First filling up your
room, then your home, then out to the
horizons. This should take about 1- minutes.
Then slowly contract it back towards your
body, getting progressively tighter until you
feel only the central channel spinning. This
should take another 1- minutes. Total time to
expand and contract the belt channel is
approximately 3-minutes. You dont have to be
exact this is just a guideline.
After 3-minutes, twist the ruler so that the left hand is on top and reverse the direction
of the circular movement and swirling energy flow. Continue exercising for another
3-minutes repeating the expansion and contraction of the belt channel as described in
the text box above.

Ida & Pingala (Solar & Lunar) Channels

This is a method used to balance the parasympathetic nervous system. The energy
flow will run in the body as shown in the energetic map below. This exercise is done
with your hands, so you will not need the wooden ruler. Being able to feel energy
between your hands is a prerequisite requirement to perform this exercise. The left
side of your body is the lunar or water channel (shown in blue) and the right side is
the solar or fire channel shown in red. Breathing must be done through the nose.

1) Begin with your by forming your right hand into a cranes beak pose as shown. All
fingers gently touching your thumb. Point your cranes beak at your 3rd eye in the
center of your forehead. Try to feel a sense of repelling magnetic space between
your fingers and forehead.
2) As you inhale through your nose, move your hand down the lunar path, guiding
the energy to the perineum or root chakra. As you do this, visualize that the full
moon is traveling down a river of deep blue water. Inside your body the moon
will only be the size of a ping pong ball.
3) Exhale up the right side of your body guiding the energy through the solar
channel with your cranes beak back to your 3rd eye. Visualize this as the yellow

sun moving up a river of glowing lava. This completes one revolution or cycle.
Repeat 21 times. Moving the energy in this direction brings fire energy to the
brain, making you feel more mentally alert, focused and awake.
4) After 21 revolutions, you switch hands as well as the direction of the energy flow.
Form your left hand into a cranes beak and point it at the 3rd eye. As you inhale,
guide the energy down the solar channel on your right side into the perineum.
Again, visualizing the yellow sun going down a river of glowing lava.
5) Exhale up the left side, guiding the energy through the lunar channel back to the
3rd eye visualizing the full moon moving up a river of deep blue water. Repeat for
a total of 21 cycles. Moving the energy in this direction brings water energy to the
brain, making you feel more relaxed, calm, mellow or even ready for sleep.
Disclaimer: There are no medical claims pertaining to the healing capabilities of the Wooden Tai Chi Rulers. It is
recommended that in all cases of disease, injury, sickness, etc. that the aid of a licensed health practitioner is obtained
and that you follow their suggested treatment. The Ruler is being made available for your personal and experimental
purposes only and therefore absolutely no claims of healing and/or curing disease are made herein, expressed or
implied. Remember, it is against the law to diagnose or make any claims that you may heal another person by any
means whatsoever unless you have this privilege granted to you by law.


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