Sinha Adelson ICCV93

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In Fourth International Conference on Computer Vision, Berlin, May 11-14, 1993.

Recovering Reflectance and Illumination in a World of Painted Polyhedra

Pawan Sinha1 & Edward Adelson2
1NE43-809, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
2Department of Brain and Cognitive Science
1,2Vision & Modeling Group, Media Laboratory

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
To be immune to variations in illumination, a vision
system needs to be able to decompose images into their
illumination and surface reflectance components. Although
this problem is greatly underconstrained, the human visual
system is able to solve it in diverse situations. Most
computational studies thus far have been concerned with
strategies for solving the problem in the restricted domain
of 2-D Mondrians. This domain has the simplifying
characteristic of permitting discontinuities only in the
reflectance distribution while the illumination distribution
is constrained to vary smoothly. Such approaches prove
inadequate in a 3-D world of painted polyhedra which
allows for the existence of discontinuities in both the
reflectance and illumination distributions. We propose a
two-stage computational strategy for interpreting images
acquired in such a domain.

1. Introduction
Figure 1. A typical real world scene. Changes in surface
reflectance or orientation lead to variations in image
luminance that may have identical profiles locally.

Figure 1 illustrates a classic problem for vision

systems: one of the circled edges is due to a change in
surface color (a reflectance edge) while the other is due to a
change in surface orientation leading to a change in
illumination (an illuminance edge). In the image, though,
both these transitions have identical luminance profiles.
How might one distinguish between the two situations?
Making this distinction, which humans do effortlessly, is
important for most vision systems since it enables them to
factor out from the image the varying effects of
illumination from the reflectance distribution intrinsic to
the object [3]. The recovery of such intrinsic properties is
important for many visual tasks.
While the importance of such computations has long
been recognized in the machine vision community, the
approaches developed so far are capable of functioning only
in highly restricted domains. We wish to develop
techniques that will be somewhat more general, and to that
end we introduce the world of 'painted polyhedra' in which
to try out our ideas. We use human perception as a guide in
our investigations, but make no claims of the biological
plausibility of the individual computational steps involved.

2. Previous work:
The predominant paradigm for analysing images in terms
of their illumination and reflectance components is Retinex
[16, 17, 12, 19, 5], motivated by Land's lightness
constancy experiments with 'Mondrian' stimuli (the term
'lightness' denotes a perceptual estimate of true reflectance).
Mondrian patterns consist of patches of differently colored
paper pasted on a planar background. The illumination
across the patterns is constrained to vary smoothly. In such
a setup, discontinuities in image luminance coincide
exclusively with reflectance discontinuities in the scene.
Retinex exploits this characteristic to recover the lightness
distribution from a given image. The image is differentiated
and then thresholded to get rid of slow intensity variations
due to illumination. Subsequent reconstitution of the
image through integration leads to the recovery of the
underlying reflectance distribution upto an unknown offset.
While Retinex performs well in the Mondrian domain,
its assumption of a smoothly varying illumination gradient
limits its usefulness in a 3-D world containing painted
polyhedra. The sharp intensity transitions exhibited by

This research was supported in part by contracts to the MIT

Media Laboratory from Goldstar Co. Ltd. and the Television of
Tommorrow Program.


images in this domain can arise not only from surface

reflectance variations but also from changes in illumination
across differently oriented faces of the polyhedra. Having no
notion of three-dimensionality, Retinex classifies all such
transitions as being due to reflectance changes - an
interpretation which is often perceptually and physically
incorrect, as illustrated in figure 2 (cf. [1, 11, 15]).

Our strategy has two stages. The first stage attempts to

use simple local gray-level junction analysis to classify the
observed image edges into the illumination or reflectance
categories. Subsequent processing verifies the global
consistency of these local inferences while also reasoning
about the 3-D structure of the object and the illumination
source direction. This work draws on a host of ideas each of
which merits detailed description. For reasons of space, we
shall lay emphasis on how the various ideas work together
in the overall computational framework for lightness
recovery without describing any individual one in detail.
Further details may be found in [21].
3.1 Gray-level junction analysis:

Figure 2. Retinex treats both the patterns shown above
identically; as far as it is concerned, the pattern on the left
is just another flat Mondrian with three differently colored
patches. The more natural interpretation of pattern (a)
would be as a uniform albedo 3-D cube illuminated in a
particular fashion.
Adelson and Pentland [2] proposed a cost based
'workshop metaphor' for interpreting images of simple
painted polyhedra. A set of specialists deal with 3-D shape,
illumination, and reflectance, and seek a least cost model
for the image. The model was able to deal with some
simple images but did not readily generalize to other
In the rest of the paper, we describe a new approach that
seems better suited to interpreting images of objects
belonging to the world of painted polyhedra.

3. A new direction:
In the present investigation, our domain consists of
painted polyhedral/origami objects such as those shown in
figure 3. We assume an absence of inter- and intra-object
occlusions and cast shadows. The surfaces shall be assumed
to be qualitatively matte without necessarily being
precisely Lambertian. The scene shall be assumed to be
illuminated with a diffuse ambient and a single distant light
source (see [20] for justification).

Figures 1 and 3 demonstrate that edges with identical

intensity profiles can have very different perceptual/
physical interpretations. Local analysis of such profiles,
then, seems unlikely to be capable of classifying edges
differently. Can any other source of local information aid in
distinguishing between reflectance and illumination edges?
In a non-accidental image, an edge representing the line
of join of two differently oriented surfaces necessarily
exhibits either an arrow or Y junction at both its endpoints. A reflectance edge that is not deliberately made to
coincide with the corners of the underlying polygonal
surface, on the other hand, exhibits T-junctions at its endpoints (see figure 4). This mapping from scene to images
may be inverted and the existence of particular types of
junctions in the image may be used as evidence for the
presence of particular physical characteristics in the
underlying scene. Following this line of reasoning, we
may construct a simple junction catalogue that can be used
for classifying scene edges. Figure 5 shows the junction
catalogue used in our implementation. This catalogue is
not exhaustive for all possible polyhedral junction types;
our intent here is only to indicate the basic idea behind the
approach. Besides the afore-mentioned arrow and Y
junctions, it also includes the psi-junction along with
constraints on the gray-levels that need to be satisfied
before equating an image junction with the reference
junction pattern.






Figure 4. Since an illumination edge represents a line of

join of two differently oriented surfaces S1 and S2, lines 'a'
and 'b' must be non-collinear in the scene and consequently
in a non-accidental image. However, for a reflectance edge
arising simply out of a change in albedo over different
regions of the same surface (as in (b)), line segments 'a' and
'b' are collinear both in the scene and the image.

Stairs and Stripes
Figure 3. Two sample objects from our domain of interest.
Notice that the figure on the right represents an object
whose physical realization is impossible.


Due to the 1-to-1 relationship between junction-types

and interpretations, no constraint propagation is required
during the labelling process which simply involves
determining an edge's label from the junction-type it
exhibits at its end-points. An iterative brightness
equalization across illumination edges leads, eventually, to
the lightness distribution [21]. For most objects, the labels
derived from both end-points are identical. However,
impossible objects (of the type shown in figure 3) may
exhibit edges whose interpretation changes along their
length. To handle such objects, the 'strength' of the inferred
label is made to decrease monotonically (linearly, in the
current implementation) from the label inducing end to the
other end. Figures 6 and 7 show some examples of
applying the gray-level junction analysis ideas to images of
synthetic polyhedral/origami objects. All occluding edges
are left unclassified.

The gray-level junction analysis approach predicts that

in the absence of any junctions corresponding to
illumination edges (and therefore to 3-D shapes), an image
should appear to represent a flat painted scene with no 3-D
attributes. That this prediction holds true is demonstrated in
figure 8. By maintaining all other attributes of an image
constant and varying only the geometric structure slightly
to include or abolish particular junction types, the
appearance of the scene can be changed dramatically. This
compelling demonstration highlights the importance of
simple gray-level junction analysis in image interpretation.

Figure 8. By including or excluding junction types that

signal illumination edges in images, a figure may be made
to appear flat or three dimensional. Notice that the top and
bottom halves of both these figures are identical.
Figure 5. The junction catalogue we used. 'a', 'b', 'c' and 'd'
represent brightness values.

Reflectance edges

Illumination edges

Figure 6.Two images interpreted by the junction analysis


Illu mi nation e dges

Reflectance edg es

Figure 7. Interpreting the image of an 'impossible' object

using the junction analysis program. The change in shade
from black to white along the labelled edges indicates the
decreasing 'strength' of the label.

3.2 The need for global analysis:

The apparent success of the simple junction analysis
scheme in interpreting the examples so far might induce
one to accept it as the complete solution to the problem we
set out to solve. However, it is simple to show that this
scheme has some fundamental limitations due primarily to
its local nature. Figure 9 is a case in point. Perceptually,
the image on the left appears to depict a properly shaded
uniform albedo 3-D truncated hexagonal pyramid; all the
edges are perceived as arising out of illumination changes.
The image on the right is seen as a flat painted pattern with
all the edges arising out of reflectance changes. Our
junction analysis scheme, however, labels all edges in both
images as illumination edges since all the observed
junctions (arrows and Y's) are associated with illumination
edges in the junction catalogue. The cause of this problem,
of course, is that the inferences suggested by the catalogue
are justified locally, but the global structure of the image
in figure 9(b) renders them incorrect. Evidently, a process
capable of reasoning about the global structure of the
image is required. Such a global scope would also enable it
to verify whether the image gray-levels constitute a
globally 'consistent' shading pattern. But exactly what do
we mean by 'consistency'?
A pattern of gray-levels shall be considered 'consistent'
if it can be produced by illuminating with a single distant
light source a uniform albedo 3-D structure consistent with
the geometric structure of the pattern. While there are
clearly infinitely many 3-D structures consistent with the
pattern's geometric structure, we restrict our attention to
those that are perceptually likely. Also, for reasons
described later, two gray-level patterns shall be considered


'equivalent' if their ordinal structures (relative ordering of

the different patches based on their associated gray-levels)
are identical; precise gray-level matches are not required.

In light of this observation, two questions that need to be

addressed are: 1.what distinguishes the 'correct' 3-D
structure from the rest?, and might we search for the
'correct' structure in the infinite space of all possible 3-D
structures consistent with the given line-drawing?



Figure 9. Two figures with identical geometric structures

but very different interpretations. Figure (a) is perceived to
be a shaded 3-D truncated hexagonal prism while figure (b)
appears to be a flat pattern of paint.
From the definition of gray-level pattern consistency
given above, it is apparent that a method for verifying such
consistency needs to perform two conceptually different
1. it needs to recover a set (possibly singleton) of
perceptually likely 3-D structures consistent with the
geometric structure of the input pattern, and
2. it needs to verify whether (any of) the recovered 3-D
structures can be illuminated with a single distant light
source so as to produce a gray-level pattern equivalent to
the input pattern.
Figure 10 shows this two part strategy. The second part
of the strategy, in essence, attempts to determine whether
the variations in gray-levels across different faces are due to
shading or changes in intrinsic surface reflectance. We next
describe briefly computational schemes to accomplish each
of these tasks.




3-D shape

3-D shape

3-D shape



Figure 11. Any planar line-drawing is geometrically

consistent with infinitely many 3-D structures.
It has long been suggested that the distinguishing
characteristic of a perceptually favored 3-D interpretation is
its low 'complexity'. The variance of the included angles
has been proposed as a measure of complexity [4, 18];
minimizing this metric leads to perceptually correct
interpretations for many line drawings. However, we find
that using this metric alone results in unexpected and
bizarre interpretations for certain figures (see figure 12). We
propose that to properly characterise the perceptually
'correct' interpretations, three types of measures are
required: angle variance, planarity of faces and overall
compactness; we wish to obtain that 3-D configuration
which, while having planar faces is maximally regular and
compact so as not to require excessive foreshortening of
any line segment to relate it to the input 2-D drawing. A
similar suggestion was made in [9].


Figure 10. Our two-part strategy comprises of (a) deriving

the likely 3-D structures corresponding to the geometric
configuration of the image, and (b) verifying the structure's
consistency with the image shading pattern.


Deriving 3-D shapes from 2-D drawings:


Figure 12. Perceptually incorrect shapes recovered from the

input line-drawings by Marill's algorithm. The shapes are
shown as states of a 'beads-on-wires' model. The 'wires' are
aligned to the line-of-sight and the positions of the beads
represent the depth values associated with each vertex.

As stated earlier, our aim here is to interpret 2-D linedrawings extracted from the input gray-level patterns in
terms of their perceptually/physically likely 3-D structures.
The difficulty of this task, well documented by sevral
reserachers [14, 22], arises from its highly underconstrained
nature; any planar line-drawing is geometrically consistent
with infinitely many 3-D structures, as shown in figure 11.

The question of how to search for the desired

configuration in the infinite search-space of all possible


configurations is a tricky one. Traditional approaches

usually involve formulating and then optimizing a
composite cost function (such as a weighted sum of the
relevant metrics [9]). This approach suffers not only from
the need to make ad hoc choices for the relative weights but
also has the same drawbacks that regularizing techniques
have, viz., the constructed cost-function might not
represent the original problem. Also, the parameter values
that might be appropriate for one problem instance might
be inappropriate for another.
Our search strategy belongs to the class of 'greedy'
optimization algorithms [6]. Here we only give a
conceptual description of the strategy and refer the reader to
[21] for a formal treatment of the same. Imagine that one is
given a 2-D line drawing that one wishes to derive the
maximally regular planar 3-D shape of. What kinds of
intermediate stages should one expect to pass through on
way to the final configuration? One natural way of getting
to the desired shape is to incrementally modify the
originally planar configuration so that at every intermediate
step the most regular planar faceted configuration is
obtained. This can be thought of as doing gradient descent
in regularity space where the points considered in the space
correspond to
the different planar-faceted
configurations. The first local minima reached in this
fashion is reported as the recovered 3-D shape. This
strategy does not require the construction of one composite
cost function from different metrics. Besides obviating the
need for ad hoc choices of parameters, this also has the
desirable result of having the same algorithm work
unchanged on all problem instances. Figure 13 shows two
sample results.

reflectance function is not too difficult and closed-form

solutions for this task have already been described [13, 20,
23]. These methods, however, have some fundamental
limitations. Firstly, because of their dependence on precise
measurements of gray-level values, minor alterations in
image gray-levels can radically alter the computed solution,
even though perceptually they may be of no consequence at
all. Figure 14 provides an illustration of this problem.




Figure 14. The various faces of a polyhedral object define

curves of valid light directions in gradient space. The
common point of intersection of all these curves
corresponds to the light direction that would account for the
brightnesses of all faces simultaneously. A slight alteration
in the gray-level of one of the faces shifts the
corresponding locus of valid light directions and the four
curves (corresponding to the valid source directions for the
four visible faces in this example) no longer have a
common point of intersection implying that the sliced-cube
on the right is no longer consistently shaded. Perceptually,
however, the minor gray-level alteration is inconsequential.
Secondly, such methods rely critically on a precise
specification of the surface reflectance function. Minor
alterations in this function profoundly influence the
computed solution. This is a serious drawback considering
that in most situations, the choice of the reflectance
function is at best an educated guess. What we seek to have
is a method that would be gracefully tolerant of changes in
the image gray-levels and the specification of surface
reflectance function. Instead of adopting an ad-hoc patch-up
like the use of least-square error minimization, we propose
a qualitatively different paradigm.
One of the key motivating observations behind our
approach is that our perceptual apparatus is far more
sensitive to detecting relations like 'brighter than'/'darker
than' between pairs of adjacent surfaces than to estimating
their absolute brightnesses. Perceptual interpretations of
images are quite stable over alterations in image gray-levels
that leave the binary relations between adjacent pairs of
surfaces unaltered (in a sense, these relations define
perceptual equivalence classes for images). In our approach,
we use only such binary relations extracted from the
underlying images. The other key idea is to use these
relations to constrain the source direction in a manner that
least commits us to a particular reflectance function.
Consider figure 15. If S1 and S2 are two surfaces with

Figure 13. Two examples of 3-D shape recovery using

constraints of symmetry, planarity and compactness.


Verifying the 'consistency' of shading:

With a method for recovering 3-D structures from 2-D

line-drawings in hand, we need now to determine whether
the image shading pattern is 'consistent' with the recovered
structure. In other words, we wish to find out whether there
exist any source directions that would completely account
for all gray-level variations in the image without having to
invoke the hypothesis of surface reflectance changes.
Given a 3-D structure and the gray-levels associated with
each of its faces, the problem of determining the source
direction under the assumption of a precisely specified


normals n1 and n2 (remember that the 3-D shape of the

object has already been recovered in phase-1 of the strategy)
and S1 appears darker than S2 in the image, then the valid
light directions can be represented on a Gaussian sphere by
one of the two hemispheres formed by a plane passing
through the origin that perpendicularly bisects the vector
joining the tips of the normals n1 and n2 on the sphere
surface. This set of light directions is valid for any
reflectance function that results in a monotonically
decreasing relationship between image luminance and angle
of incidence. We may further constrain the light directions
to lie above the horizontal plane. A light direction chosen
from this set will maintain the ordinal relationship between
the brightnesses of surfaces S1 and S2. Other pairs of
surfaces will similarly define hemispheres of valid light
directions. The complete shading pattern can be considered
consistent if the intersection of all the hemispheres
corresponding to different adjacent surface pairs yields a
finite set. The problem of checking for the consistency of
the observed shading pattern is thus rendered equivalent to
determining whether a set of hemispheres have a non-null
intersection. The non-null intersection set, if obtained,
represents the valid set of light directions. Since (as shown
below) each hemisphere is equivalent to a linear constraint
on the possible positions of the source vector, this
approach lends itself naturally to a linear programming
solution method such as the Fourier-Motzkin elimination
technique [10, 7]. Interestingly, the Perceptron Learning
algorithm [8] is also perfectly suited to solving this
problem. This approach also has the desired properties of
not being critically dependent on precise measurements of
the absolute surface brightness values and not having to
assume a precisely specified formal reflectance model.

satisfying the inequality s . t > 0. To constrain the valid

directions to lie above the horizontal plane, we may wish
to enforce the additional inequality z . t 0 (assuming
without loss of generality that the ground plane is the X-Y
plane). For each adjacent pair of surfaces Si and Sj, we get
one such linear inequality , viz. sij . t > 0. We wish to find
a vector t (if it exists) that satisfies all these inequalities.
This is a simple linear programming problem. There are 'e'
linear inequalities for a polyhedral object with 'e' internal
edges. Since we are interested only in the direction of t,
there are only two degrees of freedom to be solved for. As
no objective function is being extremized, there will exist
an infinite number of solutions if there are any solutions at
all. All of these solutions will lie in a convex polygon on
the unit sphere. The sides of this polygon are portions of
great circles corresponding to constraints imposed by some
surface pairs (see figure 16).

Figure 16. The solutions to the system of constraints set

up by the various surface pairs lie on a convex polygon on
the unit sphere. The sides of this polygon are portions of
great circles corresponding to constraints imposed by some
surface pairs.
3.4.2 Determining the illuminant direction - examples:



Figure 15. Two surfaces of known orientation and their

relative brightnesses constrain the light source to lie in a
particular sector of the Gaussian sphere.
3.4.1. Using linear-programming to determine light
directions from shaded images of polyhedral objects:
Consider the pair of surfaces S1 and S2 with normals

n1 and n2 respectively. Compute a vector s such that

s . ( ( n1 + n2 ) / 2) = 0; s x ( n1 x n2 ) = 0;
s . n1 > 0 and s . n2 < 0 if S1 is brighter than S2
s . n1 < 0 and s . n2 > 0 if S2 is brighter than S1
The hemisphere of valid directions defined by the surface
pair S1 and S2 then is precisely the set of vectors t

We now present some examples illustrating the use of

the aforementioned ideas for checking the consistency of
the observed shading pattern in the image and for
recovering the illuminant direction. The first two examples
comprise of a cube illuminated from two different
directions. The graphical solutions (figure 17) show that
the recovered sets of valid light directions are consistent
with human perception.
The next two examples are more interesting. They are
the figures that we used to motivate the need for a global
analysis (figure 9). The graphical solutions, (figures 18 and
19) suggest that while the shading pattern in figure 9(a) is
consistent with the shape recovered by the module
responsible for 3-D shape recovery from 2-D line drawings,
that of figure 9(b) is not. In other words, while a distant
light source can be positioned to illuminate a truncated
hexagonal pyramid shape to make it look similar to figure
9(a), there is no way that it may be made to look like
figure 9(b) by solely manipulating the light direction. The
consistency or inconsistency of the 2-D shading pattern in
the image determines whether the percept obtained is one of
either a solid 3-D shape illuminated in a particular manner
or simply a 2-D pattern of paint.









We may mention in passing that situations where a

majority, but not all, of the inequalities are simultaneously
satisfiable have interesting perceptual/physical correlates.
The inequalities left unsatisfied correspond to 'compound
edges' - image brightness transitions that are perceived as
being due simultaneously to changes in illumination and
surface reflectance [21].




Figure 18. Determining the valid light directions for figure

(a) with associated 3-D structure shown in figure (b) using
the Gaussian sphere/surface normal representation. The
darkest sectors in (c) and (d) represent the computed
solution set. Figure (d) shows the Gaussian sphere in (c)
viewed with the line of sight aligned to the polar axis.


Figure 19. The system of constraints set up by the surface

pairs of figure (a) do not admit a solution. No region of the
Gaussian sphere satisfies all the constraints. Each of the
three dark sectors of the Gaussian sphere satisfies only four
of the six constraints simultaneously.


Figure 17. Computing the set of valid light directions for

the cube image, (a). The darkest sector of the Gaussian
sphere in (b) represents the solution set. The ni's are the
surface normals for the three visible faces of the cube. (c)
and (d): Varying the ordinal relationships between the graylevels of the faces of the cube changes the computed
solution set for illuminant directions in a manner
consistent with human perception.




3.5. Putting it all together - a summary of t h e

complete interpretation process:
The process begins with a local junction analysis of the
image. An asymmetry exists in the confidence levels in
classifying edges as being due to reflectance or illumination
variations. Under the assumption of a generic view-point,
the classification of reflectance edges must necessarily be
correct. An edge initially classified as an illumination edge,
however, might turn out to be a reflectance edge upon
global analysis (as seen in an earlier example). Thus, while
we can be completely confident about the reflectance labels
of the local junction analysis module, the illumination
labels can, at best, be taken to be tentative, to be verified
by subsequent global analysis.
The next step in the interpretation involves a global
analysis of the shading components. This, as described
above, comprises of two basic steps: 3-D shape recovery
from the geometric structure of the image and subsequently
checking the consistency of the image gray-levels and the
recovered 3-D structure. The solutions, besides verifying
the simultaneous satisfiability of all the constraints also
provide information about the valid light directions and the
existence of 'compound' edges. This completes the
interpretation process. A summary of all the information
recovered from two simple images is shown in figure 20.
We acknowledge the fact that our model is quite
certainly just a small part of the complete answer to the
question of how we interpret 2-D images in terms of their
shading and reflectance components. Several issues, like
how to deal with occlusions and cast shadows, remain to be
explored. What we hope to have accomplished in this paper
is to have provided a beginning of the computational
investigation of the lightness recovery problem in a 3-D


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Input image


3-D structure

Valid light directions

Input image



3-D structure

Valid light directions

Figure 20. A summary of all the information recovered

from two input images.

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