Lopez-Moreno CEIG09
Lopez-Moreno CEIG09
Lopez-Moreno CEIG09
9-11 (2009)
C. Andújar and J. LLuch (Editors)
Common tasks related to image processing or augmented reality include rendering new objects into existing ima-
ges, or matching objects with unknown illumination. To facilitate such algorithms, it is often necessary to infer
from which directions a scene was illuminated, even if only a photograph is available. For this purpose, we present
a novel light source detection algorithm that, contrary to the current state-of-the-art, is able to detect multiple light
sources with sufficient accuracy. 3D measures are not required, only the input image and a very small amount of
unskilled user interaction.
Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): Computing Methodologies [I.3.7]: Computer
Graphics—3D Graphics; Computing Methodologies [I.4.10]: Image Processing and Computer Vision—Image
c The Eurographics Association 2009.
Jorge Lopez-Moreno & Sunil Hadap & Erik Reinhard & Diego Gutierrez / Light source detection in photographs
c The Eurographics Association 2009.
Jorge Lopez-Moreno & Sunil Hadap & Erik Reinhard & Diego Gutierrez / Light source detection in photographs
is aligned with the image plane and the axis is aligned with Algorithm 1 Contour Voting - N lights
x axis. Thus the direction of a light is uniquely identified by Require: Lv ≡ {Liv } {discrete luminances}
the azimuth angle φ and the zenith angle θ . Require: n ≡ {ni } {silhouette normals}
Require: φ n ≡ {φin } {azimuth coordinates of the nor-
3.2. Estimating Azimuth Angles mals}
1: sort( Lv , n, φ n ) {sort by decreasing luminances}
We assume that the normals at the silhouette lie in the image 2: φ l ≡ {φ lj } | j ∈ [1 · · · N] {azimuth coordinates of the
plane. We further assume that there are N discrete lights, lights}
each being either a directional light or a far away point light 3: seed( φ l )
(we estimate N below). Thus each light is uniquely charac- 4: α ⊕ ≡ {α ⊕ j } | j ∈ [1 · · · N] {aggregate of weights per
terized by its unknown luminance L j and unknown unit di- light}
rection ω j , j = 1 · · · N. To analyze the intensity variation of 5: α ⊕ ← 0
the silhouette pixels, we assume a nominal Lambertian sur- 6: repeat
face. Consider all pixels {pi } that belong to the silhouette. 7: for all Liv ∈ Lv do
Let ni be the normal and Liv be the known luminance of the 8: ω j ← [0, sin(φ lj ), cos(φ lj )]T {current direction}
object at point pi :
9: Ω⊕ i ← ∑ j Ω(ni , ω j ) {total occlusion weight}
N 10: for all j ∈ [1 · · · N] do
Liv = ∑ Ωi j L j (1) 11: ω j ← [0, sin(φ lj ), cos(φ lj )]T {current direction}
0 if ni ·ω j < 0, 12: αi j ← Liv Ω(ni , ω j )/Ω⊕
i {weight of normal i}
Ωi j = Ω(ni , ω j ) =
Kid ni ·ω j if ni ·ω j ≥ 0 13: φ lj ← α ⊕ φ
j j
l + α φ n {update direction}
ij i
c The Eurographics Association 2009.
Jorge Lopez-Moreno & Sunil Hadap & Erik Reinhard & Diego Gutierrez / Light source detection in photographs
a b a b
c The Eurographics Association 2009.
Jorge Lopez-Moreno & Sunil Hadap & Erik Reinhard & Diego Gutierrez / Light source detection in photographs
we scan the light direction from multiple silhouette points. errors usually below 20 degrees for the more restrictive az-
One way to realize this scheme is to rotate the image such imuth angle θ . This error range is discussed in the next sec-
that the light direction ω(φ lj ) is aligned with the y-axis and tion. Even for the zenith angle φ , only the second light in
the light on the left, see Figure 3. Then we simply scan each the Quilt scene returned a larger error due to the bouncing of
raster line i, starting from the silhouette boundary on left into that light in the surface on the left. Table 1 shows all the data
the interior. We detect the set of points {phi lo
i j } or {pi j }, cor- for the input images shown in Figure 4: for each light source
responding zenith angles {θi j } and luminances Li j . Thus for present in the scene, we show the real measured locations
the light j, the resultant zenith angle is the weighted sum: of the light sources, the results output by our algorithm and
the corresponding absolute error. The light probe used in the
∑i Livj θi j
θj = (2) first three images is the apple; for the other two, we used the
∑i Livj head of the guitar player and the Scottish quilt.
A 5.71 35.31 162.25 −64.03 − −
3.4. Ambient Illumination E 20.71 4.69 2.75 24.03 − −
R 90.00 −70.00 − − − −
The shading contribution of the ambient light is assumed to
A 94.54 −65.70 − − − −
be constant for all pixels and we can therefore estimate its E 4.54 4.3 − − − −
intensity by analyzing pixels in the shadow regions. We al- R 180.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 − −
ready have detected the shadow lines in the previous step. A 168.50 14.48 0.0 11.31 − −
The region bounded by these shadow lines is determined to E 12.50 14.48 0.00 11.31 − −
be a shadow region. We average the set of samples along R 180.00 10.00 30.00 −45.00 260.00 45.00
these boundaries. This ambient intensity estimate is also rel- A 185.71 29.66 25.64 −49.19 272.29 41.48
ative to the previously detected lights. E 5.71 19.66 4.36 4.19 12.29 3.16
R 10.00 −35.00 120.00 −10.00 − −
We have tested our algorithm on several images with con- Tabla 1: Real measured light directions (R), value returned
trolled (known) light configurations, in order to measure by our algorithm (A) and absolute error (E) for the zenith φ
the errors of our light detection. The images include var- and azimuth θ angles in the scenes depicted in Figure 4.
ied configurations (see Figure 4): Apple1, Apple2 and Ap-
ple3 show a relatively simple geometry under very different
lighting schemes (with one or two light sources, plus am- We have further tested our algorithm on uncontrolled im-
bient light). The Guitar and Quilt images show much more ages, depicting scenes with unknown illuminations and vary-
complex scenes lit by three and two light sources respec- ing degrees of diffuse-directional lighting ratios. Given that
tively. The light directions returned by our algorithm show we obviously cannot provide error measures in those cases,
c The Eurographics Association 2009.
Jorge Lopez-Moreno & Sunil Hadap & Erik Reinhard & Diego Gutierrez / Light source detection in photographs
c The Eurographics Association 2009.
Jorge Lopez-Moreno & Sunil Hadap & Erik Reinhard & Diego Gutierrez / Light source detection in photographs
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c The Eurographics Association 2009.