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Candle Lighting

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Light the candles, and then recite the blessing:

ii dY` KEx¨A Baruch ata Adonoy

m¨lFrd K¤l«n Epi«d÷` Eloheinu melech ha-olam
eizF§vn§A Ep«W!Cw xW$` asher kid'shanu be’mitzvo’sav
.z¨AW lW x&p wi¦l!cd§l Ep«E¦ve ve-tzivanu lehadlik ner shel Shabbos.

Blessed are You, God, King of the Universe,

Who made us holy with His commandments
and commanded us to kindle the Shabbat light.

Special Prayer for After Lighting the Candles

z`e ip¨A z`e i Wi ` z`e) i zF` opFgYW izFa` id÷`e d÷` ii Lip¨t§l oFv#x i di
mi¦aFh mi(Ig
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.mi ngxe d¨rEWi zC7w§t¦A Ep«cw§t ze .d¨k#x§aE d¨aŸeh oFx§k(f§A Ep«x§Mf ze .mi¦kEx`e
lCb§l i(p«¥Mfe .Epi«pi¥A Lzpi¦kW o¥MWze .Epi«Y¨A mi¦lWze .zFlFcb zFk#x§A Ep«¥kx¨azE
WcŸ«w rx«f zn` iWp` .mi d÷` i`x(i ii i¥adF` mi(pFapE mi n¨kg mi(p¨a ip§aE mi(p¨A
z¤ k `« ¤ l  n l¨ k § a E mi¦ a Fh mi U £ r  n § a E d# x FY© A m¨ l Fr# d z ` mi x i `  n E mi w ¥ a  C  i  i ¦ © A
lg#xe d#w§a xe d#x#U zEkf¦A z`Ÿfd z¥r¨A i zP gY z` rnW `P#` .`xFAd zcFa£r
:on#` .d¨r«WE(pe Lip¨R x`#de c¤re m¨lFr§l d¤A§k(i `÷W Ep«xp x`#de Epi«zFO ` d#`¥le

May it be Your will, Lord my God and God of my fathers, to be gracious to me

(and to my spouse, children, parents) and to all my family; grant us and all
Israel good and long life; remember us for good and blessing; consider us for
salvation and compassion; bless us with great blessings; make our household
complete, crowning our home with the feeling of Your Divine Presence dwelling
among us. Make me worthy to raise learned children and grandchildren, who
are wise and understanding, who love and fear God, people of truth, holy and
attached to God, who will dazzle the world with Torah and goodness and service
of God. Please hear our prayers, in the merit of our matriarchs Sarah, Rebecca,
Rachel and Leah, and ensure that the glow of our lives will never be dimmed.
Show us the glow of Your face and we will be saved. Amen.


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