Assessment Report
Assessment Report
Assessment Report
Mohsin Raza (IE-11-05)
Ashraf Hussain (IE-11-35)
Syed Muhammad Ali Jafry (IE-11-07)
Assessment Report
Principles of TQM
The key principles of TQM are as following:
Management Commitment
Plan (drive, direct)
Mission Statement
Millat: to be a market leader in agricultural tractors and
machinery, building Companys image through innovation and
competitiveness, grow by expanding market and investing into
group companies, ensuring satisfaction to customers and
stakeholders and to fulfill social obligations.
Vision Statement
Millat: to be a global group of companies, recognized for a range
of quality products with innovative design capabilities.
Customer Satisfaction
Continuous Improvement
Training & Education
Involvement of People
Process approach
Customer Satisfaction:
MTLs primary goal is to ensure customer satisfaction by
improving its
Manufacturing processes
Eliminating waste
Delivering product on time at a competitive price through a
committed team, driven by innovation and adhering to Health &
Safety Standards
Continuous Improvement:
By continuously improving performance, aim to generate earnings
sufficient to ensure a secure future for the Company and to
protect and increase shareholders return. To enhance creativity
and job satisfaction, provide employees opportunity for personal
development. Be an integral part of national economy with a
strong sense for responsibility to society and the environment
Leadership style:
Top management supporting long term quality improvement.
Department heads are involved in quality improvements process
at all levels, giving their full attention and show sincerity in
quality works.
Clear cut communication of quality policy and objectives.
The degree to which top management is committed with quality,
it results is in increase profit.
In Millat, work instructions are given to employees to work
There is horizontal communication hierarchy in Millat, it enables
workers to directly communicate their matters to managers.
Customer and supplier feedback is communicated to everyone in
the organization so customer errors can be respond in an effective
Selected on the basis of quality not cost
As well as being fully aware of customers needs and
expectations, each person respect the needs and expectations of
their suppliers. The ideal situation is an open partnership style
relationship, where both parties share and benefit.
Involvement of People:
Quality circle, or employee involvement type activities are
Degree to which employees are recognized and awarded for their
quality performance, in return they will give their full attention
Top management push decision making to lowest possible level.
Different departments have friendly relationship. They meet
frequently to solve problems.
Work teams are directly involve in goal/objective setting
Process Approach:
Process is defined as per desired output.
Establish clear responsibility, authority and accountability for
managing process.
Evaluation of possible risk and impact of process on customer.
Interface identified of process and function of organization.
Inputs and output are defined.