Purpose, Vision, Goals Lesson

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Purpose, Vision, Goals

By Bob Proctor
If youre to fulfill your vision for a better life,
you must formulate a plan of action.
Effective planning involves identifying and prioritizing
those actions that will move you most efficiently
toward your goal.
Stedman Graham





Purpose, Vision, Goals

These three areas are frequently the cause of much
confusion. It is important that you have a clear understanding of
the role each area plays in your growth.
We suggest that you listen to the MP3 weve provided ... in
fact, listen to it a couple of times before you start this lesson. It
will provide you with tremendous insight. For those of you who
may be more visual in nature, weve also included the transcript
to the MP3you may want to read along as you listen to the MP3
The vision represents the total journey that you are taking.
Goals are the progressive stepping-stones that help you realize
your vision, keeping it crystal clear.
You could say the vision represents what you are doing
with your life, the goal represents the various aspects of how
youre doing it and your purpose explains why.
It is very important that your purpose, vision and goals are
in harmony.



Having a purpose makes most of lifes tough decisions easier to
make. A purpose helps you become persistent and resilient at times
when those qualities are required to deal with some of lifes testing
situations. A definite purpose removes the confusion that is often
experienced when attempting to choose a meaningful goal.
Becoming aware of your purpose helps you connect with the higher
side of your life, and will uncap a fountain of inspiration. With a definite
purpose, loneliness and separation fade away and disappear. You
become a necessary part of something much larger.
To get in touch with your purpose in life, it is suggested that you
find a peaceful environmenta place where the spiritual essence of
you will shine.
Because many people find it difficult to decide on their lifes
purpose, I will share something of a personal nature that you may
find helpful.
Jane Willhite is a dear friend of mine. I often say she is the most
complete person I know. Jane owns High Valley Ranch in Clearlake
Oaks, California, a place where highly effective transformational
seminars are conducted. The ranch is a 2,000 acre spiritual oasis that
I retreat to from time to time for renewal.
A number of years ago, my business partners and I spent a few days
at the Ranch. Together over a two day period, we wrote a statement
combining our vision and our purpose. The vision states what we are
doing ... the purpose states why.
We are building a global organization dedicated
to improving the quality of life worldwide. We
create products and services at a profit which are
in harmony with the law of compensation. These
products and services are created and marketed
with like-minded people who share in our purpose:
to live and work in a prosperous environment that
encourages productivity, so that we may improve
the service we render to our family, our company,
our community, our nation and ultimately, the world.
(It is so.)



It is on a rare occasion that a vision and/or purpose will be created
and written in an hour or two. It is not uncommon to invest two or
three days on this project; you might choose to do as I did and work in
harmony with a friend or a loved one. You will, however, find that the
time and energy invested in this project will be a very worthwhile
You are encouraged to discuss it, write it, and rewrite it over and
over again, until you feel good about what you have written, until you
feel it is in harmony with your soul. Your purpose is the link that connects
you to creating a fulfilling life.
You are here to do Gods work. Gods work is creation. You have
been blessed with creative faculties. State how you will use those




Where there is no vision,
the people shall perish.
The BibleProverbs

Solomons wisdom is as accurate today as it was centuries

ago. Your vision that you are mentally entertaining must always
be clear, larger and more magnificent than the conditions or
circumstances which you presently find yourself surrounded by
in your material world.
It is the vision in your mind ... harmonizing with your purpose
which creates the inspiration that causes you to stretch. The
vision you hold also determines the frequency of your thoughts.
The larger and clearer the vision, the bigger, better and more
effective the ideas will be that flow into your consciousness.

Knowledge is Omnipresent
All of the knowledge there ever was or ever will be is 100%
evenly present in all places at the same time. The information
you require to do whatever you choose is already here, however
you must be in harmony with that information. The vision that
you hold and impress upon your emotional mind will determine
what you are in harmony with ... and whatever you are in harmony
with, will be magnetized to you.
Since order is heavens first law,
and visualization places things in their natural order,
it must be a heavenly thing to visualize.
Genevieve Behrend

There are many reasons and numerous benefits for building

a vision. The greatest, of course, is the order that a vision
establishes in your mind. That order is then reflected in every
aspect of your life.






You must have a goal that will excite and scare you at the same
time. Your goal must be something you WANT ... and you must really
want it.
The goal will excite you because it is something you really want
... it will scare you because it is not in harmony with your old
conditioning (paradigm). Your goal comes from a totally different
dimension of thought. When the goal and the old conditioning come
together, it creates the emotion of fear. This is precisely what keeps
people stuck in their tracks, producing the same results year after year.
You must face the thing you fear. Proceeding in the face of fear and
remaining emotionally involved with the higher ideal is the process that
alters old conditioning.

You will either step forward into growth

or back into safety.
Abraham Maslow

Before you can do something,

you first must be something.

If you want to have more, you must do more and if youre going
to do more, you have to be more. This is how people improve the
quality of their lives. You are stepping out of the box, wandering into
an area you have never been before. Understanding enables you to
keep on going in the face of fear. You will ultimately realize that
when you face the thing you fear, fear leaves you.
You dont have to know how to reach your goal, that is not
important. It is, however, absolutely essential that you are able to
visualize yourself already in possession of the goal. Your goal must
fit into your vision, it will be a stepping stone in the materialization of
your entire vision.
Last, but certainly not least, your goal must be in complete
harmony with your purpose.




I am so happy and grateful now that




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