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Reflections A BRI Newsletter

Number 23
July 2008

Biblical Research Institute
Reflections is the official newsletter of the Biblical Research Institute of the General Con-
ference. It seeks to share information concerning doctrinal and theological developments
among Adventists and to foster doctrinal and theological unity in the world church. Its
intended audience is church administrators, church leaders, pastors, and teachers.

children, Heather 11 and Daniel 16. Heather

Table of Contents will be in 5th grade next year and Daniel will
New Associate Director for BRI. . . . . . . . . . 1 be a junior in Academy.
Changes in the Editorship of the Clinton’s professional career includes
BRI Newsletter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 seven years of pastoral ministry in North-
Comment on Speaking in Tongues . . . . . . . . 2 ern California and six years as professor of
Information about Sunday Laws. . . . . . . . . . 2 theology at Zaoksky Theological Seminary,
The Pope Wore Prada. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Trinity Congress in the
Russia (1992-1998). He also served most
South Pacific Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 recently at the Adventist International In-
Christ’s Death and Our Salvation . . . . . . . . . 5 stitute of Advanced Studies, Philippines
Our God . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 (2003-2008). His doctoral dissertation has
Book Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 been published under the title, Jesus and
the Impurity of Spirits in the Gospels, Wis-
senschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen
News and Comments
Testament 2/185 (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck,
New Associate Director of BRI 2004).
I welcome him and his family to the BRI
The growth of the church has directly family, persuaded that the Lord will continue
contributed to a significant increase in the to use him in nurturing His remnant people.
demands that the world church is placing We ask for your prayers on his behalf as he
on the ser- begins this new aspect of his ministry.
vices of Ángel Manuel Rodríguez, BRI
the staff of
BRI. This
matter was Changes in the Editorship
discussed of the BRI Newsletter
over two
years ago with the officers of the General The BRI Newsletter has been produced
Conference and it was decided to add a new for six years under the able leadership of my
Associate Director to BRI. After a careful distinguished colleague Ekkehardt Mueller.
search and evaluation of potential candidates As its editor, he has performed an excellent
it was decided to invite Clinton Wahlen to job in making sure that its intended goals
join us. He was born in Portland, Oregon. were achieved through articles that addressed
Clinton holds a B.A. in theology from important theological and doctrinal issues
Pacific Union College (1984), an M.Div. within our community of faith. The arrival of
from Andrews University (1989), and a Clinton Wahlen allows us to use the skills of
Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge, Ekkehardt Mueller in other areas by placing
United Kingdom, in New Testament (2004). the editorial responsibility of the Newsletter
He is the husband of a dynamic and gracious into the hands of Clinton. I take this opportu-
wife, Gina Renee, and the father of two nity not only to inform you about this change,
Page 2 Reflections — A BRI Newsletter July 2008

but particularly to express my deepest appreciation to Ek- in the Pentecostal and charismatic movements corresponds
kehardt for a job well done. Marlene Bacchus will continue to the biblical gift.”
to be the Production Manager. Her skills are indispensable Ekkehardt Mueller, BRI
to us in the preparation of the Newsletter.
I am sure that the new editor will continue to produce
a product that will be useful to church leaders, professors, Information about Sunday Laws
and pastors. If you have any suggestions on how we can
best serve you, please, feel free to write to us to share your Whenever the Office of Public Affairs & Religious
ideas. I encourage church leaders to make sure that the Liberty of the General Conference receives information
Newsletter reaches the pastors by appointing someone in relating to Sunday laws, we examine the information
the administrative structure to forward it to them. diligently and extensively. In addition to reacting to in-
Ángel Manuel Rodríguez, BRI formation sent to us, we proactively monitor legislative
developments on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. and
attend many meetings with a wide variety of entities at
which prospective legislation is discussed. Further, we
Comments on Speaking in Tongues undertake extensive research. For example, in 2003 our
Some time ago, the Biblical Research Institute was team performed an extensive review of Sunday laws in
asked to comment on speaking in tongues. A response was every U.S. state and the District of Columbia, culminat-
needed to address questions posed by the press. Here is the ing in a 421-page report detailing every existing state
answer given at that time. We are aware of the fact that the Sunday law.
issue should be addressed in a more comprehensive way When we receive information about Sunday laws from
in the future. For now, we just want to share with you our individual sources, our team of dedicated Seventh-day
brief response, hoping that it may be useful to you. Adventist professionals follows four steps to evaluate it:
“The phenomenon of speaking in tongues is an- 1. If the information contains claims that can be indepen-
nounced in Mark 16:17 and realized in the Book of Acts, dently verified, we perform the detailed research nec-
where it is found several times and always is the gift of essary to determine whether the claims are factual.
a foreign language. The foundational passage is Acts 2. 2. We contact the source of the information directly to
At Pentecost, the phenomenon of speaking in tongues invite him or her to speak and/or meet with us in order
occurred for the first time. It clearly refers to the gift of to gain perspective on the information.
speaking a foreign language without having studied it and 3. If the source will not speak and/or meet with us, we
communicating clearly and effectively the gospel. Adven- contact people who are in contact with the source—
tists agree that the original use of speaking in tongues was for example, his or her church pastor—to ascertain
the gift of proclaiming in a foreign language the good news why the individual refuses to communicate directly
of Jesus Christ. with our Church’s religious liberty team and whether
Paul uses the same expression in 1 Corinthians 12-14 there are any indications as to the credibility of the
when he discusses spiritual gifts in the church. These gifts source.
are given to all believers, i.e., each individual believer has 4. We review our first-hand observation of the process on
received at least one spiritual gift. However, the Holy Spirit Capitol Hill, we speak with personal contacts, and we
is sovereign in distributing these gifts, and not a single gift access a variety of printed sources to ascertain whether
is mentioned as being given to all believers alike. Adven- there are associated movements.
tists are divided on how to understand the gift of speak- In short, we take information on Sunday laws very
ing in tongues in 1 Corinthians. Some suggest that it is a seriously and we follow a rigorous path to evaluate it.
language not spoken by humans which benefits primarily Currently, there are two Sunday law rumors circulating in
the one who practices it. Others understand it as an abuse the Seventh-day Adventist Church. We have run both of
of the gift of speaking a foreign language. They argue that these through our four-step process and, after this serious
it would be strange to use the very same term for different review, find both to be unreliable at this point.
phenomena in the New Testament, especially since the The first rumor claims that there was a secret meeting
apostle Paul is connected to it in Acts 19:6 and employs in Washington, D.C. last November to plan for the pas-
it in his own writings. Also the term heteroglossoi (1 Cor. sage of a Sunday law. We checked every specific claim
14:21) may help to define the word “tongue” pointing in that accompanied
We take information on Sunday
the direction of a real foreign language. this rumor and ev-
laws very seriously and we follow
In general, Adventists have been careful not to inter- ery one of them
a rigorous path to evaluate it.
pret and practice the gift of tongues in the way Pentecostal proved false. The
churches and the charismatic movement are practicing it. In meeting did not occur at the site claimed, and the high-
other words, Adventists do not believe that what they see profile individuals who allegedly attended the meeting
July 2008 Reflections — A BRI Newsletter Page 3

were documented to be in other locations at that time. constitution, that he may endure for centuries before he
After we made our investigation public, the rumor mor- expires.”
phed. The new rumor contained no claims that could be Prophecy does indeed speak of a “mortal wound,”
independently verified. Our invitation to the source of the for an apostate beast form of religion. But it also predicts
rumor to meet with us has not been accepted. There has the healing of that wound, and a rapprochement with its
been no Sunday law bill introduced in the subsequent four “errant” flock in the
There can be no doubt that
months and our research has turned up no evidence that New World. There
recent events surrounding the
would tend to corroborate the rumor. Rather, the closer can be no doubt that
April visit of Pope Benedict XVI
we have looked at the situation surrounding the rumor, the recent events sur-
to the United States underscore
more it appears to be false. rounding the April
the papacy’s renewed vitality.
The person who is the source of the current claim visit of Pope Bene-
also circulated another Sunday law claim approximately dict XVI to the United States underscore this renewed
seven years ago. Once again, we vigorously researched the vitality.
elements that could be verified and found each one to be The timing for the visit was curious. It interrupted one
inaccurate. In the seven years since that claim, no Sunday of the more engaging political contests in a generation—no,
law has been introduced in Congress. it eclipsed the primary battle in many ways. British Prime
The second rumor circulating was that the Pope would Minister Gordon Brown came to Washington the same
urge the passage of a Sunday law during his visit in Wash- week and seemed content to bask in the reflected papal
ington, D.C. The source of this rumor is the same as above. glory. Something very political was on view: the power
We have once again followed our four-step process and to of a little principality named Vatican City, magnified by
date have found nothing to corroborate the claim. millions of supporters and its own claims. President Bush
The Seventh-day Adventist religious liberty team met the Pontiff’s plane at Andrews Air Force Base—a
is dedicated to advancing the cause of religious liberty first for any head of state. And in speaking at the United
and the gospel, including the Three Angels Messages. Nations later in the week the pope said that “the Holy See
We take Sunday laws very seriously, diligently research has always had a place at the assemblies of the Nations”
any information we receive, and proactively search for and “according to the dispositions of international law,
information on Sunday laws. When we receive credible helps to define that law.” Surely this is springtime for the
information on religious liberty matters, whether it is on papacy!
Sunday laws or other religious liberty matters, we use The six-day visit to the United States revealed a
every avenue available to us to share it promptly with our settled comfort with the ever-enhancing role of the papacy.
church family as a whole. Benedict of course conducted masses for the Catholic
James Standish, Public Affairs & faithful—one for
Ratzinger makes no effort to undo
Religious Liberty, General Conference the religious or-
his doctrinal toughness, and seems
ders at St. Pat-
to need only to pass the test of ap-
rick’s Cathedral,
pearing “human” for approval.
The Pope Wore Prada New York, an-
other at the Nationals Park in Washington and to as many
Once upon a time, Protestant America held a deep sus- as 60,000 at Yankee Stadium in New York. He met with
picion of the papacy and the Church of Rome. It was not the 350 Catholic bishops at the National Shrine and
altogether unfounded. As the history sections of The Great spoke to Catholic educators at the Catholic University in
Controversy recount so well, the Roman Catholic Church Washington, D.C. He also made a point of speaking to a
slipped ever further from the simple truths and lifestyle rally of young Catholics.
of the early Christian church. It became preoccupied with All of these occasions confirmed the modern appeal
power and prestige. At times it showed a most unchristlike of the papacy. Benedict has not the telegenic personality
zeal in persecuting those who worshiped differently. of John Paul II but he has inherited the good will, and is
There is a curious series of letters between former even able to induce swooning at masses. Amazingly, while
presidents Adams and Jefferson, carried on till they died his predecessor sometimes couched his conservatism in
on the same day—July 4, 1826—exactly fifty years after Public Relations, Ratzinger makes no effort to undo his
the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Among doctrinal toughness, and seems to need only to pass the test
other topics they discussed Christianity in the new republic. of appearing “human” for approval. At the Yankee Stadium
Jefferson saw its decline, but Adams thought not. However, Mass he was able to urge Catholics to submit to the author-
Adams wrote on July 16, 1814, “Cabalistical Christianity, ity of the church, and still come off as grandfatherly.
which is Catholic Christianity, and which has prevailed Where the visit broke new ground was:
for fifteen hundred years, has received a mortal wound, 1. Meeting with other faith leaders at the John Paul
of which the monster must finally die. Yet so strong is his Cultural Center. To the Protestants he rapidly seems to
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become chairman of the board. To the Moslems he is sig- Australia has been severely challenged over the last
naling that they must enter into dialog and come to some couple of years by well organized anti-Trinitarian groups
modus operandi or risk being cast aside by a global faith who continue to spread their propaganda and strategically
coalition. target churches and ministers. Yet, as expressed in the
2. His visit to Ground Zero in New York, and his opening address by Paul Petersen, Field Secretary of the
reception of some of the survivors/heroes of that day was a Division and organizer of the congress, though discussing
clear bid to appropriate the secular sanctity of the event. issues in light of these threats, we study the Trinity not
3. In meeting with victims of abuse and their families just for polemical or apologetic reasons. As Adventists
he reached out as never before on this issue. “No words of we pursue a deeper understanding of who God is, and
mine could describe the pain and harm inflicted by such that quest for a deeper knowledge of the God we worship
abuse,” he said in a curious truism that avoided culpability. motivates us to reflect on His nature as the triune God who
Some were not impressed and it remains to be seen how has revealed Himself to us as a person in Jesus Christ and
the Vatican will deal with an issue that involves criminal through the workings of the Holy Spirit.
sexual abuse and cover-ups by bishops. Many do hold the The congress was framed by presentations looking
pope responsible for not dealing with it structurally. at the Trinity from a Seventh-day Adventist perspective.
A telling end piece to the visit came several weeks later Paul Petersen
As we seek to grow in our under-
in the amazing retraction of anti-Catholic statements by broadly presented
standing of God, we recognize the
media evangelist the challenges,
In a sense the pope’s visit was his need continually to base our theol-
John Hagee. He and Kai Arasola
investiture as the senior religious ogy on His self revelation in Jesus
had been prone in the final paper
figure for the free world. Christ, as conveyed to us by the
to identify Rome of the congress
Holy Spirit through the Bible.
as the apostate figure of the church in Revelation—in discussed how we
other words, a historic standard Protestant interpretation. as Adventists are to view the Trinitarian development in
When he received the apology letter from Hagee, William the early Church in light of our prophetic identity and
Donahue, President of the Catholic League for Civil and beliefs. Throughout the congress the presentations and
Religious Rights said, “Well, miracles do happen. If I the discussions progressed from the practical reflection
wasn’t a believer before, I sure am now.” Indeed that was on the significance of the doctrine by Ray Roennfeldt,
the prevailing Catholic response in various publications professor of systematic theology at Avondale, to issues
to the papal visit. There was amazement at how Benedict in systematic theology by Brian Edgar. Other studies
was lauded and feted. Apparently, even the sex abuse included lectures on “Father and Son in John” by Robert
scandal is not enough to prevent a once deadly wound McIver, also from Avondale, “The Firstborn (prōtotokos)
from healing. in Colossians” by Ekkehardt Mueller, and a fresh study
Overall it was an amazing visit. Benedict has the of the views of Kellogg by John Skrzypaszek, Director of
sympathy of most. Pew Forum statistics show a clear up- Ellen G. White Research Center at Avondale, who showed
tick in papal approval as a result. The pope’s doctrinaire that Kellogg, in contrast to anti-Trinitarian claims, in no
ways are neatly obscured by his calls for a crusade against way shared views compatible with the traditional concept
moral relativism and secularism. In a sense this visit was of the Trinity.
his investiture as the senior religious figure for the free The South Pacific Division had invited Adventist
world. We will see where he takes it. scholars from around the world to contribute, and though
Lincoln E. Steed, Liberty Magazine not being able to be present in Australia during the con-
gress, a number of scholars have sent in proposals for
papers and worked on articles. The editing process of the
Trinity Congress in the South Pacific Division presentations and articles is now under way, and hopefully
the congress volume on the Trinity will be published by
From May 1-4 more than 65 theologians and bibli- Avondale Academic
cal scholars, administrators, teachers, and pastors from We understand the eternal pre- Press this year.
all over the South Pacific Division, met in Wahroonga/ existence and full divinity of The congress
Sydney to study and discuss the doctrine of the Trinity. Jesus and the distinct divine was for invitees only
The meetings were graced with the presence of guests like personality of the Holy Spirit to
and limited to a cer-
Brian Edgar, professor of systematic theology at Asbury be essential to our belief in the
tain academic level.
full redemption and atonement
Theological Seminary in Kentucky, Ekkehardt Mueller Yet, the intention
in Jesus Christ.
from the Biblical Research Institute of the General Confer- of the South Pacific
ence, and Kai Arasola from Mission College in Thailand. Division is to reach out to church members as well. Sab-
The delegates had prepared for the congress by reading bath afternoon was set aside for a public meeting with
significant recent articles on the issue. a presentation and subsequent panel discussion where
July 2008 Reflections — A BRI Newsletter Page 5

Ekkehardt Mueller from the Biblical Research Institute Christ’s Death and Our Salvation
and lecturers from Avondale provided answers to tough
questions. During the last day of the congress delegates With the end of the first century of the Christian Era
worked on and finalized a statement intended for the wider and the death of John, the last intimate eyewitness of
church community, unanimously voted by the delegates. Christ’s ministry, questions began to surface: Who was
The South Pacific Division has also recently produced a Jesus? Why did He come? Why did He die? Responses to
DVD with six popular presentations on the Trinity, three such queries came through a host of metaphors found in
by Merlin Burt, Director of the Ellen G. White Research the Scriptures: the sacrificial Lamb of God that takes away
Center at Andrews University, and three by Paul Petersen, the sins of the world; the conquering King of kings; the
Field Secretary of the South Pacific Division. This DVD Light of the world. Jesus was seen as the Son of God—a
covers topics in Bible, Church history, Ellen G. White, cosmic deliverer, an emissary from heaven, but also as the
and Adventist history. Son of man, identifying with us.
While the Bible speaks about reconciliation, atone-
Consensus Statement ment, adoption, and redemption, one of the most telling
pictures lies in the idea of ransom. Jesus says, “The Son of
The Seventh-day Adventist Church has expressed its
man came not to be
position on the Godhead in its fundamental beliefs. Para- However, the question was
served but to serve,
graph 2 speaks about the Godhead, and paragraphs 3-5 raised, If ransomed, who col-
and to give his life
describe each of the three persons of the Trinity. lected the ransom price? Inter-
as a ransom (lutron)
We, a group of Seventh-day Adventist Christians, estingly, the Bible never says.
for many” (Matt.
theologians, pastors, and administrators, convening in
20:28). And echoing Him, Peter says, “You know that you
Wahroonga, have been invited by the South Pacific Divi-
were ransomed (elutrōthēte) from the futile ways inherited
sion to study biblical, theological, and historical aspects
from your fathers, not with perishable things such as silver
of this doctrine.
or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of
• On the basis of our study of Scripture we affirm our
a lamb without blemish or spot” (1 Peter 1:18, 19).
belief in “one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, a
The idea of ransom was common in the ancient world.
unity of three co-eternal persons” (Fundamental Belief
The word indicated something of value to be reclaimed
# 2).
from a pawnshop. It also referred to the purchase of
• We understand the eternal pre-existence and full di-
freedom by a slave and the practice of paying ransom for
vinity of Jesus and the distinct divine personality of
release of a captured hostage or prisoner of war. Hence
the Holy Spirit to be essential to our belief in the full
Paul’s comment, “You were bought (ēgorasthēte) with a
redemption and atonement in Jesus Christ.
price; do not become slaves of men” (1 Cor. 7:23).
• We approach this subject with awe, and we acknowl-
edge that human words cannot fully describe and hu-
I. The Ransom Price
man minds not fully grasp the mystery of the nature of
However, the question was raised, If ransomed,
God. These limitations in understanding and language
who collected the ransom price? Interestingly, the Bible
arise out of God’s greatness and majesty and the depth
never says. Over the centuries a dramatic scenario took
of the divine plan of salvation, particularly of the
shape—part fact, part fiction. According to the tale, a
incarnation of Jesus Christ.
• As we seek to grow in our understanding of God, we deal was struck between the Father and Satan. Adam had
recognize the need continually to base our theology sold his rights—indeed, his soul—to the devil. Knowing
on His self revelation in Jesus Christ, as conveyed to the Father’s earnest desire to have Adam returned, Satan
us by the Holy Spirit through the Bible. demanded the ultimate price: the life of the Son of God,
• We are grateful that the Holy Spirit has led us in our the final object of Lucifer’s hatred.
past history, as the Adventist community has devel- So Jesus came—so goes the scenario—and lived under
oped a deeper understanding of God through the study the duress of Satan’s torment, and finally forfeited His life.
of Holy Scripture. But according to the story, Lucifer himself was fooled, for
• We pray that God’s people will reflect the love and the Father raised His Son from the grave, leaving Lucifer
unity of the Godhead as they seek to understand with nothing but an empty tomb.
Scripture better and share the good news that God has
reconciled the world to himself in Christ. II. The Important Truth
• May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love Despite these imaginations, we discover here a nugget
of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with of truth. Christ did indeed give His life as a ransom for us
us all (2 Corinthians 13:14). sinners. There is a far more important truth than an answer
Paul Petersen, to the question who received the payment, namely, that in
South Pacific Division Christ’s atonement a monumental price was paid to accom-
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plish reconciliation If only we could grasp the nobility of God’s character, he

We must never forget that it was
between us, as fallen reasoned, our self-ridden hearts would melt and be moved
our God who initiated our res-
sinners, and our righ- to repentance, and sin would be abandoned.
cue, who reached out to us.
teous God. “For if For Abelard, Christ’s death really was the ultimate
while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the demonstration of God’s love, hence a description of His
death of his Son, much more, now that we are reconciled, character. So Jesus suffered with us to set the example.
shall we be saved by his life” (Rom. 5:10). He identified Himself fully with humanity and tasted all
Before a watching universe God demonstrated once of life. He suffered with the sinner rather than directly for
and for all how far He would go to make possible redemp- the sinner. This theory reinterpreted the meaning of those
tion of lost sinners. In this extension of His love is revealed texts that tell us Christ died for us.
the manner in which Christ’s sacrifice partakes of ransom Despite its core truth, Abelard’s doctrine fell far short
qualities. of the full biblical picture. Its soft view of sin suggests that
We must never forget that it was our God who initi- difficulty arises not so much from the sinner’s violation of
ated our rescue, who reached out to us. “All this is from God’s perfect character and His will as from his failure to
God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself” (2 Cor. understand God’s affection for him. It leaves little or no
5:18). And He continues to reach out to us today. When we room for the biblical teaching that Christ came not only
accept His merciful invitation, we walk in the certainty of to demonstrate God’s love but to manifest His justice as
salvation guaranteed by Christ’s death and resurrection. well. With the atonement described principally in terms
In one brief sentence Paul probes the depths of what it of enlightening us about His purpose, Christ’s work as a
means for God to love: “But God shows his love for us in sacrifice dying for guilty sinners is muted. The focus falls
that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us” (Rom. especially on
While all this has merit, it carries the
5:8). Three truths leap out at us. First, God demonstrates inward moral
subtle suggestion that, after all, sin is
His kind of love. Second, we grasp our helpless condition enlighten-
not really that serious and we should
as sinners. And third, we watch Him initiate the whole ment, not so
take final comfort in the knowledge
plan of salvation. much on a
that God never ceases caring.
In God’s plan Christ fulfills the everlasting covenant, plain and open
meeting a commitment crafted before the world was. He outward death that resolved the major conflict sin had in-
would vol- troduced in God’s universe. So Abelard brought us a partial
Peter Abelard, constructed what he felt
unteer to truth—Jesus as the demonstration beyond all question of
described what love really means. It has
lay down God’s unfailing concern for us.
come to be called the moral influence
His life Today, this view is widely held in Christian circles
theory. This theory reinterpreted the
for us. As and also affects the Adventist Church. Some suggest
meaning of those texts that tell us Christ
Adventists that Christ came primarily to show His concern for us in
died for us.
understand our common human fate, to share our sorrows, to assure
especially well, He was fulfilling concurrently a purpose us God understands and cares. While all this has merit,
of cosmic proportions. it carries the subtle suggestion that, after all, sin is not
really that serious and we should take final comfort in
III. But what about His love? the knowledge that God never ceases caring. L. Morris
Unfortunately, love has become an almost shapeless writes: “The thrust in all this is on personal experience.
word. Often it is tied to sentiment, and even confused The atonement, seen in this way, has no effect outside
with a religious feeling. But as used in the Bible, love is the believer. It is real in the person’s experience and no-
a power word. Love is aggressive: God at work tracking where else. . . What it [this theory] says is both true and
us down to help us. Love is a principle. God’s love is an important. It is when it is claimed that this is all that the
unshakable commitment, inviolable, a predisposition in atonement means that we must reject it. . . If Christ was
our favor that cannot be discouraged. Divine love—there not actually doing something by his death, then we are
is no way to shake it or deter it. It is a relentless pursuit confronted with a piece of showmanship, nothing more.
by a God eager to help, one who never gives up. In this . . Unless the death of Christ really does something, it is
sense God is love. not in fact a demonstration of love.”1
But salvation means more than a good feeling between
IV. More Than an Example us and God. It means a grueling confrontation between
In the high Middle Ages a French monk, Peter Abelard, God’s righteousness and human revolt that entangles us all.
constructed what he felt described what love really means. It means a love that carried Jesus to the ultimate sacrifice
It has come to be called the moral influence theory. Reacting to obtain for us reconciliation with our Creator. The scene
against the coarse ransom idea of his time, he argued that at Golgotha, in fact, means taking up the guilt of every sin
in no sense was Jesus a ransom, rather someone elevated. and bearing its consequence: total alienation from God on
July 2008 Reflections — A BRI Newsletter Page 7

Jesus’ part. Only here surfaces the depths of God’s self- choosing the term “expiation” instead of “propitiation” the
sacrificing, persistent love. concept of divine wrath against sin referred to frequently
Paul stated: “Christ died for our sins in accordance in Scripture may be downplayed.
with the scriptures” (1 Cor. 15:3). Literally the text says Therefore, a number of scholars favor “propitiation.”
Christ became our place of sacrifice (Greek, hilasterion), In this case, however, propitiation should not be under-
an unclouded reference stood in terms of the pagan background that occurs in
Salvation means more than to the ancient Hebrew non-biblical literature. J. Stott states: “The Christian pro-
good feeling. It means a sacrificial system. Both pitiation is quite different, not only in the character of the
grueling confrontation be- on the surface and at divine anger but in the means by which it is propitiated. It
tween God’s righteousness bedrock, the principle is an appeasement of the wrath of God by the love of God
and human revolt. It means a is substitution. through the gift of God. The initiative is not taken by us,
love that carried Jesus to the Typical of pagan nor even by Christ, but by God himself in sheer unmerited
ultimate sacrifice to obtain religions, the ancient love. His wrath is averted not by any external gift, but by
for us reconciliation with Greeks worked to ap- his own self-giving to die the death of sinners. This is the
our Creator. pease their gods, quiet- means he has himself contrived by which to turn his own
ing the gods’ anger and seeking favor with gifts and a wrath away . . .”4
regimen of specified deeds. Unfortunately, this concept The term hilasmos seems to include both the concepts
persists among some Christians today, at times surfacing of propitiation and expiation which may be reflected in the
in arguments over faith and works. Because of associat- translation atoning sacrifice. John takes a stand against a
ing the death of Jesus with appeasement of God—a pagan false concept of sin and possibly against a false understand-
idea—it seems that substitutionary atonement is being ing of Jesus and his work. He portrays Jesus as our atoning
rejected hastily. sacrifice and intercessor.

V. A Case Study VI. The Father’s Favor

According to 1 John 2:2 our forgiveness is secured In Christ’s death is no hint of the Savior’s effort to win
because Jesus is our propitiation, expiation, or atoning the favor of the Father. With that favor already in hand, His
sacrifice (hilasmos).2 In the NT this term is found in confidence carried Him to Calvary, despite the shuddering
1 John 2:2 and 4:10 only. In the OT it occurs five times of His human frame. Only on the cross, confronted by the
with various but related meanings. In Lev. 25:9 it qualifies withdrawal of His Father’s presence in revulsion against
the word “day” thereby referring to the Day of Atonement. sin, did the stark break become clear. As our guilt fell on
In Num. 5:8 it describes the ram of atonement and in Ezek. Him, there was expressed from His lips the agonizing cry,
44:27 the sin offering. In Amos 8:14 it is translated with the “Why hast thou
Jesus paid our ransom and freed
term “guilt” and in Ps. 129:4 with the word “forgiveness.” forsaken me?”
us, the captives of sin, showing us
In 1 John hilasmos is translated “propitiation” by the King (Matt. 27:46).
how God loves. Real understand-
James Version, the New American Standard Bible, and the With His final
ing comes when we come to grips
English Standard Version to name some translations. The words, He surren-
with the desperate nature of our
Revised Standard Version has rendered it with the term dered His life into
sin problem and how God must
“expiation.” The New Revised Standard Version as well His father’s hands
deal with rebellion running loose
as the New International Version use “atoning sacrifice” and suffered the
in His universe.
for hilasmos. second death, car-
What is the difference between the terms? Propitiation rying the burden of rejection for rebellion against God.
normally has to do with appeasing an angry God. God’s Here He stands in our place. His is the despair of lost
wrath against sin must be placated. Ben Witherington ex- sinners staring into a black hole of oblivion, devoid of
plains: “Propitia- hope: “The Saviour could not see through the portals of
Propitiation should not be under-
tion is an act that the tomb.”5 Death overtook Him as the abandoned sinner,
stood in terms of the pagan back-
appeases the wrath alone, in the place where each of us really belongs.
ground that occurs in non-biblical
of God against sin Jesus came, not to appease, but to cancel guilt and
or some offense, cleanse sinners. In no sense is this bribery of God. Instead,
offered by a human being. Expiation, by contrast, is not it was a calculated divine plan of which Paul said, “This
something of which God is the recipient or object, but was to show God’s righteousness, because in his divine
rather the subject, referring to the divine act of removing forbearance he had passed over former sins; it was to
the defilement of or cleansing someone from sin, or cover- prove at the present time that he himself is righteous and
ing or protecting someone from the consequences of sin.”3 that he justifies him who has faith in Jesus” (Rom. 3:25,
This term sounds better today, because the biblical God is 26). Rather than responding to God’s demand, it was done
not associated with capricious pagan deities. However, by at God’s initiative.
Page 8 Reflections — A BRI Newsletter July 2008

Jesus paid our ransom and freed us, the captives of first blind man grasped his trunk, another one his leg and
sin, showing us how God loves. But there is much more. foot, and a third his flank. One man seized his ear, and still
Real understanding comes when we come to grips with the another was allowed to ride on the back of the elephant.
desperate nature of our sin problem and how God must deal Delighted with their discoveries the blind men returned to
with rebellion running loose in His universe. their village. The people encircled them and asked eagerly
At question is God’s righteousness, His justice. God what kind of being the monstrous animal elephant was.
undertakes to bridge the gulf. He substitutes Himself to The first one said: “It is an immense hose, and woe to him
demonstrate the changeless nature of His law, and performs who will be grabbed by it.” The second one responded:
all that is needed. Christ becomes the divine sacrifice, His “It is a pillar clothed with skin and hair.” The third said:
cross an altar (see 1 Cor. 5:7). In amazement we stand aside, “It is like a rampart having also skin and hair.” The man,
watching as He takes it up in our behalf. He “gave himself who had seized the ear, replied: “It is not a wall at all but
up for us” (Eph. 5:2) and “offered for all time a single sac- a very thick carpet which moves as soon as one touches
rifice for sins” (Heb. 10:12). God “sent his Son to be the it.” And the last one declared: “This is all nonsense. It is
propitiation / expiation for our sins” (1 John 4:10). a huge mountain which moves.”
Similarly, we are like these blind men in our efforts
VII. Conclusion to describe God. He surpasses us so much, He is so highly
Jesus demonstrated how God loves. He came to exalted and lives in a sphere significantly different from
bear the inevitable punishment for revolt against the ours that He is not totally accessible to us. What we know
infinitely righteous character of God. In Christ our sin about Him is what He has revealed to us. Therefore, we
was judged and condemned. God’s righteous nature have only parts of all that can be known about God. How-
remains intact and its violation dispatched. While we ever, these parts are true and allow us to relate to God and
stood like wide-eyed children, He reconciled us, now be saved.
to shower the benefits of the cross upon us who accept
Him in faith. With the universe as witness to it all, what I. God’s Nature
more could He do? God is light 1 John 1:5
God is spirit John 4:24
God is love 1 John 4:16
L. Morris, “Atonement, Theories of,” in Evangelical Dictionary of
Theology, edited by Walter A. Elwell (Grand Rapids: Baker Book
II. God’s Characteristics
House, 1984), 101.
Related terms are hilastērion (propitiation, expiation, etc.–e.g., Everlasting existence Ps. 90:2
Rom. 3:24) and hilaskomai (to bring about forgiveness, to make Omnipotence Ps. 115:3
propitiation, etc.–Heb. 2:17). Omniscience Ps. 139:4
Ben Witherington III., Letters and Homilies for Hellenized Chris- Omnipresence Ps. 139:5-8
tians, Volume I: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary on Titus, 1-2 Timo- Compassion, grace, patience, truth Exod. 34:6
thy and 1-3 John (Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2007), 460. Goodness and righteousness Ps. 145:7
John R. W. Stott, The Letters of John: An Introduction and Com-
Holiness Lev. 19:2
mentary, Tyndale New Testament Commentaries (Grand Rapids:
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1988), 93.
Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages (Mountain View: Pacific Press III. The Trinity
Publishing Association, 1940), 753. 1. One God and Three Persons
George W. Reid, Former Director of BRI There is only one God (Deut. 6:4), however, Father,
Ekkehardt Mueller, BRI Son and Holy Spirit are all called God (Matt. 27:46;
John 20:28; Acts 5:3-4). Consequently, we do not wor-
ship three Gods, but one God who reveals Himself in
Scripture Applied–A Bible Study and consists of three “persons.” The three persons share
one nature. Each person of the Godhead is by nature
Our God and essence God, and the fullness of the deity dwells
in each of them. On the other hand, each person of the
Once upon a time there was a little village in the des- Godhead is inseparably connected to the other two.
ert. All inhabitants of this village were blind. One day a This concept of God surpasses our experiences and our
great king with his army passed by. He was riding a huge intellect.
elephant. The blind had heard many stories about elephants
and desired to approach the king and touch and investigate
his elephant in order to get an idea of what elephants are 2. Hints for the Existence of a Triune God in the
like. Some of them stepped forward, bowed before the Old Testament
king and asked for permission to touch his elephant. The Gen. 1:26 “Let us make man . . .”
July 2008 Reflections — A BRI Newsletter Page 9

Exod. 3:2-4 The angel of the Lord is a person of the deity.

Ps. 45:7-8 God is anointed by God.

3. Trinitarian Formulas in the NT

1 Cor. 12:4-6
Jude 20-21
1 Pet. 1:2
2 Cor. 13:14

4. The Baptismal Formula

Mt. 28:19 Baptism does not take place in the names but in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Calvin comments: “Therefore it is evident that in God’s substance there are three persons, in which
the one God is recognized.”

5. Attributes of the Persons of the Godhead

Father Son Holy Spirit
Eternal Ps. 90:2 Rev. 1:18 Heb. 9:14
Creator Isa. 45:18 Col. 1:16 Gen. 1:2
Almighty Rev. 1:8 Matt. 28:18 Rom. 8:11
Omniscient Ps. 139:4 John 2:24-25 1 Cor. 2:10
Omnipresent Jer 23:24 Matt. 28:20 Ps. 139:7-8
Love 1 John 4:8 John 15:9 Gal. 5:22
To be worshiped Rev. 14:7 1 Cor. 1:1-2 John 4:24

Various images have been used to help explain and understand the Trinity. None of them does complete justice
to the nature of God:
(1) The family Problem: The persons are too separate from each
other and do not share one nature.
(2) The roles a person plays such as spouse, parent, child Problem: There is just one person instead of
(3) A triangle (musical instrument) Problem: Striking one side causes the other two
sides to sound as well. Again the distinctiveness
of the three persons is not well expressed.

IV. Results
We do not believe in three Gods but one God in three persons. In other words, God has revealed his nature as Trin-
ity, that is, three coeternal persons, who, though distinct, constitute the one divine Trinitarian being. This doctrine of
God is a biblical doctrine. However, it surpasses our understanding. We accept it, because it is taught by God’s Word
and because we have to expect that God is not just a superman. He is and remains God and surpasses our feelings, our
will, and our intellectual capacities.
The doctrine of the Trinity allows us to understand the plan of salvation and other biblical doctrines. We worship
this almighty and holy God of love. We seek Him, meet Him, and love Him.
Ekkehardt Mueller, BRI

Book Notes Church: the role of Seventh-day Adventists in

the military. How can Seventh-day Adventists
Keith Phillips and Karl Tsatalbasidis, I Pledge with good conscience voluntarily serve in the
Allegiance: The Role of Seventh-day Adventists armed forces? Being in the military means the
in the Military (n.p.: self publication, 2007), 176 conscious submission to an organization whose
pp. US$12.95. mission is characterized by force and the use of
The book I Pledge Allegiance: The Role arms to solve conflicts. How does the uncondi-
of Seventh-day Adventists in the Military deals tional military pledge of allegiance square with
with a challenging issue that is of growing con- the biblical ethics of peace as exemplified by the
cern to many within the Seventh-day Adventist prince of peace, Jesus Christ?
Page 10 Reflections — A BRI Newsletter July 2008

In dealing with these and other related issues the book true that Luther firmly maintained “that there should be
briefly covers some aspects such as the church’s historic no resort to secular power in support of the Reformation,
position on noncombatancy and provides a revealing ac- and no appeal to arms for its defense” (p. 126) historically
count of how military chaplaincy began in the Seventh-day the Lutheran church has made use of secular powers and
Adventist Church and what the role of military medics in used arms to defend its cause.
the (US-) army is. In a second section various hermeneutical The book also suffers from the fact that it is not written
and ethical issues are dealt with such as the issue of war and by one person. While Keith Phillips and Karl Tsatalbasidis,
theocracy in the OT, the command not to kill, the Sabbath two Adventist pastors, seem to be the principal writers of
issue, and the challenge of patriotism. Other chapters reprint the book, at least one chapter (“Thou Shalt Not Kill”) is
testimonies from Adventists who have been faithful in keep- written by Ron du Preez, who also helped in gathering key
ing the Sabbath even while serving in the military during source documents. Several chapters are completely taken
the First World War (WWI). There are five appendices over from other books and journals. Often the transition
with primary sources about the work of the Church’s Na- from one section to another is rather abrupt. The logic of
tional Service Organization, vital facts about service in the the arrangement of some of the chapters is not entirely
military and Sabbath observance, the General Conference clear (i.e., why is chapter 5, which contains a testimony
Report on Chaplaincy, the official statement of the General taken from another book, not included in section three that
Conference Committee on Seventh-day Adventists and non- is entitled “Testimonies”?). In addition, the book is not
combatancy, and pledges, oaths, codes, creeds and vows. always carefully edited and several sources are missing
The personal testimony of Keith Phillips, who has or incomplete.
served seven years in the U.S. military before he became Furthermore the book would have benefitted from
a Seventh-day Adventist, provides helpful insights into the biblical insights of other authors. There is much to
the dynamics of why many young people join the military. be learned from Christians within a tradition of peaceful
The book succeeds in pointing out some inconsistencies in conflict resolution. Books like John Howard Yoder, What
the thinking of some Adventists on this issue. The authors Would You Do? A Serious Answer to a Standard Question
point out implications that arise from inconsistent thinking. (Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1992) or his classic The
The sensitive issue of patriotism is dealt with fairly. Who Politics of Jesus (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1972),
deserves to receive the highest loyalty and devotion? Is it are missing in the bibliography as well as the classic
a human state or God? As Mark Twain has aptly stated: book on early Christian attitudes toward war, violence,
“To be a patriot, one had to say, and keep on saying, ‘Our and the state by Jean-Michel Hornus, It Is Not Lawful for
country, right or wrong. . . .’ Have you not perceived that Me to Fight (Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1980). Beyond
that phrase is an insult to the nation?” Furthermore, are accounts from WWI, other powerful and faith-inspiring
the responsibilities that are assumed and expected when true stories of people who have resisted violence to solve
individuals pledge allegiance to the military compatible conflicts would have helped to gain a more comprehensive
with allegiance to Jesus Christ? The book rightly points out perspective on peaceful conflict resolution (cf. Elisabeth
that from a biblical perspective they are not. Since there Hershberger Bauman, Coals of Fire [Scottdale, PA: Herald
is voluntary enlistment in the armed forces of the United Press, 1994]). Similarly other relevant Adventist literature
States of America this conflict is sharpened. The book on this issue has not been considered adequately. There
focuses on the issue of voluntary military service without is no mention of the problem that serving in the military
denying that similar problems arise when there is a draft. caused within the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Ger-
The discussion about the role of the military chaplain many at the beginning of the 20th century, leading to the
(pp. 39-66) and the military medic (pp. 67-71) demystifies Adventist Reform Movement (cf. Helmut H. Kramer, The
this line of work in the army and points out the difficulty Seventh-day Adventist Reform Movement [Silver Spring,
of serving in the armed forces even in such a capacity. MD: Biblical Research Institute, 1988]). If there is a defi-
On the other hand, it would have been helpful to deal ciency with this book it is not so much in what it states and
with the topic from a more international point of view affirms but in what it leaves out and how the arguments at
because Adventists face similar questions in other parts of times are developed and presented.
the world as well. Some of the arguments set forth seem Despite these deficiencies, the book deserves to be read
to be too narrowly reasoned. While it is certainly true that, widely. It is available through
from a biblical-prophetic perspective, America’s role in the The general principles it sets forth deserve to be taken seri-
future raises a question about “the purpose of the military in ously by any Seventh-day Adventist. It provides a welcome
light of Revelation 13” (p. 15, cf. pp. 50-51, 54, 57), there challenge to some distorted perspectives on this issue and
are other more profound ethical and moral reasons that may help redirect some Adventist practices to be more in
challenge the bearing of weapons and the joining of armed harmony with the supreme example of Jesus Christ.
forces that need to be considered. Occasionally, arguments Frank M. Hasel,
need to be differentiated more carefully. While it may be Seminar Bogenhofen
July 2008 Reflections — A BRI Newsletter Page 11

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