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Mathematical methods in communication

2nd Semester 2010

Homework Set #1
Properties of Entropy and Mutual Information
1. Entropy of functions of a random variable.
Let X be a discrete random variable. Show that the entropy of a
function of X is less than or equal to the entropy of X by justifying
the following steps:

H(X, g(X)) = H(X) + H(g(X)|X)


= H(X).


H(X, g(X)) = H(g(X)) + H(X|g(X))



Thus H(g(X)) H(X).

Solution: Entropy of functions of a random variable.
(a) H(X, g(X)) = H(X)+H(g(X)|X) by the chain rule for entropies.
(b) H(g(X)|X) = 0 since for any particular value of X, g(X) is fixed,
and hence H(g(X)|X) = x p(x)H(g(X)|X = x) = x 0 = 0.
(c) H(X, g(X)) = H(g(X)) + H(X|g(X)) again by the chain rule.
(d) H(X|g(X)) 0, with equality iff X is a function of g(X), i.e.,
g(.) is one-to-one. Hence H(X, g(X)) H(g(X)).
Combining parts (b) and (d), we obtain H(X) H(g(X)).
2. Example of joint entropy.
Let p(x, y) be given by
0 1




(a) H(X), H(Y ).
(b) H(X|Y ), H(Y |X).
(c) H(X, Y ).
(d) H(Y ) H(Y |X).
(e) I(X; Y ).
3. True or False questions
Copy each relation and write true or false. Then, if its true, prove it.
If it is false give a counterexample or prove that the opposite is true.
(a) H(X) H(X|Y )
(b) H(X) + H(Y ) H(X, Y )
(c) Let X, Y be two independent random variables. Then
H(X Y ) H(X).
4. Solution to True or False questions e.
(a) H(X) H(X|Y ) is true. Proof: In the class we showed that
I(X; Y ) > 0, hence H(X) H(X|Y ) > 0.
(b) H(X) + H(Y ) H(X, Y ) is false. Actually the opposite is true,
i.e., H(X) + H(Y ) H(X, Y ) since I(X; Y ) = H(X) + H(Y )
H(X, Y ) 0.
(c) Let X, Y be two independent random variables. Then
H(X Y ) H(X).



H(X Y ) H(X Y |Y )) H(X)

(a) follows from the fact that conditioning reduces entropy.
(b) Follows from the fact that given Y , X Y is a Bijective Function.

5. Bytes.
The entropy, Ha (X) = p(x) loga p(x) is expressed in bits if the
logarithm is to the base 2 and in bytes if the logarithm is to the base
256. What is the relationship of H2 (X) to H256 (X)?
Solution: Bytes.
H2 (X) =

p(x) log2 p(x)


log2 p(x) log256 (2)

log256 (2)
p(x) 256
log256 (2)
1 X
p(x) log256 p(x)
log256 (2)
(b) H256 (X)
log256 (2)

where (a) comes from the property of logarithms and (b) follows from
the definition of H256 (X). Hence we get
H2 (X) = 8H256 (X).
Solution: Example of joint entropy
(a) H(X) =


log 32 + 13 log 3 = .918 bits = H(Y ).

(b) H(X|Y ) = 13 H(X|Y = 0) + 23 H(X|Y = 1) = .667 bits = H(Y |X).

(c) H(X, Y ) = 3 31 log 3 = 1.585 bits.
(d) H(Y ) H(Y |X) = .251 bits.
(e) I(X; Y ) = H(Y ) H(Y |X) = .251 bits.

6. Two looks.
Here is a statement about pairwise independence and joint independence. Let X, Y1 , and Y2 be binary random variables. If I(X; Y1) = 0
and I(X; Y2 ) = 0, does it follow that I(X; Y1, Y2 ) = 0?

(a) Yes or no?

(b) Prove or provide a counterexample.
(c) If I(X; Y1) = 0 and I(X; Y2) = 0 in the above problem, does it
follow that I(Y1; Y2 ) = 0? In other words, if Y1 is independent of
X, and if Y2 is independent of X, is it true that Y1 and Y2 are
Solution: Two looks.
(a) The answer is no.
(b) Although at first the conjecture seems reasonable enoughafter
all, if Y1 gives you no information about X, and if Y2 gives you no
information about X, then why should the two of them together
give any information? But remember, it is NOT the case that
I(X; Y1 , Y2) = I(X; Y1) + I(X; Y2). The chain rule for information
says instead that I(X; Y1, Y2 ) = I(X; Y1) + I(X; Y2|Y1). The chain
rule gives us reason to be skeptical about the conjecture.
This problem is reminiscent of the well-known fact in probability that pair-wise independence of three random variables is not
sufficient to guarantee that all three are mutually independent.
I(X; Y1 ) = 0 is equivalent to saying that X and Y1 are independent. Similarly for X and Y2 . But just because X is pairwise
independent with each of Y1 and Y2 , it does not follow that X is
independent of the vector (Y1 , Y2 ).
Here is a simple counterexample. Let Y1 and Y2 be independent
fair coin flips. And let X = Y1 XOR Y2 . X is pairwise independent
of both Y1 and Y2 , but obviously not independent of the vector
(Y1 , Y2 ), since X is uniquely determined once you know (Y1 , Y2 ).
(c) Again the answer is no. Y1 and Y2 can be arbitrarily dependent
with each other and both still be independent of X. For example,
let Y1 = Y2 be two observations of the same fair coin flip, and
X an independent fair coin flip. Then I(X; Y1) = I(X; Y2) = 0
because X is independent of both Y1 and Y2 . However, I(Y1 ; Y2) =
H(Y1 ) H(Y1|Y2 ) = H(Y1) = 1.

7. A measure of correlation.
Let X1 and X2 be identically distributed, but not necessarily independent. Let
H(X2 |X1 )
H(X1 )
(a) Show =

I(X1 ;X2 )
H(X1 )

(b) Show 0 1.
(c) When is = 0?
(d) When is = 1?
Solution: A measure of correlation.
X1 and X2 are identically distributed and

H(X2 |X1 )
H(X1 )

H(X1 ) H(X2 |X1 )
H(X1 )
H(X2 ) H(X2 |X1 )
(since H(X1 ) = H(X2 ))
H(X1 )
I(X1 ; X2 )

(b) Since 0 H(X2 |X1 ) H(X2 ) = H(X1 ), we have


H(X2 |X1 )
H(X1 )
0 1.

(c) = 0 iff I(X1 ; X2 ) = 0 iff X1 and X2 are independent.

(d) = 1 iff H(X2 |X1 ) = 0 iff X2 is a function of X1 . By symmetry,
X1 is a function of X2 , i.e., X1 and X2 have a one-to-one correspondence. For example, if X1 = X2 with probability 1 then = 1.
Similarly, if the distribution of Xi is symmetric then X1 = X2
with probability 1 would also give = 1.

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