Energy Management in The South African Sugar Industry: Charles Mbohwa

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Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2013 Vol I,

WCE 2013, July 3 - 5, 2013, London, U.K.

Energy Management in the South African Sugar

Charles Mbohwa

AbstractThe South African sugar industry produces sugar

and electricity and raw materials for ethanol production among
other by-products. The cogeneration of electricity in the sugar
industry is linked to energy security and avoided greenhouse
gas emissions. Electrical energy and thermal energy are the
primary energy types used for sugar processing. This paper
identifies energy management best practices necessary to
increase the efficiency of the cogeneration processes. Adoption
of energy conservation and efficiency measures is imperative
for the sugar industry to generate electricity for own use and
for export to the national grid. More energy efficient practices
save money and reduce coal consumption. Equipment and
technological improvements coupled with process design
improvements necessary to improve factory energy efficiency
are identified. The paper further discusses the bio-energy role
and potential in the South African sugar industry with a view
to inform decision making and advise government policies.
Index Terms bio-power and biofuel, cogeneration in the
sugar industry, energy efficiency and management, government


ugarcane is both a food and energy crop that is also a

renewable source. The production of electrical energy
from sugarcane fibre (bagasse) is assuming great
importance. This is because of its energy security
implications which are a result of its renewable nature and
also the economic benefits it offers to the sugar industry [1].
Improvements in energy and process efficiency in the sugar
mills can make the mills energy self-sufficient and make
them capable of exporting excess electricity to the national
grid [2]. The sugar industry has the potential to support
ESKOM in its promotion of energy efficiency practices
while implementing its own rehabilitation and modernisation
program in addition to improved business opportunities
through sustainable power generation for export. This helps
Eskom to put in place specific immediate and long term
measures to avoid future power outages. South Africa has
seen significant levels of growth in electricity consumption
and Eskom has resorted to increasing the amount of
electricity imported from Cahora Bassa in Mozambique. The
power utility has also come up with demand side
Manuscript received March 13, 2013; revised April 16, 2013. This work
was supported in part by South African National Research Foundation and
by the University of Johannesburg University Research Committee.
Charles Mbohwa is an Associate Professor, Department of Quality and
Operations Management, University of Johannesburg, Auckland Park
Bunting Road Campus, P. O. Box 524, Auckland Park 2006,
Johannesburg, South Africa: phone: +27-11-5591202; fax: +27-115591307; e-mail:

ISBN: 978-988-19251-0-7
ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)

management practices set to save 3000 MW by 2012 [3].

There are also plans to build more thermal power plants. The
fight against global warming has intensified efforts and
emphasis on the use of renewable and clean energy sources
as alternatives to the more polluting fossil energy sources.
This paper shows the potential reduction on the greenhouse
gas emission as a result of the use of bagasse to generate
electricity in South Africa. The use of bagasse improves the
amount of electricity generated in the country and reduces
greenhouse gases. The idea is to encourage the adoption of
renewable energy sources as alternatives to the conventional
fossil fuels that are mainly used. The success of cogeneration
schemes depends on maximizing the energy output and
minimizing the energy expenditure in the sugar processes.
With the advent of cogeneration in the sugar industry using
high-pressure technologies and export to the national grid a
lot of emphasis is being directed towards reducing the power
inputs in all the areas of sugar and power production in the
factory operations in order to maximize power to be
exported. This paper highlights the benefits of improved
energy management practices to enhance viability of the
industry and to contribute positively towards the South
African governments drive for sustainable consumption.
The South African sugar industry is one of the worlds
best producers of high quality sugar, producing an average
of 2.5 million tons of sugar per annum. The industry
combines the agricultural activities of growing sugarcane
with industrial factory production of raw and refined sugar.
The industry makes a significant contribution to the national
economy [4]. Sugarcane is supplied to 14 mills where it is
processed to sugar. Bagasse and molasses are also produced
in the process. Bagasse is the fibrous biomass remaining
after sugarcane stalks are crushed to extract the juice.
Figure 1 shows a process flow chart for typical sugar mill.
According to Tongaat Hullets Sugar Company every 100
tons of sugarcane harvested and milled produces 10 tons of
sugar and 28 tons of bagasse [4]. Some of the sugar mills are
undertaking cogeneration of electricity from bagasse but
mainly for their own consumption and a small amount is
exported to the national grid. Table 1 shows the sugar
production levels for South Africa for the past 14 seasons. It
is imperative for the sugar industry to become more energy
efficient for it to improve its profitability and contribution to
the governments quest for energy security. The South
African sugar industry has developed several innovative
items for sugar manufacturing equipment in recent years.
The installation of the equipment has been justified in terms
of cost savings (labour costs) and improved recoveries, with
very little consideration to their energy characteristics. [6]

WCE 2013

Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2013 Vol I,

WCE 2013, July 3 - 5, 2013, London, U.K.

Figure 1: Sugar Process flow chart. Source: Rajshree Sugars and Chemicals, 2007
Table 1: Sugar Production in South Africa (Source [5])

(million tons)











The bio energy produced in the sugar industry is mainly
bio-ethanol and the generation of electricity from bagasse.
Bagasse is used in a low efficiency steam cycle to produce
electricity and steam for own use. For example, Tongaat
Hullets own bagasse power generating facilities at
Maidstone, Amatikulu and Flexiton mills. The boiler plants
consists of standard thermal cycle steam boilers with turbo
alternators operating in back pressure mode. The exhaust
steam is then used for processing of sugar. The installed
capacity for the Tongaat generating plants is 72MW. The
plants export 8.5 MW to the national grid and this is 12% of

ISBN: 978-988-19251-0-7
ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)

the installed capacity [4]. The bagasse cogeneration

technology that is widely in use in the South African sugar
industry is direct combustion. The fuel is fired into boilers to
produce high pressure steam which drives a steam turbine
and the turbine in turn drives the electric generator. In the
direct combustion turbine system, power generation
efficiency increases with increase in temperature and
pressure. The power output in the South African industry per
ton of sugar cane crushed is approximately 30 KWh [7].
There is high room for improvement of generating efficiency
for the sugar industry in South Africa. This can be achieved
through the application of more efficient and available
cogeneration technologies.
The South African sugar industry crushes an average of
21.2 Mt of sugar cane per year. This amount of sugarcane in
turn generates about 5 934 543 tons of bagasse. The
technology in use in South Africa is compared to that used in
Brazil, Mauritius and with some of the technology still under
development. The comparisons are shown in Table 2. A total
of 742 GWh of electricity is currently being produced per
year in the sugar industry and most of this is for the mills
own consumption. There is no significant difference between
South Africa and Brazil at the moment in terms of electricity
output. Mauritius is performing better per ton of cane
crushed. Replication technology used in Mauritius can
increase the power output for South Africa to 1378 GWh.
The condensation extraction technology can can lead to a
significant increase in power output (3180 GWh), though
cost-effectiveness needs to be established. Biomass
integrated gasifier (BIG) technology can have a very high
output of up to 517 KWh per ton of cane crushed, but it is
very expensive to install. The capital, viability, risk and
feasibility implications of adopting the new technology
require further exploration. There can be impacts on prices
and economics. Other challenges low output, pricing and
competition from traditional fossil plants. [10].

WCE 2013

Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2013 Vol I,

WCE 2013, July 3 - 5, 2013, London, U.K.
Table 2: Electricity Co-generation Potential of the South African Sugar Industry
Type of Technology
Current Technology in South Africa[7]
Current Technology in Brazil[8]
Current Technology in Mauritius[9]
Condensation/extraction with co-generation the
entire year. (still under development) [8]
BIG-GT Biomass Integrated Gasifier/Gas
Turbine) [8]

Power output/ ton

of cane (kWh)

Electricity costs in cogeneration mode range from $0.04

to $0.09/kWh. Electricity cost from new gasification plants
is around $0.10-$0.13/kWh [11]. Until recently South Africa
had a very low price per unit of electricity which was far
below the world average and this negatively affected
investment in cogeneration plants. The National Energy
Regulator of South Africa has now increased the feed in
tariff to R1.18 per KWh [12]. This has resulted in interest in
cogeneration within the sugar industry and most notable is
the proposal by Tongaat Hullets to install a cogeneration
plant at the Felixton mill that is expected to export 38MW to
the national grid, in season and 17MW, out of season. In
addition, feasibility studies are underway for cogeneration
plants at the Amatikulu and Darnall Mills owned by Tongaat
Huletts [4].
Ethanol is widely promoted as an octane-enhancing and
clean-burning petrol additive. 70% of world production is
consumed in fuel, with the remainder being used in
beverages and industrial applications [13]. The USA is the
leading bio ethanol producer followed by Brazil. South
Africas bio fuel strategy recognises sugar cane as one of the
feedstock for renewable energy but there has not been any
investment for a bio ethanol plant from sugar cane [14]. The
proposed plants are from maize. For every 100 ton cane
crushed, 4 ton molasses is obtained [4]. Out of every 4kg of
molasses one litre of ethanol is produced [15]. Based on
these assumptions, the theoretical potential of ethanol from
the sugar industry in South Africa is 220 million litres
assuming that ethanol is produced from molasses only and
not from sugar. This is a high figure compared to the fuel
requirements of South Africa. Sugar production in South
Africa is in excess to domestic market requirements and a
controlled amount of sugar can be used to produce ethanol.
Energy management is the collective term for all the
systematic practices to minimise and control both the
quantity and cost of energy used in providing a service [16].
Efficient energy management systems lead to reduced
energy consumption which in turn results in reduced climate
change impacts. Climate change caused by greenhouse gas
emissions is at the heart of the various emissions targets
agreed by countries around the world and set out in the
Kyoto Protocol [17]. Governments worldwide, including
South Africa have agreed to reductions in greenhouse gas
emissions and have introduced policy and legislation aimed
at achieving these targets. While many measures can be
taken to reduce emissions, using energy efficiently is widely

ISBN: 978-988-19251-0-7
ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)

Cost of technology per

installed kW (US$)

Amount of electricity
generated (GWh)

accepted as the most cost effective way of ensuring the set

targets are met.
Energy efficiency improvement means decreasing the use
of energy per unit of activity. There are two indicators that
can be used to evaluate change in energy efficiency, the
energy intensity and specific energy consumption. Each
energy-utilizing sector in the economy makes a value-added
contribution to GDP. Energy intensity is the energy
consumption per unit of value added for the sector. At the
national level GDP is the sum over all sectors of the value
added from each sector. The ratio of energy consumption at
the national level to GDP is the energy intensity of the
economy as a whole. Specific energy consumption (SEC) is
the amount of energy per unit of human activity measured in
physical terms, starting from the primary energy carriers. In
the present analysis emphasis is given to specific energy
consumption as an indicator of energy efficiency.
Traditional factory design focused on achieving a fuel
balance that is minimizing the purchase of supplementary
coal and avoiding generation of excess bagasse [18]. Active
and efficient in-house energy management is a good way of
improving energy efficiency at very low cost. The method
consists of operational and behavioural changes among staff
to institute energy efficiency. Some of the practices that can
help achieve this are as follows; establishment of in-house
energy management committees or groups, data collection
for processes, improved maintenance practices, improved
safety issues and review of operational efficiency.
The following are some of the process components that
can be looked to in order to improve energy efficiency.
However it should be noted that the suitability of the
improvements depends on the industrial set up and other
conditions existing in the factory. The following methods are
not exhaustive; they are just some of the main improvements
that can be done. There are many opportunities depending
on factory set up and the capital that can be invested for the
Making Use of Lower Grade Vapours for Heating
Purposes: The idea is to reduce steam consumption within
the mill processes by making use of lower grade vapour for
heating purposes. Figure 2 shows the use of lower grade
vapours. This increases the number of evaporator effects the higher the number of effects, the greater will be the
steam economy. Typically, the present day mills can use a
quintuple effect evaporator system.

WCE 2013

Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2013 Vol I,

WCE 2013, July 3 - 5, 2013, London, U.K.

Figure 2: Use of Lower Grade Vapours; Source [6]

Extensive vapour bleeding that is extensive use of vapour
coming out of the different effects of the evaporators is used
for juice heaters and vacuum pans. The later the effect, the
better is the steam economy in the system. Moving vapour
demand to a lower grade supply of vapour (e.g. from V1 to
V2) reduces the amount of residual evaporation to be done
downstream. In the modern sugar mills, efforts have been
taken to reduce the steam consumption. The final effect is
that there is a reduction in the amount of final effect vapour
entering the condenser X. Reducing steam or vapour
demand increases the process energy efficiency. This
includes demand by the condenser and this is achieved by
optimal design of the evaporator station and bleed
configuration. Maximum efficiency is achieved when there
is zero vapour to the condenser and this is achieved by over
concentrating the juice by moving most of the heating to low
grade vapour supplies (V2, V3 and V4).
Improving steam conditions: Increasing the steam
conditions that is the temperature and the pressure, increases
the energy efficiency resulting in more energy being
exported to the grid. The effect of increasing steam
temperature is that there is a decrease in the tons of steam
per ton of bagasse but more power is produced for export.
For cogeneration, there is need for steam conditions to be
increased to the 4500 kPa abs, 445oC, which are still the
South African maximum design conditions. Higher pressure
and temperature are already in use by sugar plants in
Mauritius and other countries. The higher the boiler pressure
and the steam temperatures, the more efficient the turboalternators become. Table 3 shows the different operation
steam conditions indicating that as the boiler steam pressure
and temperature rise, the amount of steam produced per ton
of bagasse increases. At the same time the amount of steam
and electrical power generated increases per ton of bagasse.
Modifying crystallization pans and Use of More Efficient
Juice Extraction Methods: The crystallisation pan is one of

ISBN: 978-988-19251-0-7
ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)

the major areas of steam consumption in the sugar mills.

Crystallisation pans can use low grade recycled steam
from elsewhere in the plant instead of exhaust steam from
power generating turbines. Operating crystallisation pans
with low grade steam enable more electricity to be produced
for export to the grid [18]. Milling and diffusion are two
processes that can be used for juice extraction. The choice of
milling or diffusion will depend on various considerations
for the particular factory, but experience shows that
diffusion is significantly better, even with the higher
imbibitions allowed. Milling extraction is high pressure (HP)
steam intensive due to the power required for mill drives.
Diffusion is process steam efficient due to the process steam
required for the radiant heat losses from the diffuser, partly
offset by less mixed juice heating (hot draught juice from the
diffuser) [6].
The other advantages of diffusion over milling are:
Low maintenance cost
Low operation costs
Mechanical reliability
The process is even more energy efficient with mud
recycling because evaporation load is reduced and heat
losses from filter station are eliminated. Introducing mud
recycling and a diffuser makes additional steam available
and less exhaust required for process.
Use of Continuous Pans Instead of Batch Pans:
Continuous pans are characterised by constant boiling point
and constant heating surface to volume ratio whereas with
batch boiling temperature increases with rise in pan level.
The heating surface/volume ratio reduces for batch pan as
the pan level rises.

WCE 2013

Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2013 Vol I,

WCE 2013, July 3 - 5, 2013, London, U.K.

Table 3: Power from Bagasse for back pressure Turbo-alternator with increase in temperature and pressure (Source [6])
Steam pressure / Temperature
1800 kPa abs / 360oC
3100 kPa abs / 410oC
4500 kPa abs / 445oC

Tons steam / Ton Tons


Continuous vacuum pans because of their low boiling

head and high heating surface / volume ratios are able to boil
on low pressure vapours typically V2 or V3 whereas
batch pans require exhaust steam or Vapour 1. The result is
more energy economy because the continuous pan makes
use of low grade vapours for heating. The other benefits of
continuous pans are the easy with which they can be
automated; they also have good exhaustions and high time
Improving Boiler Efficiency: The boiler efficiency can
be increased through efficient heat recovery and excess air
control in the boilers. Boiler efficiencies can usually be
increased by adding heat recovery equipment such as
economizer or more air heater surfaces. For every 10 oC
higher final gas temperature, the boiler will produce about
1% less steam per ton of bagasse [6]. Modern improvements
to bagasse boilers makes it possible to achieve complete
combustion with 27% excess air, thereby maintaining an
oxygen level in flue gas at 4.0 %. Under these conditions,
a boiler with 160oC final gas will be operating at > 85%
lower calorific value (LCV) efficiency on bagasse of 50%
moisture. For every 15 unit increase in % excess air, the
boiler will produce 1% less steam per ton of bagasse [6].
One of the main thrust of energy efficiency in the sugar
industries is to increase energy export. The amount of
energy generated depends on the net calorific value of the
bagasse (NCV). The NCV depends on the moisture content
of the bagasse. The NCV of bagasse at around 48% moisture
is 7670 KJ/kg [19].
Replacement of Steam Driven Mill Drives with
Electric DC Motor: Conventionally, steam turbines are
used as the prime movers for the mills, in a sugar industry.
These steam turbines are typically, single stage impulse type
turbines having about 25 - 30% efficiency. The current
energy challenges have made the generation of excess power
in a sugar mill, very attractive. One of the methods of
increasing the cogeneration power in a sugar mill is to
replace the smaller low efficiency mill turbines, with more
efficient DC motors or hydraulic drives. The power turbines
(multi-stage steam turbines) can operate at efficiencies of
about 65 - 70% [20]. Hence, the equivalent quantity of steam
saved by the installation of DC motors or hydraulic drives
can be passed through the power turbine, to generate
additional power. This replacement can aid in increasing net
saleable power to the grid, resulting in additional revenue for
the sugar plant.
The benefits of good energy management practices based
on the discussed aspects are:
Enhancing energy supply security. Good energy

ISBN: 978-988-19251-0-7
ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)





management practices will ensure that there is more energy

available for other activities rather than it being wasted
through inefficient practices. Cogeneration in the sugar
industry will improve the industrys energy security as well
as increase energy supply to the national grid.
Reduced environmental impact of the sugar industry.
Energy efficiency results in reduced greenhouse gas
emissions per useful energy output, especially CO2 and this
can assist to reduce climatic change. This can also help the
industry with additional financing for CO2 reduction projects
such as cogeneration through the CDM financing
Increased competitiveness of the industry: Energy is
one of the major operating costs in the sugar industry.
Therefore reduced energy consumption means reduced
operating costs for the company. This will improve the profit
margin in the organization and help to protect the industry
against energy price volatility. More energy being exported
means the industry will cease to over rely on sugar prices but
can earn more revenue from energy sells boosting their
business performance in the process.
Improved Productivity and product quality: Energy
management through efficient systems means improved
productivity and quality of products. A good maintenance
system increases energy efficiency and this also improves
productivity and quality.
There are a number of barriers to good energy
management practices in the South African sugar industry
that were identified. These are discussed in the following
Energy pricing: South Africas historically low price of
coal and electricity is perceived as a barrier to energy
efficiency [12]. Low pricing makes medium and high cost
energy interventions not justifiable due to lengthy payback
periods. Lower energy prices also lead to under investment
in energy efficiency.
Institutional barriers and resistance to change: There is a
frequent misconception that energy efficiency improvements
will disrupt production. Energy efficiency improvement
through industrial manufacturing process modification may
imply a temporary halt to production. Factory managers may
prefer to avert such extra costs or complications by not
engaging in the changes at all. To overcome this there is
need for proper technical planning to minimise the impact of
the stoppage whilst realizing the long term benefits incurred

WCE 2013

Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2013 Vol I,

WCE 2013, July 3 - 5, 2013, London, U.K.
Lack of skilled personnel or energy managers: Lack of
human resources development in the area of energy
efficiency affects energy conservation related activities in
the sugar industries. There might be need to engage full time
energy managers who will be dedicated to energy issues.
This will lead to better performances in terms of energy
Capital availability and Capital costs: Capital availability
and capital costs are important factors, which directly
determine the feasibility of energy efficiency investments.
This is further affected by the industry which prioritises
items that increase the quality of the product or increase
productivity. The sugar industry also lack investment
confidence leading to reluctance in terms of acquiring
equipment to increase energy efficiency. The South African
government has set aside some R2-billion over a three-year
period to support programmes aimed at encouraging
efficient use of electricity, generation from renewable
resources, installation of electricity-saving devices and cogeneration projects.[13] .
Lack of energy audits: Monitoring, measurement and
verification of energy consumption within the sugar factories
is very important for better energy management. If these
variables are known, efficiency can be increased and
recorded to monitor whether or not targets are being met.










The sugar industry has a significant potential to contribute
towards the supply of bio-energy to the South African
community especially bagasse powered electricity.
Improvement in generating technologies is necessary for
significant benefits to be realised. The potential bio ethanol
that can be produced is relatively high when compared to the
national gasoline requirements. A good energy management
system for the sugar industry in South Africa is very
beneficial as has been discussed. It will improve the
competitiveness of the industry and also improve energy
security among other benefits that can be derived. A lot of
opportunities for energy saving exist in the sugar industry
and there is need to exploit these for better energy
Energy audits are very crucial for a successful energy
management system. It is imperative for cogeneration to be
adopted in the industry to increase electricity output and to
make better use of process steam. Government policies also
a play and important role in setting up good energy
management practices. This study contributes to decision
making efforts in South Africa and in other sugarcane
producing countries on maximizing energy efficiency and
bio-power production and use in the sugar industry. Future
work can consider production of fuel ethanol from molasses
and sugar and the environmental, economic and social
sustainability impact assessment of sugarcane production
and processing holistically.






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ISBN: 978-988-19251-0-7
ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)

WCE 2013

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