Franz Bardon - Magic

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Franz Bardon stands out in this century as the author, teacher and practitioner of "the science of
magic." His work is always directed to the empowerment of the individual so initiation can be attained.
The Bardon books represent the pinnacle of magical art and attainment.


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Franz Bardon / Magic

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INITIATION INTO HERMETICS, A Course of Instruction in Magic Theory and

Practice, Franz Bardon
The author states: "In reality, magic is a sacred science, it is, in the very true sense the sum of all knowledge
where ever authentic initiation is at stake, one has to proceed on the same basis, according to the same rules,
irrespective of the name given by this or that creed. This work has exclusively been written for those who
seek the pure truth and the supreme Wisdom." Initiation into Hermetics provides the foundation for the
theory and practice of true Hermetics.
Part I - Theory: / establishes the foundation of physical existence as explained through the elements / the
secret of the Tetragrammaton / the YOD-HE-VAU-HE / Karma, the Law of Cause and Effect / the
significance of the physical, astral and spiritual planes / opening the door to initiation without the aid of a
Part II - Practice: (divided into 10 progessive steps) / self thought control / introspection / conscious eating
and breathing / controlling the elements / the practice of mental travel / transformation of character and
temperament / astral body projection / loading of taIlsmans, amulets and gems / elevation of the spirit to
higher spheres including conscious communion with God.
New translation, July, 1999, new paperback edition, 10/01, 365pp. 5.5 X 8.5, 1-885928-12-2 $24.95

THE PRACTICE OF MAGICAL EVOCATION, Instructions for Invoking Spirits from

the Spheres Surrounding Us, Franz Bardon
The second book presents the next stages of magical development. Detailed descriptions for evocation of
beings from the spheres surrounding us. The aspirant learns how everything is possible through the
appropriate spiritual laws and powers.
Part I: magical aids and their uses: the circle, the mirror, the wand, the sword, the pentacle and the garment;
advantages and disadvantages of evocational magic.
Part II: explains in detail the hierarchy of the spheres, including the spirits of the four elements, planetary
intelligences and communication with spirit beings.
Part III: concludes with a complete set of illustrations of the seals of spirit beings. "There may only be
progress, onward to those 'brilliant heights' which are in store for those who spare no effort, taking in hand
courageously and unflinchingly their spiritual ascent." From the Prologue by Otti Votavova. New translation
01/02. 370pp. text + 148 pages of magical seals (sigils) = 518pp., hardback, 5.5 X 8.5, 1-885928-13-0 $44.95

THE KEY TO THE TRUE KABBALAH, The Kabbalist as a Soverign in the

Microcosm and the Macrocosm, Franz Bardon
The third book reveals the deepest secrets of the mystic kabbalistic and magical formulas using Theurgy, the
cosmological, divine science of letters. Part I: the Theory of the kabbalah, including the esoterics of letters,
mantras, tantras, the Tetragrammaton, sorcerers' formulas. Part II: Theurgical Practice in ten steps, the ten
kabbalistic keys and their practice. Part III: the Practice of Formula Magic: use of the keys, and the use of
Divine names and beings. New translation, 1997. 279pp., new paperback edition 04/02, 5.5 X 8.5,
1-885928-14-6 $29.95


Written in the form of a novel, Frabato is the spiritual autobiography of Franz Bardon. Set in

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Dresden in the early 1930's it chronicles Frabato's magical battles with the members of a
powerful and dangerous black lodge. His escape from Germany during the final desperate
days of the Weimar Republic and the beginning of his spiritual mission culminating with his
classic books on Hermetic magic.
More than an occult novel, Frabato the Magician is itself a work of magic which illuminates
Bardon's other books as well as providing a revealing look into the dark occult forces which lay behind the
rise of the Third Reich. Threaded throughout the true tale, and written between the lines, are many valuable
and practical esoteric lessons. New translation, 1997. 165pp., hardback, 5.75 X 8.75, 1-885928-03-3 $19.95

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