Recommendation For Improvement

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Recommendation for Improvement


Make use of technology

As we revised our lesson plan, we noticed that we did not focus on the use of
technology in the classroom. So, in the next lesson, we should use LCD, radio,
computer or SMART board. Actually, technology helps us to give the pupils better
understanding. Technology should not just let us to do things in a more engaging
way; it should let us to do new things that we thought were not possible
(Cassidy, 2013). In fact, using new methods can increase pupils interest in class.

Use varieties resources

The main source for our lesson plan is the textbook. We only take one story from
another resource which is (NAMA CERITA). We should provide them another
stories which are not included in the textbook, for instance, newspaper,
magazine, storybook and article. By providing them different stories, the pupils
can increase their knowledge as well as their vocabulary. Moreover, pupils
definitely will be bored with the same story.

Teaching style

After the microteaching presentation, we also noticed that some pupils did not
understand the instruction given by the teacher. While some also could not catch
up with the teaching flow. Therefore, we realized that teachers knowledge about
the content, pupils and resources were vital in teaching. We have to take a good
look at each aspect in order to create a well-designed lesson. It is important to
ensure each stage; set induction, pre-stage, while-stage, post-stage and closure,

is in a related sequence. Thus, the lesson will take place smoothly. Plus, the
pupils also will not get confuse with the lesson.
A teacher's skill is determined through their knowledge of the content, their
students, and resources all combined together to create a well-designed
instructional plan to meet the diverse needs of their learners. The coherence of a
lesson is related to the sequence - ensuring the sequence of activities is logical
and progresses from a basic level to a more complex skill level. This sequencing
should also include ample time for students to not feel rushed and be given time
to reflect on their learning.

A teacher skilled in this area is well-versed in

providing a variety of activities to ensure differentiation within the lesson is

taking place for their students.
Brainstorm and mind-mapping coherent

Concordia Online Education. (2012). Most Common Teaching Styles Used with
Sudarsan. S. (2008). My Statement of Teaching Philosophy. Retrieved from
Cassidy. K. (2013). The Use and Abuse Technology in Classroom. Retrieved from

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