Ic Engine Syllabus

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Module 1: Basic Concepts-Air standard cycles and fuel-air cycles Assumptions, Otto,
Diesel & Dual cycles, comparison of cycles, fuel air cycle, Valve Timing diagram, Actual
engine cycle.
S.I. Engines- Theory of Carburetion, Types of carburettors, Electronic fuel injection
system, GDI. Combustion in spark Ignition engines, stages of combustion, flame
propagation, rate of pressure rise, abnormal combustion. Phenomenon of Detonation in SI
engines, effect of engine variables on Detonation. Combustion chambers. Rating of fuels in
SI engines. Additives.
C.I. Engines- Fuel supply system, types of fuel pump, injector and distribution
system,Combustion in compression ignition engines, stages of combustion, factors affecting
combustion,Phenomenon of knocking in CI engine. Effect of knocking. Types of combustion
chambers rating of fuels in CI engines. Additives; Comparison of knocking in SI &
CI engines, Concepts of Supercharging and Turbo charging.
Engine systems and components-Ignition system.(battery, magneto & electronic);
Lubrication system; Engine starting system; Engine cooling system; Governing system
(quality and quantity hit & miss governing); Intake and exhaust systems (two valves & four
valves); Drive train (cam shaft, valves etc.)
Module 2: Performance characteristics & Testing of I.C. Engines-Introduction to Indian.
Standards for testing of I.C. Engine, Mean effective pressure, indicated power, brake power,
friction power,Methods to determine power and efficiencies Variables affecting
performance of engine,characteristic curves, heat balance sheet, Methods of improving
engine performance; super & turbocharged engines.
Fuels and Emissions- Chemical structure of the Petroleum, Refining process for
petroleum, important qualities of the Engine fuels - (SI & CI engines), Diesel, and Gasoline
fuelsIndian specifications. Alternate fuels (SI & CI engines)- Liquid fuels, gaseous
fuels, hydrogen engines (LPG, HC NG (15%, 20%, 25 % Blends Hydrogen and Biofuels),
Air pollution due to IC engine, Engine emissions, Hydrocarbon emissions, (HC) & PPM &
Carbon monoxide emissions (CO), oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) Euro norms , Bharat stage
norms, Introduction to EDC and IDC , Introduction to carbon credit, Emission control
methods for SI and CI engines, Electronic control module, Catalytic converters, EGR
Concept of hybrid vehicles.
Module 3: Introduction- Necessity and applications; Module of refrigeration and
C.O.P.Mechanical Refrigeration; Types of Ideal cycles of refrigeration. Air Refrigeration:
Bell Colemancycle and Brayton Cycle, Open and Dense air systems ; Actual air refrigeration
system problems ; Refrigeration needs of Aircrafts.
Vapour Compression Refrigeration- Working principle and essential components of the plant
;Simple Vapour compression refrigeration cycle ;COP ;Representation of cycle on T-S and ph charts ;effect of sub cooling and super heating ; cycle analysis; Actual cycle Influence of

various parameters on system performance;Use of p-h charts; numerical Problems.

Refrigeration System Components-Compressors; General classification; comparison;
Advantages and Disadvantages. Condensers:classification ;Working Principles.
Evaporators:classification ; Working Principles. Expansion devices: Types ; Working
Principles. Refrigerants:
used ;
Nomenclature;Ozone Depletion; Global Warming.Vapor Absorption RefrigerationCalculation of max COP; description and working of NH3; water system and Li Br; water
( Two shell & Four shell) System. Principle of operation Three Fluid absorption system,
salient features.

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