Structure and Deformation Mechanisms in UHMWPE-fibres
Structure and Deformation Mechanisms in UHMWPE-fibres
Structure and Deformation Mechanisms in UHMWPE-fibres
Raman microscopy is applied to a gel-spun UHMWPE-fibre (Dyneema SK60) to determine the distribution of axial molecular stresses and
their change with time (in creep and during stress relaxation). A more detailed method is proposed to quantify the observed characteristic
changes in local stress distribution. The increase in highly overstressed bonds (5 8 GPa) is ascribed to the straining of tie-molecules during
creep. Their pull-out, crystal plasticity and grain-boundary slip determine stress relaxation. A refined structural model of the UHMWPE-fibre
is proposed, which is used to discuss the still existing difference between theoretical and practical strength of such fibres.
q 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Keywords: UHMWPE-fibre; Raman microscopy; Tie-chain pull-out
1. Introduction
The characteristic properties of macromoleculesgreat
length, large anisotropy and high segmental flexibility
give rise to a complex structural organisation and to unique
properties. The weak lateral coherence of strong chain
segments offers an enormous potential for processing at
comparatively low temperatures and it is an essential
condition for rubber elastic and viscoelastic behaviour [1,
2]. The same characteristics are also responsible for the
strong dependence of macroscopic performance on molecular orientation; thus Youngs modulus and tensile
strength of amorphous as well as of semi-crystalline solids
increase by orders of magnitude as a function of the degree
of orientation [3,4]. Segmental strength, crystallisability and
flexibility are also a prerequisite for the formation of high
performance fibres [5 7]. Natural fibres are based on this
concept; they exist and have been used forever. Man-made
fibres are known for about 120 years; properties and
produced quantity have increased enormously from Rayon
(regenerated cellulose, 1884) over nylon (1938), PANbased carbon fibres (1962), Kevlare or other aromatic fibres
(1965) to present-day ultra-high strength fibres (such as
single crystal polydiacetylene or PBZO fibres) [6,8,9].
All the fibre species cited above had been created by
* Corresponding author. E-mail:
Present address: Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins, Switzerland.
0032-3861/03/$ - see front matter q 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
3. Experimental procedure
3.1. Mechanical testing
Single filaments and fibre bundles were tested using a
Zwick 1484 tensile test machine and an in-house-built minitensile test machine, as described elsewhere [15]. The
deformation was measured by optical extensometry using a
video camera connected to an image processing computer.
By this technique the real deformation of the sample is
measured and slippage in the clamping system does not
interfere with the evaluation.
3.2. Raman spectroscopy
The position and form of Raman bands assigned to C C
stretching vibrations change with the application of tensile
stress to the chain backbone. This stress sensitivity allows
investigation of the molecular stress distribution by Raman
spectroscopy [15,24,29,30]. In polyethylene, the bands at
1060 and 1130 cm21 exhibit the greatest peak shift upon
mechanical deformation. In our investigations we have used
the symmetric stretching band at 1130 cm21, for which we
have determined a peak shift value of 2 5.73 cm21/GPa
[15]. Using this shift factor the wave number axis can be
converted into a stress axis (Fig. 4(a)). The subsequent
transformation into stress intensities is generally achieved
by fitting the deformed Raman band by a number (two or
three) Lorentzian peaks [30]. In our approach we have used
about 20 Lorentzian peaks having a width corresponding to
the width of the peak of an undeformed sample, and which
were separated on the converted wavenumber axis by
0.5 Gpa from each other (Fig. 4).
All measurements were undertaken on single SK60
filaments at room temperature on a DILOR XY800 Raman
spectrometer as described elsewhere [15]. To deform the
samples the above mentioned mini tensile test machine was
used. The deformation was measured with optical extensometry. Since a liquid nitrogen cooled CCD camera was used
as a detector, the integration time needed to obtain a good
spectrum was as short as 20 s.
Fig. 4. Transformation of a converted, deformed Raman band (of a fibre loaded to 2 GPa) into a stress histogram by curve fitting with Lorentzian peaks [15].
Fig. 8. Raman difference spectra from a creep test at 1.5 GPa indicating the
changes in stress population occurring during creep periods of 2200, 7000,
and 65,300 s, respectively.
Fig. 9.
5. Conclusions
A structural model consisting of highly extended chains
and, mechanically in parallel to these, crystalline regions in
series with regions containing correlated defects is found to
be most suitable to explain the experimental work done so
far on polyethylene fibres. In the SK60 fibre investigated
here, a fraction of extended chains of about six percent is
loaded to capacity. This fraction increases and the number
of defects trapped in the structure decreases as the draw
ratio during the production of the fibre is increased. In the
beginning of a creep test, the instantaneous elastic modulus
of the fibre increases because defects are eliminated. Over
longer creep times the instantaneous elastic modulus
decreases as a consequence of tie-chain pull-out.
The reason for the discrepancy between theoretically
feasible and practically achieved strength and modulus
values lies in the complex and non-perfect structure. Some
chains are exposed to stresses of up to 10 GPa, which is
close to their estimated strength. However, chain rupture is
Fig. 10. Refined model of stress distribution in a UHMWE-fibre stressed at 1.5 Gpa.
The authors wish to thank C. Bastiaansen (ETH Zurich),
D. Bassett, L. Boogh (EPFL Lausanne), M.J.N. Jacobs and
R.J. Meier (DSM Holland), H. Munstedt (Univ. Erlangen),
K. Nakamae (Univ. of Kobe), P. Smith (ETH Zurich) and
I.M. Ward for stimulating discussions. DSM High Performance Fibres are thanked for providing the SK60 fibres.
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