Structure and Deformation Mechanisms in UHMWPE-fibres

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Polymer 44 (2003) 58775884

Structure and deformation mechanisms in UHMWPE-fibres

L. Berger1, H.H. Kausch*, C.J.G. Plummer
Institut des Materiaux, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Received 27 January 2003; accepted 24 March 2003
Dedicated to Prof. Ian M. Ward on the occasion of his 75th birthday

Raman microscopy is applied to a gel-spun UHMWPE-fibre (Dyneema SK60) to determine the distribution of axial molecular stresses and
their change with time (in creep and during stress relaxation). A more detailed method is proposed to quantify the observed characteristic
changes in local stress distribution. The increase in highly overstressed bonds (5 8 GPa) is ascribed to the straining of tie-molecules during
creep. Their pull-out, crystal plasticity and grain-boundary slip determine stress relaxation. A refined structural model of the UHMWPE-fibre
is proposed, which is used to discuss the still existing difference between theoretical and practical strength of such fibres.
q 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Keywords: UHMWPE-fibre; Raman microscopy; Tie-chain pull-out

1. Introduction
The characteristic properties of macromoleculesgreat
length, large anisotropy and high segmental flexibility
give rise to a complex structural organisation and to unique
properties. The weak lateral coherence of strong chain
segments offers an enormous potential for processing at
comparatively low temperatures and it is an essential
condition for rubber elastic and viscoelastic behaviour [1,
2]. The same characteristics are also responsible for the
strong dependence of macroscopic performance on molecular orientation; thus Youngs modulus and tensile
strength of amorphous as well as of semi-crystalline solids
increase by orders of magnitude as a function of the degree
of orientation [3,4]. Segmental strength, crystallisability and
flexibility are also a prerequisite for the formation of high
performance fibres [5 7]. Natural fibres are based on this
concept; they exist and have been used forever. Man-made
fibres are known for about 120 years; properties and
produced quantity have increased enormously from Rayon
(regenerated cellulose, 1884) over nylon (1938), PANbased carbon fibres (1962), Kevlare or other aromatic fibres
(1965) to present-day ultra-high strength fibres (such as
single crystal polydiacetylene or PBZO fibres) [6,8,9].
All the fibre species cited above had been created by
* Corresponding author. E-mail:
Present address: Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins, Switzerland.
0032-3861/03/$ - see front matter q 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

novel methods of synthesis; they owe their increased

strength and/or stiffness to specific features of polymer
backbone configuration (such as conjugated double bonds or
aromatic rings). Following a different route, Capaccio and
Ward obtained a notable improvement of mechanical
properties of polyethylene by achieving high draw ratios
through the multiple stage hydrostatic melt extrusion
process [10]. At about the same time ultra highly oriented
high molecular weight polyethyleneUHMWPEfibres
were obtained by two other processing techniques: by
drawing from solution [11] and by gel-spinning [12].
Because of their high strength to weight ratio UHMWPE
fibres are excellent materials for weight-sensitive applications like towing lines, helmet reinforcement or sails. And
the chemical identity of UHMWPE with HDPE makes them
ideal candidates for self-reinforced PE PE composites [13,
14]. The major disadvantage of PE fibres is their sensitivity
to creep due to the small cohesive energy density of PE and
the presence of structural irregularities.
In this investigation Raman microscopy is used to
determine the distribution of axial molecular stresses and
their change with time (in creep and during stress
relaxation). It is then attempted to associate the observed
characteristic changes in local stress distribution to elements
of the fibre microstructure. This way the nature of the
deformation mechanisms and their effect on macroscopic
strength will become accessible.


L. Berger et al. / Polymer 44 (2003) 58775884

2. Materials and microstructure

The material used throughout this study was a gel-spun
UHMWPE-fibre (Dyneema SK60, produced by DSM High
Performance Fibres, Holland) having a molecular weight of
2 2.5 106 Da. The fibre consists of 780 single filaments
having a coarseness of 800 den (Fig. 1). The cross-section of
a filaments is not circular, but bean- or kidney-shaped (with
an average area of 115 mm2). Such a filament shows a
substructure typically 150 macrofibrils.
Concerning the microstructure of a macrofibril essentially two models can be found in the literature. In the first a
macrofibril is believed to consist of highly extended chains
forming crystalline microfibrils having a diameter of 15 to
20 nm (microfibrillar model). In the continuous crystalline
model, on the other hand, it is assumed that the macrofibrils
consist of a more or less continuous crystalline phase with
dispersed and rare defects [12]. The very high degree of
chain orientation is well demonstrated by the highresolution TEM micrograph of a gel spun hot drawn film
of UHMWPE (Fig. 2).
UHMWPE fibres are highly ordered, but are not monocrystalline. For the SK60 fibre Berger [15] has determined
from density measurements that there is a fraction about
25% of non-crystalline material. This fraction comprises of
highly extended but non-crystalline segments (having a
density of 0.90 g/ml), the rare entanglements (about 2.5 per
molecule) and folds. The value of 25% roughly agrees with
the degree of crystallinity determined from the melting
enthalpy (71%). The crystalline phases were identified as

Fig. 2. High-resolution TEM micrograph of a gel-spun hot drawn film of


orthorhombic (85%) and monoclinic (15%). From NMR

experiments it had been concluded that the amorphous
phase is accounting for less than 5% of the material [16].
The absence of an amorphous X-ray halo indicates an even

Fig. 1. Substructure of a gel-spun Dyneema SK60 fibre.

L. Berger et al. / Polymer 44 (2003) 58775884

smaller fraction [15,17]. The above data show that the

amorphous component cannot be expected to form a
coherent phase, more likely it comprises all the less ordered
segments, tie molecules, conformational irregularities (out
of register, twists, rare entanglements) and defects in the
crystalline phases and at the boundaries and interfaces of
microfibrils. Evidently the morphology of highly oriented
fibres depends on the starting material (chain length and
linearity, degree of entanglement, crystalline morphology)
[7,18] and on the applied processing technique (solid state
or melt extrusion, gel spinning, hot drawing) [7,10 12,18,
The difference between the two structural models lies in
the intensity of (lateral) stress transfer between microfibrils.
Microfibrils behave as structural entities only if the lateral
interaction is smaller than the intra-microfibrillar cohesion.
The crystalline bridge model of Ward combines both
aspects; it allows for strong lateral interaction across a
microfibrillar interface through crystalline regions, and for a
much weaker interaction with the non-crystalline regions
[20]. With small individual variations this concept is widely
used [21 25] and it will also be employed in this work (Fig.
3). A review of the different structural models of highly
drawn polymers has been given Porter and Wang [7].
The regions A and B represent fully chain-extended
crystalline regions; for the elastic modulus values of
between 255 to 315 GPa are indicated in the literature [15,
24,26] with a preferred value of 290 GPa [24]. Region C
represents the fraction of slightly disordered chain segments, which are non-crystalline (although most of them are
well extended). As indicated above, in SK 60 fibres the
fraction of non-crystalline material amounts to about 25%.
It is reasonable to assume that this phase contains intramicrofibrillar tie-molecules of various degrees of tautness.
The tie-molecules are capable to transmit important axial
stresses (the pull-out stress of a tie-molecule from a defectfree orthorhombic crystal amounts to 7.5 GPa [27]).

Fig. 3. Two-dimensional mechanical model of a macrofibril of UHMWPE

showing the essential structural elements: crystalline regions, intermicrofibrillar zones, and non-crystalline regions containing more or less
taut tie-molecules (the possible slight misalignments, distortions, and
variations in width of microfibrils are not shown; see text for the size of the
crystalline regions).


Stresses between the crystalline blocks B are also

transferred by shear through the interfaces i and region
A. Concerning the size of the crystals in UHMWPE-fibres,
the lateral dimensions were found to decrease with draw
ratio to a value of about 13 to 15 nm [26,28]; the crystalline
length in chain direction, however, seems to depend
strongly on the fibre type. Using WAXD, Nakamae found
in Dyneema-fibres a length of 71 nm [26], Grubb et al.
reported values of respectively, 5 13 nm for Spectra 900
fibres, and 15 43 nm for Spectra 1000-fibres [28].
In the following we determine the distribution of
molecular stresses for the three standard loading modes
(creep, relaxation, loading at constant strain rate).

3. Experimental procedure
3.1. Mechanical testing
Single filaments and fibre bundles were tested using a
Zwick 1484 tensile test machine and an in-house-built minitensile test machine, as described elsewhere [15]. The
deformation was measured by optical extensometry using a
video camera connected to an image processing computer.
By this technique the real deformation of the sample is
measured and slippage in the clamping system does not
interfere with the evaluation.
3.2. Raman spectroscopy
The position and form of Raman bands assigned to C C
stretching vibrations change with the application of tensile
stress to the chain backbone. This stress sensitivity allows
investigation of the molecular stress distribution by Raman
spectroscopy [15,24,29,30]. In polyethylene, the bands at
1060 and 1130 cm21 exhibit the greatest peak shift upon
mechanical deformation. In our investigations we have used
the symmetric stretching band at 1130 cm21, for which we
have determined a peak shift value of 2 5.73 cm21/GPa
[15]. Using this shift factor the wave number axis can be
converted into a stress axis (Fig. 4(a)). The subsequent
transformation into stress intensities is generally achieved
by fitting the deformed Raman band by a number (two or
three) Lorentzian peaks [30]. In our approach we have used
about 20 Lorentzian peaks having a width corresponding to
the width of the peak of an undeformed sample, and which
were separated on the converted wavenumber axis by
0.5 Gpa from each other (Fig. 4).
All measurements were undertaken on single SK60
filaments at room temperature on a DILOR XY800 Raman
spectrometer as described elsewhere [15]. To deform the
samples the above mentioned mini tensile test machine was
used. The deformation was measured with optical extensometry. Since a liquid nitrogen cooled CCD camera was used
as a detector, the integration time needed to obtain a good
spectrum was as short as 20 s.


L. Berger et al. / Polymer 44 (2003) 58775884

Fig. 4. Transformation of a converted, deformed Raman band (of a fibre loaded to 2 GPa) into a stress histogram by curve fitting with Lorentzian peaks [15].

4. Results and discussion

4.1. Creep
The creep of single filaments of an SK60-fibre has been
studied in the stress range 0.65 2 GPa for a period of 30 h
(Fig. 5).
The instantaneous elastic modulus E of the SK60
filaments during creep test was measured by partially
unloading and reloading the sample during the test (Fig. 5).
A notable increase (from some 60 to more than 120 GPa) is
observed during the first 30 s under load (Fig. 6). Afterwards
the instantaneous modulus slowly decreases. This behaviour
can be explained by two competing processes: the
elimination of strain inhomogeneities and anelastic deformation (on the microscopic and/or molecular level) and by
uncorrelated slip (of parts of a microfibril or of highly
loaded chains). The straightening-out of intra- and intermicrofibrillar tie-molecules leads to an increase of overall
modulus of the fibre. Most of this deformation turns out to
be reversible. In later stages pull-out of tie-molecules and
correlated intra-crystalline slip will have the opposite effect,
a slow but systematic decrease of the modulus.
This interpretation is also confirmed by a Sherby Dorn
plot of the creep curves. Two distinct regions can clearly be
seen: a sharp decrease of the creep rate with increasing

Fig. 5. Creep curve of a single filament of SK60 at 1.5 GPa. The

instantaneous modulus had been determined by rapidly discharging to
1 GPa and subsequent reloading.

strain generally assigned to reversible viscoelastic creep

deformation [15,20,21] and a plateau region of irreversible
plastic flow generally assigned to intra-crystalline slip (Fig.
7). The creep rate increases with stress in a non-linear
manner, for gel-spun fibres it is smaller than that of meltspun fibres [31,32]. Using a high resolution Doppler creep
rate meter Mjasnikova et al. have shown that the apparently
stationary creep rate in some UHMWPE fibres is in reality a
succession of inter-microfibrillar deformation jumps at
intervals of 10 and 50 70 mm respectively; the creep
rates within a deformation jump can be an order of
magnitude higher than the average rate [32].
The effect of transient deformation mechanisms is also
seen in cyclic loading experiments, where the elastic
modulus of the fibre increases from the first to the second
cycle, afterwards it decreases. Since the most important
strain inhomogeneities are reduced in the first cycle the
dispersed energy (hysteresis loop) decreases subsequently
4.2. Raman spectroscopy
In the following we shall discuss three modes of loading,
creep, stress relaxation and loading at constant strain rate.
The unstressed fibre shows a stress histogram with a sharp
maximum at zero stress. The spectrum of a fibre recorded

Fig. 6. Development of the instantaneous modulus during creep.

L. Berger et al. / Polymer 44 (2003) 58775884

Fig. 7. SherbyDorn plot of the creep of SK60 filaments.

immediately after application of a stress of 1.5 GPa has

typically the shape shown in Fig. 4, which resembles a
bimodal distribution. Most segments are loaded to between
0 and 1 GPa, 25% of the population to between 1.5 and
4 GPa and 2.5% to stresses between 5 and 10 GPa. During
creep this distribution changes, the bimodal character being
reinforced. Fig. 8 shows three difference spectra from a
creep test at 1.5 GPa (the spectrum taken immediately after
loading has been subtracted from the spectra taken after
creep time of about 36 min, 2 h and 18 h). The number of
weakly (0 1 GPa) and highly loaded segments (4.5 10)
increases at the expense of segments loaded with moderate
overstress (1.5 4 GPa).
This observation can be explained on the basis of the
structural model in Fig. 3. The increase in highly stressed
bonds from 2.5 to 6% after 2 h is assigned to an increase in
the number of taut intra-microfibrillar tie molecules during
elongation of the fibre (due to the separation of phases B) or
of taut inter-microfibrillar ties (following inter-microfibrillar slip). The decrease of moderately overstressed bonds in
our fibres is apparently due to the limitation of strain in
region A, either due to slip at the interfaces i or to crystal
plasticity. This mechanism seems to be at the origin of the
generally observed bimodal stress distribution. There is a
first population of crystalline regions, which we believe to

Fig. 8. Raman difference spectra from a creep test at 1.5 GPa indicating the
changes in stress population occurring during creep periods of 2200, 7000,
and 65,300 s, respectively.


be intimately connected with tie-molecules, which deform

to strains of up to 2% with associated stresses of 4 6 GPa
[15,24,29,33]. According to the calculations of Kausch and
Langbein [4,27] there is an upper limit of 7.5 GPa for the
axial stress that can be imposed on a tie-molecule through a
perfect orthorhombic crystal. At this stress the chain begins
to be pulled out of the crystal creating a defect, which runs
all the way through the crystal until it hits an obstacle such
as a fold or an entanglement. When this occurs stresses can
even be built up to higher values than 7.5 GPa. This would
explain the fraction of highly loaded segments detected in
the above Raman spectra.
Besides the small fraction of highly loaded crystalline
regions there is a second and larger population of crystals,
which show a distinct and smaller upper strain limit. As a
function of macroscopic stress their c-axis will be stretched
homogeneously up to a temperature-dependant critical
strain of 0.4 to 0.6% [15,24,29,33]. In our case, the critical
strain amounts to 0.4 and 0.43% [15,33]. This corresponds
to a stress of 1.2 GPa. The fact that stresses are preferably
relieved from segments stressed to beyond 1 GPa and that
strains of 0.4% are maintained in a stress relaxation
experiment points to a plastic deformation process. Several
mechanisms have been proposed in the literature, such as
the relative shear displacement of microfibrils related to the
crystalline a-relaxation process [15,20,22,23,32], the
motion and/or the annihilation of defects such as kinks,
disclinations, dislocations, dispirations and their partial
configurations, which allow the transport of a CH2-group
along a chain [4,21,25,33 35], or kink-band formation [32].
It is generally agreed, however, that the creep deformation is
not related to a phase transformation or to break-up of
crystallites [15,28,29]. An experiment conducted by Grubb
et al. [36] supports the idea that inter-microfibrillar slip
occurs during creep. After a sample had been loaded for an
extended time period at room temperature, it was cooled to
77 K under load and then unloaded. Although the mean
position of the Raman peak indicated zero average internal
stress, the majority of the peak surface moved to a position
corresponding to compressive loads. Considering our model
(Fig. 3), fraction A will be subjected to compression, since
the overstressed tie molecules retract when the sample is
The possible influence of chain scission had been
investigated by Wang et al. [37]. Using a nitroxide spin
trap interdiffused into an SK 60 fibre they determined that
during creep at half the breaking stress 0.2 chain scission
events per cm of molecular length occurred. This means that
only 1 out of 550 molecules was broken in the experiment.
The analysis is the same as given by Kausch [4] for the ESRinvestigations of polyamide fibres, namely that chain
scission is a consequence of stress-induced deformation
but not its cause.
The interpretation of our stress relaxation and tensile
experiments follows the same lines as developed above.
During stress relaxation we observe a decrease in the


L. Berger et al. / Polymer 44 (2003) 58775884

number of moderately and highly overstressed chains,

whilst the fraction of less highly loaded material increases.
The strong loss in the 5 8 GPa range is ascribed to tie-chain
pull-out, and the decrease in the number of moderately
overstressed chains to crystal plastic deformation.
The stress distribution during a tensile test is shown in
Fig. 9. The greatest fraction of material is never loaded to
more than about 1 GPa. Evidently the number of moderately
and highly loaded chain segments increases when the
applied stress is increased. It should be noted that beyond an
external stress of 1 GPa the combined number of segments
stressed at 0.5 and 1 GPa remains relatively constant and
accounts for the low stress peak found by other researchers
4.3. Refined molecular model and implications for ultimate
The model shown in Fig. 3 is a helpful but rather
schematic representation. Taking into consideration all of
the above observations and the fact that the different phases
are more or less homogeneously distributed over the fibre
volume we have constructed a more realistic model (Fig.
10). Despite the high regularity shown by the electron
micrograph (Fig. 2), there are also disordered regions and
defects which give rise to strain inhomogeneities. The latter
are at the origin of the observed large variation of local
chain stresses. Their distribution, as it is observed with
Raman spectroscopy after 3 h of creep loading at 1.5 GPa, is
represented in Fig. 10. The shown section is considered to
be representative of the whole fibre.
The disintegration of such a highly oriented structure
occurs predominantly through slip along the chain backbones. This is not only reasonable in view of the different
strengths of primary and secondary bonds, but is also
corroborated by the virtual absence of chain scission events
and by the strong rate- and temperature-dependence of the
fracture strength sb : (This latter increases at room
temperature from 1.6 GPa at a strain rate of 7 1026 s21
to about 3 GPa at 1.8 1022 s21.) The upper limit to the

Fig. 9.

fibre strength is clearly the strength of (an infinitely long)

single chain. If its breaking force is taken as 4 nN [4], a
breaking stress of 21 GPa is obtained. A smaller value, sb
7:2 GPa is cited by Crist [38]. The reason for the difference
between theoretical and practical strength is twofold: the
presence of the structural irregularities and the large
tendency for slip are responsible for the fact that only 6%
of the chain segments are loaded up to capacity. In order to
increase their numberand thus the fracture stressthe
defects should be further reduced and the slipping
mechanisms on all levels (chain pull-out, crystal plasticity,
slip of entire crystalline blocks) made more difficult.
Both ways have been followed. The number and
influence of defects on strength is reduced by further
orienting as-spun UHMWPE fibers at very high temperatures (130 150 8C) resulting in strengths values of 4.6
5.6 GPa [39]. Woods et al. have improved sb of UHMWPE
by cross-linking through electron irradiation, in particular
the fracture strength at low loading rate [40]. As to be
expected, the strain at break is also reduced by such
treatments. Using a different approach, Jacobs [25] achieved
a selective cross-linking through interdiffiusion of UV
sensitive initiators into the (SK 60) fibre, followed by UV
irradiation. The creep rate was notably reduced, unfortunately sb and 1b as well (probably because of freezing-in of
just those structure inhomogeneities, which give rise to
stress concentration upon loading). A selective influence on
chain slipping was also obtained by an introduction of
methyl branches into the chain backbone. By increasing the
methyl branch content from 1 to 12 per 1000 CH2, Ohta and
Yasuda [41] reduced the chain-to-chain slippage but did not
affect grain boundary slippage. Tensile strength as well as
modulus decreased with increasing the methyl branch

5. Conclusions
A structural model consisting of highly extended chains
and, mechanically in parallel to these, crystalline regions in
series with regions containing correlated defects is found to
be most suitable to explain the experimental work done so
far on polyethylene fibres. In the SK60 fibre investigated
here, a fraction of extended chains of about six percent is
loaded to capacity. This fraction increases and the number
of defects trapped in the structure decreases as the draw
ratio during the production of the fibre is increased. In the
beginning of a creep test, the instantaneous elastic modulus
of the fibre increases because defects are eliminated. Over
longer creep times the instantaneous elastic modulus
decreases as a consequence of tie-chain pull-out.
The reason for the discrepancy between theoretically
feasible and practically achieved strength and modulus
values lies in the complex and non-perfect structure. Some
chains are exposed to stresses of up to 10 GPa, which is
close to their estimated strength. However, chain rupture is

L. Berger et al. / Polymer 44 (2003) 58775884


Fig. 10. Refined model of stress distribution in a UHMWE-fibre stressed at 1.5 Gpa.

only considered to be a minor contribution to the

deformation mechanisms of the fibres, since only a few
chain ruptures can be observed by ESR-spectroscopy. Chain
slippage and slippage of complete crystalline areas are of
much higher importance. Their effect on the creep properties of the fibres is certainly reduced by the use of line of
hybrid materials as for instance tissues woven of UHMWE
and Kevlarw fibres. In another line of research the
toughness, strength and drapability of highly oriented fibres
are put to excellent use in the form of self-reinforced
composites or hot compacted fibres [13,14,42]. Despite the
basic compatibility between a highly oriented fibre and a
matrix of identical chemical composition, a careful balance
must be sought between melting and recrystallisation of
fibre material in order to ensure optimum stress transmission
and maintaining the state of ultra high orientation.

The authors wish to thank C. Bastiaansen (ETH Zurich),
D. Bassett, L. Boogh (EPFL Lausanne), M.J.N. Jacobs and
R.J. Meier (DSM Holland), H. Munstedt (Univ. Erlangen),
K. Nakamae (Univ. of Kobe), P. Smith (ETH Zurich) and
I.M. Ward for stimulating discussions. DSM High Performance Fibres are thanked for providing the SK60 fibres.

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