Examiners' Report/ Principal Examiner Feedback: GCE Physics (6PH02) Paper 01R: Physics at Work
Examiners' Report/ Principal Examiner Feedback: GCE Physics (6PH02) Paper 01R: Physics at Work
Examiners' Report/ Principal Examiner Feedback: GCE Physics (6PH02) Paper 01R: Physics at Work
Summer 2013
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Summer 2013
Publications Code US036629*
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Pearson Education Ltd 2013
Grade Boundaries
Grade boundaries for this, and all other papers, can be found on the website on this link:
This is the fifth summer series in which Unit 2: Physics at Work has been
examined. The assessment structure is the same as that of Unit 1: Physics on the
Go, consisting of Section A with ten multiple choice questions, and Section B with a
number of short answer questions followed by some longer, structured questions
based on contexts of varying familiarity.
This paper allowed candidates to demonstrate their knowledge of content across
the whole specification for this unit, showing progression from GCSE or its
equivalent and answering questions to the depth appropriate to their level of
There was less confusion about quantum phenomena than has sometimes been
seen, with very few using photoelectric effect explanations when discussing spectra,
for example.
For many candidates, areas for improvement include learning definitions for
standard terms in detail and being able to identify specific parts of longer
explanations of phenomena that apply to particular situations.
Section A
percentage of correct
Question 14
(a) Most candidates quoted Q = It for the first mark, but only about a third
made a clear link between the quantities and the units as required. Very few
took the approach of full conversion of Ah to C.
(b-d) This sequence presented little difficulty. When students reversed the
numerator and denominator in the efficiency calculation, obtaining an answer
greater than 100% did not always suggest to them that they try again. On the
other hand, those who made a slip in part (b) or part (c) generally used their
answers to obtain a percentage below 100% regardless of which was input and
which was output.
Question 15
(a) Over half of the students got two marks or more, and most of the rest got
one mark. Marks were lost through lack of precision in expression or not
addressing the second part of the question, why refraction occurs for light
entering the Earths atmosphere, in sufficient detail. Candidates nearly
always mentioned a change in density or speed, but often just referred to
light bending. This is not sufficient for a description of refraction as it
equally implies a curved path. On the specific case of the Earths
atmosphere, they mentioned a change in speed, but often did not state that
this change was a decrease, as suggested by the diagram.
(b) Nearly everyone used the Snells law formula, but only about two thirds
used the correct angle of incidence, the rest usually selecting 26. Most used
64 calculated the angle of refraction correctly, and nearly half of the entry
went on to find the change in direction.
Question 16
(a) While well over three quarters gained three marks for completing the
calculation, the proportion gaining full marks was under half because the line
was often not drawn on the graph. The question didnt state use the graph,
but candidates should recognise from it that different points would give
different values of resistivity, so the best way to find the resistivity would
be to use the gradient of a best fit line.
Errors occasionally seen included omitting the unit, calculating from a pair of
values that gave a result outside the accepted range, converting 100 cm to
m incorrectly and getting R and mixed up in the formula.
(b) Candidates again lost marks by not giving answers to the specific situation
described. They often said that the temperature would be affected and
resistance would change without specifying an increase in either. Overall,
half of them got the mark for temperature increase, often saying it gets hot,
and a half of those the second mark.
Some tried to interpret the precaution in terms of personal safety, saying it
might cause a shock or a burn.
(c) The question referred to the table, so precautions needed to be related to
accuracy in the measurement of length, current or potential difference. Only
about a sixth chose a suitable precaution. One of the most frequent
suggestions was repeating the measurement of diameter and calculating the
average, but diameter, radius and cross-sectional area were not variables in
the table. Common accepted precautions were ensuring that the wire was
(b) Close to half got the full four marks, again displaying greater facility with
calculations than explanations, even when they are more embedded in the
Some candidates failed to convert eV to J and some stopped after having
done so. Units were occasionally omitted. A number of candidates completed
the calculations but couldnt make a suitable comparison with visible light
and/or ultraviolet to complete the explanation. Candidates approached the
question in different ways, often starting from the wavelength limits of the
visible spectrum.
(c) The majority defined amplitude satisfactorily, adding sufficient detail to
maximum displacement which is not sufficient alone as it could refer to a
distance travelled in a straight line. Some stated the vertical distance
between a crest and a trough or said things like maximum distance from a
(e) There was a widespread lack of understanding of this part of the question,
although nearly half scored at least one mark. A significant proportion of the
candidates thought that the frequency of the light changed in some way and
that this was related to the frequency of sound produced. Some connected
the pattern with standing waves and described the production of nodes and
antinodes or discussed longitudinal waves. Many other candidates did little
more than repeat the question without much added detail.
Of the candidates who displayed an appreciation of the context, many were
unable to set out the links from the pattern to the current in a sufficient
number of linked steps in a logical order. About a third got two marks for
two links, such as a greater intensity causing the emission of more electrons
and more electrons causing a greater current.