Power System Questionaire

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King Saud University

College of Engineering
Electrical Engineering Dept.

EE449 Power System Protection

Final Exam 2nd Semester 1427-1428
Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Question#1 (20%)
Complete the following sentences.
1- The circuit breaker interrupts the circuit if its .

is energized.

2- The function of zone-3 in a distance relay is ...

3- To overcome the problem of inrush current for differential protection of transformers,
one usually uses
4- The main protection for stator winding of the generator is the
5- In a three- phase distance relay, ground relays are used for . Faults
6- The abbreviation CTS means

7- The abbreviation CCVT means

8- In the differential protection of Y- transformer, the CTs are connected as

9- The coordination process of overcurrent relays in a radial system must start with the
relay in .
10- The standard rating for CT secondary is: American = European =

11- The generator side windings of the step-up transformer in a power plant are usually connected
into DELTA to ..

12- The dependability requirement for a protective relay means that


King Saud University

College of Engineering
Electrical Engineering Dept.

EE449 Power System Protection

Final Exam 2nd Semester 1427-1428
Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Question#2 (20%)
A) Explain the causes of inrush current during energization of power transformer. Discuss its
effect on the differential relay response. Propose methods to overcome this problem.
B) Discuss the sources of errors for the application of differential relays to bus protection.
C) A 50 MVA, 13.8 kV /110 kV Y transformer is protected by a percentage differential relay
with taps.
i. Select CT ratios for primary and secondary sides of the transformer.
ii. Draw the connection diagram of the three-phase differential relay showing the CT
iii. Select suitable relay tap settings.
iv. Select suitable percentage mismatch value.
- Available CT ratios: 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 450, 500, 600, 800, 900, 1000, 1200, 1500, 2000, 2400,
3000, 4000, 5000, 6000:5 A.
- Available relay tap settings: 5:5, 5.5, 6.6, 7.3, 8, 9, and 5:10.

Question#3 (20%)
A) The burden of a 1000:5, 5C300 CT is 10 Ohms. What will be the percentage error of the CT
if the primary current is 9000 A.
B) A three-phase distance protection unit is used to protect a transmission line. This protection
unit is composed of SIX distance relays; 3 relays for phase faults (Rab, Rbc, Rca) and 3 relays
for ground faults (Rag, Rbg, Rcg). Each of the 6 relays is a 3-zone directional impedance
relay with the following settings: Zr1 = 0.3+j3 (Instantaneous), Zr2 = 0.45+j4.5 (0.25
s), Zr3 = 0.8+j8 (0.5 s). The compensation factor for ground relays is m=2.0.
A B-C fault has occurred on the line. The resulting fault currents and voltages seen by the
distance protection unit are: Ia = 0, Ib = -Ic=15.3 A /-175o, Vag = 80 V /0o, Vbg = 74 V /237o,
Vcg = 73 V /123o

Calculate the impedance seen by each of the six relays. Draw the 3-zone characteristics
of the relay and locate the calculated impedances on the characteristics.

ii) What will be the response of each of the six relays (Block / Trip (delay=?)).
iii) Comment on the performance of these distance relays.
Question#4 (20%)
A) A 100 MVA, 13.8 kV, Y-connected synchronous generator is operating at rated voltage at no
load. Its per unit parameters are: X1 = 0.2, X2= 0.15 and X0 = 0.05 pu.
i- Find the ratio of the fault line current for a LG fault to the fault line current for a
symmetrical three-phase fault. Assume that the neutral is solidly grounded and the fault
is occurring at the terminals of the generator.
ii- Calculate the pu reactance to be inserted in the neutral connection (Xn) to limit the fault
line current for a LG fault of part (i) to that of a symmetrical three-phase fault.

B) The motor of fig-2 is supplied from a generator through a step down transformer. A fault
occurs at bus#2. The symmetrical component currents supplied by the motor to the fault are:
I0m = 0, I1m =0.8 j2.6 and I2m = j2; while that supplied by the transformer are: I0t = 0, I1t =
-0.8 j0.4 and I2t = j1 all in per unit.


i- Calculate the symmetrical component currents in the fault, from which identify the
type of fault. Justify your answer.
ii- Find the phase currents supplied by the generator during the fault. Consider the
transformer phase shift.
A) Discuss the use of directional relay in the protection of lines including: its main function,
for which type of networks it should be used? for which type of relay it can be added?
B) The power network shown in Fig-2 is protected using 6 protection units as described in the
table below. The system is subjected to an AG fault at one of its lines. The phase-a currents
flowing during the fault are illustrated in the figure. Assume that the currents at phases b&c
are equal to zero. Study the response of all the relays (phase and ground for all units), then
answer the following questions
i. Specify the relays that will block and that will start its operation.
ii. Specify the relays that will issue a TRIP signal, and determine its time delay. determine the
sequence of breaker opening (e.g, B2 will open after ..s then B1 after..). Assume that
all the used circuit breakers have an interruption time of 5 cycles.
iii. Comment on the performance of the protection sysem.

1 B3

3200 A

2000 A

B5 2





640 A


CT Ratio









Relay Type
Overcurrent (CO8)
Overcurrent (CO8)
Overcurrent (CO8)
Overcurrent (CO8)
Overcurrent (CO8)
Overcurrent (CO8)

Sett. of Phase Relays


Sett. of Ground Relay






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