Consent Form
Consent Form
Consent Form
Risks for the Participants: There is small amount of risk with exposure to radiation but
the amount of radiation generated during a foot x-ray is too small to cause harm.
Compensation: All procedures, transportation fees, food and miscellaneous fees needed
for the study will be provided by the researchers
Confidentiality: The researchers ensure the confidentiality of the participants identity and
records. Details that will be collected from you will only be accessible to the researchers
of the study. Reference numbers rather than your full names will be used in the data
presentation. The participants will be informed of the results of the research study.
If you have any questions or concerns about the research or any related matters, you
may contact Clarice Sinson at 09275790405/ 9263525 or e-mail her at
Thank you very much,
Sincerely yours,
Clarice Sinson
09275790405/ 9263525
Noted by:
Roxanne Fernandez, MSPT, PTRP
Jordan Nava, PTRP
I have read and understood the above information and have been given the
opportunity to consider and ask questions on the information regarding the involvement
in the study. I have spoken directly to the investigators of the study who have answered
to my satisfaction all my questions. I have received a copy of this Participants
Information and Informed Consent Form. I hereby voluntarily agree to participate.
Participants Signature:
Signature of Participant
Signature of Witness
Physicians Signature:
Printed Name of Physician
Signature of Physician
Minor-Participants Assent:
Printed Name of Minor
Signature of Minor
Printed Name of Legal Guardian
Signature of Guardian
Printed Name of Witness
Signature of Witness