Request For Assistance
Request For Assistance
Request For Assistance
Are you currently in business? Month & Year Business Started? What is the legal entity of your business?
Yes Sole Proprietorship Corporation LLC
No (if no, skip to next section) S-Corporation Partnership
Other (specify) ________________________________
Type of Business (choose best category) Professional, Scientific & Technical Services
Mining Manufacturing Real Estate & Rental & Leasing Management of Companies & Enterprises
Utilities Finance & Insurance Health Care & Social Assistance Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting
Information Wholesale Trade Accommodation & Food Services Administrative & Support
Construction Public Administration Arts, Entertainment & Recreation Waste Management & Remediation Services
Retail Trade Educational Services Transportation & Warehousing Other Services (except Public Administration)
What percentage of your business is female owned? ________% Number of Employees For your most recent full business year:
Do you conduct business online? Yes Full Time: Gross Revenues / Sales $______________
Is this a home based business? Yes Part Time: +Profits / -Losses $______________
I request business counseling service from the Small Business Administration (SBA) or an SBA Resource Partner. I agree to cooperate should I be selected to participate in surveys
designed to evaluate SBA services. I permit SBA or its agent the use of my name and address for SBA surveys and information mailings regarding SBA products and services (Yes
No ). I understand that any information disclosed will be held in strict confidence. (SBA will not provide your personal information to commercial entities.) I authorize
SBA to furnish relevant information to the assigned management counselor(s). I further understand that the counselor(s) agrees not to: 1) recommend goods or services from
sources in which he/she has an interest, and 2) accept fees or commissions developing from this counseling relationship. In consideration of the counselor(s) furnishing
management or technical assistance, I waive all claims against SBA personnel, and that of its Resource Partners and host organizations, arising from this assistance.
Jan. 2007
To comply with legislation passed by the Congress and Executive Orders issued by the President, Federal executive agencies, including the Small
Business Administration (SBA) must notify you of certain information. You can find the regulations and policies implementing these laws and
Executive Orders in Title 13, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Chapter 1, or our Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). In order to provide the
required notices, the following is a brief summary of the various laws and Executive Orders that affect SBA’s entrepreneurial development programs.
SBA is collecting the information on this form in order to facilitate business assistance services to its clients and for agency analyses related to the
operation and management of entrepreneurial development programs. Periodically, the SBA may use the information collected on this form to produce
summary reports for program and management analysis as required by law. SBA also intends to use the individual client data to select participants for
follow-up surveys designed to evaluate SBA assistance services.
PLEASE NOTE: The estimated burden for completing this information is 3 minutes. Your responses to the requested information are voluntary
under these programs. You are not required to respond to the questions on this form if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. If
you have questions or comments concerning any aspect of this information, please contact the U.S. Small Business Administration Branch,
Washington, DC, 20416 and/or Desk Officer for the Small Business Administration, Office of Management and Budget, Office of Information
Regulatory Affairs, 725 17th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20503.