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Talk Your Way to Success

Asha Kaul

Response Books

A division of Sage Publications

New Delhi/Thousand Oaks/London

Copyright Asha Kaul, 2005

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or
utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording or by any information storage
or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
First published in 2005 by

Response Books
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Published by Tejeshwar Singh for Response Books, typeset in Souvenir

10.5/13 pts. by Innovative Processors, New Delhi, and printed at
Chaman Enterprises, New Delhi.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Kaul, Asha.
The effective presentation : talk your way to success/Asha Kaul.
p. cm.
1. Business presentations. 2. Visual communication. 3. Oral
communication. I. Title.
HF5718.22.K38 2005
ISBN: 0761934138 (US Pb)

8178295695 (India Pb)

Production Team: Gargi Dasgupta, R.A.M. Brown and

Santosh Rawat

My Mother and Father
Thanks for always being there





List of Tables


List of Figures


List of Exhibits


I. Introduction


II. Planning a Presentation


III. Structuring a Presentation


IV. Creating Visual Aids (VAs)


V. Delivering a Presentation


VI. Situational Presentation






About the Author



The Effective Presentation: Talk Your Way to Success

is a response to the growing needs of the corporate and
academic world to make effective presentations. My
assumption in the book is that the technique for success
lies in the ability to master the art of making effective
presentations. Beginning with this premise I have attempted to provide the reader with elementary and technical know-how of making presentations that will have
long lasting impact. This text is a result of teaching and
training experience at various academic institutes and
business houses. The examples thus are drawn from the
real world and case studies designed specifically for the
purpose of developing and enhancing presentation skills.
The Effective Presentation: Talk Your Way to Success
will help readers understand the importance of sound presentations and help them to prepare and deliver ideas
I have tried to use a conversational and user friendly
style for the text. The Effective Presentation: Talk Your
Way to Success walks the readers through the process

10 The Effective Presentation

of preparing and delivering effective presentations. Methods of conducting research, analysis of audience expectations, organization of ideas, creation of visual aids and
finally the process of presentation are discussed. Designed
for corporates, teachers and students alike the book proceeds with multiple examples that will aid the reader in
self assessment and enhancement of skills.

1. Objectives: Learning objectives at the beginning of
every chapter make the reading easy and focused.
All sections within chapters commence with an
objective which helps the reader to understand the
goal of the section which is linked to the overall
objective of the chapter. Stated learning objectives
at all levels in the book are brief and measurable.
2. Rules: A set of Ten Commandments in each chapter makes it easy for the reader to grasp the concepts at a glance and check for coherence and clarity
in the preparation and presentation stage.
3. Checklists: Each chapter in the book is provided
with a checklist to help readers proceed through
the text at a fast pace.
4. Visuals: Exhibits and tables simplify the learning
process and add to the visual appeal of the text.
5. Summary: Summary highlights and reiterates the
key points discussed in the chapter.


Chapter I: Introduction. Chapter I spells out the need
for the book, the advantages to be gained from a thorough

Preface 11

study of the techniques. Chapter proceeds to detail the

need for making presentations, the benefits accruing from
a successful adoption of techniques. The different types
of presentations, informative and persuasive and their uses
are exemplified. Differences between planned and
unplanned speeches are also detailed.
Chapter II: Planning a Presentation. Chapter II reiterates
the need for structuring ideas and thoughts before
presenting them before a large or small gathering. The
need, the necessity for planning and the process are
meticulously detailed. Minute details are exemplified and
examples are used to gently lead the reader to a final
Chapter III: Structuring a Presentation. Chapter III
maintains emphasis on discussing techniques for structuring a persuasive and informative presentation. Step by
step techniques for improving the quality of presentations
are discussed and strategies presented for making a presentation appealing and captivating.
Chapter IV: Creating Visual Aids (VAs). The uses of visual
aids to improve the quality of presentations are discussed
in this chapter. The choice of visual aids, criteria for
selection design and development which simplify and
clarify the procedure and process are detailed.
Chapter V: Delivering a Presentation: While Chapters
II, III, and IV discuss behind the screen activities, Chapter
V leads the reader front-stage, ready and well-equipped
to talk and present before a gathering. The importance of
good voice articulation and positive body language and
their impact on the audience are discussed. Strategies for
bringing about a change if needed are also discussed in

12 The Effective Presentation

Chapter VI: Situational Presentation: Chapter VI provides certain situations, which can be appropriately used
by the reader to practice. It is a chapter which attempts to
get the reader into the think on your feet mode. Most
of the strategies learned in Chapters IIII and V can be
applied in these situations. I have deliberately left out
Chapter IV as it discusses design of visual aids which in
these impromptu situations is not possible.


My parents, Vimla and Gyan Nath Kaul have always been

a constant moral support to me in all my endeavours.
I am and will always remain indebted to them for their
encouragement. My sincere thanks are also due to my
motherinlaw, Dr Kamal Kumari Kaul for her silent
The book is a product of concerted effort of my Trainee
Academic Associates Esha Patnaik, Mamta Mohanty and
Vaibhavi Kulkarni. A heartfelt thanks to the three of you
without your unstinting support to my untimely demands
the book would never have been written. Thanks to
Professor Hiromitsu Hayashida, Chuo University, Japan
for providing an intellectually stimulating environment.
I would like to extend my gratitude to Chapal Mehra,
Managing Editor, Response Books, who patiently tolerated my multiple extensions for submission of draft. Thank
you, Leela Kirloskar, Consulting Editor, Response Books,

14 The Effective Presentation

for patiently going through the draft and making valuable

and useful suggestions.
Last but not the least, thanks to Harsh, Anand and
Rohini for the entertaining interludes and intermissions,
a must for every author!

List of Tables

Table II.1

Six Helpers


Table II.2

Criteria for Audience Analysis


Table II.3

Structuring Material


Table III.4 Structuring a PresentationInformative

and Persuasive
Table IV.1 Types of Charts and Graphs and
their Uses


Table V.1

Strategies for Controlling Nerves


Table V.2

Tips for Displaying Positive Body



Table V.3

Enhancing Voice Modulations


Table V.4

Tips for Improving Voice Modulations 201

List of Figures

Figure II.1

Logical Structuring of Points


Figure II.2

Sequential Arrangement of Points


Figure III.1

Stages in Content Development


Figure III.2

Logic Tree


Figure III.3

Content Development for Informative


Figure IV.4 Content Development for Persuasive


List of Exhibits

Exhibit 1

Principles of Communication


Exhibit 2

Future Course of Action


Exhibit 3

Presentation Plan


Exhibit 4

Presentation Plan: Background


Exhibit 5

Presentation Plan: The Facts


Exhibit 6

Environment Pollution in the Hospital 137

Exhibit 7

Environment Pollution in the Hospital:

Types & Agents

Exhibit 8

Our Marketing Strategy

Exhibit 9

Reasons for High AttritionEmployee


Exhibit 10

Rainfall v/s Rural Consumer Spending 144

Exhibit 11

Intrastate Break up


Exhibit 12

Statistics for Wards 1, 2, and 3


Exhibit 13

Single Line Graph



20 The Effective Presentation

Exhibit 14

Double Line Graph


Exhibit 15

Bar Chart


Exhibit 16

Stacked Bar Chart


Exhibit 17



Exhibit 18

Pie Chart with a Floating Wedge


Exhibit 19

Flow Chart


Exhibit 20

Organizational Chart


Chapter I


Nothing is so unbelievable that oratory cannot make it

Marcus Tullius Cicero
Roman Statesman
One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine
can do the work of one extraordinary man.
Elbert Hubbard

G Identify the need for a book on presentation skills
G Learn about the benefits of using the book
G Zero in on the appropriate methodology of applica-

tion of concepts
G Learn the need for a presentation
G Identify the different types and forms of presenta-


22 The Effective Presentation

Key Words
Direct reporting
Informative presentations
Large group presentation
Persuasive presentations

Planned presentations
Public speaking
Unplanned presentations
Small group presentations

The single most important aspect of communication

is the ability to speak, to talk and to present convincingly
to the audience. The growing needs of all organizations
and institutions spell the necessity of sharing ideas, thoughts
and concepts. The only method through which this can be
achieved is by communicating and presenting your ideas.
Some questions that come to the mind are: What is
the need or the purpose of making presentations? Why
should we present our ideas?
Simply stated, the purpose and need of making a presentation is to either tune team and group members to
your manner of thinking or, to provide information. The
objective of the presentation then is to get your message
across in a fashion in which it is understood and remembered.
The advantages of making a presentation are many.
This form of communication:

Helps in projection of the presenter

Provides a platform for sharing ideas
Facilitates learning
Aids in building confidence

To make the most of this book and to enhance the much

required skill of making presentations, let us take a close
look at who should be the target audience and what is the
benefit/value add that can be derived from this book.

Introduction 23


Let us look at a few scenarios:
1. Amit is a student who has just completed an interesting project. The teacher asks him to present the
findings of his research to a class of 40 graduate
students. Amit is ready and raring to go! But somewhere in the corner of his heart he is a little concerned and apprehensive. Will he be able to get his
message across? Will the authenticity and the validity of his work come through in his presentation? Will he be able to present the work in a convincing way?
2. Meenakshi has been a teacher for the last five years.
She has sound technical knowledge, has presented
many papers at international conferences, and has
many books to her credit. However, when it comes
to teaching, she is not able to make an impact in
the classroom. Some students feel there is an information overload, others feel that her sessions
are not focused and therefore, boring and monotonous. As a result, a few of the students sleep in her
class, while others play naughts and crosses.
Meenakshi is worried and concerned. How should
she proceed? What will make her presentations to
the students interesting?
3. Vijay is a busy, high-flying executive who has moved
up the ladder of success by sheer dint of hard work
and sleepless nights. His competency level and skill
set is probably the best in the organization. What
more does he need to reach the top position in the
organization? Will ambition and lots of hard work

24 The Effective Presentation

suffice? What is the extra plus he needs to make

him succeed?
Not surprisingly, the answer to all the questions
presented in the three scenarios above is the same
good communication and still better communicationthe guru mantra for success.
You may wonder why communication skills are so important? How will these help you to achieve that much coveted position in the academia or the organization? The
answer is not hard to findhoning communication skills
will help in better understanding your audience, and formulating a message that they can easily relate to.
To further elaborate, all tasks are almost always completed in teams. It is rare that you are the only student/
member working on a project. Interaction, exchange between and among team members is common. Achieving
success in these interactions is the job of the communicator who must possess the capability to convince and persuade the audience, provide information on issues related
to the topic at hand and listen accurately and astutely to
the comments of the group members.
Time constraints, peer pressures, differences in opinion, and politics at work collectively bog you down. The
resultsham presentations and meetings, with members
either not willing to contribute or ready to pick up the
Let us try and change the scenario. Despite time and
peer pressures, you have made an attempt to understand
the various opinions of the audience, acknowledged their
attempts and tried to amalgamate the viewpoints and
present a noveau picture. The resultgreater participation, more ideas, higher interest and better solutions.

Introduction 25

How did you manage this change in situation? By

your abilities as an ace communicator! An important part
of communication is the ability to understand the needs/
expectations of the audience in the group, listen to their
ideas, weave them in self generated concepts and
Talking or presenting successfully is one sure way of
scaling great heights. The secrets are not many nor are
they hard to acquire. A scientific and objective understanding of the skill helps in acquiring, polishing and honing
already existing capabilities.


This book is a repertoire of all the techniques and strategies essential for making a presentation. All of us at some
time or the other have been asked to make presentations.
Some have been hailed as successful and great presenters, while others have not been so successful. Let us for a
moment introspect and truthfully answer the questions:
Was I successful?
If yes, do I want to improve still further or am I content with my success?
If no, what can I do to be successful in future presentations?
Additionally, let us ask ourselves some more questions:
Can I rise to great heights by acquiring/honing presentation skills?
Can I teach these skills to my subordinates/students?
Can making presentations be taught or learned?
If your answer to any one of these questions or for all
of them is yes, this book is a must read.

26 The Effective Presentation

The book deals with almost all the known strategies

for making impressive and convincing presentations. The
essentials for any presentation, be it to a small or large
group, be it to members in the organization or the
academia, are listed and illustrated in a succinct manner.
Voice articulation, body language, design of content
and visuals are all explained and illustrations provided
wherever necessary. Explanations and illustrations together
with the listed points will aid readers to:

Assess their own capabilities

Analyse strategies used
Apply concepts; and
Witness the result


This book is written on the simple principles of application. It proceeds by providing illustrations and examples,
analysis, solutions and suggestions. The solutions provided
are not final or ultimate. They are guidelines which will
help every presenter take stock of self-presentation capabilities, proceed and develop in a direction most suited to
the occasion and the situation.
Let me exemplify with the help of an illustration
One of the strategies for use of body language, referred to in the book, cautions the presenter on excessive
movements and use of hands. However, you would have
noticed some very successful presenters sit on the table,
roll up their sleeves and talk casually to the audience, creating a mind-boggling effect. These presenters, you can
question, have violated all principles of body language and

Introduction 27

are still good, even excellent. Why then must principles

and norms for making presentations be studied?
Are these principles relevant? What is their merit in
the current corporate/academic/other scenarios?
The relevance and applicability of these principles
becomes evident when you begin a candid assessment of
yourself. Have you been able to acquire a style of
presentation for which you are recognized, acknowledged
and appreciated? Even if you have, some basic, guiding
principles are needed which will help you develop a style
which is typically representative of you. And if you havent,
the reasons for adhering to principles and norms are self
Additionally, in each presenter there are strengths and
areas for improvement. This book attempts to help you
strengthen skills you possess and focus on areas for
improvement. Checklists at the end of each chapter encapsulate the learning and aid in quick application of the
concepts. Case studies, where necessary, are provided and
worked on. They can be used as a starting point from
which you can build and move confidently in your area of
expertise and domain knowledge.
In other words, while domain knowledge is essential,
competency to deliver this knowledge is equally important. This book helps you in translating your thoughts and
concepts in a fashion which will be accepted and highly
appreciated by the audience.
So far we have been discussing the relevance of presentations and their high import value. But


Presentations are ideas, concepts or issues that are talked
about or shared with a group of people or an audience. It

28 The Effective Presentation

is immaterial whether the group size is small or large.

What is important is that the presenter is convincing and
is able to capture and hold the attention of the audience.
Presentations are developed with the explicit purpose
of conveying a message to an audience. The mode can be
formal or informal, the audience internal or external, and
the medium dependent on the availability of the equipment or devices at the venue.
There has been considerable debate in the academia
on the use/abuse of equipments as visual aids for presentations. One school of thought believes that these modern
techniques negate the position and role of the presenter,
whereas the other school is of the firm opinion that a
presentation is enhanced with visual aids.
More important than following any school blindly, is
your convictionwhat will help you improve the quality of
your presentation? You may decide to follow the dictates
of one school for a particular style of presentation and the
rules of another school for a different set of presentations.
The guiding criterion in both must always be the same: to
achieve thumping success!!


With the advent of technology, the first question that comes
to mind is why make presentations at all? Everything that
you need to communicate can be easily transmitted through
emails or communicated via the telephone or tele- or video
Emails, while a good substitute for written communication, i.e., letters, can never replace oral communication.
For instance, the contact with the presenter, the exchange
of ideas in the course of the interaction, the immediate

Introduction 29

response, and instant clarifications are not possible through

an email. Nor can telephonic talks replace presentations
as the exchange is always one-to-one and the advantages
of contact with the presenter are missing.
It is a fact that tele- and video conferences are gradually replacing traditional modes of presentations in which
the speaker stands on the stage or a podium in front of
the audience and delivers the speech. Between the two,
video conferences are a more apt description of what presentations must entail. But as the name of this medium of
communication suggests, it is a mode of discussion, of a
conference, and hence, does not fall within the purview
of a presentation. You may be asked to make a presentation to global clients using the medium of video
conferencing. As the audience is able to view and hear
the presenter, the techniques used in traditional methods
of making presentations will also be applicable in this case.
In tele-conferences there is no direct contact with the
presenter. You can only hear but not see the presenter.
This medium is well suited for discussions, interviews and
brief chats but definitely not presentations. An interesting
example has been cited by many executives. Occasionally, the communicator gets long-winded and boring and
the audience is not in a position to disconnect because of
hierarchical constraints. So, they put the equipment on
the mute mode and continue with their work! Advantage:
kill two birds with one stone.
With the increase of interdisciplinary and cross-functional work and coordination between groups and teams,
the necessity of making presentations to a diverse group
of people is the call/need of the hour. One has to repeatedly drive home a viewpoint for other people to appreciate/acknowledge/comment on the existing structure and

30 The Effective Presentation

nature of work. The best bet is to make an oral presentation to a group where the multiplicity of ideas generated
by a diverse group enriches the conceptual development.
The more presentations you make, the higher is the
contact and the greater are the chances of collaboration,
networking, sharing of ideas and views.


At the time of planning/structuring or making a presentation, there is only one concern in the mind of the presenter: THE PRESENTATION SHOULD BE A SUCCESS!
When all strive towards achieving success how then does
it happen that some presentations are successful/or good
and some unsuccessful/or bad? What are the defining
parameters? Who decides on the success or failure of the
All presentations are geared towards the audience. If
the audience is able to sense value in the presentation, full
credit is given but if it is unable to identify any merit in the
talk, the presenter and structure of the presentation is
Merely loading the audience with content does not
lead to success in the presentation. The content has to be
structured and formulated according to the needs, the expectations and the educational level of the audience. For
example, a presentation to students on gender diversity is
going to be very different from one made to corporate
The same presentation cannot be used at both places.
While the basic content remains the same, there will be
variations in terms of examples, structuring of content,

Introduction 31

voice modulations, etc. With a change in audience the

presentation will also undergo a change. What may be
considered good by one group may not necessarily be
considered good by another group with an almost similar
profile. The confidence in the presenter, the belief in the
self and the topic can be additional factors that lead to the
success or failure of the presentation.
A good presentation then, is one in which the content
and its design appeals to the audience; a bad presentation, one in which the content is not in tune with the
expectations and needs of the audience.


Many people associate presentations with public speaking
and often use them as synonyms. To speak of the two in
the same breath is to a certain extent acceptable but to
use the two sciences/skills synonymously is fallacious.
Public speaking and presentations both require oratory skills. The semblance between them ends at this point.
Let us raise a few queries and analyse these two forms of
Have you ever heard a national or an international
political leader make a speech? Do you remember participating in a debate in school or college, or listening to one
in which there was a fiery exchange of ideas with issues
and concepts being volleyed back and forth? Contrast it
with a presentation in either the corporate world or the
academia. Can a presentation made by an HR manager,
for example, to the finance department of the organization, be used to address a large gathering of say, 50 people?
Or a public speech made by a political leader be used in

32 The Effective Presentation

the corporate setting? Can you identify similarities or dissimilarities between the two?
Yes and no! The similarities begin and end at the level
of the passion and the energy deployed in both situations.
But nothing beyond that! Definitely not the words, nor
the gesticulation! Major reason for the dissimilarities lies
in the objective of the two forms of orations. In a public
speech, the appeal is more to the heart than to the intellect and in a presentation, the plea is to the intellect.
Let us take an example in which the political leader is
making a speech to the audience before the elections.
There are probably thousands of people in the gathering
waiting to hear the speech. The leader must deliver the
presentation in such a way that it has mass appeal and
can be understood by all and sundry. If the leader merely
adheres to the presentation of a report on the achievements of the party, chances are high that the masses will
not be able to comprehend his message and the election
will be lost.
The presenter must cater to the different interest
groups in the audience. For instance, out of the multiple
interest groups, one group may be impressed by the personal achievements of the leader or those of the party,
another by the speech intonations, the third by the emotional appeal and a fourth by the stories and anecdotes
the masala in the speech. Now begins the Herculean
task of amalgamating all the expectations and incorporating them in the speech and if success is to be achieved,
well then, all the above mentioned expectations and many
more need to be addressed.
Imagine using a similar strategy, for instance, in the
organization for a presentation! When a presentation is
made, the needs (intellectual) of the audience are kept in
mind. There are not many variations in the audience

Introduction 33

expectations. Needs are simple but highly focused and

revolve round information on tasks or methodologies of
task/project completion. Ergo, the objective of the presentation zeros is on designing content with a focus on
intellectual appeal.
In a presentation, the audience is always knit together
by one common thread, be it department, organization,
expectations, needs. This helps the presenter address a
large group (20 or 25) in a focused manner. This is not
the case with public speaking, where the group does not
face the presenter as a single unit but as different components of an element each orbiting their own path.
Recently, a current belief has developed in the
academia that to get the audience to listen to your content, first you have to arouse their emotions. They have
to feel before they can listen and absorb. This methodology strongly advocates emotional appeal as the first step
to intellectual affirmation/acceptance of the content. Our
contention is not with the story-telling process but with
the strategy of rousing the audience to a state from where
there is no return. Sounds too strong? But thats how it is
meant to be.

Presentations can be planned as well as unplanned. The
first category includes all those presentations of which you
have prior knowledge and have had time to do research
and conceptualize ideas.
In the unplanned category are the impromptu or extempore presentations. The two words are synonyms and
can be used interchangeably. Under this category fall all
those presentations in which you are summoned without

34 The Effective Presentation

advance notice and you need to talk on any issue on the

spur of the moment.
If you are lucky, 1015 minutes may be given to plan,
structure and give a sequence to the ideas to be presented.
But you cant always be lucky. You may be sitting in a
large or a small group and suddenly out of the blue, without any warning, you are summoned to make additional
contributions. For instance,
Ravi is the expert in computer networking. Ravi, we
would like you to share your expertise with us.
Vijay has done considerable research in the area of
handling diversity in the organization. Vijay, can you
please share some of your findings with our students?
You cannot refuse and there is almost no time to sit,
reflect and structure ideas. Capitalize on thought speed.
Utilize the time you take to reach from your chair to centre-stage to quickly strategize and chalk out the course of
the impromptu speech.
Additionally, always have a couple of well-rehearsed
humorous stories or anecdotes and quotes up your sleeve.
They could be real, taken from some book or a joke at
your own expense. Whichever story or anecdote you
choose must be neutral, that is, without any religious, political or sexual connotations. The anecdote does not need
to be terribly funny, but must contain light humour, sufficient to bring a smile to the audiences faces. For instance,
The last time I was asked to speak, there was a power
failure and we had to pack up and leave.

Introduction 35

We have not had dinner. Hands up all those who

still want me to continue.
Please remember the same jokes or statements cannot be
used for different audiences. Imagine you have been summoned by the head of the R&D department in a presentation to the Board of Directors to talk about the state of
research on a new cancer drug. You try the same communication with them as stated above. Believe me, no hands
will go up and you will be generously treated with stony
glares! Think of a different way to pick up the threads
from where the R&D head left off.
If you have reached a certain position in life or the
organization, you must be mentally tuned that you may
be asked at any time to come up to the stage and speak.
You have been working there for many years, so you will
be familiar with the workings of your division or department. If you have been called to do this unplanned presentation, it is primarily because of your status and position in life or the organization.
The problem before you in these unplanned presentations is how to make them interesting. Read stories of
achievers and leaders like, Krishna, Gandhi, Vivekanand,
Ioccaca, Martin Luther, Napolean, Hitler. Anecdotes from
their lives, and their perspectives can be used to begin
almost any presentation. Let us assume that you have
been called to make a brief presentation on a new project
in the IT area and to motivate the team to perform to the
hilt. You can, if you like, begin in this manner:
How many of you have read the Gita? The opening
dialogues between Krishna and Arjuna? Arjuna does
not want to wage war against his cousins. It is Krishna
who guides him and forces him to be goal oriented.

36 The Effective Presentation

Similarly, there is a goal before us and we must not

get distracted. Our deadline for completion of this
project is . . .
The same story can also be used in a call for action. For
instance, you have been called to talk to the disillusioned
workers, who have not got their bonus.
How many of you have read the Gita? The opening
dialogues between Krishna and Arjuna? Arjuna does
not want to wage war against his cousins. It is Krishna
who guides Arjuna and tells him to DO his duty and
not bother about the results. Rewards from the effort WILL follow. Today you are disillusioned and
not willing to work. If you have belief in me and
faith in what I say, continue with your duty and do
not bother about the rewards or the fruits. Your work
will not go unnoticed. . .
You will notice that in both these instances, the story is
the same. With a change in objective you have brought
about a twist in the story. The point that I am trying to
make is that if you are well versed with a few stories, you
can always bring about the desired change so that it gels
with the objective of the presentation.
Planning for unplanned presentations can begin at
any stage, even now. Think of a situation. Give yourself
30 seconds to think and then begin speaking. The more
you practice, the better honed will be your skills at attempting unplanned presentations. Some examples of situations can be as follows:
After having taken leave on grounds of ill-health,
you are caught by your superior at a party. He is
furious. Pacify him.

Introduction 37

Your boss has prepared a report and you have detected certain errors. Point out the flaws in the report.
In a meeting a senior client asks for freewheeling
of ideas. When you come up with bizarre ideas he
makes fun of you in front of everyone. You are positively embarrassed and want to retort. How would
you tackle a situation of this sort?
While making a presentation you see that the attention of the participants is wandering. What strategies do you adopt to solicit their attention?
You have an important issue to be discussed with
your boss. He gives you time and when you start
speaking you realize that he is preoccupied. Explain
your point. Get the boss interested.
You have spent eight constructive hours on writing a report. Your boss chucks it aside saying it is
useless. Discuss the issue.
The chairman of your organization sends for you
seeking some information about the client. You are
unaware of the minute details. You cannot reveal
your ignorance as it would affect your promotion.
Cover up the situation.
The more bizarre the situation, the better it is. Train yourself to think and talk in all sorts of situations (for more
examples see Chapter VI). The logical ones then are easy
to tackle.

There are multiple types of planned presentations including informative, persuasive, direct reporting, and face-to-

38 The Effective Presentation

face or one-to-one presentations. They are explained


Informative and Persuasive Presentations

An informative presentation is one in which details and
facts are provided and a persuasive attempt is made to
influence the audience to a similar pattern of thinking.
Informative presentations educate or inform the audience.
Persuasive presentations allow you to sell an idea or make
a sales pitch to the audience. Both presentations are different in terms of objective, design, and structure. The
difference in objective guides the design and structure of
the presentation. For example:
Your pharmaceutical company has developed a new
drug. As part of the research team, you have to make
a presentation to the inspection team on the formula
and characteristics of the drug. This is an informative
presentation. When you have to make a presentation
to doctors of the district to persuade them to
prescribe the medicine, it becomes a persuasive
An informative presentation is fairly simple to plan and
execute. Collate and compile the data, give it a structure
and presto, it is ready to be delivered. In comparison,
persuasive presentations are complex and need research,
planning and structuring.
Persuasive presentations are a plea to the audience
to change their pattern of thinking, and focus on the new
manner of approach. Trying to figure out what will help
the audience overcome its objections is the first step in
the process of planning a persuasive presentation. It is

Introduction 39

not as easy as it sounds. The audience will have a fixed

notion of what they want to know and what they know.
When the audience listens to a presentation, the first
thought in its mind is to decipher: what is the benefit to
be derived from this presentation? In other words, whats
in it for them (WIIFT)? You will have to patiently and emphatically spell it out and then reason with thempresent
the market situation, the competitors share, the scarce
opportunitiesall will need to be stressed. In other words,
apply any and every technique to cajole the audience to
listen to the presentation.
Spelling out benefit statements is another strategy for
making the audience sense the merit in the presentation.
In a corporate presentation, issues that attract the attention of the audience revolve round actual, hidden, opportunity and estimated costs, risks, opinions of market leaders and competitors and the factor of time and deadlines.
If you can deal with any or all of these, your presentation
will be a success.
Finally, your authority or expertise in the area will make
the audience focus on the content of the presentation.

Direct Reporting
Presentations can also be in the form of direct reporting
to the superior, which is a one-to-one or face-to-face communication. Let us consider a few examples: Your immediate superior has recently joined the organization and
would like you to prepare a report on the existing HR
policies. Or, you have been working on the competency
model for the company and the HR head wants you to
present a direct report. Or, your HR head may summon
you to his cabin requesting you to bring all papers pertaining to the employee appraisal system.

40 The Effective Presentation

Let us consider another scenario. You have recently

organized a mega-fair for your institute and need to make
a presentation on the financials to the director or dean.
In all these situations, the presentation will be made to
only one person seated in front of you. The strategies
adopted in this case are different and intense, where you
cannot take recluse to slides. It is more in the nature of a
face-to-face talk with minimum frills. Accuracy and completeness of data, and clarity of thought are important.
While in other presentations, it is the responsibility of the
presenter to figure out the needs/expectations of the audience, in this case, the presenter is specifically told about
the expectations. Hence, there can be no deviations
from the stipulated path. It is advisable to check, recheck
the points and the sequential arrangement for maximum

Small Group and Large Group

All these different types of presentations can be made to
large or small groups. Large groups can comprise 20 or
25 members and small groups can be as small as three or
five members. While preparation for larger groups is
tougher, because you need to research more on the audience, the presentation process is easier than for a small
There are many contradictory parameters to be considered while preparing for both large and small groups.
More variety in the style and nature of presentation is required in a large group. You have to keep all the members
awake, asking for more while listening. However, it is simple
as your attention is diverted by and to a number of people.

Introduction 41

The same cannot be said of a small group presentation which is high in intensity. There are fewer people to
divert your attention to and the focus of the audience
members is constantly on you. Questions and interaction
are limited. Content has to be dense, of course in line with
the expectations of the audience members. You have to
be extremely alert and sharp to the responses of the audience. There are fewer interjections and lesser interaction.
Even if you decide to make the presentation interactive, it
is finally driven by your zeal and enthusiasm.
This is not to say that small group presentations are to
be shunned. They are definitely a challenge which you can
easily overcome by following all the techniques discussed
in this book.

1. Presentations are ideas, concepts or issues that are
talked about or spoken to a group of people or an
2. Understand the needs and expectations of the
audience, listen to their ideas and weave them in
self-generated concepts and talk/present.
3. Measure the success of the presentation by the identification of merit in the talk by the audience.
4. Public speaking and presentations both require oratory skills. The semblance between them ends at
this point.
5. Unplanned presentations are the impromptu or
extempore presentations.
6. Planned presentations are those in which you have
prior knowledge and have had time to do research
and conceptualize ideas.

42 The Effective Presentation

7. Informative presentation is one in which facts are

8. Persuasive presentation is an attempt to influence
the audience to a similar pattern of thinking.

Chapter II

Planning a Presentation

A good plan is like a road map: it shows the final destination

and usually the best way to get there.
H. Stanely Judd
If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, Id spend six sharpening my axe.
Abraham Lincoln


Identify factors essential for planning

Determine the needs of the audience
Develop material suited to audience requirement
Structure and develop the content logically and

Key Words
Audience analysis
Audience expectations

Open-ended questions

44 The Effective Presentation

Closed questions
Cue cards
Logic tree
Logical arrangement
Material, Audience, Self

Rhetorical questions
Sequential arrangement

I have a presentation to make.
Have you planned for the presentation?
Where is the need? I have been working in this department for the last five years and I know the functioning of the department inside out. I can speak. I know
what I am supposed to say.
Confidence, bordering on over confidence, is the death
knell for presenters and presentations of all sorts. Preparation/planning for the big show is the first step on the
ladder to success. Back it up with a positive approach,
and the targets will become achievable.
The preliminaries involved in the process of making a
presentation revolve around the not too interesting round
of PLANNING. View this process or exercise as a game
a game of exercising control over MASthe Material,
the Audience and the Self. Adherence to the principles
and practices of MAS will help in planning, structuring,
and designing of content and visual aids; preparation of
handouts; and analysis of audience.
The first commandment for planning a presentation
Develop a positive attitude to presentations.

Planning a Presentation 45

Before the concept of MAS can actually be internalized, a question automatically springs to mind: History is
replete with examples of powerful leaders who were also
superb orators and presenters. Did they also exercise control over the MAS? Names like Napolean and Hitler come
to mind when we think of gifted orators, who had the
ability to address a large crowd, without the slightest hesitation or nervousness. Unfortunately, leaders of a similar
calibre are few. While it is easy to follow them, it is difficult to emulate their qualities. Acquiring or learning the
same skills is tough and requires intensive training which
will set the trainee apart from the rest of the crowd. The
first step in the learning process is to exercise control.
Domain knowledge and subject expertise are an advantage but the game of presentation does not end at this
point. Knowledge of the subject and the content are important but equally important is the control over the self
and the audience. A scientific approach to planning is the
best possible strategy. There is no research to corroborate the fact, but roughly speaking, adhering to scientific
techniques of planning upgrades the quality of the presentation, enhances confidence and brings success 80 per
cent of the time.
Let us draw an analogy to understand the need for
planning. Why did the Titanic sink? Many reasons have
been attributed for the tragedy. One of them was the inability to gauge the magnitude of the iceberg against which
the Titanic collided, as only one-tenth of an iceberg is
visible on the surface, a grim fact which was overlooked.
A presentation is like an iceberg. In other words, the
delivery is only a tiny part. The major chunk of the
presentation, visible only to a sensitive audience, is the
time and effort spent in planning and preparing the

46 The Effective Presentation

The second commandment for planning a presentationPreparing, thoroughly for the success of the
presentation is contingent on the enormous amount
of preparation that precedes it.
To create and deliver a successful presentation, you
can and must take the support of the six helpers commonly referred to as the five Ws and the one H.

Six Helpers
The prime objective here is to identify the factors that
help in effective planning, designing, and delivering of a
Simple though it sounds, a presentation involves lots
of research, thought and structure. Beginning on the
premise that the six helpers (i.e., the five Ws and one H)
promote and enhance the quality of the presentation, we
need to build further on this proposition for better comprehension and satisfactory results.
The six helpers are interlinked and cannot be compartmentalized into separate categories. There are overlaps which make them interdependent and the presenter
independent enough to prepare, deliver and win acclaim.
The six helpers/factors are listed in Table II.1:
Table II.1: Six Helpers

What Does it Mean?


Who is your audience?

What do you want to present (content)?
Why do you want to present (purpose)?
Where do you want to present (place)?
When do you want to present (time)?
How do you want to present (words used or
avoided, slides used or avoided)?

Planning a Presentation 47

Who refers to the target audience for whom the presentation is prepared. Knowledge about the audience, including their needs, expectations, likes and dislikes, helps in
structuring the presentation in an effective manner. Answers to the following questions will help in developing a
presentation ideally suited to the needs of your audience.
Ask yourself the following questions:
Who is my audience?
What does the audience already know?
What does the audience need to know?
What is the experience of the audience?
What are their needs, expectations from this
How will the audience benefit from this presentation?
Let us begin by answering these questions. The audience is the top management of the firm. All members in
the audience have a minimum of seven years of work
experience in the same organization and they are familiar
with the vision, mission, the basic policies and principles
governing the firm. If you are a member of the marketing
team and need to make a presentation to the top management, their needs and expectations would centre round
the financial implications of the marketing strategies that
you present. They will only be hooked on to the presentation when they sense that they are able to derive benefit
from it.
With a change in the audience profile, the structure
of the presentation also undergoes a change. If you are a
member of the marketing team and a presentation has to
be structured for the general manager and the marketing
department team members, your focus will be on the

48 The Effective Presentation

implementation of the marketing strategies for the launch

of a product.
Warning! A change in the profile of the audience necessitates a change in the structure
of the presentation.
You are an assistant product manager in a pharmaceutical company, working in the corporate office with
branches across 15 cities. The corporate office has asked
you to prepare a presentation on one of the newly
launched drugs in cardiovascular segments, its benefits
and its effectiveness vis--vis other drugs already present
in the market.
You have learned that the audience comprises senior managers from the sales division of the 15 branch
offices. Their needs, on further analysis, reveal that their
primary concern will revolve around convincing doctors that they should prescribe the drug, though it is
more expensive than the one launched by the competitor six months ago. The reason for a higher price is
better results and less side effects than the drugs already prevalent in the market.
Since they are sales managers, you must present the
information relevant to them, by providing the right
balance between technical information about the effectiveness of the drug, as well as the points which will
help them convince the doctors to switch to this newly
launched drug.

The third commandment for planning a presentation

Assess the audience profile, their needs, expectations,
likes and dislikes at the time of planning a presentation.

Planning a Presentation 49

What or the content of the presentation should be the
second concern addressed by the presenter. A specific
content list should be chalked out by both the audience
and the presenter. Ideally, the members of the audience
must inform the presenter of their expectations from the
presentation. In instances when this information is not
available the presenter has a double task ahead:

To gauge/find out the needs of the audience

To structure the content keeping the needs of the
audience in mind

Let us begin by taking a look at the second point first. Jot

down on a piece of paper the answers to the following
What do you want to tell your audience?
What is your objective?
A well-thought out one-liner is a response to all these
queries. For instance, your objective can be to inform the
audience of your impressive contribution in enhancing the
growth in sales and indicate awareness of its financial implications. Another strategy for ascertaining accuracy in
defining the what to tell is reflection and an attempt to
seek an answer to your own expectations from the presentation.
You are working as a teacher in one of the reputed
schools in the neighbourhood and your target audience
is the local group of principals. You have introduced a
new course which has caused ripples in the academic
world. Your purpose of communicating with the

50 The Effective Presentation

principals of schools is to give them details of the new
module. Your purpose is to inform and convince them
to introduce the course in their respective schools.
The presentation, to be a value add, has to be a combination of information and persuasioninformation
on the course and persuasion that the course be introduced for the benefit and growth of the students.

The fourth commandment for planning a presentationWork on the purpose, the objective of making
a presentation.
In case you do not have sufficient information on the needs
of the audience, a study of their profile will help you in
understanding what can be their expectations from the
In the above example, information that principals of
schools will attend the presentation, is sufficient for you
to gauge that their focus/interest will be double pronged:
a content presentation leading to implementation of
Just a Minute! Have you worked on the objective of the presentation?

While the what to tell in a presentation can be outlined
in a single sentence, the purpose or Why of the presentation requires much thought. The individual/collective
motive of the presenter is an answer to the following

Why am I making this presentation?

Planning a Presentation 51

What is the purpose of making the presentation?

Is the purpose to educate, inform, convince or train?

With a change in the purpose there is also a change in

the structure of the presentation. For instance, in an educative presentation multiple perspectives are provided; in
an informative one, statements, facts and figures are detailed; in a persuasive presentation, the attempt is to make
a sales pitch or to sell the product by highlighting the
merits and benefits; and finally in a presentation meant
essentially for the purpose of training, the content is structured so as to solicit interaction and participation from
the participants.
The members of the audience can and should inform
the presenter of the necessity for making a presentation.
Clarity in the initial phases of preparation/planning the
purpose makes structuring simpler.
The fifth commandment for planning a presentation
Seek an answer to the question why. It will bring
clarity in the content design and make the presentation credible.
A presentation is to be made to the company staff on
computerization being undertaken in all the regional
Purpose: To demonstrate how computerization will
enable them to work faster and more efficiently.

The venue where the presentation is to be made is equally
important. Care must be exercised specifically with respect
to the following two issues:

52 The Effective Presentation


The seating arrangement, and

The lighting arrangement

Where you make a presentation is a major concern to be

addressed in advance by the presenter. The room must be
well-lit so that the audience can see you clearly. All wires
and chords must be safely taped to the floor. You must
arrive at the venue much in advance. Test your slides, go
to the back of the room and see if the screen and the
content on the screen is clearly visible. If there is too much
light and you feel that the audience will have to crane its
neck to catch a glimpse of the written content, the impact
of the presentation will be lost.
The seating arrangement must also be organized so
that there is enough elbow space for the participants. The
best seating arrangement for easy viewing is a gently sloping
U-shape. The U-shape allows both the presenter and the
audience to observe one another and establish eye contact.
If the audience is one customer, then the presentation
can be informal, face-to-face in which you present the
product to the customer. However, the case is different
when the presentation is organized for a group of customers. You are making a sales pitch and your attempt
is to reach out to all the customers. A U-shaped seating
arrangement will be useful in establishing eye contact
with all members of the audience. Additionally, you
also get an opportunity to move in the centre aisle and
narrow the distance between yourself and the audience.

The sixth commandment for planning a presentation

Arrive at the venue well in advance and make necessary and suitable changes.

Planning a Presentation 53

The time, or when are you making a presentation is an
additional dimension to be considered at the planning stage.
The three components that are essential to understand
the when factor are:

The market condition

The analysis of the situation
The time when the presentation is to be delivered

Ask yourself the following questions:


When will the presentation be made?

Has there been a recent fluctuation in the market?
Is the analysis accurate, current and to the point at
the time of the presentation?
Warning! Do not make a presentation when
the time is not ripe.

Often a presentation goes awry for the simple reason

that it is delivered at the wrong time or the audience is not
in the right mood. If the mood of the audience members
can be gauged at the time of the presentation many an
unhappy situation can be saved. For instance, a Friday
evening, when all employees are in a weekend mood, is
not a very appropriate time for making a sales pitch!
Several cola drinks have been introduced in the market in the last six months. Your company would also
like to introduce another cola drink.
This is ideally not the appropriate time to launch
the product. In case your company still decides that it

54 The Effective Presentation

would like to go ahead with the idea, then the product
marketing strategy has to be intense.
Differences between your drink and those already
available in the market have to be spelled out clearly.
Additionally, benefits from your drink also need to be
highlighted for capturing the market.

The seventh commandment for planning a presentationAssess the time when the presentation is to be

Recently there has been much controversy over the use
of PowerPoint. The issue under discussion is the role
donned by the presenter. What is the role of the presenter
in the course of the presentation? A facilitator, a technician or a lecturer? If the presenter decides to facilitate the
discussion then, merely putting thought-provoking statements across to the audience is required. In the role of a
technician, the presenter merely operates the multimedia
presentation and lets the audience decide for itself the
true import of the message. As a lecturer, the presenter
stands behind the podium and delivers the well-prepared
speech. Which role then is most suitable in meeting the
requirements of how a presentation has to be made?
Preferably a combination of all three!
Decide on the tools and the techniques to be used in
the presentation and ask the following additional questions:
q Will the presentation be technical or non-techni-

q Will the presentation be formal or informal?

Planning a Presentation 55
q What strategies will impress the audience?
q What should be presented and how?

There is an interesting anecdote about an organization

which asked a consulting company to send their ace presenter to speak on presentation skills to a group of advertising executives. The consulting company was explicitly
informed that the presentation was to be more in the
nature of an informal chat. However this point was missed
by the company and the consultant came immaculately
dressed and prepared with a PowerPoint presentation.
The presentation was a miserable failure. The purpose of
the presentation was defeated. The how did not match
with the requirements of the company.
Note: Select the mode and the medium of
presentation subsequent to an analysis of the
The how to make a presentation can also be
accurately assessed by
gaining information on
the audience profile. With
a change in the profile
there also comes about a
change in the how of the

In the right key one can

say anything. In the
wrong key nothing: The
only delicate part is the
establishment of the key.
George Bernard Shaw

As a production manager on the quality control practices in a manufacturing unit you can use technical
terms if the presentation is to be made to the production supervisor. However, if a similar kind of a presentation is to be made to a media delegation, you must

56 The Effective Presentation

use general terms which are easily understood by the
media representatives.

The eighth commandment for planning a presentation

Work extensively on the suitable methodology for
planning and structuring a presentation.
Work based on the profile of the audience can only
happen if there has been a proper and thorough audience

Analysing Your Audience

The objective here is to identify the needs of the audience.
The target audience can be of two types: familiar and
unfamiliar. In the first instance, you can easily find out
about the needs of the audience. Where the audience is
unfamiliar, it is difficult to structure a presentation which
will have both content and appeal. For instance, you may
not know what puts them off or what gets them ticking.
Do they have a good sense of humour? Will a joke lighten
up their mood in the middle of a serious discussion, or
will it put them off? What are they really looking for in
this presentation? Are they a conservative audience or
would they like a more innovative proposal? At times, the
answer to these questions can hold the key to persuading
the audience.
Spend some extra time to find out necessary details of
the audience. Get in touch with people in the organization where the presentation is to be made, and discuss
their requirements so that you can prepare a tailor-made
presentation. Remember, it is not just logic which works.
Personal likes and dislikes can also sway a persons mind

Planning a Presentation 57

one way or the other. The talk and discussion need not be
formal. Gather all your resources to conduct a systematic
and scientific audience analysis.
To be able to understand the concept better, let us
take a look at the following example:
You are the manager in a product development division. You have recently realized that your team needs
some more time to work on the music system which
your company is set to launch soon. A little more time
will help you come out with a music system that will
consume less electricity than those already in the market. Your audience is the senior management of the
marketing and finance division.
If you begin your presentation with the technical details which have resulted in this problem, you will lose
the audience even before you have persuaded them to
give your team more time. Instead, you must discuss
how additional time will help you reduce the electricity

Some steps in the research on audience analysis are:

1. Talk to the concerned person directly and find out
the profile and requirements of the members of the
2. Find out the names of the people who would be
part of the group and then through a company directory get their designation and job profile.
3. Discuss with the concerned people their needs for
the presentation, if any.
4. Get as much information on the company as
possible so that it helps you in making the content
specific and market driven.

58 The Effective Presentation

5. Figure out the benefits to the individuals and the

organization that will accrue, post-presentation (see
Table II.2).
Just a Minute! Have you collected enough
information about what the audience is
looking for?
Table II.2: Criteria for Audience Analysis


Level of interest

What is the level of interest of the


Level of information/

What is the information the audience

possesses? What is the information
it needs? What does it know?

Types of questions

What are the types of questions it can


Level of Interest
Try to decipher the anticipated response pattern of the
audience. Will the topic of presentation interest the audience members? For instance, if it is a sales pitch, are the
clients interested in the low cost? Or are they more worried about the quality of the product. There is no point in
talking about a budget to a client who is ready to pay
more for quality or exclusivity. The topic of presentation
has to be structured in such a manner that it elicits the
best possible response from the audience in terms of interest.
To be able to develop interest in the presentation, try
to come up with a specific rather than a general topic. A
specific topic which addresses issues directly rather than
leaves room for doubt is the best possible strategy to attract

Planning a Presentation 59

the attention of the audience and invite maximum

Merits and Demerits of using XYZ ingredient in a skin
care product, will be an appropriate topic for an audience comprising the research department of the company. Alternately, a presentation topic such as Launch
of a skin care product, can have audience members
across functions like marketing, sales, and finance.

Just a Minute: Is the material sufficiently interesting to hold audience attention for the
entire duration of the presentation?

Level of Information/Knowledge
Determine the kind of information that will interest the
audience. Clarity in your mind concerning audience expectations will aid in presentation development. The audience expectations will naturally be a result of the knowledge they possess or the information they have on the
subject. Hence, it is a good idea to collect information
about the profile of the participants, their experience in
the company, their age, etc. This will help, to a great
extent, in streamlining the content at the planning stage.
Based on the knowledge level, experience and job
profile of the audience, you can, for instance, figure out
which format will appeal to the audience. It may consist of:
Technical jargon
Statistical facts
Historical data
Market analysis

60 The Effective Presentation

Employees in the production department, for example,

will be interested in technical jargon; research and development in historical data, demonstrations, samples; marketing people in statistical facts and market analysis, etc.
You will notice that the level of interest is directly related
to the job profile of the participants. Hence, a good strategy to figure out the level of information/knowledge that
members of the audience possess is to find out more about
their experience in the company and their job profile.
Warning! Keep the audience perspective in
mind when using jargon and technical
Also, be careful about the kind of assumptions you
make with regard to the level of audience knowledge. If
you get too technical
Its not the plan thats imwhile making a presenportant, its the planning.
tation to a group of
non-technical people,
Dr. Gramme Edwards
they may just get bored.
Or worse still, they may think that you are trying to be
condescending by discussing issues they are unfamiliar
with. This would prejudice their minds and the end result
would beno gains!
At the same time, a presentation which is too simple
and non-technical can be seen as something which does
not add value. An audience member might just feel, Hey,
I know all this. Why should I listen to this person when
he/she is just talking plain common sense?
There is a very thin line between getting too technical
and being simplistic in your approach. Take cues from the
audience from their body language and gestures regarding their interest level.

Planning a Presentation 61

Nature of Questions
Anticipate the questions that can be asked in the course
of the presentation. A good presenter always leaves room
for the participants to ask questions. Questions can be
open-ended, close-ended or rhetorical.
Open-ended questions are those that make the discussion interactive and participative. For example, What
are your views on leadership?
Close-ended questions are those that expect only a
yes or a no as an answer. Dont you think in moments
of crisis one should act rather than think or debate. If a
close-ended question has been asked by an audience
member, no time or opportunity will be given to the
presenter to verbally answer the question. The irate or
participative member of the audience will proceed with a
presentation of points.
The third type of question is the rhetorical one, which
is an extension of the close-ended questions. In this case,
no answer is sought from
the presenter. The purThe very best financial prepose of these questions
sentation is one thats well
thought out and anticiis to get the recipient of
pates any questions... anthe message into the
swering them in advance.
thinking mode. For inArthur Helps
stance, Do you think
leadership exists anywhere in the world? In India? In your locality? The person raising the query does not wait for a response but
proceeds with the discussion.
All three types of questions must be anticipated and
the presenter mentally prepared with responses to them.
Fumbling or fidgeting for the right answer spoils the impact

62 The Effective Presentation

of the presentation. If you are planning for a presentation,

familiarity with the profile of the participants, their
requirements and the benefits they will gain from this
presentation will aid you in anticipating the questions that
might be posed.
Warning! Do your homework. Have all the
information you need to respond to possible
If you present Cost Saving Music Systems to your customers, then some of the questions that can be raised
o How much will we save?
o What is the cost of existing music systems in the
o To what extent will we benefit if we purchase this
music system?
o What are the benefits not present in other music

Even a very well-structured and well-delivered presentation could leave a bad impact if the final question-answer
session does not go well. Since this is the final impression
your audience is going to carry about you, make sure your
response is well received.

Collating Material
The objective here is to collate relevant material from various sources.
Working in a department or an organization does not
necessarily make you the domain expert. There may be

Planning a Presentation 63

many people working in the department of an organization who would necessarily or naturally possess more
knowledge or information than you do. How do you tackle,
or handle this situation? Begin gradually by a thorough
analysis of the audience. Mentally prepare yourself for
the knowledge they possess and then begin collating
material from various sources before you actually give it a
Let us assume that the manager, corporate communications, has been asked to make a presentation to the
president and vice president of the company on the corporate communications policies. The manager will need
to talk to the PR manager, the advertising manager on
the strategies and the policies, and the financial head on
the budget allocated for corporate communications. It is
only after all relevant material from these different sources
is collated that a shape can be given to the presentation.
Sometimes, the presenter may also need to do research
for statistical details, and analysis before presenting the
final recommendations.
Note: Collate and structure presentation
material based on audience analysis.
The method of collation of material is a result of the
analysis of audience needs. For instance, if the audience
wants a detailed presentation on the financials of the company, then a study of the company and industry reports is
the best possible source for collation of material.
There are various sources for collating material,
such as:

The Internet
The company library
In-house magazines

64 The Effective Presentation

With the advent of technology, the Internet is the best

possible source for information. On certain occasions you
may also be expected to make technical presentations to
clients on the use of components in certain products. Gathering information on the components then becomes a
major task for you. Various libraries, technical books, and
the Internet are good sources for collecting material. If a
presentation is to be made for a client or a customer and
sufficient information is not forthcoming, surf on the Net
and you will be able to download more than sufficient
information. However, caution must be exercised in the
use of the Internet as companies do not always present a
complete picture. You must collect the data and conduct
your own analysis. This will make your information
objective and relevant to the audience.
If you are part of the
Before everything else,
group in the organization
getting ready is the secret
in which the presentation
of success.
is to be made, the in-house
Henry Ford
magazines and reports
form the best possible
source for data collection. Analysis of information for the
last five years gives you a complete picture and helps
establish your credibility as a well-prepared presenter. In
the process of borrowing from existing reports, exercise
restrain and impose self constraint on the amount and
nature of text that is borrowed which can extend to objective statement of facts. While the temptation is great to
use the analysis and the recommendations, let that be a
process following your own analysis.
Additionally, the company library provides a good
source for collecting material. It contains substantial details
of products, components, and market surveys, that will

Planning a Presentation 65

aid you, as a presenter, in formulating the text for the


Structuring Material
It is important to organize presentation material logically
and sequentially.
The material for the presentation has been collated
and you are now drowning in a plethora of facts and
figures, some necessary and some unnecessary. Where to
begin is the big question. How to give the material a logical
shape? What information to include and what to exclude?
What will appeal to the audience?
The ninth commandment of planning a presentation
Cool and collected thinking and structuring brings
into focus the objective or purpose of the presentation.
Structuring of material is a two step process:
q Writing the points on cue cards and
q Preparing a logic tree

Begin the process of structuring the material by cutting

out rectangular cue cards approximately the size of the
palm with thick chart paper. From the collated material
write only one point each on the cue card. Once all the
points have been jotted down spread the cue cards on a
table in front of you. By reading the cards on the table in
front of you, try and work out the sequence which you
think at this stage will appeal to the audience. This sequence
is contingent on the needs and expectations of the

66 The Effective Presentation

What information will capture the attention of the

What sequence of points must be followed so that the
audience is able to sense a value add?
Answers to these questions will help you in numbering and arranging the cue cards in a sequence. It is important to number the cue cards so that accidentally two cards
do not slip to the back of the pile while making the presentation. As you proceed, you can look at the points
written on the cue cards and elaborate on them. After
one point has been explained, slip the cue card you were
using to the end of the stack and begin the next point (see
Table II.3).
Table II.3: Structuring Material

Cut out cue cards made of thick chart paper

Write one point only on each cue card
Spread all the cards on the table
Arrange them in a logical order
Number the cards
Arrange them in a pack

With modern techniques of making presentations, all

presenters carry a laptop or are provided with a computer
and make presentations using a multimedia projector.
While cue cards are not carried to the venue, beginning a
preparation with cue cards facilitates structuring as points
are arranged and rearranged, without much discomfort
to the presenter, by merely shuffling the cards in a desired
After you are through with the sequential arrangement
of the cue cards, prepare a logic tree to verify the logical
flow in the presentation.

Planning a Presentation 67
You are working for a hospital equipment division in
an organization. A new X-ray machine has been manufactured and you have been asked by the organization
to make a sales pitch to the doctors of a local hospital.
The points that you have been able to assemble are:


Models of X-ray machines currently being used

Approximate number of x-rays being done by the
hospital in a year
Distribution of usage across departments
Degree of usage by various departments
Costs involved
Unique features of the machine

Note: Identify the purpose of the presentation and prepare a logic tree.
These six points must be arranged in a sequential or logical order and in a fashion which appeals to the doctors.
The points can be rearranged in the following ways (see
Figure II.1):
q Logical
q Sequential

If you are unable to structure the points in a diagrammatic form, arrange them sequentially, as shown in
Figure II.2.
In this example, you have to persuade the doctors to
purchase the new X-ray machine. You begin the presentation by highlighting the benefits of the X-ray machine
and then discuss the cost, which allows the doctors to see
its value. Additionally, by discussing the frequency of use
of the X-ray machines, you cover maintenance issues. This

68 The Effective Presentation

Figure II.1: Logical Structuring of Points
No harmful side effects
Benefits of the machine

Quick drying facility

A brief report on the
X-ray conducted

Costs involved (installation and maintenance)

Installation Costs

Rs 50,000

Guarantee for five years

(maintenance costs)

Rs 45,000

Free service for the next two years

(maintenance costs)

Rs 32,000

Discount of 20% on subsequent visits

for maintenance (maintenance costs)
Cost of one X-ray
Approximate number of X-rays
being done in a year by models
of X-ray machines currently in use

Old machines

Cost of maintenance
Distribution and degree of usage
across departments

Distribution usage
Degree of usage

method allows you to reiterate facts and move into the

domain of the audience for receptivity of message.
When you began structuring your presentation, you
had an additional point called Models of X-ray machines

Planning a Presentation 69
Figure II.2: Sequential Arrangement of Points
1. Benefits of the machine:
l No harmful side-effects
l Quick-drying facility
l A brief report on the X-ray conducted
2. Costs involved (installation and maintenance)
Rs 50,000 (installation costs)
Guarantee for five years (maintenance costs)
Rs 45,000
Free service for the next two years (maintenance costs)
Rs 32,000
Discount of 20 per cent on subsequent visits for maintenance (maintenance costs)
3. Approximate number of X-rays being done in a year by
models of X-ray machines currently in use
Cost of one X-ray
Old machines
Cost of maintenance
4. Distribution and degree of usage across departments
Distribution of usage
Degree of usage

currently being used. When the points were arranged in

a logical sequence, a discussion on the models of X-ray
machines currently being used was found to be redundant. However, to make the presentation comprehensive
and complete, add point number 3, as indicated in the
logic tree.
There are many presentations which last for barely
15 minutes and the audience is not able to recollect the
main ideas in the presentation. At the same time there
are other presentations which last for hours and the
audience is able to recollect all that was said in the
presentation. The success of the second type of

70 The Effective Presentation

presentations is a result of careful planning. Your

presentation too can be a success, if a simple question is
asked at the time of planning: Will the audience remember
the presentation a week later?
q If your honest answer is yes, then you are sure to be


a success.
However, if your honest answer is no, do not become
reticent. Follow it up with additional questions:
l Have I cluttered my presentation with too much
l Are there too many facts and figures?
l Am I giving the audience too much information?
l Did I structure my thoughts and ideas logically
and sequentially?
Answers to all these questions then, become the
nodal points round which re-planning and redesigning takes place. In this second round follow up the
planning with some additional questions:
Does the presentation contain relevant information,
i.e., is it relevant to the audience?
Is the information, correct, and accurate?
Does the information generate interest for the

The tenth commandment of planning a presentation

Provide only that much information as can be
remembered by the audience.
Planning is a process of asking questions and reflecting
on issues to be discussed/presented. The more the number of questions asked, the higher is the probability of the
presentation being error free. Many questions are asked

Planning a Presentation 71

at the stage of planning to make the presentation successful. It is better to resort to the question-answer technique at the planning and thinking stage than to fumble
for the right words at the time of making a presentation.
Research, analysis and structuring of data are the keys to
being successful while facing a large or a small audience.
Have a plan. Follow the plan, and youll be surprised
how successful you can be. Most people dont have
a plan. Thats why its is easy to beat most folks.
Paul Bear Bryant
football coach, University of Alabamas Crimson Tide.
Additionally as reflections are indicative of the thinking
process, the more the reflections, greater is the probability of the presentation being a success.
Just a Minute! Have you cluttered the slides
with too much information?

Preparing Handouts
Additional information can be provided to the audience
in the form of handouts. For instance, if a presentation is
to be made by the finance and accounts manager to the
team members, projecting all figures on the screen does
not serve any purpose. None will be able to retain the
information. The details can be given to the audience
members in the form of handouts. Give a one-page
handout at the stage when excessive figures which cannot
be projected on the screen are being discussed. The
presenter can continuously keep drawing the attention of
the audience to the points on the hand-out.

72 The Effective Presentation

You have to be very careful with the use of handouts.

If they are given before the presentation, the audience
automatically begins to leaf through it and loses touch
with you. Giving it at the end is a better strategy. The
members can take the handouts with them and read it at
leisure (which may never happen!).
Hewlitt Software Manufacturers (HSM), Gurgaon
HSM, a Gurgaon based company, is in the business of
software manufacturing and development. It has been
in business for the last 20 years and has witnessed
incremental profits in the past years.
You are the general manager, Human Resources.
Apprise the Board of Directors of the fact that the high
attrition in the company is a result of a lower salary
paid by the company than the market median.
In the last year there has been a substantial drop in
its profits as 20 per cent of its employees have been
leaving the organisation in every quarter. The time,
effort and costs involved in recruitment and training
have been substantial and the payoff negligible. The
primary cause for this is that younger employees are
using the company as a training ground and stop-gap
arrangement before they move on to greener pastures.
The HR head has been asked by the Board of Directors
to research the causes for the high attrition rate and to
present the findings and make recommendations.
Let us analyse this case and work on the five Ws and
the one H.
Who is my audience?
The audience comprises the Board of Directors of

Planning a Presentation 73

What does the audience already know?

The audience knows the company history and its
growth rate. It is also aware of the fact that the attrition
rate in HSM is quite high and has led to a drop in its
profits. They realize that the company needs to take proactive steps to bring down the attrition rate.
What does the audience need to know?
The Board of Directors needs to know the reasons
behind the high attrition rate. Is it comparable to the industry figures? If not, then why? What is the impact of
high attrition rate on the companys bottom line? What
are the costs involved in recruiting and training new employees? How much time does it involve? If the trend continues, how will it affect HSM?
Clearly, the younger employees are using the company as a training ground and stop-gap arrangement before they move on to better jobs. This is mainly because of
the low pay package offered by HSM This key reason
should be identified and communicated to the Board of
They also need to know the kind of job profile, pay
package etc. that the HSM employees move on to. This
should be linked with the company policies to see if HSM
needs to make any changes in its functioning.
What is the experience of the audience?
The audience belongs to the top management of the
company. This means that they would be considerably
aware of what is happening in the company and where it
is going. They also have the authority to take a call on
whether the recommendations are useful and if they should
implement them.
What are their needs, expectations from this presentation?

74 The Effective Presentation

The audience would expect a formal, well-researched

and well-prepared presentation from the GM. It would
want an in-depth analysis of why the attrition rate is high
in HSM. It would also expect a concrete recommendation and a detailed action plan by the HR department to
bring down the attrition rate.
How will the audience benefit from this presentation?
The audience will be apprised of the reasons behind
the high attrition rate and thus be able to make the necessary changes to address the issue.
Checklist for Planning a Presentation


Identify the six helpersfive

Ws and one H

Dont try to compartmentalize

the six helpers

Understand the interest level

of the audience

Dont make too many assumptions about the audience

Use simple language

Dont use jargon if the audience doesnt understand it

Make the presentation focused, easy to understand

Dont get too simplistic in your


Use secondary sources to collate information

Dont depend on secondary

sources for in-depth analysis

Prepare cue cards

Dont forget a cue card and

miss a point

Prepare a logic tree

Dont be rigid in following a


Be prepared for any kind of

question from audience

Dont bluff your way through

the question

Understand the audience question clearly

Dont fumble or fidget while responding to questions

Provide handouts for additional information

Dont circulate handouts

before the presentation

Planning a Presentation 75


Use the six helpers to plan the presentation.

Understand the purpose of the presentation.
Think about what it is that you would like to say.
Work out the time when you would be making a
Analyse the medium you would need to deliver the
Check the venue you will be using for the presentation.
Assess the needs of the audience before planning
the presentation.
Anticipate the questions which can be close-ended,
rhetorical or open-ended.
Prepare responses to the questions.
Collect material from a variety of sources.
Arrange points logically or sequentially.
Be well-prepared with handouts which you may
need to use in the course of the presentation.

76 The Effective Presentation

Chapter III

Structuring a Presentation

To know what to leave out and what to put in; just where and
how, ah, THAT is to have been educated in the knowledge of
Frank Lloyd Wright.
Structure is more important than content in the transmission of
Abbie Hoffman


Identify needs of the audience

Assess the nature of the presentation
Develop a structure for the presentation
Identify and use strategies
Adopt a variety of techniques

Key Words
Anecdote narration

Facts and figures

Structuring a Presentation 77

Capability of the
Content development

Informative presentations
Persuasive presentations
Scenario description

The prelude is finally over! Now begins the task of giving
shape/structure to the planned processes. Many are of
the view that structuring is a simple process because the
thinking has already been done. Unfortunately, it is a misnomer as the thinking begins in the second phase, once
all the material has been collated.
In the first stage, that is the planning stage, the work
is collation of material and information. Structuring, which
requires much understanding and thinking, is a subsequent
step and begins with an understanding and analysis of the
audience needs and expectations. Remember the key to
success in any presentation is the ability to hold the attention of the audience. Bring about an alignment between
the expectations of the audience and the structure of the
presentation and the day is won even before the commencement of the battle. What is the process then to be
Adherence to the 7Cs is the initial step in gaining credence in your presentation.
1. Credibility

78 The Effective Presentation


Capability of the audience

The first commandment of structuring a presentation

Analyse the needs and expectations of the audience.

How credible are you, as a presenter? What is the level of
trust you share with the audience? Be aware of your perceived knowledge level, especially if you are making a technical presentation. You need to know if the audience will
accept your analysis because of your expertise, or whether
they will question your assumptions.
Two factors that help you to gain credibility with the
audience are position and authority. However, it does not
mean that if you are not in an enviable position you will
not be able to gain credibility. You too can develop content-rich and context-loaded presentations simply by adhering to the rules of the other six Cs.
For example, a student can gain credibility by delivering an informative presentation which contains accurate
representation of required facts and figures.

Why are you making this presentation? What is the context? Is it an in-house or an external presentation? Try to
understand the audience, its expectations and the context

Structuring a Presentation 79

in which the presentation is to be made. You need to be

aware of the implications of your presentation as well as
the recommendations you may make. The receptivity of
the audience to your message will be moulded by their
needs. For example, if you were asked to make a presentation on the achievements of the company to the marketing team at the time when they are planning strategies for
the launch of a product, the time and the context will be
inappropriate. Chances are dim that they will even listen
to what you are saying or presenting.

Are you thorough with the content that needs to be presented? Have you done enough research on the subject,
on the topic? You may be an ace presenter but to be successful in a presentation it takes more than oratory skills
to succeed. Let us for a minute assume that when it comes
to working on the cost benefit analysis you are not very
good. You have read a couple of articles on the subject
and have volunteered to teach some students the process
by which cost benefit analysis can be done. While presenting this topic in the class,
Reduce your plan to writyou realize that you are not
ing. The moment you
able to proceed. The concomplete this, you will
tent that you may wish to
have definitely given conpresent may be theoretical
crete form to the intanand the needs of the stugible desire.
dents may be to get more
practical orientation. The
Napoleon Hill
uncertainties in your mind,
the loose ends will make the content presentation superficial and mar the impact of the presentation.

80 The Effective Presentation

On the other hand, if the presentation is content heavy

which is difficult for the audience to grasp, problems will
surface. In both situations receptivity of the audience will
be minimal.

Are you clear about what is it that you wish to present or
have been asked to present? Is there clarity in your thinking process? Is there a clear structure that you follow in
your presentation? It is not enough to merely provide the
content, it has to be structured and presented in a logical,
clear sequence. At no point in the presentation must the
audience begin to feel or sense that they have lost touch
with the content. This situation can arise only when you
begin jumping from one point to the other, or bringing in
unrelated facts that create confusion in the minds of the
audience. Be clear about what you want to convey and
focus continuously on it throughout the presentation.
Suppose you have been asked to make a presentation
to the management students on Presentation Skills. You
begin by talking about the need to be convincing and move
on to similarities between conviction abilities in
negotiations and presentations. You try and pick up the
threads of Presentation Skills and demonstrate the need
for assertive behaviour while facing the audience. The time
spent facing the audience is equally divided between
developing the three skills: presentation, negotiation and
assertiveness. The audience is left in a dilemma. Was the
presentation on developing Presentation Skills or
Negotiation Skills or Assertiveness?

Structuring a Presentation 81

The second commandment of structuring a presentationBe crystal clear in your thinking process and
content development.

Which channel would you like to use for the transmission
of your message to the audience? It could be audio, visual
or multimedia. There can be only one criterion for the
selection of a channelwill the channel be appropriate
for an a-type of audience?
If you decide to use only the audio channel, the audience will not be able to view you, hence the attention that
you could have commanded by your physical presence
will be missing. More work will then have to be put in
voice modulations and content development. Similarly, if
it is just the visual medium, structuring of the visual content will have to be worked in a manner so as to solicit
maximum attention and retention. If you are lucky and
have the opportunity of using multimedia, use your creative capabilities, but only to the extent that they match
the requirements of the audience.

Do you consistently follow a story line? Are you focused in
your approach? It is simple for the audience to follow the
content of the message if you are consistent in your approach. Consistency follows directly from clarity. If you
are clear in your mind on what is it that you wish to project,
consistency will naturally follow. You will be able to

82 The Effective Presentation

identify links and connections. Any kind of internal inconsistencies or disparity in views will severely affect your
reliability. Avoid any confusion regarding the analysis and
the final recommendation. For example, while discussing
institutional policies, the director of an institute emphasizes that faculty producing research papers published in
peer reviewed journals will be given an opportunity to attend international conference every quarterly and within a
few seconds of this announcement stresses the need for
outlining a stringent budget for the financial year. As a
member of the faculty team you will be left wondering
which of the two statements to believe.
To be credible, a similar pattern of thought must be
adoptedeither stringent measures have to be incorporated in the budget or leeway has to be given to the faculty
on the basis of work produced.
The third commandment for structuring a presentation
Prepare a story line and follow it consistently in the

Capability of the Audience

Do not under- or overestimate the capability of the audience you are addressing. Incorrect assessment of the audience and underestimation of their knowledge level and
their position would stagnate the efforts you put in the
preparation and make the presentation boring, without
any zing! On the other hand, if you overestimate and begin to use technical jargon with a non-technical audience,
you have lost the day and the presentation. Your audience
is unable to connect with you or your talk. Worse still,

Structuring a Presentation 83

they can even take offence thinking that you are trying to
be condescening.
In this chapter, you will learn about the following:
1. Parts of a Presentation
o The beginning/opening
o The middle
o The end/closing
2. Presentation boosters

Parts of a Presentation
The topic objective is to structure a presentation effectively.
A presentation is a linear progression of an idea, a
concept structured in a logical manner. There is a story
line and like any story the main episodes have to be told
or narrated to the audience. There are three parts to a


As is well known, in the opening or the beginning the

presenter tells the audience what is to come or what to
expect; in the middle tells them what was promised in
the opening; and in the closing reiterates or tells them
the ideas that have been presented.
The most crucial part of the presentation is the beginning. You introduce the topic, set the pace, capture the
attention of the audience, and establish credibility. The
closing is the second most critical part. Whatever is said
at the end of the presentation is what the audience takes

84 The Effective Presentation

back with them. The importance attached to the opening

and closing of the presentation must not negate the value
of the middle section of the presentation. In the middle
section, the central idea is presented. The structure, the
logic, and the authenticity of the presentation are established in this section.
Just a Minute! Have you thought through the
structure of the presentation carefully?
In a 30-minute presentation, the average break-up of
time for the various sections is as follows:

2 to 2.5 minutesbeginning/opening
21 to 22 minutesmiddle section
1 to 2 minutesend/closing
5 minutesquestion-answer session or interaction/
discussion with the audience

Of course, it goes without saying that this is only a

suggested guideline. There may be minor variations in time
but overall the time allocated to the opening and the closing is the same.

The Beginning/Opening
The objectives here are to:

introduce the presentation topic to the audience

through various techniques; and
capture the attention of the audience

The opening is designed keeping the profile of the

participants in mind. Structuring the opening is easier if
you begin with the positive thought that the presence of
the audience is an indicator that the audience is really interested in listening to the presentation. Now begins your

Structuring a Presentation 85

task of getting them to stay hooked to the content. Sounds

simplistic, but gets tougher when you assign yourself the
task of designing strategies. Application of attention-gaining strategies should be done right in the beginning of the
presentation. Complacency arising out of working in the
organization for many years can mar the quality and content of the presentation. If you want the process to be
easy, begin structuring the presentation, imagining that
the members of the audience have been sitting, listening
to presentations from 9.00 am and your turn comes at
7.00 pm. The audience is tired and mentally exhausted
and tuned to non-organizational issues like traffic jams,
and outings with the family.
How will you begin in this scenario? What will you
say? How will you deliver your content to be able to capture their attention? Think carefully through the opening/
beginning, weave in creativity, relate it to the main objectives of the presentation and tailor it to suit their requirements.
The fourth commandment of structuring a presentationWork and rework on the opening of the presentation.
Various strategies can be used for the beginning/opening of a presentation that can capture the attention of the
audience, if used in appropriate measure. These strategies are listed below:

Anecdote narration
Scenario description
Facts and figures

86 The Effective Presentation



While all these strategies are innovative and much

better than the usual Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen. The topic for my presentation today is ... the most
powerful of these are anecdote narration and scenario
Just a Minute! Have you planned your

Anecdote Narration
Narrating an anecdote or a story is the most powerful
device that can be used either in the opening or middle of
the presentation. The power of the story to hold the attention is unparalleled. Reminds one of folk lores structured on this basic principle.
Try this technique! The member of the audience may
be a child of two or a busy executive of 30 years. The
minute you begin telling a story, their attention and the
floor is all yours. You can make the story interesting enough
to keep them hooked for hours, or boring enough to forego
their attention in a few minutes. In fact, this is such a
powerful device that many CEOs use this method to
present facts and situations in the form of a story which
has universal or organizational appeal.
The use of an anecdote at the beginning of the
presentation must be made with caution. It is immaterial
whether the anecdote is one with which the audience is
familiar or unfamiliar. What is relevant is that the presenter
must be able to relate it to the main objective of the

Structuring a Presentation 87
You have been working in the R&D department of a
pharmaceutical company for the last five years. You
have been asked by your manager to convince the team
members of the need to put in extra work for a new
anti-aids drug. You begin by telling them a story: Not
so many years ago, I was working in Africa. I had been
there for five years and during my initial stay I made
friends with an automobile engineer. He too was from
India and we became the best of friends. As time passed
I realized he was suffering from AIDS. We tried all possible medication but nothing could save him. I remember the day when he passed away, in tremendous pain
in my arms
After my friends painful death I vowed that I would
work in a pharmaceutical company and develop new
drugs to fight the worst of diseases. Today, I present
my new formulae and new ideas but I need your
support. Alone, I cannot fight death together we
can .....

Scenario Description
A scenario description is an extension of an anecdote
narration. In this strategy, the presenter extends the scope
of the story by bringing to life the environment in which
the episode or the story happened. In scenario description, there is more build up of visual imagery to give the
listener a feel of the atmosphere in which the narrated
incident occurred. While an anecdote narration focuses
more on the content of the narrative, a scenario description specifically concentrates on the description of the
event and the protagonists. Use of adjectives and adverbs

88 The Effective Presentation

like tense, herculean, hot, mostly, scarcely are used

to make the description appealing to the audience members. The principle on which scenario description operates is that it stimulates the senses of the members of the
audience and secures their attention. Additionally, we can
also say that a scenario description is like a movie clip, in
which the viewer watches the action and movements of
the protagonist or the processes in which the story is
embedded. Similarly, in a scenario, the audience gets a
glimpse of the real world through an appropriate choice
of words.
For the same example stated above, you might start
with: My friend, an automobile engineer in Africa was
suffering from AIDS. Have you ever seen a victim of
AIDS? Thin, weak, eyes bulging out, stomach caved in,
lack of energy . . . have seen my friend suffer as he
breathed his last in my arms.

Using jokes or humor is a good strategy for beginning a
presentation. However, it can backfire. The joke may not
appeal to the audience, causing the connection between
the presenter and the audience to break. For instance, if a
presentation is being made in a cross-cultural environment,
it is good to be conventional. Businesses are going global
and with counterparts in all parts of the world,
presentations are made to diverse groups comprising
people from, say, Germany, England, France, America
etc. It is very difficult to speak the same language as them,
let alone understand their sense of humour or bring about
a harmonious blend between these people belonging to

Structuring a Presentation 89

different nationalities. Sheer politeness may make them

tolerant of your deviations from the main content but the
situation would be pathetic if the amusement on their faces
was a byproduct of the sympathy they experienced for
the presenter.
The experience and seniority of the members of the
audience must also be considered when using jokes or
humour. For instance, if it is a presentation for the Board
of Directors and you decide to begin the presentation with
a joke, two minutes of their precious time has been wasted.
Their need from the presentation probably was an in-depth
understanding of the financials involved in a current project.
In all probability, they have another presentation or meeting lined up. The joke falls flat and you begin amiss stony
glares from members of the audience. The purpose of
designing a creative opening to a presentation is defeated.
When in doubt of the receptivity of the audience to a
joke, adhere to the safe path by using a traditional opening, in which the topic is introduced, benefits of the ideas
specified and the presentation rounded off. However, if
you are aware of the audience, their likes and dislikes and
feel you can present a joke to get the audience involved,
go ahead.
Warning! Do not incorporate irrelevant matter and vulgar jokes.

Facts and Figures

People across the globe are caught up with facts, figures
and number crunching. As per Edward De Bonos use of
six hats, the most appealing is the white hat, which is
neutral and carries stark facts and figures. Let us take a
look at the significance of numbers/facts/figures which
you may use in the course of the presentation.

90 The Effective Presentation

Compare the two statements:

The company suffered major losses a couple of years
The company suffered losses to the tune of five crores
in the year 2003.
Which of the two statements do you think has more
appeal? Definitely the second statement. The first statement is vague, as it gives us no clear picture of the amount
of losses and the year. In the second statement you have
used numbers to attract attention and have also been specific instead of vague. The second statement is precise
and leaves no room for doubt. Finally, the second statement prepares the audience for what is to follow. In this
particular example you have discussed what happened in
the year 2003, and will probably proceed with an explication of what happened to the losses: whether they were
recovered or whether they multiplied.
The relevance of this opening must be clearly understood before it is applied to any presentation. On many
occasions the audience is familiar with the numbers or
statistics provided. This opening then loses its significance.
Facts and figures must be startling or new and not old.
Use facts and figures to capture the attention of the audience. In instances when the audience is familiar with the
statistics or figures used in the presentation, and you still
sense the need for projection of those figures, make the
analysis new or novel. The novelty of the analysis must be
captivating and lead to the development of the case in the
presentation. Views can be supported with the help of
graphs or charts.

Structuring a Presentation 91
The facts and figures can be shown somewhat as follows:
1980 : XYZ Company established
1985 : XYZ introduced micro motors
1987 : Sales went up

When are quotations used? You can incorporate quotes
in the opening section when you sense that the logical
development of a point can be better appreciated by the
audience if it is supported by impressive statements made
by leaders or veterans. As a concept, the idea is unparalleled. The problems begin when the concept is applied
on stage. If the quote is very long, it will be difficult for
you to remember the piece and you will have to turn
around to read from the screen or read from a chit of
paper. In the process of delivering the quote, direct eye
contact with the audience is lost. If this happens at the
opening of a presentation, it is very difficult getting the
attention of the audience back to the presentation.
Let us consider the following three examples:
1. Of the best rulers
The people (only) know that they exist
The next best they love and praise
The next they fear
And the next they revile
But (of the best) when their task
Is accomplished, their work done
The people all remark, We have done it ourselves.
Lao Tse

92 The Effective Presentation

2. Always bear in mind that your own resolution to
succeed is more important than any one thing.
Abraham Lincoln
3. If A is success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z.
Work is x, y is play and z is keeping your mouth
Albert Einstein

The first quote while interesting to read, is too long.

The second is simple, and the third is mathematical. You
have to make a choice between the three quotes. Which
one to choose and which two to reject? The length of the
first quote becomes the determining factor for elimination. You are now left with a choice to be made between
the second and the third quote. Which quotation would
you choose for your presentation? The choice depends
on the topic and the level of the audience. The quotation
can be borrowed from any discipline; what is important is
that it must help develop the points.
What is the merit of using quotations in the opening
section of the presentation? Quotations act as a point of
reference for establishing the case. A quote can be a statement or several statements made by a renowned personality that help develop a case. Preferably, only single sentence quotes should be used which can be memorized and
stated by cursorily glancing at the screen. If the quotation
is long and must be read, you tend to lose touch with the

Questions are powerful devices for capturing the attention of the audience. They can be used at any point in the
presentation. The result is always the same: involvement

Structuring a Presentation 93

of and participation from the audience. If a question/questions are used in the opening section of a presentation,
they must be well thought out and related to the development of the case. The merit of using questions is that the
presenter can get the audience into a thoughtful, active
and participatory mode. However, there is a flip side to it
as well. The members of the audience may get totally immersed in the question-answer session and leave little room
for you to complete the prepared presentation. You, as a
presenter, must be able to draw the audience back to the
presentation if there are too many digressions or interruptions.
Questions can be rhetorical, meaning they do not solicit a response, or open, meaning a response is solicited.
Both devices are useful, but require a different competency level on your part. In rhetorical questions, you can
pose certain questions to the audience but not wait for an
answer. These questions are normally floated in numbers
of three. The purpose of using rhetorical questions is to
get the audience into the thinking mode.
In a presentation to the sales managers on increasing
the sales target, the presenter can position the following three questions at the beginning of the presentation: Do you think you have achieved the highest target? Do you think you have fully realized your potential? Do you think your performance is at its peak?

The audience is not provided with an opportunity to

give a response. The presenter moves from the questions
to the case being presented.
Open questions are those to which the presenter waits
for the audience to respond.

94 The Effective Presentation

How do you think we can enhance diversity in the organization?

Questions can be an effective tool for capturing the

attention of the audience; however, the audience may become overly involved. When you ask a question and one
member of the audience responds, other audience members may also be desirous of giving a response. If you are
not adept at handling audience intervention, then the floor
is totally lost. In a presentation of 30 minutes, the 2 and
2.5 minutes that you reserved for the opening may spill
to 10 or 15 minutes. This can create problems since the
time allocated to you is only 30 minutes. The entire structure of the presentation hinges on the time allocated. Even
if you have a buffer of 5 minutes, it can be problematic
trying to wrap up a case in much less time than one which
is actually allocated.

A declaration is a statement with a promise of value and
truth to the audience. Used in the initial phase of a presentation, it can act as a very powerful device to get the
audience hooked on to the presentation. It is unexpected
and is frequently used by team leaders.
Our profits will increase by 30 per cent in the next
financial year.

The credibility of the sender ascertains the acceptability of the declaration. If the same statement is made by a

Structuring a Presentation 95

team member, the audience members will probably be

skeptical and they will follow it up with many queries.
However, if the declaration is made by the team leader,
people are willing to accept the statement and eagerly
await further substantiation of the point. When a declaration of this nature is made, a connection is at once established between the audience and the presenter. The audience is now agog, waiting for a response to when, why
and how? As these questions are answered in the subsequent part of the presentation, attention is not lost throughout the presentation.
Though all these strategies are mostly used in the opening section of a presentation, many of them can also be
used to boost a presentation and to get the audience back
to life. Always keep these strategies up your sleeve. You
never know when you may need to use a particular strategy. For example, in a very dry presentation, a presenter
will be able to get the audience back to the fold by merely
introducing a story from real life or from the Vedas.

A traditional manner of beginning a presentation is to
give the agenda to the audience and then follow it up. It is
a stereotypical way of beginning a presentation but it helps
in focusing on the key issues, the objectives and the conclusions. Many times the members of the audience do not
have the time to spend in niceties. They want the details
before they actually begin to listen to the presentation. In
other words, they are looking for WIIFT. A response to
WIIFT is the only method of forcing them to listen.

96 The Effective Presentation

The fifth commandment of structuring a presentation

Remember the audience is on the search for VALUE
in the presentation.
Additionally, many organizations follow the pattern
of giving the agenda as an organizational format for a
presentation. Any deviations or creativity is not welcomed
or accepted.
After the introduction on the herbal skin cream to be
launched, the presenter states, In todays presentation,
we will be discussing the following points: The benefits
of the herbal cream, its positioning in the market vis-vis other herbal creams currently available, the marketing strategy adopted for its launch, its distribution network and approximate sales figures we hope to reach
within six months of its introduction.

It is during the planning stages that you decide which

strategy will be most appropriate for the presentation. The
decision is taken on the basis of the audience profile, their
needs, the organizational culture and the time at hand.
Ideally, there should be a variation in the opening of a
persuasive and informative presentation. For a persuasive
presentation, the opening can be in the form of anecdote
narration or scenario description, questionsrhetorical or
open or any other strategy elaborated above. You can be
creative in the choice of the opening. The same does not
hold true of an informative presentation which is more in
the nature of statement of facts and figures. In these cases,
the beginning of a presentation can be in the form of statistical information, declaration or providing the agenda.

Structuring a Presentation 97

Note: Make your presentation interesting by

introducing anecdotes, humour, statistics, and the

The Middle
The topic objective is to design content for informative
and persuasive presentations.
The middle section or the body of a presentation comprises ideas or the main content. Issues are discussed and
points established. The credibility of the presenter and
the validity of the arguments are established in this section. The design and the content of this section is determined by the audience profile. For instance, a technical
audience will appreciate points that are developed by a
detailing of processes; for a non-technical audience, the
processes are not important. The points or the issues under
consideration become the focal point of concentration.
Going again by the 30-minute presentation structure, you
have almost 22 minutes to sell or present ideas and convince the audience of the authenticity of the presentation.
By virtue of difference in emphasis, the content development and presentation of both persuasive and informative presentation is different.

Content Development for Informative

and Persuasive Presentations
In an informative presentation, information on rules, policies, figures, financials etc., are presented. In a persuasive
presentation, the presenter makes an attempt to sell an
idea or a product to the prospective customerinternal
as well as externalor client.

98 The Effective Presentation

While there is much information provided in an informative presentation, the sequencing is important. The
presenter has to take a call on the structure to be adopted.
Various methodologies for presenting content in an informative presentation can be: sequential, chronological, alphabetical, or spatial order.
Sequential refers to ordering of content in a definite,
predetermined sequence. The sequence can be a result of
patterning according to time or occurrence; chronological
is in the order of time; alphabetical will refer to presentation of details according to alphabets, that is, if an annual
review report is being presented, in all probability, the
presenter will begin with administration and then move
on to finance, HR, marketing, etc. A spatial ordering will
be followed when description of a building, a machine or
product is being made to the team. The description will
follow a patterning in which you begin from one side or
direction, say, top floor of the library, complete the description and then move to the middle and finally ground.
If you are discussing the growth of the support system,
you will present the details on the basis of the dates,
chronology, or sequence of events. If you are presenting details on a machine, you will use the spatial order,
that is, from left to right, clockwise to counter-clockwise, or reverse order. In a persuasive presentation, the
sequence of ideas is not contingent upon chronology,
but is based on the needs of the audience.

A persuasive presentation is need-based. Begin with

the question: Why should or would the audience listen
to my presentation? Search for the answer. It can be as
simple as

Structuring a Presentation 99

Because they need the product or the services, or as

complex as They may (probability) need the concept or
the idea at a future stage.
The former situation is easy to tackle as it is based in
the here and the now. The second situation is tricky as
you are unaware of the future needs of the audience, the
market situation. You are making a sales pitch in the present
so that it may reap its benefits in the future. For instance,
a company may be planning a new facial cream in a couple
of years and may be planning a merger with a FMCG.
Your company is into manufacture of chemicals. Recently
the R&D department has developed a chemical that enhances skin pigmentation. Many other companies are also
in the process of research and development. You would
like to announce that you are the pioneer in the product
and all contracts at this stage will prove beneficial to both
parties. You have inside information that the organization
you are targeting is on the lookout for vendors. Making a
sales pitch at this time will be advantageous as it would
both publicize the product and help build relationships.
Both these types of presentations require careful planning and structuring. Use cue cards and prepare a logic
tree to ascertain a logical structure and linkages between
the points.
The sixth commandment for structuring a presentationDevelop content ensuring sequential arrangement of points.

You have to prepare a presentation called Enhancing
Presentation Skills for team members of the technical

100 The Effective Presentation

support staff. The stages in content development are
given in Figure III.1.
Figure III.1: Stages in Content Development
a. Decide upon a topic, such as Presentation Skills.
b. Prepare a thesis, that is, a statement that sums up the
objective of the presentation. Any topic would have
many facets. All of them naturally cannot be covered.
At this point, if you can zero down on the objective,
the logic will automatically flow.
Thesis: Essentials of a Good Presentation.
c. Write points, as they come to your mind, on separate
cue cards. For example, the presentation can cover the
following points:
i. Voice Modulation
ii. Visuals
iii. Information Gathering
iv. Pitch
v. Font Size
vi. Body Language
vii. Font Style
d. Spread the cue cards on the table and categorize them
according to content.
For example, the points in the presentation can be
categorized under Planning and Platform Behaviour.
The Planning category can include Information
Gathering. The Platform Behaviour category can
include Voice Modulation, Body Language, and
Visuals. You might include other points under these
categories, if you like.
e. The remaining points on the cue cards that have not
been categorized yet can be made subpoints.
For example, Font Size and Style can be subpoints
under Visuals and Pitch can be a subpoint under Voice

Structuring a Presentation 101

The sculptor produces the beautiful statue by chipping away such parts of the marble block as are not
neededit is a process of elimination.
Elbert Hubbard
Prepare a logic tree to ensure continuity and logic in
the discussion. You will notice that while constructing the
logic tree, many new points surface. The logic tree will in
all probability look like the one given in Figure III.2 below.
Figure III.2: Logic Tree

102 The Effective Presentation

In the middle section, there is a difference in the

structure of a persuasive and informative presentation.
The difference is a result of different objectives of the two
presentations. To elaborate, the focus of a persuasive presentation is on influencing or persuading the audience to
a particular way of thinking and the focus of an informative presentation is to provide information to the audience members.
Figure III.3 lists the stages of content development for
an informative presentation.
Figure III.3: Content Development for Informative
Title: New Model of a Computer
General Purpose: To inform
Specific Purpose: To inform the official members about
the new system
I. Introducing the system
II. Gaining attention
a. How does it work?
b. How is it better?
c. Highlights
III. Special features
a. Ease of usage
b. Time-frame
IV. Summary of the information

Figure III.4 lists the stages in content development for

a persuasive presentation:

Structuring a Presentation 103

Figure III.4: Content Development for Persuasive
Title: Selling a Machine
General Purpose: To persuade
Specific Purpose: To persuade the client to buy the
I. Introducing oneself
II. Introducing the product
III. Gaining attention
a. Benefits to the customer
b. Work efficiency of the machine
c. How is it better?
IV. Highlighting special features
V. Cost value
a. How cheap is the machine?
b. Comparative value
VI. Warranty
VII. Arriving at an agreement with the customer

A graphic representation of the points indicates a difference in emphasis. The focal points are different, and
their development too is varied. It is interesting to note
that the difference stems in the third section of gaining
attention. Ideally, in an informative presentation, you familiarize the members of the audience with the product
attributes. However, in a persuasive presentation, you highlight the benefits of the product. This difference stems directly from the objective of the presentation. While in the
first case it is introduction of a product, in the second it is
an attempt to sell the product. In other words, the difference emerges in the projection of points for gaining audience acceptance.

104 The Effective Presentation

The sixth commandment of structuring a presentation

Use connectives and links to show continuity and
All ideas in a presentation are linked and the link must
be specifically shown to the audience. The points or ideas
cannot be presented in isolation. The points are linked
with the use of transitives. Transitives are words that show
continuity and maintain the flow.
In this presentation, we will present three points:
a. benefits of the product;
b. financial implications; and
c. future course of action. There are a number of benefits of the product...

It is interesting to note that in this example, the presenter at the beginning of the discussion informs the audience that three points will be presented. This information is followed by a detailed description of the points.
Prior to the commencement of each point words like first,
second, third or a, b, c are used, which are also
referred to as transitives. This strategy helps maintain continuity, and keeps the members of the audience well-informed on the development of the points. For instance, in
the above example, you describe the benefits of the product and then follow it by a statement: The second point to
be discussed is the financial implications. In this statement, second is a transitive. It indicates to the audience
that the first point is over and a discussion over the second
point is about to begin. Transitives keep the audience engaged as you move from one point to another. Apart from

Structuring a Presentation 105

numbers, other transitives include next, following from

the previous point, to add, further, additionally, therefore, and the like.
Just a Minute! Have you decided which
transitives to use?
The seventh commandment for structuring a presentationUnderstand the difference in objective between
an informative and persuasive presentation and then
begin the process of structuring.

The End/Closing
The topic objective is to make an impressive closing to the
The end or closing is nearly as important as the beginning. While the beginning compels the audience to listen
to the presentation, the end, if forceful, reverberates in
the mind of the audience and forces them to reflect.
There are various strategies to end/close a presentation. The choice is contingent on your objective. If it is an
informative presentation, then you have no choice but to
reiterate the points that have been made in the course of
the presentation. However, if it is a persuasive presentation, it can close on a note of call for action. Whichever be
the case, the end must necessarily be emphatic, reiterating the points that were raised in the course of the presentation.
The various techniques/strategies for closing a presentation are as follows:

Return to the theme of the opening statement


106 The Effective Presentation


Call for action/motivate

Recapitulate the main points

Return to the Theme of the Opening Statement

A presentation has a theme, a purpose or an objective
which is stated by most presenters, in the opening sequence. In the closing sequence you may decide to come
full-circle and end on the same note on which the presentation was begun. As a strategy, this method of closing is
effective as it reiterates the purpose or objective of the
If the presentations objective or purpose is to provide
information on a new software installation procedure,
the presenter can close with the following statement:
We come to a close of our presentation, in which we
tried to explain the basic procedures involved in installation of the software.

Motivation garbed as a challenge is a device frequently
used by team leaders. If a difficult request is made, in all
probability employees start with resistance. However,
if the request is posed as a challenge, all are motivated
to accept the challenge and perform to the best of their
Suppose you are a senior product manager presenting
information on the challenges faced by the company

Structuring a Presentation 107

due to increasing sales of the competition and the actions that must be taken. You can close your presentation on the following note: We have taken a look at
the challenges we face, we need to put in extra time,
effort, and energy to combat the same. Can we, as a
team, rise to the occasion and enhance our performance?

If you notice in this particular instance, three strategies merge in this closing sequence: challenge, motivation, and appeal for action.

Call for Action/Motivating

A presenter who is at a higher level than the audience
members can use motivation or call for action as a device
for closing the presentation. Such a line of presenting
moves the audience from just logical or rational thinking
to a feeling of ownership. This approach is especially useful when the presenter is making demands on the audience.
The audience has to be coaxed, cajoled and persuaded
into taking up something out of the ordinary, going one
step beyond what is required of them. If the monetary or
tangible benefits of such an initiative are low, then the
feeling of an emotional and moral responsibility has to be
stirred so that the companys goals become their goals.
Creating a sense of ownership and pride in their work
enhances their ability to take on more work and yields
better results.
You are heading the team of technical staff in the production department. You have described the reasons

108 The Effective Presentation

for changing the existing system and provided the details. However, to bring about this change, your team
members must make more contributions without additional compensation. Currently you are not aware of
the resources that will be provided to you by the organization. In the closing, you will make an attempt to
motivate the audience and make a call for action. We
need to put in extra effort. It is our department and the
growth of the department is our growth. Let us all put
on our thinking hats and decide on the best possible
strategy for implementing the change. We will meet
in a couple of days and decide on the most suitable

Recapitulation of Main Points

In the closing section, the presenter summarizes the main
points for the audience.
The main reason behind the summary or recapitulation is that while the presenter is familiar with the content
of the presentation, the audience is not. Hence, what may
seem logical and easy to understand for the presenter, may
not be as simple for the
members of the audiThe wise ones fashioned
speech with their thought,
Also, attention span
sifting it as grain is sifted
of most human beings is
through a sieve.
quite low and there are
very good chances that
you would have lost the members of your audience at
some point or the other during the presentation. Summarizing helps the audience members fill the gaps that they
may have missed out because of their inattentiveness.

Structuring a Presentation 109

Overall, recapitulation also helps reinforce what you

want to convey and thus brings more focus to the key
In a presentation that contains the following points,
developed over a period of 30 minutes,
o Benefits of the machine
o Costs involved (Installation and maintenance)
Rs 15,000
o Approximate number of X-rays being done in a year
by models of X-ray machines currently in use
o Distribution and degree of usage across departments
You will close in the following manner:
Today we discussed the benefits of the machine,
the installation and maintenance costs which came to
Rs 15,000...

A conclusion is a summation of the content addressed.

New ideas cannot be introduced in the closing sequence.
There are certain statements referred to as problem statements that must be avoided in the presentation Did I
mention that . . ., We had the same problem, by the
way, last year when . . . , Oh, another thing I should
have mentioned . . . Statements of this nature or akin to
the ones stated above indicate lack of planning, and clarity. The audience does not view these statements very
The closing section of the informative and persuasive
presentations are different. If you are making an
informative presentation, restate the main points or
summarize the presentation in the closing. In a persuasive
presentation, you can use motivation, appeal for action,

110 The Effective Presentation

or challenge as a strategy depending on what is the

objective of the presentation. If you decide to reiterate
your points as a strategy for closing, then sum up the
points made in the course of the presentation.
Note: Start and end your presentation on a
positive note.
Let us look at the difference in the structure of an
informative and persuasive presentation. Table III.5 differentiates between the steps to structure an informative presentation and a persuasive one.
Table III.4: Structuring a PresentationInformative
and Persuasive


The Beginning/


Collate all
information and
gather information about the
Prepare the

Give statistical
(should be crisp!)
Narrate an
incident that helps
build the information, e.g., Information on a new
product to be
launched, Efforts
made by R&D
personnel to

Collate all
information and
gather information about the
Select the Unique
Selling Proposition.
Move in the
audiences camp
and address the
issue from their
point of view
(Youve got them
Start with rhetorical questions
(Youve got them
from the passive
to the active state)

Structuring a Presentation 111

Table III.4 (Contd.)

The Middle

discover the
product despite all
Give the agenda.

Proceed by:
Topical development
l Chronological

The End


Restate the main

Summarize the
entire presentation

Start with open

questions (Youve
got them to
participate, but
they might take
the floor from
l Start with a story/
scenario description, e.g.,
Reminds me of a
story or Once
upon a time or
In todays
newspaper or
If you remember
two years back
Proceed by:
l Indicating
understanding of
the audience,
rousing their
emotions, and
giving reason and
l Reiterate appeal
to emotions and
l Challenge
l Motivate

The eighth commandment for structuring a presentationClose the presentation keeping the main
objective in sight.

112 The Effective Presentation

Presentation Boosters
The objective here is to describe strategies that enhance a
By now, you have done your rehearsals and are confident that the presentation will be a value add for the
members of the audience. Unfortunately, when facing the
audience you realize that the audience is getting restless or
bored. You have probably not been able to get them to
reach the same level of enthusiasm as you experienced, or
your assessment of their needs is at fault. There appears a
mismatch between the expectations of the audience and
the presentation. One of the many reasons can be the
time or when the presentation is made. For example,
your presentation comes at the end of the day and the
audience is tired and restless. Additionally, it may happen
that there are other high priority issues on the mind of the
audience members at the time of the presentation.
To ensure concentration and attention of the audience
and reduce boredom, use the following presentation boosters:

Make the presentation interactive

Make use of pronouns/names
Narrate an incident
Use examples
Provide statistics
Use visual imagery

Make the Presentation Interactive

Statistics prove that the best method of assuring retention
of the presentation, in the minds of the audience, is to get
them involved. The higher the involvement, the greater

Structuring a Presentation 113

the recall. Make the presentation interactive and participative. Throw questions at the audience, get them to respond, wait till you elicit their response or interest. You
can also ask for opinions on the points being raised. The
key to success lies in making the audience feel that their
opinion is of utmost importance to you. No sooner do you
sense that there is a group which has either tuned off or is
getting restless, make an endeavour to address your points
or questions directly at them. Open-ended questions can
be raised. Definitely some extra time will be spent in the
application of this strategy and you may have to reduce
the content to be able to meet the time-line. In this situation, a choice will have to be made between presentation
of dense content and presentation to an alert group. Most
presenters would like to go in for the second option.
In a presentation by a visiting faculty to the students of
an operations research class the teacher can ask the
students, What are your expectations from this session? What is your objective in attending this session?

Make Use of Pronouns/Names

In a presentation situation, the presenter is an alien by
virtue of the role assigned. All members in the audience
are closely knit by virtue of the purpose for their presence
or being members of the same team or department or
organization. It is the duty of the presenter to bond with
the audience members. The sooner it is done the easier it
is to proceed and gain acceptance. When you as the presenter arrive at the venue, and are unfamiliar with the audience members, make an effort to find out the names of

114 The Effective Presentation

the group members. Addressing them by their first name

in the course of the presentation helps in bonding. In
almost all presentation scenarios there are tent cards in
front of the members. In the initial phase concentrate on
a few names, and memorize those names. These names
should be of people sitting across the room and not in
one corner. You can pick up one from the left, one from
the right and one from the centre. The purpose of selecting these names across the room is that it gives the group
a feeling that you are concentrating on all and not just
one section of the group. While raising questions or discussing use these names. You will realize that in the first
five minutes of your presentation you have been able to
learn/memorize three to four names. Repeat the strategy, concentrating on other names. The effort will not go
Additionally use of pronouns, like you and we also
help in bonding with the audience members. They feel
that the presenter is one of their group members, hence
the acceptance is easier. You become one with the audience when the pronoun we is used. You addresses the
audience directly and helps in soliciting their attention.
However excessive use is to be avoided as it can have a
negative impact on the audience.
You must have noticed that in your 15 years of work
experience . . .

The ninth commandment of structuring a presentation

Devise methods of making the presentation interesting and appealing.

Structuring a Presentation 115

Narrate an Incident
Always keep a few stories/anecdotes/incidents handy
while making a presentation. Narrating an incident in the
middle of the presentation is a powerful technique. Judging
the appropriateness of the incident is important. If you
can narrate an incident with which the audience is familiar
or can relate to, the attention will be higher than usual.
For instance, a column of the newspapers on 20
September carries the following news item: the discovery
of chemical Mauve, by company X after repeated trials
has proved successful in curing cancer. A 100 people have
responded favourably to the chemical. Store this
information in your memory. If you have to make a
presentation to the team members on a new project to be
undertaken and you need to motivate them, talk about
this chemical and how after repeated trials, it became
successful. If the audience can relate to the incident,
chances of success are high.
If you are part of the market research division of an
automobile company and are presenting information
on the feasibility of introducing a new car, you can give
an illustration of situations in which an increase in the
income levels of the middle class, leads to higher purchasing power and incentive for purchase of new vehicles.
Today when the purchasing power of the middle
class is on the rise, and the market conditions are ripe,
it is time for us to introduce the new car so that there is
high acceptability.

116 The Effective Presentation

Use Examples
Examples bring to life the concepts presented. A general
complaint for the failure of many presentations is that the
members of the audience are not able to relate to the ideas
that are being discussed. Use examples from real life and
those that are close to the audience. If you are making a
presentation on leaders, use examples like Gandhi,
Vivekanand, Subhash Chandra Bose, Krishna and Arjuna.
If you begin discussing leaders like Napolean and Hitler, it
may be difficult for the audience to relate.
One of the advantages of using examples is that the
audience is able to remember and recall points when explained with the help of examples. It is difficult for the
audience to remember all the points made during a presentation. However, it is easy to remember the examples.
At a later stage, if they can place the examples in the right
perspective, it will be easy to remember the points by association.
In a presentation to the support staff for a BPO company, examples from other such BPOs must be used.
The audience will be able to correlate and remember
the points.

Provide Statistics
Numbers/statistics can be provided either in the opening
or in the middle of the presentation. In the corporate
world, much hinges on the accurate use of numbers. Only
those statistics must be provided which would hold the

Structuring a Presentation 117

attention. Excessive use can lead to an information overload. It is difficult to remember all numbers. If you decide
to display numbers, slides are not an appropriate device.
Handouts can be prepared and you can, in the course of
the presentation give the handouts, pause for a couple of
minutes, let the members absorb the numbers and then
carry on with the presentation.
The advantage of giving a few numbers on the screen
and many in the handout is that in the former case the
audience does not get confused with numbers and the attempt to memorize them or mentally work them out. In
the latter case, the audience can carry the handouts with
them and need not make an attempt to memorize. Use of
numbers and their analysis usually impresses clients. In
any business, the merit or value of a presentation lies in
the amount of homework done by the presenter.
Provide the financialsthe figures that will capture the
attention of the corporate houses. Show numbers but
not too many.

Note: Check and recheck to ensure that you are

ready with all the supporting aids.

Use Visual Imagery

Visual imagery has the power to stimulate the senses and
capture the attention of the audience. The choice of words
should be such that the audience begins to feel, see or
hear. Abstract or concrete nouns make the text dense and
heavy and occasionally make the presentation sound

118 The Effective Presentation

pedantic. Visual imagery makes the presentation alive and

appealing. If through use of visual imagery, you can
stimulate the senses of the audience, then they are sure to
remember the point being made.
If you are part of the administrative team and are presenting information to doctors about the plight of patients, the following statement can be made: The patients in the wards are not very comfortable as we do
not have sufficient staff to attend to them. By the time
the nurses come, the patients suffer in the ward.

Contrast this statement with the following statement:

The patients lie in the wards with blood oozing out of
their wounds and staining the bandages. We need to
increase the number of staff/nurses so as to be able to
provide immediate attention to the patient.

In the second statement, the visual imagery captures

the attention of the audience. While the implicit meaning
in both utterances is the same, that is, we must increase
the number of staff in the hospital, the impact of the second is greater because of the use of visual imagery.
The tenth commandment for structuring a presentationPrepare the presentation boosters in advance
and use them as and when the need arises.

Structuring a Presentation 119



Sequence and structure the

Build credibility in the eyes of
the audience
Assess the capability of the
Be clear in your thought processes
Develop the content based on
the capability of the audience

Leave the presentation unstructured

Sound incompetent or unknowledgeable
Over/under estimate the capability of the audience
Rush through the structuring
of the presentation
Develop the content based on
your own knowledge/capability
Use facts and figures merely to
show knowledge
Bring in a variety of approaches
Begin a presentation without
giving proper thought to the
Make the presentation openings boring and monotonous

Use facts and figures to capture

the attention of the audience
Be consistent in approach to
the topic and the content
Provide the agenda at the beginning of the presentation to
keep the audience focused
Make declarations as a different strategy to open a presentation
Hook the audience to the presentation by the use of anecdote narration or scenario description
Use appropriate humour/jokes
to enliven the atmosphere
Work extensively on the opening and the closing
Structure the middle keeping
the objective in mind
Adopt a variety of strategies to
keep the interest of the audience high

Leave the interest factor in a

presentation unattended

Use humour/jokes which only

appeal to you
Leave the opening and closing
of a presentation unstructured
Prepare the content of the presentation without being sure of
the needs of the audience
Be insensitive to audience demands in the course of the presentation

120 The Effective Presentation


Work on the 7 Cs
Be credible as a presenter
Ascertain the context
Develop the content
Ensure clarity
Keep all channels open
Be consistent in development of points
Assess the capabilities of the audience
Spend extra time on developing the opening
Develop the closing based on the development of
the main content.
11. Make use of transitives to emphasize and maintain
flow and continuity
12. Use presentation boosters to retain the interest of
the audience
13. Keep a few presentation boosters up your sleeve to
be used in moments of stress and crisis situations

Creating Visual Aids (VAs) 121

Chapter IV

Creating Visual Aids (VAs)

Create your own visual style... let it be unique for yourself and
yet identifiable for others.
Orson Welles
Like all forms of design, visual design is about problem solving,
not about personal preference or unsupported opinion.
Bob Baxley


Identify methods of enhancing a presentation

Select the criteria for scripting content on the visuals
Prepare a checklist of VAs to be used
Select the criteria for choice of VAs
Determine the most suitable VA for your Presentation

122 The Effective Presentation

Key Words
Bar Chart
Cue Cards
Double or Multiple Line Graph
Floating Wedge
Flow Chart
Organizational Chart

Pie Chart
Single Line Graph
Six-by-Six Rule
Stacked Bar Chart
Visual Aids

Are you creative? Have you ever stopped to give an
advertisement or a hoarding a second look? Paused and
wondered at the creative inputs that have gone into making
the advertisement or hoarding worth a second glance?
Think, what is so extraordinarily special about these visual
modes of communication that force you to take a second
look and marvel at the design and the content? You can
be sure of one truth, almost a commandment for designing
the visualthought, effort, creativity and time (TECT) is
required for creating a visual. TECT ensures visual and
mass appeal, which, in turn, aid long-term retention.
Creating VAs for presentations hinge on similar
principles as are applicable for any graphic representation
used for marketing or advertisements. VAs are slides that
are pictorial or schematic representations/illustrations of
data, points, graphs, and charts that help in explaining
concepts and ideas and can be prepared on transparencies,
if the medium of projection is an Overhead Projector (OHP)
or in the form of slides for a PowerPoint presentation. They
can also be in the form of movie clips to illustrate a point.

Creating Visual Aids (VAs) 123

VAs are extremely effective devices for making

successful presentations if you are clear of their usage and
are equally certain about the content to be used. Let us
assume that you have structured the content of the
presentation and are raring to give it a shot on the slide.
Wait! Do not rush through the process. Think analytically,
dispassionately and objectively. Can the entire content to
be delivered in the course of the presentation be listed or
punched on the computer in the form of slides? Definitely
not! Careful thinking and prudent pruning of the text is to
follow a meticulous and proper designing and structuring
of the content. An interesting research reveals that when
a person listens, his/her retention rate is around 20 per
cent. However, when visuals are presented along with the
information, retention rates can shoot up to 50 per cent.
Thus, if the message is to be remembered, VAs are to be
used with caution. Hence, the need for application of
A simple rule for the design and structure of VAs is:
ensure creativity and clarity in the design and the content
of the slides. In the process of making the slide creative,
do not lose sight of the link between the design and the
content. Definitely, if the VA is pictorial, the message is
meaningful and retention is high. For example, if you use
the rupee sign to represent the inflation rate in the country, the VA becomes a value add to the presentation because the audience is able to see the link between the sign
on screen and the verbal content. Creativity and clarity in
the design gently persuade the audience to new ways of
VAs are used for the following reasons:

To attract the attention of the audience

124 The Effective Presentation


To impress the audience with clarity, specificity, and

precision of points
To clarify ideas
To simplify concepts
To emphasize points
To summarize the main ideas

The first commandment for creating visualsEnsure

the use of TECT.
In this chapter, you will learn the following aspects of creating visual aids for a presentation:

Steps in Planning Content of the Visuals
Designing VAs
Pictorial Description on VAs
Types of VAs
m Slides for PowerPoint
m Transparencies
m Black and White Board
m Flip Charts
m Movie Clips

The topic objective is to determine the criteria for information on the slides.
You have already structured the content to be delivered,
now begins the process of structuring the content for the
slides. This step is half completed when the sequence of
the main content is decided. The task ahead is to now
decide which points are of prime importance and need to

Creating Visual Aids (VAs) 125

be displayed on screen and which are supplementary or

secondary and can be discussed as appendages to the main
points without being flashed on the screen. The major
difference between an oral presentation that does not make
use of slides and a visual presentation is that in the former
case, examples and anecdotes are used for elaboration of
ideas and in the latter, only ideas are scripted.
Some questions that come to mind are: How is the
amalgamation between the two types of presentations to
be brought about? How is information to be used/presented? The information on the visuals is to be used as a
beginning point for discussion and elaboration. Examples
and anecdotes are used to exemplify the points and extend them from a conceptual plane to an application zone.
In a presentation on the principles of communication
you decide to discuss the concepts of cooperation, turntaking and politeness. Your slide may be simple with
three points and may read as follows:
Exhibit 1
Principles of Communication
1. Cooperative Principle (Grice)
2. Turn-taking System (Schegloff)
3. Politeness Principle (Leech)

This is a simple slide with minimum contentbut

will the audience be able to remember the principles
or the names of the researchers who proposed these
principles? Additionally, is the audience interested
in the concepts or the application of the concepts?

126 The Effective Presentation

Suppose you begin on the following note: Have you

ever seen a case of communication in which there
was no cooperation from one party, no politeness
on either side, with one participant speaking and
forcing the other to listen? It can, by stretch of definition, be defined as communication, but definitely
not effective communication. The situation can be
made effective if the three principles of communication, namely, cooperative, turn-taking and politeness
were to be followed. How, is the question we now
need to address . . .
When planning your information, ask yourself the following questions:
q Will the points add value if they were displayed on

the screen?
q Why must I put only these points and not other points

on the slide?
q Do the points match the objective of the presentation?
q Am I giving the right amount of information to the
audience by using these points, or am I cluttering
my slides with too much information?
Information must be sorted into groups that can be
used for slides. For example, if you are making a presentation on the attrition in the company, sort the information into groups like: attrition in other companies, causes
for attrition in your company, global situation, salary structure in the market, what can be done to prevent attrition.
You now have five major pockets in which the rest of the
information must be grouped. If you notice, in this

Creating Visual Aids (VAs) 127

particular case, we have not spelled out the objective of

the presentation. It can be to provide information on the
attrition rate in the company to the HR department or it
can be to persuade the top management to change policies to minimize the rate of attrition. With a change in the
objective, there will be a change in the design of the content of the slides.
Good design, at least part of the time, includes the
criterion of being direct in relation to the problem at
handnot obscure, trendy, or stylish. A new language, visual or verbal, must be couched in a language
that is already understood.
Ivan Chermayeff
The purpose of your presentation is to emphasize the
salient features of a new software. Information that can
be provided is as follows:

Financial implications of the software

Benefits to the corporate world
Comparative study of the new product with existing
Strategies for converting data into information
Analysis of process for analysing, communicating
and sharing results
Development of data solutions

Begin by providing an answer to the above mentioned

questions. Will explication of all these points add value
if displayed on screen? No it would not, as the focus is
on emphasis of salient features of a new software. You
would end up providing redundant information.

128 The Effective Presentation

Which points must I display on the screen and which
must I ignore? Only those points must be used which
add to the development of the main story line of the
presentation, which in this case is salient features of a
new software.
Do all the points listed in this example match the
objective of the presentation? No, they do not. Some
are redundant as they provide information which is outside the purview of the discussion agenda.
Does the information match the expectations of the
audience, am I giving the right amount of information
to the audience by using these points or am I cluttering
my slides with too much information? The question on
the right type of information again must be answered
keeping the audience and presentation perspective in
mind. In this particular example, enumerating all the
six points is an information overload. The audience is
left trying to figure out why this surfeit of information? While it is good to sound knowledgeable, cluttering a presentation with too much information is not
the right method of displaying knowledge.
Now that you have considered all these questions,
you will realize that if you concentrate on all these
points and project all of them, the focus is lost. Consider deleting the first three points and concentrating
on only the last three. You will find that the presentation has gained in substance and is now more objective

The second commandment for creating visualsSelect

criteria for presenting content on visuals which should
in all cases be familiarity with the overall objective
of the presentation and audience expectations.

Creating Visual Aids (VAs) 129

Steps in Planning Content for the Visuals

Topic objective is to develop VAs to supplement the
Now that we are sure of the criteria for deciding the
content, we now need to begin the process of planning
the steps and strategies for designing the content.
The five steps for planning content for the VAs are:

Collating raw data on cue cards/computer

Sifting through and analysing the information
Visualizing the points
Aligning visuals with verbal or oral components
Avoiding information overload on slides

Collating Raw Data on Cue Cards Computer

In the previous two chapters you have learned the merits
of collating raw data on cue cards. The advantage of working with cue cards is that it is much simpler rearranging
the cards than cutting and pasting on the computer. This
is not a commandment, but merely a suggestion for designing the content. If you feel comfortable with the computer, go ahead. Use the computer to punch in the points
and cut and paste for a logical sequence. Identify the medium or strategy with which you feel most comfortable.
The logic behind using cue cards is that it is a much simpler process and can be worked on at any place. The choice
of course is that of the presenter.
The first step in planning content for the VAs is to
collate raw material on the cue cards or the computer.

130 The Effective Presentation

Sifting through and Analysing the

The raw material for the design of the VAs is collected.
The next step is to sift through the information, delete the
unnecessary or redundant information and analyse the
information with you. Clear all webs of doubt in your mind,
logically study the analysis. Clarity in your mind will lend
itself to clarity in content design, lack of which will prove
to be an information overload for the audience.
You have been asked to make a presentation on the
costs involved in running a chain of hospitals across
the country in the last three years to the top management. The data you have collated is as follows:

Rs 500,000,00
Rs 450,000,00
Rs 400,000,00

Rs 50,000,00
Rs 45,000,00
Rs 40,000,00

If you are unsure of how to use this information, you

may as well delete the information. However, if you
analyse this information there are some interesting
conclusions that can be derived. If these conclusions
match with the overall objective of the presentation,
and the audience expectations, your task is half accomplished.
Analysis of the raw data reveals that:
1. Every year there has been an increase in the costs by
Rs 50,000,00.
2. Correspondingly there has been an increase in the
profits by Rs 5,000,00.
3. There is a direct relationship between costs and

Creating Visual Aids (VAs) 131

4. The more you spend on infrastructural support the
greater are the chances of making profits.
5. The steady increase in the costs by Rs 50,000,00
will make it easy to make future projections.
In this particular example, the overall objective of the
presentation is to provide the top management with
the information on the costs involved in running a hospital and the audience expectations focus on the analysis of the information. Both these criteria are met and
chances of your success in this particular case seem to
be high..

The third commandment for creating visualsAnalyse

the facts and state the analysis on the slides.
The next step is to list the possibilities from this analysis and take a decision and chalk out a course of action
most suited to the development of the presentation.
Exhibit 2

Arvind Gupta & Mahesh Gupta

132 The Effective Presentation

Let us analyse the information presented on this

slide. While spelling out the future course of action,
only R&D Activity has been specified. Under which
department would the activity of recalling the product ideally fall? Marketing? This means that the slide
should have two main points Marketing Activity
and R&D Activity. Let us now examine the subpoints under R&D Activity. While the Change contents to suit climatic condition and Extensive tests
to be done are appropriately clubbed, the third subpoint is a cause for concern. Stating it as Different
products for different skins does not make it a R&D
Activity. If the point was reworded as Create different products for different skins, it would automatically fit the bill or be part of the cluster.
The problem in the above slide would not have arisen,
if the presenter would have carefully analysed the information, before using it on the slide.
Note: Analyse the information before presenting it on the slides.

Visualizing the Points

Begin the process of visualization. Which points can be
most appropriately displayed on the screen and which
cannot? Which points must be graphically represented and
which can go as simple and plain text? For instance, if you
are presenting sales growth, or showing a comparison
between any two variables or projecting figures, you can
go ahead with graphics or charts and tables. However, if
your concern is primarily presentation of points, then a

Creating Visual Aids (VAs) 133

text format is the most suitable. Suppose you wanted to

project your analysis on screen, you may decide to use
figures and text. Exercise caution! In your enthusiasm to
present details you may decide to clutter slides with too
much information which may be difficult for the audience
to either grasp or retain. If you feel that there is too much
content on the slides and is proving to be a hindrance,
request a friend to read and grasp the points. Time the
process. If it takes over 30 seconds, then it is information
overload. Use the visuals sparingly. Ensure that visuals are
used only when there is a need and necessity and you feel
that they add value and not detract from the main body of
the oral content. Make use of graphs and charts to simplify rather than complicate issues.
Visual appearance is one of the most effective variables for quickly differentiating one application from
Bob Baxley
If you have information that cannot be presented in
the time allotted, then, prepare handouts. Do not distribute them before or during the presentation. It is a natural
tendency for members of the audience to flip through and
read the handouts while a presentation is being made.
Losing out on the audience attention in the initial phases
of the presentation is not a very good strategy with which
to begin your presentation. However, there may be instances when you provide a handout during the course of
the presentation.

134 The Effective Presentation

If you are explaining certain financials to the audience,
it may be difficult to project all of them on the screen.
Try giving the audience a single page handout and explain the details provided on the page.

In this example, you have conducted a market analysis and have come up with certain findings. The findings
can be presented on screen and the process of analysis
on a one page handout. As the findings are discussed you
can draw the attention of the audience to the process of
the analysis on the handout.
Just a Minute! Have you carefully thought
of the reasons for using a particular type of
visual aid?

Aligning Visuals with Verbal or

Oral Components
The purpose of using slides is to reinforce the message;
and to act as a memory jogger to the oral message. Their
purpose is to remind you of the points in the presentation, the points on which you can and need to elaborate.
In case you forget a certain point a glance at the slide
helps recollect the point, galvanizes the thinking process
and you are once again in control of the situation. Illustrations, pictorial representations, graphs and charts, and
text visuals can all be used on the slides for reinforcing the
message and acting as a memory jogger.
The fourth commandment for creating visualsCreate visuals that reinforce the message and act as a
memory jogger.

Creating Visual Aids (VAs) 135

Exhibit 3

Presentation Plan

Arya Sen

This is an interesting and creative way of presenting

the agenda on the slide. The audience is informed at
the beginning of the presentation what is to follow
and what to expect.
Exhibit 4

Presentation Plan: Background

Kisalaya Singh

136 The Effective Presentation

Exhibit 5

Presentation Plan: The Facts

Nitin Dhingra

In these two slides, the presenter keeps the audience

abreast with what is to be discussed in the next few
minutes. When a discussion on the background is
about to begin a slide highlighting background is
flashed. After completion of the section on background, the presenter shows the slide in which The
Facts is highlighted. The audience is constantly in
tune with the presenter on the course of the presentation. A similar strategy is followed for all the sections dealt with in the presentation.
Adoption of this technique keeps the words in sync
with the visuals on screen.
Once you have planned and structured the slides, you
must be confident of the quantum of information on the
slides. Projection of surplus information with which you

Creating Visual Aids (VAs) 137

are not comfortable, can create problems. Let us assume

you have done your research and have come up with a
good analysis. You decide to project the same on the screen.
Obviously it is difficult to memorize all the information, so
you read through the text on the slides. Contact with the
audience is lost as you turn your back to read through the
slides. If planning is thorough and points carefully presented, a glance at the screen is sufficient for continuing
the presentation. Too much time must not be spent reading the content on the slides. A cursory glance of approximately fifteen seconds is sufficient before you launch into
an explanation. This raises another important issue of planning. How much content can be put on the slides?
Look at the following two slides:
Exhibit 6

Mamta Mohanty

138 The Effective Presentation

Exhibit 7

Mamta Mohanty

Which slide captures your attention? First or second?

Without doubt, the second. Why?
Let us try and analyse the reason. The first slide contains too much disorganized content. If you notice there
are many running sentences which take much more time
for the reader to grasp than simple points each containing
not more than five to six words.
Contrast this slide with the second slide which contains less content, which is well thought out, properly sequenced and arranged and can be read at a glance. Remember TECT? Additionally, the second slide has few
points, each point containing two words. If you begin reading the slides you will realize that to be able to read and
grasp what is written on the first slide, you need a minimum of 40 to 50 seconds whereas, in the second slide 10

Creating Visual Aids (VAs) 139

to 15 seconds are sufficient to grasp and comprehend.

Which then, is preferable? The answer is not far to seek.
Whatever is comfortable for you will also be comfortable
for the audience.
Note: Use minimum content for maximum

Avoiding Information Overload on Slides

In the previous section we briefly touched upon the merits of avoiding information overload on the slides. While
in theory it is acceptable and recommended, what is the
rule for application of the concept?
The golden rule for planning slides is a six-by six rule,
i.e., each slide must contain a maximum of six points,
each containing no more than six words. The points must
necessarily follow one another and the link between them
be established by the presenter. Let us assume that we are
talking about influence strategies. The main objective of
the presentation is to provide the audience with the information on influence strategies. You can restrict yourself
to two slides which contain information on:
Hard strategies
Soft strategies
Collate all the tactics that come to your mind. Do not
begin categorizing them. Once you are through with the
listing, you can begin clustering them under different heads.
Let us assume that you have come up with five tactics,
namely, aggression, assertiveness, ingratiation, bargaining, exchange.
Decide, based on your understanding of the literature
on influence, which tactic will fall under which category.
Under the first category, you can club all the tactics that

140 The Effective Presentation

define hard strategy, that is, aggression, bargaining, and

assertiveness. On the second slide you then position
tactics that fall under the category of soft tactics, namely,
exchange, and ingratiation. When in the process of
designing the presentation do not confuse between the
major and the minor points. The connect, the link in the
development of the points will be lost. If you can stick to
the storyline, or the main objective of the presentation,
continuity and clarity are maintained adding consistency
to the presentation.
Note: Follow the six-by-six rule
Enthusiasm is good . . . but a presentation is not the
place to be overenthusiastic. In your enthusiasm to present
all points, you may create an information overload for the
audience. Try to match the level of your slides to the level
of understanding and sophistication of the audience.
Exhibit 8

Nakul Tewari & Neha Bhargava

Creating Visual Aids (VAs) 141

Let us analyse the above slide. In the enthusiasm

to present data, there has been a mix of information.
The place, obviously cannot be Tapping rural markets
this, naturally, has to be a strategy. Let us now examine the three points presented on the slide. The first
provides information on the number of villages in India, the second on the states where one-fourth of the
villages are located and the third, information on the
percentage and number of the population size. If you
carefully glance through these three points you will
realize that none of them are actually strategies for
tapping rural markets. They are all part of a long paragraph from which the connecting words and clauses
have been removed. The paragraph would probably read
like this:
There are 600,000 villages in India. Twenty-five
per cent of villages are in the five states of Karnataka,
Kerala, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.
These account for 65 per cent of the total rural population, i.e., approx. 700 million populationa very
large market.
This is an informative slide presenting details on the
number and percentage of villages in India, where they
are situated and the population inhabiting them. The dichotomy between the title of the slide and the information presented as content for the slide proves to be an
information mismatch and overload for the audience.
The fifth commandment for creating visualsAvoid
information over- or under-load.

142 The Effective Presentation

Exhibit 9

Reasons for High AttritionEmployee Survey

Prabhjeet Singh, Sreejith Narayanan, Dr. Sreekanth S.

Information overload can be avoided by designing

slides as presented above. Four major points leading to
high attrition in the organization are presented. Animation can be used in this presentation where one point
appears on the screen after another. It gives the presenter time to explain and the audience time to grasp.
Planning the number of slides is equally important.
Imagine you are in the process of designing a 30 minute
presentation. How many slides can you use? Ten or 20?
Hypothetically, the number sounds good as you have so
much content and to be able to do justice to all the content
you think you definitely need that number of slides. But
have you ever wondered what will be the plight of the
poor recipients? Do you actually think that they will be

Creating Visual Aids (VAs) 143

able to grasp the content on all the slides and be able to

retain the message? If yes, then you ARE an optimist.
Let us try working out the logical implications of using too many slides.
In a 30-minute presentation you spend two minutes
for the introduction, one minute for conclusion and five
minutes for questions and answers. You are left with 22
minutes to present the content. Even if you have 22 points
(sub points) you will need 22 minutes to explain the points.
If each slide contains six points, ideally you are talking
about one slide in six minutes. Hence going by logic you
can use only three and a half to four slides. If you are very
good at designing slides and want to show off your expertise to the audience or have to show a process in operation, add a couple of extra slides for effect. Net usage of
slides in a 30-minute presentation should not exceed six
Warning! Do not clutter the slide with too
much information.

Designing VAs
Topic objective is to design VAs with minimum content
and maximum visual appeal.
Once the planning for the content on the VAs is complete, the process of designing them begins. Keep the
following factors in mind when you commence the designing process.

Necessity of the Visuals

Only use visuals to add to the content or enhance
the presentation. Necessity is based on the needs of the

144 The Effective Presentation

During a presentation on the financial implications of
the development of new software, a statement can be
made that is self explanatory: Costs incurred are tremendous. However, it is not sufficient. You need to
elaborate on the costs incurred and why you feel they
are huge or tremendous. Elaborate on the statement
with the help of visuals. Indicate the costs on screen,
show comparative figures of previous years or justify
your statement with the help of visuals.

In this particular example, if you decide to use visuals

for explication of a point, you and your need is totally
justified. You will notice that in this case your needs match
with those of the audience which makes the use of visuals
if not mandatory then definitely essential.
Exhibit 10

rainfall (in mm)

Rainfall v/s Rural Consumer Spending



1997- 1998- 1998- 2000- 2001- 200201



Rohan Chand Thakur

Creating Visual Aids (VAs) 145

Let us assume that you need to use a line diagram to

show rainfall v/s consumer spending. You have given the
process some thought and have come up with a design for
it. Before you display this slide, glance through it again.
Does it meet the requirements of the audience? Definitely
not! No matter who is your audience, this graph is a waste
of time. In the year 2005 if you decide to present data as
old as 2003, it loses its significance. The audience always
needs current information. Presenting only backdated information is a waste of time, energy and resources.
In this example, the presenter has only invested in
terms of ECT, that is, effort, creativity and time. No thought
has been given to the process. This then is a case of gross
information underload where redundant and outdated
information is presented.
The sixth commandment for creating visualsUse a
visual to present correct and well thought out information.

Accuracy and True Presentation of Details

Is the slide accurate and truthful? If a graph is to be used,
ensure that all data is accurately represented.
You wish to show the sales figures of the last five years
in two different regions, east and west. There is a major overlap in terms of sales representation and you
want to graphically represent it with the use of a line

146 The Effective Presentation

Careful! The points of intersection or areas where

there is an overlap must be accurately represented. Errors
on a slide are unacceptable. The audience will absorb all
that is visually represented, which further reinforces the
results of the presentation. If there is a difference between
what you say and what you show, the audience will find it
difficult to assimilate. When in doubt, consult an expert
for guidance or avoid presenting charts and graphs
A good way of checking the design and the content
of the slides is to imagine there is someone sitting at the
end of the room. Ask yourself the following questions
before you begin with the design of the visuals:
Are the visual large enough for the person sitting
right at the back to see?
Are the designs simple enough for comprehension?
Can the audience members read the words used on
the slides?
Which format of the slides conveys information accurately and truthfullyhorizontal or vertical?


Exhibit 11

Intrastate Break up

Andhra Pradesh






Sangay Pema Bhutia

Creating Visual Aids (VAs) 147

Let us consider the following example. Two pie

charts have been presented showing coastal and inland
break up of two states, namely, Maharashtra and
Andhra Pradesh.
If you take a careful look at the pie-charts you will
realize that aesthetically they do not appeal. One box
and the pie within the box are smaller than the other.
While this error is pardonable, the second is absolutely
unpardonable. No numbers are presented in the piechart for Andhra Pradesh. The percentage is left to the
imagination of the viewer. It could be 10 or 5 per cent
for coastal and 90 or 95 per cent for inland. The slide
lacks in accuracy and true presentation of details.
Warning! Inaccurate or incomplete information can mislead or disinterest the audience.

Pictorial Description on VAs

Topic objective is to use various types of charts and graphs
to depict information visually.
It is best to use simple graphs and charts that tell
rather than confuse. The selection of different types of
charts or graphs is based on the need and the necessity of
presenting a specific type of presentation. Follow the sixpoint formula to keep visual aids simple.
It is more important to
Data can be repredo the Right Thing than
sented by using different
to do the Thing Right!
forms of charts and graphs
Peter F. Drucker
(see Table IV.1).

148 The Effective Presentation

Table IV.1: Types of Charts and Graphs and their Uses
Charts and Graphs





Single Line Graphs

Double or Multiple
Line Graphs


Bar Charts
Stacked bar Charts


Pie Charts


Flow Charts


Organizational Charts

To present uncomplicated, specific data.

To plot growth or show a trend.
To show a comparison between
trends or growth over a period
of time.
To show quantity.
To show multitudes of data.
To represent data in the form
of symbols.
To represent percentages in the
form of a circle.
To show relationships between
processes, procedures, and concepts.
To represent various units, hierarchy, and channels in the organization.

Tables are representations of specific data. When you need
to provide details that are uncomplicated but essential to
the development of the presentation, use a table. In a table,
columns and rows contain the facts and figures. In other
words, a summary of the findings is given in a tabular
You have been asked to present the statistics for Ward
1, Ward 2, and Ward 3. A tabular form will be most
suited for this kind of presentation, as it provides simple
and uncomplicated information at a glance.

Creating Visual Aids (VAs) 149

Exhibit 12
Statistics for Words 1, 2 and 3

Ward 1
Ward 2
Ward 3







Single Line Graph

Line graphs are used to plot growth or show a trend.
There are two axisx and y. The X axis is the horizontal
line and the Y axis is the vertical line. Two variables, like
time and growth rate are selected and the relationship
between the two is projected. On the X axis, the time
zone is provided and on the Y axis, growth in terms of
sales is projected. The relationship between the two, either in the form of an incline, plateau, or decline is represented on the graph. An incline is represented by a vertical line, not necessarily straight, beginning from the X
axis. A plateau is a horizontal line on the graph, indicating stability. A decline is represented on the graph by a
vertical line which drops on the X axis.
Exhibit 13: Single Line Graph

Exhibit 13 shows a companys profit margin growth

during the past five years. The profit margin between
199798 was .2. In 1999, it increased to .7. However,
in 19992000 it declined to .4. There is sharp increase
from 2000 and in 2001. The profit margin reached 1.
From 2001 to 2002, the margins remain constant, representing a plateau. As the profit margin drops in 2002
03, the graph shows a slant. Depending on the increase,

150 The Effective Presentation

Mamta Mohanty

decline, and stagnancy of the profit margin, the graph

shows peaks, crests, troughs, and plateau, respectively.
The seventh commandment for creating visualsUse
a graph or chart that can truly represent your data.

Double or Multiple Line Graph

Double or multiple line graphs are comparative graphs
that show trends or growth over a period of time. If you
are comparing two trends, then plot two lines on the same
graph to show their relationship. Two lines can intersect
or overlap indicating a similarity in the trend or growth
pattern, which helps the audience understand the
concept. However, you must be careful while plotting
lines. Too many can clutter the graph and make the slide

Creating Visual Aids (VAs) 151

unreadable. Try not to exceed beyond three lines on a

single graph.
Exhibit 14: Double Line Graph

Mamta Mohanty

Bar Chart
A bar chart consists of bars projected vertically to show
quantities, such as costs. These charts are most commonly
used in presentations and are the easiest to produce with
maximum impact.
Exhibit 15: Bar Chart
Series 1

North South East West

Mamta Mohanty

152 The Effective Presentation

Exhibit 15 shows the percentage increase in profits

for the four regions of a company.

Stacked Bar Chart

Stacked bar charts allow you to use a single bar to show
data for more than one category of data. They are used to
show the relationship of parts to the whole. Visually,
stacked bar charts are appealing and simple to understand.
Exhibit 16 shows a companys comparative profit
percentage across four regions during 1991 and 1992.
Exhibit 16: Stacked Bar Chart





Mamta Mohanty

Pictograms are creative and innovative ways of representing data and the study in the form of symbols. Symbols
can be plotted vertically or horizontally on the slide. If you
want to show the rate of inflation over the past five years,
the rupee symbol can be plotted vertically or horizontally.

Creating Visual Aids (VAs) 153

Exhibit 17: Pictogram

Mamta Mohanty

Exhibit 17 shows the number of telephones installed

from JanuaryApril.

Pie Chart
A pie chart represents percentages and is plotted in
the form of a circle. Slices of a pie are used to represent
percentages. When using a pie chart, use a floating
wedge, which is similar to a slice of pie detached from
the whole. The slice attracts the attention of the audience
and helps build on a point.
Exhibit 18: Pie Chart with a Floating Wedge


Mamta Mohanty

154 The Effective Presentation

Exhibit 18: Pie Chart

Mamta Mohanty

The figures above show the market share of four

hypothetical companies. While discussing the market
share of all four companies, use Exhibit 17. For discussing the market share of one particular company,
use Exhibit 18.

Flow Chart
The flow chart shows the relationship between processes,
procedures, and concepts. Numerical data is not used in
this chart. As the name suggests, the move or flow from
one process or procedure to another is presented. Geometric shapes are used to project the parts of a process,
procedure, or concept.

Creating Visual Aids (VAs) 155

Exhibit 19: Flow chart

Mamta Mohanty

156 The Effective Presentation

Organizational Chart
The organizational chart derives its name from the concept that it projects. Various units in the organization, the
hierarchy, channels are represented in this chart. No numerical data is presented through organizational charts.
**Exhibit 20: Organizational Chart
Organizational Structure



Manager (OD)


GM (Web App)

PM (11)

GM (System)

PM (29)

PL (27)

PL (63)


Esha Patnaik

Types of VAs
Topic objective is to design visuals as per the needs of the
audience and the availability of the infrastructure.
Visuals are designed as per the requirements of the
audience or the availability of the infrastructure. You can,
if you so desire, use more than one means of communicating the message. However, competency is required in
handling the visuals. Clumsy moves or inadvertent slips,
because of unfamiliarity with the technique can mess up
the quality of the presentation.

Creating Visual Aids (VAs) 157

Tips for Presenting Visuals

Show a visual only when you are ready for discussion. Follow the display by a discussion on the
Remove the visual after you have finished discussing the point.
Do not leave the projector on; put it on the
standby position. This brings the attention of the
audience back to you. However, it takes approximately 30 seconds for the projector to get activated from the standby position. You must plan
your speech keeping this 30-second lag in mind.
Practice using the visuals to prevent last minute
Carry additional floppies that contain a copy of
the text. To play it safe, mail a copy of the presentation to yourself or to the organizers a couple
of days in advance.

Slides for PowerPoint

Designing slides for the presentation is perhaps one of the
simplest techniques available. We refer to it as the simplest because of the ease with which the computer can be
used to learn and then design, define and animate.
The only problem that can be envisioned at the time
of using the computer is the font size and the font style.
What looks readable at a close distance may seem unreadable when viewed from the back of a room. As far as
possible use pastel colours that soothe the eye. Too bright
or too dull colours may mar the impact of the slide.

158 The Effective Presentation

Adhering to the principles discussed above, use Serif

or Arial font style. The font size for the text should be
anywhere between 34 and 36. The title however can be
slightly larger and you can follow 36, 38 or 42 size. The
title can be written in capitals but the rest of the text must
necessarily be in regular font. All lights in the room need
to be dimmed for the right effect.
Once the text has been composed on the computer, it
will need to be copied on a floppy, CD or a memory stick.
Always carry additional floppies or CDs or copy the data
on to a floppy, memory stick and a CD. Many times, especially when you are travelling abroad, the computer configuration may be different and you may not be able to use
the floppy/CD/memory stick. A still safer technique for
very important presentations is to mail the copy of your
presentation in advance to the concerned party with a
request to load it on their system. Other techniques to be
used to play it safe are: mail a copy of the presentation to
your account and take a printout of your presentation.
You can always get it Xeroxed and circulated to the participants so that they are with you at the time of delivering
the speech.
The eighth commandment for creating visualsCheck
the font size and style from a distance to ensure readability.
Just a Minute! Have you tested the slides
for readability and colour combination?

Though outmoded, transparencies are still followed at
some places as the medium for presenting the informa-

Creating Visual Aids (VAs) 159

tion visually to the audience. Text on the transparencies

needs to be written in advance. Use a ruled paper beneath the transparency, so that the lines you write are
straight. Neatness definitely adds value to the presentation. The ruled paper is not the ordinary ruled paper used
in copies. The lines on this paper are wide apart and make
it easy to write with a large handwriting.
The title on the transparency should not begin right
at the top. Leave a horizontal margin of at least 2 inches
on top and at the bottom. The text should be written in
such a manner that the transparency, once placed on the
OHP, does not have to be moved. You can use a pencil as
a pointer on the transparency, which will get reflected
onto the screen. But if you are nervous please do not use
a pencil to point as the tremor in the hand gets magnified
and displayed on screen.
Practice with the transparency is extremely important. Inadvertently, speakers place it upside down. Many
a times the audience has to point out the flaw and then
begins the ungainly attempt at correcting the error.
Warning! Practice using the transparencies
to avoid error of logistics at the time of presentation.
The best colour to use on a transparency is black which
reflects very well and has the desired impact.
On many occasions the speakers decide to use more
than one type of VA to communicate the message. One
of them is of course the PowerPoint presentation which
is prepared and the other could be a flip chart, a transparency or the black/white board. The speaker writes down
all the comments of the audience members on the transparency and keeps it aside in the parking lot and digs it
up at the end of the presentation to show that all points

160 The Effective Presentation

or all queries raised by the audience have been efficiently

The ninth commandment for creating visualsDo not
leave unattended the questions and the observations
in the parking lot.

Black and White Board

The black and the white boards are the most traditional
methods used for teaching or presenting. They are the
easiest to handle and no preparation is required. They are
ideal for teaching through cases. As the audience keeps
presenting their views and comments the facilitator can
keep jotting them down on the blackboard and with the
help of arrows build a connection between the various
viewpoints discussed in the session.
Black and white boards can also be used with a slide
show. The presenter can move to the board either in the
midst of the presentation or at the end of the presentation
and jot down points presented by the audience members.
Black/white board then becomes a parking lot for storing information to be handled at the end of the presentation. To ensure readability, all lights, especially the light
over the board should be switched on.
You have to be careful of your handwriting when writing on the board. It should neither be too small nor too
large. Practice writing in capitals. It improves readability.
In fact, you can, in the practice session, write a sentence
in regular handwriting and then repeat the sentence in
capitals. Go to the end of the room and view for yourself.
An objective analysis will tell you which writing style to
adopt. Writing in capitals will definitely slow down your

Creating Visual Aids (VAs) 161

pace of writing, but it is a very small price that you will

pay for ensuring readability.
Note: Use a combination of visual aids for
varied impact.

Flip Charts
Flip charts are always kept handy when there are no black/
white boards. They are used as a substitute for the traditional blackboard. They are kept ready and handy to be
used in case there are comments raised by the audience
members which cannot be addressed at that point in time
or there are diagrams that need to be drawn on the spur
of the moment to explain a concept.
Almost the same principles as explicated for the black/
white board are used.

Movie Clips
Movie clips are an interesting means of presenting ideas
and concepts. You drag the audience from their passive
state and get them interested in the points being presented.
A movie clip can show a process, or be part of cinema. What is important while showing movie clips is that
they should not exceed three or five minutes and should
ideally be followed by a discussion. If the movie clip is too
long the audience may drift off, making it difficult for you
to get them back to the mode of listening to the presentation.
The tenth commandment for creating visualsUse
movie clips of only two or three minutes.

162 The Effective Presentation

Selection of movie clips is crucial and must be done

on the basis of the level of the audience and the needs
from the presentation. Movie clips when combined with
power point slides make the presentation very effective,
provided the presenter knows how to handle the two
modes of communication efficiently.
Warning! Unnecessary or unrelated movie
clips detract rather than add to the impact of
the presentation.
Checklist for Creating Visuals


Follow TECT

Be impulsive in creating
Provide inaccurate or incomplete information
Use complicated graphs and
Emphasize redundant information
Clutter the slides with too
much information
Create slides without first
identifying the reason for the
Present underload of information
Use running sentences
Present the entire oral
component on slides
Fidget or jump slides
Use long movie clips for entertainment

Ensure clarity and creativity

Clarify and simplify ideas
Emphasize relevant points

Determine the criteria for

information on the slides
Form clusters of points
Visualize the points
Align Visuals with Verbal
or Oral Components
Analyze the information
Follow the six-by-six rule

Creating Visual Aids (VAs) 163

Design VAs with minimum
content and maximum visual
Use a variety of VAs

Use too much of animation

Be monotonous in choice of

1. Invest in TECT: Thought, Effort, Creativity and
2. Ascertain the reason for choice of VAs which could
be to attract the attention of the audience, to impress with the clarity, specificity, and precision of
points, to clarify ideas, to simplify concepts, to
emphasize points or to summarize the main ideas.
3. Sort information to be used on slides into groups
or clusters.
4. Identify the primary and the secondary points.
5. Develop VAs that supplement the content.
6. Research and analyse the information before presenting it on screen.
7. Remember the purpose of slides: to reinforce the
message or act as a memory jogger.
8. Follow the six-by-six rule for good content structure on the visuals.
9. Plan the number of slidesdo not overload
or underload the audience members with
10. Select the most appropriate diagram or chart on
the basis of your content.
11. Represent the content pictorially or graphically in
the form of a table, a bar chart, a stacked bar chart,

164 The Effective Presentation




a line graph, a double or multiple line graph, a pie

chart, a pictogram, flow chart, or organizational
Follow a readable font size and style.
Play it safe. Always make arrangements for alternate methods of visual display for cases of emergency.
Select from the different types of VAs: slides for
power point, transparencies, black and white board,
flip charts, movie clips.
Use a variety and combination of VAs to attract the
attention of the audience.

Caselet for Oral Presentation
Presenters: General Manager, Marketing, Mumbai
and his team members
Audience: Chairman and Vice President (Marketing),
General Manger (R&D), HXL, Mumbai.
Objective: To provide information on sale of a new
cream, Wonderpack, in the rural market.
Background: In a recent advertisement, HXL made
tall claims about a cream to be launched in the market.
They stressed that the presence of the chemical P2O,
much talked about in western countries, reduced
pigmentation and brought a glow to the complexion.
Its continuous use for six weeks would, without fail,
improve the texture of the skin as well as enhance looks.
The R&D and marketing division, after elaborate

Creating Visual Aids (VAs) 165

discussions, decided to first experiment it in the rural

market before launching it in the urban sector. After
six months the sales team got back with very negative
reports. The cream did not prove to be a wonder
cream. In fact, P2O did not suit the climatic conditions
of India. Application of the cream produced rashes on
the face, which subsided only after taking steroids. The
cream had been shunned in the rural market and the
name of the company was being sullied and all its
products boycotted by the people.
The suggested pattern for slides is as follows. The
following slides were prepared by the following students:
Hitanshu Gandhi, Shraddha Vohra, Mansur Nazimuddin,
Vipin Agarwal, Jatin Didwania.
Remember you can be still more creative and come
up with a host of other ways in which you wish to proceed. This is just a sample and will be of help to those
venturing into the area of designing visuals for the first

166 The Effective Presentation

Creating Visual Aids (VAs) 167

168 The Effective Presentation

Creating Visual Aids (VAs) 169

170 The Effective Presentation

Creating Visual Aids (VAs) 171

172 The Effective Presentation

Creating Visual Aids (VAs) 173

174 The Effective Presentation

Creating Visual Aids (VAs) 175

176 The Effective Presentation

Creating Visual Aids (VAs) 177

178 The Effective Presentation

Delivering a Presentation 179

Chapter V

Delivering a Presentation

Oral delivery aims at persuasion and making the listener believe

they are converted. Few persons are capable of being convinced;
the majority allow themselves to be persuaded.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
German Poet
Before speaking, consider the interpretation of your words as
well as their intent.
Andrew Alden


Identify methods of exercising control

Determine objective of the presentation
Establish control over the self
Identify audience preferences
Develop techniques for effective handling of

180 The Effective Presentation

Key Words
Body sport

Parking Lot
Question answers
Voice articulation

How many times have you stood in front of the mirror
and thought, This is MY time. I will make it and make it
big this time. Will I succeed? What will happen if I make a
laughing stock of myself? Relax, not only you but almost
everyone faces a similar apprehension before making a
presentation, be it to a small or a large group. If the size
of the group is too small, say, four or five people, problems faced are different from those when encountering a
group of say, 50 or 60 people. The best size (not always
in your control) of the group is 20 or 25 individuals.
While the content of your presentation is important,
it is not always a case of what you say but how you say
that strikes the chord and gets the audience to listen attentively to the presentation. You may have done a lot of
research and come up with many concepts, but if the
concepts, content and the text are not understood by the
audience, the purpose is defeated and the time spent in
research and analysis is wasted.
There are times unfortunately, when the manner in
which we present detracts from the desired effect of the

Delivering a Presentation 181

presentation. Sometimes, very rarely though, the content

is so powerful that the manner of presentation becomes
insignificant. For instance, as the head of the organization, if you announce a raise of 10 per cent, or as the
head of an academic institution you announce an unexpected break for a week, the audience does not really care
about what you do with the techniques of delivering a presentation. The content in itself is so rich and audiencecentric, that it overshadows all other essentials.
In other situations, it may happen that the presenter
is so powerful in the delivery, that the content takes a
back seat. The audience is enamoured by the walk and the
talk and is willing to forfeit concentration on the text. But
this again is a rare phenomenon and does not happen all
the time.
There may be a third situation in which the presenter
is able to bond totally with the audience right from the
start. This may be because of personal contacts, initial
interaction, responses to queries or status of the presenter.
The audience is willing to forgive and forget errors, if any,
in the course of the presentation. The presenter is in complete sway over the emotions of the audience.
All three instances cited above are rare. As ordinary
presenters aspiring to achieve an accomplished status, we
need to be able to exercise control over all three aspects
the material/content, the audience and the self.
The first commandment for delivering a presentation
exercise control over MASmaterial, audience and
View the process of delivering a presentation as a
gameof exercising controlover the material, the self

182 The Effective Presentation

and the audience. It is advisable to be in control over all

three in the initial phase before you create a niche for
yourself and are accepted as an ace presenter, with skills
and qualities not easily replicated.
The process for exercising control is broken into three

Exercising control over material

Exercising control over self
Body language
Voice modulations
Exercising control over audience
Handling audience interventions
Answering audience questions

Exercising Control over Material

Topic objective is to determine criterion for sequential
arrangement of material.
The material/content for the presentation has been
structured (see Chapter III). How do you now exercise
control over it?
Yes, the material has been planned and structured but
finally, before the delivery, check the objectives of the
presentation once more to ensure that all criteria for this
event are successfully met and the interest of the audience can be sustained.
Just a Minute: Have you rechecked the objective of making a presentation?
The objective of the presentation can be to:


Delivering a Presentation 183


Motivate to action

Let us assume that you are working in the R&D

department of a pharmaceutical company and have
prepared a presentation on a new drug, Megapix, to
cure AIDS. The product is to be launched by your company
in a month. Let us see how with a change in the objective
the focus of the presentation and the manner of presenting
will also change.
To inform: As a manager in the corporate communications department, you may be asked to do an informative
presentation to the media representatives on the new drug.
In this scenario you will present the composition of
Megapix, the potency, benefits and side-effects, if any.
To persuade: As the manager, marketing, you may be
asked to do a persuasive presentation to probably
distributors, retailers and sales representatives. You will
begin by talking of the benefits of Megapix, its
comparison with other similar drugs in the market and
the long-term benefits associated with the company.
Motivate to action: As the team leader, R&D department,
you may be asked to motivate the marketing division
people to promote the drug, Megapix, on which they
have little confidence. You can begin the presentation by
a discussion of the merits of Megapix, how proper sales
can boost the market share of the company, how proper
promotion can help the company create a niche for itself
in the domestic and international market.

184 The Effective Presentation

To sell: As a medical sales representative, you may be

asked to convince the doctors to prescribe the medicine
to the patients. In a face-to-face presentation, you may
begin your talk by showing the product and the literature
and substantiating it by providing additional information
on the merits of the drug and the process through which
the authenticity of the drug was tested in the laboratory.
To teach: As the head of the R&D department, you have
been asked by the top management to instruct the fresh
recruits of the department on the processes of the division. You could use the example of Megapix in your
methodology. In the presentation, you will present multiple perspectives, ways of approaching a problem and
methods of deriving a solution. You will use the example
of Megapix to demonstrate the multiple runs over subjects before claims of success can be incorporated in the
promotion of the product.
To train: As head of the training department, you may be
asked to train the members of the marketing division to
make presentations on the new drug, Megapix. You will
need to discuss strategies for making informative and persuasive presentations (discussed in chapter II), using
Megapix as an example.
You will notice that with a shift in the objective, the
focus of the presentation has also undergone a change.
To keep the attention of the audience hooked on to the
presentation, examine and reexamine the objective, to
ensure interest, ascertain that your focus matches with
that of the audience.

Delivering a Presentation 185

A speech should be like a womans skirt: Long enough

to cover the topic yet short enough to be interesting.
Winston Churchill

Exercising Control over Self

Topic objective is to exercise control over self.
The game is about to begin have you all your cards
in place? Do you have time to practice? For any game you
play, practice and still more practice helps in perfecting
the strokes and increasing the probability of success. It is a
similar case with presentations. If you aspire to succeed in
the game of making presentations, rehearse and then rehearse some morethe guru mantra for success.
The second commandment (guru mantra) for delivering
a presentationRehearse, rehearse and rehearse!
Rehearsals are an effective way of exercising control
over the self. Practice in front of a mirror. The mirror tells
no lies. If you are objective and critical, you will be able to
identify errors, if any, in the style of speaking or body
language. So far, you may have assumed that you look
very confident, have a perfect smile and gesticulate the
right way. However, when you stand in front of the mirror
and speak, the first thought that strikes your mindGosh
can it really be me? I look awful! The look in this case
does not relate to the natural looks with which we all are
endowed. Look in this case refers to your movements,
the way you smile and the manner in which you gesticulate. Can something be done? Yes, if you are critical and

186 The Effective Presentation

are willing to accept changes, much can be done to restore your image in first your own eyes and then in the
eyes of the audience members.
Note: Practice makes perfect.

Have you ever stood in front of a large audience and felt
the gentle or violent tremor in the knees, a churning in the
stomach and a flush on the face? Dont worry. You are
not the only one who has faced this problem. Believe me,
almost anyone who says that the audience does not create
fear in the pit of the stomach, is untruthful. Im getting
butterflies in my stomach. What should I do? I have forgotten all that I was supposed to be presenting! I cant
stand up. My knees are shaking! and similar statements
are often heard from presenters on the verge of facing the
audience. Dont panic; it is natural and normal to be nervous. It helps in good preparation and better delivery.
Knowing that you possess the potential of getting nervous
before a presentation will force you to be meticulous in
your preparation.
Let us begin by understanding the curve of nervousness before we look for remedies or solutions to combat
the shortcoming. Nervousness during the presentation or
jittery feelings take on a very steep incline that lasts only
for a couple of minutes after which it is a plateau stage. In
other words, nervousness at the beginning of the presentation increases for a couple of minutes after which it stops
and does not increase any further. If these initial few minutes are controlled at the time of delivery, the rest is easy
for the journey to success has already begun.
Warning! Do not let nervousness bog you
down. It is NATURAL to be nervous.

Delivering a Presentation 187

Theoretically and conceptually it is easy to say, Well

in a few minutes after beginning the presentation you will
be fine, so relax and face the audience! There are some
strategies that can be followed to quell the nervousness in
the initial few minutes. The first thing to do before beginning application of any of these strategies is to understand the feeling of nervousness in the pit of the stomach.
It is only when you recognize this emotion that you will
try strategies to relax the taut muscles. Dont ever suppress the feelings of nervousness. The more you suppress,
the more will they erupt with volcanic force. Let the feelings surface and come up. Recognize the statement Yes
I am nervous. The moment you realize the nervousness,
it has escaped from the pit of the stomach and is now
perched like a demon on your shoulder. It is so much
easier for you now to throw the demon off your shoulder.
See Table V.1 for more strategies to control those nerves.
Just a Minute: Have you been able to identify
the nervousness in the pit of the stomach?
Table V.1: Strategies for Controlling Nerves

Breathe deeply
Drink warm tea or coffee before the presentation
Eat something light before the presentation
Give yourself a pep talk
Imagine that the audience does not know anything

Begin the process of throwing the demon off your

shoulder by breathing deeply. Put your hand on your stomach and follow the balloon mechanism. When you breathe
in, the stomach must come out and when you breathe
out, the stomach must go in. Sounds strange, but begin

188 The Effective Presentation

practicing and you will find it does wonders to the

When you are nervous there is a rush of adrenalin
which makes the throat dry and parched. Drink tea and
coffee with sugar before the presentation. Water, aerated
drinks or anything cold must be avoided. Tea and coffee
are stimulants and contain a necessary amount of caffeine to give you the desired stimulation and instant intake of sugar makes the insulin in the blood level shoot up
giving you the desired stamina
Always eat something light before the presentation.
Preferably biscuits rich in glucose content. The butterflies in the stomach feeling gets quelled and you are physically at rest and in a position to deliver the presentation.
Warning! Do not go on stage on an empty
You have tried all the strategies and find that none of
them works and your knees are still unable to support
you. Go to the rest room and give yourself pep talk. Im
good arent I? Ill succeed, wont I? Whats there to stop
me from succeeding? Boost your morale and your confidence and step out as a changed and confident you.
The third commandment for delivering a presentation
Let not the fear eat the self, let the self eat the fear.
You have tried all the strategies and are still nervous.
Adopt this last techniquewithout doubt it will help you
restore your balance. Imagine that the audience has donkeys ears growing out of themthe audience does not
know a thing and you are the expert and will provide
expert details and comments on the issue under discussion. Remember, this technique is to be followed only in
extreme cases. The moment you begin to feel that the

Delivering a Presentation 189

audience is good for nothing and knows little, the attitude

also changes. It becomes condescending and disrespectful and gets translated in
Do the thing you fear to
the voice and manner in
do and keep on doing it
which questions are tackthat is the quickest and
led. The audience is wise
surest way ever yet disenough to understand this
covered to conquer fear.
approach. Their response
to your presentation then
Dale Carnegie
is equally condescending
and disrespectful.

Body Language
Topic objective is to learn to use body language effectively.
Okay, so now the nerves are under control let us
begin by examining if the body sport is also within control.
Body sport refers to the non-verbal signals emitted through
signs that the body makes which to the discerning and
critical eye can communicate much more than words. I
like referring to it as body sport because it is a game that
the body plays without knowledge to the self and hence,
the reason why it is invariably involuntary, one over which
you have no control. There are however, certain gestures
that can be controlled for a positive and confident look.
These gestures cannot be acquired in a day and require
constant practice (see Table V.2).
Table V.2: Tips for Displaying Positive Body Sport

Direct eye contact and smile

Feet firm on the ground
Shoulders square
Few movements of the hand
Palms facing upwards
Steady, controlled movements across the room

190 The Effective Presentation

In the course of the presentation, while it is good to

be natural, adoption and avoidance of certain gestures
can change the impression of the speaker in the minds of
the audience. Let us take a brief look at some of the positive gestures and try and incorporate them in the course
of the presentations. Believe me, you will not be able to
use them all at one shot. Practice and gradual adoption in
daily communication will make these gestures part of your
personality. Facing the audience, using these gestures will
then not be problematic or difficult and will flow naturally.
Note: Adopt positive gestures in daily
functioning, till you realize they are second nature
to you.

Direct Eye Contact and Smile

Think of the days when you were a child and had been up
to some mischief and had inadvertently been caught in
the process. While acknowledging the crime, you would
not maintain eye contact. You may also remember being
reprimanded for not being able to maintain eye contact.
The reason for emphasis on direct eye contact then and
today is that it is a sign of confidence, honesty, and surety.
Lack of eye contact during a presentation sends an
almost similar signal, that something has gone amiss, or
the presenter is not confident. These and similar other
views begin to surface in the minds of the audience. How
then does one establish eye contact or for that matter
maintain eye contact?
Lets get started. Arrive at the venue 10 or 15 minutes in advance. Note the seating arrangement. The names
of the participants have probably already been put up on
tent cards. Mentally divide the room into four corners
left, right, left-centre, and right-centre and imagine the

Delivering a Presentation 191

seats are occupied. Practice for a few minutes shifting

your eye to extreme seating positions in the room.
Finally, the audience has arrived and now begins the
ordeal. Begin by looking at one person in the left group
directly in the eye, sweep your glance over the rest of the
group members and let your eye rest on one member of
the left-centre group. Follow this strategy for all four groups
in the first round. In the second round, look at another
member directly in the eye and keep shifting your eye to
other groups. After some time, the audience members
may get used to your shifting your head in a particular
direction. Change the sequence of looking at the groups.
If you started with the left group, begin this time by looking at a group member in the right-centre and move your
gaze in the clockwise or anti-clockwise direction. Remember that when you look at group members, your gaze
must not focus on the forehead or rest below the chin. It
must be a direct eye-to-eye contact.
Couple it with an open smile that reaches the eyes
overall impacthuge and unquantifiable. It is difficult to
state what the smile should look like for you to bond with
the audience. It should be simple and genuine. A smile is a
reflection of the state of mind or the heart. It will only look
and seem sincere if the individual is sincerely happy with
the situation. Try an occasional smile at the audience members in the course of the presentation. Let it not be a broad
smile that extends from ear to ear, but a genuine and sincere one with a faint trace at the corners of the mouth.
The fourth commandment for delivering a presentationMaintain direct eye contact and smile genuinely for instant bonding with the audience.

192 The Effective Presentation

Standing Posture
Have you ever looked at your standing position? Do you
slouch, have a hunch? Or do you stand tall and erect? If it
is the last nothing can be better. If not, then begin work on
correcting the posture.
Have you noticed there is something very strange about
the human body? The minute it comes into contact with
any object, like table, chair or podium, it automatically
leans against the object for support. While in informal chat,
it is acceptable to a certain extent, it is absolutely unacceptable in a presentation. Your role as a presenter is to
energize the audience and keep them moving at a fast
pace with you. If you begin to take support of other objects in the room, dont blame the audience if they also
lean back and subsequently tune off!
For a straight and lean posture, balance your weight
on both feet, stand erect with shoulders square, and face
the audience. How long will a presentation last? Thirty
minutes, 45 minutes, or probably an hour? Give it a shot,
it is really not all that difficult to balance your weight equally
on both feet. Shuffling or moving on the same spot, resting weight on one leg and then shifting it to the other leg,
or resting the posterior on the table, while comfortable
do not present you as a positive, energetic presenter.
The fifth commandment for delivering a presentation
Energize the audience by showing your energy and
Show energy and agility through your posture and
movements. This does not mean that you keep moving

Delivering a Presentation 193

throughout or remain fixed or glued to one spot. Maintain a balance between the moves and the stationary postures.
Note: Do not slouch or lean against any object in the room.

Movement of the Hands

Out, out damned spot, said Lady Macbeth as she washed
her hands again and again to wash off the guilt of the
murder of Duncan, the King. Hands communicated the
crime committed not so far behind.
Yes, hands do, not only for Lady Macbeth, but for all
of us, communicate a message. Hence, the need to
understand the language of the hands. Certain hand
movements communicate a negative message. For
instance, keeping your arms crossed over the chest, or
hands behind the back or in the pocket. While some people
may find these positions comfortable or natural, they are
best avoided in a presentation. Analysis of these positions
indicates that arms crossed over the chest reveal a closed
and defensive person; hands behind the back
authoritative; hands in the pocketsecretive or critical.
Interestingly while we have defined these positions of
the hand in a very scientific and objective manner, we
need to understand that while studying body sport, all
gestures of the presenter are to be considered before we
arrive at any conclusion. That is, the expression on the
face, the look in the eyes, the hand position and movements, and the posture. However, very few members of
the audience are able to study body sport in clusters. Their
attention is caught by isolated gestures and impressions
are formedthis presenter is positive or negative.

194 The Effective Presentation

To revert to the position of the handsnow that we

have negated all the hand positions, we are left with just
onehands by the side. A perfectly acceptable position,
though not very comfortable if you are not used to it. If on
stage you decide to adopt this position, you will, after a
short while feel that the hands from the sockets will fall
off! Practice, and achieve the target.
Use your hands sparinglyuse them to emphasize a
point. Every time you use your hands, ensure that the
palms face upwards. Using palms facing downwards is
not viewed positively. It is indicative of an overbearing
person with the desire to suppress or subdue. Finally, do
not point fingers at anyone in the audience. If you must
use your hands to point to any one, use the full palm with
all fingers pointing at the respondent. The palm in this
case must again be facing upwards.
Warning! Watch out! Do not clench your hands
into fists, which would be indicative of the fact
that you are not very happy about the topic you
are discussing.

Movements of the Presenter

Can you actually remain glued to a point and deliver your
presentation? No, dont even try that! You will look and
feel like a robot, stiff, unrealistic and unnatural. The audience would like to see you look and behave normal.
For movement of any kind, you must have done
sufficient research on the layout in the room. You must
be familiar with the extent to which you can move left or
right while remaining in the vision of the audience. Additionally, you must also have information or the chords
and the wires in the room. Check if the wires of the audio
visual equipment are taped to the ground. Check on the

Delivering a Presentation 195

seating arrangement. If it is a U-shaped seating arrangement, your life has been made simple by the organizers. If
it is in a classroom style with seats arranged in rows, try
and get the arrangement changed. Now, you are comfortable with the arrangement and know how and where
to move.
Just a Minute: Have you studied the layout of
the room?
The projector may be fixed in the centre of the room.
Begin the presentation by standing on the left side of the
U-shape, welcoming the audience, and introducing yourself. After some time you may feel the need to move to
the right side, take confident steps and move to the right,
without blocking the projector or coming in between the
projector and the screen. You can also move to the centre of the U-shape. When you want to move out of the
centre of the U-shape, move in reverse gear. The initial
research on the layout of the room will at this stage hold
you in good stead. You can comfortably move around
without knocking into anything or anyone.
Warning! Exercise caution! Do not turn your
back to the audience.
Positive body language for a presentation then can
be summed up as an aggregate of direct eye contact,
feet firm on the ground, shoulders square, and few hand
movements with palms facing upwards. A pleasant expression on the face with an occasional smile during a
presentation is also essential because it indicates that you
are happy to be with the audience.
The sixth commandment for delivering a presentation
Listen carefully to the questions, rephrase and then
give a response.

196 The Effective Presentation

Voice Modulations
Topic objective is to exercise control over voice inflections.
Sit back and reflectwho according to you is a good
presenter? And why? What are the outstanding qualities
that the presenter possesses? One of your many responses
is sure to be the voice modulations and the inflections
that the presenter brings to the floor. Isnt that what media anchors use for various progammesthe quality of
voice, the modulations and inflections, the tone, the emphasis, the pauses at appropriate junctures? Think of the
radio programmes, in which you are not able to see the
presenter, yet you remain tuned on to the system and the
programme because of something inherent in both the
content and the tone.
This analysis brings us to an interesting pointthe
need for voice modulations. Remember, the best of presentations and ideas in terms of content can put the audience to sleep if the voice is slow-paced and monotonous.
The four components that enhance voice quality and aid
in voice modulations areenergy, pace, pauses, and emphasis (see Table V.3).
Table V.3: Enhancing Voice Modulations




Vary your voice modulations between high,

middle and low energy level.
Vary the pace of speaking.
Incorporate pauses at appropriate places.
Emphasize points that you want the audience to retain.

The seventh commandment for delivering a presentationUse voice modulations to capture the attention of the audience.

Delivering a Presentation 197

Energy in voice refers to the force that a presenter uses to
present ideas. Audience members prefer to listen to an
individual who has force and energy in the voice than one
who makes a presentation in a flat voice, that is, without
any voice inflections. There are three levels of energy:
high, medium, and low.
Do not begin with high energy, if you are not used to
it. It will be difficult for you to maintain and sustain the
same level for the rest of your presentation. Begin at the
middle level, shoot up to the high energy level, and then
come down to the low energy level. It is not necessary to
follow this pattern. You can follow any pattern, that is,
alternate between the different energy levels. The variations in the energy level help sustain audience interest.
Note: Vary the energy level for maximum gain.

Do you speak fast or are you very slow? Are the listeners
able to grasp what you are talking about or do they tune
off? You have to gauge the level of acceptance of your
presentation from the facial expressions of the audience.
If they have a puzzled look on their face, it indicates that
they have not understood a word of what you have said.
Vary the pace of speaking. There are individual variations
on how many words are pronounced per minute. The
important criterion for measuring success is that the audience members are able to understand all that is being said
and are able to enjoy it.
A good way to control pace in the practice stage, is
to record your speech on the audio system, and then to

198 The Effective Presentation

replay it. This will help you to pick out weaknesses, if any,
in the energy and pace of speaking.
Just a Minute: Are you able to match the pace
of your speaking with the needs of the audience?

Directly related to the pace of speaking is the use of pauses
and emphases. Do you pause in the course of a presentation? Do you lay emphasis on the right words?
The eighth commandment for delivering a presentationWeave in the pauses in your presentation and
practice thoroughly.
What is the importance of pauses? Where exactly must
one pause? Pauses help the listeners to assimilate what is
being said. If you start at a very fast pace and continue at
the same pace, it is very difficult for the audience to assimilate the said content. When a point has just been completed, pause for a couple of seconds, look at all the audience members, and try to secure their consent through
eye contact. Audience members need time to absorb the
points before they begin to concentrate on the next point.
In a persuasive presentation for selling computer hardware to corporate houses, if you pause after presenting
the financials, the audience members get time to assess the feasibility of the proposal based on financial
implications before they yield to further discussion.
Dont make haste! Revel in the pause! You have
almost won the audience over to your side.

Delivering a Presentation 199

The second pause can be structured for presentation immediately after presenting the benefits.

Pauses are not only used after points but can also be
used after statements or words for dramatic effect.
In a scenario description for the opening of a presentation, you are discussing the impact of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. After making the statement, Suddenly the planes crashed into the towers.
You pause the audience begins to visualize the scene.

Pauses cannot be too long or too short. If they are too

long, the audience may lose rhythm and get restless. If too
short, the purpose is defeated. Again, it is difficult to state
that 10 seconds is just right or too much and nine just
right. When you face the audience and see them leaning
towards you, absorbing and assimilating the content in
the pauses, you know that you have been able to hit the
mark. If you see the audience getting restless, it is a negative sign. You have not been convincing and effective in
the use of pauses. Pauses also help determine the pace of

Closely related to pauses is the technique of using emphasis on words. Emphasize select words in the presentation.
The words that carry maximum weight must be emphasized. As a presenter, you are the best judge of the text
that you will like the audience to concentrate on. However, at the outset, one can say that numbers and statistics
capture the attention of the audience and need to be emphasized.

200 The Effective Presentation

In a presentation on support service provided by your
organization to people and companies across the world,
you can make a statement to the following extent: Ten
thousand people in the last two years have benefited
from our organization.
Emphasize ten thousand and last two years.

Note: Use numbers, they always capture the

attention of the audience.
Observing these voice modulationsvariation in
energy level, shift in pace, pauses, and emphasis can bring
about the desired effect in the voice modulations. Some
presenters are faced with the problem of bringing about
variations in the energy level or tone. Two strategies can
be followed:
reading plays and
practicing using the voice at different levels .
While reading plays take on the roles of all the characters and read the play aloud with sufficient voice modulations, as if you were part of the group enacting the play.
Tape your voice, replay, and listen to the voice inflections. Initially the voice
I am a great believer in
may sound flat, but graduluck and find the harder
ally as you keep practicing,
I work the more I have of
you will find that you have
been able to adopt the
roles and are effectively delivering the dialogues (see
Table V.4).

Stephen B. Leacock

Note: Check voice for energy level, pace, pause,

and emphasis.

Delivering a Presentation 201

Table V.4: Tips for Improving Voice Modulations
Practicing at different levels can be done in the following
1. Pick up any sentence, for instance, I need to improve my
voice inflections.
2. Speak this sentence at the lowest possible pitch.
3. Repeat the sentence at different levels of pitch increasing by
one level at every repetition.
4. Identify the most convenient band of levels for yourself.
Ideally the band should comprise five levels.
5. Practice within this band with different sentences.

Exercising Control Over the Audience

Topic objective is to identify strategies to exercise control
over the audience when delivering a presentation.
You have done your audience analysis and are now
ready with your presentation. All you need to do is exercise control over the audience and keep them tuned to
what you are saying. Remember the audience is not bad.
It wants you to succeed, but then you too must provide it
with the needed input.
Follow the 2 A approach for success with the audience.
Adapt the message, that is, translate the message
into a language that caters to the needs of the audience
and is easily understood by them. For example, if the audience is interested in a presentation on installation and
maintenance costs of an X-ray machine, and you provide
them with spatial information on the machine, the purpose of the presentation is defeated.
If the audience has expressed an explicit desire to gain
information from you on the appraisal of the employees

202 The Effective Presentation

in the accounts section and you begin talking to them

about the targets of the accounts section, the purpose is
not achieved. Speak, as far as possible, the language of
the listeners.
Address the message, that is, use pronouns like
you or your to refer to the audience.
You must have read in the newspapers today

The you reference, as in this particular example,

makes the audience alert to the statements made by the
Before speaking, conAnother strategy for
sider the interpretation
bonding can be to address
of your words as well as
the audience members ditheir intent.
rectly by name. The bonding is almost immediate.
Andrew Alden
Mr Mehta, in your capacity as . . . By addressing messages directly to the audience you draw the attention
not only of the addressed individual, but all members
in the group.

Just a Minute: Have you been able to adapt

the message to the needs of the audience?.

Audience Interventions
Here is some positive news for you! Audience interventions are a sign of audience interest in the presentation.
Your success can, to a great extent, be defined by the
nature of audience interventions which are indicative of

Delivering a Presentation 203

the fact that the audience has actually been listening to

you. If it had tuned off, chances of there being any interventions would not have been possible.
The ninth commandment for delivering a presentation
Welcome audience interventions they help in boosting your morale and building on the presentation.
Interventions can be in the nature of :


Agreements are statements made by the audience members through which they indicate their acceptance of a
point made by the presenter.
In a presentation on the final draft of a project for the
electrical department of an engineering college, the faculty member nods and says, True, absolutely true. Or,
thanksI totally agree with you.

Every time there is an audience intervention you must

respond to it. Thank the person and then proceed.

Additions are strategies used by the audience to indicate
acceptance of the presenters point and follow-up with an
additional point or anecdote.

204 The Effective Presentation

In continuation with the previous example, the faculty
member adds an incident and states, thanks I totally
agree with you. Once in 2001, we had applied a similar
process . . . .

In both these cases, that is, agreements and additions,

the presenter must ideally thank the audience member for
the contributions made to enrich the session.

Problems arise when there are objections or disruptions
from the audience and the presenter fails to exercise control over the audience. Objections are statements that indicate lack of conformity to or acceptance of statements
made by the presenter. The audience member makes an
objection, which may be followed by other members. To
exercise control, you have to gently agree to disagree and
resolve the issue in a peaceful manner.
You are a member of the team of technical support
staff in an automobile company. In a presentation on
axles, you begin by explaining the merit of the right
axle over the left. However, one audience member objects to your statement and says that both the axles are
equally important. You can respond in the following
manner without offending the audience member:
Thank you for your observation and comment. If I
understand you rightly, in your assertion you would
like to state that both the axles are equally important
(wait for the audience member to acknowledge the state-

Delivering a Presentation 205

ment. It can be in the form of a loud yes or a nod of the
head. Then proceed) However, recently we found in
a study done on approximately 100 cars that the right
axle is more important than the left. I will proceed to
explain how. In case you have further questions, we
can consider them at the end of the presentation.

The strategy followed in this case was:


Acknowledgement of the point

Presentation of further details, and
Promise to discuss it at a later stage if required

Disruptions are disturbances in the form of questions that
are not always logical or structured and are designed to
break the flow of the presentation. In such cases, dismiss
the question or disruption, or detour and continue with
your presentation.
In continuation with the previous example, the audience member may insist that both axles are equally
important and that your study is useless and not based
on valid grounds. You can respond to the disruption in
the following manner: I think there is a difference of
opinion in our understanding of the function of the
axle. Allow me to proceed further. We will pick up the
issue after the presentation.

The crucial stage in a presentation is the questionanswer phase in which the audience members sort out
their doubts by asking questions.

206 The Effective Presentation

Answering Audience Questions

Topic Objectives:

Identify the two types of questions asked by the

Apply strategies to deal with both types of audience

Audience questions are an important step in helping

you to establish your credibility. The members of the audience are looking for an appropriate or accurate response
from you as you are supposedly the expert of the topic,
providing guidelines or analysis.
The four steps in responding to audience questions


Carefully worded and well thought out responses, at

this stage will help you in establishing your credibility as
a presenter. Do not be in a rush to answer questions.
Listen very carefully to the questions, affir m or
acknowledge the questions, try and figure out the worth,
value, or merit of the questions, that is, discern their
importance and finally give an answer. Even if you feel
that the questions are worthless and a waste of time, do
not say so. Make the audience feel that the question is
well thought of and worthy of your time and effort. Do
not rush through the process. In your haste to give a
response, you may use incorrect wordings which may turn
the audience hostile.

Delivering a Presentation 207

You can also, on the board or flip chart, make a column with a heading parking lot in which you place all
the questions, views, suggestions or comments that could
not be attempted in the course of the presentation. As
and when time permits, you can revert to the questions
and take them up one at a time. This device is extremely
helpful as it assures the audience that their questions will,
sooner or later be dealt with by the presenter.
The tenth commandment of delivering a presentation
isListen carefully to the questions; rephrase and
then provide a response.
When the audience raises simple queries, there is absolutely no problem. You can look terribly interested before framing a response. The two difficult types of questions that necessitate discussion are:

Multi-pronged questions
Questions to which answers are not known

Multi-Pronged Questions
The really tough questions are the abstract or multipronged questions and the questions to which you do
not have an answer. Multi-pronged questions are those in
which the audience member asks you to give a response
to three or four related issues.
In a presentation on the hygiene conditions in the
hospital by the administrative staff, the doctor may
ask you the following question: Why arent the right

208 The Effective Presentation

disinfectants being used? How are patients responding
to hygiene conditions in the hospital? When was the
complaint made, who was on duty?

The three issues in this situation are


Quality of disinfectants
Response of patients, and
Attendance of administrative staff

For all multi -pronged questions, paraphrase the question before giving a response. If I understand you correctly, you will like to know about the quality of disinfectants, response of patients, and the staff who were on
If the question is not clear, ask the person to repeat
the question. Arrange the questions in the order in which
you wish to respond. In case you want to begin your answer with the response of patients, paraphrase it in the
following manner: If I understand you correctly, you would
like to know about the response of patients, the quality of
disinfectants, and the staff who were on duty?
In case you do not wish to reveal the answer, you can
give the answer to the first two queries and miss out on
the third. However, the audience may be very keen to get
the response from you and may repeat the question. In
such situations, you have no option but to give the answer.

Questions to Which Answers are not Known

It may happen that the audience asks you a question to
which you do not have an answer. Accept human frailty
and acknowledge inability to answer the question at that
particular moment. Begin by apologizing and respond in

Delivering a Presentation 209

the following manner: Im sorry I do not have an answer

to this question but I can get back to you tomorrow.
Another strategy that can be adopted is to throw the
question back at the rest of the audience members in the
following manner: What do you think is the best possible
solution? In 95 per cent of the cases, you will get an
answer from some member of the audience. But this is a
very tricky strategy as it may happen that no one in the
audience has an answer and you are back to square one.
For embarrassing situations of this kind, keep a couple of
punch lines up your sleeve. In a situation where the audience does not have an answer to the question, you can
say with an apologetic smile, All of us are sailing in the
same boat. However, the end result of this punch-laden
question-answer session is not very productive. The audience is dissatisfied with your performance and all the effort that you had put in planning, designing, and presenting goes a waste.
Warning: Be careful of multi-pronged
questions or questions to which you do not have
an answer.
Checklist for Delivering a Presentation


Follow MAS
Practice for improving
voice modulations
Stand tall and erect

Be unprepared
Speak in a monotonous
Shift weight from one leg
to the other
Look continuously in one
Give a very broad smile
Point a finger

Maintain eye contact

Smile frequently
Use hands for emphasis

210 The Effective Presentation

Table (Contd.)


Move from one side of

the room to the other
Breathe deeply to control
the nerves
Adapt the message
Thank the audience for
their suggestions
Listen carefully to the
Paraphrase the question
Accept human frailty

Stand fixed to one spot

Drink water or anything cold
before a presentation
Use high flying statements
Refute or argue on stage
Rush with the response
Throw it back to the audience
Show knowledge where there
is none

1. Exercise control over MAS: material, audience and
2. Ascertain the objective for making a presentation
which can be to inform, persuade, motivate to action, sell, teach or train.
3. Control nerves or nervousness by recognizing feelings of fear, breathing deeply, and doing pep talk.
4. Practice on body language to project a positive self
5. Bond with the audience by a gentle smile and direct eye contact.
6. Feel and look relaxed in the course of a presentation.
7. Make your presentation energetic, forceful with
varied pace and pitch.

Delivering a Presentation 211

8. Structure your pauses and weave in the emphasis

at points where you want the audience to absorb
and assimilate.
9. Adapt and address your message to the needs of
the audience.
10. Listen, affirm, discern and then respond to the audience queries.
11. Handle audience interjections with care.
12. Be truthful and honest in interaction with the

212 The Effective Presentation

Chapter VI

Situational Presentation

G Identify relevant issues
G Assess the nature of presentation needed for the

G Develop a mental frame for the presentation
G Apply strategies
After reading the book you may have realized that
you may still be hesitant, fidgety, and nervous. You need
practice and still more practice to be able to come up to
an expected level.
Try the following course of action:
1. Pick up any deviant situation or ask a friend to compose the situation for you.
2. Light a matchstick.
3. Think as the matchstick burns (which will be approximately 15 seconds).

Situational Presentation 213

4. Blow-out the matchstick as it begins to singe your

finger and thumb.
5. Begin speaking immediately.
The purpose of this exercise is to help you in the process of thinking on your feet. The reason why I ask you to
light the matchstick is that more than half your concentration will be on the lit matchstick and you will not be able to
plan. Yet, if you are able to speak on the impromptu situations given to you, you have already honed your skills
and are on the road to becoming a successful presenter.
Some situations and examples are provided in this
chapter which will serve as good points to begin with.
Once all these situations have been exhausted, you can
devise more and perfect the art of effective speaking.
1. You are travelling by train. Your co-passengers,
comprising a family of husband, wife and two kids,
have been littering the compartment floor with
foodstuff and rubbish. Ask them to refrain from
2. You are driving on the road on a two-wheeler, when
your vehicle is hit by a car trying to overtake you
from the left. Though the driver stops, he refuses
to pay compensation for the dent in your vehicles
body. Convince him to pay for the damage.
3. The bank teller is ready to close the counter though
there is still some time to go till closing time. Persuade her to get your cheque encashed before she
4. Your classmate had borrowed your notes for reference, and now seems to have misplaced them.
Ask him to return them to you at the earliest, intact.

214 The Effective Presentation

5. A senior colleague is in the habit of interrupting
group discussions with personal accounts. Put the
message across that such behaviour is not appreciated in teams.
6. Your friend and you often dine out together. Both
of you get along well; however, lately you have
realized that you often end up footing the bill.
Broach the subject with her.
7. Your manager has asked you to submit a report in
one days time. The data, however, is not available and it would take several days to compile the
information. Ask for more time to complete the
8. You are driving a car on a busy road. The car in
front of you gives a sudden break, and your vehicle rams into it, denting the rear fender. Though
it is obviously not your fault, the driver of the other
vehicle demands that you pay for the damage.
Stress your stand and do not give in to his demand.
9. The neighbours dog frequently gets into your garden and pulls out the plants. Talk with your
neighbour about it.
10. You have booked a ticket through a travel agent
for an overnight bus journey. When you board the
bus, you find the seat broken. How would you
handle the situation?
11. Mention to your colleague that you do not like
her habit of talking about other people when they
are not around.
12. You and your colleague often have to work together on projects that require working on the computer. She is not conversant with the software, and
refuses to learn. As a result, most of the systems
work comes to you. Convey to her that she ought
to pick up the required skills.

Situational Presentation 215

13. The new project you have been assigned to requires
help from a senior colleague. He is not known to
be friendly with newcomers. Approach him for
14. A friend had borrowed a large amount of money
from you six months ago. Now he seems to have
forgotten all about returning it. Raise the issue
with him.
15. A new recruit in the organization, you realize a
senior colleague has been withholding from you
information that you would require to accomplish
the assigned tasks. Talk with him about it.
16. You have hosted a party in a renowned restaurant, and the food turns out to be substandard.
Talk to the manager about this.
17. A friend has had a death in the family and seems
to have withdrawn into herself. Talk with her to
move on in life.
18. A pure vegetarian, you find a piece of bone in the
vegetable Chow Mein you had ordered at a restaurant. Talk to the manager.
19. A close friend has invited you to a party at his
place. However, you have an examination the next
day, and will be unable to make it. Explain your
position to him.
20. The vegetable vendor at the local market has apparently overcharged you for your regular supply.
Talk to him about it.
21. On a hiking trip, ask for a lift from a passing car
on the highway.
22. Lodge a complaint with the complaint cell of a
local department store, for defective goods.
23. The quality of food in the mess is not up to standard. As the students mess coordinator, speak with
the mess supervisor regarding bringing about improvements.

216 The Effective Presentation

24. Your colleague has asked you for help with a
project she is working on, but you will not be able
to help her due to lack of time. Politely explain
your stand.
25. There is a party to celebrate the successful completion of a major project by your team. As the team
leader, make a short speech on the occasion.
26. Convince your friend to read your favourite book
in fiction.
27. Midway through a major project, you need to take
two days off for a medical check-up. With the deadline soon approaching, ask your project leader for
28. The tailor has messed up the suit you had ordered.
Ask him to alter it, at no extra cost.
29. Visualize yourself at a hill station on a winter morning. Build up an imagery of the environment.
30. You have earned a well-deserved holiday after a
lengthy project. Now your senior wants you to carry
some routine file work to complete during your
vacation. How would you refuse?
31. You are working on your friends computer, and
accidently delete some of her files. Break the news
to her.
32. A senior colleague keeps the ring volume of her
cell phone very high, even during meetings. Talk
to her as to how distracting it is for others in the
33. Convince your non-vegetarian friend to turn vegetarian.
34. How would you explain Newtons law of gravity
to a six-year old child?
35. While on a long bus journey you find an elderly
person smoking constantly. Ask him to stop.
36. You come to hear that one of your colleagues has
been discussing about you with other people, while

Situational Presentation 217









you are not around. Tell her that you do not like it
and she should refrain from it.
Imagine yourself staying in a hostel with very strict
rules. You need to stay late for a friends party.
Convince the hostel warden to allow you to stay
out beyond the stipulated time.
A friend often borrows your bike, but returns it
without filling the petrol. Refuse to lend it to him
the next time he asks for it.
Your boss wants you to work over the weekend on
a project which you know you have not been officially assigned to. Assert yourself, and politely
refuse to do the work.
Your boss has called you for a meeting to discuss
a problem in the ongoing project. However, he
seems distracted and is apparently not giving you
his full attention. Draw his interest back to the
issue at hand.
You have made a terrible mistake for which the
company had to incur a heavy loss. The top management is furious and has asked for your resignation. How would you pacify the top management and ask for one more opportunity.
Your boss is a coercive type of manager who
doesnt listen to any ideas at all. You have some
ideas, which when implemented, would definitely
increase the productivity. How do you convince
your boss so that he implements your ideas?
You are known to be empathetic and a good listener. Most of your time in office is spent in listening to the problems of other people. How would
you correct this situation so that you have ample
time to concentrate on your job?
An ambitious project has been assigned to your
company. You spring on the opportunity and take
full responsibility for it. Later you realize that you

218 The Effective Presentation





cannot do full justice to it because of some serious family problem. Your Boss is banking on you
to deliver the results and the deadline is fast approaching. How would you communicate your inability to deliver the goods on time?
Your boss has given an interview in the newspaper where he has made a complete fool of himself. How do you explain to him that he is in dire
need of a proper public relations officer?
You have a colleague who has an ego problem. He
is not receptive to the ideas of others and tries to
impose his viewpoint on the group. You have to
persuade him to act not as a team leader but as a
team member.
You are a project manager in an IT firm. You are
meeting with one of your prospective clients. He
is demanding for faster completion of project (say
eight weeks) but you know it cant be completed
before 12 weeks. You have to convince the client
and get the project.
Convince your superior that the plagiarized report
is actually your own work.
Motivate a junior employee to put in four hours of
extra work without getting paid for it.
Your client is terribly annoyed as you were unable
to provide the goods at the stipulated time. Defend your company.

Glossary 219


Presentation A formal mode of orally conveying ideas from

the sender to the receiver/s. Formal presentations are largely
a public affair where the presenter faces the audience and
delivers ideas, mostly as a monologue
Informative presentation A presentation in which an
attempt is made to educate or inform the audience members
on issues or processes in the organization
Persuasive presentation A presentation in which an attempt
is made to sell the idea or make a sales pitch to the audience
Audience expectations What the audience is looking for from
the presentation, in terms of information, benefits and value
Aids Supplements such as slides, handouts, recordings, or instruments that may be used to support the oral presentation
Cue cards Small thick paper cards, each representing a point
from the collated material, used to structure the presentation
material in a logical sequence
Anecdote Narration A story-telling technique of beginning a
presentation or giving a boost to the sagging presentation

220 The Effective Presentation

Scenario Description An anecdote narration technique in
which the environment and surroundings are also taken into
Quotations A statement or a bunch of statements made by a
renowned personality that help in the development of the
Declaration A statement made at the opening of a presentation in which a promise is made or a startling statement made
that captures the attention of the audience
Statistics The science of collecting and analysing significant
numerical data
Visual Imagery A set of words that stimulates the sense of
perception of the audience members and helps them to visualize the situation that is being explained
Rehearsal The practice of the presentation material
Body language The non-verbal signals emitted through signs
that the body makes
Gaze Look or eye movement
Posture Standing position of the body
Voice modulation The change in stress, pitch, loudness, or
tone of the voice; an inflection of the voice
Pace of speech The rate of speaking; number of words per
Word emphasis Stress on certain words
Message adaptation Translating the message into a language
that caters to audience needs or is easily understood by members of the audience
Multi-pronged question Questions in which two or more
related questions are asked
Credibility The worthiness of belief in a concept or product
Queries Questions
Human Frailty Human weakness
Spatial Of space
Thesis Proposition to be maintained and proved
Voice Inflections Variations in voice modulations
Table Representation of specific data

Glossary 221
Single line graph Graph with one line used to show growth
Double line graph Comparative graph with two lines that
shows growth
Bar chart Bars projected vertically to show quantities
Stacked Bar Chart Vertical bars placed one on top of the
other with multiple data
Pictogram Creative and innovative ways of representing and
analysing the data in the forms of symbols
Flow chart Shows the relationship between processes, procedures, and concepts
Pie Chart Represents percentage and is plotted in the form of
a circle
Floating Wedge Part of the pie chart that is not joined to the
circle but sticks out
Organizational Chart A chart that shows hierarchy in an
Paraphrase Rephrase
Handouts Hard copy of text
Memory joggers Memory refreshers
Six-by-six rule Six lines with each line containing six words
Incline Rise
Decline Fall
Plateau Even/horizontal

222 The Effective Presentation


acceptability, 9495, 103,

11314, 115
accuracy, 40, 49, 14547
adaptation, 180
agenda, 86, 9597
aggression, 139, 140
agility, 192
anecdote narration, 85, 86
87, 96, 97, 115, 119
appeal for action, 56, 1078,
appropriateness, 115
assertiveness, 80, 139, 140
attention-gaining strategies,
85, 90, 92, 9495, 108,
11218, 133
attrition, 7274, 12627, 142
audience, 2728, 50, 7273;
analysis, 44, 5658, 63;
capabilities, 78, 8283,
119, 120; education

and knowledge level, 30,

44; intervention, 2023;
involvement and participation, 51, 9394;
mood, 53; needs and
expectations, 30, 32
33, 40, 41, 43, 4748,
50, 5658, 63, 65,
7374, 75, 76, 77, 78,
96, 99, 112, 202, 211;
participation, 58, 113;
perspective, 60; preferences, 179; profile,
48, 5556, 96, 97; level
of understanding, 140
authenticity of presentation,
23, 84, 97
awareness, 49
balloon mechanism, 187
bar chart, 15152, 163

Index 223
bargaining, 139, 140
benefit analysis, 79
black and white board, 160
1, 164
body language, 26, 60, 100,
18990, 195, 211
bonding, 11314, 181, 191,
challenge, 105, 1067, 109
channel, 78, 81
clarity of thoughts, 40, 51, 78,
801, 119, 120, 123, 130,
collaboration, 30
collating material and information, 6265, 74, 77, 129
communication, communication skills, 22, 2425, 29,
35, 39, 49, 12526
competency level, 27, 39, 93
competition, 48
complacency, 85
completeness, 40
computerization, 51
concentration, 213
concepts or issues, 27, 122,
confidence, 31, 44, 190
connectivity, 104
consistency, 78, 8182, 119,
content, content development,
41, 50, 56, 57, 76, 78,
7980, 81, 85, 89, 97,
108, 113, 119, 120, 121,

123, 124; for informative

and persuasive presentation, 97105; on visuals,
12429, 143; See also
designing and structure
context, 7879, 120
continuity, 101, 104, 120,
control, 17982; over audience, 2019; over material,
18285; over self, 185
conviction abilities, 28, 80
cooperation, 12526
coordination, 29
corporate communication, 63
corporate setting, 32
cost benefit analysis, 79
creativity, 85, 122, 123, 163,
credibility, 64, 77, 83, 94, 97,
119, 120, 206
cross-cultural environment, 88
cue cards, 6566, 74, 99,
100, 129
declaration, 86, 9495, 119
designing and structure of
content, 26, 30, 43, 44,
49, 51, 97, 113, 12324,
130, 163, 1802; visual
aids, 14347, 178
direct reporting, 3940
disparity, 82
disruptions, 205

224 The Effective Presentation

educative presentation, 51
emotional appeal, 32
emotional and moral responsibility, 107
emotions, 33, 181
emphasis, 199201
employee appraisal system, 39
energy, 197, 200
enthusiasm, 1401
exchange, 24, 2829, 139,
extempore presentations, 33
eye contact, 52, 91, 1901,
210, 211; See also body
facts and figures, 85, 8991,
119, 131
fast moving consumer goods
(FMCG), 99
financial implications, 47, 49
flip charts, 124, 154, 161,
focus, 80, 128
font size and style, 100, 164
fumbling, 62
gender diversity, 30
gestures, 60, 190, 193
graph, single and multiple line,
graphic presentation, 122,
groups and teams, 29
handling, 179

handouts, 44, 7174, 117,

hard strategies, 13940
Hewlitt Software Manufacturers (HMS), Gurgaon,
homework, 62, 117
humour, 85, 8889, 97, 119
ideas, concepts and issues, 41
identity, 212
illustrations, 134
impromptu speech, 34
inattentiveness, 108
inflation rate, 123
inflections, 1956, 200
information, 70, 97, 100,
12628, 163, 201; analysis, 6364; overload, 117,
130, 163;on slides, 139
43; sifting through and analyzing, 1302
informative and persuasive
presentations, 3839; closing section, 10910;
middle, 97105; opening,
infrastructure, availability, 156
ingratiation, 139, 140
institutional policies, 82
intellectual appeal, 33
interaction, 24, 41, 51, 61,
11213, 211
interest groups, 32
interest level, 5860
interjections, 41

Index 225
Internet, 63, 64
jokes and humor, See humour
knowledge, 45, 47, 63, 78
learning process, 45
lighting arrangement,. 52
linkages, 99
listening, 2067
logic tree, 65, 6667, 74, 99,
logical structuring, 6770
logistics, 159
market conditions, 39, 53, 60,
72, 115
marketing, marketing strategies, 4748, 54, 79, 98
99, 122
mass appeal, 122
material, the audience and the
self (MAS), 4445, 181,
memory jogger, 134
mental frame, 212
merit, 51; identification, 41;
sense of, 39
mission, 47
mode and medium of presentation, 5455
motivation, 1068, 109, 183
motive of the presenter, 50
movie clips, 122, 124, 161
multimedia presentation, 54

neatness, 159
negotiation skills, 80
nervousness, 18689, 210
networking, 30
objections, 2045
objective of making presentation, 49, 50, 65, 85, 110,
111, 119, 128, 179
one-to-one or face-to-face
presentation, 38
oral communication, 28
oral presentation, 30, 125,
16465, 179
oratory skills, orations, 3132,
41, 79
organizational charts, 156,
organizational format, 96
Overhead Projector (OHP),
122, 159
pace, 1978, 200, 211
participants, job profile, 60
participation, 61
pauses, 1989, 200
peer pressures, 24
personal achievements, 32
perspectives, 51, 128
pictogram, 15253, 163
pictorial description, 124; of
visual aids, 14756
pie chart, 153
planning strategies, planning,
41, 44, 79, 100, 129,
137; and structuring of
presentation, 30, 43

226 The Effective Presentation

politeness, 12526
positive attitude and gestures,
44, 190
posture and movements, 192
95, 210 see also body
PowerPoint, 5455, 122,
157, 159, 164
practical orientation, 79
practice, 212
prejudices, 60
presentation: beginning/opening, 8397, 116; end/closing, 10511, 120; middle
section, 97105, 116, 119
presentation boosters, 112
19, 120
processes, procedures and
concepts, relationship, 154
product launch, 79
public speaking and presentation, 3133, 41
purpose of the presentation,
67, 75
quality of the product, 58
question-answer session, 62,
questions, 6162, 701, 74,
75, 86, 9294, 96, 113,
quotations, 86, 9192
recapitulation, 1089
receptivity, 68, 79, 80, 89
reflections, 71

rehearse, 185
relevance, 711
resistance, 106
response pattern, 58
retention of the presentation,
112, 122, 123
risks, 39
sales, 51, 52, 53, 99; growth,
scenario description, 85, 86,
8788, 96, 119
schematic presentation, 122
seating arrangement, 52, 190,
self-presentation capability, 26
sequence, 67, 6970, 9899,
sharing of ideas, thoughts and
concepts, 22, 30
simplicity, 76
six helpers, 4656
slides, 122, 123, 12427,
13134, 14243, 163,
164; for PowerPoint, 157
small group and large group
presentation, 40
soft strategies, 139
spatial order, 98
speech intonations, 32
statistics, 97, 11617
strategies of presentation, 76,
structure, structuring of the
presentation, 44, 51, 65
71, 76, 1101

Index 227
tabular form, 148, 163
target audience, 4749, 56
technical knowledge, 23
technical presentation, 78
technology, 28, 64
teleconferences, 2829
thinking process, 81, 134
thought, effort, creativity and
time (TECT), 12224, 138,
time assessment, 5354
time constraints, 24
transitives, 1045
transparencies, 122, 124,
15860, 164
turn-taking system, 12526
understanding, 89
unplanned presentations, 41

value in the presentation, 96

venue of the presentation, 51
video conferences, 2829
vision, 47
visualization process, 13234
visuals, visual aids, visual imagery, 44, 100, 11719;
alignment verbal and oral
components, 13439;
necessity, 143; types, 156
voice articulation, 26
voice modulations, 31, 81,
100, 1956, 2001, 210
whats in it for them (WIIFT),
39, 95
Wonderpack, 16465

228 The Effective Presentation

About the Author

Asha Kaul is Associate Professor, Communication Group,

Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. She obtained
her doctorate from the Indian Institute of Technology,
Kanpur, in 1990 and also holds a masters degree in
English. Asha Kaul has previously been a communications consultant to the Uttar Pradesh Tourism Department
and UPCOM Cables Ltd., Lucknow. Her current areas of
interest include working in the area of gender sensitivity
in the corporate world. Dr Kaul has designed and developed workshops and training material in communication
and presentation skills for various corporate houses in
India, including Pepsi, Motorola, Bharti Telecom, TATA
Infotech, Maruti Udyog, Infosys, Gillette India, and
SmithKline Beecham. She is the author of Business Communication (1998) and Effective Business Communication (2000) and has also written numerous articles and
book reviews for journals of repute and for websites.

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