10 DNA Analysis

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DNA Analysis

It has been pointed out already that no knowledge of probabilities,

less in degree than certainty, helps us to know what conclusions
are true, and that there is no direct relation between the truth of
a proposition and its probability. Probability begins and ends with
John Maynard Keynes,
The Applicability of Probability to Conduct

I. Introduction
The history of the legal acceptance of DNA technology as a method to aid
in the identification of one or more participants in a crime has been a rapid
and relatively noncontroversial one. The judicial acceptance of various DNA
technologies, up to and including mitochondrial DNA, has been even more
rapid, to the point where judicial discussions of the scientific reliability of
DNA testimony have become centered in lengthy discussions of earlier DNA
cases rather than DNA technology itself.1 The DNA-related progression of
judicial acceptance of DNA technology has advanced from blood typing and
enzyme matching to approval of DNA laboratory-testing methodologies categorized as RFLP, PCR, STR, Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA
(RAPD), and mitochondrial DNA testing.2
To clarify increasingly multifaceted trial discovery requirements, several
state supreme courts have drafted very detailed discovery provisions for DNA
in criminal cases that reflect the complexity of trial lawyers technical information needs.3 These specialized DNA discovery provisions will experience
numerous revisions as DNA technology develops. The current Illinois
Supreme Court Rule may serve as an early example:


Forensic Evidence: Science and the Criminal Law, Second Edition

Illinois Supreme Court Rule 417. DNA Evidence (2001)

ILCS S. Ct. Rule 417:
(a) Statement of Purpose. This rule is promulgated to produce
uniformly sufficient information to allow a proper, well-informed
determination of the admissibility of DNA evidence and to insure
that such evidence is presented competently and intelligibly. The
rule is designed to provide a minimum standard for compliance
concerning DNA evidence, and is not intended to limit the production and discovery of material information.
(b) Obligation to Produce. In all felony prosecutions, post-trial
and post-conviction proceedings, the proponent of the DNA evidence, whether prosecution or defense, shall provide or otherwise
make available to the adverse party all relevant materials, including, but not limited to, the following:
(i) Copies of the case file including all reports, memoranda, notes,
phone logs, contamination records, and data relating to the testing
performed in the case.
(ii) Copies of any autoradiographs, lumigraphs, DQ Alpha Polymarker strips, PCR gel photographs and electropherogams, tabular data, electronic files and other data needed for full evaluation
of DNA profiles produced and an opportunity to examine the
originals, if requested.
(iii) Copies of any records reflecting compliance with qualitycontrol guidelines or standards employed during the testing process utilized in the case.
(iv) Copies of DNA laboratory procedure manuals, DNA testing
protocols, DNA quality-assurance guidelines or standards, and
DNA validation studies.
(v) Proficiency testing results, proof of continuing professional
education, current curriculum vitae and job description for examiners, or analysts and technicians involved in the testing and
analysis of DNA evidence in the case.
(vi) Reports explaining any discrepancies in the testing, observed
defects, or laboratory errors in the particular case, as well as the
reasons for those and the effects thereof.

DNA Analysis


(vii) Copies of all chain-of-custody documents for each item of

evidence subjected to DNA testing.
(viii) A statement by the testing laboratory setting forth the method used to calculate the statistical probabilities in the case.
(ix) Copies of the allele frequencies or database for each locus
(x) A list of all commercial or in-house software programs used
in the DNA testing, including the name of the software program,
manufacturer, and version used in the case.
(xi) Copies of all DNA laboratory audits relating to the laboratory
performing the particular tests.

II. DNA Research Resources

What do courts, prosecutors, defense counsel and others interested in the
place of DNA technology and identification claims in the criminal justice
system need to know as we begin the 21st century?4 The DNA story in this
regard is a very short one when compared to the long history of AngloAmerican criminal trials. The first appellate court validations of DNA-matching testimony were not even seen until 1988, in the decision by a Florida
appeals court in the case of Andrews v. Florida,5 where the court accepted
DNA print-identification evidence linking defendant to a sexual assault. During the 18 years since that decision, American courts have rapidly examined
and accepted the standard DNA testing methods of RFLP, PCR, PCR STR, and
the product method of conducting DNA statistical analyses. We have also
seen judicial acceptance of a variety of very specific laboratory procedures
and related issues, such as the general acceptability of commercially produced
DNA kits. The courts are also quickly moving toward a general acceptance
of the heretofore-challenged mitochondrial DNA identification technology.
There are now a respectable number of authoritative texts,6 articles, and
Web sites addressing basic and specialized DNA subjects. There is also a rapidly
developing international consensus among DNA laboratories regarding standards for laboratories and DNA technicians, as a result of major support
from the FBI for working groups and conferences addressing these issues
across the world, especially in Europe, through the vehicle of Interpol.7
In November 2004, at Lyon, France, Interpol sponsored the 14th International Forensic Science Symposium. The literature reviews in each of the
major areas of forensic science were published in its Review Papers, which
can be downloaded free at http://www.interpol.int/Public/Forensic/IFSS/
meeting14/abstracts.asp. An important part of this document is the Individual

Forensic Evidence: Science and the Criminal Law, Second Edition


Identification Evidence section, entitled: Recent Progress in Forensic DNA

Profiling: A Review: 2001 to 2004, prepared by Dr. Peter Gill of the U.K.
Forensic Science Services.
This extensive literature review focused upon the major advances in DNA
profiling technology during the period 2001 through 2004 and is subdivided
into several of the central categories of interest to those actively working in
the DNA field:

Mixture interpretation using expert systems

Mitochondrial DNA
Low copy number STR DNA profiling and its relationship to contamination
Population genetics and the relationship to correction factors of
match probabilities
Y-chromosome markers
Autosomal single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and other new
DNA methods
The forensic application of STRs in relation to national DNA database
Recent steps taken by the Forensic Science Service to minimize the
danger of DNA sample contamination

In addition to brief but excellent comments on the more important

literature in these fields, Dr. Gill provides a bibliography of 57 studies in
these areas published in the Journal of Forensic Science, Forensic Science International, and other focused DNA-related scientific journals.8 Dr. Gill concluded his study by noting that:
There has been significant progress during the past three years in
the field of forensic DNA typing. The interpretation of STR profiles can be automated using expert systems; furthermore, interpretation of complex mixtures and low copy number has been
enhanced. The development of Y-chromosome technology has led
to the introduction of new commercial kits. Promising advances
have been made in the area of SNP-typing and associated lab-ona-chip technologies, although clearly this has not yet come of age
in forensic terms.9

III. DNA: International Standards

Since the first edition of this book, international interest in DNA has increased
even more with the FBI and international forensics groups seeking to establish uniform standards for the identification, collection, testing, and use DNA
evidence in courts of law.

DNA Analysis


An Interpol-sponsored international DNA Users Conference is organized every two years at the General Secretariat in Lyon, by the Interpol DNA
Unit and its advisory team, the Interpol DNA Monitoring Expert Group. The
aims of this conference are to introduce best practice models in Member States
and widespread application of contemporary DNA usage in criminal investigations. Topics to date have included DNA profiling; DNA Databases; From
the Scene of Crime; Quality Assurance and Training; DNA Evidence; Promoting DNA; and Use of DNA in Criminal Proceedings.10
New books focusing on DNA technology continue to be published. To
learn about new DNA books, consult any of three Web sites on a regular
basis: Academic Press,11 ForensicNetBase,12 and Amazon Books.13 These three
Web sites, especially ForensicNetBase, thoroughly cover the field in the area
of forensic science.14
Increasing numbers of DNA studies continue to appear in the scientific
literature. In early 2005, a series of articles focused on various aspects of STR
DNA technologies was published in the Journal of Forensic Science, continuing
the STR trend exhibited by the more than 200 articles that addressed STR
DNA issues in the 2004 Journal volumes. Very recent articles describe case
studies in the area of mitochondrial DNA and the new area of canine DNA.15
The greatest number of important DNA articles is published by the prestigious Journal of Forensic Science. Most law-school libraries contain the full
set of past and recent editions of the Journal for study. You may also search
through the entire index of articles, with abstracts going back to 1981, by
visiting the Web site of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS),
located at AAFS.org. A membership allows users to download the full text
of most recent articles in PDF format. Many more law review articles and
practice journals now address some of the important legal issues surrounding
DNA as an investigative and evidentiary tool in American courts.16

IV. DNA: Questions for Lawyers

This rapid development and proliferation of information about the latest
advances in the location, testing, and statistical validation of laboratory
matches and their ultimate use in the courtroom burdens the litigator in
attempting to stay current. However, regardless of the latest research, litigators must, in each case, it ensure they have considered and answered a series
of basic questions:

What is DNA, in both a theoretical, and, most importantly, a physiological sense?

What is it that gives DNA laboratory and statistical identification
models their great and growing authority?

Forensic Evidence: Science and the Criminal Law, Second Edition


Why is there no ability to make a positive statement of identity rather

than a negative response, utilizing extremely high numbers, in estimating the chances of any such match appearing in the general
population being considered?
How and where can DNA reside at a crime scene?
Hair pulp
Tissue and cells
Hair shafts (mtDNA)
Bones and teeth (mtDNA)
What are the contemporary and prospective views on crime-scene
DNA collection, storage, and transportation procedures? The FBI is
issuing a number of proposed standards that will invariably be adopted by courts. The FBI Handbook of Forensic Services is available on
the Internet and is a steady source of information in regard to both
data collection standards and FBI laboratory procedures.17 The FBI
Web site, in particular the Forensic Communications section, should
be consulted on a regular basis.
What does the concept of DNA laboratory testing mean in regard to:
The actual physical manipulation of the subject crime scene
The preparation of the material for a laboratory matching
What are the visual results of any such procedure and what do they
What is being compared preparatory to a proffered laboratory
match opinion?
How many markers, loci, etc., are there that can be compared? If a
match opinion is based on less than all, how many and why? The
FBI is currently utilizing a 13-STR-loci match working standard.
What test methodology is being used and how does it differ in physical
and procedural terms?
What are the significant differences among restriction fragment
length polymorphism (RFLP), PCR, PCR STR, mitochondrial, or
nonhuman DNA tests, such as RAPD for plant comparison?
Why is one test used over another? Are some tests better than others
in certain settings? Why?

DNA Analysis


How much of a match is any DNA laboratory match conclusion?

Is it any less tentative than hair, fiber, footprints, ballistics, or any of
the other conclusions reached by forensic scientists?
What is involved in a discussion of population statistics, the second
half of a DNA identification effort? What does it mean to testify to a
laboratory DNA profile match if it cannot be determined what the
frequency is of the appearance of such a profile in the general population? What is the current thinking about the appropriate ways to
obtain an answer to this question? It is not possible to answer such
a question in instances of the other forensic sciences, and has never
been required. Is such an analysis always required in DNA cases? Why?
In instances where such queries are made, what databases containing
a body of previously tested DNA profiles are used?
Who or what categories of individuals are in any such collections?
Do racial or ethnic differences matter here?
What is the FBI CODIS DNA profiles database and how does it work?18
What is mitochondrial DNA? How do its processes differ from the
more familiar and judicially approved methods of RFLP and variants
of PCR technology, especially with regard to databases? Why was
mtDNA downplayed for so long? Why is it receiving rapid judicial
approval as we enter the early days of the 21st century?
What about nonhuman DNA-matching technologies, such as for dog,
cat, deer, whale, or plant DNA? How will these fare in the new century? How do DNA analyses in animals or differ from that of humans
or from each others DNA that might exclude them from judicial
approval at this time? Are those technologies any less able to provide
solid circumstantial proof of presence at a crime scene than RFLP,
PCR, or even mitochondrial DNA investigations?

V. DNA Methodologies: RFLP

RFLP, which until recently was the most widely used DNA analysis technique,
refers to restriction fragment length polymorphism. Many competent texts are
available for lawyers to acquaint themselves with the technical aspect of DNA
testing and RFLP testing in particular. An excellent overview is an early appellate
case about DNA testing that is the lengthy Maryland Court of Appeals decision
in the case of State v. Armstead.19 Following are descriptions of several important
decisions involving RFLP DNA testing and population-statistics projections
under the product rule model, and more extensive discussions of cases addressing PCR, PCR STR, mitochondrial, and nonhuman DNA methodologies.


Forensic Evidence: Science and the Criminal Law, Second Edition

In People v. Miller,20 defendant was convicted of first-degree murder.

In September of 1993, the nude bodies of three women, Marcia Logue,
Helen Dorrance, and Sandra Csesznegi, were found in rural Peoria County.
The body of Marcia Logue was found in a drainage ditch in the 500 block
of South Cameron Lane on September 18, with a pillow case stuck in her
mouth. The body of Helen Dorrance was found 50 feet from Logues body
on the same date. The body of Sandra Csesznegi was found in a drainage
ditch near Christ Church Road on September 26. Csesznegis body was in a
state of advanced decomposition. All three women were known prostitutes
in the Peoria area.
On September 29, 1993, at approximately 11:30 p.m., Detectives Rabe
and Pyatt of the Peoria Police Department and Detective Hawkins of the
Peoria County Sheriff s Department went to the defendants Peoria apartment to question him about crimes in the Peoria area. The search of defendants apartment revealed two robes, female underwear, a broken miniblind
rod, and a brown and white cloth covered with what appeared to be dried
blood. The police also recovered pillows and a mattress from defendants
bedroom. These items had reddish-brown stains. Blood spatters were also
found on a wall of the bedroom and the beds headboard. A later search
revealed a glove, a throw rug, and more womens underwear. During the
second search, the police collected hair and fibers.21
The states DNA expert, William Frank, testified that seminal fluid recovered from Logue matched that of defendant. Such a match would occur in
7% of the Caucasian population. Blood recovered from underneath Logues
fingernails also matched that of defendant and such a match could be
expected in 1 in 465 million Caucasians. Bloodstains from a magazine, mattress, pillow, and towel found in the defendants apartment and from the seat
of Faggotts car matched that of Logue. Such matches would occur in 1 in
1.1 trillion Caucasians. Further, blood found on a napkin and a pillow taken
from the defendants apartment matched Dorrances DNA profile, with such
a match occurring in 1 in 466 billion Caucasians. Another bloodstain on one
of defendants pillows matched the DNA profile of Csesznegi with such a
match occurring in 1 in 1 billion Caucasians. On cross-examination, Frank
conceded that there were only five billion people in the world.
Defendant argued that the trial court erred in qualifying Frank to testify
about the general acceptance and reliability of deoxyribonucleic-acid (DNA)
evidence and in admitting the DNA evidence at his trial. The trial court held
a pretrial hearing on the states motion to admit DNA evidence. Frank was
the only individual to testify at the hearing on behalf of the state. The
defendant chose not to present any witnesses or evidence, notwithstanding
that he had been provided the time and funds to secure an expert. After hearing

DNA Analysis


testimony on Franks background and training, the trial court qualified him
as an expert. Frank then testified regarding the restriction fragment length
polymorphism (RFLP) method of testing DNA and the manner in which
DNA matches are calculated, including the manner in which such calculations are made at the Illinois State Police Bureau of Forensic Sciences, where
Frank is employed. Frank testified that the techniques used by his laboratory
in calculating DNA matches and their frequency in a population were similar
to those used by the FBI. After hearing Franks testimony, the trial court held
that based on prior precedent in Illinois (FN1), the DNA procedures outlined
in Franks testimony were generally accepted in the particular scientific field and
such testimony and DNA calculations would be allowed at defendants trial.22
The court in addressing defendants arguments gave a brief account of
DNA profiling:
DNA is the genetic code that is found in the cells of the human body. A
DNA molecule is composed of more than three billion base pairs of four
different chemicals: adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine. The particular
pattern *185 of these base pairs dictates an individuals genetic characteristics.
Most of a DNA molecule is the same from person to person. DNA profiling
focuses on those parts of the DNA molecule where there is a significant variation
of a base-pair pattern. The areas of significant variation are referred to as polymorphic, and base-pair patterns in polymorphic areas are called alleles. There
are approximately 3 million distinguishable polymorphic sites between individuals. Although an examination of all of these polymorphic sites is not currently
feasible, an examination of a small number of polymorphic sites can establish
a DNA profile, which can be compared to that from another DNA sample.23
RFLP was the laboratory methodology used to achieve a match here and
testified to by expert witness Frank. The court made the following observations in accepting this technique:
Restriction fragment length polymorphism is a six-step process
which allows an analyst to physically see the results of a DNA
profile in the form of bands. Because the length of polymorphic
DNA fragments differs between individuals, individuals also tend
to have different positioning of the bands on DNA prints, called
an autoradiograph or autorad. An analyst makes a visual comparison of DNA band patterns to determine whether known and
unknown DNA samples came from the same source, whether the
samples did not come from the same source, or whether the
comparison was inconclusive. If an unknown DNA sample has
not been excluded from a comparison, a computerized measurement program is used to compare the lengths of the DNA fragments.


Forensic Evidence: Science and the Criminal Law, Second Edition

If the DNA band patterns fall within a certain range, the samples
are declared a match.
For a match to be meaningful, a statistical analysis is required.
The statistical analysis determines the frequency in which a match
would occur in a database population. In this case, Frank used
the fixed-bin method of determining the frequency of an occurrence. The process of binning is a way of counting or grouping
bands and determining the frequency of the bands. The HardyWeinberg Equilibrium is used to determine the frequency of a
particular band combination. Stated simplistically, the frequency
of one band is multiplied by the frequency of a second, and so
on. The product from this calculation is then multiplied by two
to account for an individual inheriting one strand of DNA from
his mother and one strand from his father. This result constitutes
the statistical frequency of a match within a certain population.
This process of binning and determining the frequency is also
known as the product rule.24
The court, in the instant case, held that expert Frank was clearly qualified
to explain and give an opinion regarding a match based upon RFLP and
product rule methodology. The court noted that he had a bachelors degree
in chemistry and biology; was working toward his masters degree in biology,
his thesis being on DNA extraction methods; and that he had taken several
genetics courses and attended seminars and classes on DNA methods at both
the FBI and private laboratories. In addition, he had been certified by the
American Board of Criminalistics and had been subject to periodic testing
on DNA issues.25
With respect to the RFLP and product rule methodology used by Frank
as the basis of his opinion, the court ruled that the trial court did not abuse
its discretion in relying on the cases that supported the use of the RFLP
technique and the product rule. In addition to several Illinois appellate decisions accepting this method,26 the court noted that Frank testified that the
procedures he used were the same as those used by the FBI. The court also
observed that the majority of courts deciding the issue of the admissibility
of evidence on the six-step RFLP process had found such evidence to be
admissible under several standards of admissibility, including Frye and
Daubert.27 There was little question that the RFLP technique itself was generally accepted in the relevant scientific community.
In Thomas v. State,28 a capital murder appeal, the court, noting continuing
affirmative findings in previous cases, concluded, under the facts of the case,
that the product rule technique used to arrive at the DNA-population-frequency

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statistical evidence in this case was reliable under Daubert. Expert Brewer
Q. Are the statistical methods used in your laboratory to calculate
an estimate of the significance of a DNA match generally accepted
in the relevant scientific community?
A. Yes. The standard statistical procedures that we use are routinely
used in medical and research laboratories as well as forensic laboratories. The 1996 report from the National Research Council
specifically endorsed these measures.29
The court noted that while expert Brewer did not use the precise term
product rule, by his testimony that he used the standard statistical procedures endorsed by the 1996 report of the National Research Council (hereinafter NRC), along with his cursory description of the method, it concluded
that he indeed used the product rule.30
Thomas did not dispute the reliability of the application of the product
rule in the context of DNA forensic analysis; indeed, he recognized in his
brief that the product rule was the only valid method of computing the
frequency of DNA patterns. The court also noted that the product rules
reliability had been recognized by a significant number of jurisdictions.31
The Thomas case also contains a detailed analysis of the potential chainof-custody issues rising from the increased use and importance of DNA
crime-scene collecting procedures and laboratory testing. Here, again, the
issues raised through an alleged violation of the plain-error rule.
The court recognized that the increasing volume of DNA testing has
considerably added to the importance of proper handling procedures. In
regard to chain-of-custody requirements for critical DNA evidence, the court
noted the following statement from the NRC Report:
Even the strongest evidence will be worthless or worse, might
possibly lead to a false conviction if the evidence sample did
not originate in connection with the crime. Given the great individuating potential of DNA evidence and the relative ease with
which it can be mishandled or manipulated by the careless or the
unscrupulous, the integrity of the chain of custody is of paramount importance.32
More and more decisions address DNA-related chain-of-custody issues,
as defense arguments challenging DNA laboratory testing and population
projections continue to fall on deaf ears.


Forensic Evidence: Science and the Criminal Law, Second Edition

VI. PCR DNA Methodologies

The PCR, or polymerase chain reaction, method involves the copying or
amplification of a short section of a strand of DNA. PCR allows tests to be
performed on very small quantities of genetic material. In this method, the
DNA is extracted from a sample of cellular material, such as blood or sperm
cells. Then, depending on which genetic markers are being tested for, a
particular location or set of locations on the strand of DNA is isolated and
copied over and over until a sufficient quantity exists for testing.33 Unlike the
RFLP procedure, which is a much more accurate test used to establish a
statistical match, the PCR technique is generally used as an exculpatory tool
to exclude certain individuals as possible contributors to a particular sample.34 PCR can also be used on a much smaller sample obtained from a crime
scene and may replicate samples to allow for multiple testing opportunities.
The PCR method harnesses cellular enzymes to replicate portions of the DNA
so that a sufficient number of copies of the DNA can be obtained to perform
The 12th Interpol Forensic Science Symposium Literature Review, published in 2001, noted that most laboratories were concentrating on DNA
evidence as the main form of biological evidence. The author of the paper
on DNA evidence, D. J. Werrett, concluded:
The trend is now firmly established toward PCR STR-based technology and, in particular, to multiplexing. There appears to be
widespread agreement as to the best choice of STRs and future
opportunity for worldwide collaboration on STRs that are being
added to current systems.36
The ability of PCR testing to reach results in cases where the amount of
testable material is small or partially degraded, can be illustrated by a brief
summary of a 1999 Illinois Supreme Court decision. In People v. Davis,37
defendant was convicted of first-degree murder, aggravated criminal sexual
assault, aggravated kidnapping, robbery, and concealment of homicidal
death, and was given the death penalty. The states evidence showed that, on
Monday, August 21, 1995, Laurie Gwinn was reported missing after she failed
to arrive at her job with the county health department. The next day, sometime after 11 a.m., Gwinns dead body was found floating in the Hennepin
Canal north of Annawan, Illinois. She was nude and was missing several
pieces of expensive jewelry that she always wore.38
A vaginal swab taken during Gwinns autopsy contained seminal material
and sperm cells. Kristin Boster, a forensic scientist and expert in deoxyribonucleic-acid (DNA) analysis, testified that she isolated the DNA taken from
the swab and determined it to be too degraded for a restriction fragment

DNA Analysis


length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. Elizabeth Benzinger, a molecular biologist and also an expert in DNA analysis, agreed that there was insufficient
DNA to perform an RFLP analysis. She explained that the DNA was degraded
because the murderer had placed Gwinns body in the canal. Benzinger
therefore analyzed the DNA using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
technique. She compared the DNA taken from the swab to samples taken
from defendant, James Linsley, who was a close acquaintance of the victim,
and the victim. Benzinger concluded that Linsley could not have contributed
to the vaginal swab. Benzinger could not, however, exclude defendant as the
source of the semen on the swab. According to Benzinger, the percentage of
the United States population that could have contributed the DNA recovered
from the swab was 2.6% of white persons and 3.6% of black persons.39
A combination of DNA laboratory methods was successfully used to
convict the defendant in People v. Buss,40 a 1999 Illinois Supreme Court
decision involving a particularly gruesome murder of a child. Defendant was
convicted of six counts of first-degree murder, three counts of aggravated
kidnapping, and one count of aggravated unlawful restraint, and was sentenced to death. Defendant was accused of luring a young male victim from
a popular Kankakee River dockside park and brutally murdering him.
Deputy Scott Swearengen testified that he and another deputy were
searching the hunting areas of the Kankakee State Park during the early
morning hours of August 15. In a clearing at the end of a path leading from
the parking area of Hunting Area 7, they found the body of a small child in
a shallow grave under a sheet of plywood. Forensic evidence presented by
the state established that the body was that of Christopher Meyer and that
he had died from multiple stab wounds prior to sunset on August 7.
Other forensic evidence connected defendant to Christophers murder.
Experts testified to forensically important similarities between hairs, soil, and
footprint data taken from the area where the body was found and items seized
from defendants possessions.41
Forensic scientists from the Illinois State Bureau of Forensic Sciences
testified that there was human blood on the dent puller found in the trunk
of defendants car, that blood was found on the carpet from the trunk, and
that a stain of human blood had soaked through the carpet. There was also
human blood on a box found at the gravesite, as well as on the boots defendant had placed in a motel dumpster, although the test to determine whether
the blood on the boots was human was not positive.
The court here accepted, without discussion, the testimony of William
Frank, the DNA Research Coordinator for the Illinois State Police Forensic
Sciences Command and an expert in forensic DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
analysis. Frank testified that he analyzed DNA extracted from an inhaler
prescribed for Christopher, from the carpet from the trunk of defendants


Forensic Evidence: Science and the Criminal Law, Second Edition

car, from a piece of Christophers right femur, and from a bloodstained box
found at the gravesite:
Frank used two methods of DNA analysis: PCR and RFLP. Each
of these methods is used to identify particular characteristics of a
given sample of DNA. Those characteristics are referred to as the
profile of that DNA. Because each method of analysis, PCR and
RFLP, identifies different characteristics, two different profiles are
obtained by subjecting a sample of DNA to both types of analysisFrank used the PCR method to analyze DNA found on the
inhaler, carpet, femur, and box. The PCR profile of the DNA from
each of these items was the same. Frank calculated that this particular DNA profile could be found in one out of 19,000 Caucasian
Using the RFLP method, which is more discriminating, Frank
compared the DNA in blood samples from Christophers parents
and defendant to the DNA in blood found on the box and carpet.
(Because the amount of DNA extracted from Christophers inhaler
and femur was insufficient for the RFLP method of analysis, Frank
used DNA from Christophers parents to determine whether the
blood from the box and carpet belonged to Christopher.) By comparing the DNA profiles he obtained, Frank determined that the
blood on the box and the carpet came from a child of Mika
Moulton and James Meyer, Sr., Christophers father. Frank calculated that the chance of two Caucasian parents producing a child
with the same RFLP DNA profile as the DNA found on the carpet
and box was one out of 3.8 million.42
After preparing both a PCR and an RFLP profile for the DNA found on
the box and carpet, associated with defendants vehicle, Frank proceeded to
estimate the frequency of DNA with both of these profiles in the population,
concluding that a person with such DNA would occur in the Caucasian
population only 1 out of 419 million times.

VII. STR DNA Methodologies

In People v. Allen,43 defendant was convicted of special circumstances murder
and forcible rape. The state offered the results of laboratory DNA testing by
the short tandem repeats (STR) method on a semen stain from the crime
scene. The court ruled that this was competent evidence of general acceptance
of testing in the scientific community.

DNA Analysis


Paul Colman, a senior criminalist for the Los Angeles County Sheriff s
Crime Laboratory, conducted a DNA analysis on the semen stain. He typed
six genetic loci by the RFLP testing process and found that two of those loci
matched Allens DNA sample. Colman concluded the DNA from the semen
stain could have come from Allen, and calculated that the odds of a randomly
selected African-American having the same two loci combination would be
6200 to 1.44
Testimony on these same samples was also provided by Dr. Charlotte
Word, a microbiologist and the deputy director of the prominent Cellmark
Labs. Cellmark performed PCR testing, a method used when there is only a
limited supply of DNA available for testing. Cellmark used three different
kinds of PCR testing: DQ-alpha (which tests a single genetic marker), polymarker (which tests five genetic markers), and STRs (which test three genetic
markers). The testing included a total of nine genetic markers when the
results of all three tests were combined. Dr. Word put the random match
probability as determined by the DQ-alpha and polymarker testing at 1 in
1,700 African-Americans. She concluded from these results that defendant
could not be excluded as the source of the semen. Word specifically testified
that the STR results had not excluded Allen as a source of the semen. Based
on a combination of these results, Dr. Word testified she had concluded that
Allen was the source of the semen stain, within a reasonable degree of
scientific certainty.
Allen argued that the trial court erred by (1) finding that STR testing
was generally accepted in the scientific community, and (2) by admitting STR
testing results while excluding the corresponding statistical probability evidence. The court rejected defendants arguments, noting that two out-ofstate cases had approved STR testing.45
The court noted that in the 1997 case of Commonwealth v. Rosier,46 the
Supreme Court of Massachusetts had affirmed a trial courts finding that STR
testing was scientifically reliable. The Rosier case was quoted as follows:
The defendants appellate counsel appears to suggest that STR
testing is unreliable because it is too new. No specific scientific or
forensic evidence or literature is offered to support that suggestion. The judge heard testimony that, in 1991, several years before
the STR kit became commercially available, Cellmark, working
under contract to the United States Government, used STR testing
to identify the remains of soldiers killed in Operation Desert
Storm, and that, by the time of the hearing, Cellmark had performed STR analysis in approximately fifty cases and had been
permitted to testify as to its test results in at least five cases. While
we have not been directed to any decisional law approving STR


Forensic Evidence: Science and the Criminal Law, Second Edition

testing, an authoritative scientific study, the 1996 report of the

National Research Council entitled, The Evaluation of Forensic
DNA Evidence (1996 NRC Report), has concluded that STR testing is coming into wide use, that STR loci appear to be particularly appropriate for forensic use, and that STRs can take their
place along with variable number of tandem repeats (VNTRs) as
forensic tools. The latter comment appears to recognize that STR
testing is similar in principle to the RFLP (or VNTR) method,
which has been found to be reliable. Based on the evidence before
him and his careful analysis of the subject, the judge properly
concluded that the methodology underlying the PCR-based tests
in this case, including the STR testing, was scientifically valid and
relevant to a fact at trial.47
The Allen court also noted that in 1998, in State v. Jackson,48 the Supreme
Court of Nebraska affirmed a trial courts finding that the prosecution had
shown STR testing was generally accepted by the relevant scientific community, emphasizing that a director of the University of Nebraska Medical Center
laboratory had testified that PCR STR testing was generally accepted in the
scientific community. The expert had testified that this method had been
around several years now, and there is nothing unique about PCR STR versus
any PCR.49 The Jackson court concluded that based on this evidence, we can
only conclude that the trial court was correct in determining that the PCR
STR DNA test used in the instant case was generally accepted within the
scientific community.
Finally, in response to Allens argument that there was no evidence that
STR testing had been validated by the time it was utilized in this case, the
court stated that the issue was not when a new scientific technique is validated, but whether it is or is not valid, which was why the results generated
by a scientific test once considered valid can be challenged by evidence the
test has since been invalidated.50
Considerable effort is currently being expended to achieve uniform standards for PCR testing in the European Community. The major umbrella
organization in coordinating this work is Standardization of DNA Profiling
Techniques in the European Union (STADNAP).51 The organization summarizes its research plan and goals on its Web site:
Project Summary
DNA profiling has become a standard technique in criminal investigations,
because results can be obtained from any source of biological material provided
it contains nucleated cells with genomic DNA. Due to the rapid progress in the
field during the last ten years, parallel developments of methods and typing

DNA Analysis


systems have been made in the laboratories involved in forensic DNA profiling.
This has resulted in heterogeneity of typing procedures and genetic systems used
for forensic casework within the European Union. However, intercomparison of
DNA typing results becomes not only desirable, but absolutely necessary within
Europe as mobile serial offenders will not be detected by DNA profiling unless
methods are standardized.
On the basis of current cooperative efforts with 20 other European partners, STADNAP fosters the following series of goals:
Based on cooperative structures that have been already established independently among the network partners, the objectives of the STADNAP
network are to:
1. Define criteria for the selection of forensic typing systems based on
the PCR technique suitable for European standardization
2. Evaluate PCR systems for forensic stain typing
3. Exchange and compare methods for the harmonization of typing
4. Carry out exercises for intercomparison of forensic typing results
5. Recommend reference PCR typing systems for European standardization
6. Exchange data for compilation of reference frequency databases for
the European populations52

VIII. DNA Mixture Cases

In State v. Mason,53 defendant was convicted of the murder of a coworker
Hartanto Santoso in a violent encounter. Police found a great deal of blood
on the interior and exterior of Santosos car. While all of the blood on the
exterior and most of the blood on the interior matched victim Santosos
genetic profile, samples from the drivers seat contained a mixture of blood
belonging to Santoso and another source. During its case in chief, the state
called Dr. Edward Blake, a forensic scientist specializing in DNA, to testify
about his findings after analyzing the mixed DNA sample.
Blake testified that the chances that Mason was not a source of the sample
were one in 14 trillion. In response, defense counsel sought to introduce the
testimony of neurogeneticist Dr. Randall Libby. The state interviewed Libby
the night before he was to testify. During that interview, Libby disputed
Blakes method of interpreting the sample, discussed the difficulties associated with interpreting mixed DNA samples and the inadequacies of
Dr. Blakes method of interpretation, and stated that 30 percent to 80 percent
of the population cannot be excluded from a mixed DNA sample. According
to the state, Libby also stated that he was unable to provide names of scientists


Forensic Evidence: Science and the Criminal Law, Second Edition

or published papers to support his view and that his opinion was based only
on his 25 years of experience as a geneticist. Based on this interview and
citing Frye v. United States, the state moved in limine to exclude that portion
of Libbys testimony that states that at least 30 percent of the population
cannot be ruled out as possible sources of the DNA mixture.54
During that hearing, Libby provided a treatise to support his opinions
and named several scientists who shared his interpretation. The court found
that the defense presented no scientific authority supporting Libbys specific
conclusion that 30 percent to 80 percent of the general population cannot
be excluded when interpreting blood mixtures. The court noted that if Libbys
statistic was true, there would be no use in interpreting mixed DNA samples
at all, as such samples would be worthless. And if mixed DNA samples were
worthless, there would be some authority saying so, but the court found
none. Therefore, the court excluded Libbys testimony, but only that portion
where he opined that at least 30 percent of the population cannot be excluded
from mixed DNA samples.55
The appellate court found that the court did not refuse to admit Libbys
opinion that mixed DNA samples are difficult to interpret, nor did it take
issue with Libbys preferred statistical calculation method. It simply wanted
scientific confirmation of Libbys 30% to 80% statistic, and the defense
presented none. The trial court did not err by refusing to admit this small
portion of Libbys testimony.56
The phenomenon of DNA mixture interpretation has yet to be fully
explored in recent case law. It has been observed in the literature by the
author of the DNA report in the Review Papers of the 14th Interpol Forensic
Science Symposium.57 Several recent decisions have touched upon the DNA
mixtures issue.
In State v. Gapen,58 a 2004 Ohio case, defendant was convicted of 12
counts of aggravated murder, breaking detention, aggravated murder, and
aggravated robbery. Defendant was sentenced to death.
Larry James Gapen was distraught over the recent dissolution of his
marriage to Martha Madewell. Around 1:00 a.m. on September 18, 2000,
Gapen entered Madewells home in Dayton. Gapen found Madewell and
Nathan Marshall, a former husband of Madewell, lying on a couch. Gapen
killed them by repeatedly striking them with a maul. Gapen then went
upstairs and struck 13-year-old Jesica Young with the maul as she slept in
her bed. Jesica later died of her injuries.
Gapen was convicted of the aggravated murders of Madewell, Marshall,
and Jesica and was sentenced to death for Jesicas murder. To establish Gapens
guilt, the state introduced Gapens statements to the police, DNA evidence
that Gapens sperm was found on Madewells right leg, abdomen, and rectum,
testimony from two children in the house at the time of the murders, and

DNA Analysis


evidence that Madewells purse was found in Gapens car at the time of his
arrest. In response to police questions, Gapen explained his reasons for
attacking Young, admitted bringing the maul and work gloves from his house
to the murder scene, and provided other details about the murders.
At trial, David Smith, a serologist and DNA analyst, testified that DNA
testing of blood samples from the maul murder weapon showed a mixture.
However, a major component of the mixture was blood consistent with that
of Jesica Young. Additionally, DNA testing of a blood sample from the
external portion of the left-handed work glove was a mixture. The major
component was consistent with that of Martha Madewell. However, Jesica
Young could not be excluded as a contributor to the minor component.
DNA testing of the left glove liner was a mixture again. Larry Gapen could
not be excluded as a possible donor to this mixture. Finally, DNA testing of
the right glove indicated that Madewell or Young could be contributors.
Smith also testified that DNA testing of a rectal sample taken from Madewell
was a mixture, but the major component was from Larry Gapen. Microscopic
analysis of a swab sample obtained from Madewells right leg revealed the presence of sperm. Additionally, both chemical and microscopic analysis of swab
samples obtained from Madewells abdomen showed the presence of sperm.
DNA testing of the sperm showed that the DNA profile obtained from the right
leg and the abdomen were consistent with that of Larry Gapen.59
Mixtures were again part of the prosecution DNA evidence in State v.
Holmes,60 a 2004 South Carolina case. Defendant was convicted of murder,
first-degree criminal sexual conduct, first-degree burglary, and robbery, and
sentenced to death.
The court ruled that evidence of third partys guilt did not raise reasonable inference as to defendants innocence and thus was inadmissible at trial
for capital murder and other crimes. There was forensic evidence that
included defendants palm print on the inside of a door of victims house,
fibers from the victims bed, and a nightgown that matched fibers from
defendants clothing and underwear. There was also mixed DNA in defendants underwear that matched both defendant and victim, and victims
bloodstains on defendants shirt. Appellants underwear contained a mixture
of DNA from two individuals, and 99.99% of the population other than
appellant and the victim were excluded as contributors to that mixture; and
(6) appellants tank top was found to contain a mixture of appellants blood
and the victims blood.61

IX. Mitochondrial DNA: MtDNA

The most recent DNA testing methodology seeking court approval is mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). The FBI has actively developed this technology


Forensic Evidence: Science and the Criminal Law, Second Edition

and is currently publishing important papers about it on the FBI Web site.62
A series of recent cases have been handed down establishing the general
scientific acceptability and scientific reliability of identification opinions by
forensic scientists based on mitochondrial DNA methodologies.63 States are
beginning to pass legislation64 that provides for automatic acceptance of the
reliability of standard DNA methodologies, which will no doubt aid in the
current efforts by the FBI to have a quick judicial acceptance of mtDNA.65
Several excellent mtDNA laboratories have developed and are publishing
their case results.66
The Interpol Forensic Science Symposium DNA profiling review established the focus of mtDNA examinations:
To report mtDNA results, the aim of an mtDNA analysis is to
provide evidence to support one or two alternative propositions:
1) The contention that the evidential sample (Q) originated from
the suspect (the donor of K) or a maternally linked relative;
2) The contention that the evidential sample (Q) originates from
the suspects sample (K) or originate from different individuals
(of different maternal lineage).
The sequence is reported as a haplotype. Currently most laboratories use the counting method to estimate evidential strength.
This means that the result is compared to a database size (n) where
the number of matching sequences is reported.
If two samples (K and Q) do not match, this does not necessarily
mean that they do not have the same origin. There are hotspots
within the mtDNA genome where mutations are more common.67
A series of very recent cases have validated the use of mtDNA technologies in American courts.68 Human hair, teeth, and bones provide the raw
material for mtDNA analyses. The leading case is State v. Pappas,69 analyzed
at length in Chapter 3, Hair Analysis.
Another excellent case on the validity and protocols for mtDNA is United
States v. Beverly,70 a well-written and comprehensive 2004 Sixth Circuit Court
of Appeals decision. In this case, Noah Beverly, Douglas A. Turns, and Johnny
P. Crockett were indicted for multiple bank robberies. Beverly appealed the
introduction of mtDNA evidence against him at trial, arguing that the evidence was not scientifically reliable. The Circuit Court of Appeals found that

DNA Analysis


the district court did not abuse its discretion in admitting expert testimony
that less than 1% of the population would be expected to have the mtDNA
pattern of hair found at the crime scene, even though mtDNA was not as
precise an identifier as nuclear DNA, where any issues going to conduct of
tests were fully developed and subject to cross-examination, testing in instant
case was sufficiently reliable, and that the mathematical basis for evidentiary
power of mtDNA evidence was carefully explained.71
Beverly argued that mtDNA testing was not scientifically reliable because
the laboratory that did the testing in this case was not certified by an external
agency, the procedures used by the laboratory sometimes yielded results that
were contaminated, and the particular tests done in this case were contaminated. In addition, Beverly argued that even if the mtDNA evidence is
determined to be sufficiently reliable, its probative value is substantially outweighed by its prejudicial effect. In this part of his argument, Beverly focused
on the statistical analysis presented, which he claimed to have artificially
enhanced the probative value of the mtDNA evidence. According to Beverly,
Dr. Melton, the governments expert, should have been allowed to testify only
that Beverly could not be excluded as the source of the sample in question.72
The court, as in the Pappas case, provided a very useful overview concerning mtDNA analysis:
Generally speaking, every cell contains two types of DNA: nuclear
DNA, which is found in the nucleus of the cell, and mitochondrial
DNA, which is found outside of the nucleus in the mitochondrion.
The use of nuclear DNA analysis as a forensic tool has been found
to be scientifically reliable by the scientific community for more
than a decade. The use of mtDNA analysis is also on the rise, and
it has been used extensively for some time in FBI labs, as well as
state and private crime labs. This technique, which generally looks
at the differences between peoples mitochondrial DNA, has some
advantages over nuclear DNA analysis in certain situations. For
example, while any given cell contains only one nucleus, there are
a vast number of mitochondria. As a result, there is a significantly
greater amount of mtDNA in a cell from which a sample can be
extracted by a lab technician, as compared to nuclear DNA. Thus,
this technique was very useful for minute samples or ancient and
degraded samples.73
The court took note of the fact that mitochondrial DNA could be
obtained from some sources that nuclear DNA cannot, for example, mtDNA
can be found in shafts of hair, which do not have a nucleus, but do have
plenty of mitochondria, whereas nuclear DNA can only be retrieved from


Forensic Evidence: Science and the Criminal Law, Second Edition

the living root of the hair where the nucleus resides.74 On the other hand,
the court also noted, mtDNA is not as precise an identifier as nuclear DNA.
In the case of nuclear DNA, half is inherited from the mother and half from
the father, and each individual, with the exception of identical twins, almost
certainly has a unique profile. MtDNA, by contrast, is inherited only from
the mother and thus all maternal relatives will share the same mtDNA profile,
unless a mutation has occurred. Because it is not possible to achieve the
extremely high level of certainty of identity provided by nuclear DNA,
mtDNA typing has been said to be a test of exclusion, rather than one of
identification.75 The entire mtDNA sequence, about 16,000 base pairs, is
considerably shorter than nuclear DNA, which has approximately 3 billion
In its decision here, the court first addressed and dismissed the defendants argument that the lack of external certification of the mtDNA experts
laboratory disqualified her opinion:
This point was raised in the pretrial hearing, and, although there
is no legal requirement that Dr. Meltons lab be so certified, the
district court did question Dr. Melton on this point. Laboratories
doing DNA forensic work are accredited through the American
Society of Crime Laboratory Directors. However, Dr. Meltons lab,
having been actively engaged in case work for only about 11
months at the time of the trial, was not yet able to apply for the
accreditation, but was expected to go through the process the
following spring. Furthermore, Dr. Meltons own credentials are
considerable. Not only has she been working with mtDNA since
1991, she has a Ph.D. from Pennsylvania State University in genetics; her thesis investigated mitochondrial DNA as it would
apply to forensic applications. In addition, Dr. Melton has published a significant amount of work in this field.77
Beverly further argued that Dr. Meltons procedures would sometimes
yield results that were contaminated, and that furthermore, the sample analyzed in this particular case was contaminated. However, the court noted,
Dr. Melton was confident that no contamination of the sample itself had
occurred. The reagent blank in the test of the sample itself did not show any
indication of contamination, in contrast to a separate reagent blank, used in
a different test tube, which was a control in the experiment. Therefore, the
actual data relied upon in this case, obtained from the sequencing machine,
did not indicate any presence of a contaminant.

DNA Analysis


As to the defendants argument that the probative value of the evidence

would be substantially outweighed by prejudice, the court noted that the
district court carefully considered during the pretrial hearing the question
of whether the relevance of this evidence outweighed its probative value:
In particular, Beverly argued that the jury would associate mitochondrial
DNA analysis with nuclear DNA analysis and give it the same value, in terms
of its ability to fingerprint a suspect. The district court, however, decided
that this issue was more appropriately dealt with through a vigorous crossexamination, and that was exactly what occurred at trial. Moreover, the court
noted the important probative value that this evidence added to the trial.
Finally, the court separately considered the scientific reliability of the
statistical analysis offered by the government, concluding that:
The predictive effect of the statistical analysis is based upon a
formula which is apparently recognized in the scientific community and used in a variety of scientific contexts, and it has been
used specifically here in the analysis of mitochondrial DNA results.
The court concludes that its an accepted and reliable estimate of
probability, and in this case, it led to results, interpreted results,
which substantially increase the probability that the hair sample
is the hair of the defendant in this case.78
Based on the record compiled in the district courts careful and extensive
hearing on this issue, the court found no abuse of discretion in admitting
the mtDNA testing results. The mathematical basis for the evidentiary power
of the mtDNA evidence was carefully explained, and was not more prejudicial
than probative:79
It was made clear to the jury that this type of evidence could not identify
individuals with the precision of conventional DNA analysis. Nevertheless,
any particular mtDNA pattern is sufficiently rare, especially when there is no
contention that the real culprit might have been a matrilineal relative of the
defendant, that it certainly meets the standard for probative evidence: any
tendency to make the existence of any fact that is of consequence to the
determination of the action more probable or less probable than it would be
without the evidence.80
Finally, Wagner v. State,81 a 2005 Maryland decision, addressed the important issue of the phenomenon of heteroplasmy in MtDNA cases.
On February 15, 1994, Daniel and Wilda Davis were found dead in their
home on West Wilson Boulevard in Hagerstown. The victims had been bound
at their wrists and ankles and had been stabbed multiple times in the chest


Forensic Evidence: Science and the Criminal Law, Second Edition

and back. On February 16, 1994, the victims neighbor, Phyllis Carpenter,
informed the police that during the morning of February 15, 1994, she
discovered a work glove along the curb on a street near her home and had
placed it on her back porch, intending to throw it away. Upon learning of
the murders, however, she contacted the police.82 Defendant was convicted of
two counts of first-degree premeditated murder and one count of felony murder.
The Court of Special Appeals held that mitochondrial DNA evidence was
sufficiently reliable and that the mere potential for contamination of mitochondrial DNA testing of hair found on a glove found near the murder scene
affected the weight of evidence, not its admissibility. The court found that
heteroplasmy, in which an individual could have more than one exact type
of mitochondrial DNA, did not render mitochondrial DNA evidence indicating that defendant was the contributor of hair found on a glove near the
murder scene unreliable. There was no evidence of heteroplasmy in the
instant case, in that defendants known mtDNA sequence had the same
pattern and sequence as that found in the hair, and even if heteroplasmy
existed, it would have created false exclusion of the defendant as the contributor of the sample, and not inclusion.
Prior to trial, defense counsel filed several motions to exclude the mtDNA
evidence garnered from the examination of the glove. At the conclusion of
the hearings on those motions, Judge Wright delivered an oral opinion that
included the following findings and conclusions:
Science evolves. Certainty and perfection are elusive. Even in this
testing procedure of mitochondrial DNA, it is not a perfect identification process. We know that the final result of mitochondrialDNA typing analysis is that a defendant is either excluded as a
possible contributor of the genetic material, or defendant is included
within a class of possible contributors. So there is uncertainty as
to inclusion, because it is inclusion within a possible, a class of
possible contributors.83
The court observed that mtDNA analysis can be used on material
without a nucleus, such as a bone sample or a piece of hair without
a root segment.84 It can also be used on unknown samples degraded by environmental factors or time. MtDNA was also more
likely to survive in a dead cell than is nuclear DNA.85
During the motions hearings, state DNA Expert Dr. Stewart testified that
mtDNA evidence has been entered into evidence at trial a total of approximately 50 times, in 25 states. He also submitted numerous peer review articles

DNA Analysis


that demonstrate the general acceptance of mtDNA evidence, none of which

rejected mtDNA analysis as unreliable. Even the defenses expert, Dr. Jeffrey
Boore, did not controvert the proposition that the process of mtDNA extraction, amplification, and sequencing is generally accepted as reliable.86
At trial, Dr. Stewart testified that all of the sites in the mtDNA obtained
from the hair on the glove matched the sites from appellants mtDNA.
The profile from (appellant), his mitochondrial DNA profile did not have
differences from the mitochondrial profile from the (hair found on the) glove at
those positions. Therefore, appellant cannot be excluded as the source of that
hair.87 Most important, Dr. Stewart testified that, when he compared appellants profile to the 5071 profiles in the FBIs database at the time, he found
11 individuals in the profile that had the same mtDNA profile. He also
testified that all of the sites in the mtDNA obtained from the hair on the
glove matched the sites from appellants mtDNA.
In regard to defendants arguments relative to an increased danger of
contamination in mtDNA analyses, Dr. Stewart testified that, based on published literature on the subject, as well as on his own experience, the danger
of laboratory contamination did not render mtDNA testing unreliable. He
explained that the FBI laboratory has a strict contamination abatement program in place within the laboratory. That program involves sterilization of
space, using bleach solution, ultraviolet light, gloves, masks, and lab coats,
and restriction of movement of personnel from one area to the other. All of
these precautions would have been taken in the analysis of the specific
mtDNA evidence at issue. The defenses expert, Dr. Jeffrey Boore, testified
that the FBIs method of guarding against contamination was better able to
detect lower levels of contamination than the method used by his own lab,
and added that its admirable that they go to such lengths to validate that
they have not contaminated their sample.88
Finally, defendant raised the existence of heteroplasmy as an argument
for the unreliability of mtDNA testing. Dr. Stewart testified that the term
heteroplasmy means that you have at least more than one exact type of
mtDNA in the same individual. Heteroplasmy can present difficulties for
forensic investigators because, if an mtDNA sample of the perpetrator differs
by one base pair from the suspects mtDNA sample, this difference may be
interpreted as sufficient to eliminate the suspect.89 In most instances, the
presence of heteroplasmy makes data interpretation more complex,90 but does
not render the data nonfunctional.
More important, the court stressed, Dr. Stewart testified that there was
no evidence of heteroplasmy in this case, meaning that appellants known
mtDNA sequence shared a common base at every position with the mtDNA
sequence found in the hair, and had the same pattern at every position.


Forensic Evidence: Science and the Criminal Law, Second Edition

Dr. Stewart also disagreed that heteroplasmy rendered mtDNA testing unreliable, stating that the published literature on the subject does not support that.
During the pretrial hearings, Dr. Bruce Budowle, senior scientist in the
FBIs biological laboratory division and an expert in mtDNA analysis, also
testified regarding heteroplasmy. According to Dr. Budowle, heteroplasmy
exists in the rarest of the circumstances. And, again the rarest of the circumstances, were willing to accept there possibly could be false exclusion.
Judge Wright, in the trial court, found that the existence of heteroplasmy
in some mtDNA did not render the evidence generally unreliable:
The court, also, would find that the specific procedures that were
used by the FBI laboratory to extract, amplify, and sequence, and
consequently analyze the particular hairs in this case to identify
characteristics of anothers genetic material was certainly reliable. So the question is, is the testing procedure generally
reliable? And I say, Yes, because it is accepted in the scientific
community. And was the testing procedure thats used in this case
reliable? And I would say, Yes. The existence of contamination, the
existence of heteroplasmy does not affect the reliability of the scientific procedure generally, or the procedure used in this particular
case by the FBI laboratory, Dr. Stewart, and those under him.91
The appellate court agreed with that conclusion and upheld Wagners

X. Nonhuman DNA
At the present time there are no reported decisions formally addressing the
acceptability of dog or cat DNA matches in a criminal case, although several
trial court convictions have recently been reported and are working themselves up the appeals process.92 One decision exists as to the admissibility of
plant DNA testing to place a defendant at a crime scene.93 It is simply a matter
of time for mammal and plant DNA identification methodologies to also be
recognized as reliable,94 especially because the amount of experience and solid
scientific data in those areas is enormous and compelling.95
A recent article in the Journal of Forensic Science by Dr. Joy Halverson
addresses the PCR aspects of canine DNA matching.96 Dr. Halverson has
testified in a number of murder cases in recent years, most recently in People
v. Sutherland, discussed in detail in Chapter 2, where she linked a dog hair
found on the body of the child victim to the defendants black Labrador dog

DNA Analysis


XI. DNA Related Cases: Post-Conviction Testing

and Mandatory Submission of DNA
What are some of the likely legal issues surrounding DNA identifications in
the early years of the 21st century? A listing of some of the most important
cases is followed by discussions of selected cases where these issues arose:

Post-conviction DNA testing opportunities for prisoners convicted

in blood-centered cases where identity was a central issue
The legality of DNA registration schemes for convicts, arrestees, or
the general population, and the inclusion of any such DNA profiles
into national or international databases
The expanded utilization of nonhuman DNA profiling technologies
Increasingly sophisticated DNA laboratory procedures that must pass
muster under Frye and Daubert reliability criteria

XII. Post-Conviction DNA Testing

Given the importance of DNA testing and the release of almost 160 prisoners
based upon it,98 most states have enacted legislation providing an opportunity
for post-conviction DNA testing upon motion. An examination of the Illinois
statute and the first appellate decision to address it will be beneficial given
the great likelihood of this issue being a major one as the first decade of the
21st century proceeds. The Illinois statute reads as follows:
5/116-3. Motion for fingerprint or forensic testing not available
at trial regarding actual innocence
(a) A defendant may make a motion before the trial court that
entered the judgment of conviction in his or her case for the
performance of fingerprint or forensic DNA testing on evidence
that was secured in relation to the trial which resulted in his or
her conviction, but which was not subject to the testing which is
now requested because the technology for the testing was not
available at the time of trial. Reasonable notice of the motion shall
be served upon the state.
(b) The defendant must present a prima facie case that includes
both of the following facts:
(1) Identity was the issue in the trial which resulted in his or her


Forensic Evidence: Science and the Criminal Law, Second Edition

(2) The evidence to be tested has been subject to a chain of custody

sufficient to establish that it has not been substituted, tampered
with, replaced, or altered in any material aspect
(c) The trial court shall allow the testing under reasonable conditions designed to protect the states interests in the integrity of the
evidence and the testing process upon a determination that:
(1) The result of the testing has the scientific potential to produce
new, noncumulative evidence materially relevant to the defendants assertion of actual innocence
(2) The testing requested employs a scientific method generally
accepted within the relevant scientific community.99
As noted by Public Defender Gregory OReilly in his article on the new
Illinois statute, Illinois new law applies only to cases where identity was the
issue at trial. Thus, as he points out, a rape case defended on the basis of
consent conceivably would not meet this threshold, whereas a case involving
a crime scene with DNA datum where defendant claimed a false identification
would so qualify.100
As can be seen, the statute creates a two-part process by initially providing
a mechanism for a post-trial motion wherein a convicted felon may petition
the court for fingerprint or DNA testing of evidence collected before trial,
but, importantly, only if any such test was not then obtainable at that earlier
date. There is no deadline for filing. In the event that the motion is granted
and the test results tend to exculpate the inmate, the inmate may file a petition
for a new trial based on this forensic evidence. In deciding whether to grant
a new trial, the court will apply the existing standard for cases involving
newly discovered evidence, which raises interesting issues as to the circumstantial or direct character of DNA or fingerprint evidence.
The Illinois law authorizes DNA and fingerprint testing if the new test
meets the Frye standard for evidence based upon methodologies generally
accepted in the relevant scientific community. The general acceptance of the
more accurate and accessible PCR and PCR STR, not to mention mitochondrial DNA testing in some instances, provides a good opportunity for helping
to alleviate current concerns over the wrongful incarceration of many, especially death-row, inmates. As noted by OReilly:
Courts in most states are likely to recognize RFLP testing and
should recognize PCR testing, although there are new methods of
PCR testing that may be subject to dispute. In the future, courts

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may routinely recognize mitochondrial DNA testing, which has

the ability to profile hair samples without the roots.101
The post-conviction statutes around the country vary greatly as to time
limits, forensic sciences included, and the standards that must be met to
receive forensic testing. It is a considerable leap of faith for most states to
assume that inmates are educated about the latest developments in DNA
testing and population projection theories to adequately respond to the strictures of most of these statutes. A dissenting judge in a Florida case on this
issue put it well:
Frankly, I think it is a very harsh reading of the two-year time
limit in rule 3.850 to bar testing and perhaps relief from conviction
under the circumstances of this case. Rule 3.850(b) bars relief in
noncapital cases unless the facts on which the claim is predicated
were unknown to the movant and could not have been ascertained
by the exercise of due diligence. DNA testing is a recent, highly
accurate, application of scientific principles unknown at the time
of Dedges trial. It is not well known to or understood by most
lawyers and judges, I would wager, even in 1998. I think it unfair
and unrealistic to expect an indigent, serving two life sentences in
prison, to have had notice of the existence of PCR-based testing,
and possible application to his case prior to 1995 when it was first
discussed by a Florida court.102
Computerized fingerprint or shell-casing searches now provided by the FBI
AFIS and CODIS systems should be equally available in an appropriate case.
However, as noted above, the expense and prospect of questioning the finality
of convictions will certainly be a force against the expansion of this, itself, nascent
national effort to achieve what has been referred to as genetic justice.103
In addition to those concerns, there are the equally important issues
revolving around the storage of crime-scene evidence for use in post-conviction proceedings. Practices vary greatly around the country as to how long
and under what circumstances crime scene materials and laboratory samples
are kept. New techniques in all of the forensic sciences, but especially regarding DNA, require a reassessment of such practices to prevent contamination
and to otherwise support the intention of the host of post-conviction forensicevidence testing statutes that we will undoubtedly see come onto the books
in the next several years.
As noted by public defender OReilly:
Under the Illinois and New York forensic testing laws, the petitioner must show that the evidence had been collected for trial


Forensic Evidence: Science and the Criminal Law, Second Edition

and had not been altered. Police, prosecutors, and clerks sometimes destroy old evidence for innocuous reasons such as space
limitations. Sometimes such evidence is mistakenly destroyed, and
it is possible that it could be intentionally destroyed. This could
leave a wrongfully convicted petitioner who seeks testing in such
a case without a remedy. Defense counsel should therefore ask the
court to order forensic evidence impounded after trial and to take
similar steps to make sure police, prosecutors, and court clerks
also do not destroy or alter old evidence.104
This issue of post-conviction DNA testing and the variance in statutes
or court rulings with respect to them, bears close watching by those involved
in the criminal justice system.

XIII. DNA Samples

Once given, a DNA sample remains in the system, available to police in other
cases, although the basis for any earlier voluntary submission needs to be
scrutinized. In Pace v. State,105 a jury convicted Lyndon Fitzgerald Pace of
four counts of malice murder, four counts of felony murder, four counts of
rape, and two counts of aggravated sodomy. A DNA expert determined that
Paces DNA profile matched the DNA profile taken from the sperm in the
McAfee, Martin, McLendon, and Britt murders. The expert testified that the
probability of a coincidental match of this DNA profile is one in 500 million
in the McAfee, Martin, and Britt cases, and one in 150 million in the McLendon
The defendant, while under investigation for another murder, of one
Mary Hudson, had signed a consent form that states, in part: I fully understand that these hair and bodily fluid samples are to be used against me in
a court of law and I am in agreement to give these hair samples for further
use in this particular investigation. The form further stated that Pace was a
suspect in a murder that occurred on September 17, 1992 and the name of
the murder victim in this case is Mary Hudson. There was no mention of
the other four murders. The FBI and GBI crime labs were subsequently
unable to match Paces DNA or hair to any evidence from the Hudson
murder, but were able to obtain matches with evidence from the McAfee,
McLendon, Martin, and Britt cases.106
Pace claimed that he did not voluntarily consent to the drawing of his
blood for use in the investigation of the four murders for which he was
convicted, and argued that the police thus exceeded the bounds of his consent
by using his blood for investigations of murders other than the Hudson

DNA Analysis


murder. However, the court observed, unlike an implied consent warning,

the form does not limit the use of the blood or hair to only the Hudson
murder investigation or to any particular purpose, and there is no evidence
that Pace placed any limits on the scope of his consent.
The police were not required to explain to Pace that his blood or hair
could be used in prosecutions involving other victims, or that he had a right
to refuse consentFurther, like a fingerprint, DNA remains the same no
matter how many times blood is drawn and tested and a DNA profile can
be used to inculpate or exculpate suspects in other investigations without
additional invasive procedures. It would not be reasonable to require law
enforcement personnel to obtain additional consent or another search warrant every time a validly obtained DNA profile is used for comparison in
another investigation.107
The rapid judicial acceptance of DNA identification technologies does
not mean that all legal issues involving it are resolved. It must be remembered
that DNA evidence, as powerful and definitive as it is characterized, is just
evidence nonetheless. It is typically categorized as circumstantial evidence,
like fingerprints, ballistics, hair, fiber, and the rest of the forensic evidence
corpus, as opposed to direct evidence of the fact for which it is offered,
normally presence and participation at a crime scene. This is an important
conceptual difference, which may be belied in the eyes of juries by the reputation that DNA, like fingerprints, has gained over the past decade.
In Thomas v. State,108 a capital murder appeal, the court addressed the
important issue of whether DNA evidence is direct or circumstantial proof
of the fact or facts for which it is offered to prove. At issue was defendants
assertion that he was entitled to a circumstantial evidence instruction about
the states DNA evidence.109 The attorney general, without citing any authority,
responded that Thomass argument completely ignored very direct evidence
presented by the state, such as DNA matching, DNA population statistics,
and fingerprint evidence.110
The court observed that contrary to the attorney generals assertion,
fingerprint evidence was still generally considered circumstantial evidence.
This characterization applied equally well to DNA evidence. The court noted
that a limited search of case law on the question of the nature of DNA
evidence found more cases that refer to DNA evidence as circumstantial than
as direct. Because there was some, albeit little, legal authority for the conclusion that DNA evidence was noncircumstantial or direct evidence, there
was some validity to the position that any error in not instructing the jury
on the reasonable-hypothesis-of-innocence instruction is not plain, i.e.,
not clear or obvious under the law. Therefore, the plain error test was
not satisfied.111


Forensic Evidence: Science and the Criminal Law, Second Edition

Because DNA is evidence, it must comport with all of the rules of evidence, including specialized chain-of-custody proffers,112 and a host of nonscientific constitutional and evidence rules.113
The controversy about the legitimacy of DNA technology other than
mtDNA has certainly abated and recent concern has begun to focus on the
issue of mandating DNA samples by convicted felons, whether incarcerated
in penal institutions or on parole or probation. The federal statute addressing
the collection and use of DNA identification and providing funding for
similar state programs is contained in 2 U.S.C.A. 14135a, Collection and
use of DNA identification, effective: October 30, 2004:
a) Collection of DNA samples
(1) From individuals in custody
The Director of the Bureau of Prisons shall collect a DNA sample
from each individual in the custody of the Bureau of Prisons who
is, or has been, convicted of a qualifying Federal offense (as determined under subsection [d] of this section) or a qualifying
military offense, as determined under section 1565 of Title 10.
(2) From individuals on release, parole, or probation
The probation office responsible for the supervision under Federal
law of an individual on probation, parole, or supervised release
shall collect a DNA sample from each such individual who is, or
has been, convicted of a qualifying Federal offense (as determined
under subsection [d] of this section) or a qualifying military offense, as determined under section 1565 of Title 10.
(3) Individuals already in CODIS
For each individual described in paragraph (1) or (2), if the Combined DNA Index System (in this section referred to as CODIS)
of the Federal Bureau of Investigation contains a DNA analysis
with respect to that individual, or if a DNA sample has been
collected from that individual under section 1565 of Title 10, the
Director of the Bureau of Prisons or the probation office responsible (as applicable) may (but need not) collect a DNA sample
from that individual.114
The statute also sets forth a series of collection procedures directing the
Director of the Bureau of Prisons or the probation office responsible (as
applicable) to use or authorize the use of such means as are reasonably necessary

DNA Analysis


to detain, restrain, and collect a DNA sample from an individual who refuses
to cooperate in the collection of the sample. An individual from whom the
collection of a DNA sample is authorized under the subsection who fails to
cooperate in the collection of that sample shall be guilty of a class A misdemeanor. The Director of the Bureau of Prisons or the probation office responsible (as applicable) must furnish each DNA sample collected under
subsection (a) of this section to the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, who shall carry out a DNA analysis on each such DNA sample and
include the results in CODIS.115
The leading case discussing the constitutionality of this statute is United
States v. Kincade,116 a 9th Circuit Court of Appeals decision.
Defendant appealed after a federal district judge sentenced him to four
months imprisonment, and two years supervised release, for violating the
terms of his supervised release by refusing to submit a blood sample for DNA
testing, pursuant to the DNA Analysis Backlog Elimination Act. On rehearing
en banc, the Court of Appeals held that the requirement under the Act that
certain federal offenders who were on parole, probation, or supervised release
submit to compulsory DNA profiling, even in the absence of individualized
suspicion that they had committed additional crimes, was reasonable and
did not violate Fourth Amendment.
The court framed the issue as to whether it must decide if the Fourth
Amendment permits compulsory DNA profiling of certain conditionally
released federal offenders in the absence of individualized suspicion that they
have committed additional crimes. The court noted that pursuant to the
DNA Analysis Backlog Elimination Act of 2000, individuals who have been
convicted of certain federal crimes and who are incarcerated, or on parole,
probation, or supervised release, must provide federal authorities with a
tissue, fluid, or other bodily sample on which an analysis of that samples
DNA identification information could be performed.117
The court initially addressed the issue of the warrant requirement typically required for searches:
Ordinarily, the reasonableness of a search depends on governmental compliance with the Warrant Clause, which requires authorities
to demonstrate probable cause to a neutral magistrate and thereby
convince magistrate to provide formal authorization to proceed
with a search by issuance of a particularized warrant (citations
omitted). However, the general rule of the Warrant Clause is not
unyielding. Under a variety of conditions, law enforcement may
execute a search without first complying with its dictates. For
instance, police may execute warrantless searches incident to a
lawful arrest: It is reasonable for authorities to search an arrestee


Forensic Evidence: Science and the Criminal Law, Second Edition

for weapons that might threaten their safety, or for evidence which
might be destroyed. And even outside the context of a lawful arrest
supported by probable cause, officers are likewise authorized to
conduct a warrantless, protective pat-down of individuals they
encounter in the field so long as their concerns are justified by
reasonable suspicion of possible danger.
The court noted several general search regimens that were free from the
usual warrant-and-probable cause requirements.
Though not necessarily mutually exclusive, three categories of searches
help organize the jurisprudence. The first category was exempted areas,
including searches conducted at the border, in prisons, and at airports and
entrances to government buildings. The second category was labeled administrative searches, which included inspections of closely-regulated businesses, and other routine regulatory investigations. The third category of
suspicionless searches, the court noted, was referred to as special needs,
and also noted that in recent years, the Supreme Court has devoted increasing
attention to the development of the accompanying analytical doctrine. For
the most part, the court observed, these cases involved searches conducted
for important nonlaw enforcement purposes in contexts where adherence to the
warrant-and-probable cause requirement would be impracticable.118
The court recognized that a number of other circuits had addressed this
We are not the first court called upon to address this unresolved
issue. Confronted with challenges to the federal DNA Act and its
state law analogues, our sister circuits and peers in the states have
divided in their analytical approaches both before and after the
Supreme Courts recent special needs decisions. On one hand, the
Second, Seventh, and Tenth circuits, along with a variety of federal
district courts and at least two state Supreme Courts, have upheld
DNA collection statutes under a special needs analysis (though
not always ruling out the possibility that the totality of the circumstances might validate the search absent some special need.)119
By contrast, the Fourth and Fifth circuits, a Seventh Circuit Judge,
numerous federal district courts, and a variety of state courts have approved
compulsory DNA profiling under a traditional assessment of reasonableness
gauged by the totality of the circumstances.120
In the final analysis, the overwhelming public importance of the DNA
database for the investigation and prosecution of crime required a finding
in the governments favor:

DNA Analysis


In light of conditional releasees substantially diminished expectations of privacy, the minimal intrusion occasioned by blood sampling, and the overwhelming societal interests so clearly furthered
by the collection of DNA information from convicted offenders,
we must conclude that compulsory DNA profiling of qualified
federal offenders is reasonable under the totality of the circumstances. Therefore, we today realign ourselves with every other
state and federal appellate court to have considered these issues
squarely holding that the DNA Act satisfies the requirements of
the Fourth Amendment.121
Because compulsory DNA profiling conducted pursuant to the
federal DNA Act would have occasioned no violation of Kincades
Fourth Amendment rights, the judgment and accompanying sentence of the district court were upheld.122

XIV. John Doe DNA Warrants

The important issue of the legality of John Doe warrants in sexual assault
cases where the statute of limitations is about to expire, was raised in the
2005 Wisconsin case of State v. Davis.123
Lonnie C. Davis was found guilty of four counts of second-degree sexual
assault, use of force. Davis claimed, among other points of error, that the trial
court erred in finding that the complaint filed before the statute of limitations
expired, which identified Davis only by a DNA profile, was sufficient.
A nurse examined the victim Kylesia, and secured as evidence the underwear she was wearing at the time of the assaults. Semen was obtained from
the underwear and a DNA analysis was performed, using the RFLP technique.
The DNA profile from the analysis was run through the convicted offender
index of the Wisconsin DNA databank, but no match to the profile was found.
In 1997, Davis was convicted for sexually assaulting a different victim.
He was sentenced to 105 years in prison and was required to provide a DNA
sample. On August 30, 2000, shortly before the statute of limitations was due
to expire in Kylesias case, the state filed a criminal complaint and obtained
an arrest warrant identifying the perpetrator of Kylesias assaults as John
Doe with the particular DNA profile identified from the semen in Kylesias
underwear. John Doe was charged with one count of forcible kidnapping and
six counts of second-degree sexual assault.
In 1998 and 1999, the state crime lab began making the transition from
the RFLP DNA technique to a new DNA technology known as PCR. Because
RFLP profiles and PCR profiles are not comparable, the state began to reanalyze


Forensic Evidence: Science and the Criminal Law, Second Edition

all of the evidentiary samples in its databank. When the DNA profile in this
case was reanalyzed and the new PCR DNA profile was compared to those
in the Wisconsin databank, it was determined that a match was found. The
PCR DNA profile in this case matched that of convicted sex-offender Lonnie
On April 24, 2002, pursuant to a search warrant, an oral swab was taken
from Davis and DNA testing was conducted on that swab. A comparison
between the DNA from the swab and the DNA from the semen in Kylesias
underwear was conducted. The conclusion was that the DNA from both
matched and the only reasonable scientific explanation was that Davis was
the source of the semen in Kylesias underwear.
An amended complaint was filed substituting Davis for John Doe and
the case proceeded to trial. Davis waived his right to a jury trial in exchange
for the dismissal of the kidnapping charge and two counts of sexual assault.
The case was tried to the court and defendant was convicted.
On September 4, 2002, the state filed an amended criminal complaint in
this case identifying Davis as the John Doe whose DNA profile matched that
of the DNA retrieved from the semen in the victims underwear. In 1998, the
state crime lab stopped performing the RFLP DNA analysis and converted
to the DNA technology known as PCR. The two technologies were different;
one could not compare an RFLP DNA profile to a PCR DNA profile. As a
result, during 1998 and 1999, the state crime lab reanalyzed all evidentiary
samples that had previously generated RFLP DNA profiles under the new
PCR DNA technology, so that the profiles could be compared to the offender
When the sample in this case was reanalyzed producing a PCR DNA
profile, it was compared to all of the convicted offender samples in the
database, and a match was found. Davis DNA profile matched that of the
PCR DNA sample generated from the semen in the victims underwear. Based
on this information, the state obtained a search warrant to take an oral swab
directly from Davis, who was incarcerated. The DNA results from this oral
swab also matched that of the DNA sample generated from the semen in the
victims underwear. Based on this information, the amended complaint
charged Davis with the kidnapping and sexual assaults by substituting his
name for that of John Doe.125
Davis argued that because the original complaint identified the DNA
profile using a different technology than the amended complaint that eventually led to his identification, he maintained that because the RFLP DNA
profile identified in the complaint was not the profile used to identify him
by name, the amended complaint does not relate back to a date preceding
the expiration of the statute of limitations. The court dismissed this argument, holding:

DNA Analysis


The DNA was the same. Both the RFLP DNA profile and the PCR DNA
profile contained Davis DNA exclusively. His argument elevates form over
substance. The state specifically identified Davis DNA in a complaint before
the statute of limitations expired. The fact that the type of DNA analysis
technology changed does not somehow alter the accuracy of the identification. The person with the DNA in the original complaint was the same person
with the DNA in the amended complaint Davis. Thus, his claim that the
analysis was different is of no consequence. His DNA did not change, but
remained the same. Thus, it satisfied the reasonable certainty requirements
for an arrest warrant and answered the who is charged question required
for a sufficient complaint. (Id.) Thus, the trial court did not err in finding
that the complaint was sufficient.

XV. The Future of DNA Testing

The National Institute of Justice, in the report, The Future of Predictions of
the Research and Development Working Group (November 2000), set out its
technology projections for 2010:
Of course, the farther we peer into the future, the cloudier is our
vision. Nevertheless, we expect that, although better procedures
will undoubtedly have been developed, the 13 core STR loci will
still be the standard currency. The reason is that changing systems
is expensive and inefficient, and a system that is in place and
working well is likely to be continued.
There may be some transition to new technologies, mainly to
supplement the standard STRs. SNPs will be widely used in medical and agricultural research, so there will be many opportunities
to carry these over for forensic purposes. We therefore envisage
additions to the STR loci for some casework.
Within 10 years we expect portable, miniaturized instrumentation
that will provide analysis at the crime scene with computer-linked
remote analysis. This should permit rapid identification and, in
particular, quick elimination of innocent suspects.
By this time there should be a number of markers available that
identify physical traits of the individual contributing the DNA. It
should be possible, using this information, to narrow the search
for a suspect, with consequent increases in the accuracy and efficiency of operation.


Forensic Evidence: Science and the Criminal Law, Second Edition

The full impact of DNA technology in the near future remains to be seen.
It is rapidly becoming the centerpiece of the investigation and prosecution
of crime worldwide.

1. See, e.g., State v. Bowers, 135 N.C.App. 682, 522 S.E.2d 332 (N.C.App., 1999),
where the defendant was found guilty of first-degree burglary and statutory
rape of a 14-year-old girl. Michael Budzynski, a DNA analyst, examined the
blood samples and determined that the defendants DNA could not be ruled
out as being the same DNA found in the victims panties and sweat pants.
According to Mr. Budzynski, the probability of finding the same DNA profile
in another person was at least 1 in 5.5 billion.
The court ruled that none of the scientific methods employed by the expert
was a new method where reliability was at issue. Therefore, any analysis of
the DNA methods used, which were not even identified in the appeal, was
not necessary. Indeed, the issue getting the most attention was what does
nighttime mean? Because the pertinent element at issue was the nighttime
element, the court focused, in the absence of a statutory definition on the
common-law definition of nighttime, which defined it as a condition when it
is so dark that a mans face cannot be identified except by artificial light or
2. We are now becoming very familiar with quick DNA profile information
through the use of computerized systems for rapid DNA profile matching via
the NDIS and CODIS database systems.
3. See, e.g., Illinois Supreme Court Rule 417. DNA Evidence (2001) ILCS S. Ct.
Rule 417.
4. It is essential that prosecutors and criminal defense lawyers consult Champion, the publication, and the Web site of the National Association of Defense
Lawyers, located at http://www.nacdl.org. Champion magazine routinely publishes excellent articles by some of the top DNA experts in the country. As
an example of the high quality of its offerings, see the two-part article on
evaluating a DNA case by William C. Thompson, Simon Ford, Travis Doom,
Michael Raymer, and Dan E. Krane.
William C. Thompson; Simon Ford; Travis Doom; Michael Raymer, Dan E.
Krane, Evaluating forensic DNA evidence: Essential elements of a competent
defense review, Champion May 2003, at 24; William C. Thompson; Simon
Ford; Travis E. Doom; Michael L. Raymer; Dan E. Krane, Evaluating Forensic
DNA Evidence, Part 2, Champion.
Champion April 2003, at 16; William C. Thompson; Simon Ford; Travis E.
Doom; Michael L. Raymer; Dan E. Krane, Evaluating Forensic DNA Evidence,
Part 2, May 2003, at 24. Also see, How the probability of a false positive affects

DNA Analysis


the value of DNA evidence. Thompson, W.C., Taroni, F., Aitken, C.G.G. 2003;
J. Forensic Sci. 48(1): 47-54 and the extensive commentaries on this article in
the J. Forensic Sci. See, Commentary on: Thompson, W.C., Taroni, F., Aitken,
C.G.G., J. Forensic Sci. 2003;48(1):47-54. Brenner, C.H., Inman, K.
2004;49(1): 1-2.; Authors response. Thompson, W.C., Taroni, F., Aitken,
C.G.G.. 2004;49(1): 1-2.; Authors response. Thompson, W.C., Taroni, F.,
Aitken, C.G.G. 2003;48(5): 1202.; Commentary on: Thompson, W.C., Taroni,
F., Aitken, C.G.G. How the probability of a false positive affects the value of
DNA evidence. J. Forensic Sci. 2003 Jan;48(1):47-54. Clarke, G.W. 2003;48(5):
1201.; Commentary on: Thompson, W.C., Taroni, F., Aitken, C.G.G. How
the probability of a false positive affects the value of DNA evidence. J. Forensic
Sci. 2003;48(1):47-54. Cotton, R.W., Word, C.J. 2003;48(5): 1200.
5. 533 So. 2d 842 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 1988). See Giannelli and Imwinkelried:
Scientific Evidence (The Michie Company, 2d ed., 1993), Vol. 2, at 26, for a
good discussion of the early days of judicial acceptance of DNA technology.
6. See, generally, Saferstein: Criminalistics: An Introduction to Forensic Science
(Prentice Hall, 6th ed., 1998), at 361 (Serology) and 403 (DNA); Robertson
and Vignaux: Interpreting Evidence: Evaluating Forensic Science in the Courtroom (John Wiley & Sons, 1995); Eckert (ed): Introduction to Forensic Sciences
(CRC Press, 2d ed., 19997); Giannelli and Imwinkelried, Scientific Evidence
(The Michie Company, 2d ed., 1993), The DNS Genetic Marker, Vol. 2, at
1ans 1998 Cumulative Supplement, at 1.
7. Note: Revised Validation Guidelines, Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM):
The validation section of the Guidelines for a Quality Assurance Program for
DNA Analysis by the Technical Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods
(Crime Laboratory Digest 1995:22(2):2143) has been revised due to increased
laboratory experience, the advent of new technologies, and the issuance of
the Quality Assurance Standards for Forensic DNA Testing Laboratories by
the Director of the FBI (Forensic Science Communications, available:
www.fbi.gov/hq/lab/fsc/backissu/july2000/codis2a.htm). This document provides validation guidelines and definitions approved by SWGDAM on July 10,
8. See, 14th International Forensic Science Symposium, at 137147.
9. 14th International Forensic Science Symposium at 144.
10. *Development projects were taking place in many parts of the world.
*The sharing of examples of good practice and case studies in various areas
during the presentations were extremely enlightening and no doubt extremely
useful. This session was an excellent opportunity to identify challenges and
issues faced by the various countries and by Interpol.
See, http://books.elsevier.com/.
11. See, http://www.forensicnetbase.com/
12. See, http://www.amazon.com/


Forensic Evidence: Science and the Criminal Law, Second Edition

13. A very recent treatise has been published by John Butler, Forensic DNA Typing:
Biology, Technology, and Genetics behind STR Markers, published in 2005 by
Academic Press. The second edition of this book includes recent information
on DNA typing systems, Y-chromosome material and mitochondrial DNA
markers. Additional chapters address statistical genetic analysis of DNA data,
and statistical analysis of short tandem repeat (STR) typing data.
14. See, e.g., Joy Halverson, D.V.M. and Christopher Basten, Ph.D., A PCR Multiplex and Database for Forensic DNA Identification of Dogs, 50 JFS (2) at 1
(2005); and Terry Melton, Ph.D.; Gloria Dimick, M.S.; Bonnie Higgins, M.S.;
Lynn Lindstrom, B.S.; and Kimberlyn Nelson, Ph.D., Forensic Mitochondrial
DNA Analysis of 691 Casework Hairs, 50 JFS (1) (2005).
15. See, e.g., 19-WTR Crim. Just. 54 Criminal Justice Winter, 2005 Department
Mitochondrial DNA, Paul C. Giannelli; 89 Cornell L. Rev. 1305 Cornell L. Rev.
September, 2004, Article Ake V. Oklahoma: The Right To Expert Assistance
In A Post-Daubert, Post-DNA World, Paul C. Giannelli; September, 2004
Prosecutor July/August, 2004 Highlight from the Prosecutor, Forensic Palynology And Plant DNA: The Evidence That Sticks, Danielle M. Weiss; Mark
Hansen, DNA Dragnet, 90 May ABAJ 38 (2004); 71 U. Chi. L. Rev. 587 U. Chi.
L. Rev. Spring 2004 Comment Habeas, Section 1983, And Post-Conviction
Access To DNA Evidence.
16. The current Handbook may be downloaded at http://www.fbi.gov/hq/lab/
17. See the FBI CODIS home page at http://www.fbi.gov/hq/lab/codis/index1.htm.
18. 342 Md. 38, 673 A. 2d 221 (1996).
19. 173 Ill.2d 167, 670 N.E.2d 721 (1996).
20. 173 Ill.2d 167, 670 N.E.2d 721 (1996), at 176.
21. Miller, at 670 N.E.2d 721, 730.
22. See State v. Anderson, 118 N.M. 284, 881 P.2d 29 (1994), Springfield v. State,
860 P.2d 435 (Wyo.1993), or United States v. Jakobetz, 955 F.2d 786
(2d Cir.1992), for a more extensive discussion of this topic.
23. Miller, at 173 Ill. 2d 185-186.
24. Miller, at 187.
25. See, People v. Stremmel, 258 Ill.App.3d 93, 197 Ill.Dec. 177, 630 N.E.2d 1301
(1994); People v. Watson, 257 Ill.App.3d 915, 196 Ill.Dec. 89, 629 N.E.2d 634
(1994); People v. Mehlberg, 249 Ill.App.3d 499, 188 Ill.Dec. 598, 618 N.E.2d
1168 (1993); People v. Miles, 217 Ill.App.3d 393, 160 Ill.Dec. 347, 577 N.E.2d
477 (1991); People v. Lipscomb, 215 Ill.App.3d 413, 158 Ill.Dec. 952, 574
N.E.2d 1345 (1991). All of these cases agree that the theory underlying DNA
profiling and the RFLP matching technique is generally accepted in the relevant scientific community.
26. See, e.g., Harmon v. State, 908 P.2d 434, 440 (Alaska App.1995); Taylor v.
State, 889 P.2d 319, 333 (Okla.Crim.App.1995); State v. Cauthron, 120

DNA Analysis


Wash.2d 879, 89697, 846 P.2d 502, 511 (1993) (citing 15 cases that support
general acceptance of RFLP testing); United States v. Porter, 618 A.2d 629, 636
27. See, discussion of the earlier Thomas case with respect to the issue of the
circumstantial evidence nature of DNA evidence.
28. The National Research Council (the NRC) has generated several primary
sources cited almost universally in judicial decisions assessing DNA forensic
analysis and the associated statistics. The NRC is a private, nonprofit society
of distinguished scholars that is administered by the National Academy of
Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine.
The NRC formed the Committee on DNA Technology in Forensic Science
to study the use of DNA analysis for forensic purposes, resulting in the
issuance of a report in 1992. See, Committee on DNA Technology In Forensic
Science, National Research Council, DNA Technology in Forensic Science
(1992); see generally, State v. Marcus, 294 N.J.Super. 267, 683 A.2d 221, 227
n. 6 (1996). A new committee was subsequently formed to study recent
developments in the field, which also issued a frequently cited report. See
National Research Council, The Evaluation of Forensic DNA Evidence 63
(1996); see generally, R. Stephen Kramer, Comment, Admissibility of DNA
Statistical Data: A Proliferation of Misconceptions, 30 Cal.W.L.Rev. 145, 147
and n. 17 (Fall, 1993) (noting that courts have traditionally deferred to
pronouncements from the National Academy of Sciences) (citing Rorie Sherman, DNA Unraveling, Natl L.J. 1, 30 (Feb. 1, 1993); Commonwealth v.
Blasioli, 552 Pa. 149, 713 A.2d 1117, 111920 n. 3 (Pa.1998).
29. Id. at *46. The 1996 NCR Report National Research Council, The Evaluation of Forensic DNA Evidence (1996) states that, [i]n general, the
calculation of a profile frequency should be made with the product rule. Id.
at 5. See also, 2 Paul C. Giannelli and Edward J. Imwinkelried, Scientific
Evidence 184, p. 12 (Supp.1998) (With some modifications for special
situations, the 1996 report endorses the use of the traditional product rule
to compute the random match probability.).
30. See Watts v. State, 733 So.2d 214, 226 (Miss.1999) (citing court opinions from
14 states for its observation that courts which have considered the admissibility of statistical evidence based on the product rule have determined that
the challenges to its use have been sufficiently resolved and its finding that
the product rule has been accepted in the scientific community and found
to be a reliable method of calculating population frequency data); State v.
Kinder, 942 S.W.2d 313, 327 (Mo.1996), cert. denied, 522 U.S. 854, 118 S.Ct.
149, 139 L.Ed.2d 95 (the overwhelming majority of recent cases in other
jurisdictions approve the use of the product rule); State v. Loftus, 573
N.W.2d 167, 174 (S.D.1997) (an overwhelming amount of scientific commentary and legal authority exist resolving any earlier dispute concerning
DNA statistical evidence, and the product rule method is now generally
accepted in the relevant scientific community; People v. Chandler, 211


Forensic Evidence: Science and the Criminal Law, Second Edition

Mich.App. 604, 536 N.W.2d 799, 803 (1995), cert. denied, 453 Mich. 883,
554 N.W.2d 12 (1996)); See, for example, the following cases finding the
product rule evidence admissible under the Daubert test: United States v.
Chischilly, 30 F.3d 1144, 1153 (9th Cir.1994), cert. denied, 513 U.S. 1132
(1995); State v. Loftus, 573 N.W.2d 167 (S.D.1997). Also see, the following
cases relying, in part, on the 1996 NRC Report in upholding use of the
product rule: State v. Marshall, 193 Ariz. 547, 975 P.2d 137, 141
(Ariz.App.1998) (quoting State v. Johnson, 186 Ariz. 329, 922 P.2d 294, 299
(Ariz.1996)) (Endorsement by the NRC is strong evidence of general acceptance within the relevant scientific community.); Clark v. State, 679 So.2d
321, 321 (Fla.App.1996) (product rule calculations are appropriate as a
matter of scientific fact and law); State v. Kinder, 942 S.W.2d 313, 327
(Mo.1996), cert. denied, 522 U.S. 854, 118 S.Ct. 149, 139 L.Ed.2d 95 (1997);
State v. Freeman, 253 Neb. 385, 571 N.W.2d 276, 293 (Neb.1997); State v.
Copeland, 130 Wash.2d 244, 922 P.2d 1304, 131920 and n. 6 (Wash.1996).

31. National Research Council, The Evaluation of Forensic DNA Evidence 25

(1996) (hereinafter 1996 NRC Report). [FN13] See also, State v. Morel, 676
A.2d 1347, 1356 (R.I.1996) ([I]n the preservation and testing of DNA evidence, careful attention and proper handling of the crime sample by police
and scientists are crucial in defending chain-of-custody issues and in ensuring
that laboratory mislabeling and inadvertent contamination have not
occurred; Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence, at 293 [(Federal Judicial
Center 1994)].); Sally E. Renskers, Comment, Trial by Certainty: Implications
of Genetic DNA Fingerprints, 39 Em.L.J. 309, 316-17 (1990).
32. The PCR technique involves three basic phases: First, a fragment of DNA is
extracted from a sample of evidence. Second, during the amplification phase,
millions of copies of the fragment are created by mixing the sample with
enzymes, chemicals, and primers. Third, the finished product is tested for
comparison with a known DNA sample from a victim or suspect. See U.S.
v. Hicks, 103 F.3d 837 (9th Cir.1996).
33. See, Dedge v. State, 723 So.2d 322 (Fla. Ct. App. 1998).
34. 1 Modern Scientific Evidence, Forensic Identification, 16-3.0 at 679 (1997).
35. Werrett, D.J., DNA Evidence, Proceedings of the 12th Interpol Forensic Science Symposium (1998), at 61. See the excellent bibliography of current
references associated with this article.
36. 185 Ill.2d 317, 706 N.E.2d 473(1999).
37. Dr. Violette Hnilica, the forensic pathologist who performed the autopsy,
testified that the body was decomposing and swollen. Hnilica used dental
records to make a positive identification of the body as Gwinn. She also
identified injuries to the body including torn skin on the right side of the
mouth and cheek; broken back fingernails; bruises on the upper abdomen,
shoulders, and right side of the head; hemorrhages and tissue compression
in the neck; a blunt-force injury to the scalp; and bruises in the vagina. Hnilica

DNA Analysis


stated that the cause of death was strangulation and blunt-force injuries, and
that the victims injuries were consistent with sexual assault.
38. 185 Ill.2d 317, 706 N.E.2d 473(1999), at 477.
39. 187 Ill.2d 144, 718 N.E.2d 1 (1999).
40. Dr. Edward Pavlik, an expert in forensic odontology, testified that he was
asked to assist in identifying the body recovered in Hunting Area 7. Based on
the development of the teeth in the body and a comparison of these teeth to
photographs of Christophers teeth before his death, Pavlik determined that
the body belonged to Christopher. Dr. Larry Blum, an expert in forensic
pathology, testified that he performed the autopsy of Christophers body. The
body was unclothed and showed signs of decomposition. Blum found a
contusion to Christophers jaw and 52 stab wounds and cuts on the body,
primarily to the chest, abdomen, and back. In Blums opinion, the stab and
slash wounds were made by a sharp, single-edged knife that was relatively
long and narrow. This knife could have been a filet knife. There was also
evidence that this type of knife had been used to cut Christophers genital
area; his external genitalia were missing. None of Christophers wounds,
including one stab wound to his heart and 12 to his lungs, was sufficient to
cause immediate death. Blum opined that the cause of death was multiple
stab wounds. Al Haskell, a forensic entomologist, explained that certain
insects are attracted to human remains, sometimes within seconds of death,
and lay their eggs in these remains. Based on the stage of development of the
insects found in a corpse, a precise estimation of the time of death may be
obtained. Haskell analyzed the insects recovered from Christophers body, as
well as the environmental conditions to which the body had been subjected.
He concluded that the time of death was most likely sometime before sunset
on August 7. 187 Ill.2d 144, 718 N.E.2d 1 (1999), at 168169.
41. 187 Ill.2d 144, 718 N.E.2d 1 (1999), at 170171.
42. 72 Cal.App.4th 1093, 85 Cal.Rptr.2d 655 (Cal. Ct. App. 1999).
43. 72 Cal.App.4th 1093, 85 Cal.Rptr.2d 655 (Cal. Ct. App. 1999), at 1097.
44. (O)nce a trial court has admitted evidence based upon a new scientific
technique, and that decision is affirmed on appeal by a published appellate
decision, the precedent so established may control subsequent trials, at least
until new evidence is presented reflecting a change in the attitude of the
scientific community. (People v. Kelly, 17 Cal.3d at p. 32, 130 Cal.Rptr. 144,
549 P.2d 1240.(1976). Also see, People v. Morganti, 43 Cal.App.4th at p. 666,
50 Cal.Rptr.2d 837 [1996] [pointing out that although PCR evidence had not
been found admissible in any published California case, courts in other
jurisdictions have concluded that PCR analysis of DQ alpha is generally
accepted as reliable in the scientific community].)
45. 425 Mass. 807, 685 N.E.2d 739 (1997).
46. Commonwealth v. Rosier, supra, 685 N.E.2d at p. 743. Id. at 1100.
47. 255 Neb. 68, 582 N.W.2d 317 (1998).


Forensic Evidence: Science and the Criminal Law, Second Edition

48. Jackson, at 325.

49. Allen at 1101. See, People v. Smith, 215 Cal.App.3d 19, 25, 263 Cal.Rptr. 678
(1989) (In determining whether particular technique is generally accepted, a
defendant is not foreclosed from showing new information which may question
the continuing reliability of the test in question or to show a change in the
consensus within the scientific community concerning the scientific technique.)
50. See STADNAP home page at http://www.stadnap.uni-mainz.de/.
51. 215 Cal.App.3d 19, 25, 263 Cal.Rptr. 678 (1989). Technology transfer will be
carried out and exchange of personnel will be encouraged within the framework
of the EU fellowship programmes.
52. 110 P. 3d 245 (Wash. Ct. App. 2005).
53. 110 P. 3d 245 (Wash. Ct. App. 2005), at para. 35-37.
54. In his appellate brief, Mason argued that had Dr. Libby been allowed to testify,
he would have explained the flaws in Dr. Blakes overinflated claim that
Mr. Mason was the contributor to the DNA in the car to these extreme odds.
Dr. Libby would have cautioned the jury against accepting this testimony,
and explained how many scientists prefer to calculate the likelihood of DNA
in a mixture belonging to a certain source. Instead of 14 trillion to one,
Dr. Libby calculated the odds to be one in 121,951 for the black population
and one in 833,333 for the Caucasian population. 110 P. 3d 245 (Wash. Ct.
App. 2005), at para. 3638.
55. 110 P. 3d 245 (Wash. Ct. App. 2005), at para. 39.
56. The original method of DNA mixture interpretation was proposed by Evett
et al. (2). Several years ago, a theory to interpret mixed DNA profiles that
included a consideration of peak area using the method of least squares was
proposed by Gill et al. (3). This method of mixture interpretation was not
widely adopted because of the complexity of the associated calculations.
Currently, most reporting officers take account of peak area in an intuitive
way based upon their experience and judgment. A formalized approach has
been written into a computer program package called PENDULUM (4). This
program uses a least-squares method to estimate the preamplification mixture proportion for two potential contributors. It then calculates the heterozygous balance for all of the potential sets of genotypes. A list of possible
genotyes is generated using a set of heuristic rules. External to the program
the candidate genotypes may then be used to formulate likelihood ratios that
are based on alternative casework propositions. Interpol DNA Review, supra,
at 138.
57. 104 Ohio St.3d 358, 819 N.E.2d 1047 (2004)
58. 104 Ohio St.3d 358, 819 N.E.2d 1047 (2004), at 363.
59. 361 S.C. 333, 605 S.E. 2d 19 (Sp. Ct. S.C. 2004)
60. 361 S.C. 333, 605 S.E. 2d 19 (Sp. Ct. S.C. 2004), at 343. Also see, People v.
Perez Poye 2005 WL 1022174 (Cal. App. 2005); (Additional expert testimony
established that defendant was a possible contributor of the DNA mixture

DNA Analysis


found on both ski masks used in a residential robbery); LaPointe v. State,

2005 WL 995371 (Texas 2005) (DNA testing revealed that victim and her
boyfriend could not be excluded as contributors to a mixture of DNA found
on the water bottle collected from defendants apartment.); State v. Jones, 109
P.3d 1158 (Kan. 2005.) (Mary Koch, a forensic scientist with the KBI, examined the evidence to determine whether it matched victim Paddocks or Jones
DNA. Paddocks DNA was found throughout the room and its contents. A
mixture of DNA was found on fingernail scrapings, the black jeans, the trash
can, and a black coat. The major portion of those mixtures was consistent
with her DNA. The minor portion of the DNA from the trash can was
consistent with Jones DNA. The minor portions of the DNA from the jeans
and the fingernail scrapings were consistent with Jones DNA, but were fairly
common DNA mixtures. The minor portion of the DNA found on the coat
was insufficient for comparison.)
61. See, Alice R. Isenberg and Jodi M. Moore, Mitochondrial DNA Analysis at the
FBI Laboratory, Forensic Science Communications, Vol. I, No. 2, July 1999,
located at http://www.fbi.gov/programs/lab/fsc/current/dnalist.htm, covering
background, a six-step analysis procedure, interpretation guidelines, population database, and reporting statistics. This will undoubtedly be a major
supportive document for the use of mitochondrial DNA identifications in
criminal trials.
62. The 14th Interpol Forensic Science Symposium, DNA Report, at 138139
provides a brief discussion of recent MtDNA work in Europe.
63. For example, Tennessee has a statute governing the admissibility of DNA,
which provides, in part, as follows:
(a) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires, DNA
analysis means the process through which deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in
a human biological specimen is analyzed and compared with DNA from
another biological specimen for identification purposes.
(b)(1) In any civil or criminal trial, hearing, or proceeding, the results of
DNA analysis, as defined in subsection (a), are admissible in evidence without
antecedent expert testimony that DNA analysis provides a trustworthy and
reliable method of identifying characteristics in an individuals genetic material upon a showing that the offered testimony meets the standards of admissibility set forth in the Tennessee Rules of Evidence.
(2) Nothing in this section shall be construed as prohibiting any party in a
civil or criminal trial from offering proof that DNA analysis does not provide
a trustworthy and reliable method of identifying characteristics in an individuals genetic material, nor shall it prohibit a party from cross-examining
the other partys expert as to the lack of trustworthiness and reliability of
such analysis.
Tenn.Code Ann. 24-7-117
64. In State v. Scott, 1999 WL 547460 (Tenn.Crim.App.), involving mtDNA analysis of a hair identified as defendants in a sexual assault case, defendant


Forensic Evidence: Science and the Criminal Law, Second Edition

complained the terms of the statute authorized the admission of novel scientific evidence such as mtDNA without a showing that the evidence was
reliable. Defendant argued that the mitochondrial technique was not even
developed until June, 1996, and that his case was only the fourth in the
country in which this type of evidence had been admitted. The defendant
unsuccessfully argued that the portion of the DNA statute that provided that
the evidence was admissible upon a showing that the testimony meets
the standards of admissibility set forth in the Tennessee Rules of Evidence
requires that the state show the evidence is scientifically reliable.

65. See the Mitotyping Technologies Web site at http://www.mitotyping.com/

66. Supra, n. 63 at 139.
67. See Chapter 3, Hair Analysis, for a discussion of the use of mitochondrial
DNA in contemporary forensic lab examination of hair shafts.
68. 256 Conn. 854, 776 A. 2d 1091 (2001).
69. 369 F. 3d 516 (U.S. Ct. App. 6th Cir 2004).
70. Beverly, at 523.
71. Beverly, at 528.
72. Beverly, at 528, at 529.
73. United States v. Coleman, at 966.
74. United States v. Beverly, at 530.
75. Also see, People v. Mason, 2004 WL 2951972 (Ct. App. Mich 2004): Dr. Terry
Melton, the president and CEO of Mitotyping Technologies, a company that
specializes in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) testing, testified that defendants
mtDNA profile matched that of the foreign hair found on the decedents body
and that 99.93% of the population of North America would not match this
76. Beverly at 530531.
77. Beverly at 531. See, Erica Beecher-Monas, The Heuristics of Intellectual Due
Process: A Primer for Triers of Science, 75 N.Y.U.L.Rev. 1563, 1655 n. 535 (2000).
78. Fed.R.Evid. 401. The statistical evidence at trial showed that, at most, less
than 1% of the population would be expected to have this mtDNA pattern.
Even an article critical of mtDNA stated the most frequent pattern applies in
no more than 3% of the population. It would be unlikely to find a match
between Beverlys hair and the hair of a random individual. The testimony
was that, with a high degree of confidence, less than 1% of the population
could be expected to have the same pattern as that of the hair recovered from
the bank robbery site, and that Beverly did have the same pattern, and thus
could not be excluded as the source of the hair. Finding Beverlys mtDNA at
the crime scene is essentially equivalent to finding that the last two digits of
a license plate of a car owned by defendant matched the last two numbers of

DNA Analysis


a license plate of a getaway car. It would be some evidence not conclusive,

but certainly admissible. We find the same here. Beverly at 531.
79. 160 Md.App. 531, 864 A.2d 1037 (Md. App. 2005).
80. States evidence regarding chain-of-custody of glove found near murder scene
indicated there was reasonable probability that glove, which contained hair
sample placing defendant at scene, was in same condition when scientifically
tested as it was when discovered by witness, in trial for murder.
81. Wagner at 1044.
82. Citing United States v. Coleman, 202 F.Supp.2d 962, 965 (E.D.Mo.2002).
83. Citing People v. Holtzer, 255 Mich.App. 478, 660 N.W.2d 405, 408 (2003).
84. During the motions hearings, Dr. Stewart testified that mtDNA evidence has
been entered into evidence at trial a total of approximately 50 times, in 25
states. He also submitted numerous peer review articles that demonstrate the
general acceptance of mtDNA evidence, none of which rejected mtDNA
analysis as unreliable. Even the defenses expert, Dr. Jeffrey Boore, did not
controvert the proposition that the process of mtDNA extraction, amplification, and sequencing is generally accepted as reliable.
85. Wagner at 1048.
86. Wagner at 1048.
87. See, Charles A. Linch, B.S., Davis A. Whiting, M.D. & Mitchell M. Holland,
Ph.D., Human Hair Histogenesis for the Mitochondrial DNA Forensic Scientist,
46 J. Forensic Sci. 844, 850 (July 2001).
88. See, Alice R. Isenberg, The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin: Forensic mitochondrial DNA analysis: A different crime-solving tool, p. 34, August 2002. For
more information on heteroplasmy, see M.M. Holland & T.J. Parsons, Mitochondrial DNA Sequence Analysis Validation and Use for Forensic Casework, 11 Forensic Science Review 22, 2325 (1999) (Heteroplasmy has the
potential to both complicate and strengthen forensic identify testing, and
must be taken into account.).
89. Wagner, at 1051.
90. The Toronto Globe and Mail reports the matching of the blood of a dog, killed
along with his owner in a six-year-old murder case. Experts testified that
blood on the defendants shirt matched both that of the human victim and
also that of his pet dog Chico. Experts testified to an 8 billion to 1 match
with the dogs DNA. See 10/02/1999 GlobeMail; A10.
A similar finding was testified to in the case of a double murder in Seattle.
Experts testified to a match of the victims dogs blood, which had also been
shot, to blood from the defendants jackets. PE AgGen matched bloodstains
on the two defendants jackets and testified to a 1 in 350 million match.
In New York, a man was convicted of murder based in part on the hair from
defendants cat, which had been found on a jacket discarded at the crime


Forensic Evidence: Science and the Criminal Law, Second Edition

scene near the body of the homicide victim. Experts at the National Cancer
Institute in Frederick, Maryland, who had been studying cat DNA for years,
testified to a 1 in 45 million match between defendants cat and the jacket he
had thrown away at the crime scene dump site. See, Source News and Reports,
April 24, 1997.
In Canon Lake, Texas, investigators have used DNA testing to identify a dog
believed to have mauled a 77-year-old woman. Http://www.reporternews.

91. See, State v. Bogan, 183 Ariz. 506, 905 P.2d 515 (1995) (results of randomly
amplified polymorphic DNA [RAPD] testing of seed pods from paloverde
trees were admissible and expert testimony declaring match between paloverde seed pods found in defendants truck and paloverde tree growing at
crime scene was admissible).
92. See, George Sensabaugh and D.H. Kaye, Non-human DNA Evidence, 38 Jurimetrics J. 1 (1998) for an extensive discussion of this general issue.
93. See the following Web sites that address varying aspects of important animal
DNA issues. These sites are important for obtaining nonhuman DNA in cases
of mammals:
Wildlife Forensic DNA Lab, http://www.trentu.ca/academic/forensic/labservices.
Breaking the Canine Genetic Code, http://www.canismajor.com/dog/gencode.
The Dog Genome Project, http://www.mendel.berkeley.edu/dog.html.
Also see, Korpelainen, H., Virtanen, V., DNA fingerprinting of mosses, 48 JFS
(4) (2003).
Abstract: Our study introduces the use of DNA fingerprinting of clonal plants
in combination with phylogenetic and vegetation studies as a prospective
forensic tool in criminal investigations. In this homicide case, the bryophyte
species found on the suspects were identified as Brachythecium albicans,
Calliergonella lindbergii, and Ceratodon purpureus. Colonies of all three species occurred at the crime site. DNA fingerprinting analyses were conducted
for B. albicans and C. lindbergii, which were expected to reproduce mainly
clonally, unlike C. purpureus, and included samples found on the suspects
and samples collected from the crime site and other locations. It was concluded that B. albicans found on the suspects was likely to originate from the
crime scene and that the sample of C. lindbergii may also have originated
from the same site.
94. Joy Halverson,1 D.V.M and Christopher Basten,2 Ph.D., A PCR Multiplex and
Database for Forensic DNA Identication of Dogs, 50 J. Forensic Sci. (2) 207
95. Also see, People v. Slover, 339 Ill.App.3d 1086 (Ill.App. 4th 2003). In this case,
involving the release of trial exhibits for scientific testing during an appeal,
the state established in its motion that Dr. Joy Halverson indicated she was

DNA Analysis


capable of performing and willing to perform DNA testing on animal hairs

from defense exhibits and cat hairs from Mary Slovers former residence. The
state alleged the testing would advance the interests of justice in the pending
juvenile case and the determination of whether the parental rights of Mary
and Michael, Jr., should be terminated. Specifically, the state alleged the
evidence could point to Marys connection with the Karen Slover murder or
its concealment. Defendants, on the other hand, argued at the hearing that
destructive testing would be prejudicial in the event of a retrial. However, the
state noted the evidence was not large enough for a jury to assess, unlike a
big coat or bloody knife. Also, the state indicated the conclusions made
after scientific testing could benefit the defense.
In its decision, the trial court found good cause for the scientific testing.
The court also required as a condition of the scientific testing that a photograph be taken of any exhibits of sufficient quality to identify them.
96. See, The Innocence Project site, at http://www.innocenceproject.org/.
97. 725 ILCS 5/116-3 (Appvd 07/14/99). New York, the only state with a similar
law, limits the type of post-trial forensic testing to DNA.
98. 81 Judicature 114 (1997).)
99. I81 Judicature 114 (1997), at 116.
100. See, Dissent, Dedge v. State, 723 So.2d 322, 324.(Fla. Ct. App. 1998).
101. Charles M. Strom, Genetic Justice: A Lawyers Guide to the Science of DNA
Testing, 87 Ill. B.J. 18 (1999).
102. OReilly, 81 Judicature, at 116.
103. 1999 WL 1087018 (Ga. 1999).
104. 1999 WL 1087018 (Ga. 1999), at *2.
105. 1999 WL 1087018 (Ga. 1999), at *3.
106. 24 So.2d 1 Ala.Crim.App., 1999.
107. 824 So.2d 1 (Ala.Crim.App., 1999).
108. Here, DNA extracted from vaginal fluid recovered from the victims body
and from Thomas blood were compared to determine whether he could have
been the source of the semen present in the victims body. The DNA profiles
from the vaginal fluid matched the DNA profiles from Thomas blood. Statistically, the probability of finding an unrelated individual at random from
the population who would match the particular DNA of the semen recovered
from the victims body was approximately 1 in 323,533,000 whites and 1 in
322,149,000 African-Americans.
109. 1999 WL 1087018 (Ga. 1999), at *26.
110. For cases characterizing DNA evidence as circumstantial, see, for example,
People v. Groves, 854 P.2d 1310, 1315 (Colo.App.1992); Greenway v. State, 207
Ga.App. 511, 428 S.E.2d 415, 416 (1993); People v. Stremmel, 258 Ill.App.3d
93, 630 N.E.2d 1301, 1307, 197 Ill.Dec. 177 (1994); State v. Spaeth, 552 N.W.2d
187, 192-93 (Minn.1996); Parker v. State, 606 So.2d 1132, 1140-41


Forensic Evidence: Science and the Criminal Law, Second Edition

(Miss.1992). See also 1 Edward J. Imwinkelried et al., Courtroom Criminal
Evidence 308 (3d ed.1998) (noting that many types of circumstantial
evidence such as DNA tests are highly reliable). Also see, State v. Mosely, 338
N.C. 1, 449 S.E.2d 412, 433 (1994), cert. denied, 514 U.S. 1091, 115 S.Ct.
1815, 131 L.Ed.2d 738 (1995), for a case reference to a DNA match as direct

111. In specific regard to chain-of-custody requirements for critical DNA evidence, the National Research Council observed:
Even the strongest evidence will be worthless or worse, might possibly
lead to a false conviction if the evidence sample did not originate in
connection with the crime. Given the great individuating potential of DNA
evidence and the relative ease with which it can be mishandled or manipulated by the careless or the unscrupulous, the integrity of the chain-of-custody
is of paramount importance.
National Research Council, The Evaluation of Forensic DNA Evidence 25 (1996).
Also see, State v. Morel, 676 A.2d 1347, 1356 (R.I. 1996) ([I]n the preservation and testing of DNA evidence, careful attention and proper handling of
the crime sample by police and scientists are crucial in defending chain-ofcustody issues and in ensuring that laboratory mislabeling and inadvertent
contamination have not occurred. Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence,
at 293 [(Federal Judicial Center 1994)].); Sally E. Renskers, Comment, Trial
by Certainty: Implications of Genetic DNA Fingerprints, 39 Em.L.J. 309,
31617 (1990).
112. See, 1 Edward J. Imwinkelried et al., Courtroom Criminal Evidence 503,
pp. 13437 (3d ed.1998).
113. 2 U.S.C.A. 14135a. Collection and use of DNA identification, effective:
October 30, 2004.
114. In this section:
(1) The term DNA sample means a tissue, fluid, or other bodily sample of
an individual on which a DNA analysis can be carried out.
(2) The term DNA analysis means analysis of the deoxyribonucleic acid
(DNA) identification information in a bodily sample.
(d) Qualifying Federal offenses
The offenses that shall be treated for purposes of this section as qualifying
Federal offenses are the following offenses, as determined by the Attorney
(1) Any felony.
(2) Any offense under chapter 109A of Title 18.
(3) Any crime of violence (as that term is defined in section 16 of Title 18).
(4) Any attempt or conspiracy to commit any of the offenses in paragraphs
(1) through (3).
115. 379 F. 3d 813 (9th Cir 2004).

DNA Analysis


116. Kincaide at 817. The court also noted that with passage of the PATRIOT Act,
Pub.L. No. 107-56, 503, 115 Stat. 272, 364 (2001), acts of terrorism (as
defined in 18 U.S.C. 2332b(g)(5)(B)) and additional crimes of violence (as
defined in 18 U.S.C. 16) have been added to the ranks of qualifying federal
offenses. See 42 U.S.C. 14135a(d)(2).
117. Citing, See, Illinois v. Lidster, 540 U.S. 419, 124 S.Ct. 885, 157 L.Ed.2d 843
(2004) (upholding a highway checkpoint designed to enable police to question citizens about a recent crime); Bd. of Educ. v. Earls, 536 U.S. 822, 122
S.Ct. 2559, 153 L.Ed.2d 735 (2002) (upholding a program that subjected all
students participating in extracurricular activities to submit to random, suspicionless drug testing); Ferguson v. City of Charleston, 532 U.S. 67, 121 S.Ct.
1281, 149 L.Ed.2d 205 (2001) (invalidating a public hospitals nonconsensual
drug testing of maternity patients); Edmond, 531 U.S. at 48, 121 S.Ct. 447
(invalidating a roadside checkpoint designed to discover and interdict illegal
drugs); Vernonia Sch. Dist. 47J v. Acton, 515 U.S. 646, 115 S.Ct. 2386, 132
L.Ed.2d 564 (1995) (upholding a program subjecting student athletes to
random, suspicionless drug testing); see also, Natl Treasury Employees Union
v. Von Raab, 489 U.S. 656, 109 S.Ct. 1384, 103 L.Ed.2d 685 (1989) (upholding
suspicionless drug testing of certain U.S. Customs officials); Skinner, 489 U.S.
at 634, 109 S.Ct. 1402 (upholding compulsory blood and urine tests of
railroad employees involved in certain train accidents); Griffin, 483 U.S. at
87980, 107 S.Ct. 3164 (upholding a warrant-less search of a probationers
118. See Green, 354 F.3d at 68081 (Easterbrook, J., concurring); Groceman v. U.S.
Dept. of Justice, 354 F.3d 411, 41314 (5th Cir.2004) (per curiam); Velasquez
v. Woods, 329 F.3d 420, 421 (5th Cir.2003) (per curiam); Jones v. Murray, 962
F.2d 302, 30607 (4th Cir.1992); Nicholas v. Goord, 2004 WL 1432533, *2-*6
(S.D.N.Y. Jun 24, 2004); United States v. Stegman, 295 F.Supp.2d 542, 54850
(D.Md.2003); Padgett v. Ferrero, 294 F.Supp.2d 1338, 134344 (N.D.Ga.2003);
United States v. Meier, No. CR97-72HA, 2002 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 25755
(D.Or.2002); United States v. Lujan, No. CR98-480-02HA, 2002 U.S. Dist.
LEXIS 25754 (D.Or.2002); Shelton v. Gudmanson, 934 F.Supp. 1048
(W.D.Wis.1996); Kruger v. Erickson, 875 F.Supp. 583 (D.Minn.1995); Vanderlinden v. Kansas, 874 F.Supp. 1210 (D.Kan.1995); Sanders v. Coman, 864
F.Supp. 496 (E.D.N.C.1994); Ryncarz v. Eikenberry, 824 F.Supp. 1493
(E.D.Wash.1993); Landry v. Attorney General, 429 Mass. 336, 343-48, 709
N.E.2d 1085 (1999); Gaines v. State, 116 Nev. 359, 998 P.2d 166, 171-73
(2000); Johnson v. Commonwealth, 259 Va. 654, 529 S.E.2d 769, 779 (2000);
Doles v. State, 994 P.2d 315, 317-20 (Wyo.1999); In re Maricopa County
Juvenile Action, 187 Ariz. 419, 930 P.2d 496, 500-01 (1996); People v. Adams,
115 Cal.App.4th 243, 9 Cal.Rptr.3d 170, 180-84 (2004); L.S. v. State, 805 So.2d
1004, 100607 (2001); People v. Calahan, 272 Ill.App.3d 293, 208 Ill.Dec. 532,
649 N.E.2d 588, 591-92 (1995); Cooper v. Gammon, 943 S.W.2d 699, 704-05
(Mo.Ct.App.1997); Surge, 94 P.3d 345, 2004 WL 1551561, *7 (Wash.Ct.App.
July 12, 2004).


Forensic Evidence: Science and the Criminal Law, Second Edition

119. Kincaid at 839.

120. Also see, United States v. Sczubelek, 2005 WL 638158 (3rd Cir. Ct. App. 2005)
(The court concluded that under Fourth Amendment reasonableness standard for analyzing the constitutionality of government searches and seizures,
the collection of DNA samples from individuals on supervised release is
constitutional. The governments interest in building a DNA database for
identification purposes, similar to its interest in maintaining fingerprint
records, outweighed the minimal intrusion into a criminal offenders diminished expectation of privacy.)
For similar results in a case involving a California state statute, see, People v.
Meinz, 2005 WL 67092 (Ca Ct. App. 2005).
121. 2005 WL 524900 (Ct. App. WI 2005).
122. 2005 WL 524900 (Ct. App. WI 2005), at para. 67.
123. 2005 WL 524900 (Ct. App. WI 2005), at para. 78.
124. 2005 WL 524900 (Ct. App. WI 2005), at para. 34. Also see, See, Comment:
Meeting the Statute or Beating It: Using John Doe Indictments Based on
DNA to Meet the Statute of Limitations, Meredith A. Bieber, 150 U.Pa.L. Rev.
1079 (2002); Note: Using DNA Profiles To Obtain John Doe Arrest Warrants
And Indictments, Frank B. Ulmer, 58 Wash.&Lee L.Rev. 1585 (2001).
125. See, http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/nij/pubs-sum/183697.htm.

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