4.19 M.sc. Forensic Science

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Item No. 4.19


Syllabus for M.Sc. (Forensic Science)

Semester I &II
Program: M.Sc.
Course : Forensic Science
(Credit Based Semester and Grading System with
effect from the academic year 20122013)

M.Sc. (Forensic Science)

Ordinance .:- Title of the Programme:- M.Sc. Forensic Science

Ordinance :- Eligibility :- B.Sc. Forensic Science, Any Science Degree with P. G. Diploma
in Forensic Science and Related Laws OR P. G. Diploma in Digital and Cyber Forensics
and Related Laws.
Regulation No.--- :- Duration :- Two Years.
Regulation No.--- :- Intake Capacity :- 20 Seats as per following Details
I) 14 seats shall be reserved for the student holding a B.Sc. Forensic Science degree from
Mumbai University,
II) 2 Seats shall be reserved for candidate holding Science Degree with P. G. Diploma in
Forensic Science and Related Laws
III) 2 Seats shall be reserved for candidate holding Science Degree with P. G. Diploma in
Digital and Cyber Forensics and Related Laws.
IV) 2 Seats shall be reserved for the student holding a B.Sc. Forensic Science degree from
other University
If any seat remains vacant then it will be allotted to candidate pertaining to criteria I)
above further vacant seat/s if any will be allocated to waitlist candidate belonging to
criteria II or then to criteria III or to then to criteria IV .
Regulation No.--- :- Teacher Qualifications :- As per the U.G.C./State Government Norms
and Experts from the Forensic Science Field and Related Industry with minimum Ten
years of experience.


PSFS 101
Marks 100
Lectures per
Unit I : Crime Scene Investigation & Management
Crime Scene Investigation (CSI): Types of crime scenes: indoor, outdoor, mobile, &
hydro. Physical evidences, Crime scene search methods, Recovery & packaging of evidences,
Crime scene documentation: Notes taking, Sketching, Photography & Videography. Preservation
of evidences. Various Crime Scenes: Homicide, Suicide, Accidents (Vehicular, Train, Air-crash,
Industrial etc), Mass Murders, House Breaking and Theft (HBT), Dacoity, Cybercrimes,
Terrorism, etc. Crime Scene Management (CSM): Introduction & Components: Information,
Manpower, Technology & Equipment and Logistics Management. Role of various experts at
crime scene. Security, safety and preservation of crime scene. Contamination control. Scene
Survey and initial documentation. Co-ordination amongst various agencies involved in
investigation. Co-ordination of Interstate investigation agencies. Evidence recovery log. Chain of
custody. Forwarding & Authorization letters and relevant paper work. National & International
scenario on Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) and Crime Scene Management (CSM). Report
Writing and Evidence Evaluation: Components of reports and Report formats in Crime Scene and
Laboratory findings. Constitutional validity of Forensic Evidence, Expert Testimony: Admissibility in
court of law, Pre-Court preparations & Court appearance,.

Unit II : Fingerprinting & Other Impressions

History and development of fingerprints. Formation and variation of ridges at various
stages of life. Factors affecting fingerprint patterns. Classification of fingerprints; Henry system,
single digit, extension of Henry system. Fingerprint bureau. Poroscopy & Edgeoscopy. Sweat
analysis. Conventional methods of latent fingerprint development: fluorescent method, magnetic
power method, fuming method, chemical method etc. Recent techniques: digital imaging and
enhancement, Laser and other radiation based techniques, Metal deposition method.
Development and preservation of latent print on skin: Living and Dead. Photography and image
processing of fingerprints. Comparison of fingerprints: Class characteristics, individual
characteristics, ridge tracing and ridge counting. Automated fingerprint identification system
(AFIS): History, developments and components, Latent print and high quality image processing.
Types of AFIS searches and reports. Footprints: Importance, Gait pattern analysis, Evaluation
and analysis of various casts. Electrostatic lifting of latent footprints and comparison with
reference sample. Tyre marks / prints and skid marks and comparison with control samples.
Cheiloscopy: Nature, location, collection and evaluation of lip print. Ear prints: Introduction,
growth & development, evaluation and analysis of ear print. Tool marks & Mechanical fits:

Introduction, nature, location, collection and comparison of tool marks. Introduction and types of
mechanical fits. Forensic significance of various impression marks and its accountability in
criminal investigation.
Unit III: Bloodstain Forensics & Crime Scene Reconstructions
Bloodstain Pattern Analysis (BPA): History perspective of bloodstain evidence,
Introduction, Terminologies and classification, Biological and physical properties of human
blood, Droplet Dynamics in Flight and on Impact, Droplet Directionality from bloodstain
patterns, Determination of Point of Convergence and Point of Origin. Impact spatter and
mechanisms. Concept of Preponderant Stain size, Spatter associated with a projection
mechanism. Altered bloodstain patterns. Formation of spatter and spatter associated with a
secondary mechanism. Documentation and Evaluation of bloodstain evidence. Importance and
Legal aspects of BPA. Manual and Computer-assisted reconstruction of BPA. Dealing with risk
of bloodborne pathogens. Crime Scene Reconstruction(CSR): Nature & Importance of CSR.
Basic Principles & Stages involved: Data Collection, Conjecture, Hypothesis formulation,
Testing & Theory formation. Types & classification of reconstruction. Pattern evidence &
Shooting scene reconstruction. Role of Logic in CSR. Writing a Reconstruction report.
Correlation of crime scene analysis with behavioral analysis. Cases of Special Importance
pertaining to forensic examination.
Unit IV: Research Methodology & Statistics in Forensic Science
Introduction and types of Research Report. Introduction to Research Methodology:
Definition, concept and research. Research Design: Experimental and Non-Experimental.
Review of Literature: Research Reading, Critical Reading, Consulting Source Material.
Components of a Research report: Title, Authors and addresses, Abstract, Summary, Synopsis,
key words, General Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, discussion, Conclusions,
Acknowledgements, Appendixes. References: Different Systems of Citing References; Harvard
system and Vancouver system. Bibliography. Copyright and Plagiarism issues. Footnotes.
Report formatting and typing. Statistics: Types of Data, Populations & Samples, Frequency
distribution, Measure of location: Mean, median and mode. Measures of dispersion: Range,
Mean deviation and standard deviation. Correlation and Regression analysis. Probability:
Theory& Fundamentals, Aleatory probability, Binomial probability, Poisson probability,
Empirical probability. Theorems- Bayes Theorems, Addition and Multiplication Theorem,
Conditional and Coincidence Probabilities. Coefficient of Variation. Binomial and Normal
distribution. Derivation and evaluation of evidence by discriminating powers. Transfer of
evidence- Likelihood ratio, probability of guilt, correspondence probabilities, direction of
transfer. Test of significant of attributes, Z-test of significance and coefficient of correlation,
small sample test, T-test, Paired Test, Chi-square test. F-Test for equality of variance, Large
sample test. Normal Test

Marks 100
Period per Week
(60 Min. Each)
1. Crime scene protection and security
2. Photographing the scene of crime using 3 angle views Birds-eye view, mid range,
3. Sketching the scene of crime Rough and Finished
4. Sketching the crime scene using Rectangular coordinates, Baseline and Triangulation
5. Collection and Packaging of various Physical evidences
6. To obtain class characteristics of fingerprints
7. To obtain individual characteristics of fingerprints
8. Study of pores on friction ridges
9. Sweat Analysis of palmer and plantar surfaces.
10. To perform ridge tracing and ridge counting.
11. To develop latent finger Prints with Powder methods.
12. To develop latent finger Prints with Fuming methods.
13. To develop latent finger Prints with Chemical methods.
14. Fingerprint classification using Henry system
15. Crime scene report writing
16. Forensic Result report writing
17. To measure the Gait of Individuals under various circumstances
18. To study various wear and tear characteristics on footwear
19. To examine anatomical difference in footprints of individuals. Under various
20. To study bloodstain impact pattern at different velocity
21. To determine point of convergence and point of origin using string method in BPA
22. To study droplet dynamics of blood on various surfaces and different heights and angles.
23. Reconstruction and evaluation of various scenes of crime.
24. Tyre print tracing, casting and comparison
25. Footprint tracing, casting and comparison
26. Examination of Ear print and lip print found at the crime scene
27. To study and examine toolmarks and mechanical fits

PSFS 102
Marks 100
Lectures per
Unit I: Toxicology-Metallic Poisons & Related Laws.
Introduction to toxicology & metallic poisons
Concept of exposure: Concept of time-Weight-Average, Peak exposure , Acute and chronic
Specific Metal Exposure ;
Metal Metabolism and Toxicity (Cu,Zn,Fe,Se,Hg,Cd,Pb,As): toxicokinetics, biotransformation,
Mechanism of toxicity and antidote required, toxicology or effect on vital organs
Toxic Anions(Borates, Bromide, Chlorate, Cyanides, Fluorides): poisoning, toxicokinetics,
Mechanism of toxicity and antidote required, toxicology or effect on vital organ
Analysis of toxicological Samples:
Evidence collection in metal poisoning cases, extraction of poisons, Analysis by Colour-test
(reinsch, gutzeit Test), Atomic absorption spectroscopy(ASS, Electro thermal ASS, Hydride
generation ASS, Cold Vapour ASS ), Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry ,
Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS), Neutron activation analysis
Legal Aspect:
Relavant provisions of The Poisons Act,1919.
Unit II: Toxicology- Organic Poisons & Related Laws.
Pesticides & Insecticides (Organo phosphates, Organo chlorine compounds, Carbamates,
Pyrethroids, Bipyridyl derivatives) : Chemical composition and sub-types, Signs and symptoms
of poisoning, Site and mechanism of toxic action, Biotransformation and distribution, Antidote
Analysis: Collection & preservation of toxicological sample, Extraction of poisons from visceral
material, Analysis by TLC, GC, HPLC and comparing results with standard.
Animal Poisons: Snake venom, composition, site of action, mode of action, effect on the body
as a whole, and tests for identifications
Carbon monoxide poisoning: significance, signs and symptoms, methods of diagnosis, tests for
Legal Aspect:
Relavant provisions of The Poisons Act,1919.

Unit III : Prohibition & Related Laws.

Introduction, Definition of alcohol and illicit liquor, Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages and
their composition, Proof spirit, absorption, de-toxification and excretions of alcohol, Crime scene
management in illicit liquor cases, problems in alcohol cases and difficulties in diagnosis,

Alcohol and prohibition, Consequences of drunken driving, Breath analysis, blood alcohol
analysis by GC-HS.
Analysis of Beverages:, Analysis of alcoholic beverages as per BIS and PFA Act, Detection and
determination of ethanol, furfural, organic acids, aldehydes, chloral hydrate, methanol and
ethylene glycol in liquors by colour tests, TLC, GC, and GC-MS methods, Distinction between
licit and illicit liquors.
Legal Aspect:Case Studies and Relevant Provisions of1. Indian Penal Code, 1860.
2. The Bureau Of Indian Standards Act, 1986
3. Prevantion of Food Adultration Act,1954.
Unit IV: Explosive & Related Laws.
Classification, Composition and characteristics of Explosive, Commonly used Explosive devices
Explosion process and affects, types of hazard, effect of blast wave on structures, human etc.
Crime scene management in explosive cases,
post-blast residue collection,
Analytical Techniques for the analysis of exhibits involved in Explosive cases:Separation of Explosive in a mixture, Analysis by wet tests, Ion chromatography, Capillary
electrophoresis, ED-XRF, Thin layer Chromatography (TLC), IR-Spectrophotometer, GC-Ion
Scan, LC-MS.
Legal Aspect:Case Studies and Relevant Provisions of
1. Explosives Act 1884
2. Explosive Substances Act


Marks 100
Period per Week
(60 Min. Each)


1. Analysis of alcoholic liquor as per BIS specifications.
2. Determination of methanol and ethanol in alcoholic liquors.(wet test, GC,TLC)
3. Analysis of gasoline as per BIS specifications.
4. Estimation of ethyl alcohol in blood sample by wet test, TLC, GC-HS.
5. Analysis of viscera (simulated sample) for organo-chloro /organo-phosphorus pesticides
by TLC.(2 Nos
6. 6.Detection of metallic poisons (arsenic and mercury & other poisons metals) in viscera
and food stuff (simulated samples).by wet test, AAS, UV-Visible
7. Adulteration of vegetable oils by GC & HPLC.
8. Systematic analysis of pharmaceutical products as per IPC specification by using HPLC
9. Systematic analysis of pharmaceutical products as per IPC specification by using GC.

PSFS 103
Marks 100
Lectures per
UnitI : Forensic Ballistics (I)
History and background of firearms; Their classification and characteristics, various component
of small arms, smooth bore and class characteristics, purpose of rifling, types of rifling and
methods to produce rifling, trigger and firing mechanism, cartridge-firing mechanism, Shotguns;
Classification, chocking, determination of bore. Techniques of dismantling / assembling of
firearm, identification of origin, improvised / country-made / imitative firearm and their
constructional features.
Legal Aspect :Case studies and relevant provisions of Arms Act,1959.
Unit II: Ammunition:
Types and classification of ammunition, Constructional features and characteristics of different
types of cartridges, types of primers and priming composition, propellants and their
compositions, , various types of bullet and compositional aspects, latest trends in their
manufacturing and design projectile, identification of origin, improvised ammunition and safety
aspects for handling firearm and ammunition.
Legal Aspects of Ammunition;
Unit III: Motor Vehicle Crimes
Crimes and vehicles, Road accidents, Theft of Vehicle, Abandoned Vehicles Vehicle involved in
terrorism and Investigation. Evidentiary clues; the vehicle, the scene, the culprit/victim.
Collection and Evaluation of; Tyre, tyre marks, tyre residues, tyre bursts. Mechanical failure.
Crime Scene Management in motor vehicle cases, Forwarding Exhibits in Motor vehicle cases,
Important Crime cases:-Vehicle involved in Explosion
Legal Aspects:Case studies and relevant provisions of offences under Motor Vehicle Act,1988 .
Unit IV: Hit and Run cases and investigation:
Nature and causes, Collection of evidence; paint, automobile window glass, Head light- tail light,
scratch marks, bulb filament, fibre and rubber, chassis and engine number, RTO registration
number and related documentary clues.
Analytical Technique for the analysis of evidence involved in Hit and Run cases; Types of glass
and their composition, forensic examination of glass fractures under different conditions,
determination of direction of impact cone- fracture, rib marks hackle marks, backward
fragmentation, colour and fluorescence, physical matching, density comparison, physical
measurements, refractive index by refractometer, elemental analysis and interpretation of glass
evidence by Atomic Emission spectroscopy, XRD of glass, Raman and IR spectroscopic analysis

of Paints, Restoration of erased serial numbers and engraved marks, Document examination by
VSC, Microscopic examination, Micro chemical tests, Differential solubility.
Legal Aspects:Case studies and relevant provisions of Indian Penal Code,1860.

Marks 100
Period per Week
(60 Min. Each)
1. Study of calibre and rifling characteristics
2. Examination of firearm(s).
3. To study assembling and dismantling of firearms.
4. To study the working mechanism of firearm(s).
5. Examination of air guns / rifles as per Arms Act 1959.
6. Determination of shot number from size and weight of shots.
7. Physical examination of propellant of ammunition.
8. Examination of choking in shotgun.
9. Study of constructional features of improvised firearms.
10. To study proof mark of firearm.
11. Study of constructional features of cartridge.
12. To study proof mark of cartridge.
13. To study lands and grooves in rifled weapons.
14. To study brake action of various automobiles.
15. To study the working mechanism of important components of automobile engine.
16. Study of speedometer.
17. Examination and analysis of paint chips collected from hit and run cases.
18. Examination and analysis of glass pieces collected from hit and run cases.
19. Comparison of head light glass and automobile window glass.
20. Restoration of erased serial numbers using physical / chemical methods.
21. Examination of bulb filament.
22. Restoration of engraved marks.
23. Automobile related Document Examination using VSC.

PSFS 104
Marks 100
Lectures per

Unit I: Metabolism, biochemical techniques

Basic concepts of Metabolism:
Concept of catabolism and anabolism: metabolic strategies, organization, clustering of enzymes.
Regulation of Metabolic Pathways: energy charge, phosphorylation potential
Carbohydrate metabolism
Glycolysis, glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis, pentose phosphate pathway, glucoronic acid
Dark reactions of Photosynthesis: CO2 fixation: C3, C4 and CAM pathways.
Cyclic overview and reactions. Metabolic sources of acetyl CoA. Regulation and amphibolic
nature of the cycle. Glyoxylate cycle.
Lipid metabolism
oxidation of unsaturated and saturated fatty acid and its regulation.
significance of ketone bodies, Biosynthesis of palmitate and its regulation.
Mitochondrial and microsomal pathways of chain elongation, long term dietary changes and
enzyme level.
Metabolism of chloesterol: Biosynthesis of cholesterol and its regulation, lipoprotein
metabolism, chylomicrons, LDL, HDL, VLDHL.
Transamination, deamination, Fate of amino acid skeleton, urea cycle, precursors for compounds
other than proteins, Genetic diseases.
Salvage and de novo pathways of purine and pyrimidine nucleotide biosynthesis.
Formation of deoxyribonucleotides, origin of thymine.
Biosynthesis of Nucleotide coenzymes.
Nucleotide degradation: catabolism of purines and pyrimidines, fate of uric acid.
Vitamins: Types, structure Biosynthesis, deficiencies
Affinity chromatography, gel exclusion, Immunoelectrophoresis, complement fixation, RIA,
ELISA & Types, Fluorescence immunoassay, flow cytometry, immunohistochemical techniques,
Immunoprecipitation, Elispot assay, immunoelectron microscopy, isoelectric focussing
UNIT II: Molecular Biology
Central dogma of Molecular biology, process of DNA replication, properties of DNA
polymerases, chromosome replication initiation at ori C & termination at ter C, concept of
replicon, replicating linear DNA in eukaryotes, multiple origins of replication eukaryotic

Transcription of genes: terminologies- eukaryotic genome, cistrons, coding sequence & ORF,
RNA polymerases types & function, Activators, repressors, regulatory proteins. Transcription in
eukaryotes, transcription of r RNA, t RNA & protein encoding genes in eukaryotes, enhancer
control of transcription.
Protein Synthesis: Initiation, elongation & termination of protein synthesis, transcription ,
translation coupled in bacteria, initiation of protein synthesis in eukaryotes, role of molecular
chaperon in protein folding, post translation modification,
Regulation of transcription in prokaryotes: Significance of gene regulation, alternative sigma
factor in prokaryotes: Heat shock sigma factors, sigma factor in Bacillus spore formation,
activators & repressors in positive & negative regulation. Crp protein-global control in protein
synthesis. Antitermination.
Regulation of transcription in eukaryotes: Enhancers and insulator sequences. Heterochromatin,
methylation & acetylation in gene expression, gene silencing, X chromosome inactivation.
UNIT III: Microbial Forensics
Defining the microbial forensics program, epidemiology, Microbial forensic tools.
Dynamics of disease transmission , Outbreak Investigation.
Deliberate introduction of a biological agent.
Emerging Microbial Forensic Techniques- PCR, Terminal Restriction Fragment Length
Polymorphism (TRFLP), Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP), Single Stranded
Conformation Polymorphism Analysis (SSCP), Thermal and Denaturating Gradient Gel
Electrophoresis (TGGE, DGGE), Amplified Ribosomal DNA Restriction Analysis (ARDRA),
Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD).
Non-PCR DNA Fingerprinting Techniques with Applicability in Forensic Studies- Restriction
Fragment Length Polymorphisms (RFLP) and Ribotyping.
Forensic Interpretation of DNA Data, Isotopic Testing and Correlation to Contaminant Source
Microbes of forensic importance:Bacillus anthracis, Yersinia pestis, Francisella tularensis,
Brucella spp., Burkholderia Pseudomallei, Clostridium botulinum, Listeria monocytogenes and
their morphological & biochemical studies.DNA of microbes in soil for crime detection
Fungi of forensic importance: Opportunistic mycoses, Chytridiomycota zygomycota, Aspergillus
fumigates, microsporidum, pneumocytosis jiroveci, Asp.flavus & Candida sp, epidemiology,
Antifungal agents.
Food borne shigella, salmonella.
Forensic Aspects of Biological Toxins
Microbial Forensic Analysis of Trace and Unculturable Specimens
Unit IV: Forensic Virology and Animal cell culture
Introduction to virus classification.
Naturally emerging viruses: West Nile, SARS , MonkeyPox . H1N1, Severe acute respiratory
syndrome, HIV.
Viral forensics, Engineering Novel Viruses: Recombinant DNA.
Revolution in virology, Synthetic Poliovirus, mousepox, determining source of an engineered
Cell culture techniques
Media, Role of media components: preparation, sterilization, MEM, DMEM, Eagles MEM,
MF9 MF12, etc.

Types of cell lines: Establishment of cell lines, Transformed cell lines, properties &

Marks 100
Period per Week
(60 Min. Each)

1. Chromosome banding technique.
2. pH, Buffers, Buffering capacity
3. To perform serum electrophoresis.
4. Extraction and isolation, estimation of DNA from buccal swabs, blood, semen and
other biological samples (from Cows, ,Bulls, Buffalos, Chicken fishes, other wild
animals etc.)
5. Restriction digestion of DNA from above samples.
6. DNA fingerprinting for testing of paternity disputes and rape cases.
7. To perform Western Blotting
8. Estimation of Amino Acid (Tyrosine)
9. Estimation of Nitrogenous Base (Guanine)
10. Detection of Ag/ Abs by ELISA and immunohistostaining.
11. Culture of animal cells and their observation.
12. Passage of cells for subculturing.
13. Organ culture from chick.

PSFS 105
Marks 100
Lectures per

UNIT I -Basics of Forensic Psychology:

Introduction, Definition of Forensic Psychology
History and Development of Forensic Psychology
Scope of Forensic Psychology
Ethics of Forensic Psychology

UNIT II Psychology and Criminal Behavior:

Psychopathology and Abnormal behavior
Biological factors & Crime, Social Learning theories, Psychosocial Factors, Abuse.
Intelligence & Crime, Effects of Media, Gender & Crime
Psychology of Terrorism.

UNIT III - Juvenile Delinquency:

Theories of Offending: Social Cognition, Moral Reasoning.
Child Abuse: Physical, Sexual, Emotional
Juvenile Sex Offenders
Prevention of Delinquency
Legal Aspect:
Juvenile in conflict with Law: (Juvenile Justice Act,2000. Bail of Juvenile, Court orders
regarding Juvenile, Penalties and Case-studies)

UNIT IV Areas under Forensic Psychology

Competency to stand trial
Sentence Litigation
Criminal Responsibility
Civil Commitment
Guardianship and Conservatorship

Marks 100
Period per Week
(60 Min. Each)

2. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2/A (MMPI-2/A)
3. Rorschach Test
4. Bhatias Battery for Intelligence
5. Thematic Apperception Test
6. Word Association Test

PSFS 106
Marks 100
Lectures per
UNIT I: Evolution of Computer Technology & Cyberspace
History of Digital Computer, Generation of Computers, Basics of Computer, Recent Trends in
Computer Technology
Computer Programming:
Programming Cycle, Basics of Programming, Interpreter, and Compiler, Various programming
languages and their special features, Programming in C, Object Oriented Programming, Java
programming, JSP and Servlet .
Internet & Web Technologies:
Role of Networking in IT, Evolution and Impact of Internet, Internet Services, Internet Process
Concept of World Wide Web, History of World Wide Web, Purpose of Web, Functioning &
Mechanism of Web, Web Hosting & Development, Website Legal Issues
HTML ( Elements, Attributes, Headings, Paragraphs, Formatting, Fonts, Styles, Links, Images,
Tables, Lists, Forms, Frames, Iframes, Colors, Colornames, Colorvalues, Layout, Doctypes,
CSS, Head, Meta ,Scripts, Entities, URLs, URL Encode, Webserver ) XML, PHP, Installing PHP
on wamp server
PHP( Syntax, Variables, String, Operators, If...Else, Switch, Arrays, While Loops, For
Loops, Functions, ,forms, GET, POST, Date, Include, PHP File, File Upload, Cookies,
Sessions, E-mail, Secure E-mail, Error, Exception Filter)
Concept of Cyberspace, Emergence of Cyberspace, Nature & Meaning of Cyberspace, Attributes
of Cyberspace, Classification of Cyberspace, Legal Framework for Cyberspace.
UNIT II: Image Processing
Image Processing Fundamentals, Digital Image Processing and Computer Graphics
Understanding Digital Image Processing, Origins of Digital Image Processing, Examples of
Fields that Use Digital Image Processing, Steps in Digital Image Processing, Components of an
Image Processing System, Image File Forensic: Understanding various image formats (Vector
and Raster), and File Compression, Locating and recovering image files. Various Image
Enhancement Techniques, Image Enhancement in the Spatial Domain (Gray level
transformations, Histogram processing, Arithmetic and logic operations, Spatial filtering:
Smoothing and sharpening filters) Image Enhancement in the Frequency Domain (Frequency
domain filters: Smoothing and Sharpening filters Homomorphic filtering)
UNIT III: Wireless Networks and Internet Forensics.
Wireless Networks:
Wireless Infrastructure, Difference between wired and wireless networks. Wireless
Transmission, Telecommunication Systems

Wireless LAN: IEEE 802.11 (Architecture Physical Layer MAC Layer Addressing mechanism)
Cellular Telephony: Frequency reuse principal, Transmitting- Receiving Handoff roaming, First
Second and Third Generation.
Satellite Networks: Orbits, Footprints, three categories of satellites (GEO, MEO, LEO)
Internet Forensic:
Obfuscation: Anatomy of URLS, IP Addresses in URLS, Usernames in URLS, Encoding the
Entire Message, Similar Domain Names, Making a form look like a URL, Bait and Switch-URL
Redirection, JavaScript, Browsers and Obfuscation
Capturing Web Pages, Viewing HTML Source, Comparing Pages, Non-Interactive Downloads
Using wget, Mapping out the entire website, Hidden Directories, In Depth Example- Directory
Listing, Dynamic WebPages, Filling Out Forms, In depth Example-Server side Database,
Opening the Black Box
Web Servers: Viewing HTTP Headers, Understanding Header Information, Cookies,
Redirection, Web Server Statistics, Controlling HTTP Headers
UNIT IV: Cyber crimes and related offences and penalties.
Introduction to Cybercrimes;
Classification of cybercrimes.
Distinction between cyber crime and conventional crimes
Reasons for commission of cyber crime
Kinds of cyber crimes cyber stalking; cyber pornography; forgery and fraud; crime
related to IPRs; Cyber terrorism; Spamming, Phishing, Privacy and National Security in
Cyberspace, Cyber Defamation and hate speech, computer vandalism etc.
Relevant provisions under Information Technology Act, 2000, Indian Penal Code, 1860.
Jurisdictional challenges in cyberspace.
Investigation challenges in cyberspace
Emerging trends in Information Technology Act, 2000.

Marks 100
Period per Week
(60 Min. Each)
1. C Program Structure, data input and output, control statements, functions arrays etc
2. Basics of Java programming. Servlet and JSP Programs and Java Script
3. Structure of HTML, XML and PHP : Creating webpage using Structure of HTML, XML
and PHP
4. Image Processing Using Matlab (Using Image Processing Toolbox)
5. Image Processing Using Java (Java Advance Imaging)
6. Image Processing Using Turbo C
7. study of wireless devices
8. study of wireless networks and wireless network analysis.
9. Understanding dynamic and static pages, Viewing HTML Source and HTTP Headers,
Understanding Header Information
10. Working with wireshark for Network analysis
11. Studying of packets and packet formats.
12. Log Collections and analysis
13. Network evidence collection offline and online

Paper I
1. Bevel, T., Gardner, M. R., Bloodstain Pattern Analysis with an Introduction to Crime
Scene Reconstruction, Third Edition.
2. Bevel, T., Gardner, M. R., Practical Crime Scene Analysis and Reconstruction
3. Lee, C. H., Palmbach, T., Miller, T. M., Henry Lee's Crime Scene Handbook
4. Moenssens : Finger Prints Techniques, 1975, Chitton Book Co., Philadelphia, New York.
5. Mehta, M. K. : Identification of Thumb Impression & Cross Examination of Finger
Prints, 1980 N. M. Tripathi (P) Ltd. Bombay.
6. Bridges : Practical Finger Printing, 1942, Funk and Washalls Co. New York.
7. Holt : Genetics of Dermal Ridges.
8. William J. Bodziak (1989) Footwear Impression Evidence Elsevier Science Publishing
Co. New York, 1989.
9. James, S.H and Nordby, J.J.. (2003) Forensic Science : An introduction to scientific and
investigative techniques CRC Press, USA.
10. Saferstien : Forensic Science, Handbook, Vol. I, II & III, Prentice Hall Inc. USA.
11. Kirk : Criminal Investigation, 1953, Interscience Publisher Inc. New York.
12. Cummins & Midlo : Finger Prints, Palms and Soles, 1943, The Blakiston office London.
13. OHara & Osterburg : Introduction to Criminalistics, 1949, The MacMillan Co., 1964.
14. Saferstein : Forensic Science Handbook, Vol I, II & III, Prentice Hall Inc. USA.
15. Sharma B. R. : Footprints, Tracks and Trials. 1980. Central Law Agency. Allahabad.
16. C.G.G. Aitken and D.A Stoney; The use of statistics in Forensic Science, Ellis Horwood
Limited, England 1991.
17. Nanda, B.B. and Tewari, R.K. (2001) : Forensic Science in India : A vision for the twenty
first century Select Publisher, New Delhi.
18. Cherril, F.R. : The Finger Prints. System at Scotland Yard, 1954; Her Majestuys office,
19. Saferstein : Criminalistics, 1976, Prentice Hall Inc., USA.
20. Deforest, Gansellen & Lee : Introduction to Criminalistics.
21. Sharma, B.R. : Forensic Science in Criminal Investigaion and Trials, Central Law
Agency, Allahabad, 1974.
22. Wentworth & Wilder : Personal Identification, 1948. R. G. Badger. Boston.
23. Lundquest & Curry : Forensic Science, Vol I to IV, 1963, Charls C. Thomas, Illinosis,
24. Visweswara Rao. K: Biostatistics, A Manual of Statistical Methods for Use in Health,
Nutrition & Anthropology.
25. Sokal, R.R & Rolf, F.J: Biometery, Principles & Practices of Statistics in Biological
26. Rao, C. R Advanced Statistical Methods in Biometric Research.
27. Iannarelli, A V; Ear Identification, Forensic Identification series, Paramount (1989)
28. Henry C. Lee & R. E. Ganesslen; Advances in Finger Print Technology, CRC Press,
London (1991)

29. James, H. Stuart, Kish, E. Paul, T. Paulette Sutton, Principles of Bloodstain Pattern
Analysis: Theory and Practice
30. Stuart, H. J., Scientific and Legal Applications of Bloodstain Pattern Interpretation
31. E. Roland Menzel; Fingerprint Detection with Lasers, 2nd Ed., Marcel Dekker, Inc. USA
32. Menzel, E Roland; Fingerprint detection with lasers, Marcel Dekker, NY (1999)
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42. Roy A Huber, A.M. Headrick; Handwriting Identification- Facts and Fundamental, CRC
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44. Madinger J. and zalopany, A.R. (1999) : Money Laundering CRC Press.
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46. Harrison, W.R. : Suspect Documents & their Scientific Examination, 1966, Sweet &
Maxwell Ltd., London.
47. Roy A. Huber and A.M. Headrick; Handwriting Identification:- Facts and fundamentals,
CRC LLC, 1999.
48. Conway, J.V.P. : Evidential Documents, 1959, Charles C. Thomas, Illinois.
49. Hilton, O : The Scientific Examination of Questioned Document, 1982, Elsevier North
Holland Inc., New York.
50. Brewster, F, : Contested Documents and Forgeries, The Eastern Law House, Calcutta.
51. Ordway Hilton; Scientific Examination of Questioned Documents, Rev ED, Elsevier, NY
52. Mcmenamin, Gerald R; Forensic Linguistics- Advances in Forensic Stylistics, CRC
Press, Washington, D.C. (2002)Ellen, D (1997) : The scientific examination of
Documents, Methods and techniques. 2nd ed., Taylor & Francis Ltd.
53. Krishnamurthy, R., Introduction to Forensic Science in Crime Investigation, 2011,
Selective & Scientific Books, New Delhi.
54. Constitution of India.
55. Indian Evidence Act, 1872.
56. Indian Penal Code, 1860.

Paper II
1. Curry A.S; Analytical Methods in Human Toxicology, Part II, CRC Press Ohio
2. Krishnamurthy, R., Introduction to Forensic Science in Crime Investigation, 2011,
Selective & Scientific Books, New Delhi.
3. Clark, E.G.C.; Isolation and Identification of Drugs, Vol. I and Vol. II, Academic
Press, (1986).
4. Sunshine I; Year book of Toxicology, CRC Press Series, USA (1989 93).
5. Michael J. Deverlanko etal: Hand Book of Toxicology CRC Press, USA (1995)
6. Prakash M. etal; Methods in Toxicology Anmol Publication, New Delhi (1998)
7. Parikh C.K; Text Book of Medical Jurisprudence Forensic Medicines and
Toxicology. CBS Pub. New Delhi (1999)
8. Balraj S. Parmar etal; Pesticide Formulation, CBS Publishers, New Delhi (2004)
9. Reiss C etal; Advance in Molecular Toxicology, Utrecht,Netherlands (1998)
10. Morgan B.J.T; Statistics in Toxicology, Clarendon Press, Oxford (1996)
11. Jorg Rombke etal; Applied & Ecotoxicology Lewis publishers NY (1995)
12. Shayne C.Gad etal; Acute Toxicology Testing Academic Press California USA
13. Chadha PV; Hand Book of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Jaypee Brothers New
Delhi (2004) Semester-II FS-10832
14. Turner Paul; Recent Advances in Pharmacology & Toxicology, Churchill
Livingstone, Elenburgh (1989)
15. Modi, Jaisingh P; Textbook of Medical jurisprudence & Toxicology, M.M. Tripathi
Pub. (2001)
16. Cravey R.H, Baselt, R.C; Introduction to Forensic Toxicology, Biochemical Pub.
Davis C A (1981)
17. Working Procedure Manual - Toxicology, BPR&D Publication (2000)
18. Ballantyne B; General and Applied Toxicology Vol-1-3 2nd Ed., Macmillan, NY
19. Gossel T.A; Principles of Clinical Toxicology 3rd Ed., Roven, NY (1994)
20. Grossel S S; Handbook of Highly Toxic Materials handling and Management, Marcel
Dekker NY (1995)
21. Niesink RJM; Toxicology- Principles and Applications, CRC Press (1996).
Practical References:
1. Practical Organic chemistry; J.B. COHEN
2. Spot test in Organic chemistry; Feigl
3. Handbook of Organic Analysis; Clark H.T.
4. Practical Organic chemistry; Vogel
5. Identification of Organic; G.G. Neave, Heilbran
6. Quantitative inorganic analysis; vogel
7. The Merck index; Stetchar & others
8. Organic Electronic spectral data; Vol.-I; Mortiman Kamlet
9. Organic Electronic spectral data; Vol.-III; Mortiman Kamlet
10. Inorganic Semi micro qualitative analysis; Griffin & Plunky
11. Food Adulteration & we; V.C.Sane

12Peersons Chem. Analysis of food; H.Egan, Kirk

13. Vogels Book of Macro & Semi micro qualitative inorganic Analysis; G.Svehla
14. Explosive (4th Rev.Ed); J.Kohler, Redolf)
15. Clerks Analysis of Drugs & Poisons VOL.-I & II; Clerke
16. Handbook of Laboratory Safety; A.Keith. Furr.
17. Development & Validation of Analytical Methods; Christopher, M.Riley, Thomas W
18. Petroleum solvents & Their functions & Handling; Esso Standard Estern inc.
19. Scientific protocols for fire investigation; John J. Lentini
20. Tech.Handbook of Oil Fat & waxes; Weston
21.Steroid analysis by HPLC; Marie P. Kautsky
22. TLC VOL.-II; Jork, Funk & Others
23. Medical Jurisprudence; J. P. Modi
Paper III

Brian J Heard, Handbook of Fire arm and ballistics.

B R Sharma, Fire arms in criminal investigation and trials
Dr. Rukmani Krishnamurthy, Introduction to Forensic Science in Crime Investigation.
Krishnamurthy, R., Introduction to Forensic Science in Crime Investigation, 2011,
Selective & Scientific Books, New Delhi.
5. Barry A J Fisher,Techniques of Crime scene investigation
6. Kausalendra Kumar, Forensic ballistics in Criminal Justice
7. A J R Cormack, The world encyclopaedia of modern guns
8. Staut H James; John J Nordby, Forensic Science: An introduction to scientific and
investigative techniques
9. Tom Warlow, Firearm, the law, and Forensic Balllistics
10. J A Siegel, Pekka J Saukko et al. ; Encyclopaedia of Forensic Science Vol.1.
11. Laboratory Procedural manual , Physics Section, DFSL, Mumbai.
12. Laboratory Procedural Manual, Forensic Ballistics, DFS, New Delhi.
13. Dr.M.S.Rao etal Crime Scene Management(A Forensic Approach)
14. Forensic Science in Crime investigation by Dr. (Mrs) Rukmani Krishnamurthy Selective
and Scientific Books Publishers and distributors.
15. Footwear Impressions Evidence Detectio, Recovery, and Examination Second Edition by
William J. Bodziak CRC Press.
16. Brian J Heard, Handbook of Fire arm and ballistics.
17. B R Sharma, Fire arms in criminal investigation and trials
18. Kausalendra Kumar, Forensic ballistics in Criminal Justice
19. S N Gaur et al., Fire Arms, Forensic Ballistics, Forensic Chemistry and Criminal
20. Norman R Dalrymple et al, The Encyclopaedia of Criminalistics Analysis.
21. J A Siegel, Pekka J Saukko et al. ; Encyclopaedia of Forensic Science Vol.1.
22. Laboratory Procedural manual , Physics Section, DFSL, Mumbai.
23. Laboratory Procedural Manual, Forensic Ballistics, DFS, New Delhi.
24. Tire Imprint Evidence by Peter McDonald CRC Press
25. Staut H James; John J Nordby, Forensic Science: An introduction to scientific and
investigative techniques

26. Integrated Ballistics Identification System (IBIS) operating Manual.

27. Dr.M.S.Rao etal Crime Scene Management(A Forensic Approach)

Paper IV
1. Biochemistry by Stryer
2. Biochemistry by Zubay
3. Biochemistry by Satyanarayan
4. Forensic Biology by Mr.Srikant Ladha,Dr.Trupti Khedkar and Dr.Rukmani
5. Krishnamurthy, R., Introduction to Forensic Science in Crime Investigation, 2011,
Selective & Scientific Books, New Delhi.
6. Biotechnology by B.D.Singh
7. Biotechnology by S.N.Jogdand
8. Encyclopaedia of Forensic Science by Jay Siegel (Vol 1 to 5 )
9. Medical Laboratory techniques by Godkar
10. Medical laboratory techniques by Mukherjee (vol1 to 3)
11. Medical Laboratory Science theory & Practise by J Ochei & Kolhatkar
12. Clinical Biochemistry by Lexton
13. Practical Biochemistry by Sadashivam
14. Practical Biochemistry by Plummer
15. Dr.M.S.Rao etal Crime Scene Management(A Forensic Approach)
16. Forensic Biology by Mr.Srikant Ladha, Dr.Trupti Khedkar and Dr.Rukmani
17. Molecular Biology by David Friefilder
18. Molecular Biology by Clark
19. Molecular Biology of Gene by Watson
20. Molecular biology by T.A. Brown
21. Lehninger Biochemistry by Nelson & Cox
22. Immunology by Kuby
23. Immunology by Riott
24. Immunology by Tizard
25. Microbiology by Prescott
26. Microbiology by Tortora
27. Microbiology by Pelzcar
28. Microbiology by Anantnarayan
29. Principles of enzymology by Trevor & Palmer
30. Recombinant DNA technology by Glick
31. Practical Microbiology by Dubey & Maheshwari
32. Forensic Science by Alan Gunn
33. Handbook of forensic Science by Richard Saferstein
34. Human Physiology by Gytton
35. Microbial Forensics by Roger Breeze & Bruce Budowle
Forensics (2008)- R.E. Hester and R.M. Harrison. The Royal Society of Chemistry
37. Wildlife Protection Act- 1972

38. Microbial Forensics (2005) - Second Edition Bruce Budowle, Steven E. Schutzer, Roger
G. Breeze, Paul S. Keim and Stephen A. Morse. Elsevier
39. Introduction to BioinformaticsLesk, A.
40. Introduction to BioinformaticsAttwood.
41. Instant notes in BioinformaticsWesthead, Parish & Twyman.
42. Bioinformatics: A practical guide to the analysis of genes and proteinsBaxevanis,
Qoellette, John Wiley & Sons, NY.
43. Environmental Forensics - contaminant specific guide (2006) Ed- Robert D. Morrison
and Brian L. Murphy. Elsevier.

Paper V

Criminology by Larry Siegel

Introduction to Forensic Psychology by Bruce Arrigo
Forensic & Criminal Psychology by Dennis Howitt.
Abnormal Psychology by Halgin&Whitbourne.
Abnormal Psychology, by Robert C. Carson, James N. Butcher, Susan Mineka, Jill M.
Hooley thirteenth Edition, Thirteenth Edition.
6) Encyclopedia of Forensic Science by Jay A. Siegel, PekkaJ. Saukko, Geoffey C.
Knupfer, Volume-1 to Volume-5.
7) Mental Disorders and Treatment by Katherine Marsland.
8) Handbook of Forensic Psychology by Prof. Dr.VimalaVeeraraghavan.
9) Handbook of Polygraph Testing by Murray Kleine.
10) Brain Mapping-The Methods by Arthur W. Toga & John C. Mazziotta, Second Edition.
11) Criminal Profiling and Introduction to Behavioural Evidence Analysis by Brent Turve,
Second Edition.
12) Krishnamurthy, R., Introduction to Forensic Science in Crime Investigation, 2011,
Selective & Scientific Books, New Delhi.
13) Forensic Psychology by Graham Towel& David Crighton
14) Serial Crime, Theoretical & Practical issues in Behavioural Profiling, Petherick,
Woodworth Publication.
15) Introduction to Forensic Psychology, by Bruce Arrigo.
16) Diagnostic & Statistical Manual-IV TR, American Psychological Association
17) DSM-IV Mental Disorders Diagnostics, Etiology and Treatment, by Michaen, Allan.
18) Psychological Testing by Anne Anastasi, Susana Urbina, Seventh Edition.
19) Psychological Testing by Robert J. Gregory, Fourth Edition.
20) Mental Health Act 1987.
21) Juvenile Justice Act 2000.

Paper VI

Yeshwant Kanetkar, Let us C

Balguruswami, Programming with C
Balguruswami, Programming with JAVA
Michael Morrison, Faster Samrter HTML & XML, Microsoft Press
William McCarty, PHP 4: A Beginers Guide, McGraw Hill
Gonzalez & Woods, Digital Image Processing, Pearson Education Publication
Tinku Acharya and Ajay K Ray, Image Processing Principal and Application, Wiley
8. Computer Forensic Investigating Data and Image Files, EC Council Press
9. Forouzan Data Communication and Networking McGraw Hill
10. Jochen Schiller Mobile Communication Addison Wisely Pearson Eduction
11. Robert Jones, Internet Forensics Using Digital Evidence to Solve Computer Crimes,
OReilly Media Publication
12. John R. Vacca, Network and System Security, Syngrees Publication
13. Stallings, Cryptography And Network Security: Principles and practice
14. C. P. Pfleeger, and S. L. Pfleeger, Security in Computing, Pearson Education.
15. Matt Bishop, Computer Security: Art and Science, Pearson Education.
16. Kevin Mandia, Chris Prosise and Matt Pepe, Incident response and computer forensics,
McGraw Hill Publication
17. Stallings, Cryptography And Network Security: Principles and practice
18. C. P. Pfleeger, and S. L. Pfleeger, Security in Computing, Pearson Education.
19. Matt Bishop, Computer Security: Art and Science, Pearson Education
20. Cory Altheide, Harlan Carvey, Digital Forensics with Open source Tools, Syngress
21. Michael E Whitman and Herbert J Mattord, Principles of Information Security, Vikas
Publishing House, New Delhi, 2003
22. Micki Krause, Harold F. Tipton, Handbook of Information Security Management, Vol
1-3 CRC Press LLC, 2004.
23. Stuart Mc Clure, Joel Scrambray, George Kurtz, Hacking Exposed, Tata McGraw-Hill,
24. Matt Bishop, Computer Security Art and Science, Pearson/PHI, 2002.`
25. Indian Patents Law and Procedure, D. P. Mittal, 2002, New Delhi, Allied Services (P)
Ltd. 1999
26. Patent Act,1970.
27. Copyright Act, 1957.
28. Trade Mark Act,1999.
29. Information Technology Act,2000.

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