Leap Rc-Pier: Reinforced Concrete Substructure Analysis and Design

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Reinforced Concrete Substructure Analysis and Design

LEAP RC-PIER is an integrated application for the analysis and design of reinforced concrete bridge
substructures and foundations. It enables users to design abutments, multi-column piers, and hammerhead piers. The program supports U.S., Canada, and India codes and specifications. Part of the
LEAP Bridge Enterprise system, LEAP RC-PIER integrates with LEAP GEOMATH, LEAP CONBOX,
and LEAP CONSPAN to provide a powerful bridge information modeling (BrIM) solution.
Integrated BrIM Solution Accelerates Concrete
Bridge Design

Analyze end bents as continuous beams

or part of rigid frames.

LEAP RC-Pier is a specialized module of the industry-leading

concrete bridge design solution, LEAP Bridge Enterprise. With
this comprehensive system, bridge professionals are able to
design the bridge in a whole-structure context, using a single,
integrated application. Users enjoy synchronous access to
bridge data and functionality geometry, substructure, and
superstructure analysis, design, and load rating.

Design-to-Spec Ensures Code Compliance

LEAP RC-Pier supports the following international bridge
design codes to ensure compliance with mandated practices:
American Association of State and Highway Transportation
Officials (AASHTO) specifications:
AASHTO Standard (LFD: Load Factor Design)
AASHTO LRFD (Load Resistance Factor Design)
Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code
(CHBDC) specifications
Indian Road Congress (IRC) bridge design specifications

Design inverted tee caps.

Easy Data Entry Streamlines 3D Design

LEAP RC-PIER facilitates project data entry via an intuitive
interface of tabbed screens, dialog boxes, graphic buttons,
and menus. The application provides immediate validation
of parametric 3D physical modeling input, enabling users
to quickly confirm model accuracy and instantly visualize

Automatic Load Generation Enhances Analysis

Generate detailed results of

frame analysis.

LEAP RC-PIER automatically generates most loads, including

live, dead, wind, longitudinal/braking, centrifugal, seismic,
vessel collision, stream flow, buoyancy, ice, temperature,
and shrinkage loads. Users can input loads manually, through
easy-to-use wizards, or directly obtain loads from any of the
other LEAP Bridge modules.

Choose from Multiple Analysis Options

The 3D physical models created by LEAP RC-PIER show the
applied loads. The software displays and uses a 2D finiteelement analysis model to calculate design forces for pier
caps, columns, and footings. RC-PIER reports soil pressure
values under footings and pile reactions. Optional P-delta
analysis computes second-order effects.

Pier and Abutment Design

Optimizes Structures
Users can design piers and abutments including pier and pile
caps, columns accounting for biaxial bending, and footings.
Design can be performed according to country code. Users can
apply the advanced strut-and-tie method (STM) of design to
obtain optimized structures.
Cap design: LEAP RC-PIER checks ultimate capacity for
positive and negative moments and flags locations where
capacities are exceeded. For shear and torsion design, it
computes the required stirrup area. For seismic regions,
plastic hinging moment in columns can be considered in
the pier cap design. Cap design can be done for centerline
of column values, at face of support values, and at a specified offset from the column centerline.
Column design: For AASHTO LFD, LRFD, and Canadian
CHBDC design codes LEAP RC-PIER considers slenderness
effects through optional P-delta analysis or moment magnification method. It generates P-M interaction diagrams.
Users may also choose to compute the plastic hinging
moments in columns. For Indian IRC design code, the
application considers cracked section analysis and checks
stresses against the permissible values.
Footing design: The application supports isolated,
combined, and strap footings. The design of the footing includes calculation of pile forces and soil pressures, flexure
design, checks for one-way/two-way shear and cracking.

System Requirements
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 or
1 GHz 32-bit (x86) or higher
Operating System
Microsoft Windows 7, Windows XP
1 GB recommended
Disk Space
500 MB
Input Device

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Abutment design: LEAP RC-PIER offers pile-cap abutment

and stem wall abutment design, either on piles or spread
footings. For pile cap, it offers the option to analyze pile
cap as a continuous beam supported by piles or a plane
frame consisting of pile cap beam and piles as columns.

Caltrans Amendments Option Ensures

Design Conformance
LEAP RC-PIER lets users design according to the Caltrans
Amendments. Major Caltrans Amendments include Special
STRENGTH II Limit State related to P5-P15 trucks, and
FATIGUE Limit State related to infinite fatigue life of concrete.

The program reports the three highest capacity/demand

ratios for column flexure. It also provides an option to define a
bundled reinforcement library.

Viewing and Publishing Options

Provide Flexibility
LEAP RC-PIER displays 2D plan and elevation views of the
pier and offers flexible drawing and reporting tools. Users can
print and/or export views to DXF and DGN formats. The program generates a number of comprehensive detailed reports
that can be exported to Microsoft Excel.


Ease of Use
Intelligent graphical user interface
U.S. customary and metric (SI) units
Tabular and dialog input
Onscreen graphics (2D and
3D model)
Graphical Representation
of Loads
Customizable libraries
Text and graphical report formats
Enhanced HTML-based reports
Export of graphics to DXF and
DGN formats

Design and Code Checking

AASHTO Standard (LFD)
U.S. state: California

Abutment Design
Pile-cap abutment
Stem-wall abutment

Pier Types

Cap Shapes
Inverted-T (AASHTO LRFD)
Integral (includes Box)

Column Types
Rectangular chamfered
Rectangular filleted
Parabolic and linear variation
Drilled shaft connection

Footing Types

Piles (normal or battered)
Well foundation (India)

Load Libraries

AASHTO Standard (LFD)

User-defined and customizable
Special seismic groups

Column Reinforcement

Rectangular pattern
Circular pattern
Intersecting hoops
General pattern
Vertical or face parallel bars

Load Types

Dead and live load

Wind on structure and live load
Braking/longitudinal force
Centrifugal force
Rib shortening

Rebar Library

User-defined and customizable

Design and Analysis

P-delta analysis
Moment magnification
Strength limit states design
Service limit state design
Comprehensive pile cap or spread
footing design
Comprehensive cap design and check
for flexure, shear, torsion, cracking
and fatigue

Strut-and-tie modeling for hammerhead piers and footings (LRFD)

Overturning check of pier about pier
longitudinal and transverse axes
Plastic hinging moment in column
and design cap and footing
Stress calculations based on cracked
section behavior

Automatic Load Generation

Superstructure dead loads
Live loads for regular trucks, permit
trucks, and mixed trucks
Longitudinal/braking loads
Centrifugal load
Wind loads
Temperature load from superstructure
Lateral earth pressure load
generation for abutments

Pile Group Library

Grid-based patterns
Any number of grid lines
Piles specifiable on any of the
grid crossings
Piles by location (X,Y coordinates)
Batter for each pile

User-Specifiable Parameters
Pier skew angle
Optional intermediate strut
Cracked section
Material properties
Code-specific analysis/design
Springs at bottom of columns
User- customizable diagrams
Analysis results plot diagrams
Export of data to spreadsheets

For more information, visit:


2011 Bentley Systems, Incorporated. Bentley, the B Bentley logo, LEAP GEOMATH, LEAP CONBOX, LEAP CONSPAN, LEAP RC-PIER, GEOPAK, InRoads, MXROAD,
and MicroStation are either registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks of Bentley Systems, Incorporated or one of its direct or indirect wholly owned
subsidiaries. Other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners. BAA019100-1/0001 10/11

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