Malaria Journal
Malaria Journal
Malaria Journal
BioMed Central
Open Access
Background: Malaria remains a leading cause of morbidity, mortality and non-fatal disability in Zambia,
especially among children, pregnant women and the poor. Data gathered by the National Malaria Control
Centre has shown that recently observed widespread treatment failure of SP and chloroquine precipitated
a surge in malaria-related morbidity and mortality. As a result, the Government has recently replaced
chloroquine and SP with combination therapy as first-line treatment for malaria. Despite the acclaimed
therapeutic advantages of ACTs over monotherapies with SP and CQ, the cost of ACTs is much greater,
raising concerns about affordability in many poor countries such as Zambia. This study evaluates the costeffectiveness analysis of artemether-lumefantrine, a version of ACTs adopted in Zambia in mid 2004.
Methods: Using data gathered from patients presenting at public health facilities with suspected malaria,
the costs and effects of using ACTs versus SP as first-line treatment for malaria were estimated. The study
was conducted in six district sites. Treatment success and reduction in demand for second line treatment
constituted the main effectiveness outcomes. The study gathered data on the efficacy of, and compliance
to, AL and SP treatment from a random sample of patients. Costs are based on estimated drug, labour,
operational and capital inputs. Drug costs were based on dosages and unit prices provided by the Ministry
of Health and the manufacturer (Norvatis).
Findings: The results suggest that AL produces successful treatment at less cost than SP, implying that
AL is more cost-effective. While it is acknowledged that implementing national ACT program will require
considerable resources, the study demonstrates that the health gains (treatment success) from every
dollar spent are significantly greater if AL is used rather than SP. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio
is estimated to be US$4.10. When the costs of second line treatment are considered the ICER of AL
becomes negative, indicating that there are greater resource savings associated with AL in terms of
reduction of costs of complicated malaria treatment.
Conclusion: This study suggests the decision to adopt AL is justifiable on both economic and public health
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Malaria remains a leading cause of morbidity, mortality
and non-fatal disability in Zambia, especially among children, pregnant women and the poor. The disease burden
caused by malaria in Zambia has grown steadily over the
recent decades. Malaria is endemic in most parts of Zambia although rural areas and poor urban cities tend to bear
a disproportionate share of malaria transmission and burden. Estimates based on the Health Information System
(HIS) suggest that malaria incidence has increased from
121.5 per 1,000 in 1976 to 429.3 per 1000 in 2003 [1,2].
Recent statistics show that in 2003 some 3.5 million
malaria cases were attended to at public health facilities.
In the same year, malaria accounted for 23% of all deaths
occurring at hospitals, making it the leading cause of
death in the country [1,3]. Malaria, especially in its severe
form, affects people in more ways than these metrics can
measure. For example, malaria is known to impair the
general immunity of children, leaving them susceptible to
other causes of illness and death. Malaria also affects the
cognitive ability of individuals [4]. The difficulties with
the validity of these numbers notwithstanding, malaria is
still considered to be a major health problem that affects
the widest section of the Zambian population.
Over the recent past, health information and various surveys have revealed that widespread treatment failure precipitated a rise in malaria mortality and morbidity.
National data collected by the National Malaria Control
Centre (NMCC) confirmed that a considerable decline in
the therapeutic efficacy of sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine
(SP) and chloroquine (CQ) was responsible for the high
and widespread treatment failure rates [5]. This situation
had significant implications since treatment with antimalarial drugs has been the only tool used in fighting
malaria from the late 1970s. In terms of prospects for
young children, most of whom are treated at home, failure of the only possible defence against malaria meant rising mortality.
Widespread treatment failure was an Africa-wide phenomenon which was observed from the late 1980's and
spread rapidly from then on. The evidence from several
studies pointed unequivocally to growing drug resistance
and childhood mortality [6]. In response to growing criticism against the use of failing monotherapies, the World
Health Organization and Roll-Back Malaria led a global
campaign to replace SP and chloroquine with artemesinin
combination therapies (ACT) as first-line treatment [7].
To date, not all countries in Africa have implemented
ACTs as first-line treatment for malaria. The two most
widely considered ACT brands in Africa presently are the
fixed-dose combination artemether-lumefantrine (AL)
and the co-packaged combination of amodiaquine and
artesunate (AQ+AS). These combinations have proved
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The second indicator of clinical effectiveness was the proportion of malaria cases proceeding to severe malaria,
which essentially indicates the degree to which AL prevents disease aggravation [17]. Severe malaria is also a
good predictor of malaria mortality. According to case
management guidelines, severe malaria is identified by
any of several typical clinical syndromes including: high
fever with respiratory distress (abnormally fast breathing),
convulsions, hyperparasitaemia (where microscopy is
available), anaemic symptoms and neurological disturbances. This indicator of effectiveness was mirrored in as
health outcome data namely, number of clinical severe
malaria cases as a proportion of uncomplicated malaria
cases. Severe malaria cases data was collected also from
the facility registers from all the 18 facilities under study
during the entire study period.
The costing was done from a providers' perspective. (i.e.
the public health system). This means that only costs
borne by the health facilities during the provision of
malaria treatment services have been considered. Cost elements included were drugs, personnel, medical examination, materials, administrative and equipment overheads,
and building space. Except for drug and medical examination costs, all other costs were treated as overheads with
the malaria-related cost derived using the direct attribution method (i.e. relative malaria prevalence). After
obtaining cost attributed to malaria, average total cost per
malaria case was calculated as the total malaria related
costs divided by total number of malaria cases. Cost data
were gathered from both secondary and primary sources.
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Ethical considerations
This study was approved by the Ethics Committee at the
Tropical Disease Research Centre (TDRC). The study was
also cleared by the Director General's Office of the Central
Board of Health. Further, local support was sought from
the District Director of Health in each district and also the
in-charge of the given facilities. Such consensus led to
high cooperation in terms of the study operation and
logistics. No names of patients were divulged during data
analysis, only age and sex characteristics were shown. As
the study data gathering process was restricted to malaria
registers at facilities, with no contact with patients or
patient names, no major ethical issues arose.
Cost of treatment
Table 1 presents estimates of the average cost of treating
an episode of uncomplicated malaria with SP compared
with AL. Costs included drugs, personnel, medical examination, and administrative and equipment overheads and
capital cost. Data for estimating costs was obtained from
facilities. It is shown that the cost of treatment with SP
(US$6.19) is far less than treatment with AL (US$7.34),
implying that AL will increase the overall cost malaria
treatment in Zambia. It can also be seen that the introduction of the more expensive AL changes the cost structure
of the malaria programme by increasing the drug component of malaria budget of Ministry of Health. The average
cost per case treated is almost 20% higher with AL. It can
also be seen that the cost structure has changed drastically
with the drug component of total direct health system
costs of treating malaria having gone up six fold.
These estimates compare very well with comparable estimates from a Tanzanian study in which the cost of SP and
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Cost item
1. Drugs
2. Diagnostics (medical examination)
3. Personnel
4. Administration and other overheads compliance
5. Capital (equipment and buildings)
6. Average Total cost per patient treated
AL were US$5.09 and US$5.96, respectively [22]. However, if converted to year 2000 international dollars, these
estimates are nearly 50% higher than the estimates
derived from the World Health Organisation cost-effectiveness model known as the WHO-CHOICE. The WHOCHOICE cost estimate per episode was $5.97 in 2000
international (i.e. purchasing power parity) dollars
excluding drugs and diagnostic components [23].
Cost-effectiveness analyses
Using costs and effects estimated above, the cost-effectiveness ratios were estimated as depicted in table 2. According to the cost-effectiveness framework described earlier,
the cost per case successfully treated as well as the incremental cost per each extra case successfully cured, with AL
in relation to SP, were estimated.
Cost-effectiveness ratio for cost per case successfully
The first element of the cost-effectiveness analysis was the
average cost per case successfully treated patient (ACER):
SP versus AL. A simple model illustrated in Table 2 has
been used to derive treatment success and the cost per case
successfully treated. This model uses input data on efficacy, compliance and treatment success without full compliance to estimate the average cost-effectiveness ratio for
SP and AL. The input data has been gathered from two
parallel surveys on drug efficacy and compliance as indicated earlier.
The model begins with a cohort of 55,509 patients presenting for treatment with SP and AL. The choice of
55,509 was a convenience as this was the total number of
malaria cases recorded in 2005. As indicated above, using
in vivo data on drug efficacy and compliance from the
same population the curative success rate for both SP and
AL is estimated. In particular, the model estimates the
number of cases successfully treated from an equal cohort
of 55,509 of patients under the two regimens, SP and AL,
Cost (US$)
Cost (US$)
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1. Patients starting treatment (2005)
2. Efficacy
3. Patient Compliance
4. Treatment successful despite less than full compliance
5. Number of cases successfully treated*
6. Total expenditure on treating malaria
7. Average Cost-effectiveness Ratio (average cost per case cured)
8. Incremental cost per case successfully treated
Items in Rows 5, 6, 7 and 8 estimated from formula in section 3. Input data on efficacy and compliance obtained from surveys [12-16].
sites, the weighted average cost of severe malaria treatment was worked out to be US$ 16.32.
Results of the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio including the costs of repeated first-line and second-line treatments are constructed in table 3.
AL is dominant indicating that there are resource savings
from reduced second line treatment that are associated
with AL. The data shows that these savings emanate from
comparatively fewer patients treated more than once with
AL and even fewer patients treated for complicated
malaria. These phenomena are known from a public
health point of view but have not really been demonstrated in an economic framework. In this broader perspective, the case for AL is even more persuasive.
This study has revealed that adopting AL over SP raises the
total cost of treatment thereby requiring substantial
investments into the national malaria case management.
However, the study has also demonstrated that AL produces much better health outcomes in terms of curative
success and reduction in the cost of complicated or severe
malaria treatment. Despite its higher cost per complete
dosage, the cost per case treated successfully is much
lower with AL on account of the effectiveness of AL in
eradicating malaria infection in patients within the 28-day
period. The cost-effectiveness ratio calculated in this study
compare very well with similar findings from similar setting [22]. This reinforces the superiority of AL over SP
from a cost-effectiveness perspective. In addition, it has
been shown that a reduction in the burden of severe
malaria reduces the need for hospital care. This leads to
cost savings on reduced hospitalization. The health benefits of AL are likely to offer a considerable opportunity for
reducing demands on scarce human resources given that
malaria accounts for a highest proportion of visits and
hospital admissions.
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1. Total patients
2. First wave first-line, US$a
3. Second wave first-line, US$b
4. Second line treatment, US$c
5. Incremental cost, US$
6. ACER including second line treatment, US$
7. ICER including second line treatment, US$
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would be of great interest to see how resilient the costeffectiveness conclusions derived from this perspective
are, to the inclusion of societal, or at least patient, costs.
Second, the survey conducted in six of the sentinel sites
that have witnessed anti-malaria activities for some time,
the results may not be generalized to the entire population. It would be interesting to see what future work in
other areas could suggest. Third, the study adopted a definition of malaria imposed by actual behaviour of health
workers. This may have interfered with the estimated costeffectiveness ratios in one way or the other. It would be
important to study the effects of adherence to diagnostic
results especially in the case of adult patients. Future work
could focus on this important issue.
Further, this study considered only treatment success
within a 28-day period. Cases that were reported after this
period were considered to be new infections. In addition,
it remains to be seen if the impact observed with the introduction of AL will be sustained over a long time. Since
resistance and treatment failure are dynamic concepts, the
cost-effectiveness analysis of introducing a new treatment
such as ACTs should not be done from a static point of
view but rather from a dynamic perspective.
This study is one of pioneering studies investigating the
cost-effectiveness of AL in a real African health system setting. Concerns over the high cost of ACTs relative to SP
and chloroquine have dominated the policy debate
around the introduction of ACTs in Zambia and other
low-income countries. Many commentators have questioned both the affordability and sustainability of ACTs in
a resource-poor and weak health system setting such as
Zambia's. A relevant question to ask, however, is whether
the extra cost of AL is worth the extra health benefits that
AL confers on patients and the health system in general.
Accordingly, this study has performed a cost-effectiveness
analysis to provide guidance on the key issues arising
from changing malaria treatment policy in the face of drug
resistance to other anti-malarials. By comparing both the
health effects and cost of AL against SP, a cost-effectiveness framework helps us to inform this debate through a
careful assessment of both costs or financial outlays and
health benefits.
As the debate on affordability of AL continues, this study
shows that substantial extra resources will be required to
sustain the scale up of treatment with AL as well for a supporting prevention strategy. Cost-effectiveness analysis
should not be confused with costing analysis or cost-benefit analysis. While it is acknowledged that implementing
national ACT program will require considerable resources
in the short-term, the thrust of this study demonstrates
that the health gains (as defined by treatment success)
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Parameter alterations
CEA conclusion
Competing interests
The authors would like to acknowledge that Norvatis
Pharmaceuticals provided the funding for this study
through the Zambian Ministry of Health. However, none
of the authors works for, or represents in any way, Norvatis Pharmaceuticals.
Authors' contributions
PC participated in developing the research protocol, field
work supervision, data analysis and drafting this manu-
Special thanks are due to all the six District Health Management Teams
who rendered logistical and personnel support to the study team during the
entire duration of the data collection exercise. The team is also sincerely
thankful to the various staff at the Ministry of Heath, the Central Board of
Health and the National Malaria Control Centre for the multifaceted support they rendered to this study. The team would like to gratefully
acknowledge the technical support rendered to the study team by the
WHO-AFRO through the National Malaria Control Centre (NMCC). A
final call of gratitude is due to all the research assistants for their dedication
to this work during data collection, entry and cleaning. The usual disclaimers apply.
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