Wound Care
Wound Care
Wound Care
Opening statment
1. Hello everyone, Im JJ. Today I'll be talking to you guys a little bit
better or worse?
6. Excellent documentation skills. You have to complete meticulous
2. Nurses
IV. Excellent
You also need to tolerate seeing different types of wounds at varying stages.
7. Largest organ in the body
8. Protection
9. Imune function, temperature regulation, and vitamin production
10. The skin is a dynamic organ in a constant state of change; cells of the
12. Bedsores are caused by pressure against the skin that limits blood
Elevating head of bed, sliding down. As the tailbone moves down, the
skin over the bone may stay in place, moving in opposite direction.
Age: The skin of older adults tends to be more fragile, thinner, less
elastic and drier than the skin of younger adults. Also older adults
usually produce new skin cells more slowly
Weight loss: When some patients are sick, they may not have an
appetite. Muscle atrophy and wasting are common in people with
paralysis, so the loss of fat and muscle provides less cushion between
your bone and the surface of a bed or wheelchair.
Now what are wound care nurses looking for when they are evaluating a
bed bedsore?
Check for bleeding, fluids or debris in the wound can indicate severe
Check for other pressure sores. If you have one you prolly have
Stage I: The skin is not broken. Skin is red on people with lighter
skin color. The site is tender, painful, soft, warm or cool compared
with the surrounding skin.
Stage II: The outer layer of the skin (epidermis) and part of the
underlying layer of skin (dermis) is damaged or lost. The wound may
be shallow and pinkish or red. The wound may look like a fluid filled
blister or a ruptured blister.
Stage III: The ulcer is a deep wound. The loss of skin usually exposes
some fat. The ulcer looks crater-like. The bottom of the wound may
have some yellowish dead tissue. The damage may extend beyond the
primary wound below layers of healthy skin.
Stage IV: Usually shows a large-scale loss of tissue. The wound may
expose muscle, bone or tendons. The bottom of the wound likely
contains dead tissue tha'ts yellowish or dark and crusty. The damage
often extends beyond the primary wound below layers of health skin.
Repositioning: you wanna relieve the pressure that caused the sore in
the first place. Bed bound patients need to be repositioned every two
hours >supine, right side, left side. If you're in a wheel chair it's
recommended to shift weight every 15 minutes