Basic Principles of Wound Management

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Basic principles of wound management

David G Armstrong, DPM, MD, PhD
Andrew J Meyr, DPM
Section Editors
Hilary Sanfey, MD
John F Eidt, MD
Joseph L Mills, Sr, MD
Eduardo Bruera, MD
Deputy Editor
Kathryn A Collins, MD, PhD, FACS
Disclosures: David G Armstrong, DPM, MD, PhD Nothing to disclose. Andrew J Meyr, DPM Nothing to disclose. Hilary
Sanfey, MD Nothing to disclose. John F Eidt, MD Nothing to disclose.Joseph L Mills, Sr, MD Grant/Research/Clinical Trial
Support: NIH Institute of Aging (abdominal aortic aneurysm study). Consultant/Advisory Boards: AnGes (critical limb
ischemia); Cesca Therapeutics (critical limb ischemia). Speaker: Gore (bypass summit [Polytetrafluoroethylene]). Other
financial interests: Elsevier (vascular surgery textbooks). Eduardo Bruera, MD Nothing to disclose. Kathryn A Collins, MD,
PhD, FACS Nothing to disclose.
Contributor disclosures are reviewed for conflicts of interest by the editorial group. When found, these are addressed by
vetting through a multi-level review process, and through requirements for references to be provided to support the content.
Appropriately referenced content is required of all authors and must conform to UpToDate standards of evidence.
Conflict of interest policy

All topics are updated as new evidence becomes available and our peer review process is complete.
Literature review current through: Sep 2015. | This topic last updated: May 11, 2015.
INTRODUCTION A wound is a disruption of the normal structure and function of the skin and skin
architecture [1]. An acute wound has normal wound physiology and healing is anticipated to progress
through the normal stages of wound healing, whereas a chronic wound is defined as one that is
physiologically impaired [2,3].
To ensure proper healing, the wound bed needs to be well vascularized, free of devitalized tissue, clear of
infection, and moist. Wound dressings should eliminate dead space, control exudate, prevent bacterial
overgrowth, ensure proper fluid balance, be cost-efficient, and be manageable for the
patient and/or nursing staff. Wounds that demonstrate progressive healing as evidenced by granulation
tissue and epithelialization can undergo closure or coverage. All wounds are colonized with microbes;
however, not all wounds are infected [4,5].
Many topical agents and alternative therapies are available that are meant to improve the wound healing
environment and, although data are lacking to support any definitive recommendations, some may be
useful under specific circumstances [6,7].
The basic principles and available options for the management of various wounds will be reviewed. The
efficacy of wound management strategies for the treatment of specific wounds is discussed in individual
topic reviews:
(See "Management of diabetic foot ulcers".)
(See "Medical management of lower extremity chronic venous disease", section on 'Ulcer care'.)
(See "Clinical staging and management of pressure ulcers", section on 'Ulcer management'.)
(See "Treatment of chronic lower extremity critical limb ischemia".)
(See "Overview and management strategies for the combined burn trauma patient".)

Role of antibiotics All wounds are colonized with microbes; however, not all wounds are infected
[4,5]. Thus, antibiotic therapy is not indicated for all wounds, and should be reserved for wounds that
appear clinically infected [8]. There is no published evidence to support antibiotic therapy as prophylaxis
in noninfected chronic wounds, or to improve the healing potential of wounds without clinical evidence of
infection. Clinical signs of infection that warrant antibiotic therapy include local (cellulitis, lymphangitic
streaking, purulence, malodor, wet gangrene, osteomyelitis, etc) and systemic (fever, chills, nausea,
hypotension, hyperglycemia, leukocytosis, confusion) symptoms [9,10]. (See "Cellulitis and
erysipelas" and "Evaluation and management of severe sepsis and septic shock in adults".)
Control of blood sugar Although there is no overwhelming clinical evidence in support of short-term
glycemic control as directly affecting wound healing potential or preventing infection [11,12], most
clinicians make glycemic control a priority when treating wounds and infection. (See "Susceptibility to
infections in persons with diabetes mellitus".)
Patients at risk for the development of chronic wounds often have comorbid conditions associated with
immunocompromised states (eg diabetes), and may not have classic systemic signs of infection such as
fever and leukocytosis on initial presentation [13]. In these patients, hyperglycemia may be a more
sensitive measure of infection.
WOUND DEBRIDEMENT Wounds that have devitalized tissue, contamination, or residual suture
material require debridement prior to further wound management. Acute traumatic wounds may have
irregular devitalized edges or foreign material within the wound, and surgical wounds that have dehisced
may have an infected exudate, bowel contamination, or necrotic muscle or fascia. These materials
impede the bodys attempt to heal by stimulating the production of abnormal metalloproteases and
consuming the local resources necessary for healing.
Characteristics of chronic wounds that prevent an adequate cellular response to wound-healing stimuli
include accumulation of devitalized tissue, decreased angiogenesis, hyperkeratotic tissue, exudate, and
biofilm formation (ie, bacterial overgrowth on the surface of the wound) [14]. These wounds need planned
serial debridement to restore an optimal wound healing environment.
Wound bed preparation facilitates ordered restoration and regeneration of damaged tissue, and may
enhance the function of specialized wound care products and advanced biologic tissue substitutes
Irrigation Irrigation is important for decreasing bacterial load and removing loose material, and should
be a part of routine wound management [1,17,18]. Warm, isotonic (normal) saline is typically used;
however, systematic reviews have found no significant differences in rates of infection for tap water
compared with saline for wound cleansing [19,20]. The addition of dilute iodine or other antiseptic
solutions (eg, chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide) is generally unnecessary. These solutions have
minimal action against bacteria and could potentially impede wound healing through toxic effects on
normal tissue [21-23]. (See 'Antiseptics and antimicrobial agents' below.)
Low pressure irrigation (eg, <15 pounds per square inch [psi]) is usually adequate to remove material
from the surface of most wounds. Decreased bacterial load has been documented clinically with the use
of pulsed irrigation in lower extremity chronic wounds [24]. Bacteria do not appear to accompany the
irrigation fluid into adjacent tissues in animal studies even at higher pressure levels [25]. In an

experimental model, high-pressure irrigation decreased bacterial levels more than bulb irrigation (average
reduction, 70 versus 44 percent) with no increase in the rate of bacteremia [26]. For highly contaminated
wounds, the benefits of reducing bacterial load may outweigh the risk of speculative adjacent tissue
damage associated with the use of higher irrigating pressures. Although higher pressure irrigators may
lead to local tissue damage and increased tissue edema, there are no specific data available to suggest a
specific cutoff pressure above which tissue damage or impaired, rather than improved, wound healing will
Surgical Sharp excisional debridement uses a scalpel or other sharp instruments (eg, scissors or
curette) to remove devitalized tissue and accumulated debris (biofilm). Sharp excisional debridement of
chronic wounds decreases bacterial load and stimulates contraction and wound epithelialization [27].
Surgical debridement is the most appropriate choice for removing large areas of necrotic tissue and is
indicated whenever there is any evidence of infection (cellulitis, sepsis). Surgical debridement is also
indicated in the management of chronic nonhealing wounds to remove infection, handle undermined
wound edges, or obtain deep tissue for culture and pathology [28-30]. Serial surgical debridement in a
clinical setting, when appropriate, appears to be associated with an increased likelihood of healing
In patients with active infection, antibiotic therapy should be targeted and determined by wound culture
and sensitivity to decrease the development of bacterial resistance [32,33]. (See "Cellulitis and
erysipelas" and "Cellulitis and erysipelas", section on 'Antibiotics'.)
In patients with chronic critical limb ischemia, surgical debridement must be coupled with
revascularization in order to be successful [34]. (See "Treatment of chronic lower extremity critical limb
Enzymatic Enzymatic debridement involves applying exogenous enzymatic agents to the wound.
Many products are commercially available (table 1), but results of clinical studies are mixed and their use
remains controversial [35]. Ulcer healing rates are not improved with the use of most topical agents,
including debriding enzymes [36]. However, collagenase may promote endothelial cell and keratinocyte
migration, thereby stimulating angiogenesis and epithelialization as its mechanism of action, rather than
functioning as a strict debridement agent [37]. It also remains a good option in patients who require
debridement but are not surgical candidates.
Biologic An additional method of wound debridement uses the larvae of the Australian sheep blow fly
(Lucilia [Phaenicia] cuprina) or green bottle fly (Lucilia [Phaenicia] sericata, Medical Maggots, Monarch
Labs, Irvine, CA) [38,39]. Maggot therapy can be used as a bridge between debridement procedures, or
for debridement of chronic wounds when surgical debridement is not available or cannot be performed.
Maggot therapy may also reduce the duration of antibiotic therapy in some patients [40].
Maggot therapy has been used in the treatment of pressure ulcers [41,42], chronic venous ulceration
[43,44], diabetic ulcers [38], and other acute and chronic wounds [45]. The larvae secrete proteolytic
enzymes that liquefy necrotic tissue which is subsequently ingested while leaving healthy tissue intact.
Basic and clinical research suggests that maggot therapy has additional benefits, including antimicrobial
action and stimulation of wound healing [39,43,46]. However, randomized trials have not found consistent
reductions in the time to wound healing compared with standard wound therapy (eg, debridement,
hydrogel, moist dressings) [47,48]. maggot therapy appears to be at least equivalent to hydrogel in terms
of cost [48,49].

Dressing changes include the application of a perimeter dressing and a cover dressing of mesh (chiffon)
that helps direct the larvae into the wound and limits their migration (movie 1). Larvae are generally
changed every 48 to 72 hours. One study that evaluated maggot therapy in chronic venous wounds found
no advantage to continuing maggot therapy beyond one week [44]. Patients were randomly assigned to
maggot therapy (n = 58) or conventional treatment (n = 61). The difference in the slough percentage was
significantly increased in the maggot therapy group compared with the control groups at day 8 (67 versus
55 percent), but not at 15 or 30 days.
The larvae can also be applied within a prefabricated biobag (picture 1), commercially available outside
the United States, that facilitates application and dressing change [50-53]. Randomized trials comparing
free range with biobag contained larvae in the debridement of wounds have not been performed.
A main disadvantage of maggot therapy relates to negative perceptions about its use by patients and
staff. One concern among patients is the possibility that the larvae can escape the dressing, although this
rarely occurs. Although one study identified that about 50 percent of patients indicated they would prefer
conventional wound therapy over maggot therapy, 89 percent of the patients randomly assigned to
maggot therapy said they would undergo larval treatment again [54]. Pain associated with maggot therapy
may limit its use in about 20 percent of patients [55].
Growth factors Growth factors important for wound healing include platelet derived growth factor
(PDGF), fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF).
(See "Wound healing and risk factors for non-healing".)
Recombinant human growth factors have been developed and are being actively investigated for the
treatment of chronic ulcers, mostly those affecting the lower extremity.
Platelet-derived growth factor Becaplermin is a platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) gel
preparation that promotes cellular proliferation and angiogenesis, and thereby improves wound
healing [56]. It is approved for use in the United States as an adjuvant therapy for the treatment of
diabetic foot ulcers and is the only pharmacological agent approved for treatment of chronic wounds.
The growth factor is delivered in a topical aqueous-based sodium carboxymethylcellulose gel. It is
indicated for noninfected diabetic foot ulcers that extend into the subcutaneous tissue and have an
adequate vascular supply [57]. A black box warning mentions a concern for malignancy; however,
the overall malignancy risk is believed to be low. Malignancy complications of this therapy may
reflect usage of the agent in multiple courses of treatment, and possible selective transformation of
wounds already at risk [58]. A post-marketing study found an increased rate of mortality secondary
to malignancy in patients treated with three or more tubes of becaplermin (3.9 versus 0.9 per 1000
person years) compared with controls [59,60]. (See"Management of diabetic foot ulcers".)
Epidermal growth factor In a study of chronic venous ulcers, topical application of human
recombinant epidermal growth factor was associated with a greater reduction in ulcer size (7 versus
3 percent reduction) and higher ulcer healing rate (35 versus 11 percent) compared with placebo,
but these differences were not statistically significant [61]. Epithelialization was not significantly
Granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor Intradermal injections of granulocytemacrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) promote healing of chronic leg ulcers, including
venous ulcers [62,63]. A trial that randomly assigned 60 patients with venous ulcers to four weekly

injections with GM-CSF 200 mcg, 400 mcg, or placebo found significantly higher rates of healing at
13 weeks in the GM-CSF group (57, 61, and 19 percent, respectively) [63]. GM-CSF has been used
in various types of chronic wounds to promote healing [64]. (See "Medical management of lower
extremity chronic venous disease", section on 'Ulcer care'.)
Antiseptics and antimicrobial agents Most topically-applied antiseptic and antimicrobial products are
irritating, partially cytotoxic leading to delayed healing, and can cause contact sensitization. However, two
of these agents may be associated with potential benefits in select populations:
Iodine-based Cadexomer iodine (eg, Iodosorb) is an antimicrobial that reduces bacterial load within
the wound and stimulates healing by providing a moist wound environment [65]. Cadexomer iodine is
bacteriocidal to all gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. For topical preparations, there is some
evidence to suggest that Cadexomer iodine generates higher healing rates than standard care.
Silver-based Although silver is toxic to bacteria, silver-containing dressings have not demonstrated
significant benefits [66-68]. A systematic review evaluating topical silver in infected wounds identified
three trials that treated 847 participants with various silver-containing dressings [69]. One trial compared
silver-containing foam (Contreet) with hydrocellular foam (Allevyn) in patients with leg ulcers. The second
compared a silver-containing alginate (Silvercel) with an alginate alone (Algosteril). The third trial
compared a silver-containing foam dressing (Contreet) with best local practice in patients with chronic
wounds. Silver-containing foam dressings were not found to significantly improve ulcer healing at four
weeks compared with non-silver-containing dressings for best local practices. Nevertheless, silver
dressings are used by many clinicians to decrease the heavy bacterial surface contamination [70].
Honey Honey has been used since ancient times for the management of wounds. Honey has broad
spectrum antimicrobial activity due to its high osmolarity, and high concentration of hydrogen
peroxide [71]. Medical grade honey products are now available as a gel, paste, and impregnated into
adhesive, alginate, and colloid dressings [72,73]. Based upon the results of systematic reviews evaluating
honey to aid healing in a variety of wounds, there are insufficient data to provide any recommendations
for the routine use of honey for all wound types; specific wound types, such as burns, may benefit,
whereas others, such as chronic venous ulcers, may not [74-80].
Beta blockers Keratinocytes have beta-adrenergic receptors, and beta blockers may influence their
activity and increase the rate of maturation and migration. The use of systemic beta blockers has been
studied in burn patients [81], and several case studies have presented the use of topical timolol in chronic
wounds [82-84].
Timolol is a topically applied beta blocker with some limited evidence that it promotes keratinocyte
migration and epithelialization of chronic wounds, which have been unresponsive to standard wound
WOUND DRESSINGS When a suitable dressing is applied to a wound and changed appropriately, the
dressing can have a significant impact on the speed of wound healing, wound strength and function of the
repaired skin, and cosmetic appearance of the resulting scar. No single dressing is perfect for all wounds;
rather, a clinician should evaluate individual wounds and choose the best dressing on a case by case
basis. Examples of differing types of wounds and potential dressings are given in the table (table 2). In
addition, wounds must be continually monitored, as their characteristics and dressing requirements
change over time [85].

There is little clinical evidence to aid in the choice between the different types of wound dressings.
Consensus opinion supports the following general principles for chronic wound management [86]:
Hydrogels for the debridement stage
Foam and low-adherence dressings for the granulation stage
Hydrocolloid and low-adherence dressings for the epithelialization stage.
For all intents and purposes, dressings are best suited to manage the moisture level in and around the
wound. Although some may have additional benefits in terms of local antimicrobial effects, reduced pain
on change, odor control, anti-inflammatory or mild debridement ability, these are secondary benefits [87].
Dressings are typically changed once a day or every other day to avoid disturbing the wound healing
environment. Because some dressings may impede some aspects of wound healing, they should be used
with caution. As examples, alginate dressings with high calcium content may impede epithelialization by
triggering premature terminal differentiation of keratinocytes [86], and silver-containing dressings are
cytotoxic and should not be used in the absence of significant infection. (See 'Antiseptics and
antimicrobial agents' above and 'Alginates' below.)
The advantages and disadvantages of the various dressing types are discussed below. (See 'Common
dressings' below.)
Importance of moisture For much of the history of medicine, it was believed that wounds should not
be occluded but left exposed to the air. However, an important study in a pig model showed that moist
wounds healed more rapidly compared with wounds that dried out [88]. Similar results have been
obtained in humans [89-91].
Occluded wounds heal up to 40 percent more rapidly than non-occluded wounds [89]. This is thought to
be due, in part, to easier migration of epidermal cells in the moist environment created by the dressing
[90]. Another mechanism for improved wound healing may be the exposure of the wound to its own fluid
[92]. Acute wound fluid is rich in platelet-derived growth factor, basic fibroblast growth factor, and has a
balance of metalloproteases serving a matrix custodial function [93]. These interact with one another and
with other cytokines to stimulate healing [94]. On the other hand, the effect of chronic wound fluid on
healing may not be beneficial. Chronic wound fluid is very different from acute wound fluid and contains
persistently elevated levels of inflammatory cytokines which may inhibit proliferation of fibroblasts [95-97].
Excessive periwound edema and induration contributes to the development of chronic wound fluid and
should be managed to minimize this effect. (See "Wound healing and risk factors for non-healing", section
on 'Phases of wound healing'.)
In addition to faster wound healing, wounds treated with occlusive dressings are associated with less
prominent scar formation [98]. One study of porcine skin found an acceleration in the inflammatory and
proliferative phases of healing when wounds were covered with an occlusive dressing as opposed to dry
gauze [99]. This acceleration through the wound phases may prevent the development of a chronic
wound state which is typically arrested in the inflammatory phase of healing. Wounds that have a greater
amount of inflammation tend to result in more significant scars, and thus the decreased inflammation and
proliferation seen with wound occlusion may also decrease the appearance of the scar.
An ideal dressing is one that has the following characteristics:
Absorbs excessive wound fluid while maintaining a moist environment

Protects the wound from further mechanical or caustic damage

Prevents bacterial invasion or proliferation
Conforms to the wound shape and eliminates dead space
Debrides necrotic tissue
Does not macerate the surrounding viable tissue
Achieves hemostasis and minimizes edema through compression
Does not shed fibers or compounds that could cause a foreign body or hypersensitivity reaction
Eliminates pain during and between dressing changes
Minimizes dressing changes
Is inexpensive, readily available, and has a long shelf life
Is transparent in order to monitor wound appearance without disrupting dressing
In most cases, a dressing with all of these characteristics is not available, and a clinician must decide
which of these is most important in the case of a particular wound. The moisture content of a wound bed
must be kept in balance for both acute and chronic wounds. The area should be moist enough to promote
healing, but excess exudate must be absorbed away from the wound to prevent maceration of the healthy
Common dressings Although dressings can be categorized based upon many characteristics, it is
most useful to classify dressings by their water-retaining abilities because the primary goal of a dressing
is the maintenance of moisture in the wound environment. As such, dressings are classified as open,
semi-open or semi-occlusive.
Open dressings include, primarily, gauze, which is typically moistened with saline before placing it into the
wound. Gauze bandages are available in multiple sizes, including 2 x 2 inch and 4 x 4 inch square
dressings and in 3 or 4 inch rolls (eg, Kerlix). Thicker absorbent pads (eg, ABD pads) are used to cover
the gauze dressings. For managing large wounds, self adhesive straps (Montgomery straps) can be used
to hold a bulky dressing in place. As discussed above, dried gauze dressings are discouraged. Wet-tomoist gauze dressings are useful for packing large soft-tissue defects until wound closure or coverage
can be performed. Gauze dressings are inexpensive but often require frequent dressing changes.
Semi-open dressings typically consist of fine mesh gauze impregnated with petroleum, paraffin wax, or
other ointment, and have product names such as Xeroform, Adaptic, Jelonet, and Sofra Tulle. This initial
layer is covered by a secondary dressing of absorbent gauze and padding, then finally a third layer of
tape or other method of adhesive. Benefits of semi-open dressings include their minimum expense and
their ease of application. The main disadvantage of this type of dressing is that it does not maintain a
moisture-rich environment or provide good exudate control. Fluid is permitted to seep through the first
layer and is collected in the second layer, allowing for both desiccation of the wound bed and maceration
of the surrounding tissue in contact with the secondary layer. Other disadvantages include the bulk of the
dressing, its awkwardness when applied to certain areas, and the need for frequent changing.
Semi-occlusive dressings come in a wide variety of occlusive properties, absorptive capacities,
conformability, and bacteriostatic activity. Semi-occlusive dressings include films, foams, alginates,
hydrocolloids, and hydrogels, and are discussed below.
Films Polymer films are transparent sheets of synthetic self-adhesive dressing that are permeable to
gases such as water vapor and oxygen but impermeable to larger molecules including proteins and

bacteria. This property enables insensible water loss to evaporate, traps wound fluid enzymes within the
dressing, and prevents bacterial invasion. These dressings are sometimes known as synthetic adhesive
moisture-vapor-permeable dressings, and include Tegaderm, Cutifilm, Blisterfilm, and Bioclusive.
Transparent film dressings were found to provide the fastest healing rates, lowest infection rates, and to
be the most cost-effective method for dressing split-thickness skin graft donor sites in a review of 33
published studies [100].
Advantages of these dressings include their ability to maintain moisture, encourage rapid reepithelization, and their transparency and self-adhesive properties. Disadvantages of film dressings
include limited absorptive capacity, and they are not appropriate for moderately to heavily exudative
wounds. If they are allowed to remain in place over a wound with heavy exudates, the surrounding skin is
likely to become macerated. In addition, if the wound dries out, film dressings may adhere to the wound
and be painful and damaging to remove.
Foams Foam dressings can be thought of as film dressings with the addition of absorbency. They
consist of two layers, a hydrophilic silicone or polyurethane-based foam that lies against the wound
surface, and a hydrophobic, gas permeable backing to prevent leakage and bacterial contamination.
Some foams require a secondary adhesive dressing. Foams are marketed under names such as Allevyn,
Adhesive, Lyofoam, and Spyrosorb.
Advantages of foams include their high absorptive capacity and the fact that they conform to the shape of
the wound and can be used to pack cavities. Disadvantages of foams include the opacity of the dressings
and the fact that they may need to be changed each day. Foam dressings may not be appropriate on
minimally exudative wounds, as they may cause desiccation.
One small trial compared foams to films as dressings for skin tears in institutionalized adults and found
that more complete healing occurred in the group using foams [101].
Alginates Natural complex polysaccharides from various types of algae form the basis of alginate
dressings. Their activity as dressings is unique because they are insoluble in water, but in the sodium-rich
wound fluid environment these complexes exchange calcium ions for sodium ions and form an
amorphous gel that packs and covers the wound. Alginates come in various forms including ribbons,
beads, and pads. Their absorptive capacity ranges depending upon the type of polysaccharide used. In
general, these dressings are more appropriate for moderately to heavily exudative wounds.
Advantages of alginates include augmentation of hemostasis [102,103], they can be used for wound
packing, most can be washed away with normal saline in order to minimize pain during dressing changes,
and they can stay in place for several days. Disadvantages of alginates are that they require a secondary
dressing that must be removed in order to monitor the wound, they can be too drying on a minimally
exudative wound, and they have an unpleasant odor.
In a trial of 77 patients, patients with diabetic foot wounds were randomly assigned to alginate or
petroleum gauze dressings [104]. Patients treated with alginates were found to have significantly superior
granulation tissue coverage at four weeks of treatment, significantly less pain, and fewer dressing
changes than the petroleum gauze group.
Hydrocolloids Hydrocolloid dressings usually consist of a gel or foam on a carrier of self-adhesive
polyurethane film. The colloid composition of this dressing traps exudate and creates a moist

environment. Bacteria and debris are also trapped, and washed away with dressing changes in a gentle,
painless form of mechanical debridement. Another advantage of hydrocolloids is the ability to use them
for packing wounds. Disadvantages include malodor and the potential need for daily dressing changes,
and allergic contact dermatitis has been reported [105]. Hydrocolloid products include DuoDERM,
Tegasorb, J and J Ulcer Dressing, and Comfeel.
Cadexomer iodine is a type of hydrocolloid in which iodine is dispersed and slowly released after it comes
in contact with wound fluid. The concentration of iodine released is low and does not cause tissue
damage [106]. A multi-center trial found that over a 12-week period, Cadexomer iodine paste was more
cost-effective than non-iodinated hydrocolloid dressing or paraffin gauze dressing in patients with
exudating venous ulcers [107]. A systematic review found some evidence that topical application of
Cadexomer iodine enhanced venous ulcer healing rates compared with standard care (with and without
compression) [36]. The treatment regimen was complex and it is unclear if the results are generalizable to
most clinical settings. Iodine-induced hyperthyroidism has been documented with use of Cadexomer
iodine for leg ulcers [108]. (See 'Antiseptics and antimicrobial agents' above.)
Hydrogels Hydrogels are a matrix of various types of synthetic polymers with >95 percent water
formed into sheets, gels, or foams that are usually sandwiched between two sheets of removable film.
The inner layer is placed against the wound, and the outer layer can be removed to make the dressing
permeable to fluid. Sometimes a secondary adhesive dressing is needed. These unique matrices can
absorb or donate water depending upon the hydration state of the tissue that surrounds them. Hydrogel
products include Intrasite Gel, Vigilon, Carrington Gel, and Elastogel.
Hydrogels are most useful for dry wounds. They initially lower the temperature of the wound environment
they cover, which provides cooling pain relief for some patients [109]. As a disadvantage, although there
have been no reports of increased wound infection, hydrogels have been found to selectively permit
gram-negative bacteria to proliferate [110].
Hydroactive Hydroactive, the most recently developed synthetic dressing, is a polyurethane matrix
that combines the properties of a gel and a foam. Hydroactive selectively absorbs excess water while
leaving growth factors and other proteins behind [111].
A randomized trial compared hydroactive dressings with two different hydrocolloids and found the
hydroactive dressing to be equally effective at promoting ulcer healing and alleviating ulcer-associated
pain after 12 weeks of treatment [112]. Another study found hydroactive dressings combined with
enzymatic debridement to be more cost-efficient than gauze alone in dressing pressure ulcers and
venous stasis ulcers [113].
WOUND PACKING Wounds with large soft-tissue defects may have an area of dead space between
the surface of intact healthy skin and the wound base. These wounds are described as tunneled or
undermined. Undermining is defined as extension of the wound under intact skin edges such that the
wound measures larger at its base than is appreciated at the skin surface.
When describing and documenting undermined wounds, it is important to accurately measure the depth
of undermining in centimeters and location of undermining using clock formation as a guide (12:00, 6:00,

etc.). The presence of necrotic tissue indicates the need for surgical debridement to decrease bacterial
burden and prevent sequelae of infection [32].
Although there have been no specific trials comparing packed versus unpacked wounds, wound packing
is considered standard care [114]. Traditional gauze dressings are often used to pack wounds associated
with significant dead space or undermining to aid in continuing debridement of devitalized tissue from the
wound bed. The gauze is moistened with normal saline or tap water and placed into the wound and
covered with dry layers of gauze. As the moistened gauze dries, it adheres to surface tissues, which are
then removed when the dressing is changed. Dressing changes should be frequent enough that the
gauze does not dry out completely, which can be two to three times daily. A disadvantage of gauze
dressings is that they can also remove developing granulation tissue, resulting in reinjury. Thus, these
dressings are discontinued when the necrotic tissue has been removed and granulation is occurring. An
alternative to gauze dressing for managing wounds with significant dead space is negative pressure
wound therapy. (See 'Negative pressure wound therapy' below.)
Many of the materials that are used as topical dressings for wounds (foams, alginates, hydrogels) can be
molded into the shape of the wound and are useful for wound packing. As with their use in dressing
wounds, there is little consensus over what constitutes the best material for wound packing. (See 'Wound
dressings' above.)
Wound dressing changes associated with large defects can be managed without repeated applications of
tape to the skin by using Montgomery straps (picture 2).
WOUND CLOSURE Primary closure refers to the suture or staple closure of acute surgical or
traumatic wounds after appropriate wound preparation (figure 1 andfigure 2). (See "Minor wound
preparation and irrigation" and "Closure of skin wounds with sutures" and "Closure of minor skin wounds
with staples".)
Delayed primary closure achieves skin edge apposition following an interval of wound management.
Delayed closure in abdominal wounds, chest wounds, and surgical wounds without evidence of infection
is widely accepted (figure 1) [115]. However, a chronic wound should never be closed primarily. In
contrast, delayed closure or coverage of chronic wounds is accepted.
Negative pressure wound therapy Negative pressure wound therapy enhances wound healing by
reducing edema surrounding the wound, stimulating circulation, and increasing the rate of granulation
tissue formation [116-119]. The technique involves the application of a controlled subatmospheric
pressure to a wound covered with a foam dressing. Negative pressure wound therapy is useful to manage
large defects until closure can be performed. It has also been used with modest success in the treatment
of pressure ulcers [120-122], and diabetic wounds [119,123]. (See "Negative pressure wound therapy".)
Skin grafts Split-thickness and full-thickness skin grafts are the most basic biologic dressings and
consist of skin taken from a donor site and grafted onto a wound on the same patient. Skin grafts are
used for wound closure, to prevent fluid and electrolyte loss, and reduce bacterial burden and infection.
Skin transplanted from one location to another on the same individual is termed an autogenous graft or
Skin grafts are classified as either split-thickness or full-thickness, depending upon the amount of dermis
included in the graft. A partial or split-thickness skin graft contains a variable thickness of dermis, while a


full-thickness skin graft contains the entire dermis. The characteristics of normal skin are maintained with
a thicker dermal component. However, thicker grafts require a more robust wound bed due to the greater
amount of tissue that needs to be revascularized. The choice between full- and split-thickness skin
grafting depends upon the condition of the wound, location, size, and need for cosmesis [124,125].
Full-thickness skin grafts Full-thickness grafts contain the epidermis and dermis, and thus retain
more of the characteristics of normal skin, including color, texture, and thickness, when compared with
split-thickness grafts. Full-thickness skin grafts are limited to relatively small, uncontaminated, wellvascularized wounds. The skin used for full-thickness skin grafts is obtained from areas of redundant and
pliable skin such as the groin, lateral thigh, lower abdomen, or lateral chest. Donor sites are usually
closed primarily. The main disadvantages of full-thickness grafts include limited availability of donor skin
and the potential for fluid accumulation beneath the graft.
Split-thickness skin grafts Split-thickness skin grafts are commonly used tissue for wound coverage.
A split-thickness skin graft includes the epidermis and a variable amount of dermis ranging between 0.008
to 0.012 inches (picture 3). Split-thickness skin grafts are further categorized as thin (0.005 to 0.012
inches), intermediate (0.012 to 0.018 inches), or thick (0.018 to 0.030 inches) based upon the thickness of
graft harvested.
Compared with full-thickness skin grafts, split-thickness skin grafts tolerate a less-than-ideal wound bed
and have a broader range of applications. They can be used to resurface large wounds, line cavities,
resurface mucosal deficits, close donor sites of flaps, and resurface muscle flaps. They also are used to
achieve temporary closure of wounds created by the removal of lesions that require pathologic
examination prior to definitive reconstruction. Split-thickness skin grafts have been used successfully in
treating large chronic wounds, including those on the leg and sole of the foot, provided the area can be
protected against chronic vertical and shear stresses.
Split-thickness skin grafts can be meshed to provide coverage of a greater surface area at the recipient
site, with expansion ratios generally ranging from 1:1 to 6:1. Split-thickness skin graft donor sites heal
spontaneously with cells supplied by the remaining epidermal appendages. Donor sites can be reharvested once healing is complete.
Split-thickness grafts have disadvantages that need to be considered. Split-thickness grafts are more
fragile, especially when placed over areas with little underlying soft tissue bulk for support. They contract
more during healing, do not grow with the individual, and tend to be smoother and shinier than normal
skin because of the absence of skin appendages in the graft. They also tend to be abnormally pigmented,
either pale or white, or alternatively, hyperpigmented, particularly in darker-skinned individuals. For these
reasons, split-thickness skin grafts are more widely used for control of infection and prevention
of fluid/electrolyte loss rather than cosmesis [124,126].
Biologic (cell-based dressings) Biologic cell-based dressings are composed of a live-cell construct
that contains at least one layer of live allogenic cells.
Cell-based dressings can be used when traditional dressings have failed or are deemed inappropriate
[127]. One study suggested that advanced biologics should be used when chronic wounds fail to heal at
an appropriate rate of closure, (ie, 55 percent reduction in wound area within four weeks of treatment)
[128]. Cell-based dressings are ideal for the treatment of chronic ulcers because additional cells and


growth factors are added to a deficient wound-healing environment. Accelerated wound healing reduces
the risk of wound infection.
Cell-based therapies may use epidermal and dermal elements. Other therapies focus on dermal elements
such as collagen and fibroblasts, which prevent wound contraction and provide greater stability [129].
Apligraf combined with compression therapy has been found to improve healing of venous stasis ulcers
compared with compression therapy [130]. Clinical rejection has not been reported. Cell-based therapies
have also been studied in patients with diabetes [131-134]. In one study of 208 patients with noninfected
neuropathic ulcers, weekly application of Graftskin for four weeks improved the rate of complete wound
healing compared with usual care (56 versus 38 percent) [131]. Other studies have shown Dermagraft to
be superior to standard care in the healing of diabetic foot ulcers [135,136].
Acellular matrices serve as a scaffold, which may assist in forming some of the structure, components,
and signaling mechanism to assist in healing and regeneration. Some of these include AlloDerm, which is
made of decellularized allogenic dermal component, and Integra, which is a bovine collagen-based
dermal matrix. These been used successfully for treating burn wounds [137-140].
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has been shown, in vitro, to have
effects on wound healing [141]. Endothelial progenitor cells play an important role in wound healing
because they participate in the formation of new blood vessels in areas of hypoxia [142]. Although
hyperoxia induced by HBOT effectively improves endothelial progenitor cells mobilization, therapy is not
targeted to the wound site. Serious adverse events can be associated with HBOT including seizures and
pneumothorax. (See "Hyperbaric oxygen therapy", section on 'Mechanisms of action'.)
When indicated, HBOT is accomplished in a specialized chamber that allows for patient monitoring.
Chamber pressure is typically maintained between 2.5 and 3.0 atmospheres of pressured oxygen or air.
Therapy for nonhealing wounds generally consists of daily sessions of 1.5 to 2 hours for 20 to 40 days
[141]. The mechanisms and technique of HBOT are discussed in detail elsewhere. (See "Hyperbaric
oxygen therapy" and "Hyperbaric oxygen therapy", section on 'Technique'.)
HBOT has been used as an adjunct to wound care in the therapy of acute and chronic wounds [143-148].
Most studies are observational and the few available trials are limited by small sample size and low
quality [149-151]. Systematic reviews have concluded that, although hyperbaric oxygen may benefit some
types of wounds (eg, diabetic ulcers), there is insufficient evidence to support routine use [152,153].
Furthermore, although a number of series and randomized trials of various sizes and quality have
suggested its utility, later works have suggested that HBOT may not have significant benefit in treatment
of diabetic foot ulcer healing and limb salvage [154].
Acute injury HBOT may be of value in patients with extensive soft tissue injury. A systematic
review identified three trials evaluating the use of HBOT in acute surgical and traumatic wounds
[155]. Due to the small numbers of included patients and heterogeneity of patients treated, a
metaanalysis could not be performed. The authors also noted a potential risk for bias. In one of the
trials, 36 patients with crush injuries were randomly assigned to a 90 minute twice daily HBOT or
sham treatments for a total of six days postoperatively [156]. The group treated with hyperbaric
oxygen had significantly more complete healing (17 versus 10 patients) and required fewer skin
flaps, grafts, vascular surgery, or amputation (1 versus 6 patients). (See "Surgical management of
severe extremity injury", section on 'Soft tissue debridement/coverage'.)


Fasciotomy wounds Animal models of reperfusion following release of acute extremity

compartment syndromes suggest that the HBOT may be beneficial. (See"Patient management
following extremity fasciotomy", section on 'Hyperbaric oxygen'.)
Thermal injury A systematic review of HBOT in burn wounds found only two high quality trials and
concluded that there was insufficient evidence to support the use of HBO following thermal injury
[157]. The treatment of burn wounds is discussed in detail elsewhere. (See "Local treatment of
burns: Topical antimicrobial agents and dressings".)
Chronic ulcers HBOT has been used as an adjunct in the management of chronic, nonhealing
wounds and ulcers due to venous insufficiency, diabetes, and peripheral artery disease. Support for
HBOT for venous or pressure ulcers, and wounds related to chronic ischemia (peripheral artery
disease), is lacking. Although HBOT has been associated with more rapid ulcer healing in patients
with diabetes, the indications for hyperbaric oxygen in the treatment of nonhealing diabetic foot
ulcers remains uncertain. HBOT for the management of diabetic foot ulceration is discussed in detail
elsewhere. (See "Medical management of lower extremity chronic venous disease", section on
'Ulcer care' and "Management of diabetic foot ulcers".)
Compromised skin grafts and flaps HBOT may improve the survival of skin grafts and
reconstructive flaps that have compromised blood flow, thereby preventing tissue breakdown and
the development of wounds. Patients who require skin grafting or reconstructive flaps in areas with
local vascular compromise, previous radiation therapy, or in sites of previous graft failure may
benefit from prophylactic therapy. (See "Principles of grafts and flaps for reconstructive surgery",
section on 'Vascular compromise' and "Hyperbaric oxygen therapy", section on 'Radiation injury'.)
Other therapies A variety of other therapies, such as low frequency ultrasound [158,159], electrical
stimulation [160-163], electromagnetic therapy [164], and phototherapy [165], have been investigated
primarily for the treatment of pressure ulcers or chronic venous wounds [166-170]. The treatment of
pressure ulcers and chronic venous wounds are discussed in detail elsewhere. (See "Clinical staging and
management of pressure ulcers" and "Medical management of lower extremity chronic venous disease",
section on 'Ulcer care'.)
Simple laceration Simple traumatic lacerations may be cleaned and closed primarily with either
staples or sutures. (See "Minor wound preparation and irrigation" and"Closure of skin wounds with
sutures" and "Closure of minor skin wounds with staples".)
Complicated laceration Following cleansing of the wound and debridement, an attempt is often made
to close more complicated lacerations. It is not uncommon for the irregular skin edges or skin at sites
where lacerations meet to break down. Plastic surgery techniques may be needed to provide an
acceptable cosmetic and functional result. (See "Z-plasty".)
Large tissue defect Large tissue defects can result from traumatic wounds or the need to remove
devitalized tissue due to infection (eg, Fourniers gangrene). Once the debridement is completed, the
wound can be packed open with wet to moist saline gauze dressings or using negative pressure wound
therapy until the wound bed allows for skin graft or flap closure [119]. (See "Z-plasty".)
Burns Burn wound care depends on many factors including the depth of the burn and anatomic
locations. (See "Emergency care of moderate and severe thermal burns in adults", section on 'Wound
management' and "Principles of burn reconstruction: Overview of surgical procedures".)


Pressure ulcers The treatment of pressure ulcers depends upon the stage of the ulcer. (See "Clinical
staging and management of pressure ulcers", section on 'Ulcer management'.)
Diabetic foot ulcer The management of diabetic foot ulcers varies depending on the grade of ulcer
[171]. (See "Management of diabetic foot ulcers".)
Venous ulcer The mainstay of treatment for venous ulcerations is compression. (See "Medical
management of lower extremity chronic venous disease", section on 'Ulcer care'.)
Ischemic ulcerations and gangrene The presence of ischemia influences the timing of debridement
and definitive intervention.
For patients with wet gangrene or abscess, the wound should be debrided immediately regardless of the
need for revascularization. The dressing choice depends upon the level of anticipated drainage and the
size of the wound. Dead space is usually managed with gauze packing. The extremity should be
revascularized as soon as possible, if needed, after drainage/debridement and control of the infection.
For patients with dry gangrene without cellulitis, the limb should be revascularized first. The wound
dressing is protective, reducing the risk for trauma or infection. The wound should be lightly wrapped with
a bulky dry gauze bandage, avoiding excess pressure that could aggravate ischemia. Following
revascularization, the wound should be monitored closely for signs of healing, or for
tissue necrosis/drainage that may indicate a need for further debridement.
Ulcerated and fungating malignant wounds The palliative treatment of ulcerating and fungating
wounds secondary to malignancy represents a clinical challenge without evidence-based guidelines or
established protocols. The practitioner should establish goals for wound management with the patient,
since the usual goal of wound closure will generally not be realistic. Topical wound care and specific
dressings should be tailored to the individual wound and patient needs, and the physician should
appreciate that proper wound management can make a great deal of difference to the patient, and
influence his or her ability to comfortably receive guests, participate in public events, and assist with
activities of daily living [172-175].
Treatment should be directed toward dealing with the most troublesome wound problems that affect the
patient physically and emotionally, such as pain, drainage, oozing, odor, and localized infection.
Pain associated with the wound, and specifically with dressing changes, should not be ignored.
The World Health Organization analgesic ladder was developed for the treatment of cancer-related
pain, and supplemental dosing should be considered around the timing of dressing changes.
(See "Cancer pain management with opioids: Optimizing analgesia" and "Cancer pain management:
Adjuvant analgesics (coanalgesics)".)
Necrotic debris should be gently removed, and a nonadherent dressing can be placed directly on
the friable wound to reduce bleeding and reduce pain associated with dressing changes. An
absorptive dressing should be placed over the nonadherent dressing to control drainage and reduce
periwound maceration, and tailored to the specific anatomic location and wound depth. Alternatively,
wound drainage can be drawn away using a collecting device (eg, ostomy appliance, negative
pressure wound therapy device). (See 'Wound debridement' above and 'Wound dressings' above.)
Wound odor can be controlled with interval mechanical debridement to decrease the microbial
bioburden on the wound surface, topical antimicrobial therapy (eg,metronidazole) [176178], and/or absorptive charcoal within the dressing.


Oozing from the ulcer bed can be controlled with topical hemostatic agents or sucralfate [179], and
gentle pressure in the form of elastic bandages, with focal points of bleeding managed with silver
nitrate, hand-held cautery, or local anesthetic with epinephrine. (See "Overview of topical hemostatic
agents and tissues adhesives used in the operating room" and "Infiltration of local anesthetics".)
For optimal wound healing, the wound bed needs to be well vascularized, free of devitalized tissue,
clear of infection, and moist. (See 'Introduction' above.)
Wound dressings should be chosen based upon their ability to manage dead space, control
exudate, reduce pain during dressing changes (as applicable), prevent bacterial overgrowth, ensure
proper fluid balance, be cost-efficient, and be manageable for the patient or nursing staff.
(See 'Wound packing' above and 'Wound dressings' above.)
We suggest sharp surgical debridement over nonsurgical methods for the initial debridement of
devitalized tissue associated with acute and chronic wounds or ulcers when possible (Grade 2C).
(See 'Wound debridement' above.)
Topical agents such as antiseptics and antimicrobial agents can be used to control locally heavy
contamination. Significant improvements in rates of wound healing have not been found and tissue
toxicity may be a significant disadvantage. (See 'Antiseptics and antimicrobial agents' above.)
For deep wounds, negative pressure wound therapy may protect the wound and reduce the
complexity and depth of the defect. Negative pressure wound therapy is frequently used to manage
complex wounds prior to definitive closure. (See 'Negative pressure wound therapy' above.)
Following wound bed preparation, acute wounds can often be closed primarily. Chronic wounds
that demonstrate progressive healing as evidenced by granulation tissue and epithelialization along
the wound edges can undergo delayed closure or coverage with skin grafts or bioengineered
tissues. (See 'Wound closure' above and 'Wound coverage' above.)
Many other therapies have been used with the aim of enhancing wound healing and include
hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and wound stimulation using ultrasound, electrical, and electromagnetic
energy. Some of these therapies have shown a marginal benefit in randomized studies, and may be
useful as adjuncts for wound healing. (See 'Adjunctive therapies' above.)
ACKNOWLEDGMENT We are saddened by the death of J Andrew Billings, MD, who passed away in
September 2015. UpToDate wishes to acknowledge Dr. Billings' many contributions to palliative care, in
particular, his work as our Editor-in-Chief and Section Editor for Non Pain Symptoms: Assessment and
Use of UpToDate is subject to the Subscription and License Agreement.

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