Human Body Unit

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Body Unit

By Leslie Walbert

Titles of Lesson: The Skeletal System
Grade Level: First-Third Grade

Rationale: Students will learn about the basic parts and functions of the skeletal, muscular,
and digestive system of the human body.

Objective: Students will be able to identify many bones, muscles, and parts of the digestive
system in the human body. They will explain the function of these systems and explore
each system through books, hands-on activities, and videos.

Vocabulary: Skeletal system, muscular system, digestive system, skull, vertebrae, clavicle,
humorous, radius, ulna, phalanges, torso, rib cage, sternum, pelvis, femur, patella, tibia,
fibula, vertebrate, invertebrate, endoskeleton, exoskeleton

Essential Questions:
What is the skeletal system?
Why is our skeletal system important?
How do we keep our skeleton healthy?

Week 1: Introduction to Skeletal System

Lesson 1: What do you know about the skeletal system?

Objective: Students will be introduced to the skeletal system. They will be able to explain
the function of the skeletal system and identify several bones.
Discussion: Students will discuss what they know about the skeletal system. The teacher
will show cards with the names of the bones they will learn about over the next couple of


KWL chart-The teacher will show an example of a KWL chart on the dry-erase board.
It will include examples of things the teacher knows about the human body, what the
teacher wants to know about the skeletal system, and what the teacher has learned.
Students will take turns coming up and adding to the KWL with the marker. Students
will then complete their own KWL chart where they have to fill in a graphic organizer
about their knowledge of the skeletal system. They will fill out the first 2 parts of
their chart (what they know and want to know) and at the end of the lesson they will
fill out what they learned.
K: What do you know about the skeletal system?
W: What do you want to know about the skeletal system?

L: What did you learn about the skeletal system?

Watch Brain Pop video on the skeletal system. Go to and
search for Skeleton

Lesson 2: What is the function of the skeletal system?

Objective: Students will review the skeletal system and its function in an interactive
way. They will also learn more about the names of individual bones.


Each student will receive a human body workbook.

Students will follow along with the information on the skeletal system. Through out
this, students will answer a few questions and have to fill in the bubble on multiple
choice questions.
At the end of the book student will go back to their desks and complete the L
(learn) part of their KWL chart.

Workbook content:
Page 1: What is the skeletal system? Look at the skeleton and see the names
of the bones. Lets read some of the major bones we see: skull, vertebrae, rib
cage, sternum, clavicle, scapula, humerus, radius, ulna, pelvis, femur, patella,
tibia, fibula, phalanges. Did you know there are 206 bones in your body?
Page 2: What is the function of the skeletal system? The skeleton gives your
body its shape and structure. Without it, you would be a sack of skin and
mush. Your skeleton is also used to protect certain organs in your body.
Page 3: (cont..) For example: Your skull protects your brain and your ribs
protect your lungs. Look at the picture of the ribs and sternum. Do you see
something inside? Those are your lungs and heart. Your ribs protect those!
Page 4: Draw a picture of the rib cage. Show how they help protect certain
organs. {The students should take about 3 minutes to complete this. They
can just use their finger to draw on the screen. The teacher has the ability to
share each students picture if they give permission. The picture you share
will be shown on each students screen.}
Page 5: Quiz question: How many bones are in your body? A: 100 B: 206 or C:
306 {Teacher can see the percentage of how many got the answer right or
wrong and can see how the students answered. You can take a screen shot on
your own iPad and save the data for later, if necessary.}
Page 6: Lets look at the bones in your arm: {Look at picture of arm bones on
screen} The arm bones contain the humerus, radius, and ulna. They are
connected by a joint called your elbow. The bones in your fingers are called
your phalanges.
Page 7: Look at the picture below. Draw an arrow pointing to the humerus.
Draw a circle around the joint connecting your bones.
Page 8: Lets look at the bones in your leg: {Look at picture of leg bones on
screen} The bones you see are your femur, tibia, and fibula. The joint
connecting those bones is called the patella.
Page 9: Look at the leg bone below. Draw a circle around the patella.

Lesson 3: Skeletal System-Torso and Skull

Vocabulary words will be introduced- Skeleton, skeletal system, skull, vertebrae, ribs,
sternum, clavicle, humorous.
Focus: Learning the torso and up of the human body.
Review: KWL chart

Read the story Dem Bones. Afterwards, review the major bones discussed in the video
(skull, vertebrae, clavicle, humorous, radius, ulna, phalanges, patella, rib cage, femur,
tibia, and fibula).
Focus on the upper torso and allow students to help label a blank skeleton projected
onto the Eno board with focus vocabulary words to stick to the board. (Project:
Anatomy ABCs: Human Body Vocabulary
Review these bones by playing Simon Says Ex: Simon says pat your skull.
Students will fill out a torso worksheet where they have to write in the names of the
bones that they learned. (From Anatomy ABCs: Human Body Vocabulary

Week 2: Bone Identification

Lesson 4: Skeletal System- Middle to Lower Skeleton
Vocabulary words introduced- pelvis, radius, ulna, phalanges, carpals, metacarpals, femur
Focus: Learning middle to lower body parts and names of bones.
Review: bones learned from prior lesson


Review bones of the body learned from previous lesson and explain more about the
function of the skeletal system by looking at skeleton poster with the bones labeled.
Have students come up and point to the different bones that you name.
Point to the different bones that make up the middle to lower part of the body (refer
to vocabulary words).
Have students go back to their desk to label these section of the skeleton on a sheet

Lesson 5: Skeletal System Review
Objective: Students will review the Human Body. They will take turns to answer
questions that cover the whole unit.


Review the bones of the body with students by looking a picture of a skeleton on the
Students participate in a review game made by the teacher. Teacher will call out
questions from note cards about the skeletal system. Students will be in 3 groups
and will take turns tapping a buzzer on their desk.

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