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David B. Hogan,1,2 Scott B. Patten,1,3 Jeffrey A. Johnson,3,4 Lori RomonkoShelly A. Vik, Colleen J. Maxwell,

Departments of Community Health Sciences, 2Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary AB

Institute of Health Economics, Edmonton AB, 4Department of Public Health Sciences, University of Alberta,
Edmonton AB, 5Calgary Health Region

Corresponding Author: maxwell@ucalgary.ca

Medication adherence is an important public health issue. To better understand its relevance among
vulnerable populations requires the availability of a valid, reliable and practical measurement approach.
Researchers have proposed various competing methods, including pill counts and self-report measures.
To examine the utility of pill counts compared with self-report measures in the assessment of medication
adherence among older home care clients.
The sample included 319 home care clients aged 65+ years randomly selected from urban and rural
settings. During in-home assessments, nurses performed a medication review (including a pill count),
administered the Morisky self-report scale, obtained supplemental information on medication use and
completed the Resident Assessment Instrument for Home Care (RAI-HC). Responses to the Morisky
scale and an open-ended question on nonadherence were combined to form a composite self-report
measure of adherence.
Pill counts were either not feasible or considered inaccurate for 34.7% of subjects (47.5% of all eligible
drugs). For the 205 subjects with available pill counts, estimates derived from the dispense date were
found to underestimate adherence when compared with the actual start date reported by clients. The
Morisky scale showed low reliability (Cronbachs =0.42) and subjects responses to the scale were often
in disagreement with their responses to the open-ended question on nonadherence. There was poor
agreement between the pill count and self-report measures.
Our findings raise concerns about the feasibility and accuracy of pill counts as well as the validity of the
Morisky self-report scale in the assessment of medication adherence among community-dwelling seniors.
Key Words: Medication adherence, measurement, pill count, self-report, elderly, home care

edication nonadherence among older

persons is a public health concern and has
generated significant research interest. The
proportion of hospitalizations attributable to drug
nonadherence has been estimated to be as high as
10 percent.1-3 However, interventions to improve
adherence have rarely been linked to better health

outcomes.4 This may be due, in part, to the

inherent difficulties in measuring a complex
behavioural risk factor such as nonadherence.
At present, there is no gold standard
measure of medication adherence. Various
objective methods have been employed to assess

Can J Clin Pharmacol Vol 12 (1) Winter 2005: e152-e164; Apr. 2005
2005 Canadian Society for Clinical Pharmacology. All rights reserved.

prescription claims10-13 and pill counts.14-17 All

have their limitations. Biological assays are
intrusive, costly and may be impractical. Further,
results may be influenced by factors other than
adherence such as drug or food interactions,
physiological variability, dosing schedules and the
half-life of the drug.18-20 Claims data have
primarily been used to estimate adherence with
medications taken for chronic illnesses.12,13,21 They
provide a direct record of drugs dispensed but at
best a proxy measure of drugs consumed. With
pill counts, prescriptions may be filled some time
before needed and subjects may not accurately
recall the date medications were started,22 drugs
may not be stored in their original containers
and/or tablets from other bottles may be added to
the new container.14 The Medication Event
Monitoring System (MEMS) can provide
information on adherence by electronic
monitoring of dosing schedules.23-25 As with
biological assays, poor availability and the cost of
these devices limit their feasibility in community
An alternative approach involves the use of
self-report measures of medication adherence.26-31
Early studies found self-report to underestimate
nonadherence when compared with pill counts or
biological assays.32-34 Subsequent research,
however, suggests that self-report may provide a
reasonably accurate estimate of adherence.5,6,22,35
The objectives of our study were: to
document the limitations of pill counts when used
to assess medication adherence in a community
setting; and, to compare pill counts with two selfreport measures: (i) a 4-item scale (Morisky
scale)36 and (ii) a composite self-report
assessment combining responses to the Morisky
scale items and to a single open-ended question
regarding reasons for nonadherence. To our
knowledge, this is the first study to systematically
document the limitations of using pill counts to
assess adherence among older, at-risk persons in a
community setting.

recruited from a computer-generated random

sample of all older home care clients in two
Alberta health regions. Inclusion criteria were:
currently receiving publicly funded home care
services; residing within the jurisdiction of their
respective health region; age 65 years of age or
older; and, written informed consent from either
the subject or a legal guardian. To obtain our
target sample size, 376 eligible participants were
contacted (response rate = 87.8%).37 Eleven
subjects were not taking any prescribed
medications and were excluded, leaving 319
subjects for the present analysis. Further details of
the study protocol can be found elsewhere.37 This
study received ethical approval from the Health
Research Ethics Board of the University of
Calgary and the Ethics Review Committee of the
Chinook Health Region.
Data Sources
Trained study nurses performed a comprehensive
medication review and administered the Resident
Assessment Instrument for Home Care (RAIHC)38-40 during in-home interviews with the
subjects (and caregivers where appropriate). The
in-home assessment included supplemental
questions regarding medication administration,
health service utilization and access, nonprescribed and alternative medicines, reasons for
nonadherence and use of tobacco and alcohol.37
The following information was recorded for all
prescribed and over the counter (OTC ~ excluding
prescription-related data items) medications
consumed during the previous seven days: generic
drug name; dose; route of administration;
frequency of use; amount administered; date
medication dispensed and started; duration of use;
name of dispensing pharmacy and prescribing
physician; and, quantity of medication dispensed
and remaining.


Measures of Adherence
The following three measures of adherence were

Participants were older home care clients enrolled
in a longitudinal study examining medication
adherence and health-related outcomes. Between
March and June of 2000, 330 subjects were

(i) Morisky Scale

Subjects were randomly administered one of two
response versions of a 4-item self-report scale
developed by Morisky et al36: 1) the original
binary response option (no / yes) OR 2) a 5-point

Can J Clin Pharmacol Vol 12 (1) Winter 2005: e152-e164; Apr. 2005
2005 Canadian Society for Clinical Pharmacology. All rights reserved.


response version (never / rarely / sometimes /

often / always). The two versions were used in
order to examine their respective sensitivity and
predictive validity. Scores for the scale range from

0-4 (dichotomous version) and 0-16 (5-point

version) with higher scores indicative of worse
adherence (Tables 1a & 1b).

Summary of responses to questions from the Morisky scalea administered with a
dichotomous response option (n=157).

Percent (number)

Response (Coding)

No (0)

Yes (1)

Do you ever forget to take

your medications?

61.2 (96)

38.9 (61)

Are you careless at times about

taking your medications?

92.4 (145)

7.6 (12)

When you feel better, do you

sometimes stop taking your medications?

91.1 (143)

8.9 (14)

Sometimes if you feel worse when you take

your medications, do you stop taking them?

77.1 (121)

22.9 (36)

Distribution of Scores

Total Sample

47.1 (74)

34.4 (54)

12.1 (19)

5.7 (9)

0.6 (1)

Binary estimate of nonadherence (score 2+)

18.5 (29)

Subjects were asked: Thinking of the medications PRESCRIBED to you by your doctor(s), please answer the
following questions.


Can J Clin Pharmacol Vol 12 (1) Winter 2005: e152-e164; Apr. 2005
2005 Canadian Society for Clinical Pharmacology. All rights reserved.

Summary of responses to questions from the Morisky scalea administered with a 5-point
response option: never=0; rarely=1; sometimes=2; often=3; always=4 (n=161).

Percent (number)

Response (Coding)

Do you ever forget to take

your medications?

48.8 (78)

37.5 (60)

12.5 (20)

0.6 (1)

0.6 (1)

Are you careless at times about

taking your medications?

80.0 (128) 11.3 (18)

8.1 (13)

0.6 (1)

0.0 (0)

When you feel better, do you

sometimes stop taking your

83.8 (134)

4.4 (7)

9.4 (15)

1.9 (3)

0.6 (1)

6.9 (11)

7.5 (12)

1.9 (3)

6.3 (10)

Sometimes if you feel worse

when you take your medications, do you stop
taking them?
77.5 (124)
Distribution of Scores

Total Sample

35.4 (57)

20.5 (33)

16.8 (27)

7.5 (12)

9.3 (15)

3.7 (6)

3.1 (5)

0.6 (1)

3.1 (5)

Binary estimate of nonadherence (score 3+)

27.3 (44)

Subjects were asked: Thinking of the medications PRESCRIBED to you by your doctor(s), please answer the
following questions.

Can J Clin Pharmacol Vol 12 (1) Winter 2005: e152-e164; Apr. 2005
2005 Canadian Society for Clinical Pharmacology. All rights reserved.

ii) Pill Count

Pill counts were attempted on all prescribed
medications that were to be taken regularly in
discrete dosages. Percent adherence was
calculated using the following equation: (number
of tablets taken / number of tablets that should
have been taken) x 100.
Estimates derived using the dispense date
were compared with those obtained using the start
date as reported by the client. Overall adherence
was estimated by averaging the adherence
estimates for each medication the subject was
taking. To facilitate analyses, when overuse was
observed we subtracted the number of extra
tablets from the number of tablets that should

have been taken and this figure was used in the

numerator. To determine the representativeness of
the subjects average adherence estimate, the
proportion of all medications counted per subject
was calculated.
(iii) Composite Self-Report Measure
A composite estimate of adherence was made
utilizing all available recorded self-report data.
This measure was derived by cross-referencing
subjects responses to the individual scale items
(Morisky) with their responses to an open-ended
question regarding reasons for nonadherence (see
Table 2).

Reasons for nonadherence reported by 153 subjectsa in response to an open-ended

question .
Intentional Nonadherence
Side Effects
Alter regimen as see fit
Think medications not effective
Dont care to take medications
Modify diuretics due to increased urination
Omit medications if feeling ill
Alter dosing schedule for convenience
Stop to see if still needed
Fasting once/month
Total Intentional

Percent (number)
28.7 (52)
14.9 (27)
5.0 (9)
3.9 (7)
3.3 (6)
1.1 (2)
1.1 (2)
1.1 (2)
0.6 (1)
59.7 (108)

Unintentional Nonadherence
Confusion/hiding pills
Too expensive
Trouble swallowing pills
Trouble operating dispensers (inhalers)
Trouble reading labels
If run out (e.g. pharmacy delivers late or makes error)
Total Unintentional

33.7 (61)
1.7 (3)
0.6 (1)
0.6 (1)
0.6 (1)
0.6 (1)
2.8 (5)
40.3 (73)

Total Reported Reasons for Nonadherence

100.0 (181)

The majority (n=126) of these subjects reported only one reason, 26 reported 2 reasons and one reported 3 reasons
for nonadherence.
Many people have trouble taking their medications exactly as prescribed by their doctor, thinking back to the last
time you didnt take your medication(s) as prescribed, can you tell me why? (prompts: side effects/feel healthy and
dont need medications/dont think medication is helping/unclear about dosing regimen/etc.)
Can J Clin Pharmacol Vol 12 (1) Winter 2005: e152-e164; Apr. 2005
2005 Canadian Society for Clinical Pharmacology. All rights reserved.

Those who responded no or never/rarely to all

Morisky items AND provided a negative response
to the open-ended question (indicating no
problems in taking medications as prescribed)
were classified as adherent. Subjects with positive
responses for any Morisky item OR to the openended question were classified as nonadherent,
except in cases of infrequent nonadherence (e.g.
rarely, occasionally forget) or where subjects
responses to the open-ended question clarified
their Morisky responses. For example, some
subjects who indicated that they always forgot
medications on the Morisky scale may have
clarified their response in the open-ended question
by indicating that they no longer had problems
since others assisted with the administration of
their medications.
Descriptive statistics were used to summarize
subjects baseline characteristics and adherence
estimates. Percent agreement between adherence
estimates and kappa coefficients41 were
calculated. A binary variable was created from the
pill count data utilizing a cut-point of <80% vs.
80%. This cut-point was chosen based on the
distribution of the data and to permit comparisons
with previous studies.9,10,13,14,16,42 For the Morisky
scale, binary variables using categorizations of <2
vs. 2 (dichotomous response) and <3 vs. 3 (5point response) were employed, based on the
distribution of the data and preliminary analyses
(although alternative cut-points were also
investigated). The analysis of agreement between
pill count and composite self-report adherence
estimates was stratified by subjects level of
cognitive impairment based on the derived
cognitive performance scale (CPS).43 Subjects
were categorized as cognitively intact (score of
<2) or impaired (score of 2).
We examined the association between selfreported intentional or unintentional nonadherence
and nonadherence as estimated by pill count
data.25 Unintentional nonadherence was defined as
a positive response (>0) to questions 1 and 2 of
the Morisky scale (Table 1b), or any unintentional
reasons reported in the open-ended question
(Table 2). Intentional nonadherence was defined
as a positive response to questions 3 and 4 of the

Morisky scale or any intentional reasons recorded

in Table 2.
The mean age of subjects was 83 years (sd =7.7,
range 65-101). Most were female (79%), not
married (70.8%) and had completed less than 13
years of education (57.1%). Approximately 73%
had three or more chronic health conditions,
22.9% had a CPS of 2+ and 36.7% were living in
a residential facility (e.g., lodge). No significant
age or sex differences between non-respondents
(where data were available) and respondents were
Subjects were taking a total of 1999
prescribed substances (mean number per subject =
6.2, sd =3.6; median=6; range 1-19). Over half
(56.7% of subjects) received some assistance with
medication administration. Cognitive impairment
(CPS score of 2+) was significantly more
common among those receiving assistance (37.6%
versus 3.6% in those not receiving assistance).
(i) Morisky Scale
Scores for both response versions were skewed,
with the majority of subjects reporting good
adherence (Tables 1a & 1b). Both versions
demonstrated low internal consistency reliability
coefficients (Cronbachs alpha = 0.42). Reliability
was not significantly improved with the removal
of any one item. When responses to the Morisky
scale were cross-referenced with responses to the
open-ended question regarding reasons for
nonadherence (Table 2), some inconsistencies
were observed. Some who scored low on the scale
nonadherence for reasons not captured by the
scale items (e.g., some subjects reported
modifying their drug regimens as opposed to
stopping their medications for various reasons).
Other subjects with relatively high scores
reported, in the open-ended question, that others
had taken over the administration of their
medications (e.g., because of past problems with
medication management).
(ii) Pill Count
We could not calculate a pill count in five subjects
who were only taking medications in non-discrete

Can J Clin Pharmacol Vol 12 (1) Winter 2005: e152-e164; Apr. 2005
2005 Canadian Society for Clinical Pharmacology. All rights reserved.

dosage forms (e.g., topical ointments) or

prescribed medications on an as-needed basis. The
remaining 314 subjects were taking approximately
1654 medications (note: for 2 subjects the exact


number was unknown due to unclear/unlabelled

storage). A pill count was not feasible for 42
(13.4%) subjects who were taking 473 (28.6%)
medications (see reasons in Table 3).

Availability of pill count data for eligible drugs (n=1654 drugs a)

Availability of Pill Count Data

Percent (number)
Pill count not feasible due to:
Missing information (labels, original containers)
Prescription just filled and not yet started
Old prescription combined with new
Unclear informationb
Subjects objected to pill countc
Regimen altered by physician (dates not available)
Subject using old prescription
Subject reported tablets dispensed
different from that indicated on label

9.5 (157)
9.1 (150)
5.9 (98)
2.0 (33)
1.0 (17)
0.8 (13)
0.2 (4)
0.06 (1)

Subjects unable to estimate date prescription started

18.9 (312)

Available pill counts

52.5 (869)

Total medications regularly administered in discrete doses


100.0 (1654)

Actual number is greater as 2 subjects had an undefined number (due to packaging) of medications on hand.
Possibly labelling or data collection errors (e.g., medication started prior to dispense date, extreme overuse).
3 Subjects.

Pill count estimates were not considered valid for

an additional 65 (20.7%) subjects who were
taking 312 (18.9%) medications. These subjects
could not provide the date they started their
medications. For 166 of the medications with an
unknown start date, subjects reported that the
medications were definitely started at an
unspecified date later than the dispense date. Both
a dispense date and a start date (reported by the
subject) were available for 862 medications taken
by 205 (65.3%) subjects. For seven medications
there was a start date given but no dispense date
available. When adherence estimates calculated
using the dispense date were compared to those
using the reported start date, the figure obtained
using the dispense date underestimated adherence


by >20% for 175 (20.3%) of the 862 drugs.

The proportion of the medication regimen
counted for the 205 subjects with any counts
ranged from 10-100%. Fifty-seven (27.8%)
subjects had a pill count estimate of adherence
based on less than 75% of their prescribed
medications. For 118 (57.6%) subjects, pill count
data were available on their total drug regimen.
The length of time over which adherence was
monitored by pill counts ranged from 0
(medications started on the day of interview) to
559 days. For 148 drugs (17.0%), the start date
was either the day before or the day of the
Pill count estimates ranged from 3.6% 232%, with a median value of 100% (Figure 1).

Can J Clin Pharmacol Vol 12 (1) Winter 2005: e152-e164; Apr. 2005
2005 Canadian Society for Clinical Pharmacology. All rights reserved.

Figure 1

Distribution of adherence estimates (by drug) from pill count data.

% of Drugs

<=10 >10- >20- >30- >40- >50- >60- >70- >80- >90- >100
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
% Adherence

% of Subjects

Figure 2

Distribution of adherence estimates (by subject) from pill count data.


>40-50 >50-60 >60-70 >70-80 >80-90


% Adherence
Most instances of nonadherence were under
use (350 drugs). Overuse was observed for 61
medications. Adherence by subject ranged from
8.1 to 100%, with a median of 88.2% (Figure 2).

(iii) Composite Self-Report Measure

Of 158 subjects administered the dichotomous
response version of the Morisky scale, 98 (62.0%)
were classified as adherent using the composite

Can J Clin Pharmacol Vol 12 (1) Winter 2005: e152-e164; Apr. 2005
2005 Canadian Society for Clinical Pharmacology. All rights reserved.

measure. Of 161 subjects administered the 5-point

response version, 98 (60.9%) were classified as
adherent by our composite measure. Overall, 196
(61.4%) subjects were classified as adherent and
123 (38.6%) as nonadherent using the composite

Agreement Between Measures

Percent agreement with pill count adherence
ranged from 58.4% (5-point Morisky form) to
66.3% (composite self-report measure) (Table 4).

Agreement between medication adherence estimates: Pill Count compared with SelfReported Measures.
Pill Count (n=205)
Percent (number)


% agreement kappa (95%CI)

Dichotomous response (n=104)

adherent (score 1)
nonadherent (score 2)

51.9 (54)
9.6 (10)

27.9 (29)
10.6 (11)


0.13 (-0.09-0.35)

5-Point response (n=101)

adherent (score 2)
nonadherent (score 3)

47.5 (48)
10.9 (11)

30.7 (31)
10.9 (11)


0.08 (-0.13-0.29)

43.9 (90)
16.1 (33)

17.6 (36)
22.4 (46)


0.29 (0.16-0.43)

Morisky Scale

Composite Assessment (n=205)


The kappa coefficients showed low agreement

between the pill count and both versions of the
Morisky scale. Agreement was only slightly
improved with the composite measure. Varying
the cut-offs for pill count estimates and for the
Morisky scores did not improve agreement; nor
did a comparison of pill counts with individual
scale items. The stratified analyses (by CPS score
<2 vs. 2) indicated poorer agreement between
the pill count and composite self-reported
adherence estimates among subjects with
cognitive impairment ( = 0.05; 95%CI: -0.33-


0.42) versus those cognitively intact ( = 0.32;

95%CI: 0.17-0.47).
Approximately twice as many subjects were
classified as nonadherent by pill count than by
either version of the Morisky scale alone. Fifty-six
percent of those classified as nonadherent by pill
count were also classified as nonadherent by our
composite self-report measure. Subjects reporting
intentional nonadherence were more likely
(49.4%) than those reporting only unintentional
nonadherence (35.6%) to be classified as
nonadherent by pill count (data not shown).

Can J Clin Pharmacol Vol 12 (1) Winter 2005: e152-e164; Apr. 2005
2005 Canadian Society for Clinical Pharmacology. All rights reserved.

Despite the known limitations of pill counts,35
there have been few studies detailing the extent of
these problems in observational settings. Although
a previous study reported that pill counts were
unavailable for a similar proportion of patients
(~30%), few specifics were provided.44 We found
that pill counts often could not be done or
underestimated adherence (when calculations
were based on the dispensed rather than start
date). This latter point raises concerns about
previous studies that calculated adherence using
the dispense date.6,14,16,45 Some researchers have
attempted to obtain more accurate pill counts by
conducting both a baseline and a follow-up
assessment with the date and number of tablets
observed at baseline as the starting point.17
However, the additional costs of this approach and
the lack of information regarding reasons for
nonadherence would remain important limitations.
The absence of a gold standard measure of
adherence limits the interpretation of our findings
regarding the agreement among the various
measures examined. However, the shortcomings
of the specific measures observed in our study
may provide useful data for developing more
appropriate approaches to assessing adherence in
older populations. The inconsistencies between
the Morisky scale responses and responses to the
open-ended question on nonadherence raise
concerns about the construct validity of the scale.
We feel the open-ended question regarding
possible reasons for nonadherence added to the
Morisky scale, dealt with general reasons for
nonadherence. The latter approach has been
preferred due to the non-judgemental, nonthreatening tone of such questions.22,26,45-47 Yet, we
found that some subjects initially denied any
difficulties in taking their medications, but then
discussed why they had discontinued or modified
a certain drug regimen during the open-ended
Intentional reasons for nonadherence have
unintentional.27 Contrary to other studies,25 we
observed a stronger association between selfreported
nonadherence and the pill count estimate.
Although this inconsistency may reflect

differences in the study populations, further

investigations are warranted.
Varying time frames covered by the various
adherence measures may also have contributed to
their relatively poor agreement. Seventeen percent
of the counted medications were started either the
day before or the day of the interview. Pill counts
based on these data may not capture previous
nonadherence, nor provide an accurate estimate of
adherence. Supporting this concern is our finding
that 16% of subjects classified as adherent by pill
counts were classified as nonadherent by the selfreport composite measure. The consensus in the
literature is that subjects who report nonadherence
are in fact nonadherent, but that other methods
may be required to detect those who report they
are adherent, but in fact are not.22,33,47,48 Although
the pill count may also have detected some cases
of nonadherence missed by the self-report
measure, the large proportion of missing pill count
data undermines the utility of this measure. In our
previous report, the self-report composite
assessment was found to be correlated with
variables expected to be associated with
nonadherence (e.g. number of medications,
regimen complexity data not shown)37 This was
not the case for pill count data, lending further
support to the validity of the self-report measure.
Given the large proportion of our subjects
receiving assistance with their medications, our
findings regarding the strengths and limitations of
the various approaches to adherence assessment
may not be generalizable to other patient
populations. Nonetheless, previous authors have
also debated the appropriateness of using simple
quantitative measures to assess a complex
behavioural characteristic such as adherence.49-51
Observational studies conducted without the
consumption found in clinical trials, are intended
to assess actual medication use patterns. Our data
indicate that quantitative measures commonly
used in clinical trials, such as pill counts, may be
either impractical (due to missing data) or result in
extensive misclassification of adherence status.
Such bias may explain, in part, the relative
absence of evidence linking nonadherence to
adverse health outcomes. Future research efforts
should be directed toward exploring novel
approaches to adherence assessment (e.g., semie161

Can J Clin Pharmacol Vol 12 (1) Winter 2005: e152-e164; Apr. 2005
2005 Canadian Society for Clinical Pharmacology. All rights reserved.

structured clinical interviews, use of multiple

methods) and performing prospective studies of
associations between adherence measures and
subsequent adverse health outcomes.
We are most grateful to the four home care nurses
(Michelle Copeland and Sue Couchman from the
Calgary Health Region and Bonnie Matson and
Trudy Harbidge from the Chinook Health Region)
for their data collection efforts and clinical input
on the RAI-HC home care study. We wish to also
acknowledge Chad Mitchell for his clinical input
and assistance with drug coding. Special thanks is
also given to the 330 home care clients and their
caregivers (formal and informal) who graciously
gave of their time to participate in this important
study. The RAI-HC study/initiative was supported
by an unrestricted grant from The Merck
Company Foundation, the philanthropic arm of
Merck & Co. Inc. Whitehouse Station, New
Jersey, USA to the Institute of Health Economics.
Shelly Vik is currently a PhD candidate,
funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health
Research - Skeletal Health, and Alberta Bone and
Joint Training Programs. Dr. Maxwell is funded
by a New Investigator Award from the Canadian
Institutes of Health Research Institute on Aging
and a Population Health Investigator Award from
the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical
Research (AHFMR). Dr. Hogan is the holder of
the Brenda Strafford Foundation Chair in
Geriatric Medicine, University of Calgary. The
Chair provides financial support to Drs. Maxwell
and Hogan. Dr. Johnson holds a Government of
Canada Research Chair in Diabetes Health
Outcomes and an AHFMR Health Scholar Award.
Dr. Patten also holds an AHFMR Health Scholar
There is no conflict of interest reported by any of
the authors.
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Can J Clin Pharmacol Vol 12 (1) Winter 2005: e152-e164; Apr. 2005
2005 Canadian Society for Clinical Pharmacology. All rights reserved.

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