†‡ † ‡ ‡ †
Department of Behavioural Research and Psychological Services, Epilepsy Centre ‘Kempenhaeghe’,
Heeze, The Netherlands; ‡ Department of Neurosciences, University of Liverpool, Walton Hospital,
Liverpool, UK
Correspondence to: Albert P. Aldenkamp, Ph.D., Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences, University of
Amsterdam & Department of Behavioural Science, Epilepsy Centre Kempenhaeghe, P.O. Box 61, NL-5590 A.B. Heeze,
The Netherlands. E-mail: aldenkampB@kempenhaeghe.nl or Aldenkamp@uva.nl
Our intention was to evaluate the relationships between the A–B neuropsychological assessment schedule (ABNAS) as a
measure of patient-perceived cognitive effects of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) and the results of neuropsychological tests. The
measure was developed specifically to assess patient-perceived cognitive effects of AED treatment. Evidence of its reliability
and validity has been previously documented. In this study 96 patients were included using stratified inclusion-criteria to
guarantee variability of performance: 55 patients were included from a ‘low risk condition’ with respect to possible cognitive
effect (i.e. monotherapy carbamazepine within a dose range of 600–1200 mg/day) and 41 patients were included from a
‘high risk condition’ (i.e. polytherapy of three or two AEDs including either phenytoin, phenobarbitone or a benzodiazepine;
treatment with topiramate with a titration speed using 50 mg or higher increments per week and within the first 6 months of
treatment). All patients were prospectively assessed using the ABNAS and five neuropsychological tests (all part of the FePsy
test system) with proven sensitivity of cognitive effects of antiepileptics: three tasks using reaction-time to measure speed
(‘simple (visual) reaction-time measurement’, ‘the binary choice reaction test’ and ‘the computerized visual searching task’);
one test measuring motor speed (‘the finger tapping task’); and a memory test (‘recognition of words’). The three reaction-
time tasks and the finger tapping test were significantly correlated with the ABNAS-score with correlations ranging from 0.22
to 0.35. The highest correlation was with ‘simple (visual) reaction-time measurement’ (0.35). Discriminant analysis showed
that with the neuropsychological tests 61.5% of the patients were correctly identified as having high/low ABNAS-scores. The
ABNAS underestimated impairment in 17.8% of the patients (= low ABNAS-score but impairment on the neuropsychological
tests). The present study contributes to the already existing evidence of validity of the ABNAS as a screening instrument for
clinical practice as the relationship between the ABNAS-score and results of neuropsychological tests can help to identify who
is at risk and needs further referral for neuropsychological assessment. Moreover the correlation between ABNAS-score and
those neuropsychological tests that are sensitive for drug-effects may provide a sensitive instrument in early drug-development
phases while keeping the burden on financial and time resources to a minimum.
c 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of BEA Trading Ltd.
1059–1311/02/$22.00/0 c 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of BEA Trading Ltd.
232 A. P. Aldenkamp et al.
The first step analysed clinical validity in a random- related (thus leading to a higher ABNAS-score),
ized, double-blind, parallel-group volunteer study 4 while the actual source may be different, e.g. seizure-
comparing three groups: 10 mg temazepam, 20 mg related. Nonetheless, we explored the relationships
temazepam, and placebo. Significant differences were between the ABNAS-scores and results of a set of
found in ABNAS-scores between placebo and the two neuropsychological tests that has proven sensitivity for
temazepam groups indicating that adverse cognitive cognitive effects of AEDs 2, 5, 20 .
effects of drugs could be detected using this scale 4 .
In addition, it became clear that the ABNAS-score
represents a global report, i.e. revealing cognitive METHOD
impairment irrespective of the type or severity of
the impairments. It was therefore characterized as a Trial design
screening instrument, identifying who is at risk of
drug-induced cognitive impairment and thus providing We performed a clinical prospective comparative
a tool for referral for further neuropsychological study. The patients were equally selected from the
evaluation. epilepsy outpatients clinic in the Walton Centre for
Further validation of the instrument was undertaken Neurology and Neurosurgery, Liverpool, UK and
in 1997 6 , with a specific focus on construct validity from the Epilepsy Centre Kempenhaeghe, Heeze, The
and reliability of the scale in 189 patients with chronic Netherlands. To guarantee a sufficient variation in test
epilepsy and using polytherapy. In this ‘worst case scores:
scenario’, the ABNAS-scores for the epilepsy group — About half the patients were selected from a
were significantly higher than for the control group ‘low risk condition’, i.e. patients on monother-
of volunteers on placebo. However, there were no apy carbamazepine (CBZ). CBZ is a drug that
significant differences between the scores of patients is considered to have only mild effects on
on monotherapy or polytherapy, on different dosages, cognitive function when given within recom-
or experiencing different levels of seizure frequency. mended therapeutic doses 2, 10, 19, 20 . All patients
Thus providing further support for the hypothesis that in this group had to be on steady-state treatment
the ABNAS is a screening instrument, providing a with monotherapy CBZ within the dose-range
global subjective report of impairment. Overall, results of 600–1200 mg/day for a minimum period of
showed sufficient clinical sensitivity and excellent 4 months.
reliability and validity.
Recently the psychometric properties of the scale — About half the patients were selected from
were analysed in detail, using specific techniques a ‘high risk condition’. This could be: a
such as MAP-R analyses 11 . Results obtained from polytherapy of three AEDs of which two had
two populations: 200 patients with epilepsy and on to be at clinical dose; or a combination therapy
medication and 200 controls without medication, including either phenytoin, phenobarbitone or
showed that the ABNAS was not compromised by a benzodiazepine; or treatment with topiramate
general effects such as age or gender. Moreover, with a titration speed using 50 mg or higher
the internal scales of the ABNAS showed excellent increments per week and within the first
psychometric properties. The difference in scoring 6 months of treatment 3, 7, 12, 16, 19, 20 .
level between the controls and the patients with All patients were prospectively assessed using psycho-
epilepsy was significant with almost three times higher metric tests and the ABNAS.
scores for the patients with epilepsy.
So far one question remained unanswered. In
clinical practice often patient complaints have to be Inclusion and exclusion criteria
interpreted, selecting those who need to be referred for
further neuropsychological assessment. A correlation
between the ABNAS-scores and neuropsychological Patients had to be >18 years, of normal intelligence
tests may provide the clinician with a helpful tool for (established with the Wechsler Adult Intelligence
screening patients for further referral. Moreover, this Scale), a reconfirmed diagnosis of epilepsy and
is an important step in validating the ABNAS-scores, treatment with AEDs for a period of >4 months.
although correlations between patient complaints and
results of neuropsychological tests are generally Exclusion
low in all kinds of clinical populations 15, 17, 18 .
Correlating the ABNAS with neuropsychological tests Patients were excluded on the basis of: a psychiatric
is even more complex as patient perceived cognitive history or current psychiatric treatment; treatment with
impairment may be subjectively interpreted as drug- other drugs than AEDs.
The ABNAS—correlation with neuropsychological tests 233
The patients were included in 1999/2000 and pattern has to be compared with 24
inclusion stopped after 40–50 patients were recruited surrounding patterns, one of which is
from each risk condition. identical to the target pattern. The test
consists of 24 trials and gives an indication
Consent of the speed of information processing and
perceptual mental strategies (variable 4 is
An independent ethics committee approved the study. the average reaction-time in seconds).
Subjects gave written informed consent before enter-
ing the study.
(d) Memory function
— ‘Recognition of words’. The test stimuli
(1) Cognitive tests are presented simultaneously during a
learning phase. Six words are presented
We used tests that have demonstrated sensitivity
with a presentation time of 1 s per item.
for detecting cognitive side-effects of AEDs. This
After a delay of 2 s the screen shows one
selection was based on consensus meetings, e.g. the
of these words between distracters. The
workshop on measurement of drug-induced cognitive
target item has to be recognized (variable 5
impairment during the 21st International Epilepsy
is the number correct out of 24 trials)
Congress in Sydney 5 . All tests are part of the FePsy
computerized neuropsychological test battery and
are amply described elsewhere 1, 2, 8, 9 . The following (2) Patient perceived cognitive function
areas/tests were included:
Subjects were given ABNAS, assessing subjectively
(a) Psychomotor fluency experienced side-effects. This scale is described
elsewhere 4, 6, 11 . From this test we only used the
— ‘The finger tapping task’, measuring overall score ranging from 0 (no side-effects reported
motor speed and motor fluency in five on any of the 24 items) to 72 (score of 3—severe
consecutive trials for the index finger side-effects—on all 24 items). (Variable 6 is the total
of the dominant hand (variable 1 is the ABNAS-score: 0–72.)
average number of taps for the dominant Variables 1–5 are the primary psychometric cogni-
hand). tive variables. Variable 6 is the primary variable for
(b) Cognitive activation/alertness and psychomotor subjective cognitive experiences.
Number of patients 96
included from the ‘high risk condition’ 41
included from the ‘low risk condition’ 55
Age (mean years) 37.5 (10.8)
WAIS (Full scale IQ) 107.3 (13.4)
Gender Male 55
Female 41
Handedness Right 80.2%
Left 17.7%
No lateralization 2.1%
Type of epilepsy Localization related 70.8%
Idiopathic generalized 6.3%
Symptomatic generalized 4.2%
Cryptogenic generalized 1.0%
Not classified 17.7%
Seizure types Simple partial (n = 31) 13.9 p/month (23.0)
(and seizure frequency) Complex partial (n = 54) 6.8 p/month (8.2)
Secondary generalized seizures (n = 8) 8.3 p/ 12 year (8.2)
Absence seizures (n = 9) 12.4 p/month (15.3)
Myoclonic seizures (n = 1) 2.0 p/month (−)
SD given in parentheses.
SD given in parentheses.
‘low scores’ (scores <15 n = 45) and ‘high scores’ from a ‘high risk condition’ (polytherapy): see Table 2:
(scores >15 n = 51). The cut-off point of 15 was 18.64 vs. 20.56 (P = 0.55). This does not necessarily
derived from the scores obtained in the control groups invalidate the ABNAS, as patients may in fact not have
in the studies 2, 6, 11 . cognitive side-effects, despite the ‘high risk’ condition
Using the scores of the neuropsychological tests that they are exposed to. Vice versa, a monotherapy
combined, 61.5% of the patients were correctly of CBZ will normally not lead to negative cognitive
identified as having high vs. low ABNAS-scores. effects, but some patients will be an exception. Finally
The classification table (Table 4) shows that the for many patients it will be difficult to identify
neuropsychological tests sufficiently identify low the exact origin of the cognitive impairment. They
ABNAS-scores (82.2% of the low ABNAS-scores, may subjectively experience cognitive difficulties and
correctly identified) and a reasonable percentage of the associate these with the medication (and thus report
high scores (43.1%). A low score on the ABNAS is this on the ABNAS), although the actual cause may
thus associated with normal scores on the neuropsy- be the epilepsy or the epileptic seizures. A patient
chological impairments for the majority of the patients included from the ‘low risk condition’ of monotherapy
(82.2%) and the ABNAS fails to identify impairment CBZ may, for example, have cognitive effects caused
in 17.8% of the patients (= low ABNAS-score but by insufficient seizure control. Irrespective of the
subnormal scores on the neuropsychological tests). A cause, the result may be a high score on the ABNAS.
high score on the ABNAS is not always associated
with impairment on these neuropsychological tests. Table 4: Classification results of the discriminant analysis
predicting the ABNAS-scores with the results of the
neuropsychological tests.
Table 3: Results of the correlational analysis between the
ABNAS and the neuropsychological tests. Predicted group membership
(ABNAS-score based on the results of the neuropsychological tests)
Correlation (R) Low score High score
and P value (P) Original Low score 82.2% 17.8%
‘The finger tapping task’ R = −0.24 (P = 0.01)
in % low
‘Simple (visual) reaction-time or high scores) High score 56.9% 43.1%
measurement’ R = 0.35 (P = 0.001)
61.5% of original grouped cases correctly classified.
‘The binary choice reaction test’ R = 0.24 (P = 0.01) Original: scores based on ABNAS, classified as high or low.
‘The CVST R = 0.22 (P = 0.03) Predicted: scores on the ABNAS, predicted on the basis of the
neuropsychological tests.
‘Recognition of words’ R = 0.01 (P = 0.94)
a All test correlations were statistically significant with the overall
As the aim of this study was to identify the
ABNAS-score, except for recognition of words; SD given in
relationships between neuropsychological test perfor-
parentheses. mance and the ABNAS-score, we rearranged ‘high
risk condition’ vs. ‘low risk condition’ using cluster
This latter finding concurs with the failure to show analysis, based on rank scores for the neuropsycholog-
statistically significant differences for the ABNAS- ical tests combined. All subjects thus received a rank
score between patients included from a ‘low risk con- score based on their scores on the neuropsychological
dition’ (CBZ monotherapy) and the patients included tests combined. In total, 21 of the 96 patients
236 A. P. Aldenkamp et al.
were replaced, based on their neuropsychological ‘binary choice reaction-time measurement’ and the
scores and the new clusters were identified as ‘not ‘visual searching task’ (CVST); all three using
neuropsychologically impaired’ (n = 53) and ‘neu- reaction-time as the primary outcome and ‘the
ropsychologically impaired’ (n = 43). The patients in finger tapping task’ (motor speed and fluency), with
the ‘neuropsychologically impaired cluster’ are thus correlations ranging from 0.22 to 0.35. The highest
patients that have the lowest scores on the combined correlation was with ‘simple (visual) reaction-time
neuropsychological tests, irrespective of whether this measurement’ (0.35). This is in line with findings of
is caused by the medication or by other factors. After neuropsychological studies that consistently identify
this reclassification the ABNAS-scores are statistically ‘speed factors’ as the most sensitive area in relation
different (t-value −2.779 P = 0.007) as shown in to drug treatment 16, 19, 20 , specifically psychomotor
Table 5 with the highest ABNAS-score for the ‘neu- speed that is primarily measured with ‘simple (visual)
ropsychologically impaired group’ (15.55 vs. 24.28). reaction-time measurement’. The correlations were all
in the expected direction (for the three reaction-time
Table 5: Difference of ABNAS-score between the groups with tasks a higher score on the ABNAS correlates with
lowest vs. the group with highest ranking on slower reaction-time, for the finger tapping task a
neuropsychological tests.
higher score on the ABNAS correlates with lower
Groups ABNAS-score t and P values tapping level). The memory test was not correlated
—‘Not neuropsychologically 15.55 (14.40) t-value −2.779;
with the ABNAS-score.
impaired’ (lowest ranking on P = 0.007 Although statistically significant, most correlations
the neuropsychological tests) are relatively modest (0.35 at maximum), which
n = 53 indicates that other factors have a strong impact on the
—‘Neuropsychologically 24.28 (16.36)
ABNAS-scores: the epilepsy and its underlying aetiol-
impaired’ (highest ranking on
the neuropsychological tests) ogy or the seizures. This concurs with the absence of
n = 43 a significant difference in ABNAS-scores between the
SD given in parentheses.
two groups included in this study: ‘high risk condition’
and ‘low risk condition’. A score of a patient in the
‘low risk condition’ may nevertheless be high because
DISCUSSION other factors are involved with potential effect on
cognitive function, such as the effect of insufficiently
This study contributes to the development of the controlled seizures. The ABNAS provides a subjective
ABNAS, an instrument aimed at assessing patient- score: the patient reports cognitive impairment and
perceived drug-related cognitive impairment. In this although he/she infers that this is a drug-induced effect
study the outcome of a subjective report (total score (which is an important sign in clinical practice), it
of the ABNAS) was compared with the results on may be impossible for the patient to separate drug-
those neuropsychological tests that are generally used induced effects from other sources inducing cognitive
to assess cognitive side-effects of AEDs. This is impairment. This is even more complicated as these
a relevant phase in the validation process of an factors often occur in the same period: when seizure
instrument, given its use as a screening instrument. frequency increases, this is often followed by drug
The results can be used in the decision-making process changes and when cognitive impairments develop in
to refer a patient for further neuropsychological this period, both the increase of seizure frequency
evaluation. and the drug changes could be responsible for the
Our results show modest but statistically sig- cognitive impairments. Whatever source, an important
nificant correlations between the ABNAS and the aspect of the validity of the ABNAS is that a high
neuropsychological tests, which is remarkable given score indicates neuropsychological difficulties. When
the absence of such correlations between subjective the patients were classified on the basis of ranks on
measurements and results of tests in a number of the neuropsychological tests, the ABNAS-score was
other clinical conditions 15, 17, 18 . Our study analysed statistically significantly different, with a 60% higher
correlations in 96 patients with reconfirmed epilepsy, score for the patients with lowest neuropsychological
included from two different conditions: a ‘low risk ranks (15.55 vs. 24.28).
condition’ (monotherapy CBZ) and a ‘high risk This was also demonstrated with a classification
condition’ (basically polytherapy). This inclusion analysis technique: discriminant analysis. Using the
procedure aimed at achieving sufficient variations of neuropsychological tests combined 61.5% of the
scores in the study sample. Statistically significant patients were correctly identified as having high or low
correlations between the overall ABNAS-score and ABNAS-scores. Important for clinical practice is that
the neuropsychological tests were found for all ‘speed a low ABNAS-score correctly identifies the absence
tests’: ‘simple (visual) reaction-time measurement’, of neuropsychological impairment as measured by the
The ABNAS—correlation with neuropsychological tests 237
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